Troll on the News

By Troll

Quarantine cannot and will not stop me from trolling…well maybe when the police forcibly remove my camp from under a local overpass, but anyways here we go!!!!!!

Christy Smith concedes special election to Mike Garcia:

Instead of preparing for a new job in congress, Democratic Assemblymember Christy Smith is going back to work in Sacramento. Her political opponent, former Navy pilot Mike Garcia, is poised to be the first Republican to flip a Democratic House seat in California since 1998.

Democrat Christy Smith Concedes, Republican Mike Garcia Captures Historic Win For GOP In Katie Hill’s Former District
Garcia unmasked as winner

There you have it folks two good old American names facing off for a congressional seat. I for one was shocked when I found Smith listed her occupation as “Assemblyman” and Garcia as Navy Fighter Pilot…I figured with names like those, they worked at a local diner. Congrats to Garcia for winning, but I’m very disappointed in Smith for conceding early. Reports said a local ACE Hardware got an online pick up order from “LA DEM PARTY” for a chisel drill bit, to be used to ensure Smith’s victory. Problem for the Democrat Party is they hired Jorge “The Drunken Jedi” Riley to pick the drill bit up, and sadly he saw an open watering hole on his trek and as is his custom, his car stopped automatically. Riley never made it to ACE and as a result, the following day Smith cancelled, notice the state and national party are still holding out hope Riley finds the ACE as they have not given up yet.

Lamar Alexander (R-TN) doesn’t want the Senate to re-convene due to Corona concerns: Good lord this clown was Governor when The Troll was birthed in Knoxville, TN, the best state in America. By the way, little trivia…. Did you know Tennessee’s state flag, the 3 stars….what do they represent? Tennessee was the third state to join the Confederacy.

Tennessee flag shaped like the state

But now back to Alexander……. You dumb dumb, you really need to take a dirt nap. So you force folks who work at Wally World, grocery stores, pharmacies, slaughter houses, and auto makers forced to make ventilators…yet this jackhole doesn’t want to report to work because he is scared of the ‘rona? Folks are barely clinging to what possessions they own, let alone guns and religion, trying to make ends meet, and you refuse to take a pay cut or even show up to work! Yeah, this clown is getting a full salary while sheltering in place instead of doing his job. He’s just more swamp trash that needs to be taken to the local landfill. Other folks are scared of this disease too you low life, seriously you can’t retire soon enough for my liking. During a cursory look at your work history, you love suppin’ at the public trough…congrats; while us working folks pay your salary, you refuse to come out of your ivory tower. I hate to break it to you, but under the Constitution, a document I doubt you have ever read, says your job is essential. You are a check on the President and Judiciary you moron. Classless scum you are.

Deandre Baker and Quinton Dunbar (NFL) arrested in Florida for armed robbery: Ummm, well I have to blame Trump for this, it has to be his fault right? Seriously like shouldn’t the NFL be practicing right now? Dunbar is charged with 4 counts of various armed robbery offenses, Baker with 8, both have refused to turn themselves in; however, both have hired attorneys who claim their client is innocent.

Two NFL players — including a 2019 1st round draft pick — have been accused of armed robbery and arrest warrants have been issued, TMZ Sports has learned.

Law enforcement confirms NY Giants cornerback Deandre Baker (the 30th overall pick in 2019) is facing 4 charges of armed robbery and 4 charges of aggravated assault with a firearm.

Seattle Seahawks corner Quinton Dunbar is facing 4 counts of armed robbery.

Felonies by the dozen

Well my god it’s a miracle…if neither of them did the deed, then who did? I cannot believe these two young men find themselves in such a tough spot; even with a police report saying “they dun’ it.” Their attorneys find themselves in the unique position of defending clients who claim they didn’t do it and actually have enough money to pay them…at least for now. Baker was a first round pick in 2019, so he is likely to forfeit about 30 million, since NFL contracts are not guaranteed, but he is still dumb as hell. Like I said, I blame all of this on the lockdown, and because both are black, it must be Trump’s fault. Don’t believe me? Apparently, many a governor is studying why this disease affects blacks more than whites…your honor I submit this as exhibit 1000 to impeach Trump. Between this, Russia, Ukraine, the sexual assaults, and Covid-19 deaths, something has to be done, just ignore the party of compassion when they encourage confiscating semi-automatic weapons and yet continually threaten to shoot the Orange Man.

We will be back soon for more trolling, got to move camp as the local PD has just shown up. But I will leave you with a new flame for Troll. Yes, Aniston is too old, and at 50 the baby making days are over, as far as Hope Hicks goes she has not responded to my hourly Twitter direct messages, so I present to you, Paige Spiranac, a great women’s golfer who let’s just say I would love to lay up on her hills.

The Troll

When we have a cure……

By Johnnie Does

When this virus thing went down, it started as “we must flatten the curve” and for the most part, we all tried to do our part. We put up with essentially house arrest, social distancing at stores, and admired most folks who were viewed as essential. Now the narrative has changed, we now “can re-open fully when there is a cure.” I want to examine that last statement closer.

Until we “have a cure” is the literal definition of weasel words that can be used to pick winners and losers. Governors Newsom, Cuomo, and Wolf (PA) are the worst of the worst when it comes to this. To be fair Cuomo has a big problem in NYC, and Gavin has issues in LA County, and depending on how you look at it, the surrounding areas should be cautious. Governor Wolf in PA is an absolute tyrant. He actually exempted his family’s cabinet manufacturing business from the shutdown…. well I guess his royalties are essential, aren’t they?

Gretchen Whitmer

These governors, including Duchess of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer, have very little interest in your health or financial well-being; instead, they want to pick winners and losers. If you voted/campaigned/donated to a rival, now is their chance to get even. They have shutdown dine-in operations, movies, and retail shopping, forcing millions of low-income workers from the workforce. Worse yet, they are forcing grocers, slaughterhouses, and certain big box retail to remain open, regardless of worker fears.

Why is it churches cannot open? Not necessarily for service but for funeral/weddings? Yet one can get married at the County Clerk’s office if you file the right paperwork? This is punishing a business you do not care for, and in my opinion, Gavin has a large bone to pick with organized religion ever since the Prop 8 (Anti-gay marriage) commercials that used his likeness in 2008. What better time than now to keep the lid on and stymie the church’s finances/well-being going forward. Since churchgoers tend to skew older, I don’t see any services being held this year. Notice, sports with fans, movies, and churches all fall in “phase 4” of the re-opening which is when a vaccine is produced.

My issue is why are they treating the entire state like its one gigantic outbreak? Let’s take the hometown of our blog, if you look at the “Sacramento Area” (Sacramento County) last I checked we have had 54 total deaths, in a county with a population north of 2.1 million.

Sacramento County Covid-19 cased as of 05-14-2020

If I was a betting man, I would lay heavy odds 7/9ths of those deaths occurred in nursing homes.

Covid-19 deaths in Sacramento County
all were over 65 years old and/or with underlying conditions

How come we cannot apply for the county to re-open? Oh, I forgot, seems we had a one person in Sac City die of Covid-19 on Tuesday, so we had to restart the “2 weeks no deaths” clock. Notice Dr. Beilenson even stated we should get a waiver from the Governor because our infection rate is low. Sorry Dr. but Gavin lives in the Sac suburb Fair Oaks, and most if not all the electeds in Sacramento reside here as well, so we are not going to re-open until it’s absolutely safe. Even when we are allowed to reopen, things will not be the same for a very long time.

As William has stated, when exactly do we think we will have a cure? Let’s be real, cancer, AIDS, the common cold, and the flu, we may have shots or feel good remedies, or in the case of cancer use a combination of tactics to defeat it, but we do not have a cure let alone a magic elixir to prevent it altogether be it a vaccine or whatever. Truth is we probably never will. With the Corona virus mutating like it has, we do not even know what we are up against. Even If we were able to find one vaccine to prevent all the various types of Covid-19, how do we mass produce it? How will it be mandated? Remember here in California, we have a large group of anti-vaxxers. To see what kind of pushback to expect from them, look no further than the recent measles outbreak and Disney or the anti-vax headquarters of wealthy Marin County. It is clear that Governor Newsom intends to mandate that everyone have whatever experimental vaccine gets to market first and damn the side effects.

Try to internalize what’s happening now. We have shutdown fairs and firework shows, and recently have moved our Junior Colleges and CSU classes to online only for the fall semester. L.A. has promised to be shut down until the end of August at the earliest. Does anyone really think we are just going to re-open everything after Labor Day as if none of this had happened? We all know that answer.

Hey, Johnnie if you were in charge, what would be different?

Given all the above, I was posed a question by 90-Day Guy asking me how I would have handled all of this if I were Governor. What follows is my answer and it may surprise some of you. Keep in mind that 90-Day Guy didn’t offer his own plans as the nightly edition of Cable’s Primetime Lineup hadn’t aired yet to tell him what to think.

As governor, my hands would have been tied. I think Newsom did well reading the initial outbreaks. It seemed like the lion’s share were in the Bay Area and parts of LA. Keep in mind the Bay Area has cases, but not many deaths. I would have kept monitoring and received daily updates from the counties themselves. Once a few Bay Area counties and LA County had their Directors of Health Services shut the county down, my hands were tied. Sacramento and a few others followed suit and I had no choice. I would have to shut the state down. (Remember that at this point in the outbreak, the experts were projecting that millions would die if we did nothing.) While many will disagree, we cannot just have people traveling all over the state to do shopping that does pose a public health risk. Yes, I would have shut it all down for two weeks, everything. No cars on the roads, as far as food goes, I guess you could leave the grocers/pharmacies open for pick up only. But what we needed was to stop the transmissions, not simply say try to stay at home but its ok to come out if you need to.

After the two weeks, I would have lifted the order, but said to the counties, it’s up to you to enforce, continue, or rescind. I would have put out suggestions like the older folks should consider staying home longer. Ditto for those with bad immune systems; leaving it up to them to form a plan with their employer. Those who are scared of their own shadow may continue to cower at home but know that we would eventually get back to normal. This would give me some insulation and make the counties do their own work. In truth the Bay Area and LA area counties would remain closed longer and maybe a smattering of more populated areas, but the rural ones would re-open in full. Boom, just like that I would be lauded for shutting down for a bit, putting no one out of work for a prolonged time, yet making folks aware of distancing.

That is precisely where Newsom went wrong. He enjoys playing king and loves power. Instead of supporting small businesses, he threatened their livelihoods by bullying them with threats of pulling their cosmetology/alcohol licenses. That behavior is rule by a dictator and an evil one at that. Newsom wants us kept at home and enjoys seeing businesses closed. Need more proof? Why is it that the government workers still get paid, essential workers get paid, and the teachers get to stay home collecting their full salaries, yet regular working families are paying a heavy price and being expected to do without with no end in sight? Most hourly employees have now gone two months without the dignity of working to support their families. The working poor are the hardest hit by this shutdown and stand to lose what little they have accumulated. Newsom has no care for them, his only solution is telling Donald Trump to print more money and give it to California because we don’t want to help ourselves.

Final Thought

Keep waiting for a cure folks, just understand we aren’t all in this together because some of us are getting paid and still doing well, it’s the rest of you we want to stay confirmed in their homes. At least until there is a cure…….

Johnnie Does

Is Los Angeles Closed for Good?

The dystopian future of Liberals in California is here and many plan to keep it that way. While the rural and more conservative leaning (think State of Jefferson) counties are opening for business with or without the blessings for Governor Newsom, the large, populated areas plan to stay locked down in perpetuity. Besides the San Francisco Bay counties, those in southern California are charting a similar course; holding out for the miracle of a vaccine to prevent Covid-19. Los Angles leaders—both city and county—say they won’t fully reopen until this magic unicorn is widely distributed.

For those of you that keep doubting, here’s yet more ammo to back-up my contention.

Los Angeles won’t completely reopen until there is a cure for the coronavirus, Mayor Eric Garcetti said in an interview Wednesday.

The mayor told “Good Morning America” co-host George Stephanopoulos the city of 4 million will continue wearing masks, working from home and practicing social distancing.

“We’ve never been fully closed, we’ll never be completely open until we have a cure,” Garcetti said.

… Los Angeles County’s top health official said the stay-home policy will last another three months.

The county’s population is about 10 million.

“We all have to all recognize that we’re not moving beyond COVID-19, we’re learning to live with it,” said Garcetti.

Los Angeles County public health Director Barbara Ferrer said at Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting that based on “all of the data that we’re looking at … we know with all certainty that we’ll be extending health officer orders for the next three months.”

Mayor: Los Angeles won’t reopen without a cure

Folks, these guys in Southern Cal are echoing our Governor on the vaccine as the necessary trigger to resume normal operations—whatever that will look like. More cold water was poured on this idea today by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The World Health Organization’s chief scientist, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, has warned that there may be no quick end to the COVID-19 pandemic, despite assertions from governments that a vaccine could be available in as little as 12 months. As CNBC reports, speaking at The Financial Times‘ Global Boardroom webinar on Wednesday, Swaminathan said, I would say in a four- to five-year time frame, we could be looking at controlling this.

Her comments will come as a disappointment for those who are hoping worrying about the virus could be a thing of the past by as soon as next year. Swaminathan said a number of factors impact the timeline in which we can control the virus, including containment measures, if and how the virus mutates, and, of course, whether we discover a vaccine.

She noted that while a vaccine is the “best way out,” there are a large number of uncertainties that could prolong the time it takes to put a dent into the virus’s spread. Finding a vaccine is just the first step. The logistics of making enough of the vaccine and distributing it to over 7 billion people on the planet is a monumental task.

Swaminathan isn’t the only WHO official who cautioned about thinking that the pandemic could have a short run. At a separate event yesterday, executive director of the WHO’s emergencies program, Dr. Mike Ryan, warned COVID-19 “may never go away.”

WHO’s chief scientist: COVID-19 pandemic could be uncontrollable for the next 5 years

Folks the “no vaccine, no opening” principal is an economic and societal suicide pact.

Americans v Their Government

Americans want to go back to work but their government won’t let them; especially, here in California. Those that think that magic fairies will sprinkle pixie dust on everything, and we will open again in a week or two are in desperate need of recreational pot or something else. Trust me, any shelter in place order that lasts for more than four weeks requires more than the immediate attention of a doctor.

If you want more proof that barring a revolt of the people—which I think has begun—we will still be cowering in fear at the end of the year, here’s another clue for those that have the eyes to see.

The Los Rios Community College District will be moving to a fully online fall schedule due to novel coronavirus concerns, school officials said Monday in a message to staff and students.

Sacramento County college district to move fall classes online

Also, the sage Dr. Fauci poured cold water on the idea of school resuming in the fall. His comments came when questioned by Senator Rand Paul, the only Senator confirmed to have had Corona virus.

Following up on Paul’s question about reopening schools come fall, Fauci said that there is still much that researchers don’t know about the novel coronavirus and the country should not be “cavalier” in reopening institutions too quickly.

“We don’t know everything about this virus … especially when it comes to children,” Fauci said. “We ought to be careful and not cavalier.”

Rand Paul dings Fauci during testimony, tells him ‘you are not the end all’

I know of other schools looking to continue either distance learning only or a hybrid system of part brick and mortar classes and virtual learning. They can see the likelihood of resuming traditional school fading more every week.

Ok, let’s review some other context clues that our elites plan for this to go on for many more months.

Last month, in Los Angeles, the County Supervisors announces that they will not allow any professional sporting events to be done in front of a live audience including NFL Football games.

Also, last month, KOVR TV reported that shelter in place will run thru at least October.

All county fairs and the State Fair are cancelled, again a decision made last month. The last of the county fairs were scheduled for the end of August.

Last week, Governor Newsom decreed that all elections statewide will be conducted by mail-in ballots. Were our voter rolls clean this might not be such a big deal but since we have at least 1.5 million more people registered than we have adult humans in this state that are eligible to vote, it’s promoting a criminal enterprise to make such a declaration. This declaration presupposes that Covid-19 will be here and require people to be protected from it, meaning part if not all the population will still be sheltering in place in November.

Recently, tech companies like Microsoft have stated that all employees will be working from home for at least the next five months or longer. Facebook and Google have decreed that their employees will work from home until early 2021. Twitter has said employees can work from home indefinitely.

Microsoft said that, in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, employees can work from home till October, Facebook and Google went one better and set a deadline no early than 2021, and today Twitter confirmed that employees can work from home as long as they want…

Twitter one-ups Facebook and Google, say employees can work from home indefinitely

Thus the “good” liberal companies in Silicon Valley are aligned with the power elites that are planning for a prolonged siege of the country and its economy. For now, they are allies of Newsom but somehow, I don’t think Hollywood is nearly as willing to follow suit.

Newsom repeats that we will not undo this situation until we have a vaccine, and everybody has been inoculated. There is more certainty that there will never be a vaccine than one will be available in a few months. The fact is that few viruses ever have a vaccine developed for them. Lest you doubt me, try this: Where is the common cold vaccine? Where is the AIDS vaccine? We know that as of two months ago, Covid-19 had 30 different strains and more seem to be in the wild now than then. Also, remember my caution that the vaccine may be just as dangerous as the disease it claims to cure.

The metrics established by the Governor will keep all population centers far from the threshold needed for any meaningful reduction in restrictions. This will go on for months not days or weeks.

Those who think they will find themselves in church anytime soon are dreaming. When services are finally allowed, the meeting size will be limited to 50 people per service and like in Tennessee where Bibles, prayer books, hymnals, bulletins will be banned along with offerings and Communion.

The truth is that many private schools and church congregations will never meet again. I know of several churches and private schools in my county that are on the verge of insolvency. I know of one such institution that is over a million dollars in the hole as a result of the current panic. The fact is that people quit writing checks when they don’t have a job or have their hours are severely cut.

The government has failed us, the faith community is impotent, and that leaves only the people themselves to rise-up and go to work while those waiting for permission cower in their homes as life passes them by.

Willie Brown is correct, if everybody goes back to work, they will flood the zone so much that government will be unable to pull anybody’s license. Piecemeal loses but workers and business owners can act much more swiftly to take back their lives.

Better asking for forgiveness than permission is one economic lesson of life with Covid-19.

What a Day: Elon Musk, Willie Brown, and Kirk Uhler Agree with Us

In addition to Modoc, Sutter, and Yuba counties, over the last few days Placer, San Joaquin, and El Dorado counties have also made moves to try to reopen their economies.

Placer County

Based on the requirements, Placer County won’t be in the first wave of counties to get the green light.

That’s upsetting some Placer officials. The county this week sent the governor a demand that he allow them to set their own reopening course.

“If we don’t see any action, we may be calling a special meeting to seek a legal injunction,” Placer County Board supervisor Kirk Uhler said on Thursday. Uhler said he believes the governor has overstepped his legal authority in effectively shutting down much of the economy and requiring people to stay mainly at home.

It could be the first county in California to pursue legal action against the state over Newsom’s stay-at-home orders.

Official threatens to sue Newsom if Placer County can’t reopen from the coronavirus shutdown

“It is not up to the governor at this point to say what the rules are. We are not in a state of emergency. Get out of our way,” said supervisor Kirk Uhler.
Uhler said Newsom is overstepping his authority by continuing to hold counties to the statewide order as businesses suffer.

Placer County supervisor to Newsom: ‘Get out of our way’

San Joaquin County

San Joaquin County has joined a growing list of communities applying for local control over reopening.

Business owners are desperate to open and pay their bills, but increasing coronavirus cases and deaths will make it tough to meet the governor’s requirements.

“We’re now getting to a desperate stage where our economy, in order to bounce back, is going to have to step up and go to work,” said Tom Patti.

San Joaquin County To Apply For Reopening Flexibility As Businesses Get Desperate

El Dorado County

This week, El Dorado County became one of the first in California to send a proposal to Gov. Gavin Newsom outlining plans to reopen key parts of its economy.

El Dorado County works to move faster through Stage 2 reopening plan

Tesla to Pull out of California

Hours after Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that he would pull the car maker’s plant from the Golden State, the company sued Alameda county, accusing officials of “defying” state laws by refusing to allow the facility to reopen.

The lawsuit comes on the heels of a Twitter rant late on Saturday, that saw Musk branding California county’s chief health official “ignorant,” after the local authorities refused to give the company the green light to reopen its plant with more than 10,000 workers in Fremont due to coronavirus restrictions.

That was quick! Tesla files LAWSUIT against California county for not allowing factory to reopen after Musk threatens pullout

“I’m not messing around. Absurd & medically irrational behavior in violation of constitutional civil liberties, moreover by unelected county officials with no accountability, needs to stop,” Musk sounded off.

Backing up his words with deeds, Tesla wasted no time in filing a lawsuit, asking the court to declare the county-imposed ban on its operations “void and unenforceable,” while arguing that the Tesla factory has been a part of the state’s “critical infrastructure.”

Meanwhile Tesla’s Factory is open anyway

The parking lot was nearly full at Tesla’s California electric car factory Monday, a likely indication the company was resuming production in defiance of an order from county health authorities.

The lot at the massive plant in Fremont, which employs 10,000 workers, appeared to have a similar number of vehicles as it does when the factory is fully operating. A normal complement of workers would violate orders from the Alameda County Health Department, which has deemed Tesla’s Fremont factory a nonessential business that can’t open under restrictions intended to help stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Gov. Newsom Addresses Criticism Of Stay-At-Home Orders From Tesla Founder Elon Musk

Oh, Fox News has confirmed that Tesla’s Alameda County factory is open today without government permission.

LA Times Chimes In

Speaking of the Governor’s criteria to reopen…

The Times conducted an analysis to see which counties could pass just the first two criteria — whether deaths have stopped in the past 14 days, and whether there is no more than one case per 10,000 residents in that same time period. Most of California failed that test.

In fact, 95% of Californians live in counties that don’t meet that standard, The Times analysis found. Not a single county in Southern California nor the San Francisco Bay Area met the criteria.

The 24 counties that did meet the criteria, for the two-week period that ended Thursday, are all in Northern California and most are sparsely populated.

The three largest counties meeting both criteria are Placer County, population 380,000, northeast of Sacramento; Santa Cruz County, population 274,000, south of San Jose; and Butte County, population 227,000, in the foothills of the northern Sierra Nevada.

Most California counties fall short of reopening criteria as coronavirus cases climb

Willie Brown

But so far, the authorities who have locked us in have yet to figure out how to get us out.

If they don’t figure it out soon, the public is going to find a way to get out on its own.

In fact, some counties and some professions are already opening up.

And trying to keep businesses from opening with threats of suspending their liquor licenses or cosmetologist licenses won’t work — not on a mass scale that would be needed if many people start to say: enough.

The goal of the shutdown was to curb the coronavirus and keep the hospitals from being swamped.

We kept the hospitals working, but we have yet to curb the virus and a vaccine is probably at least a year away.

In the meantime, we’re headed over the economic cliff and facing unemployment numbers the likes of which we have never seen before.

This can’t go on. California has to figure a way out

One Trillion Dollar Bailout

Ok, let me get this straight, California is projecting a 56-billion-dollar budget hole since they don’t want to reopen and then they asking Donald Trump and Congress to bail them out for twenty times that amount? ONE TRILLION DOLLARS Reasonable people should respond, “WTF?” Based on last year’s budget, such a bailout would allow the State to operate as usual for five years while their citizens continue to shelter in place. And my poor pastor thinks Gavin will be opening his church for worship in two weeks, dream-on both of you.

California and other Western states are asking the federal government for $1 trillion in relief for states and local governments amid the coronavirus pandemic and massive budget shortfalls that have followed.

Newsom: Western states asking feds for $1 trillion in aid


Folks Gavin Newsom is being forced to do something no Democrat likes to do, face reality. Government doesn’t create jobs, wealth, or economic activity only the hard work of the private sector. When you’ve lost Willie Brown and Elon Musk in very public ways, it makes you wonder who has privately broken with the Governor. If you needed proof government was the problem and not the solution, you’re living it now. Oh, at his press conference last week, Newsom was lamenting that California didn’t have the power to print fiat money like Uncle Sam. As Maggie Thatcher said, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money.”

Final thought, in both New York and California, you are seeing the leading candidates for President in 2024 self-destruct before either declares for the office.

Newsom Uses Power of the Sword to Shakedown Modoc, Sutter, and Yuba Counties

In the wake of the highest nationwide unemployment numbers since the Great Depression, the Governor has threatened to withhold State money from Modoc, Sutter, and Yuba counties because they dare to go back to work. Please remember that Modoc has had exactly ZERO CASES of Covid-19 and is operating under the same rules as Los Angeles County which has half the cases in the State.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is warning three counties that they could lose disaster funding if they continue to defy his stay-at-home order.

Officials in Yuba, Sutter and Modoc counties have all allowed businesses to reopen because they have fewer coronavirus cases than other parts of the state.

The director of the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services sent a letter to the three counties on Thursday warning they might lose their eligibility for the funding.

A spokesman for Yuba and Sutter counties said local leaders are working to do what is best for the overall health of their communities.

California governor warns 3 counties could lose disaster aid

But that’s not all. Newsom has deployed every regulatory agency at his disposal to threaten businesses in these counties that dare to open without permission regardless of what precautions these people are taking or what their working conditions may be. In fact, nobody is actually checking up on them or determining the facts on the ground, state agencies are simply going thru their Rolodex and cold calling everyone and making threats.

YUBA/SUTTER COUNTIES (CBS13) – A number of businesses in Yuba and Sutter counties are rethinking their reopenings after being contacted by state agencies that could revoke their licenses.

Hairdresser Amy Johnson believes she may be one of the few cosmetologists still working in the surrounding area. Many, including some of her own staff at Rockabetty Salon in Yuba City, are afraid of sanctions the state could impose.

“Everyone is scared to open because of the vague statement and the phone calls from the board,” Johnson said.

Some Yuba-Sutter Businesses Choose To Close After Being Contacted By State Agencies

“I just note there’s 33 salons that shut down in two counties in the last couple days similarly because they got a call from some of our state officials saying, “Is this the best thing for your employees? Is this the best thing for public health and your community?” Newsom said.

Johnson got those calls, too, but explained all the steps she was taking to protect her customers and staff.

Her clients must wear masks, disinfect their hands and shoes before entering her salon, answer COVID-19 related questions at the door, sign a waiver and space out once inside. Johnson says she’s operating under local county guidelines, and all of her customers are out within 30 minutes.

“Lots of haircuts and lots of people walking out with wet hair having to come back for a second appointment,” she said. “Our county order is lifted so I feel confident in working.”

Krankin Hanks owner Henry Stuevie feels that confidence, too. But he chose to close his bar down, once Alcohol Beverage Control came knocking.

“Gavin Newsom got mad at Yuba-Sutter so he sent out what he has control over, the liquor license,” Stuevie said. “We were allowing to come in, sit down order dinner, have a beer. Have a drink if you want.”

He was ready to let the liquor flow at his Marysville bar when Yuba and Sutter counties decided to reopen some businesses again at the beginning of the week until ABC came by. He said the conversation was friendly, but the ordinance he was delivered by them had a different tone, calling them disorderly and saying he could lose his liquor license if he continued on.

“Just the threat of taking my liquor license was enough for me to say I can’t lose it,” Stuevie said. “It took me two years to get it, and this would be a useless building without it.”

When you live in a one-party state, and that Party thinks government is their god, they will compel obedience or else. To them, politics is simply an exercise of raw power. Their job is to make rules for us which somehow, they tend to be exempted from, funny how that part works. We end up with tyrants and tyranny every time we exchange liberty for security, even from a virus.

Another Viewpoint on Romans 13 and Church Closures

Folks, after my post on Romans 13, I found one that hits some points that mine did not, so I wanted to share it with my readers.

The issue of Romans 13 and obeying authority has been something that throughout church history Christians have struggled with.

Let me put this into perspective.

When we take a look at the Bible, we see throughout scripture those who disobey unfair and unjust government commands.

Moses disobeyed the Pharaoh as we see in the book of Exodus.

Paul was constantly in jail because he was violating customs and laws that interfered with spreading the gospel. He lost his life because of it.

Peter was told by the authorities to cease teaching and preaching in the name of Jesus. He said to those in authority over him, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:19-20). After being arrested a second time and questioned about his disobedience, Peter declared emphatically, “We must obey God rather than men”
(Acts 5:29).

We see it with Gideon, Ehud, Jepthah, Samson, and Deborah – all were charged explicitly by God to resist the rulers who were practicing injustice against the people and interfering with God’s people.

We see it in church history with Martin Luther and John Calvin.

We see it in those who fled oppression throughout the world and came to America.

We saw it in abolitionists such as Harriet Tubman who defied the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 by helping slaves escape from the south and flee to northern states.

We saw it in Corrie ten Boom who hid and protected Jews from NAZI government forces in Germany – and lied to NAZI officers when they came looking for Jews.

We saw it with Martin Luther King, Jr. standing up against the oppression of people simply based upon their skin color.

Go back to the American Revolution. In the American Revolution, Christians were often divided, but we were fighting for our freedom against oppression.

That’s where Patrick Henry said:
“Is life so dear or peace and safety so sweet as to be purchased at the price of slavery?”

Were all these examples violations of scripture? No.

Those who say Christians are in violation of scripture if they are opposed to today’s tyrannical government officials telling us not to worship are not considering the entirety of God’s word. They are reacting in fear of man.

“The fear of man brings a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted.” (Proverbs 29:25)

When we look at Romans 13, we need to understand that the principle of being in subjection to governing authorities has to be balanced with the rest of scripture. When we see God opposing injustice and resisting oppression and abuses of government authority, is this a contradiction of Romans 13? No, it isn’t.

Should Christians and Pastors Obey or Disobey Unfair Laws–Romans 13 and Shutting Down Churches

I encourage you to click on the link above and read the rest of the article.

We are commanded to have faith not fear and this seems to be a textbook case of government overreach.

Is Dr. Anthony Fauci Part of the Problem?

By Chief

Before anyone gets the tone of this blog incorrect, I am not denying Dr. Anthony Fauci’s medical background or his work on the AIDS/HIV virus back in the day, I am merely pointing out statements he has made at press conferences over the past several months.

Dr. Fauci is a very accomplished man, and at the ripe age of 79 I hope I have a fraction of his enthusiasm and energy he exhibits daily. There is literally no end to when, where and how that this Dr. will go to give an interview, heck he did one during the NFL draft on ESPN. He is literally the Energizer Bunny but in human form! He has always been at Trump’s side during pressers, disagreeing sometimes, but that must be tough to be there almost daily and sharing a podium with “The Donald.” While our readers may say Trump is right or wrong on this disease one thing is for certain, Fauci has been all over the place. Just check these quotes from his press conferences out:

Editor’s Note: The Chief gave me a bare timeline for this blog entry, and I went back and found backup for each of his bullet points. As is my practice, I try to give you enough to show the comments are in context.

Early January he said we had nothing to worry about from this virus mostly based on current models (AKA the death (projections)


Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

Fact-check: Did Fauci say coronavirus was ‘nothing to worry about’?


Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, says in a Journal of the American Medical Association podcast that the U.S. wouldn’t implement draconian shutdowns of cities like what was occurring in China: “There’s no chance in the world that we could do that to Chicago or to New York or to San Francisco, but they’re doing it. So, let’s see what happens.”

Coronavirus timeline shows politicians’, media’s changing rhetoric on risk of pandemic


“The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It’s a very, very low risk to the United States,” Fauci says on The CATS Roundtable. “It isn’t something that the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about.”

Coronavirus timeline shows politicians’, media’s changing rhetoric on risk of pandemic

On Jan. 26, Fauci gave an interview to John Catsimatidis, a syndicated radio host in New York. “What can you tell the American people about what’s been going on?” Catsimatidis asked. “Should they be scared?”

“I don’t think so,” Fauci said. “The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It’s a very, very low risk to the United States, but it’s something we, as public health officials, need to take very seriously.”

Fact-check: Did Fauci say coronavirus was ‘nothing to worry about’?


But the following day, Jan. 27, Fauci was criticizing the lack of Chinese transparency, pointing in particular to new information that asymptotic individuals could be spreading the virus. Despite this, he continued to cite airport screening of travelers from China as the primary defense against it spreading to the U.S.

Virus Experts’ Early Statements Belie ‘Prescient’ Portrayal


Fauci announces that the risk of coronavirus infection in the U.S. is “miniscule,” according to USA Today. Fauci, one of the top experts in the field and a senior White House coronavirus adviser, also told the paper that people shouldn’t wear masks unless they are contagious.

Coronavirus timeline shows politicians’, media’s changing rhetoric on risk of pandemic

“If you look at the masks that you buy in a drug store, the leakage around that doesn’t really do much to protect you,” he said. “People start saying, ‘Should I start wearing a mask?’ Now, in the United States, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear a mask.”

Top disease official: Risk of coronavirus in USA is ‘minuscule’; skip mask and wash hands

Fauci doesn’t want people to worry about coronavirus, the danger of which is “just minuscule.” But he does want them to take precautions against the “influenza outbreak, which is having its second wave.”

Top disease official: Risk of coronavirus in USA is ‘minuscule’; skip mask and wash hands

Fauci offered advice for people who want to protect against the “real and present danger” of seasonal flu, which also would protect against the hypothetical danger of coronavirus.

Top disease official: Risk of coronavirus in USA is ‘minuscule’; skip mask and wash hands


Fauci said we didn’t have to change our way of life one bit. Oh, also on this date was what at the time was the first reported Corona death in the United States.

“No. Right now, at this moment, there’s no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day by day basis. Right now the risk is still low, but this could change. I’ve said that many times even on this program. You’ve got to watch out because although the risk is low now, you don’t need to change anything you’re doing.”

Tweet amplified by Trump misleads on Fauci’s late-February advice


Fauci claimed we didn’t need to wear masks as the virus science showed it didn’t help.

“There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask,” infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 Minutes.

While masks may block some droplets, Fauci said, they do not provide the level of protection people think they do. Wearing a mask may also have unintended consequences: People who wear masks tend to touch their face more often to adjust them, which can spread germs from their hands.

But there is another risk to healthy people buying disposable masks as a precaution. The price of face masks is surging, and Prestige Ameritech, the nation’s largest surgical mask manufacturer, is now struggling to keep up with the increased demand.

“It could lead to a shortage of masks for the people who really need it,” Fauci said.

Preventing coronavirus: Should you wear a face mask?

The “draconian” quarantine measures taken by China, while they’ve worked to prevent a broader advance of the disease beyond Wuhan province, are “something we never would be able to do” in the U.S., he added. Italy also imposed more stringent travel restrictions early Sunday.
“I don’t imagine that the degree of the draconian nature of what the Chinese did would ever be either feasible, applicable, doable or whatever you want to call it in the United States,” Fauci said in an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes” that will be broadcast on Sunday, according to a partial transcript provided by the network.

Top health official Anthony Fauci predicts ‘social distancing’ as outbreak continues


Fauci went as far as saying young folks and healthy folks should go on a cruise. Yes, he said cruise.

“If you are a healthy young person, there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship, go on a cruise ship.”

COVID-19 Travel Update: Fauci Says Cruising Is OK If You Are Healthy

Also on this day, Fauci remarks that going to campaign rallies may not be a bad idea: “You know, I can’t comment on campaign rallies. It really depends. We are having as we all said — this is something in motion. This is an evolving thing. So I’m not sure what we’re going to be able to say at the time we’re going to have a campaign rally. If you’re talking about a campaign rally tomorrow, in a place where there is no community spread, I think the judgment to have it might be a good judgment. [But] if you want to talk about large gatherings in a place you have community spread, I think that’s a judgment call, and if someone decides they want to cancel it, I wouldn’t publicly criticize them.”

Coronavirus timeline shows politicians’, media’s changing rhetoric on risk of pandemic


After Trump allowed Fauci to recommend others for the task force, Fauci did a complete 180. He said we needed extreme social distancing, wear masks in public, and shut the economy down.

Dr. Antony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, urged Americans to shut down more aggressively as the coronavirus spreads.

On MSNBC’s “Meet the Press” Mr. Fauci endorsed a 14-day “national shutdown” to help slow down the virus. He explained that he has brought it up with the administration, which is generally open to his ideas.

Dr. Anthony Fauci urges ‘national shutdown’ as coronavirus spreads


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the National Institutes of Health’s infectious diseases chief, on Sunday said it’s “possible” the nation would experience a reported “worst-case scenario” of up to 1.7 million deaths from the coronavirus outbreak.

Dr. Fauci: Worst-Case Scenario Of Up To 1.7M Deaths From Coronavirus ‘Possible’

Imperial College predicts up to 2.2 million deaths in USA

Epidemiologists at Imperial College in London released a report on Monday that shocked government officials in the UK and the US. Unless drastic measures are taken immediately to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the scientists say deaths from the virus could reach 2.2 million in the United States and 510,000 in the UK. More ambitious measures could cut both numbers in half, but the crisis will not be resolved completely until a vaccine is available — a process that could easily take 18 months or more.

Imperial College Epidemiologists Report Forecasts Up To 2.2 Million COVID-19 Deaths In US, 510,000 In UK


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, stressed Sunday that mitigation measures implemented to flatten the number of new coronavirus cases are vital to stopping the U.S. “from becoming an Italy.”

“The kinds of mitigation issues that are going on right now, the things that we’re seeing in this country, this physical separation at the same time as we’re preventing an influx of cases coming in, I think that’s going to go a long way to preventing us from becoming an Italy,” Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told “Face the Nation.”

Fauci says social distancing over coronavirus can stop U.S. from “becoming an Italy”

To stop the spread of the coronavirus, public health officials have urged Americans to implement social distancing and limit their social gatherings.

Fauci says social distancing over coronavirus can stop U.S. from “becoming an Italy”

Just for perspective, WHO chimed into the echo chamber

…March 26, the World Health Organization tweeted: “If you do not have any respiratory symptoms, such as fever, cough, or runny nose, you do not need to wear a medical mask. When used alone, masks can give you a false feeling of protection and can even be a source of infection when not used correctly.”

Experts’ advice on virus inconsistent, often wrong


Dr. Fauci on CNN

“I would say between 100,000 and 200,000 cases,” he said, correcting himself to say he meant deaths. “We’re going to have millions of cases.” But he added “I don’t want to be held to that” because the pandemic is “such a moving target.”

Dr. Fauci predicts 100K to 200K Americans will die from COVID-19


If you’re not sick with the new coronavirus, should you wear a mask in public? Global health authorities say no.

Should you wear mask in public if not sick with coronavirus?

Earlier in the day, Dr. Anthony Fauci, infectious disease chief at the U.S. National Institutes of Health, had told CNN that once there are enough masks, there might be “some very serious consideration” about broadening the mask recommendations.

For now, the advice posted on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website: “If you are NOT sick: You do not need to wear a face mask unless you are caring for someone who is sick (and they are not able to wear a face mask).”

Should you wear mask in public if not sick with coronavirus?


Fauci claimed 2.4 million would die in the USA alone by August, that number has been all over the place since, as low as 61k and now back to about 135k.

The White House unveiled that their goal for community mitigation, where the curve is supposedly flattened, that an estimated 100,000-240,000 people will die from the virus, which is a stark contrast from the 1.5-2.2 million estimated deaths without taking any precautions.

White House Weekly: April 6

Why am I not wearing a face mask now? There are a couple of reasons,” Fauci responded when a reporter questioned why he doesn’t wear the covering at a Sunday press conference.

“One of them is part of the, in fact the major reason to wear a face mask is to protect you from infecting you,” he said, as he pointed to people in the gallery of the room.

“I had my test and it’s negative,” he added.

IN THE CLEAR Top doc Fauci tests negative for coronavirus and explains why he doesn’t wear a mask


Fauci claimed we won’t be shaking hands ever again, as the virus is too easily spread.

Absolutely no more handshakes, even after we’ve defeated this virus. “As a society, just forget about shaking hands,” Fauci said during a new television interview.

Dr. Fauci says we should never shake hands again, even when this pandemic is over


Fauci said sex hookups on Tinder etc were fine as long as both parties knew of the risks.

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Americans could meet people they matched with on dating apps if they were “willing to take a risk” with their health and the wellbeing of others.

Dr. Fauci says you can meet a tinder date ‘if you’re willing to take a risk’

Look, we aren’t here to discredit the good Dr. All I want to do is point out Fauci has been all over the place throwing out info. To make matters worse as discussed in this space before, we as a people are hungry for any info spit out by a person with the salutation “Dr.” in front of their name. Look at the misinformation that has come out of just his mouth alone! His answers run the gamut. Yet the media hordes hang on this Fauci guys every word as if he is some charming sage. So, we go from nothing to worry about to full blown panic, to don’t shake hands, shut down the economy to go ahead and have sex with a complete stranger? And folks wonder why the toilet paper and other items are gone at the store. The 90 day types and cable watchers have had more mood swings than a young girl who just got her first period. It’s been awful for us sane folks to watch. Think horrific car accident, you try to look away, but you can’t.

Now let us examine Fauci a little closer. First, he like these other “medical director” types have not seen a patient in decades. Fauci is a research doctor to spends most of his time reading through other doctor’s writings and research. This may explain him literally being all over the place. In addition did you know he has a net worth of over 500 million? He does, so don’t worry about him or his family during these times, they are very well taken care of. Like the other folks telling you to stay home while you face a prospect of rent being 2 months past due by the way. He also is a Clintonite by the way, and pals around with elites almost exclusively. Maybe the Clinton’s are telling him to shut things down longer or he may take a dirt nap? Think about it, the Clinton’s have “offed” people for far less, and when you look at the citations above it could be a theory.

Again, in closing, Fauci is a very smart man, who is eloquent of speech, he did lots of great things with the HIV/AIDS some time ago, but he is clearly out of his league here. I think Trump should remove him from the briefings and allow him to hit the cable news circuit. I am sorry but the misinformation on this virus is causing way more harm than help. How else can one explain why William and I cannot shake hands anymore, yet a week later tell the “Troll” he can swipe left on Tinder until he finds Hope Hicks and the two of them can engage in “relations?” Also I want Johnnie Does to do food reviews at actual restaurants again, not just take out. He needs to stay in his lane and quit blogging politics.

The Chief

Covid-19 Hysteria CA Style

By Johnnie Does

Last Friday will go down as one of the more bizarre days in the history of news cycles out here in California. After Modoc County (northeast corner of the state) decided they were going to re-open for business regardless of what Comrade Newsom said, our fearless leader announced at his noon presser we were “weeks away” from re-opening the state’s economy. I can accept that answer, I disagree with the comrade politically, but he has to do what’s best to keep the cable watchers at bay. Our home county (Sacramento) public health officer Dr. Beilensen added another month to the stay at home order. Again, I don’t find much fault with this especially since the Governor had made his announcement. Then at 7pm, Newsom had another presser, where he subsequently announced the states was hours away from re-opening! Wait…WTH?!?!?!?!? Upon hearing that, the counties of Yuba and Sutter announced they would re-open entirely on Monday 5/4. Between Yuba, Sutter, and Modoc there are about 500,000 folks, and I believe there have been zero deaths of Covid-19.

Modoc County

Then came Monday, and comrade Newsom announced many parts of the state’s economy would phase open on Friday 5/8. He made reference to florists, sporting goods stores (no word on if gun sales were included) some retail for curbside pickup only, and bookstores. Note malls are not included, neither are barbershops or restaurants for dine-in. I found this peculiar because what exactly changed? The death rate continues to increase, and the number of positive cases has jumped as well because of increased testing. So again, what exactly caused this change of heart?

Sutter County

I have a theory; try your hardest to see this through an open mind. He ordered the beaches in Orange County shutdown, and the mayors told him get bent. He spoke in terms of schools re-opening in July and possibly a new calendar for the school year….insiders told me the California Teacher Association, CTA (our real policy pusher in CA) was ready to tell Gavin to drop dead. The teacher’s unions flat-out rejected the governor’s proposal and broke the news to him via a media press release rejecting his proposal. These events coupled with the announcements of Yuba, Sutter, and Modoc, to go along with at least 4 million unemployed caused a panic in the Governor’s cabinet. If Gavin pissed-off the unions then he risked being a one term governor and watching his hopes of being a viable presidential candidate go to zero. I believe Newsom made a phone call to our Attorney General and was told his law was not enforceable and would likely be overturned on a court challenge.

Yuba County

As a result, we have a strange 6 phase opening. He stills gets to keep his hand on the scale by not allowing religious services (including weddings and funerals), sports events with live audiences, or movies, yet he has a detailed timeline for other businesses. This is all well and good but at the end of the day it will be a county by county decision. I still think you will see more sparsely populated areas open in the immediate future, followed by some other low population ones, but at the end of the day it will come down to whether your electeds like the guy in the White House or not. I foresee the Bay Area, coastal areas, and Sacramento County opening toward the end of the timeframe, and church services not being held until the end of the year, look for church bankruptcies at the local level to ensue.

Contact Tracing Team on home visit

Further troubling is the revelation that California was going to hire a team of sophisticated “contact tracers” who will be tasked with tracking down anyone who came in contact with someone who tested positive for Covid. Without getting into details of this squad, it sounds like if you were someone who was in contact with someone who had Covid you will be ordered to quarantine for 2 weeks, regardless of whether you test positive yourself! Word is in Washington State, the contact tracers have the power to forcibly lock you away in a detention center if you won’t quarantine voluntarily and since Newsom is coordinating with them, will we expect to be treated likewise? Anyway, I guess this is what Newsom was alluding too when he mentioned every business having paid sick leave.

Washington State Covid-19 Detention Center

My question is, will big brother, oops I mean big tech (Google, Facebook, Apple), turn over mobile phone data and you GPS coordinates to this team of trackers that will then notify you if you could have been exposed? I’m sorry I’m not the smartest guy on this tech stuff, but I know one thing, this is very convoluted and confusing.

FAANG is Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google

Finally, Governor Newsom validated us being really right today at his press conference in South Sacramento when he said “We’re not going back to normal. It’s back to a new normal with adaptations and modifications until we get to immunity, until we get to a vaccine.” Folks I do not know how much plainer and clear he can be, we ain’t re-opening until we have a vaccine and that could be an exceedingly long time. Lastly, who will be approving the vaccine for use in California? So far if Trump touts an idea, the liberal media/elected officials seem to dismiss it pronto.

God please save us from us!

Johnnie Does

Why Churches Willingly Closed

To a man, every minister that I have heard, justifies the reason for closure of his church and all worship services citing Romans Chapter 13. Before I go further, let’s look at the passage.

1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.
6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
Romans 13: 1-7 KJV

In summary, the passage states:

  • God appoints all rulers, (this is a basic tenant of God’s sovereignty)
  • Rulers are not a terror to good but evil, they punish law breakers
  • Christians should obey rulers, for this cause you pay taxes (tribute)

Thus, when government authorities asked churches to close indefinitely, their pastors willingly went along with the request. Folks, this happened no matter what denomination you look at. Now these pastors are awaiting permission from these same authorities to resume their services. They are unwilling to do this without their approval. This is true, not only in all 50 States in our country but most of the other nations in the West and beyond. Think about it, north of one billion believers have not been attending worship services lately based on fear not faith.

In his ministry, Walter Martin would frequently say, “A text without a context, is a pretext; usually for error.”

Dear readers, this certainly applies in this application of the cited passage of Romans.

Historical Context

Paul likely wrote this book while in Corinth to a church meeting in Rome, a city he had not yet visited. This passage was addressed to Christians about a decade before Nero sat on the throne. This book was written when worshipping Jesus was treason and punishable by imprisonment and possible death. Christians met to worship in people’s houses at great risk; they faced loss of life, liberty, and property.

My point is that, in proper context, Christians are being told to obey the government at a time when they were lawbreakers for believing in Jesus or gathering to worship him. So how can these verses mean what your average minister thinks they do? Paul told the believers in Rome to obey the government and did not see a conflict that they were embracing treasonous and illegal beliefs and flaunting the government by both their beliefs and meeting for worship. How do you square these verses in context with current interpretation that God demands that we shut churches and cease worship if the secular authorities forbid it? Folks, there is no clearer example of Scripture twisting than this interpretation behind which thousands of clergymen are hiding.

But why? Simple, they fear men more than God. If standing for Christ has a cost, most are unwilling to pay it. Whether they fear the loss of their tax-exempt status, or fear tort lawyers suiting them for wrongful whatever, or fear running afoul of local police, city council, etc., I don’t know; but these guys are a fearful and timid lot.

The truth is they want to maintain good relations with the magistrate and hide behind Romans 13 to justify a decision that they already made. Guess it’s easier to go with the flow than swim upstream. Only in a world where the State establishes the Church can you get such twisted excuses for this interpretation of Romans 13.

Paul, however, can only be correctly interpreted when you understand that the government needs to stay in their lane and the church needs to stay in hers. Biblically speaking, the government has no legitimate power over such decisions of the church. Or as Jesus said, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” Mark 12: 17

Any government or political system that tries to dictate doctrine or practice of Christians in their midst is a tyranny. As I said a few days ago, we are commanded to gather as believers and any government order to prohibit worship is an illegal and unconstitutional one. I cannot envision a scenario where banning all worshipping in a nation of 330,000,000 million is legal Constitutionally, biblically, in Common Law, or any other way you wish to examine the question. Only in a nation ruled by tyrants can you find such edicts being enforced by civil government.

Government Dictates Worship

Look at these articles about Christian worship that have been published in the last few days. The governments: federal, state, and local in the United States claim all the same powers to regulate Christian worship as Communist China, the Soviet Union, Cuba, Nazi Germany, and every other tyranny you can name. Thus, the church serves not God but at the pleasure of the State.

Government Says Not to Meet

LEICESTER, United Kingdom – According to the leaders of Ireland’s main Christian denominations, “at this time it would not be appropriate to consider a full return” to regular worship services.

Irish churches: ‘At this time it would not be appropriate’ to start public worship

Government asserts the right to dictate what churches may or may not do in their worship.

Germany reluctantly allows congregations to meet, but they are not allowed to sing.

Germany allowed church services to resume in a limited capacity on Sunday following a six-week hiatus during a countrywide coronavirus lockdown – but worshippers won’t be able to sing just yet.

A set of strict rules prohibits worshippers from singing in the church over fears the COVID-19 virus could spread more easily that way, German broadcaster Deutsche Welles reported. The congregation must wear masks and must follow social distancing rules, which have prohibited the traditional handshaking that is part of Catholic ceremonies.

Churches reopen, but no singing allowed

In the Tennessee, churches can meet for worship but not Christian instruction. Furthermore, they are prohibited from celebrating communion, taking an offering, using Bibles, or hymnals.

In addition, “The physical taking of communion/sacrament should not be performed due to the serial breaking of physical distancing across a congregation.” Churches are urged to “consider guiding parishioners in how to connect with the spiritual aspects of these practices during this phase.” Never mind that for Christians, Communion is a requirement, not an optional activity that can be transmitted over the internet.

Not only that, but church attendees are also banned from physically embracing or shaking hands with one another. And singing, while not banned, “is discouraged as it is thought to be an activity that expels significantly more virus than talking.”

Also banned by the Knox County order: “communal items (for example, tithe plates, hymnals, bibles, etc.).” Churches are told they should use a donation box in lieu of an offering plate. “Only core worship services are permitted in Phase One,” the order reads. “Activities such as groups and classes, youth services, social events, potlucks, communal snacks or food, and nursery, are not permitted in Phase One.”

UPDATED: Knox County, Tenn., Bans Communion, Hymnals—and Even Bibles—at Church

Cracks in Conformity

The good news is that a few intrepid people are seeing the light and wanting to resume worship without waiting for government permission.

The pastor of an Orrington church announced Sunday that next week he will open the doors of Calvary Chapel to in-person worship in defiance of an order issued by Gov. Janet Mills to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Ken Graves also said during a drive-in worship service in the church parking lot that the evangelical congregation would be the lead plaintiff in a federal lawsuit — expected to be filed by the end of the week — challenging the constitutionality of Mills’ executive order that has shuttered houses of worship throughout Maine and limited gatherings to 10 people.

Orrington church plans to defy governor, hold in-person worship next Sunday

Closing Comments

Folks don’t expect your pastor to come to the same conclusion that I have about this interference of the State in the affairs of the Church. Somehow, my pastor is ok with the closure and plans to stay shutdown until he is given permission to open his doors again. He thinks that the Covid-19 scare will result in a revival of people in his community. Based on what I don’t know. His congregation is as frightened as your average MSNBC viewer. Since the Church is not radiating salt and light in this situation but willing to hide it under a bushel basket until told to do otherwise by the civil magistrate, I don’t see that happening.

The good news in this shutdown is not coming from people of faith but people in dire financial straights that are starting to push back by opening their businesses without permission, something that churches that shutdown should consider too.