Why Trump is Wrong and Makes Me Mad

Yep, I’m really going after the Orange Man. I don’t care that he says, or rather said, mean things on Twitter or called Senator Karen, “Pocahontas” during the 2016 campaign. But when he doubles down on stupid, then I must strongly dissent.

In a recent interview with Candace Owens, Trump spewed some zingers that deserve response; even if its just to call a spade, a spade. Oh, sorry is that racist? Anyway, here’s the Orange Man shooting himself in the foot (or slightly higher) with his base.

However, he quickly turned his attention to the shots themselves, defending their rapid development and deployment as “one of the greatest achievements of mankind.” He said the country would have suffered a similar fate to what was seen during the 1917 Spanish Flu epidemic, which he said killed approximately 100 million people and “ended the First World War.”

“There were no vaccines, there were no anything,” he added.

The president continued to boast about the timeframe in which the shots were developed, saying he “came up with three vaccines [Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Pfizer], all are very, very good. I came up with three of them in less than nine months; it was supposed to take 5–12 years.”

Trump doubles down on COVID shots, tells Candace Owens they’re ‘one of the greatest achievements of mankind’

“No,” replied Trump, “the vaccines work but some people aren’t taking them. The ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine, but it’s still their choice.”

Although recognizing that “the mandates are killing our economy” and that “people can’t go to work … because of the mandate,” Trump refused to criticize the shots, instead opting to encourage uptake.

“I’m a big fan of the vaccine. I’m not going to give that up. Millions and millions of lives I’ve saved.”

Folks, Trump got scammed by the Swamp Monsters (Fauci, et al.). He would be better served to saying that he got scammed by trusting “the experts” but his pride is too great.

Comparing Covid to the Spanish Flu is like some drunk idiot claiming equivalence between John Kerry’s war injuries in Vietnam and Truman dropping “The Bomb” on Japan in 1945. Clearly there is no equivalence and just the thought that there could be is stupendously dumb.

Fact is that the ones with the jab are just as likely or more to be infected with Covid variants. Per an article that I saw earlier this week, those with the Covid booster are more likely to get Omicron.

In Israel, where most of the population has received a booster shot, 54 of 67 omicron cases, 80%, were people who had received three COVID-19 shots.

Majority of Omicron cases in the US are in ‘fully vaccinated’ Americans: CDC data

If the vaccine is so great, why have more people died of Covid under Biden than Trump? (This is despite Biden changing the definition of a Covid death to a more restrictive standard.)

The federal government considers more than 202 million Americans (almost 61% of the eligible) to be “fully vaccinated” (a moving target given the vaccines’ temporary nature), yet data from Johns Hopkins University reported in October shows that more Americans died of COVID-19 by that point in 2021 (353,000) than in all of 2020 (352,000).

Trump doubles down on COVID shots, tells Candace Owens they’re ‘one of the greatest achievements of mankind’

The main difference between the two is that Trump did allow more treatment options than Biden; that much we know is true because Biden stopped any treatments for Covid that weren’t approved by Big Pharma and/or Beltway bureaucrats even when they were found to be effective against Covid. Trump does say that he would not make the shot mandatory. A position Biden once agreed with … until he took over the White House and ownership of the Warp Speed cure developed by his predecessor.

Trump is a better guy on a bad day than Biden ever was, even in the 1980’s when Biden ran for President the first time. Back in the 1980’s, Trump spent his time perfecting the art of the deal while Biden was stumbling to figure out the art of the steal. Even without the Internet, Biden couldn’t get away with theft. It took him over 30 years to figure out how to get away with it. The irony is that he was showing signs of dementia before he was finally successful.

I think Trump should not lead with anything Covid related except fully opening the economy and freedom to skip the vax. Meanwhile he needs to see to it that candidates that are loyal to him are elected so instead of Executive Orders, he can put his ideas into law like they should have done when Paul Ryan—Mr. Fox News Network Board—was Speaker of the House.

My advice to Trump is simple, Biden owns Covid now. Do yourself a favor and let him keep it.

Why I refuse to defend my Sister

I got quite a few texts from relatives of mine and friends regarding my blog lighting my sister on fire.  Most were folks asking why I don’t try to help her or be a true brother. 

Here are the reasons why…

First, she has lied to me so much I never know what the truth is.  She borrowed $5k from me once and claimed she needed it to pay rent and buy groceries.  Of course, she never paid me back, silly me, she told my parents it was a gift.  She claimed to have sold several houses, so I enlisted her to help me buy mine…. another major fail, I got the house but remember bumping into my vendor (it was his parent’s house) and the realtor and talking shop off the record after my offer was accepted.  My loan guy also said she was nearly impossible to reach prior to the hour of 1pm.

She was convicted of drug trafficking a felony, and while on probation convicted of DUI causing an accident while driving to the San Diego airport to catch a flight.  Yes, read the last part again, she was going to be boarding an airplane.  In both cases she had to be placed in a restraint, likely signaling she was on more than just booze.  She never did any jail time, and her fines were waived…. she got a free second and third chance.  The bloggers on this site never could have gotten the DUI as we would be partially through our jail time.  Yet time and time again she never realizes her luck.

She is the most entitled human I know. She owns a bulldog mix type dog, yet claims it’s a service dog.  Yeah, she is one of those.  Sign says no dogs?  Well, she will just eat at your patio.  The dog has never been trained, but who would expect a child to teach a dog any type of trick?  The best is when she flies home, check this out.  She will leave my folks house 30 minutes prior to departure and call southwest airlines and tell them hold the plane she is stuck in traffic!  Guess what?  They do! 

At every family event she attends she is a tertiary character, offering little during set-up, prep, cook, or clean up but is always the first to start drinking and the last to finish.  Ditto for any extended family type events, she can always be found in the photos red faced and full glass in hand.  She makes fun of other people, but that’s ok, because hey she drinks so she is one of us!  My parents shrug it off because, well, drinking to excess at 34 is cool!  Check out the last 3 weddings celebrated in the extended family, the photos are cringeworthy, literally in all of them she is drinking/drunk.  It is well known throughout the family of her arrests, yet no one cares she is drinking to excess?  Even worse they ply her with more drinks?  At the most recent wedding she was back on her BS, rather than RSVP’ing on time, she waited until 3 days before, and wanted to bring a plus one.  Thankfully for her she gets her way all the time, so request granted.  Hopefully they had enough wine for 5 extra people.

Worse yet is her vice problems.  A few years ago, an aunt of ours was in town with my grandmother.  One night my sister and her stayed up until 3am and polished off 5 bottles of the sacrament.  Leading to a rough hungover lasting until early evening.  For my sister this is a slow day of drinking, for my aunt, it was so much she got violently ill.  Keep in mind at the time my sister was 32, my aunt calls it 60.  This behavior is unacceptable for people of those ages, but no one cares. 

The absolute worst is these folks will make every excuse in the book for her, the coddling is off the charts.  They even feel bad that she is a felon and cannot find work.  The truth is she refuses to work.  I have it bad just like all of you because our tax dollars prop up people like this who refuse to contribute to society.  It is horrific to watch.

The behavior continues to this day, she is unrepentant and is typical of those who live in California.  They make excuses for everything.  Never have they been wrong in their lives, it’s sad to watch, but worse yet are the folks who coddle and cover for.

These are the reasons I do not defend her.  She will mess up again, and next time I fear no amount of money will clean the mess up.

California’s Retribution on Solar Power

California is changing the bargain it made on solar power. Yep, if you want to be cynical, you might believe that the Public Utilities Commission has decided to hit Elon Musk in the pocketbook but they’re really coming for you Barbara.

Ok, so let’s get the chronology correct. California has shutdown every sort of electrical generating capability in the state except wind and solar.

  • Nuclear gone
  • Natural gas gone
  • Coal gone
  • Hydroelectric gone—at least until we either get much more rainfall or ration water to LA.

Meanwhile we have outlawed internal combustion engines, forcing everyone into battery powered cars while outlawing fire fighting pumps and electric generators. Genius move!

California has also mandated that all new construction beginning in 2024 must include solar power.

Now, like Nevada did a few years ago, California has significantly altered the bargain.

At a recent PUC meeting, a taxpayer dared to complain, “I thought we had a bargain.”

To which the PUC chair replied, “I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.”

PUC Chair with victimized citizen

So, what changed? California now has a new revenue stream. Remember that imaginary budget surplus Gavin says we have for the second year? Apparently, he doesn’t either.

Yep, gullible people that think they are saving the planet are about to learn that Communism and fixing imaginary global warming has a cost, one that you get to pay, not Mr. Musk.

Enter the California Public Utilities Commission which has apparently decided it’s time to alter the deal. This new plan called Net Metering 3.0 hasn’t been passed yet but is expected to be voted on next month. If it does pass, the state will start charging new solar installations a fee based on the size of their system. The fee is $8 per month for every kW of generating equipment you have installed on the roof. So if you have an 8kW system, you’ll owe SCE an additional $64 per month or over $700 per year. You don’t get anything for that money, it’s basically just a tax on everyone who installs solar equipment.

In addition, the new plan will reduce the amount the power company pays you for your excess energy from about 25 cents per kilowatt hour (still less than what the power company charges you for a kilowatt hour of power) down to about 6 cents per kWh. And that means there’s no way to break even on your bill anymore unless you also install an expensive battery system to save the excess energy for your own use. Of course the batter costs almost as much as the entire system.

California plans to kill the residential solar industry

The result of Net Metering 3.0 is likely going to be the end of the residential solar industry in California.

We told you several years ago (2016) on this blog that this day was coming. One example is the following: Myth of Solar Energy

If this article makes you angry, you ain’t seem nothin’ yet. Wait until they come after your electric vehicles, complete with the mileage tax; then everyone will get to pay.

How Reversing Roe v Wade Could Backfire

With Texas, Mississippi, and other states enacting Pro-Life legislation and the US Supreme Court seeming to signal the reversal of Roe v Wade—or at least its limitation—many on our side are rejoicing that Roe may soon go; however, I have a bad feeling about such a move. I wish to expand this idea. What follows is in no particular order and I reserve the right to add to my list of reasons later but here goes …

At our nation’s founding, law was based on a Christian understanding of law and morality. Yes, it was not perfect, but faith in Christ and the Bible was in large part the basis of the Western Worldview or Western Civilization. Now however, people have rejected the Bible as authoritative. Without biblical authority, men no longer ask themselves How Should We then Live?

People in our culture have set themselves up as their own gods and decide what’s right or wrong based on their own whims and relativistic thinking. There are no absolutes. How many times have you heard the lie, “You have your truth and I have mine”? Sorry folks but Truth is not negotiable, it is absolute and remains true whether I acknowledge it as so or not.

Facts are a similar type of Truth claim. The “fake news” mantra is not really accurate. Facts—in context—are not negotiable in and of themselves, but their meaning can be interpreted in different ways. Facts are a type of evidence that can be cited as building blocks of a larger truth claim. The causality of various facts is a large part of the “fake news” phenomenon. Ignoring context, relationships (especially cause and effect), and logical conclusions all contribute to the divide in public discourse in our nation and beyond. Without the ability to agree on a set of facts, we have no basis to communicate ideas with each other, thus we talk past each other and not to each other. This inability to communicate is polarizing and prevents dialogue. In part, this a result of not having a shared worldview.

A corollary of the above discussion is what is called the “law of unintended consequences”. We can deliberate whether a particular instance of the law of unintended consequences is actually known or can be reasoned—although that is usually the case—but such can be seen, especially in the areas of government and law. A change is not really the end point but the beginning of a new series of steps that have a logical conclusion that is almost always denied by those implementing the change.

This leads me to the US Supreme Court and abortion. I would like them to end abortion but how they do it is the most important question that nobody seems to be asking. Folks, please hear me on this, how they do it is either going to be a boon to freedom for people in our country or a device to further enslave us.

Roe was written by Associate Justice Harry Blackmun.

Associate Justice Harry Blackmun

This was Blackmun’s first majority opinion for the US Supreme Court. Much of Roe is steeped in quasi-scientific and medical language. Concepts like “trimester” were never a part of arguments for or against the cases that became Roe. Instead, Blackmun inserted the idea of a trimester into the Court’s reasoning. Likewise, “the health of the mother”. Blackmun did not define “health of the mother” but the court did in Doe v Bolton which was released the same day. The practical result of both cases legalized unlimited abortion thru all nine months of pregnancy in all 50 states.

I know that science has advanced much since 1973 but making science the arbiter of law or morality is an insufficient basis to overturn Roe. It sets the precedent that Dr. Fauci or his ilk can decide what is right now or at any time in the future. If science changes then law or morality can change—bad idea.

If Roe is overturned, then in theory, each state has its own abortion law. While this might be a strictly Constitutional arrangement, morally, it is an untenable place for the law. This would put us back into an arrangement where one state was slave owning and another was not. Either human beings have value and deserve legal protection, or they do not. To have both positions and treat them as equally valid is wrong. Such a view is morally and legally untenable.

This brings us to a finding that the Constitution actually has a place for finding a right to life. While I think this is ultimately where the Court should end-up, this view has its own pitfalls as well. If the Constitution contains a right to life, then doesn’t government have a mandate to ensure that life is protected at all costs? Thus, if government decides that we all need Covid shots, universal healthcare, or must prevent global warming then we must do it because the Constitution demands it. Please note that this sets government above the Constitution but at the cost of individual liberty.

If the Court leaves this up to individuals, then aren’t we just codifying the idea that everyone does what is right in their own minds? Isn’t this largely the status quo now, just phrased a different way?

How do you craft a Constitutional interpretation that protects life, ensures individual liberty, and is morally right? In the relativistic times that we live in, how do you do it in a way that cannot be corrupted later?

Dismantling Roe is not enough but what will we put in its place? Simply chipping away at it or undoing it is a wholly insufficient solution. Life is not the ultimate value, God’s Law is. In a culture that refuses to honor God what will people do if the Court finds a way to affirm His teaching?

Esophageal Cancer: When the Grim Reaper Darkens Your Door Part XI

At the beginning of last week, my wife had THE Surgery. The cancer was located about an inch above her stomach. Due to the chemo and radiation, the tumor shrank from 6 cm to 3 cm in height. The surgeon went 8 cm above this point to cut the esophagus. The bottom cut removed the top part of her stomach. The remaining tissue was the sewn together. Thus about 5 ½ inches of her esophagus was removed.

If you’re a fan of Forged in Fire and like the part when Doug Marcaida whacks on ballistic dummies with large swords and then states, “It will kill.” Then you might have some idea of how the incisions on my wife looked when the bandages came off. She had a vertical cut from the middle of her chest to the top of her belly button sealed by 25 fairly evenly placed staples. Not to be out done, under her right armpit she had a diagonal incision sealed by another 20 staples. Total staple count was 45.

Doug Marcaida from Forged in Fire

Prior to beginning the surgery, my wife had an epidural inserted in her back, about even with her shoulder blades. She kept this anesthesia for most of her stay in the hospital. At the conclusion of surgery, she had two drain lines in her chest. One was about ½ inch in diameter and the other was about a 1/8 diameter line. She also was given a catheter. A myriad of IV solutions were given to her thru the tops of her hands. She had a handy dandy port installed about two months ago in hopes that it would be used in the surgery. Sadly, it was ignored for her entire stay in the hospital, and she came home with the bruises on her arms to prove it. She also had a drain tube entering her nose and going into her stomach to keep her stomach empty. Simultaneous with that, oxygen was being given to her via her nose.

Her vitals were monitored via various instruments as well. My wife referred to the whole group of tubes, hoses, wires, and the like as “her spaghetti”.

We arrived at the hospital at 4:45 AM on the day of the surgery. She was prepped and on her way to surgery about 7:30 AM. The surgery was completed about 1 PM. Around 3:30 PM, I caught up with her in the Intensive Care Unit. I got there just in time to hear the following questions asked of my wife:

  • Do you know your name?
  • What is your date of birth?
  • Do you know what has happened to you?
  • Do you know where you are?

After three days in ICU, my wife was moved to a regular room on the floor for surgical recovery. Two days later, the doctor authorized a leak check of her stomach. The following day, she began a liquid diet. This was the first food or water that she had had since the day prior to the surgery. The seventh day of her stay, the large drain tube and her epidural were removed (in that order).

On her eighth day in the hospital, she was authorized to be discharged. About three hours before discharge, the small drain tube was removed. I got to witness this bit of torture as about 10 inches of medical grade aquarium tubing was pulled out of her side.

Mama now has a walker to help her navigate around the house and a special pillow to hug when she coughs–which is often. When properly medicated, she does ok, and the pain is manageable. After walking for a bit, she needs to stop and catch her breath. Her lungs and stomach are still coming to terms learning to share her chest cavity.

If everything goes as scheduled, the next steps are going to happen next week, the pathology report and several doctor visits.

As always, thanks for your prayers and we’ll check in as events unfold.

Dominic Foppoli had a Bad month

It has been a while so we will update the goings on of former Windsor Mayor Democrat Dominic Foppoli, not that anyone cares, but here goes.  Dominic bizarrely declared himself “cleared of all wrongdoing” and decided to run for office in 2022 as mayor.  Yes, some folks maybe delusional, he is just flat out dumb.

Foppoli did not respond to requests for comment. But a source close to Foppoli told KTVU that he is running for his old seat – and that Foppoli says he’s been cleared of any wrongdoing.

Ex-Windsor mayor Dominic Foppoli files paperwork to run again

Fellow enabler Debroa Fudge had this nugget…

Town councilmember Debora Fudge said, “I’ve seen the paperwork and I have no clue what Dominic’s real intentions are because we have not spoken.

Fudge said the fact that Foppoli filed the paperwork without any explanation “is not being able to take the temperature in a room.”

She added, “I can’t see that Dominic would have any support for running for any office in Windsor or anywhere at this point.”

Thank god you weighed in Debora, I was waiting with baited breath to hear from you.  I’m so very sorry Dominic didn’t disclose to you his future plans in advance.  Since you know you’re the benevolent queen of Windsor.  As far as Dominic not being able to take the temperature of the room, he took what he wanted from his victims you douche.  As far as not having support, well Bill Clinton got re-elected, stranger things have happened.

Yes, folks that’s right, he was declared innocent apparently, no press conference by the California AG or the Sonoma County Sheriff.  Sadly, that was wishful thinking.  It got bad for Dominic in November, as the Sheriff raided his home; taking several pieces of electronic media.

The objects taken from Foppoli’s home last Wednesday include two laptops, three iPads, a cellphone, a recording device, camera, USB drive and a DVD or CD, according to the filed search warrant, which SFGATE obtained from the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office. The warrant reveals the items were singled out as potential “evidence that tends to show a felony was committed.”

Here’s what authorities seized from former Windsor Mayor Dominic Foppoli’s home

Allow me to explain this one, innocent people, myself included, routinely have our houses raided by the police, its standard operating procedure here…ok, I can’t anymore.

Folks this is really bad news for Dominic, judges don’t just sign off on warrants for police to raid someone’s house.  They do so after being convinced the crime was committed and the evidence seized will result in a forthcoming arrest warrant being issued.  This is because if zero evidence is obtained, the judge has mud all over his face. Also, another person came forward with allegations against Foppoli, the story is behind a paywall so I couldn’t access it. 

Commentary: The USS Foppoli continues to circle the drain, and it won’t be pretty for him nor his supporters.  That is a lot of electronic media that was seized, which tells me quite a bit of video/photo and other evidence exists.  That is gross and disgusting.  Anyone who films themselves, their partner or both having/doing/partaking in sexual acts has major issues.  First of all, the idea of watching someone else having sex is gross, the idea of watching yourself on instant replay is disgusting.  Think of not just you but your partner. However, the truth is Dominic is such a loser he is used to watching other people have sex online, it’s called porn.  Sadly, it leads to bad habits/beliefs etc. being formed i.e., the idea of “rape fantasies” and the like.  You get so used to watching it on movies or YouTube that it becomes real, much like politics, violence, etc. it’s not the real world, it’s quite literally fantasy.  Dominic likely filmed these acts figuring it would exonerate him later…quite the opposite will be occurring.  It may be fun with your group of guy friends, maybe even the occasional female to joke about filming your sex acts, even using it as blackmail…but to normal people it isn’t funny…it’s a crime.

Most of these women who have come forward have brought up some aspect of being filmed/possibly being filmed, never with their consent.  This is likely another crime, similar to a warrantless wiretap, CA is a 2-party state, and if one party didn’t consent it’s a crime.  We believe evidence exists, quite a bit of it.  We also believe an arrest warrant is forthcoming.  We also believe Florida wants to move but California is taking the lead since the majority of the crimes took place here. 

To speak directly to his followers (I know you read this blog, you forwarded it to an attorney who accused us of Libel Per Se) how do you all feel now?  I hope you feel good.  Congrats on defending an alleged rapist, serial sexual harasser. Apparently, you all feel recorded porn/photos/videos etc. are taboo and funny?  I’m sure you feel like Dominic still has done nothing wrong.  I’m sure you believe the videos will clear him; he is a nice man right?  I doubt that will be occurring, actually I hope he does the perp walk Christmas Eve!  Sadly, your leader is vacationing in Italy right now because he knows his freedom is short lived, he is on borrowed time.  The joke is on you…this blog is headquartered several counties away, none of these bloggers have been to Windsor, and you were convinced it was a conspiracy.  You even had a low rent lawyer write a mean comment on the Sabbath no less! 

Now if I can speak to Dominic…not that you would listen but here goes.  I actually feel sorry for you, from some who I spoke with in Santa Rosa you were a dorky, awkward loser in high school at Cardinal Newman.  You were a loner who tried to fit in too hard, you had rich parents, so you compensated that way.  When you struck out with the ladies you aimed younger, and younger, and younger.  This was the start of your undoing.  Your actions at your’s and my Alma Mater say it all, we met a few times, always a mid-twenty-year-old hanging with the freshman and myself.  I know you fancied yourself a ladies’ man, and you had a car and ability to ply us with booze….it made you a disgusting creep.  After the ill-fated night I had with you I was done.  After George W Bush got re-elected, you insisted, I fly with you and several freshman girls to DC to see his Inauguration, I declined.  You called me a loser among other things…and maybe I am. Yes, I passed on a trip where you promised me booze, girls, and other things…congrats you are a better partier then me.  You developed a taste for the grape and had money. You infiltrated groups with no intention of doing good. It was about “getting lucky” and in essence picking out a trophy…it’s sad.  You became a public official and you just got worse.  Dominic read the SF Chronicle Article; the stories are flat our cringe worthy.  Then to find out you filmed these acts is gross, but I guess you analyze your performance and give a breakdown Monday Night Football Style?  That’s about as bad as taking a girl’s underwear as some kind of trophy.  Hope you had your fun, because its curtains for you soon.  I would start Googling countries with no extradition laws, because I don’t think you will be having a good year in 2022.  But the good news is you aren’t a loser!

Thanks for helping our blog here go viral, we average double digit hits per blog, but my stuff on Foppoli generated earth shattering records!  We were contacted by the local paper, and a prominent attorney (one who I would not want to face in court mind you!)  life is good here for us at the blog.

PS The enablers of Dominic had better hope a) I never get elected in this state and b) hope my preferred party never takes power.  Because I will be introducing legislation to change CA rape laws.  First it would be a boomerang back law, so if a case is discovered the statute of limitations would go back 5 years prior for any further crimes, and so on and so on.  This stops creeps like Dominic from running out the clock, or threatening victims.  The second change would be any and all enablers who knew would get charged with rape crimes as well and go on the registry.  This stops the “well I saw a lot of bad things, and wish I said something like his ex-campaign manager told me.  You may not have penetrated or forced yourself into the girl, but if you didn’t stop it, you’re an accomplice.

The Chief

A Thanksgiving unlike any other

Hopefully your Turkey Day weekend was better than mine, actually it wouldn’t be hard beat it.  First of all, my felon, DUI sister is in town and as usual she acts the opposite of a 34-year-old adult.  It started with Turkey Day dinner; she was supposed to drive over from Napa (visiting a friend) at 1:00 to assist with the meal.  She rolled in at 4:00 leaving my folks needing to call me over to work my magic to save it.  We pulled it off, but the felon had her whole bevy of tried-and-true excuses ready; my favorite was her alarm didn’t go off.  Yep, so I guess she slept until 1?  Napa is about 1.5 hours away, but let’s just call it 2, that is working on the assumption she left at 2, likely waking up at 1.  She does not work, and her friend works at a winery, again my working assumption is she had a late-night partying, and well, turned in about 3:00 am.  Again, this is a 34-year-old.  She showed up, made a beeline for the wine, poured a large glass, and disappeared.  She was literally given one job, as it was crunch time in the kitchen, watch the potatoes boiling on the stove, naturally she couldn’t even do that right as the fire alarm was activated by the water evaporating, I saved the potatoes the best I could.

The meal was commenced, and the neighbors liked what was served, if they only knew.  However, the resident alcoholic threw down 2 bottles of wine over the course of the meal, yes, as in 7 glasses.  No one else besides my mother drank.  Again, this is a convicted felon, with a DUI on her record, and no one seemed to care.

The following day was when my folks get their tree, we always cut our own in Apple Hill.  We were given orders to be ready at 8am being as I have a truck, I’m kind of mission critical so I got there at 7:30.  My folks were stirring, but there were no signs of life coming from the other sibling of mine, I was not shocked.  She finally rustled awake at 9:30, and we were on the road at 10:30.  Of course she complained the whole way of being on an empty stomach; of course, this would have been remedied easily by waking up but that’s a tall order for her.  Also, I found out the puppy of hers, some type of bulldog mix, needed to make the trip as well.  The dog clawed my center console, climbed on me while driving, and barked and howled the entire time. I found out the dog hadn’t been fed and/or been allowed to relive itself. Obviously her caretaker fails at life and at having a pet.  But thank god she felt she needed one.  Predictably both members of the heavy drinker caucus had no interest in being on a tree lot for more than about 5 minutes. So, my father and I had to visit the lot we stopped at, as well as the one across the street to make a selection.  No help was given as far as putting it in the truck, but the entirety of the trip back home was spent asking when we could stop for food. So, Bert’s Diner it was.

Bert’s has a sign saying no dogs on premises, and for all people “who have” that’s good enough, but if you are a “have not” you go inside anyway and argue with the frontline employee with no decision-making power at all.  My sister literally told her you have an outdoor covered patio; we will just sit out there.  Mind you we hadn’t ordered yet, and these very folks would be crafting our dishes.  Upon taking over the patio area, she went inside and asked for a bowl of water…. yeah, you cannot make this up.  In case you’re wondering, I am not related to Nancy Pelosi or any descendent of Gavin Newsom. Of course, she ordered 2 glasses of wine…because well why not.  This basically sums up California Irony at its finest, the one with nothing made all the rules and wasn’t taking no for an answer.  Upon conclusion, we made the short drive home. As we pulled into the garage, my mother declared she had to use the restroom thus meaning she wasn’t assisting with the tree, and my sister declared her shoulder hurt.  Just in the issue of fairness she found a bottle of wine during her egress into the house and had a fresh glass poured as my father and I walked in after unloading the tree.

After this episode I went home, as I figured I too would be driven to drink, and I gave that stuff up.  I took Saturday off too, I guess in California we would call this a mental health break? LOL

Sunday my phone rang right as my Sunday service let out, I had to come over and make my seafood pasta tonight, my sister requested it.  I figured ok, since I didn’t spend Saturday there, and I know my dad needs help decorating the outside and the tree.  I went over early, and we put up the outside lights, and got the tree into the stand, I needed a break again, and went back home.  At 3:00 my phone began “blowing up” as the kids say these days, literally I heard it ring 5 times while I showered, I figured someone died, my sister was in need of bail again, or Trump got reinstated as President. 

Wrong on all counts, mom needed me to relay to her the ingredients for my seafood pasta.  I did, and literally 5 minutes later she called back asking the same question.  I told her I would get the shrimp, and she had the other ingredients.  I came over at 4, and quickly noticed my mother and sister were 9:00 drunk before 5pm, this was going to be wild.  After handing my mother the shrimp, literally 5 minutes later I was asked where the shrimp was and why I didn’t bring it over.  Yes, I had to walk a 68-year-old woman over the fridge and point to the bag of said shrimp, only to be told I didn’t buy enough.  Yep, that kinda night.  She told me help dad put the ornaments on the tree, and subsequently told us which ones to put where. 

Making matters worse, my sister decided she was going to do invoicing for her “job;” kind of odd at 5pm on a Sunday, and with wine out.  But such is life in this family, the black sheep can tell any tale and the gullible believe it.  After about an hour of this I figured dinner prep needed to start, of course my mother decided to start the pot of boiling water, long before needed (we make fresh pasta) and I needed to shell the shrimp and cut the sausage.  But when you’re hammered, all you care about is a minor contribution.  I offered my dad the role of Sous Chef because I could tell he needed to get the hell out of there, as being the lone sober one is never fun.  He joined me and we “processed” the shrimp and sausage, I had the pasta maker going, and all could be salvaged.  My mom ventured in wondering where she left her wine glass, as is typical for her. Fortunately, they have a house stocked with them, and it’s never hard to find a bottle of wine.  With the pasta extruding my dad said we should put another cup of water into the tree, so my mother walks over, grabs the bottle of water I have and puts it in the tree, yeah you read that right.  No way she had a few too many.

I walk back into the kitchen and witness my mom popping half cooked chicken sausage into her mouth as if it was popcorn at the movie theatre.  I ushered her out, and we got the meal in the pan.  She wants to cook the pasta, so about every 5 minutes she called out the pasta goes into the boiling pot of water.  She is now on wine glass numero 3 since the other 2 walked off on her (no comment on the actual amount of wine consumed).  When it came time to add the pasta, she declared we didn’t have enough water, so she grabbed my now cup of water, and tossed that into the pot.  Yep, I guess we are in a sharing household even as far as germs are concerned.  When it came time to deglaze the pan of seafood and veggies, she insisted on dumping in the remaining half bottle of white wine…. I can envision Gordon Ramsey’s head literally exploding, but this is what a drunk does.  Prior to putting the pasta into a bowl, my mother decided it needed more herbs, so she dumped in an entire bottle of McCormick perfect pinch Basil, and another of Italian Seasoning. 

After saying grace, she and the felon needed to “re-top” their wine glasses, and the meal commenced.  My sister decided it wasn’t flavorful enough, so she added red pepper flakes to the bowl, and hot sauce.  This is perfectly rational behavior, right?  During the meal my mother picked at her dish asking repeatedly where the shrimp were, and whispered to my sister “where is the dog?”  The felon kept adding hot sauce to her meal and needed my help locating the bottle of wine on the table…literally directly in front of her.  What an enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend I had.

The following day I called both out for their behavior, and my mother claimed not to have a drinking problem, and my sister pulled her usual BS and started crying, saying her ex-bf hit her, and has threatened her recently.  Not trying to be a jerk, but I don’t buy it.

I’ll end with this, these are classic behaviors out of both my felon sister and my mom.  Neither ever take the blame or responsibility, because it cannot be their fault.  This is classic behavior of addicts, with my mother, it’s too late, this is who she has become in the last 10 years.  She has zero patience when drinking, and literally, like her mother, thinks I am dumb.  I have always been asked numerous times “if I understand” or “did you remember?” They will never understand but that cuts pretty deep.  I always find while cooking over there the burners get turned to “hi” when I’m not looking simply because one of the two addicts is hungry.  Not being able to locate your wine glass is textbook you’ve had too much, but nope, just grab another and let someone else figure it out later.  As for my sister, she has always displayed entitled behavior and never been told “no” before in her life, so she never takes it as a final answer, always looking to go over someone’s head.  She never learned from her felony drug arrest, or DUI causing an accident arrest, so she will never learn.  The fact she still acts the same way is disturbing…. almost as disturbing as my parents turning their heads the other way.  The excessive drinking and staying up until the wee hours of the morning tell me she’s up to even worse after the adults go to bed.  Not getting up until 10am backs up my hypothesis.  She cares about no one but herself, as far as the ex-bf goes, I think she is either a) a liar, or b) they both engaged in excessive partying, and it always got out of hand.  Heads or tails, it’s not a good look.  Frankly her refusal to consider a restraining order tells me all I need to know.
