Omicron—allegedly the 15th letter in the Greek alphabet—is the latest Covid variant being used to oppress the masses. Folks, as Shakespeare once said, this is, “Much ado about nothin’.”
First, there are more documented Covid variants than there are letters in the Greek alphabet. Many (30 +) were known within the first few months of 2020. At the time the question was whether more mutations would occur “in the wild” or just under laboratory conditions. We documented this a year and a half ago on this blog.
A new study in China has found that the novel coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different variations.
The results showed that medical officials have vastly underestimated the overall ability of the virus to mutate, in findings that different strains have affected different parts of the world, leading to potential difficulties in finding an overall cure.
Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains new study finds
Second, although some media outlets can’t seem to use spell check—example to follow shortly—two letters of the Greek alphabet were skipped Nu and Xi. Nu because everything about Covid is Nu—especially when it’s intended to scare the hell out of a willingly ignorant public and Xi because he’s the guy in charge of China and claiming this is the China virus—which it is—is somehow racist or some such insult even if it’s the F***ing truth.
The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed it skipped the Greek letters “nu” and “xi” in naming its new COVID-19 variant, which it dubbed the “omicron” variant.
WHO skips over Greek letters ‘nu’ and ‘xi,’ names new variant ‘omicron’

Third, we knew about a South African variant of Covid in April 2021 and documented it on this blog.
The study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, indicated that the B.1.351 variant of the virus was found eight times more in individuals who were vaccinated—or 5.4 percent against 0.7 percent—against those who were not vaccinated. Clalit Health Services, a top Israeli health-care provider, also helped in the study.
“We found a disproportionately higher rate of the South African variant among people vaccinated with a second dose, compared to the unvaccinated group,” said Adi Stern of Tel Aviv University. “This means that the South African variant is able, to some extent, to break through the vaccine’s protection.”
Covid Mutation is 8 times as likely to infect people that are vaccinated
“Based on patterns in the general population, we would have expected just one case of the South African variant, but we saw eight,” Stern told the Times of Israel. “Obviously, this result didn’t make me happy.” He added, “Even if the South African variant does break through the vaccine’s protection, it has not spread widely through the population.”
Fourth, the media—which can’t spell—is lying to you.
Wait for it…
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — As of Sunday, the new COVID-19 variant, Omnicron, has still not made its way to California. In fact, there are currently no cases in the United States.
Wait for it…
Nevertheless, based on previous varieties, Omicron’s detection in the United States is simply a matter of time.
And the lie…
As long as there are huge populations of unvaccinated people, new varieties will emerge.
And the spelling error is in the title of the news story.
‘We Are Doubling Down On Our Vaccination Efforts,’ Omnicron Variant Not Yet In California
Sorry KOVR but Omnicron is not a letter of the Greek alphabet but a character in either a Pokémon type game, a Sword Art Online villain, or a 2018 B-Movie with zero reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.
Truth is that unnecessary vaccination is the biggest cause of more Covid mutations. I will repeat the quote above, “…variant of the virus was found eight times more in individuals who were vaccinated.” That is settled science and has always been a fact in the study of virology until Covid when real science was trumped with politics.
Further note that only 6 percent of Africa is vaccinated—allegedly—so if half the infected got their shots then once again, those conforming to big pharma are at more risk of infection by actual Covid than those that were not.
So, what are the evil symptoms of this Covid variant?
Three days after petty tyrants all over the world instituted a travel ban on South Africa, we get this single news story echoed again and again in the media:
The South African doctor who first sounded the alarm on the Omicron variant of the coronavirus said that its symptoms are “unusual but mild” in healthy patients — but she’s worried the strain could cause complications in the elderly and unvaccinated.
Dr. Angelique Coetzee, a practicing doctor for 30 years who chairs the South African Medical Association (SAMA), said she believed she had found a new strain of the virus after COVID-19 patients at her private practice in Pretoria exhibited strange symptoms.
“Their symptoms were so different and so mild from those I had treated before,” Coetzee told The Telegraph.
She called South Africa’s vaccine advisory committee on Nov. 18 after a family of four all tested positive for the virus with symptoms that included extreme fatigue.
So far, she’s had two dozen patients who tested positive and showed symptoms of the new variant, mostly young men. About half of the patients were unvaccinated, she said. None of those infected lost their sense of smell or taste.
“It presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two not feeling well,” Coetzee told the paper. “So far, we have detected that those infected do not suffer the loss of taste or smell. They might have a slight cough. There are no prominent symptoms. Of those infected some are currently being treated at home.”
Omicron variant symptoms ‘unusual but mild’, says South African doctor
Please note that the symptoms of Omicron are very mild and last for only a day or two.
Give these mild symptoms, why is everybody hitting the panic button? What in this news story justifies a lockdown of travel to or from Africa?
After much contemplation, I could only come up with this, because half the patients are vaccinated.
Translation, the shot doesn’t work. No big revelation, we’ve been maintaining that all along. The shot is not a vaccine and never was. Vaccines cause permanent immunity, the shots from big pharma don’t.
So, we’ve known about this variant for almost nine months and just as Newsom, Merkel, and other likeminded tyrants might be forced to open society, we get this burst of panic because one doctor is South Africa is able to sound the alarm? No way. The WHO caused the whole world to panic again by a non-story. Folks this is a coordinated and orchestrated event not a random outbreak of a deadly Covid mutation. In fact, as of my writing, no one is claiming that a single person anywhere in the world has died from Omicron; but they might someday so obviously more tyranny is needed to protect the masses.
If you want an exercise on virology for the lay person, spend a few dollars at the Google Play Store and buy Plague Inc. if it’s still available.

This game predated Covid and shows you how difficult it is to create any kind of pathogen that can kill masses of people. This is because there is an inverse relationship between how lethal a disease is and its ability to transfer to enough people to keep it going. Ebola kills hundreds while Covid kills tens of thousands.

Oops, sorry, it’s the Covid “vaccine” that has killed tens of thousands and the actual disease has killed more—although you can’t get an accurate number because Covid deaths are defined differently for Republican and Democrat Presidents. Ironically, this hasn’t really helped Biden since more Covid deaths have occurred in his first ten months in office than Trump’s last ten months even though the threshold of what defines a Covid death was much lower for Trump. But then again, Trump allowed more medical treatments to fight Covid than Biden, whose only answer to their proven effectiveness was to outlaw them and demand everyone get the shot whether already immune or not. Why is it that swamp rats like Biden and Fauci have one size fits all answers for us and a different set of rules for themselves?

Anyway, Covid -19-Omicron, is not even a new variant, it just has a shiny new name now that the governing elites have called it to service to promote more lockdowns and further loss of our liberty. Lockdowns are about controlling people not disease prevention.