Editor’s Note: Due to a vacation, this post fell thru the cracks in my In Basket. Troll was on time, but I muffed the handoff and failed to get it posted when he submitted it.
Well, well, well. It was an unspeakable tragedy but one of those arrested is getting smoked by the Troll. Look at this idiot!
Sacramento police announced a third arrest Tuesday stemming from Sunday’s mass shooting downtown, saying they had taken into custody a man seen carrying a firearm after the incident. Daviyonne Dawson, 31, was arrested late Monday and a gun was recovered, police said, adding that Dawson will be charged as possessing a firearm despite being prohibited from having one. “At this time, Dawson is not charged with crimes directly related to the shootings,” police said. “Based on the type of firearm recovered, detectives do not believe that this gun was used in the shooting. Detectives are continuing to investigate this crime and identify additional suspects.”
From Sacbee.com
Bah Gawd that’s the Troll’s music…. get after him!!!!
First off that’s a crazy way of spelling Davion, like wow. I will say this, that name in the game Scrabble is worth several triple point bonuses! Hat tip to your parents though, your name has more characters than your IQ has points.

Also, boy must that suck, here you are on a Sunday morning hiking around downtown with your AK draped around your neck, and some jacka** is taking photos of you. The NERVE! Here is Daviojetjngmshr or however the hell you spell his name just going for a stroll on the Sabbath, and it ends in his arrest! On the Sabbath no less!
My sources tell me Dawson was out with his gun just keeping watch, he was going to call the police, and do the right thing. He has been quoted saying variations of that during his sentencing hearings of which there have been many. Or maybe did he want to return to jail because he craves the oatmeal? Or wanted to find true love in the bathhouse wing of the jail?
BTW how rude of those gang members to unload all those bullets with you in the area! It’s like when the red-light camera catches you, when someone else was guilty! Dawson was caught on camera with the gun walking near the area. Since when is America a police state? I thought this was America? Where is Ron Paul and Ted Cruz on this issue!
Sacramento Superior Court filings show Dawson has felony cases from 2012, 2014 and 2015, and documents say he was charged in 2014 with the Halloween assault on a man as a member of the Starz street gang.
Dawson subsequently was released from the jail Tuesday after posting $500,000 bail, a law enforcement source said.
I thought we were supposed to be giving young innocent black people money…. not taking it away! This is just another obvious move by the white privileged folks to take money away from a black man!
Hmm normally one would say the third time is a charm…apparently for you, it wasn’t, as your luck hasn’t changed. Also, great name of the gang you joined, Starz street gang…. sounds like a makeup group for trans people. Maybe when you are committed to jail you can join the sparkle cupcakes shower gang?
Regarding the Halloween assault, gotta give my man Dawson some credit dressing up as a gang member, makes you incognito.
He also was charged with being a street gang member who “engaged in a pattern of criminal gang activity and did willfully promote, further and assist in felony criminal conduct by said gang members,” court documents say.
When reached for comment Dawson said he “dindu nuffin” in regard to these alleged crimes … are we inclined to take his word for it? In addition, all that shooting, and Dawson couldn’t even get a shot off? He is destined to be a Sacramento King!
Dawson, I will say this, I am not a very religious person. However, I do feel the need to set aside some time in my life for prayer to thank god that I’m not you. Most folks go to jail to tell a tale about how they got in. Your story basically sucks. Yeah man, was walking by a crime scene, had my gun over my shoulder. Dindu shoot nobody. Then deez dumb azz cops be poundin on my door. They dun arrested me for nuthin man. I din du it! Little advice Davioduensgf or however the heck you spell it, keep the back door closed at all times. Keep your head on a swivel, and if you drop the soap, let it go brother. Stay strong.
PS anyone whose parents spell their kids name like that belong on a government list.