That’s All Folks

For those of you that think the good guys always win and those that follow the rules ultimately prevail, please avoid your televisions, radios, internet, and if there’s any left, newspapers, for the next four years because you might learn that it doesn’t always work that way.

Those of us lamenting the railroad job the Democrats have done to Donald Trump are painfully aware of this too. The truth is, Trump won’t win reelection via litigation no matter how many of us think he deserves to. No amount of evidence will change that reality.

Donald Trump is beyond help, even from Perry Mason

Dear Trump haters, before you start high fiving each other and celebrating Trump’s defeat consider this, would you fare any better if they came for you? Oh, and eventually they will. (More on that idea shortly.)

In the history of the world, there was only one perfect man and we were so grateful for his existence that we crucified him. When the entire world is brought to bear against one man, no one, however deserving we think he is, will survive it. When the end came for both men, their enemies were united in seeing to their destruction and existing rules were no obstacle to achieving that end. While Jesus turned defeat into the destruction of his enemies via his Resurrection, I see no way that Trump will do likewise.

As I lament Trump’s political mugging, here’s a few thoughts I’m contemplating when I think about the Biden Presidency being unleashed on our country. Those that voted for him should heed my words.

Thanks to Saint RGB, the government can take your property away and give it to your neighbor via eminent domain. Oh, and if you think, “no problem because they have to pay me current market value,” are you really that naive? Oh, sorry, you are. I forgot that you voted for this to happen.

What if the government doesn’t like your industry or employer? Why they just outlaw whatever it is or grant an exclusive marketing license to others because somebody donated more to the party of socialism than your boss did. Sorry you lost your job, but…

What if someone calls in to the local party hotline and accuses you of breaking the rules? In a world where people put others down to lift themselves up or deflect attention from themselves toward others, such misfortune may happen. Oh, that’s right, you went to public school and they never taught you the realities of living under totalitarian socialist rule.

If the courts wouldn’t save a sitting President, why do you think you’ll do any better if they come for you?

Everything Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro and the rest of the great 20th century socialist leaders did was largely supported by the judicial and legislative parts of the government. Oh, and these guys are all held in high regard by the current crop of Democrats except the national socialist in the above list, international socialists are, without exception, in vogue with the hip and trendy crowd.

Its true they may come for me first but again your turn is coming. If you don’t believe me just ask your favorite Liberal politician their views on the French Revolution. For many Liberals, the French Revolution was the highest expression of establishing order thru chaos. What do you think BLM and Antifa are trying to do? Burn it down and establish a new order. The French Revolution is the incubator that gave us socialism and its logical offspring, communism.

This period in American history seems very much like the lists of later kings in Israel and Judah. Current ruler (insert name here) did more evil than all those before him.

And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his fathers had done.
2 Kings 23:32

While I think Reagan and Trump were exceptions to this downward spiral, there’s no doubt now that our freefall off the precipice has begun again. Joe Biden looks to be picking up where the worst of President Obama ended. Gravity works whenever tested and Biden will do his best to crush us on the rocks, moral and economic; ironically, in the name of lifting us up. But rest assured, whatever comes after Biden will be worse.

Sleepy Joe has no mandate but one, “Unleash hell!” And he will.

A quick look at Psalms or Proverbs will show you that this phenomenon of evil appearing to triumph has occurred thru human history. Folks, much prayer is needed now for our people and our leaders—evil as they may be. Prayer is also needed that we be protected from the wrath to come.

Sad to say The Chief is Right

Folks, I do believe there was wide scale election fraud in the Presidential race but the reality is that I have never heard of a court overturning an election result. Yes the dead, the illegal, and the infirm voted this year in the biggest numbers since 1960; nevertheless, I see no path where Trump can prevail. The Courts historically are reluctant to interject themselves into purely political controversies and I don’t see that changing in this case.

Look for some state recounts to happen but unless they reveal gross errors, I see no path that Trump can use to prevail. The Chief was right when he said, “Simultaneously, the vote counting centers in Atlanta, Detroit, Madison, and Philadelphia all decided they were not releasing more results that night.” If you look where all the votes came from that have now put Biden over the top, it came from these cities plus possibly one or two more. I will leave you with one more news story that you probably won’t ever find on social media.

Now, a ballot-count watcher is reporting she spoke to witnesses who described the ballot dump as “major fraud on a major scale … that was very well organized,” the Gateway Punditreported.

The monitor said the ballot counters were preparing to shut down when suddenly a white Chrysler 300 van and a Ferrari pulled up with more than 130,000 additional ballots.

Ballot-count watcher claims 130,000 votes dumped for Biden

Folks, such a fraud as described above is bullet-proof because any subsequent count of the ballots will yield the same results. I’ve known of such ballot tampering here in California–on a much smaller scale–but the account cited above, incredible as it may seem, is probably true.

Do you think the election would be this close if the rest of the country knew they were really voting to adopt San Francisco’s California values? Wait until they meet the real President Harris.

Trump’s Goose Got Cooked

By The Chief

Can’t say I was too surprised, but I will, this election feels stolen. While I do believe Trump should concede (more on this later), here is a very interesting exchange that occurred on Fox yesterday during the results coming in. This is in regard to Florida and Arizona. In both states, it showed a close race between both Trump and Biden, so I understood networks holding off on a call one way or the other. Florida which had been counting ballots for about 4 hours at this point stood at 96% counted, only some (very red) parts of the panhandle outstanding. The decision desk kept saying they couldn’t make a call, because Broward County (AKA Palm Beach) was still counting. They even cut to several “live” shots of sunny Broward County albeit at 10 pm local time showing counting still occurring. Broward County is famous for finding several boxes of ballots in a parked vehicle every election cycle that just somehow turn up. Nonetheless, Florida was called for Trump about 15 minutes later, Trump winning by, call it 3.2%.

Let me continue my hypothesis

Donna Brazile had a meltdown on TV exclaiming there was still a path for Biden to win. At the time, she was correct because actually there were several; quite a few actually. Enter the Network decision desk, calling Arizona for Biden with 75% counted, and a Biden lead of roughly 150k votes, with over a million to be counted still. The “desk” defended its call citing polls (the same ones wrong about FL) and internal metrics. Karl Rove asked then how come Texas, and Ohio aren’t called for Trump with the Donald winning by about 8% in each with a threshold over 90% counted. The “desk” said the votes outstanding were from Democrat areas. Rove countered saying he is from Texas and none of the liberal areas had any ballots reporting as not counted yet. More importantly the “desk” was making it sound like Trump’s 600k lead in Texas could disappear….it didn’t, the races were both called about 45 minutes later……

In tandem with the reluctant Florida call, Minnesota and New Hampshire were given to Biden. Yep two states who pundits on both sides thought would be nail biters. My point here is the narrative changed. Florida going red gave Trump all the momentum, Arizona swung it the other way. Polls mattered in FL, OH, and TX, but not in AZ. Once this occurred, again a miracle came through. Simultaneously, the vote counting centers in Atlanta, Detroit, Madison, and Philadelphia all decided they were not releasing more results that night. This was at about it 10 pm CA time. All the while Trump led in NC, GA, PA, MI, and WI, a major wall of states with many combinations to victory. I retired to bed at 11:45 with Trump leading in NC by 80k with 96% of the vote in. GA by 102k with 95% of the vote in, PA with a 700k lead with 67% in, MI with a 102k lead with 90% in, and WI at a 120k lead with 92% in. At 4 am this morning, WI was Biden by 20k. At lunch they had called MI and WI to Biden. GA and NC haven’t moved or reported new numbers, and PA has tightened but the margin is still large. My point again is the narrative has been created that Biden won, and it’s all over. It would feel much different if NC, GA and PA were called for Trump, leaving toss ups in AZ, MI, WI and Alaska.

But alas, its 4 years of Joe? Jill? Kamala? Pelosi?

Folks I made peace this AM that this thing was over. There is no way the media or the elites could allow the Orange Man to have 4 more years. The networks (including Fox) have made it apparent that Biden is their champion and that the supporting results are an insignificant detail. If Trump persists in counting, he has been cast as the spoiler. The only good to come of this will be the entertaining theatre (yeah I said it) involving the Broad Squad, LIZ and Bernie, Kamala and a host of other loons trying to jockey for position, should Depends wearing, dementia having, Joe Biden be declared incapable of leading the country. I say this because, folks, Pelosi wasn’t floating the 25th Amendment to rid us of Trump. It was a test balloon for Biden. If Biden slurs his speech at the Inauguration or the State of the Union, how long ‘til the left pulls the papers on him? What if he forgets where he is, or finds his old desk in the Senate and tries to pass a bill? Most will say it will be Willie Brown’s mistress (Kamala) running the country, but I have a feeling she has some favors others will be calling in as well.

The Chief

Editor’s Note: Two related stories of interest were circulating today of massive vote fraud. One sounds like the mob’s contribution to JFK in 1960 when after a pause in voting, Chicago found just enough votes to edge out Richard Nixon and give the White House to John F Kennedy.

Suddenly 138,000 Michigan Ballots Appear This Morning ALL FOR BIDEN, ZERO FOR TRUMP This story appeared on many websites today (11/04/2020)

If you can’t read this, Trump went unchanged while Biden was given an additional 138,339 votes.

The second story today is that more votes have been cast in Wisconsin than there are registered voters. It happens every election in California and per past discussions with the Sith Lord, it happens in Sacramento County every election cycle. Various precincts in the county have above 125 percent turnout. The Dems just have the good sense to rotate which precincts each election so there’s no obvious pattern.

Even the Big Talker, Rush Limbaugh, gave prominent mentions to both stories today.

By the way, the Trump campaign has now made it official, demanding a recount in Wisconsin because there are more votes that have been counted than there are registered voters in Wisconsin. Also, very odd: Michigan. Michigan found over 100,000 ballots. Yeah. They just came across a hundred thousand ballots, and you know what? Every single one of them has Joe Biden’s name on ’em.

Trump Campaign Demands Wisconsin Recount

Presidential Race Within the Margin of Lawyers

As I write this the morning after the election, several races are yet to be decided due to their closeness. Sadly, the results when I went to bed last night are different this morning. In my opinion, the contest will come down to two states Wisconsin and Michigan. If Biden wins both then its over but if Trump can win one, then he will likely win another four years. Either way, I think that Trump will be the last Republican President in this nation’s history.

Amongst the happiest people today are the establishment Republicans. They hate Trump even more than the Democrats. The biggest losers if Biden wins will be Conservatives and biblical Christians. Sadly, a Biden win is a conscience choice to reject freedom and turn the rest of the country into a San Francisco style socialist utopia like Cuba (there’s a reason Trump won Florida).

Folks, Conservatism of the Christian variety is about to become a costly belief. It may cost you your job, your property, your faith, and your family. If voicing support for Trump could cost you your job when attending a Trump rally and he was President, what will it cost you when Biden, and whoever is really pulling his strings, comes to power.

Over time, look for private schools to be forced to adopt LGBT, offer abortion services or referrals on campus, and a variety of other things against their beliefs or be cutoff from tax exempt and/or nonprofit status, removing credentialing of their degrees, and no government student loans. I predict that almost without exception, that all private and/or religious schools will capitulate their stated beliefs given the choice of God or Mammon.

The First and Second Amendments will be redefined to take away God in the public square and your right to defend yourself and your family. Oh, and if you don’t do and say the right things in public and private, you will be punished. In your home, if you teach your children your beliefs on the sanctity of marriage and other things contrary to the officially stated government positions on such topics, the government may remove your children from your home.

For those of you that think I’m exaggerating, look at Canada where all these things are happening and have been for many years.

Oh, lest you think Fox News will save you by exposing all this and shaping the opinion of the opposition, think again. Folks, Fox News is not what you think it is. It was founded by a guy interested in making money on Conservatism not because he was a Conservative. Heck, Rupert Murdoch was not even an American. He moved to the United States from Australia so he could expand his media empire. He became a citizen for business reasons. Roger Ailes, who put Fox News together for Murdoch, is long gone as is Murdoch. The next generation in the Murdoch family doesn’t care about advancing Conservatives, they just want to make money from them.

Lastly, Fox is no longer a Conservative network. Yep, they have Tucker and Hannity, but the rest of the network is shifting markedly to the Left. Fox is entering the bipartisan phase of their existence. However, in politics, “bipartisan” means agreeing with the Democrats. When that happens, who needs to hear from opposing views because they don’t matter. If you recall, CNN was founded by Ted Turner as the Conservative alternative to the big three (ABC, NBC, CBS) and look at CNN now. Fox will go that direction sooner or later.

Folks, buckle-up because you will be experiencing turbulence for many a year if Joe gets over the finish line.

Joe Biden is a Looser

I’m trying to imagine what my Liberal coworker from Pennsylvania will be feeling tomorrow when he learns from MSNBC that Joe Biden has been rejected by voters in America’s heartland and Donald J Trump will have four more years to be his President. The only meager hope that he has is that Biden might win the popular vote due to voter registration in California and New York—although that’s not a certainty.

Just few weeks ago, pollsters on CNN and MSNBC were claiming that Biden was leading by 13 to 17 points over Trump. It was over. The Orange Man was steamrollered into Orange Juice. Victory was certain.

But about a week ago, things began to shift. No, not in the electorate but in the polling models. Suddenly it was being noticed that Republicans were turning out for absentee and early voting in numbers never seen before.

Trump has been turning out crowds of over thirty thousand several times a day while Biden’s best showing was 350 cars that were socially distanced. In contrast, one car rally in Florida saw over 30 thousand vehicles turn-out to rally for Trump. Yet the Liberal media was calling the race in Florida for Biden! On what planet do they live? Yet reality—like Truth—is a stranger to them.

In the final push for the Presidential contest, Biden and his team—including Obama but curiously zero Clintons—spent most of their time in states he supposedly was comfortably ahead in such as Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc. All states which by the way, Trump was polling as leading in some if not all yesterday.

I thought Joe was ahead in these swing states

The Biden lead was just vaporware, it never existed except in the minds of people that wanted it to be true. The people proclaiming it did so for a few very important reasons. First, because they hate Trump so bad that for them it must be so. Two, to suppress voter turnout in support of the Orange Man. Third, to keep the down-ticket races competitive. If Biden collapses, then so do the Dems chances of keeping control of the House. (Remember what the failure of Jimmy Carter did to the down-ticket races in 1980?) Why just a few days ago, I saw an article where the Democrats were expecting to gain control of the Senate and add five to seven seats in the House. The reality is that Republicans will not only hold the Senate but might pick up one or two seats and while they likely won’t win back the House, they should make some pickups in the lower chamber.

In 24 hours we’ll know if I’m right but I’m very confident that Joe Biden’s life of “public service” is over.

Really Right Editor does the Drive-thru

Thanks to the Governor’s fear of the Covid, most of us covered by collective bargaining contracts and funded by the few essential taxpayers left in the state are being forced to hide at home for four days of every week; however, once per week we are compelled to trek to the office to work in our Dilbert cubicles. This is supposed to be the “new normal;” at least until the election next week is decided.

Anyway, yesterday was my usual day to show-up in person to the office. On the way, part of my routine is to hit the drive-thru at a local fast-food place that is open at 6 AM. Today I pulled up and was greeted by the usual employee on duty at that time of the morning. I like this employee. He knows exactly which condiments that I want without ever having to ask me. Since I only go there once a week, color me impressed.

Today, I really wish that I had filmed the activity that I observed. The employee was equipped with a face mask and plastic or latex gloves. Typical Covid gear these days.

Anyway, he takes my credit card so he can swipe it in their reader. Then he goes to the shelf with pre-measured bags of coffee. He puts a filter in the removable part of the coffee maker, tears open the coffee, pours it, and walks back to the coffee maker. On the way he drops the empty foil pouch that seconds ago had been full of ground coffee beans. With one hand, he picks up the foil wrapper off of the floor and with the other, he inserts the fully loaded coffee assembly into the maker and hits the switch. Several seconds later, he arrives with a bucket labeled ice only and starts to pour it into the ice freezer next to the drive thru window. In order to pour out the ice, he places the fingers of both hands inside of the ice bucket so he can get the right grip angle to pour the ice into the freezer. Next, he arrived at the bagging station with my order. He places my food in the appropriately sized bag, adds napkins and condiments and then walks to the drive thru window. He hands me my food and then returns my credit card with the register receipt.

I then drove away from the drive thru just marveling. It never occurred to this guy to wash his hands at any point in this process. Why should he? After all he’s wearing gloves. Trust me, the next customer will get the same treatment. Working the register and handling the cash and credit cards of a myriad of people, preparing drinks, bagging cooked food, touching the freight, the floor, and the food, no issues here. Oh, I should add that his duty on Friday mornings when not working the drive thru is unloading the supplies from the Sysco truck in the parking lot.

Remember a few months ago when people were worried that Covid could live on surfaces for weeks at a time? Clearly no application in this context.

Folks part of me would like to flame on the guy but his sanitation habits are just as ineffective as wearing a mask and how many idiots are wearing them just as worthlessly?

I have given up on counting the number of people wearing a mask when driving a car; especially, with no passengers. Ditto for people walking their dogs or bike riding by themselves. Heck, I even see people jogging with a mask on. What’s the point?

If the employee is “safe” and all the customers at risk, what sort of corporate policy is wearing a mask and gloves? Truthfully, washing with soap and water is superior to all this other unnecessary and useless stuff. Only people that believe in global warming or socialism would be stupid enough to think that a mask or other symbol of oppression helps anything. The only reason many places require a mask is not based on science but a fear of the tyranny of tort lawyers and activist judges.

I’ll probably go to this fast-food place again. I’m not that worried. I ask God to bless my food before I eat it and I think trusting in His protection and providence is much better than putting my faith in Gavin Newsom’s ego, his random color codes and all that follows from them.

Johnnie Does Sabor A Mexico

Sabor a Mexico is a family owned restaurant that changed ownership from one family to another a few years ago. They offer classic Mexican food such as tacos, burritos, salads, fajitas etc. It’s a small location in a not so easy to access shopping center, here is my review.

Ambiance: This place is not very big. It has a nice old school authentic almost hole in the wall feel. (Considering the original tenant was a New York themed specialty sandwich shop, the remodel to a Mexican themed place was pretty good–Editor) This business has adapted nicely to Covid by having ample outdoor seating which is pet friendly. There is nice artwork on the walls and windows to make you feel in an authentic Mexican food joint. Since reopening under Covid rules, the manger has furnished authentic music for outside diners. You get full service at your table, like a typical sit down place, in addition to a small bar area, and they have a brisk take out business. Small, comfortable, and homey. 4.3/5

Food: Again, typical Mexican fare on full display, tacos, burritos, salads, fajitas, etc. They had ample meat selection including ground beef, shredded beef, chicken, pork, etc. I went with a 2 item lunch special and ordered 2 shredded beef burritos which came with beans and rice on the side. $10. The food was great, not greasy at all, and I felt this was a great bang for the buck. Only gripe is the chips were over salted, but that’s ok, and the salsa was lacking in the heat department, but again that’s ok since I tend to prefer hotter things than most. 4.7/5

Overall: The food was great, the service even better. It is family owned and it appears family does it all at this place. It was refreshing to hear the words “my pleasure, or absolutely” after speaking to the wait staff. It felt like Chic-Fil-A in many ways, like we were welcomed not a bother. The owner was very engaging, and you could tell he is worried about the Covid lockdowns and the toll it will have in the future. Uncertainty is not your friend in the food business right now. 4.9/5 I definitely recommend this place.

Johnnie Does

Blogger note: The order included a $2 upcharge for the burritos I hadn’t encountered before, that being said $14.55 after tip didn’t seem like a bad price, certainly better than $18 plus for a salad and soda at a certain other place.

Harris-Biden Newsom Steinberg Economy on Full Display

Folks, during my lunch hour on Tuesday, I visited a part of Sacramento County that is basically claimed by no one as their own. I had a chicken bowl at Ariana’s upon the recommendation of fellow food blogger Johnnie Does and decided to eat it in the parking lot. Bloggers note: In CA the ‘rona can get you if you dine inside, but if you eat outside it skips over you. I erred on the side of caution, upon finishing my meal, I walked over to a movie theatre called United Artists.

United Artist Cinema

The parking lot was empty, upon closer inspection the place almost looked abandoned. The trash cans had been pulled out, and the box office looked bare. This place obviously had not seen a customer since I would say 3/19 AKA 1 ASD (After Shut Down). The employees are likely sitting at home making more now than they did while working. Worse yet, can anyone name a movie coming out any time soon? I am not even joking here. The photos I am attaching were taken at 1pm on a normal workday. For contrast, this lot would usually be fairly busy as this is one of 2 theatres in the south part of the county.

At my local gym, they have erected large outdoor tents covering almost the length of a half a football field, and in essence moved the gym entirely outside. Ditto for several local diners, additionally most have erected additional outdoor dining tents, equipped with side plastic barriers, and heat lamps. William and I are of the opinion that this is because indoor work outs and dining are subject to change at any moment. In fact, just this past Tuesday, Comrade Newsom made a remark that the Covid cases in our home county were experiencing an uptick. If you own a business, or one that can modify its business model, you must be vigilant, and innovative.

Lest you think I am joking, consider this, after working out Tuesday night, I swung by the Safeway on my way home. 3 employees who used to sell gym memberships or be personal trainers I recognized as now working there. Yes, Cal-Fit may not be a career, but the sales staff and personal trainers typically are there for quite a few years, so there is something. I stopped and chatted with all 3 and they said they were all laid off, memberships are all in cancellation as opposed to people buying, folks are buying home gym equipment such as a Peloton, and finally gym memberships are not a requirement during a pandemic. These 3 had worked at Cal-Fit a combined 12 years, now they are stacking shelves and working the till. No offense to those jobs, but all 3 seemed miserable.

Peloton–(swimsuit model accessory not included)

Fear not though, Harris-Biden will shut the economy and Newsom seems happy to order shutdowns, so your fears of getting Covid should be put at ease. In addition, the government seems eager to hire on more folks here in CA and if you act quickly you can get a job at EDD (unemployment office) here and be rewarded for your incompetence.

Be careful what you vote for,

The Chief

The Pope Wants Homosexuals in the Church

The editorial board was meeting at an undisclosed location when an urgent communication came across the live feed. The Pope of the Roman Catholic Church AKA the world’s richest man, aka social justice warrior, aka #notmypope decided same sex folks in a union (I guess we are still fighting the civil war) would be allowed in the church. Wait for it…. Wait for it……ok we wound him up, that’s Jake the Snake’s music …..time to turn him loose.

Pope Bergoglio

Seriously what Bible does this clown read from….I would say the Gospel of Marx AKA the heretic’s Bible! Literally, this social justice warrior wannabe feels the need to channel his inner Aaron Park spewing his stink all over everyone. Seriously I listened to this “pope” Francis AKA Bergoglio talk about needing to grow the church and that we are all God’s children……..ummm ok. I haven’t seen a constant flow of sewage like this since I drank the water in Mexico.

Maybe “Pope” Bergoglio should visit one of his churches, literally in the vestibule (for all you heathens, that’s the common area when you walk in the front door of the church) there are a couple brochures saying and I quote “Homosexuality is a mortal sin” which means you will not be granted eternal life in heaven. Yet this jackhole says all are welcome? HUH? It’s a mortal sin, but that’s ok?

Perhaps we should discuss the Pope’s handling of a local priest in this area, Fr Jeremy Leatherby. For many decades, the Leatherby family has donated both time and treasure to support the Catholic Church, as well as Prop 8, banning gay “marriage” in this state. Their “family business” something you will know nothing about running by the way, was vandalized in the midst of standing with the Church and its teaching, not a word from you or any of your ilk. Where were you when I heard several sermons about needing to vote for Prop 8 for the sanctity of marriage? And you pay back Fr Leatherby by having Bishop Jaime Soto defrock him? Well thank God we now know what it takes to get a member of clergy defrocked, have sex with a young child is ok, dare step out and not recognize the Pope’s authority for making socialist proclamations in the Name of Christ…..and he’s gone!

In closing, if you get a chance to get up close to this very reclusive Pope maybe ask him; why do you go against God’s teachings about homosexuality? Why do you discuss climate change when it is conveniently not found in any Bible I have read? Are you actually really Catholic? When did you become so out of touch with the Catholic Faith? Does your okaying of homosexuality release the priests who committed this alleged “moral sin” or is that why you have stopped the investigation child sexual abuse every step of the way? Sorry “Pope” but this won’t absolve the sins of those you have covered up for.

Pope Bergoglio you are a jerk! You tell us common folk to do your bidding, in regard to charity, giving, tithing and more, yet you won’t even police your own flock. You are the worst kind of person. Keep focusing on homosexuality you bozo, whilst ignoring the fastest growing segments of Catholicism are; Blacks, Hispanics, and Filipinos. And not to educate you, but those groups are among the most hostile to homosexual “marriage.” So, what is next, abortion is ok, only if you didn’t mean to get pregnant?

Pope Benedict

Maybe do us all a favor, speak to Pope Benedict and ask him, maybe if these are ok? Actually, never mind. Screw it, keep peddling your half truths about poverty, climate change, and homosexual marriage. Too bad you don’t have any time to proclaim the Gospel, I think the world needs that a lot more than another idiot with a collar extolling the virtues of Karl Marx. Even the Pope can’t sever two masters.

Jake the Snake

Editor’s Note: For those doubting Jake’s position on this topic, I wanted to bring up the following passage which states that some in Corinth were homosexual until they believed. Paul makes it clear that you can’t be a believer and an cling to your sin.

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you,
1 Corinthians 6: 9-11a

Aimee Sisson Proves us Really Right again

The haters continue to hate, Aaron Park continues to spew sewage from his mouth and keyboard on a daily basis, but man are we ever right over here! I warned about former Placer County Health Chief Aimee Sisson about a month ago after she left for “greener” pastures in Yolo County. Well she already proved me right.

“On Wednesday, Yolo County issued a health order placing a new restriction on social gatherings that is even more restrictive than the state’s guidance. The new COVID-19 order comes as the county is seeing a rise in cases.

According to the county, the three main causes for the recent rise in cases are “social gatherings, people returning to workplaces and the outbreak at Alderson Convalescent Hospital.” Credit KCRA 3

Folks take a look at that last sentence again, specifically the part about the convalescent hospital. How is this occurring? I thought only folks who were tested daily had access? I have heard the outbreak is about 80 people, yet, Sisson claims it’s from people returning to work and social gatherings? Yes, people returning to work….sigh. We tried to warn you, this “woman” is pure evil and being put in position to lock down that county again. I have heard rumblings they are trying to blame the outbreak on Students at UC Davis, I doubt this as well.

This Sisson is much like Dr. Anthony Fauci, neither have the slightest clue and are just making it up as they go. This is an infectious disease, that is transmitted via similar to the cold/flu, no one knows when/how they get it or how bad it will be. Some will never even show symptoms. I’d love to ask Fauci and Sisson, “Why do you think businesses are the enemy here?” “How much lost wages and tax revenue will come from this?” However, neither of them will care, as they and their cronies have “essential” jobs so they will see no reduction in lifestyle. Their respective employers have the ability to take on massive debt since they are a government authority with taxation powers. All while you or a loved one cannot go to work and have to deal with screaming children wanting to know why they cannot play on the playground or go to a friend’s house.

We tried to warn you, Sisson was in essence fired by Placer County since the Board of Supervisors no longer fell for her BS. As soon as she had her walking papers, she ran to a county who was more friendly to her point of view and willing to let this unelected bureaucrat wield power over people forced at the point of a government sword to obey her every whim. The economic damage this “woman” is capable of is yet to be seen. She literally went more restrictive than Comrade Newsom on Thanksgiving Covid regulations. I would say this “woman” has a screw or two loose, but I don’t think her name and the word screw or screwed belong in the same sentence (Hat Tip Troll for the joke).

The Chief