Urban “Oscar” Meyer is in big Trouble

A “Friend” of this blog, Urban Meyer found himself in a bit of a pickle this past weekend in Ohio.  Urban Meyer, if you can’t recall, is the former University of Florida/Ohio State football coach, and currently employed as coach of the NFL’s Jacksonville Jaguars.  Meyer is a classic example of a true scumbag.  At both college stops, Meyer stepped down from coaching due to “heart issues.”  On the surface most would believe this, coaching is very difficult at the highest levels, and between the practices/workouts/games, and recruiting there is no offseason.  Stress is a big thing. 

However it always seemed his “stress levels” would elevate around the time his teams no longer would be competing for a championship.  Meyer always had a charm to him, and because he coached Tim Tebow he was viewed as a great molder of young men.  This is not correct, Tebow was an outlier, Meyer’s teams always had plethora of players on the police blotter.  Some for heinous crimes, such as gun possession or armed robbery.

Meyer retired from Florida to work for ESPN.  He denied any rumors of him being interested in the Ohio State job, and low and behold, when the season ended, he was named head coach at Ohio State University!  Stunner.  No way would Urban Lie!

After a few years and a championship at Ohio State, once again health issues forced him to “retire for good.”  He was hired at Fox Sports.  Then he took the Jacksonville Jaguars NFL job.  He is being paid around 12 million a year.

Here is where the trouble comes into play.

His team played Thursday 9/30 and lost to the Cincinnati Bengals. After the game, the team customarily flies back to Jacksonville.  Meyer stayed behind, this is unheard of.  Seriously, it never happens.  Meyer had an excuse; he is from the area and wanted to stay out to see his grandchildren and some friends.  Not a crime but a bad look for a first-year coach of an 0-4 team.  However what happened next was a way worse look and a PR nightmare.

A cell phone video came out showing Meyer at a bar/dance club sitting in a chair and receiving what basically amounted to a lap dance from a young co-ed.  I would put the girl around mid to late twenties. 

Meyer is in his fifties.  Meyer said “”They wanted me to come over and take pictures, and I did. They were trying to pull me out on the dance floor, screwing around, and I should have left.”  Wrong answer.  It likely could have worked, but Urban is all about being holier than thou.  A separate video dropped, one of Meyer grabbing said female’s rear end, cupping it, and squeezing it.  He does not appear to push her away or tell her stop.  The grabbing of her behind just further exemplifies Urban plays by different rules than we do.

Editor’s Note: Its worse than The Chief thought because Meyers has “known” the woman since June.

It only took a few days for Twitter to figure out who the young lady is and her name is Cayman Nebraska. She put her IG on private after a 2nd video of her saying someone got a video of Meyer sticking his fingers up her butt.

To make things worse, Twitter dug deeper and found out that the two have seemingly known each other since at least June.

Urban Meyer’s Lap Dance Girl Has Been IDed As Cayman Nebraska And She’s Known Urban For Months

By Tuesday, he seemed a bit more contrite, apologizing to the team’s owner and the players.  Depending on who you read, the plyers do not seem to buy his line of garbage.  (Some players are famous for having a different girl in each city they play in; home and away.)  Urban was out trolling for booty and he most likely got some or got what he wanted.  It appears Mrs. Meyer and the Jaguar’s owner Shad Kahn are none to impressed.  Meyer is likely toast after the season ends.  In reality he should be more worried about his marriage and home life.  I doubt Mrs. Meyer was impressed by the first video, and likely was even more upset after viewing the second; especially after seeing a comment from said co-ed, “I love how someone got a picture of Coach Meyer sticking his fingers up my a**.”  We call that game over folks.  Meyer cannot run now.

Check out some of these quotes from Urban the Liar and others,

“It was stupid, so I explained everything that happened and owned it. Just stupid. I should not have myself in that kind of position,” Meyer continued.

Jaguars owner Shad Khan released a statement on Tuesday saying that Meyer will have to “regain our trust and respect” after the videos surfaced over the weekend.

“I have addressed this matter with Urban,” Khan said in the statement, via NFL.com. “Specifics of our conversation will be held in confidence. What I will say is his conduct last weekend was inexcusable. I appreciate Urban’s remorse, which I believe is sincere. Now, he must regain our trust and respect. That will require a personal commitment from Urban to everyone who supports, represents or plays for our team.”

Khan also called Urbans behavior “inexcusable.”

His players said this, “He even canceled the team meeting. He was too scared,” a player told Silver.

Meyer reportedly “only apologized to position groups individually.” Meyer said the woman in the video was a random person who was “just there dancing.”

“We looked at him like, WTF? Right when he left everyone started dying laughing. And he knew it,” the unnamed player told Silver. “It’s bad. I don’t know how he’s gonna function.”

One Jaguar’s player said the head coach “has zero credibility in that stadium” and “he had very little to begin with,” according to NFL reporter Mike Silver.

This is a tale as old as time, Meyer has always had folks making excuses for him.  The heart issues were a crock of crap, he never likes facing consequences.  Now he has lost the locker room, and his boss.  His wife likely knows by Urban’s actions in the videos that was definitely not his first time.  Actually he looked quite comfortable doing that.  Not even trying to be sly.  Meyer showed the world his a** and now he feels depressed, small and alone.  Look for health reasons to be his reason for moving on.

By the way Meyer was also accused of cutting players from the final roster who were not vaccinated.  He was later kind of exonerated, but knowing Urban I doubt it.

The Chief

PS word to the wise, everyone has a camera phone, even the elderly, be careful out on public.  Marriages, careers, and even lives have been ruined since the invention of these devices.

Some quotes in the post above can be found here Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan: Urban Meyer ‘must regain our trust and respect’ after ‘inexcusable’ conduct or search your favorite web browser for Urban Meyers lap dance..

Let’s Check back in on “Super depressed” Simone Biles Shall we?

It is only right to check in on the depressed every so often because…well we need to make sure they are ok.  So, we wanted to check back in on Simone Biles. 

After doing a thorough check of her social media, we can confirm she was full of human excrement during the Olympics.  Check this out, boy does she ever look bad.

Simone has been busy on her Gold Over America tour, but the gymnastics GOAT just got a much-deserved day off. Naturally, she made good use of her downtime.

Simone shared some pics on Instagram of herself enjoying a little QT. There’s Simone hanging out in a black tank and mini skirt by a palm tree, and Simone posing by a stack of bright towels. “Day off = ur local pool girl,” she joked in the caption. Simone looks amazing in the pics, naturally, and it’s kinda hard to miss the fact that her legs look super toned.

Simone Biles’ Legs Look So Sculpted In A Miniskirt In New Poolside Pics

Yeah, she looks flat out depressed.  In the meantime, I wish we could check in on some of the girls who were left off the Olympic team.  You know the ones who couldn’t make the trip so Biles could do the most American thing ever and grandstand?  However, like the question of how many licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop…the world may never know.

In the meantime, she was interviewed about her Olympic experience.  Specifically, her getting the “twisties”

“Say up until you’re 30 years old, you have your complete eyesight,” she said. “One morning, you wake up, you can’t see shit, but people tell you to go on and do your daily job as if you still have your eyesight. You’d be lost, wouldn’t you? That’s the only thing I can relate it to. I have been doing gymnastics for 18 years. I woke up – lost it. How am I supposed to go on with my day?”

Simone Biles says she never should have made the Olympic team

Yep, no one who is blind ever asks the questions how they will get through their day. What an aloof girl.  The Greatest of all time mind you.  So good at her craft a simple little thing like a mental health cramp shuts her down.  The horror.  Imagine her going through actual trauma like being blind.

She went on….

I should have quit way before Tokyo,” Biles continued, “when Larry Nassar was in the media for two years. It was too much. But I was not going to let him take something I’ve worked for since I was 6 years old. I wasn’t going to let him take that joy away from me. So, I pushed past that for as long as my mind and my body would let me.”

Yes Simone you should have.  What Larry Nassar did to you was terrible.  The FBI screwing it up is par for the course, I do feel bad for you.  But if your head wasn’t right, you never should have made the trip.  It exposed your lie about mental illness.  As I mentioned above, she looks quite depressed doesn’t she?

The Chief

A Bishop Fools ESPN

People get fooled by con artists all the time. It must work or why would so many people be trying to hustle us? Some of the best know Internet cons include: the Nigerian Prince promising you millions after you send 4 installments of several thousand, or your friend that has been robbed in some other country and turns to you to wire them money, or the person threatening to send your internet search history to your wife.  The cons exist everywhere and prey on those unsuspecting. Corporations sometime get fooled as well; it happens, although no one gets fooled like ESPN did a week ago.

Check this story out.

ESPN a Disney subsidiary has been televising high school football games on Friday/Saturday and Sundays for several years now.  These games highlight matchups of high school powerhouses traveling across state lines to play one another.  In addition, they showcase junior and senior athletes that are some of the most sought after prospects by colleges across the country.  These games are very popular as college recruiting has taken off in the last seven years.  These games attract quite a few eye balls, and the matchups are intriguing.  Also there isn’t much else to watch during this period on ESPN so it fills a time slot.

Now the con job comes into play.

One of the matchups featured Florida powerhouse IMG Academy vs Bishop Sycamore a school out of Ohio.  The game was played and IMG won 58-0.  IMG Academy is a school boasting between 15-20 players who will play high level Division 1 football upon graduating, including 7 in the top 100 of ESPN’s own ranking database as seniors.  Bishop Sycamore claimed to have several Division 1 caliber athletes….emphasis on claimed.  In the 3rd quarter with the game out of hand, the commentators wondered aloud why this game was being played and at one point even called into question player safety.  Yes the game was that lopsided.  Here is a quote from ESPN about this… Paragon who is referenced apparently is a broker in finding these matchups to be aired.

“We regret that this happened and have discussed it with Paragon, which secured the matchup and handles the majority of our high school event scheduling. They have ensured us that they will take steps to prevent this kind of situation from happening moving forward.”

So what happened exactly here?  These same 2 squads matched up a year ago.  Another quote regarding the “so called top players on Bishop Sycamore”

“Bishop Sycamore told us they had a number of Division I prospects on their roster, and to be frank, a lot of that, we could not verify,” ESPN’s announcers said during the game “They did not show up in our database, they did not show up in the databases of other recruiting services. … From what we’ve seen so far, this is not a fair fight.”

Well it isn’t hard to discover Bishop Sycamore is a fake school.  First off, the term “Bishop” usually has an association with the catholic church/diocese in the area.  The Columbus area diocese has no record or affiliation with this school.  Ditto for the governing body of high school sports in all of Ohio.  Bishop Sycamore claims they are a charter school but can’t claim a sponsoring entity.  Maybe the following is why.

Chief says this is an actual bishop sycamore or a tree in close proximity to a Catholic Church

Bishop Sycamore is a scam, they are run by 2 men, Roy Johnson who has warrants out for his arrest for passing bad checks, among other things, and Andre Patterson a former Ohio State football player.  Patterson is listed as director, and assistant football coach. (Update: Johnson was fired, now Patterson is in charge.)  Patterson for his part continued the con job by saying the following about the talent on his “team”

“I try to defend when people who say, ‘Oh well, yeah, you lied about kids having Division I offers?’” Peterson said. “Well, I guess the best way for me to fight against that is having you sit down with us on signing day.”

Signing day is the day high school seniors make their decision of where to play in college.  Mr. Patterson is either delusional or has lied to himself so much he actually believes his schtick.  Bishop Sycamore had the wind taken out of its sails by a couple former “players” who said the class room consisted of just a building where we were told we could do classes, emphasis on could.  The classes were allegedly put on by a prep school online.  There was no practice schedule or field. They played in abandoned parking lots (yep) or fields at a local park.  When I tell you “tuition” (I use that term loosely) was $2,000 a year, it may start to come into focus.  This wasn’t a school; it was a glorified travel ball team.  When they traveled to the host team’s site, they would stay in a hotel, several to a room, with fraudulent check writing Roy Johnson “fitting the bill.”  One parent even said he wound up paying for the whole team once, as when he went to check-out, the front desk lady said no one had paid, and the credit card on file was rejected.  My favorite was the team was evicted from its own “team lodging apartment complex.”  The school has no address. It uses a PO Box and the website is too damn funny, it was taken down prior to publishing of this blog.  My favorite part was under each school centric tab, the drop down menu would say coming soon.  Here is the check writing shenanigans…

Canton Police Lt. Dennis Garren confirmed Wednesday that hotel management reported the team stayed at the Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Canton South, 4025 Greentree Ave. SW, on Friday and Saturday, renting 25 rooms.

According to police reports, the hotel reported two invalid checks totaling $3,596. Garren said they were written on an account listed to Education Resources Group of New York, New York.

Bishop Sycamore accused of stiffing Canton hotel, writing invalid checks

To further the con, the members of this team were a who’s-who of undesirable folks, and by saying that I mean no racial bias.  Some of the players were 19 or 20 year olds making this squad a danger to those it played against.  Additionally some had criminal records and would have been found ineligible just like the other “young adults.”  These players were from all over the country and would have been impossible to track on a database.

Bad News Bears coaching staff

Just check out what Coach Tayven Jackson has to say about the school his team “plays for”

Jackson spoke with NBC4 in Columbus, Ohio over the weekend and answered questions about Bishop Sycamore, providing a fairly blunt assessment that actually seems to line up with what most people assumed in the first place.

“We do not offer curriculum,” Jackson told NBC4. “We are not a school. That’s not what Bishop Sycamore is, and I think that’s what the biggest misconception about us was, and that was our fault. Because that was a mistake on paperwork.”

Jackson later refers to Bishop Sycamore as a “post-grad football academy.”

NBC4 notes that when they pressed him on what that mistake was or entailed, Jackson didn’t provide any further information and said he didn’t know much about the paperwork, which was submitted to the Ohio Department of Education before he was hired.

They also pressed him on the fact that the “school” had reported a bell schedule for the prior year, beginning at 7:10 a.m. and going until 3:05 p.m. As for why a school that is not a school would have a bell schedule, Jackson had no answers. Bishop Sycamore head coach: ‘We are not a school’ but a ‘post-grad football academy’

Bishop Sycamore head coach: ‘We are not a school’ but a ‘post-grad football academy’

Stunning.  These schools pop up all over the country, some like IMG and others are legit, and can make your son/daughter into a much better athlete and earn that scholarship.  Others like this Bishop Sycamore are also common, and they are a scam.  This school didn’t even have an away uniform, so when they played IMG both schools were wearing black uniforms.  They even started a gofundme.com page to raise money for their uniforms.   Roy Johnson, Tayven Jackson and others all talk a good game, but it’s a load of crap.  Check out this comment by a former player “lunch and dinner?  Whatever we could steam from Walmart or a convenience store, they didn’t provide us with anything.  What a fecal blizzard this whole thing is.  ESPN is exclusively at fault here, they could have done some due diligence, even a little and it would have turned up this whole thing didn’t pass the smell test.  By the way Sycamore played a game the Friday night prior to the Sunday game against IMG, this is dangerous on a whole nother level.  These folks have zero regard for player safety.  Folks football is glorified gladiator, I played it in High School, there is a reason the games are held once a week, it does a toll on your body.  More crap from this scandal:

Bad News Bears got nothin on these guys

It was revealed that Johnson recruited the students with the prospect of “practicing at Ohio State‘s facilities.” In reality, they held practice outside of an apartment complex that housed students at Ohio State. The team also did not have athletic trainers, which resulted in the athletes playing injured. The apartments housing the students frequently evicted them after Johnson failed to pay rent. Many players already graduated from high school and there “were four or five kids that were 20, 21, [and] had children of their own.”  A number of players had legal issues; at one point so many players had active arrest warrants that the team couldn’t fly to away games. One player actually joined the team immediately after being released from jail. The team also struggled with camaraderie; a former player claimed there were at least five fights at every practice. Heads should be rolling at ESPN but I mean does anyone even have cable anymore?  I found out this story on the website awfulannouncing.com I visit every so often.  I used to think the cable companies were a con job, turns out it’s the cable companies getting conned by a school, who in turn cons you the payor.  Ouch.  Glad ESPN could not be bothered to check the top high school player rankings they literally have on their website…ouch.  Or maybe a Google search to see this school used to be called Christians of Faith Academy, which folded under the same scenario.   Or their story about being affiliated with the third district of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, another lie as the church claimed to have zero affiliation with this group.  An investigation showed money did exchange hands between the two…no shock most churches would take money from Satan himself today.  Roy Johnson also used the church’s name and the school’s name when he was selling life insurance in another scam…. FACEPALM.  there is a lot more out there folks.  But man is this fun to write about.  The worldwide leader in sports scammed by a group of guys who toss a pigskin round on a green belt.  Only thing this story is missing is uncle Jimbo who could thro  ball over them thar mountains, or stories about multiple DUI’s.  

Folks if it sounds too good to be true it likely is.


PS:  The name Bishop Sycamore Centurions I will say is a pretty scary sounding team to play against so I will give them some credit here.  I however do not remember a bishop named after a tree in the Bible but oh well.

For more on Bishop Sycamore click here for the Awful Announcing Archive on this school.

Simone Biles is not the GOAT

Took me a while to write this due to the outrage I have toward vile Biles and her performance at the Olympics this past month.  Folks first of all Simone Bile’s is a gymnast and is very decorated, winning 4 Olympic golds in 2016, along with a bronze.  She has won other various events, but we are only going to discuss the Olympic wins.  Specifically, the 2020 Olympics’ and the nickname she gave herself “The Goat” which means Greatest of All Time.

Bile sporting her trademark goat

Fast forward to 2020 er 2021 due to Covid.  Bile’s who calls herself the GOAT and landed tons of endorsement deals grabbed a silver medal in the team competition, then prior to her events (again she is the best in the world, just ask her) she dropped out, saying it was a mental health crisis.  While we here at reallyright.com respect mental health and the struggles that go along with it, Bile’s story does not add up.

These were her best events so why drop out then, as opposed to earlier?  She claimed to have been suffering from this for a while.  If she was then why not send someone else in her place?  These Olympian folks train for years for this, and most do not get to make the trip as the team size is limited in numbers.  Biles sat out all the events until the balance beam event and she won bronze…congrats?  I say it that way because the media fawned all over her and loved that she was taking a principled stand for mental health.  They proclaimed Biles a role model and someone to be looked up to.  She cost her team and the USA badly.  Good luck explaining that to the media or the cable watching cabal who think she is the greatest of all time.

Bile shows bronze as in win, place, or show

Folks I just want to put someone else in the same scenario and see if you still have sympathy for Ms. Biles. Say someone who actually is the Greatest of All Time, like Tom Brady quit on his team and claimed mental health.  Say 2 minutes left in a game, trailing by 2, and he gets the “twisties.”  For some reason I don’t think the reaction would be anything close to the same.  Quite frankly the major news networks would be trashing him. If you don’t believe me, just tune in after a loss to any news medium.  Brady would stand no chance, since he is a professional athlete.  In the case of Biles, she gets to perform on a big stage once every 4 years, how could a mental health issue stop that? 

Tom Brady one of the greatest

My hot take is this and it will likely land me in hot water with our readers, but I feel Biles never took her training seriously.  Maybe it was Covid, or maybe her mouth wrote checks that her body couldn’t cash, or the endorsements came so easy her head wasn’t prepared, who knows, but it seems genuinely odd to sit out of all your big events sans the last one due to mental health.  She claims to have been a foster kid so I would never question her resolve and will to battle against the odds, but when the lights went on she crumbled?  When she returned stateside one would think she would get some help right? Nope, she decided to hang out at her pool next to her boyfriend who she labels “The hottest pool boy ever.”  Doesn’t sound like a mental health crisis to me, sounds like a made-up fairytale.

My take is this, Biles had no mental health issue, she didn’t take her training seriously.  There was pressure on her to get gold, but she decided not to take it seriously. She knows she has natural talent so why worry? The pressure on her was nothing compared to what a normal professional athlete has to handle.  Also, the Olympics were taking place between 1-3 am USA time so it’s not like there was a huge live audience.  In addition, with viewership down over 50% it’s not like it was the talk at the watercooler the following day.  She then got over her crisis for her last event and placed bronze so the media could put a bow on her fantasyland story.  All this from someone who calls herself the greatest of all time and even wears a goat logo on her apparel. 

Biles fooled everyone and the media fawned all over it.  This was not a fairytale ending. She manufactured this so her performance would not be judged negatively.  A GOAT does not wuss-out and blame mental health.  If you had a crisis, why didn’t you fly back stateside and seek out help?

Ali said he was the greatest and backed it up

Tom Brady and Muhammad Ali were among the greatest in their respective fields and proved it every chance they got; in contrast, Biles concocted a way to save her fiscal/endorsement butt and laughed all the way to the bank without having to back it up. She is best not compared with other world-class gymnasts but folks like P.T. Barnham.

The Chief (with additional commentary from the editor)

Everybody is wrong about Troy Aikman and Jack Buck

Gee whiz, nobody on the right or left seems to understand a good sarcastic comment when they hear it.

Here’s a transcript of the event from the article by World Net Daily.

The remarks came Sunday during the broadcast of the game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Green Bay Packers at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida.

After several U.S. military aircraft flew over the stadium, Aikman, a former Dallas Cowboys quarterback, said: “That’s a lot of jet fuel just to do a little flyover.”

Buck chimed in with, “That’s YOUR hard-earned money and your tax dollars at work.”

“That stuff ain’t happening with the Kamala-Biden ticket, I’ll tell you that right now, partner,” Aikman responded…

NFL legend and network broadcaster mock military flyover at football game

In the past 24 hours I’ve heard all sorts of people from Rush Limbaugh to sports talking heads try to chime in on this brief set of comments heard via a supposedly “open microphone.” Without exception, they all got it wrong. Limbaugh danced around the correct interpretation (almost deliberately so), but he missed it just as badly as Armstrong and Getty did this morning. The sports talk show I heard while at my doctor’s appointment today was off the mark also.

Folks, the understanding is really simple if you understand the context of the remarks.

First, these comments are made at an NFL game. You know, the place where players kneel for the national anthem—a huge sign of disdain and disrespect for our country. NFL games are often not even broadcasting the national anthem and/or players hide in the locker room until it is over before taking the field. The NFL has made it plain to all that it hates America and sports is now political because a vocal few in their midst hate President Trump.

Second, everyone keeps getting thrown off the trail by the money comment. They want to take it literally and when they do, they are off on a rabbit trail to nowhere. Folks the money comment is the context clue that this comment and what is about to transpire is sarcasm. Everybody seems to miss this point.

Aikman “That’s a lot of jet fuel just to do a little flyover.”
Buck “That’s YOUR hard-earned money and your tax dollars at work.”
Aikman delivers the zinger… “That stuff ain’t happening with the Kamala-Biden ticket, I’ll tell you that right now, partner.”

Aikman’s punchline sadly fell on deaf ears.

The point of the exchange is that as much as the Democrats hate America, we won’t see such displays of patriotism under a Harris-Biden Administration. Oh, Harris before Biden is another context clue that this is sarcasm. It’s really a backhanded slam of the Democrats and the NFL because of their lack of patriotism.

Oh, and this wasn’t an open mike mistake, it was only regarded as that because neither guy was talking directly into the microphone.

I’m glad someone in the sports world is taking a shot at professional sports and the political party which has decided that repudiating America and what it stands for is a winning strategy.

Folks, once you realize the comment is sarcasm then you can enjoy it for the spontaneity and humor that it was intended to convey.

ESPN Deems Black Anchor “Not Black Enough”

BY Chief

Disney Corporation sports subsidiary ESPN made headlines again for all the wrong reasons earlier this week. ESPN has a blog on its website called “The Undefeated.” It’s for blacks, by blacks, about race topics etc. Honestly, I do not have a huge issue with it, even though some of the writers like Malcolm Metcalf have an obvious racial bias against white people. It is usually off to the side of the website, and never really made a focal point. However, controversy has been stirred up and it’s a doozy.

The Undefeated was going to air a race focused special called “Time for a change, we won’t be defeated.” The special would feature ESPN personalities, Jay Harris, Michael Eves, Maria Taylor, and Elle Duncan. Suspiciously missing from the list is Sage Steele. I say suspicious because she hosts the flagship show “SportsCenter” during prime time and is one of their more visible hosts. Steele was upset, and understandably so. Here are some snippets from the Wall Street Journal article about her expressing her disappointment.

ESPN anchor Sage Steele has told management she believes she was excluded from a special the network aired on race last month because she wasn’t considered by certain Black colleagues to be an authentic voice for the Black community, a person familiar with the matter said.

Ms. Steele, one of the network’s most prominent on-air personalities, voiced her concerns to ESPN President Jimmy Pitaro in early June, saying the incident showed the network has a divisive work environment, the person said.

Ms. Steele said colleagues told her she was considered for the special by the executive in charge, Michael Fountain, until two of the other on-air personalities involved, Elle Duncan and Michael Eaves, complained, saying Ms. Steele wouldn’t be accepted by what they considered the Black community, according to the person familiar with her account to management.

Sage Steele claims she was excluded from ESPN race special thanks to colleagues complaints

So, let me, as a middle age white man ask, how is someone not an authentic voice for the black community? In addition, how is a black person, Steele as shown in the photo is black, not accepted by her own community? Well Steele answered that question for me, she burns “The Mouse” pretty badly with her response….

Sage Steel–deemed not black enough by ESPN

“I found it sad for all of us that any human being should be allowed to define someone’s ‘Blackness.’ Growing up biracial in America with a Black father and a white mother, I have felt the inequities that many, if not all Black and biracial people have felt—being called a monkey, the ‘n’ word, having ape sounds made as I walked by—words and actions that all of us know sting forever. Most importantly, trying to define who is and isn’t Black enough goes against everything we are fighting for in this country, and only creates more of a divide.”

Well as an outsider looking in, no shock there, you cannot be black in this country unless both parents are black, live in the hood, don’t have a good job, and are on some form of assistance. Actually, I would have enjoyed hearing her perspective, she also has interviewed scores of athletes over the years and I’m sure her rolodex of contacts are huge. Seems like a no brainer to me.

Well the truth is ESPN brass doesn’t like Steele for her political opinions, she has said she doesn’t feel comfortable speaking about BLM, she spoke out against folks not standing for the national anthem, and made waves for tweeting her disappointment about protestors blocking airports due to Trump’s anti-immigration order. While she doesn’t come off as political, if you don’t tow the party line, you are part of the problem.

In that regard, Eves and Duncan are perfect, just like Joe Biden, neither have any beliefs; instead, they just parrot what is put in front of them on the teleprompter. In speaking to a couple of cable watching friends of mine, all of them said Eaves is an empty suit who really has no role at ESPN, and Duncan is pretty much useless. The ratings they draw likely are composed of mostly of drunks who pass out with their TV left on.

My main question is how come Disney gets a pass time and time again? No one is writing about this, only small anecdotes here and there. Which is funny because with today’s cancel culture, how come their founder gets a pass? He was a devoted racist even putting his views in black and white and technicolor! Disney is in deep trouble financially. I am sure their theme parks will finally re-open someday. Meanwhile, they get to host the NBA games later this month.

Sage Steele, if I was you, Fox has a growing sports network called FS1 they could use someone like yourself. Leave the mouse.

The Chief

ESPN Employee Melts Down

By Chief

2020, the year journalism and humanity officially died. The day was July 7th and Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri sent off a letter to NBA commissioner Adam Silver regarding the words that players would be allowed to wear on their jerseys when the league restarts. Basically, the league is allowing only certain sayings on the jerseys–all of which have some tie to the BLM movement. Hawley was simply inquiring as to why a player couldn’t wear a pro law enforcement slogan. Enter complete retard Adrian Wojnarowski. (above photo) “Woj”, as he is known throughout the industry, has very close ties to the NBA. I would call him a shill, but to each is own. Well Woj–who is an employee of ESPN (hired right after the major layoffs a few years back btw)–decided to get behind a keyboard and fire off a rapid response!

Woj via his official company (ESPN) email, fired off a 2-word email to the Senator. F**K You. Yes, you read that right, both the response and the email it came from. This is the height of stupidity and from a grown man to boot.

This isn’t the first time Woj has gone out of his way to stick up for a sport whose players could probably care less about him, the other time was in the NBA preseason. Prior to a game being played in China, Daryl Morey GM of the Houston Rockets, voiced his support for protestors in Hong Kong who were protesting against their communist government. Woj and a ton of NBA players, coaches, and executives hammered Morey for his remarks, how dare he stick up for the persecuted! Long story short, Woj does his best work on his knees worshipping a fellow man’s manhood.

I am calling for his immediate termination for cause! Before you say I am overreacting, remember this same network fired Rush Limbaugh for far lesser violations some time ago. First of all, the violation Woj committed isn’t just using foul language to speak to a fellow public official, he did it on a company email platform. By doing the latter, it means that he spoke as a representative of ESPN. I hope HR is grilling him right now but somehow, I doubt anything will happen to him. Why do I say this you ask? Read more below.

So here is a screen shot of the front page of the espn.com website, notice the headline of the article “Senator: NBA limiting social justice messages.”

It basically attacks Hawley and is very one sided, and then ESPN slipped this little nugget in toward the end of the article:

In response to the senator’s letter, ESPN NBA insider Adrian Wojnarowski replied with a profane email. The senator posted Wojnarowski’s reply on his social media account.

“I was disrespectful and I made a regrettable mistake,” Wojnarowski said in an apology. “I’m sorry for the way I handled myself and I am reaching out immediately to Senator Hawley to apologize directly. I also need to apologize to my ESPN colleagues because I know my actions were unacceptable and should not reflect on any of them.”

ESPN also issued a statement, which said: “This is completely unacceptable behavior and we do not condone it. It is inexcusable for anyone working for ESPN to respond in the way Adrian did to Senator Hawley. We are addressing it directly with Adrian and specifics of those conversations will remain internal.”

There you have it folks, all will remain internal, meaning nothing will be done. Woj will keep his job and continue his worship services same time Monday morning. By the way, why is he apologizing to his colleagues? Most, if not, all likely hold the same viewpoint. Let me just make sure I have this straight; NBA, BLM, and China are all perfect, yet the people of Hong Kong, and police are the problem? How many of us would have been terminated instantly for a similar email being fired off? Truth be told I’m not sure how much longer Disney will keep ESPN around. Their parks are still closed, and there have been 0 in the way of sports happening. Oh, and zero movies released over the last several months. Sadly, folks like Woj will always have a job at places like ESPN, as they are nothing other than mindless lemmings; incapable of thinking for themselves. Seriously who fires off an email like that on a company owned email system?

Maybe what Woj needs is a lesson on hypocrisy. As William has pointed out before China, uses slave labor to mine for the rare metals used to make your electric cars, and production for your new iPhone, yet folks like Woj have an issue with folks supporting our police? Huh?

The Chief

Editor’s Note: The Chief sent this to me for posting several days ago, but due to work and binge-watching Warrior Nun on Netflix over the weekend, I didn’t get around to it promptly.

Oh, Wojnarowski was finally suspended by ESPN for two weeks. Several NBA players, that hate America as much as Colin Kaepernick, have rallied to his defense. Links to related articles appear below:

ESPN suspends NBA reporter Adrian Wojnarowski after profane email to Sen. Hawley: reports

Senator says NBA shouldn’t limit its social messages on jerseys

Josh Hawley invites ESPN CEO to talk China, NBA amid clash with sports reporter

ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski responds to Missouri senator’s email: F–k you

Dumb jocks won’t even move to the Soviet CA

By Chief

As I write from the news desk at reallyright.com this weekend, I came across an article that featured a football player. Of course, I figured he is dumb because well…like Democrats, they say athletes are dumb. “I was tuld so whil in skool.”

Back in the day, I attended Jesuit High School. I know the athlete stereotype first-hand. As a freshman and sophomore (which means “wise fool” in Latin by the way), I was viewed as a great scholar. I played no sports, I was focused on school. As a junior and senior, I played football, (NOT A BIG DEAL) and suddenly I was viewed as a dumb jock. BRAG ALERT, BRAG ALERT!!!!! We went undefeated my junior year, only team to ever do that by the way (AGAIN NOT A BIG DEAL).

Humble brag over for now, let’s share the story. A player on my favorite football team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, also known as the team that completely embarrassed the Oakland/Los Angles/Las Vegas/wherever Raiders, made news this week. Shaq Barrett signed with Tampa in last offseason for 4 million dollars. He had a great year and most folks figured he would go to a true professional team, as Tampa is the worst team in football history. My spies tell me he will be back in Tampa after leading the league in quarterback sacks last year, but in case you were wondering, he won’t be going to Los Angeles.

“If [other teams] offer me more than Tampa, I’m going to look at the places, if they offer me more than Tampa, I’m going to look at what their taxes is compared to Tampa’s. Because I ain’t going to live in L.A. and get taxed crazy,” Shaq said.

“I’m not going to take drastically less but I am open to doing what I think is best for my career, and I think that would be staying in Tampa.”

Shaq Barrett has two reasons for willingness to take discount with Buccaneers
Shaq Barrett–proudly playing for Tampa Bay

Ouch………. Are you listening Gavin Newsom?????

But he’s a dumb jock right????? Just like me in High School as most on the left would say we “don’t cum to play skool.” They could not be more wrong about most of us. We are normal people some just with gifts from God, me being tall and fast. However, it’s funny. My first two years at Jesuit, I barely achieved, and I could care less about school. I had a 2.3 GPA; however, I was viewed as a scholar. I was loved by my teachers, then I became a “dumb jock” and it’s funny my GPA at graduation from Jesuit, regarded as a top institution of higher learning, was 3.75. Funny because when I enrolled I took elementary algebra, and other classes I could care less about, my junior year I took calculus, and took care of business. My point being we aren’t dumb jocks, we prefer you guys thinking we are.

Gavin you have it smoking in California…keep it up. Your state stinks so bad even the Raiders are leaving. It’s ironic actually, your voters are much like fans of the 49ers, Raiders, Rams, and Chargers, they haven’t been relevant in decades.

The Chief

Trump brings a Championship to DC!

By Troll

Folks he promised a lot of winning so much winning you would get tired of all this winning. Well……guess what? The Washington Nationals baseball club won the World Series, defeating the Houston Astros to bring the championship home to ole DC!!!!

Trump made good on his pledge, frankly he brought a championship in hockey in 2018, but that’s a Canadian sport so it doesn’t count. Plus I think NAFTA was ripped up so, I’m sure the liberals won’t count it anyways. Frankly they probably think the Capital are just Capital letters anyways.

President Trump with Stanley Cup winners

Yes, the Nationals, by the way a former Canadian team…the former Montreal Expos won the World Series, and the home crowd booed the Trumpster, he was there for game 5. It is very odd they would do this, especially since Houston most recently had an executive fired for making insensitive comments about a pitcher (Roberto Ozuna) who beat his wife and was subsequently suspended by MLB. The executive was fired and I figured it was a new #metoo movement? I figured everyone would be behind the Nationals, but I guess not. Even those who hate Trump I figured they would unite behind the Nationals, but to no avail.

Pour one out Charles Krauthammer you were a huge Nationals fan and I hope you are smiling in heaven (where you go upon death non-believers) your team won it! You were a believer in the Trumpster and I know your legacy is being carried on by Trump!

The Washington Nationals will visit the White House on Monday to celebrate the franchise’s first-ever World Series title.

The White House made the announcement on its official Twitter account on Friday. The team defeated the Houston Astros in seven games to win the World Series on Wednesday.

Washington Nationals to visit White House on Monday to celebrate World Series title

In many ways this World Series was much like the election…the underdog Nationals (Trump) beat the heavy favorite Astros (Crooked Hillary) badly and the entire country is stunned, even those in our nation’s capital. Oh some in DC doubted him but Trump brought it home, another championship, some said he couldn’t do it…but he did…..I’m tired of all this winning.

We’re Nuts…about the Nats….we’re nuts about the Nats
We’re crazy about the Nationals and nuts about the Nats…..
They are nuts about the Nat’s
Sing it proud
They are crazy about the Nationals and nuts about the Nats!

I will never get sick of winning….go Trump!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope Hicks, I’m on fire come on…….
Look I even wore my best Trump costume on Halloween and no one says “No” to the Troll when he puts on his dancing shoes!!!!!!

The Troll as President Trump–greatest costume ever!!!

Come on Hope…..Date the Troll, much like your old boss, I win at everything!!!!!

Hope Hicks reading another text from The Troll

The Troll

Ultimate Fantasy Football Team

Everyone seems to be playing fantasy football this year so I figured it better try my hand. Every team seems to have a theme like favorite players or something, so the troll had his own ideas. This team is likely to never ever get beat, we will explain later.

First we like to build our team like the Raiders or Cowboys, with no regard to morality. You see choir boys don’t win championships, and there is a direct correlation between arrests and winning! Repeat offenders are welcome, we have zero standards on this squad!

Here is the team:

Raider Troll

QB1 Ben Roethisberger: multiple women have accused him of rape, he was never found guilty.
QB2 Jameis Winston: accused of rape in college, DA, US Atty, and local judge declined charges. Accused of sexual harassment in the NFL, again never charged. With that kind of elusiveness he is a great fit.

Houston Oiler Troll

RB1 Kareem Hunt: Punched 2 women, 1 in college 1 last year in the pros, we was the best RB in the league until he was suspended.
RB2: Joe Mixon: Hit women in college, breaking her jaw. Imagine what kind of pain he can dole out to opposing defenses!
RB3 Adrian Peterson: Beat his kid with a switch putting him in the hospital, sounds like a guy for us!
RB4 Ezekiel Elliot: Look at his record, speaks for itself, I haven’t seen an Ezekiel do that much damage since the Old Testament!
RB5 Le’veon Bell: Got DUI, told cops I didn’t know you could get one from drugs, then in court told the judge he still uses everyday. My kind of guy, strong back, weak mind.

49er Troll

WR1: Josh Gordon: We wrote about him in this space, major drug guy, criminal to boot.
WR2: Tyreek Hill: Beat his girl 2 separate times, then had her lie to the police about it. He knows you need a fall guy this day and age.
WR3 Antonio Brown: A late trade by us, threatened to beat up his teams GM, in addition to a litany of other character “flaws” a late steal.
WR4 Desean Jackson: A major thug, but a needed veteran leader.

Redskin Troll

TE1 Aaron Hernandez: He is still alive, just chilling with Elvis and Tupac. Brings a killer instinct.

Bronco troll

Kicker: Carli Lloyd: Not a criminal but the team said she would be a delight to be around and a definite asset in the locker room.

Armed Chief Troll

This team will beat you on the field, in the parking lot and just to prove a point, beat your girl as well.

Obviously this is a troll blog, but it goes to show the amount of all-stars in the NFL who are very bad people. Let’s see how we do this year!