You are now free to move about the COUNTY

Nope, Southwest Airlines isn’t flying a new daily non-stop between Sac International and Sac Executive airport.  Out of literally nowhere, our Dictator in Chief, Gavin Newsom, has decided Greater Sacramento can exit the stay-at-home order.  This means that as early as tomorrow evening outdoor and certain indoor activities can resume; likely with limited capacity.

First of all, call me skeptical.  A close friend of mine works for the Governor, as in, in his office, and he told me this was not even being discussed as of yesterday (1/11).  The latest update of available ICU beds (the new criteria, after general hospitalizations, death, sickness, and other scare tactics failed to work) was 6.9% as of Friday.  Now they are saying it’s over 19%??? What happened? A purge?  Someone let Dr. Kevorkian loose with his death machine?  Did physician assisted suicide come back to haunt us?  Did California’s dead voters get purged from the hospital rolls?

Per Dept of Health Services, as of Jan 11, the number of positive ICU patients was the highest on record.

You may not remember, but we were expected to come out of the lockdown many weeks if not months from now (its peak flu season) but miraculously the numbers went from 6.5% IUC beds to 19.4% in the space of about 36 hours. (This is supposed to be a rolling 4 week average.)

Per Dept of Health Services, as of Jan 11, Sacramento County ICU beds available thru Jan 11 was the same as Christmas day–83.

Does any of this make sense to anyone?  I guess it’s kind of like how many licks to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop, the world may never know.

Second; what about Sac County taking Covid patients from other neighboring counties?  False.  A few nurses I went to college with who work in the area told me that was a lie.  They never once took/saw a patient from San Joaquin, Yuba-Sutter or Solano.  False!  I was actually told that we always had room at the Inn, problem was, it didn’t fit the narrative.  We had to scare folks, and what better way than saying there are no beds left to scare the bejesus out of people.  Literally a week ago Adventist and Ryde Hospital in Yuba-Sutter was at max capacity and were going to be bussing patients to Sac County…never happened.

Per Dept of Health Services, as of Jan 11, number of Covid positive patients in Sacramento County is at an all time high.

Now the entire region can go back to purple tier restrictions; so, in essence outdoor: church, restaurants, bars, movies, wine tasting, gyms, cardrooms and indoor: haircuts, nail salons, and retail. 

So, what happened?  Well, a couple things, first off Trump is out of office, and who knows, by the publication of this blog post, he may be forcible removed.  Newsom is facing a recall that just broached the 1 million signature mark and counting.  In addition, a couple big donors just threw in some major financial support.  However, I feel the big game changer was tax revenue is way down.   Nothing else explains the madness behind this constant opening and closing.  The dirty little secret is most counties rely on sales tax to float their budgets and payrolls, the property tax is nice, but it only comes twice a year, and look for that to be way down as I fear many have stopped paying mortgages, and with tech companies moving out of state this could get ugly.

This is what happens when a cruel dictator takes over, state run media silences all dissent, the cable folks paint a grim picture, and the 90-day folks get scared.  In the meantime, wear your mask it protects me from you.  Enjoy this while you can, just wait for the next “criteria” to be developed.  I still predict Armageddon like you’ve never seen at some point soon.

The Chief

PS The “other” Cuomo (The NY Governor guv) also backtracked publicly on shutdowns today, adding further credence to our belief that this was all about booting the Orange Man from Office.  SAD!

BTW I know his name is Andrew Cuomo, but I get him and his meathead idiot brother on CNN mixed up all the time.  Two peas same pod, neither could find their way out of a paper bag if they were given directions anyway.

Editor’s Note: Another reason for Gavin’s sudden change of heart is to help Hidin’ Joe Biden start with better economic circumstances than Trump ended with. For your consideration let me remind you that the United States Department of Labor Statistics “reference period is the pay period that includes the 12th day of the monththus any payroll after today (Jan 12th) is owned by Joe Biden. Today is the last reporting day of the Trump Administration. “The employment and wage data provided on the Quarterly Contribution Report and Multiple Worksite Report impact directly or indirectly a large number of important economic statistics, including the Gross Domestic Product and other measures of the labor market and overall economy. The accuracy of these and other economic indicators relies on the accuracy of the pay figures reported by employers.

On Trump, Impeachment 2.0 and the Media

Folks, I keep hearing all these accusations that the President needs to be impeached again, even though he’s done in ten days. I saw that RINO squish, Pat Toomey, a Republican Senator, has piled-on to the idea—likely to get some favorable press from the media.

Anyway, the short version of the article is that we don’t know exactly what Trump did…until Nancy Pelosi and her comrades decide what to accuse him of (guess we have to pass the bill to know what’s really in it) but we are promised that its really bad, just wait and see.

Gee, what happened to the ideas that people are responsible for their own actions? Oh, wait, I found out in the article that such a concept as personal responsibility is a racist, white privilege idea. Don’t believe me, then how else would a so-called journalist come up with this one sentence paragraph?

A violent and largely white mob of Trump supporters overpowered police, broke through security lines and rampaged through the Capitol on Wednesday, forcing lawmakers to scatter as they were putting the final, formal touches on Biden’s victory over Trump in the Electoral College.

Republican Sen. Pat Toomey says President Trump committed ‘impeachable offenses’

Given the above paragraph what conclusion can a reasonable person—if any exist anymore—come to but this, Trump is guilty of everything because enough minorities didn’t storm the Capitol? Afterall, violent mobs of minorities burning business districts, shooting people, and dragging them out of their cars and beating the crap out of them, is not even newsworthy in Seattle, Milwaukee, and other Democrat run cities.

Secondly, Trump got more minority votes in this last election than any other Republican in the history of the country. In fact, that is why so many dead and nonexistent voters had to be manufactured by Democrats to steal the election.

Oh, the article also informs us that this urgent impeachment move can’t even go to the Senate until after Joe Biden is sworn into office.

If the House decided to impeach, the soonest the Senate could begin an impeachment trial under the current calendar would be Jan. 20, Inauguration Day.

Ok, so check out this timeline for January 20th, the Senate never does anything before about 10 AM and the Inauguration begins about noon so that leaves the Senate two hours to hear the charges against Trump, debate the matter, and hold a vote before heading over to be seen on TV while Joe takes the oath of office. Nothing happens that fast in Washington; however, you won’t see a single article on what a waste of time all this talk of impeachment is because its not the right narrative.

DC Resumes Steady-state Conditions

Yep, Washington DC is so done with Donald Trump. The swamp rats can’t wait to show him the exit. Many White House employees are bailing on Trump, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck-you Schumer are debating between another impeachment attempt and exercising the 25th Amendment just to cripple Trump’s ego enough that he won’t run again in 2024.

Link: Pelosi calls for 25th Amendment, impeachment to remove Trump

Link: Facebook bans Trump indefinitely following US Capitol riots

Link: Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao becomes latest Trump administration official to resign

Meanwhile, the Capitol Police chief resigned today. Four kills used to be a job enhancement thing when you notched your revolver, but I guess any show of enforcing the law is taboo in a Democrat run city.

Link: Latest Updates: Capitol Police Chief Resigns Day After Pro-Trump Mob Breached Capitol

Oh, in the margins of the news today, you will find a black Democrat switched to being a Republican yesterday. He was just a state senator in Georgia but nothing to see here so move along.

Link: Georgia Democrat Announces He’s Switching to Republican Party That ‘Is in Desperate Need of Leaders’

The other marginal report is that 60,000 people have been found so far that were simultaneously registered to vote in Nevada and California during the Presidential election, but still big tech and the media claim there is zero evidence of fraud during the election.

“More than 60,000 people are currently registered to vote in both California and Nevada, according to Election Integrity Project California (EIPCa). Thousands were mailed ballots by both states for the November 2020 election and more than 3,500 appear to have voted unlawfully in that election.”

Over 60,000 registered to vote in both California and Nevada

Link: Text of above Lawsuit

Folks, this election pollution has been a long time coming.

I know The Chief recently quoted a song by Paul Shanklin but in this situation another of his parody songs comes to mind. Shanklin’s 2007 parody of Elvis Presley’s Jail House Rock finds Jesse Jackson singing about giving inmates to the right to vote “because its more criminal to be on the right”.

What we viewed as utterly ridiculous just over a decade ago has come to pass. Folks, California voters gave felons the right to vote on the same ballot that saw Hidin’ Joe Biden win with 2/3 of the vote. In this instance, California was trailing other states such as Virginia and Florida. Many states already found ways to restore the franchise to former inmates years ago. In each state where this has been done, several hundred thousand new Democrat voters have been created.

This all started with Bush v Gore in the 2000 presidential election. Ever since that stinging rebuke, Democrats have been working on gaming the table so no Republican will ever win a national election again. In 2016 that is why they were so cocksure that Hillary was winning. When Trump won, it became clear that the voters couldn’t be trusted “to do the right thing” so they decided to remove actual voters from the equation. 

I don’t think stealing the 2020 election was a grand conspiracy but a bunch of individuals and well-funded groups all working for the same goal. You see for Democrats, politics is their religion and power is their goal. The State is their god; from it comes all the blessings and curses. If this paradigm doesn’t make sense to you, read North’s book on Exodus where he contrasts Egypt and power religion versus God and his Covenant.

So, what happens now? Nothing short of total war on Christians, the unborn, and any institution that is associated with American greatness. If you’ve read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, think the last section of the story, The Scouring of the Shire, where the Shire is remade by “Sharkey.”

Somebody asked me last night what I thought was coming and my short answer was that “being a Christian would have a cost.” It may cost you your job, your family, or social standing.

Some folks think I’m overreacting, but am I? Did you ever read what life was like under the Soviet Union? Look at what is happening in New York, Colorado, Canada, and even here in Sacramento, its clear that the thinking of the Elites is modeled on the same ideas. Covid is a dry run for what they will do. Just think of a world where offering a bounty to turn in your neighbor to the government will be the norm. Fear of your neighbor turning you in to the government is greatly responsible for holding the tyranny of the Soviet Union together for 75 years. Of course, after someone “dropped a dime on you” you were visited in the dead of night by the secret police and risked never being seen again. Think the arrest of Trump advisor Roger Stone (2019) or Elian Gonzalez (2001) being the norm.

FBI SWAT Team arresting a five-year-old boy (2001)

Such a system of turning neighbor against neighbor almost became the law here in Sacramento County last month but was defeated—the post is in my stack of stuff to blog on, but it will have to wait a bit longer.

The short version is that we are far enough over the cliff that the effects of gravity are starting to kick in as we accelerate to the rocks below.

Americans are extremists, we won’t go for socialism just part way, we are all in or nothing. The pendulum is heading markedly to the Left…think stuck on stupid… probably for the rest of my life.

Where Have the Conservatives Gone?

By The Chief

No not like the Paul Shanklin parody played when John McCain was trying to say he was a Reagan conservative when running against Barack Obama in 2008.  I’m talking about 2021 in the People’s Republic of California

First some background. The state GOP loves to talk tough with rhetoric such as “the other side are a bunch of weenies”, “government shouldn’t pick winners and losers”, and “Obama Care is nothing but death panels”.  These phrases we all uttered during the Obama’s years in the White House.  Fast forward to 2020.  Governor Newsom orders massive shutdowns; included are churches, indoor dining, theatres, barber shops, and others.  Nary a word from the same folks who told me government shouldn’t pick winners and losers.  Rest assured Newsom kept the liquor stores, weed dispensaries, and big box stores open, under a weird guise of being essential. 

But wait there is more; now that we have a vaccine, a real-life death panel has been formed of current and former medial types (think Fauci, and his ilk) who are deciding who gets the shots and in what order.  A real-life death panel, I say again, and again nary a word from the same folks who screamed about Obama killing grandma.  Glad to see most all political types were given a shot prior to, I don’t know, the folks working in ICU/ER or old folks’ homes!  Teachers will be in the next rotation; however, they have mostly been distance learning.  Students will be following shortly afterward, again the distance learning thing.  No comment on when folks who are old/infirm or those who have COPD/Asthma or other pre-existing conditions that make them high risk will get the shot. 

Just to go a step further, in LA county, ambulances have been advised not to bring patients to the ER if they think they have zero chance at survival.  Again, nothing from the same so-called conservatives who warned about death panels and rationing of care.  I thought that was the major conservative talking point during the Obama years.

The reason for this short form rant is this: those folks never actually believed their own talking points. Remember “Repeal and Replace” and then finding out Republicans never had a plan to replace anything—it was just campaign talking points to stir-up voters. In truth Rahm Emanuel said it best, “never let a good crisis go to waste.”  These same folks, when it was politically expedient, railed against it, now when they find themselves in a predicament, they are strangely silent.  The truth is most of those same folks are scared of this virus and work for government, are retired, or other essential jobs meaning they can live as usual.  However, they wish to see others suffer under the guise of a “deadly pandemic.”  See the 90-Day Guy, its ok to go to an Indian Casino, but the bars better remain closed or else.  Same applies to the vaccine distribution, make sure I am at the front of the line and I will keep quiet, who cares about other people, it’s all about me.

Sadly, the CA GOP wonders why it continues to drift into irrelevance.  The truth is, they lack any sort of leadership and would rather be a voice of loyal opposition.  Conservativism has been dead for a decade plus now, George W. Bush may have declared the era of big government to be over, but in reality, he helped hasten the move toward socialism.  Nice going so called conservatives, funny how when shutting down businesses to slow the spread and letting a death panel play God is only a bad thing when the outcome may not benefit you.



By frequent contributor The Chief

Well Congress went and acted, passed a large bill, without reading it, sending millions in aid to other countries, kept transit running, bailed out some businesses that don’t deserve to be bailed out, and sent you $600.  Yep, some scraps from the table courtesy of Congress.  You should see some of the aid money sent to other countries; countries in the Middle East are featured quite a bit, yep those same countries where we send our young people to die in pointless wars, then pay to “rebuild” and “remodel” their governments after ours….winning proposition huh?  Trivia question, name a country the US has left after a successful military operation there?  I’ll hold the line.

Yet almost every member of Congress–to a man–is nominating themselves for sainthood after approving a package to keep the government running and send out a cool $600 to certain people.  The criteria has yet to be fully released but I would think it’s the same lucky winners from the last go round, regardless or employment status, or if Covid has even had an effect on you.  This is because we have no reliable system, as witnessed by California’s EDD (unemployment benefit distributor) sending out fraudulent checks to inmates etc. and ignoring legitimate claims.  Trust me on this one, Sen Diane Feinstein, yeah the sitting Senator, “applied for and got a weekly check” yeah…… wild.  Not a soul at EDD could catch that one, or Scott Peterson (the one on death row) didn’t get caught either, but for those who actually are eligible, yup many are on their fifth month or more of waiting for the claim to be processed.  SAD!

Back to the $600. What makes me most upset is that’s a very small amount. For me, a single guy, that covers my utilities for about 2 months.  Think about folks 9 months behind on rent, utilities, mortgages, car payments, credit cards, student loans….so on so forth.  Doesn’t inspire much confidence does it?  In truth the $600 will please the 90 Day Guys, since the stocks hit a new record high as of this writing.  And for most, that buys Christmas gifts, especially when you add on the extra $600 per child.  However I see no one making an effort to pay off past due debt, because well, what’s the point?  The government has no answer, and we have always rewarded bad behavior.

In closing, look for the bleeding hearts to come out and demand larger checks, think $2-4,000.  (This has already started) Then look for cries that these checks should be monthly, until we hit a pre-Covid unemployment or economic growth numbers.  These numbers are not likely to be matched for years, so in essence we will have Universal Basic Income.  Ironically its Republicans such as Josh Hawley of Missouri pushing for this.  Stupidly the GOP will fall for this gamut, and we will be the co-authors of UBI.  Good luck taking these payments away once they start.  If you are on the receiving end of these checks….well it’s your money so do as you please, congrats.

BTW $600 when you have shut businesses down for 9 months and counting is pathetic, very Marie Antoinette-like I may add.

The Chief

In the Spirit of Christmas Fox Goes After President Trump Again

Yep, in a story about Rush Limbaugh’s last broadcast of 2020, another Fox reporter inserted his editorial comment into the story to get a dig at the President.

Limbaugh also praised President Trump’s Tuesday night address in which he lambasted the coronavirus relief bill and continued to make baseless claims that he could remain in office beyond January.

Emotional Rush Limbaugh thanks listeners, supporters in final broadcast of 2020 | Fox News

Sorry folks but there is a plan in the works to use the Constitution to dispute the election when Congress meets January 6th to count the votes of the Electoral College. The goal is to let Congress decide. Thus, for the Fox reporter to say, “President Trump … continued to make baseless claims that he could remain in office beyond January” is incorrect and they know it.

Sorry but to call a Constitutional process “baseless” is not the Fox of old when they claimed, “We report, you decide.”

With Republicans like Mitt Romney as office holders, I’d characterize it as a longshot that Trump is victorious in Congress, but it is his right—with Congressional support—to appeal the election to this court of last appeal. Especially with the Supreme Court sitting it out. This move appears to be his only viable play.

Thoughts on Trump and Jumping the Shark

I firmly believe that thousands of fraudulent votes were cast in the Presidential election and wish that Trump could find justice in rectifying this wrong. However, those of us that believe this want someone or something to intervein and set things right. In my opinion, some in this camp have Jumped the Shark in pushing the narrative that there is a remedy that will happen at the last minute.

Below is an example of Jumping the Shark from a group called Stop the Steal. FYI: There was briefly a formal Facebook group by this name until it got too big and then FB killed it. It had over 350,000 members in less than 24 hours and Big Tech didn’t like it. FB claimed that Stop the Steal wouldn’t accept the results of the election and this opposition was inciting violence. In contrast, BLM is regarded by FB as a peace-loving group that never really burned all those businesses in Seattle and Portland—clearly a case of multiple cases of spontaneous combustion in high population areas due to global warming.

Why did President Trump tell his Twitter followers to watch @OANN (One America News Network)?

Because OANN broadcast an Electoral Map showing the real time election results from the seized CIA servers before the numbers were fixed for Biden:

Trump 410, Biden 128

Note: California, Minnesota, and Hawaii all went RED for Trump!


— Stop the Steal
Stop the Steal post via FB Messenger 12/14/2020

Folks, claiming that Trump really won California is so ridiculous that I cringed when I read it. Clearly the guy that wrote this post lives elsewhere or he’d know better. This conclusion is the end of an extensive post on how Dominion voting machines are part of a larger conspiracy of socialists and likeminded folks. If you’ve heard Sidney Powell talk about the subject, it reminded me of what she says when talking with Sean Hannity. Talk about discrediting the whole argument…wow!

What of President Trump?

Let me preface what I’m about to say with a reminder that I love Donald Trump and think he’s the best President that we’ve had since Ronald Reagan, but …

Dear Mr. Trump, unless Mike Pence is really going to reject some electors on January 6 and kick this election to Congress then it’s time to throw in the towel. Clearly the fix is in for you and really for many millions of us. If you expect the masses to rise up and support you, sorry it ain’t happening. I’d love to see it but “an army of one” is a campaign slogan for military recruitment not a formula for transforming a nation.

If you want proof that so-called conservatives don’t have your back, look at the “bitter clingers” that voted for you by the millions. I can just about name every minister in the country that didn’t close their churches when told to do so by the government. Such orders are illegal, immoral, and unconstitutional but almost to a man, everyone complied without resistance (and they still are). Now you expect these folks to fight for you when they won’t even fight for themselves!!

Sorry President Trump but are you still a leader when no one follows?

Kenny Rogers once sung the lyrics:

“You’ve got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em, know when to walk away…”

Yeah, they dealt you a hand from under the table, but you appear to be holding a lot of nothing and you’re out of chips.

In the Far East, they have a thing about saving face and living to fight another day, perhaps you need to consider an exit strategy that allows you to do likewise. I would love for you to prevail, but your options are all but gone and it appears nobody has your back. Unless you’ve got an ace up your sleeve, then it’s time to walk away.

If so, see ya in four years.

Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You: $40 billion in uncollected Utility Bills

By frequent correspondent The Chief

While the theatres are still closed, there is a storm a brewing and it will likely premier around January of next year.  I came across an article on Seeking Alpha, (the hard news part not the commentary part) about $40 billion in uncollected utility payments so far during the pandemic.  If that doesn’t shock you, I do not know what will.

Link: Who will pay $40B in COVID-19 debt owed to utility companies?

I am not going to long form blog this like I usually do, but I just want to point out that is a debt that is not repayable.  During the beginning of this two week shutdown to flatten the curve back in March, most governors, if not all, declared utilities cannot disconnect. Thus, folks with past due accounts, because Covid, got free utilities.  Unlike the government, they cannot print money and will have to account for this loss some way or another.

What is the answer?  Sadly, I lost my crystal ball, but my thoughts are the following: the moratorium on this will continue as the optics of turning off heating in the winter for grandma doesn’t look great.  Ditto for low-income families, or renters.  I feel the answer will be blended; to those who faithfully paid their bills (most Republicans and responsible folks), will be told thanks and get nothing and like it.  For those who didn’t pay, it will depend on your local PUC (Public Utility Corp) to decide.  Maybe you make small “catchup” payments, or they wipe out your balance and you get to start over (just like PG&E).  I’m thinking its option 2.  I can see Biden bailing out the “green” utilities, or incentivizing those who phase out coal etc.  This will be the way of pushing the Green New Deal.  I also think the PUC will grant a “Covid recovery fee” to be added to all bills to make those folks current.  Once again, in this country, those who are responsible will get nothing and those who refused to pay (you must remember, the moratorium applied to anyone, not people Covid positive) get bailed out.  This will be the Biden/AOC way to force the Green New Deal on us.

Sadly, I see this same issue playing out in other sectors of the economy as well; how many folks haven’t paid rent due to this?  In addition, how about unpaid mortgages?  That number will dwarf the 80 billion easily.  Credit cards?  Ditto, especially after this year’s Christmas Season.  Buckle up, I do not see a very pretty 2021, you won’t be able to kick this can very far.

The Chief

Fox Dumps on Trump Again

Folks, I will make this brief.

That there was wholesale election fraud is not really the question but what remedy, if any, can be had through the courts? To that end, the State of Texas has brought suit against other states alleging violation of the U.S. Constitution. I wish to comment on a related article posted by Fox News today.

The Texas case, which is unique in that it seeks to take advantage of the Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction for disputes between states, has drawn widespread attention with a large number of parties asking to weigh in as “amici curiae,” Latin for “friends of the court.”

Most notably, 17 red states weighed in favor of Texas while over 20 states and territories backed Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia. And 106 Republican House members backed the Texas suit.

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign, Missouri and five other states have gone as far as to the Supreme Court to let them join the Texas suit as litigants before the court, not just outside parties weighing in.

Texas files reply brief in election suit at SCOTUS, final step before justices issue order in blockbuster case

After the article provides 15 paragraphs of information on the legal filing, then it switches into 12 paragraphs on why trying for a legal remedy is a waste of the Supreme Court’s time. Only legal opinions from people that oppose the lawsuit by Texas are quoted by the authors. No lawyers on Fox’s payroll (Napolitano and Levin) are even mentioned in the article. No, instead they quote a guy that contributes “opinion pieces published in the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Christian Science Monitor, Slate and Politico …” (Carl Tobias) and two Libertarian lawyers that work for a thinktank funded by the anti-Trump Koch Brothers, (Walter Olson and Ilya Shapiro). Oh, the other law guy they quote is not only a Harvard Professor but was a Democrat candidate for President in 2016 (Lawrence Lessig).

What’s conservative about this line-up? Guess “Fair and Balanced” left the building with Roger Ailes.

Then the article ends with this zinger:

Biden won the electoral college 306-232 over Trump.  

The Electoral College hasn’t voted yet, so this is a bald-faced lie. If they said something to the effect that without a legal remedy, it appears that Biden has enough votes to win the Electoral College, then I could accept that but that’s not Fox’s position. These guys are so, full-on Trump haters that I can hardly stand to read their website anymore.

Dr. Beilensen Quits on Sac County

By frequent contributor, The Chief

Imagine being a top health official in a county during a pandemic.  Imagine it being your time to shine.  Imagine that despite being wrong constantly and changing your story almost daily, your employer stuck with you.  Imagine using a racial slur during a Board of Supervisors meeting.  Imagine going on a local newscast that night and using the same term over and over again, whilst trying to convince people you aren’t a racist.  Imagine the pandemic getting far worse, with a potential complete shutdown imminent due to lack of ICU beds in your county.  Imagine the people that you serve needing your guidance and your response is quitting your job and moving across the country.

That is precisely what this idiot did.  The virus has made a bleak situation even more dire here and this jerk decides to quit his job and move back to Baltimore.  Mind you he isn’t moving to open a practice or see patients, or even to apply for a lateral job, he is going to teach at a university.  This is typical of an idiot like Beilensen. Cushy government jobs like his are great and the perks are even better. Typically, he just has to put out a press release about getting a flu shot, or maybe a warning about West Nile Virus each year.  But Beilenson is unable to do that now since there is a major virus outbreak happening under his watch, so he is up and leaving after a whole 2.5 years on the job.  He is the worst kind of person, a true and complete shell of a person.  He shutdown our county and followed our idiot governor’s orders, not speaking up or out on anything, and for good reason; he is a research doctor, not an actual doctor. 

Beilenson’s public troubles began a few weeks ago and culminated with him using a racial slur against “yellow” people during a meeting.  Beilenson then, as a co-worker alleged, drank copious amounts of alcohol and then went on an interview with local newscaster Edie Lambert. In addition to looking disheveled, he also appeared to be slurring his speech and constantly interrupting during the interview.  Beilenson then doubled down on dumb by saying he spoke to a couple Asian groups and they forgave him.  So, I guess if I drop the “N word” a few times, but a couple black folks forgive me all is well?  Doesn’t seem like this is the brightest bulb on the Holiday Tree. 

This week, Beilensen’s idea to fine businesses that violate his Covid rules up to $10,000 a day got shotdown by county supervisors after making national news. Oh, his backup proposal was similarly tabled. Having lost his attempt to go after businesses, he wanted the county to impose similar fines on people getting married or gathering for the holidays.

So, he will be leaving Sacramento an utter embarrassment for a lucrative job to be a professor?  Yikes that is a steep fall from grace.  Reality is, after contacting three additional folks I know in his department, they say he is a Class-A jerk.  He is routinely using racial slurs, much like the soon to be fired Navdeep Gill, again proving this workplace is toxic.  While we have no proof of sexual misconduct, it was interesting in the letter to fire Navdeep, Dr. Beilenson didn’t sign on or speak up.  As I see it, proving he is in on it as well. When the kitchen got a little hot, he ran.  He claims it’s a health emergency in his family, I doubt that to be true.  On that point, all four of my sources agree.  I guess it is better to resign before getting “axed the question.”

Baltimore, beware of this drunken, racist idiot, you have been warned.

The Chief