Markie Ellett’s I Hate Trump Rant on Facebook

Folks, as I have previously stated, Facebook has become a hostile place for Conservatives; especially, of the Christian variety. One refuge from all the turmoil was a group that I belonged to on Facebook. It has tight membership rules and even a list of forbidden topics. The list was designed—in the eyes of the group admins—to foster unity by emphasizing what we agreed on and leave some of our differences at the door.

The general topic of the group is Christian music from the 1960’s and ‘70’s.

Here’s a few choice parts from their document “A MUST_READ For Members”:

02) No personal attacks against members or others will be allowed. Any accusatory or judgmental posturing toward others is forbidden.

09) Additional topics that are not allowed on this list are all subjects revolving around controversial issues which sometimes stir arguments. Experience has shown they can quickly spiral into conversations which are unproductive, judgmental, negative, or destructive. IF IN DOUBT, ERR ON THE SIDE OF MERCY AND REFER TO THE PRIMARY FOCUS OF THIS GROUP

Examples of such topics may include, but are not limited to the following:

a.) Marsha Stevens and her declaration of being Christian and her personal lifestyle

b.) Negativity about Amy Grant’s move to secular music and her divorce

c.) Any arguing over the band U2

d.) Inflammatory discussions on Larry Norman & his family regarding his son and/or film “Fallen Angel”  

e.) Anything that is attacking a political party or celebrity; no political posturing or endorsements allowed

f.) Inflammatory remarks concerning any allegations about Mike Warnke, Ray Boltz, and Jennifer Knapp

While some of the names referenced above may be viewed by our readers as “inside baseball” because you are not familiar with them point e) is rather plain, no politics—attacking or endorsing.

Ok, so who do I go to when the group admin is the one interjecting hate, politics, and quick judgement on members of their group. Please understand that nobody—as far as I can tell-ever violated these terms. As stated elsewhere in the document quoted above, if they did, the admins would delete the post and probably delete the offending member from the group.

Given the above, I was shocked, horrified, and disgusted to read the following from the group’s admin. I am quoting his post in full so I cannot be accused of taking anything out of context. My comments on the post will follow.


I am so saddened to have to say that it has reached a critical point within the group where it is felt that a clear commitment must be made, and publicly stated.

This group is now reviewing members’ profiles and culling from the group any members who support or endorse the hate, cruelty, and demonic injustice promoted by Trumpism.

Trump continues to fan the flames of an evil straight from the pits of Hell. He has easily proven that he desires to be a dictator.

This group has never required a member to profess to be Christian, a subscriber to any particular political ideology, etc… only that they be interested in the Jesus Movement, its history, Jesus Music and its artists from that era.

By welcoming readers of every faith (or no faith at all), it has always been a hope that songs, lyrics, and teachings from the JM era might somehow be used to impact readers and encourage them in a closer walk with Jesus.

Regrettably, experience has displayed to us that most Trump acolytes seem to prefer arguing why their manner of thinking is not evil or unkind at all, rather than earnest consideration of a fellow believer’s exhortations… or confessing to what they have mistakenly allowed themselves to become.

Succinctly… they are most often defiant, and averse to any change. They defend their self-righteousness.

It has been noted, for some time, that Trumpism (and its adherents) seeks to promote only a perversion of the examples and spiritual principles set by our kind, loving Savior Jesus, and His true, sincere disciples.

To be clear: this newly-announced devoir doesn’t apply to those who only may hold conservative views, nor any random degree of right-wing philosophy.

Trumpism is not traditional Republicanism (though, sadly, a substantial amount seem to promote that idea, and embrace it.) Most of us here have lived long enough to sufficiently recognize what the majority of tenets were for the GOP-of-old. To be sure, there was a transitory distinction between the most-popular political ideologies.

Trumpism is something entirely different, though its evil has most certainly taken some sort of root within conservative circles… and, horrifically, sometimes welcomed into certain allegedly “evangelical” realms… or into the arms of some who claim to be servants of Christ.

This cannot possibly be. Trumpism is the demonic antithesis of what Scripture outlines for servants to Jesus. We can only surmise that many of these advocates have sadly lost their way, becoming believers of propaganda designed to dilute clearly-illustrated precepts and doctrine.

We lift them up in fervent prayer. But we are unable to welcome the spread of this insidiousness into our group, even in the indirect way of their membership linking to a personal profile that promotes this evil.

The goal, and intent, of Trumpism is wicked, vile, heinous. It is profane in the eyes of God. It is an abomination… akin to the diabolical attitudes, aims, and actions of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Hugo Chavez, Putin, Bull Connor, Jim Jones, and David Koresh.

It is an affront to true justice. It is an attack on democracy and equality.

It is simply… evil.

There comes a time, in various moments in history, when one is forced to choose between good and evil. There is no place for convenient fence-sitting. There sometimes arrives at our doorsteps a proposal that we find we must not take in, but spew it out… far away from us.

It has arrived. That time, and place, is now.

To save time and energy, please voluntarily remove yourself from this group if you find you cannot stomach these parameters.

I have turned off commenting for this post. Contact me privately, if you wish, to pursue questions and/or concerns.

I wish for you the peace and love of Jesus.

That has always been a primary aim of this group.

Markie Ellett 01-07-2021 Admin for Facebook Group Jesus Music 1969-‘79

What I thought I was getting with this group was an embodiment of the apostle Paul’s words, “For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” I Cor 2: 2

Just for background, over the past 20 years, I have periodically been affiliated with the people that run this group and its former website,; although I doubt that they would remember me. Last time I checked, One-way was still live on the internet but it is not what it once was. At one time, One-Way kept up to date email and/or web locations of the various artists that it followed. It also used to allow downloads of various LP’s and maybe a few CD’s too—all were out of print. Their purpose was promotion of the music, not profit. (the downloads were free.) Anyway, I stumbled across their group on Facebook many years ago and they graciously agreed to let me join.

I know that politically, I would not agree with the views that some music artists believe which are the focus of this group. However, I thought that as long as we could agree on the core principles of the faith, that there was a basis for fellowship. I know that many people that that the group follows are liberal or lean that way but are none-the-less staunchly prolife (I’m thinking here of Phil Keaggy and Randy Stonehill). I like Barry McGuire—yep, the Eve of Destruction guy—but I’m sure we have differences on some secondary issues like politics. I’ve even seen Noel Paul Stookey—yep of Peter, Paul, and Mary fame—in concert before. I have never dissed any of these guys or cared too much about where or why I think they are wrong; I figure that’s God’s job not mine to play Holy Spirit.

But in the post above, I’m the villain because I support President Trump? Go figure. What happened to keeping politics out? What happened to prohibiting “Anything that is attacking a political party or celebrity; no political posturing or endorsements allowed”? What happened to “No personal attacks against members or others will be allowed. Any accusatory or judgmental posturing toward others is forbidden.

But oh, no. We are going to have a witch hunt—less a trial—and eliminate the corrupt infidels from our midst.

This group is now reviewing members’ profiles and culling from the group any members who support or endorse the hate, cruelty, and demonic injustice promoted by Trumpism.

Isn’t this the evil that Liberals always proclaim as McCarthy tactics—except there really were Communist infiltrators in the 1950’s.Now that the Communists are in office we just give them a pass. AOC was calling for something eerily similar to McCarthy hearings just today.

Trump is evil and demonic. OK, let’s look at this.

Trump promotes religious liberty, freedom, and life. Whereas the Obama/Biden crowd wants to kill the unborn thru all nine months of pregnancy, without parental involvement, or providing women with the information to make an informed decision. Oh, and they want to use the power of the sword to extract tax money from you and me to pay for it.

Trump believes in marriage—even if he has trouble staying married. He’s not using the sword of government to force a new definition of marriage onto people and threatening individuals, churches, and schools with punishment for daring to disagree because they believe the Bible—that marriage is between a man and a woman—and not the vain rants of raging humanists. Yep, Trump is really a spawn of hell for that.

Trump opposes the false religion of environmentalism and its globalist policies of expanded government and tyranny.

Trump continues to fan the flames of an evil straight from the pits of Hell.

OK, and all them other guys are saints? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

This next paragraph is a doozy.

Regrettably, experience has displayed to us that most Trump acolytes seem to prefer arguing why their manner of thinking is not evil or unkind at all, rather than earnest consideration of a fellow believer’s exhortations

Please note, Scripture is not the standard to measure men, it’s the author claiming the right to judge men by his judgement. He clearly is in the camp that want to argue feelings (isn’t there a verse about the heart being wicked and deceitful) and not facts.

Markie, what in God’s name are you talking about?

Trump never advocated violence and he is not a dictator. Dude you are watching too much MSNBC or similar crap. Lower your blood pressure, cut the cable.

Another criticism that I have of this screed is that it can be argued that the author is using a classic logical fallacy of the strawman argument. He has erected something, a construct of his own imagination, and then proceeds to dismantle it. Trumpism is a made-up, make believe word. Also, one that he never defines. Apparently like the classic line about pornography, the author feels that I’ll know it when I see it.

Trumpism is something entirely different, though its evil has most certainly taken some sort of root within conservative circles… and, horrifically, sometimes welcomed into certain allegedly “evangelical” realms… or into the arms of some who claim to be servants of Christ.

Folks, now the author claims to know who is saved and who is damned. Again, I thought that was God’s turf, but why leave it to him when you can play Holy Spirit. Oh, and if you disagree with him then poof, he just deletes you from his little group.

This cannot possibly be. Trumpism is the demonic antithesis of what Scripture outlines for servants to Jesus. We can only surmise that many of these advocates have sadly lost their way, becoming believers of propaganda designed to dilute clearly-illustrated precepts and doctrine.

To some degree, Trump supports Biblical values, Biden et al. categorically opposes them. Markie, think of the last election this way, it was a choice between American values (Trump) and San Francisco values (Biden). Trump is not my pastor nor my savior. I think he is best compared to Constantine—a friend of believers but maybe not one of us.

The goal, and intent, of Trumpism is wicked, vile, heinous. It is profane in the eyes of God. It is an abomination… akin to the diabolical attitudes, aims, and actions of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Hugo Chavez, Putin, Bull Connor, Jim Jones, and David Koresh.

OK, Trump believes in liberty, protecting the unborn, and opposes socialism. But somehow Trump is lumped in with a bunch of socialists and heretics? Whiskey Tango?

Don’t believe me? The political leaders in your list, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Hugo Chavez, were all socialists. They just differed as to the means of production and whether they were international socialists or national socialists. Bull Connor was a Democrat. Per Wikipedia, Jim Jones “was a voracious reader who studied Joseph Stalin, Karl Marx, Mao Zedong, Mahatma Gandhi, and Adolf Hitler.” David Koresh (I’m giving Koresh the benefit of doubt) is just a heretic. Markie’s claims about Trump fall flat. The views and beliefs of these men are in opposition to what Trump stands for or believes. Yet another logical fallacy put forth by the author. Again, no truth in the comparison.

There are some liberal buzz words that jump out at me as I read this. See if you agree.

…the hate, cruelty, and demonic injustice

… affront to true justice. It is an attack on democracy and equality.

These words are defined one way in the dictionary—at least the print copy that I own—and yet they seem to be defined differently by the author. To me “the hate cruelty, and demonic injustice” is the way Donald Trump has been treated since he announced his candidacy. The attacks “on democracy and equality” are again the attacks from the media, Big Tech, and the Democrats. In their apparent context, these are all buzzword of the Left.

Donald Trump is not perfect and doesn’t always do what I want, but he stands head and shoulders above the rest of the swamp rats inside the Beltway. He has done more for Christianity, religious liberty, and the unborn than any other living President.

Frankly, both the Democrats and Republicans squandered opportunities to get many things accomplished which would have benefitted and unified the country. In the end, Washington proved that politicians would rather have the issue to fundraise and campaign on than actually fix anything. That is the real takeaway from the Trump Presidency. Mr. Smith goes to Washington has been proven to be a myth as has the old axiom that anybody can be President.

Meanwhile, with two weeks left in the Trump administration, Markie decides its time to come gunning after his fellow believers.

There comes a time, in various moments in history, when one is forced to choose between good and evil. There is no place for convenient fence-sitting. There sometimes arrives at our doorsteps a proposal that we find we must not take in, but spew it out… far away from us.

It has arrived. That time, and place, is now.

Seems to me the time to oppose evil was when Biden was a candidate not after he and his supporters stole the election. Markie, hell and judgement are not coming, they are here now, and the church is about to be battered on the rocks in ways we’ve never seen in this country before. If your church was willing to shut down for Covid, then what makes you think your congregation has the spine to withstand the persecution that is coming? The idea that you are wanting to take a stand now is ridiculous. That ship sailed long ago, and you apparently never noticed. Like him or not, Donald Trump was your last, best hope.

To save time and energy, please voluntarily remove yourself from this group if you find you cannot stomach these parameters.

OK so which is it? Are you really coming to cull me from your Facebook group, or should I just decide you’re an irredeemable idiot and leave on my own?

Oh, lastly, after violating your membership rules by interjecting politics, attacking members personal beliefs, and judgmental posturing you wish me the peace and love of Jesus? You mean like all the love you just displayed to me and the 75 million Americans that proudly voted for Donald J Trump?

You remind me of the line from the Keith Green song,

‘Cause He brings people to you door
And you turn them away
As you smile and say
“God bless you, be at peace”

You are turning your brothers and sisters away because you lack the ability to love them as Jesus does and then say its our fault. That’s really rich. Why? When I’m charitable with you, is that just expected, but you don’t have to reciprocate?

Given the Facebook hostility to my beliefs as a Conservative and a Christian, there was only two reasons for me to stay on Facebook, one was your group and the other is my Navy veterans group. Guess I’ll be cancelling that Facebook account soon.

Johnny Does Here is what Cable does to your Brain

The pandemic started 3/19 in my estimation, going by the original lockdown ordered by the governor.  I will be detailing the thoughts and “changing beliefs” of the 90-Day Guy of whom I work with.  This story is 100% real and will show how cable and too much TV can manipulate and poison your brain.  Take it all in, by the way, in no way am I saying cancel your cable, I’m just pointing out how some folks lose all ability by which to think for themselves. 

Here is the irrationality.

90-Day Guy after watching over nine months of wall-to-wall COVID-19 coverage
  • 3/19/20 I am staying at home, I am in a high risk category
  • 3/30/20 Our government has lied to us, many millions will die of this virus, it’s here and taking over.
  • 4/15/20 he made an appointment with his estate/trust lawyer to update his affairs because “he didn’t want to die in a long line waiting to get into an emergency room. (that’s a wild statement, at the time there were no lines or talk of any lines at any ER in California)
  • 5/01/20 90-Day Guy was contemplating flying to Texas, when asked if he felt safe on an airplane, he responded Covid can’t be spread on a plane, they have good ventilation. (The part about ventilation has been shared by no one ever.)
  • 5/20/20 The lockdowns are working but we must all do our share, again he refuses to come to an office due to concerns about Covid 19.
  • 5/31/20 He was called about a question regarding a client where he admitted he was at an Indian casino. Yup, do as I say, not as I do. By the way this was the first day the casinos were allowed to open.
  • June: CA was allowed to do a phased re-opening, where he railed against bars, restaurants and gyms being allowed to open, they are dirty, have dirty people and its Covid central. (Again, most of those statements are unfounded, the others are slightly true at best.)
  • July: Again, refusal to come into the office, yet he golfs on the regular and visits the casinos but has included the Tahoe and Reno areas. Keep in mind Nevada ordered no visitors from out of town. When questioned about his habits, his retort was “a Dr. on Hannity last night said you can’t get it at a golf course or an Indian Casino. (seriously a Dr. on a cable show? Dr. Oz wasn’t available?)
  • August: We have bent the curve, it’s time to re-open. He wasn’t going to come into the office, but it needed to happen. Keep in mind, this correlates to Trump falling behind in the polls to a worrisome point to Joe Biden.
  • September: The virus is a hoax, no one is dying, re-open. But not bars, or gyms. Again, Trump is very behind in polling.
  • October: This is very disturbing, not only is he refusing to come in, he changes the office voicemail to essentially a message saying “he doesn’t want to get Covid, and is working remote and he hopes this all passes soon.” What for? He still rarely came in. As an aside; he calls me one night asking questions about voter history of US citizens, as far as if someone can find out who he voted for. When I told him I had no idea, he said he was going to vote for Biden, so the BLM folks don’t burn his house down. He lives in rural Sacramento County, and he is worried about this? Flat out disturbing.
  • November: The trips to golf and casinos continue, all the while he is telling folks he is holding out for a vaccine, and we are so close to stopping this thing. He tells me he is clinically depressed due to Biden winning (look at support for Biden earlier) and the virus continuing to spread. When I got him calmed down on the phone, he continued to quote Dr. Fauci (the one man who has been constantly wrong) and spewing gibberish about he is concerned for his family’s safety. I tell him I would put the remote down and socially distance from the TV for a while, he says he doesn’t watch TV.
  • December: He comes in, grinning ear to ear saying the vaccine is so close and he wants to get it as fast as possible. Hannity had a couple doctors on his show and Tucker Carlson had a few one too, they all say it’s safe. When I asked if he read any peer reviewed research, he said he hadn’t. No real shock. When he was told by his two colleagues neither of us were getting the shot, he accused us of being stupid. (typical of the tolerant left mind you). When I told him several doctors in my family including my own personal doctor advised against the shot due to a variety of things, he shot back saying its safe. Saying a doctor on Tucker said it was.
  • December cont: suddenly a sea change. He said he never claimed he was going to get the shot, now claiming a doctor on Hannity said it is not safe, and he has many questions about it. He claims VP elect Kamal Harris refused to get the shot. (literally he said this a day after it was given to her.) Then he started rambling about how Biden won’t be that bad of a president and we will be able to overcome all this.
  • 1/04/21 I do not know if I want to take the vaccine, I have been seeing some bad things about it. Literally 2 minutes later he was caught in the break room on the phone with his medical provider trying to cut in line to get the shot himself. This was moments after I mentioned Dr. Fauci bringing up having a “vaccine passport” similar to Israel where if you haven’t been vaccinated you can’t go to entertainment, large gatherings etc. While my statement is slightly far-fetched, it shows how much he believes his own BS.
  • 1/11/21 I am going to stay at home for the next two weeks we must get ICU beds above the threshold, when asked what the threshold is he couldn’t answer saying only in LA they are rationing care. (the latter statement has yet to be proven true.)

Again, this is not to point out how Fox or any anchor or guest on Fox may have misspoke, it’s about watching a human mind be turned into mush.  Just look at how all over the place the guy has been.  I am no doctor but if this is normal he has some sort of derangement syndrome.  Go back and read this all again, it’s pathetic and sickening.  Watch how he sifts, resifts, and basically changes his opinion like most should change their drawers…daily.

Have fun watching cable and paying $175 a month to watch just 1 channel at a time.  He may not cop to watching Fox or any other channel, but man does he seem to parrot opinions like crazy.  Sadly, there is no hope for this man. Like many, this type of person spends their day watching copious amounts of TV, to be followed by searching all over the internet for an answer they like, about a problem they have.  As witnessed above, his views changed and shifted all over.  The part about anxiety attacks is disturbing, but to be expected, when you seek out a “trusted medium” this occurs when you don’t see what they tell you is happening.

In short, please reconsider how much TV you watch, it’s like poison or drugs.  The more you watch the more you are hooked.  Sit back from a far and check it out, it’s on a continuous loop, restarting every hour.  You will not get answers to your questions, just affirmation of your perceived answers.  Also dive into who the guests actually are, what is there past?  I can guarantee the guy coming up after the break is not a real practicing doctor, just a research doctor.  When you chain yourself to a chair or a couch for an extended period of time, the above will occur to you.  Just to give you an idea, the 90-Day Guy watches more TV in a day then I watch in a month.  This explains his constant changing of beliefs.  Look at just how petty he is, how he changes beliefs, jumps around, then in essence tailors his message to anyone in the room he is in.  It’s pathetic and lonely.  Lest you think I’m off kilter, re-read his points about elections and Biden.  Yikes.

Johnnie Does

You are now free to move about the COUNTY

Nope, Southwest Airlines isn’t flying a new daily non-stop between Sac International and Sac Executive airport.  Out of literally nowhere, our Dictator in Chief, Gavin Newsom, has decided Greater Sacramento can exit the stay-at-home order.  This means that as early as tomorrow evening outdoor and certain indoor activities can resume; likely with limited capacity.

First of all, call me skeptical.  A close friend of mine works for the Governor, as in, in his office, and he told me this was not even being discussed as of yesterday (1/11).  The latest update of available ICU beds (the new criteria, after general hospitalizations, death, sickness, and other scare tactics failed to work) was 6.9% as of Friday.  Now they are saying it’s over 19%??? What happened? A purge?  Someone let Dr. Kevorkian loose with his death machine?  Did physician assisted suicide come back to haunt us?  Did California’s dead voters get purged from the hospital rolls?

Per Dept of Health Services, as of Jan 11, the number of positive ICU patients was the highest on record.

You may not remember, but we were expected to come out of the lockdown many weeks if not months from now (its peak flu season) but miraculously the numbers went from 6.5% IUC beds to 19.4% in the space of about 36 hours. (This is supposed to be a rolling 4 week average.)

Per Dept of Health Services, as of Jan 11, Sacramento County ICU beds available thru Jan 11 was the same as Christmas day–83.

Does any of this make sense to anyone?  I guess it’s kind of like how many licks to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop, the world may never know.

Second; what about Sac County taking Covid patients from other neighboring counties?  False.  A few nurses I went to college with who work in the area told me that was a lie.  They never once took/saw a patient from San Joaquin, Yuba-Sutter or Solano.  False!  I was actually told that we always had room at the Inn, problem was, it didn’t fit the narrative.  We had to scare folks, and what better way than saying there are no beds left to scare the bejesus out of people.  Literally a week ago Adventist and Ryde Hospital in Yuba-Sutter was at max capacity and were going to be bussing patients to Sac County…never happened.

Per Dept of Health Services, as of Jan 11, number of Covid positive patients in Sacramento County is at an all time high.

Now the entire region can go back to purple tier restrictions; so, in essence outdoor: church, restaurants, bars, movies, wine tasting, gyms, cardrooms and indoor: haircuts, nail salons, and retail. 

So, what happened?  Well, a couple things, first off Trump is out of office, and who knows, by the publication of this blog post, he may be forcible removed.  Newsom is facing a recall that just broached the 1 million signature mark and counting.  In addition, a couple big donors just threw in some major financial support.  However, I feel the big game changer was tax revenue is way down.   Nothing else explains the madness behind this constant opening and closing.  The dirty little secret is most counties rely on sales tax to float their budgets and payrolls, the property tax is nice, but it only comes twice a year, and look for that to be way down as I fear many have stopped paying mortgages, and with tech companies moving out of state this could get ugly.

This is what happens when a cruel dictator takes over, state run media silences all dissent, the cable folks paint a grim picture, and the 90-day folks get scared.  In the meantime, wear your mask it protects me from you.  Enjoy this while you can, just wait for the next “criteria” to be developed.  I still predict Armageddon like you’ve never seen at some point soon.

The Chief

PS The “other” Cuomo (The NY Governor guv) also backtracked publicly on shutdowns today, adding further credence to our belief that this was all about booting the Orange Man from Office.  SAD!

BTW I know his name is Andrew Cuomo, but I get him and his meathead idiot brother on CNN mixed up all the time.  Two peas same pod, neither could find their way out of a paper bag if they were given directions anyway.

Editor’s Note: Another reason for Gavin’s sudden change of heart is to help Hidin’ Joe Biden start with better economic circumstances than Trump ended with. For your consideration let me remind you that the United States Department of Labor Statistics “reference period is the pay period that includes the 12th day of the monththus any payroll after today (Jan 12th) is owned by Joe Biden. Today is the last reporting day of the Trump Administration. “The employment and wage data provided on the Quarterly Contribution Report and Multiple Worksite Report impact directly or indirectly a large number of important economic statistics, including the Gross Domestic Product and other measures of the labor market and overall economy. The accuracy of these and other economic indicators relies on the accuracy of the pay figures reported by employers.

Reducing My Digital Footprint

I have grown tired of my friends being attacked by Facebook, Google, Twitter, and the rest. I’m tired of fearing for my employment because I disagree with the Liberal agenda. No, I don’t have a solution— although I am looking for alternatives to “Big Tech” and I hope to blog on that soon.

Folks, the boys in Silicon Valley only understand one thing and that’s money. Less users or subscribers is less money they can charge advertisers. To that end, I encourage you to do what you can to deprive them of revenue. Dump products and services that you don’t really need. To the extent that you can, demonetize FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google). So far Netflix is sitting this latest purge out, as is Microsoft, but given a chance to get involved, they probably would.

FAANG is Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google

Is there a viable operating system for a computer that isn’t made by Apple or Microsoft? Nope, not one that does what I need for work or pleasure. Cell phones are dominated by Apple and Google (Android). There are Linux alternatives for PCs and even Smartphones but I don’t know if there are enough apps to keep casual users happy in this alternative ecosystem.

I have taken some actions and am considering more.

I have cancelled my Twitter account. I only got Twitter at the insistence of Sebastian Gorka. I got free tickets to hear him speak in Roseville a few years ago. He had worked for President Trump and had high praise for Trump. He encouraged folks to actually see what Trump was saying and not wait for the media’s take on what was said—because it was often out of context with what actually happened. I took Gorka’s advice, and you know what, Gorka was right. Rarely did Trump ever fire the first shot at anyone but he often responded to attacks from other platforms by posting his reaction on Twitter. (If Republicans had the spine to defend the President then the whole Twitter thing would never had been necessary.) As a platform, I was disappointed with Twitter because there was often a 12-to-24-hour delay between a Trump post and Twitter sending me a notification–which often never happened at all. Banning Trump for life left me with literally zero reason to keep my account open so I cancelled it a few days ago.

While Microsoft has thus far not interjected itself into the jihad on Conservatives, I decided to dump my Linked-In account. I never used it anyway. I only had it because when Sue Blake was rising to power as chair of the Sacramento Republican Central Committee, she encouraged us to open Facebook and Linked-In accounts.

On my to-do list is dumping my Facebook account. If Zuckerberg lifts the Trump ban in the next few days, I might keep it, otherwise I’m gone from their platform too.

If you leave social media platforms, please be aware that there are usually ways to download your content before killing your account.

I plan to explore this option before dumping Facebook so I can keep some photos and other things. I will let you know what the file looks like after I’ve done that. Here is where to find it in Facebook’s settings.

Where to find download option in Facebook
Settings>Your Facebook Information>Download Your Information

Oh, I plan to write a blog dedicated to a scathing post on Facebook by an Admin for one of the groups that I have belonged to for many years. Folks, the post is long but its really eye opening in a bad way.

Meanwhile, if you have any comments or suggestions related to this topic, please pass them on to me.

On Trump, Impeachment 2.0 and the Media

Folks, I keep hearing all these accusations that the President needs to be impeached again, even though he’s done in ten days. I saw that RINO squish, Pat Toomey, a Republican Senator, has piled-on to the idea—likely to get some favorable press from the media.

Anyway, the short version of the article is that we don’t know exactly what Trump did…until Nancy Pelosi and her comrades decide what to accuse him of (guess we have to pass the bill to know what’s really in it) but we are promised that its really bad, just wait and see.

Gee, what happened to the ideas that people are responsible for their own actions? Oh, wait, I found out in the article that such a concept as personal responsibility is a racist, white privilege idea. Don’t believe me, then how else would a so-called journalist come up with this one sentence paragraph?

A violent and largely white mob of Trump supporters overpowered police, broke through security lines and rampaged through the Capitol on Wednesday, forcing lawmakers to scatter as they were putting the final, formal touches on Biden’s victory over Trump in the Electoral College.

Republican Sen. Pat Toomey says President Trump committed ‘impeachable offenses’

Given the above paragraph what conclusion can a reasonable person—if any exist anymore—come to but this, Trump is guilty of everything because enough minorities didn’t storm the Capitol? Afterall, violent mobs of minorities burning business districts, shooting people, and dragging them out of their cars and beating the crap out of them, is not even newsworthy in Seattle, Milwaukee, and other Democrat run cities.

Secondly, Trump got more minority votes in this last election than any other Republican in the history of the country. In fact, that is why so many dead and nonexistent voters had to be manufactured by Democrats to steal the election.

Oh, the article also informs us that this urgent impeachment move can’t even go to the Senate until after Joe Biden is sworn into office.

If the House decided to impeach, the soonest the Senate could begin an impeachment trial under the current calendar would be Jan. 20, Inauguration Day.

Ok, so check out this timeline for January 20th, the Senate never does anything before about 10 AM and the Inauguration begins about noon so that leaves the Senate two hours to hear the charges against Trump, debate the matter, and hold a vote before heading over to be seen on TV while Joe takes the oath of office. Nothing happens that fast in Washington; however, you won’t see a single article on what a waste of time all this talk of impeachment is because its not the right narrative.

Sacramento County Supervisors Ignore Stalinist Bureaucrat

Yep, even with a Democrat majority running the county, they managed to do the right thing at the Supervisor’s December meeting. Most people that I talked to didn’t even know the county was considering fines up to$10,000 on businesses that didn’t follow the federal/state/county rules on Covid—whatever they might have been on that particular day.

But folks, that’s not the half of it, it contained full-blown Soviet Union secret police, guilty by anonymous accusation, type language. Ironically, similar rules in parts of New York are also being considering. Lastly, please remember that this ordinance was the departing gift that Sacramento County’s top health official, Peter Beilenson, was trying to leave to local citizens as his lasting legacy.

The following are quotes from Sue Frost, one of the five county supervisors.

…I was baffled by the notion that we should be threatening them with fines of up to $10,000. Still, that notion took form in a proposal brought forward by our Public Health Department as an urgency ordinance.

Relief, Not Fines for Small Businesses

The ordinance included the property owner as the potentially responsible party.

Further, it gave the Public Health Department the authority to designate anyone they saw fit as an enforcement officer. That means it would not necessarily be the Sheriff, Code Enforcement, or even a health inspector going into businesses to investigate violations. Under this ordinance, any county employee could be given the authority to enter a business and cite them for a perceived violation..  I say perceived violation because not only are enforcement officers potentially untrained county employees, but they would not be required to even witness a violation under the ordinance. If adopted, the enforcement officer could issue citations based on “investigations” or simply being told by other county staff a violation occurred.

The ordinance did include an appeal process, but only when the fines were for more than $1000. With the fines being as much as $500 for every day a perceived violation occurs, I am sure many would be granted the opportunity for an appeal. However, the appeal process would require a $750 deposit…

Yep, be accused and get fined. Great thinking there Doc Beilenson. Who needs evidence? Oh, and for the privilege to prove your innocence you have to pay $750 in advance. Plus, you are subject to additional “administrative fees” while fighting for your economic life.

To illustrate administrative fees, here’s a brief story. Last week, at the Speak Easy here in Elk Grove, a local business that provides opportunities for the consumption of adult beverages both indoors and out, I was with a guy that told me his son blew-off a $25 bill from DMV. The dumb kid ignored the warning letters and his $25 bill escalated to one thousand dollars. That folks is what administrative fees can mean to normal people in the real world. Take a look at you next speeding ticket and you’ll see the amount of the traffic fine is only about half of the amount of your payment to the county.

Good thing for business owners that Trump won four more years, or you’d really be screwed. Oh, wait, you are screwed.

DC Resumes Steady-state Conditions

Yep, Washington DC is so done with Donald Trump. The swamp rats can’t wait to show him the exit. Many White House employees are bailing on Trump, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck-you Schumer are debating between another impeachment attempt and exercising the 25th Amendment just to cripple Trump’s ego enough that he won’t run again in 2024.

Link: Pelosi calls for 25th Amendment, impeachment to remove Trump

Link: Facebook bans Trump indefinitely following US Capitol riots

Link: Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao becomes latest Trump administration official to resign

Meanwhile, the Capitol Police chief resigned today. Four kills used to be a job enhancement thing when you notched your revolver, but I guess any show of enforcing the law is taboo in a Democrat run city.

Link: Latest Updates: Capitol Police Chief Resigns Day After Pro-Trump Mob Breached Capitol

Oh, in the margins of the news today, you will find a black Democrat switched to being a Republican yesterday. He was just a state senator in Georgia but nothing to see here so move along.

Link: Georgia Democrat Announces He’s Switching to Republican Party That ‘Is in Desperate Need of Leaders’

The other marginal report is that 60,000 people have been found so far that were simultaneously registered to vote in Nevada and California during the Presidential election, but still big tech and the media claim there is zero evidence of fraud during the election.

“More than 60,000 people are currently registered to vote in both California and Nevada, according to Election Integrity Project California (EIPCa). Thousands were mailed ballots by both states for the November 2020 election and more than 3,500 appear to have voted unlawfully in that election.”

Over 60,000 registered to vote in both California and Nevada

Link: Text of above Lawsuit

Folks, this election pollution has been a long time coming.

I know The Chief recently quoted a song by Paul Shanklin but in this situation another of his parody songs comes to mind. Shanklin’s 2007 parody of Elvis Presley’s Jail House Rock finds Jesse Jackson singing about giving inmates to the right to vote “because its more criminal to be on the right”.

What we viewed as utterly ridiculous just over a decade ago has come to pass. Folks, California voters gave felons the right to vote on the same ballot that saw Hidin’ Joe Biden win with 2/3 of the vote. In this instance, California was trailing other states such as Virginia and Florida. Many states already found ways to restore the franchise to former inmates years ago. In each state where this has been done, several hundred thousand new Democrat voters have been created.

This all started with Bush v Gore in the 2000 presidential election. Ever since that stinging rebuke, Democrats have been working on gaming the table so no Republican will ever win a national election again. In 2016 that is why they were so cocksure that Hillary was winning. When Trump won, it became clear that the voters couldn’t be trusted “to do the right thing” so they decided to remove actual voters from the equation. 

I don’t think stealing the 2020 election was a grand conspiracy but a bunch of individuals and well-funded groups all working for the same goal. You see for Democrats, politics is their religion and power is their goal. The State is their god; from it comes all the blessings and curses. If this paradigm doesn’t make sense to you, read North’s book on Exodus where he contrasts Egypt and power religion versus God and his Covenant.

So, what happens now? Nothing short of total war on Christians, the unborn, and any institution that is associated with American greatness. If you’ve read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, think the last section of the story, The Scouring of the Shire, where the Shire is remade by “Sharkey.”

Somebody asked me last night what I thought was coming and my short answer was that “being a Christian would have a cost.” It may cost you your job, your family, or social standing.

Some folks think I’m overreacting, but am I? Did you ever read what life was like under the Soviet Union? Look at what is happening in New York, Colorado, Canada, and even here in Sacramento, its clear that the thinking of the Elites is modeled on the same ideas. Covid is a dry run for what they will do. Just think of a world where offering a bounty to turn in your neighbor to the government will be the norm. Fear of your neighbor turning you in to the government is greatly responsible for holding the tyranny of the Soviet Union together for 75 years. Of course, after someone “dropped a dime on you” you were visited in the dead of night by the secret police and risked never being seen again. Think the arrest of Trump advisor Roger Stone (2019) or Elian Gonzalez (2001) being the norm.

FBI SWAT Team arresting a five-year-old boy (2001)

Such a system of turning neighbor against neighbor almost became the law here in Sacramento County last month but was defeated—the post is in my stack of stuff to blog on, but it will have to wait a bit longer.

The short version is that we are far enough over the cliff that the effects of gravity are starting to kick in as we accelerate to the rocks below.

Americans are extremists, we won’t go for socialism just part way, we are all in or nothing. The pendulum is heading markedly to the Left…think stuck on stupid… probably for the rest of my life.

Where Have the Conservatives Gone?

By The Chief

No not like the Paul Shanklin parody played when John McCain was trying to say he was a Reagan conservative when running against Barack Obama in 2008.  I’m talking about 2021 in the People’s Republic of California

First some background. The state GOP loves to talk tough with rhetoric such as “the other side are a bunch of weenies”, “government shouldn’t pick winners and losers”, and “Obama Care is nothing but death panels”.  These phrases we all uttered during the Obama’s years in the White House.  Fast forward to 2020.  Governor Newsom orders massive shutdowns; included are churches, indoor dining, theatres, barber shops, and others.  Nary a word from the same folks who told me government shouldn’t pick winners and losers.  Rest assured Newsom kept the liquor stores, weed dispensaries, and big box stores open, under a weird guise of being essential. 

But wait there is more; now that we have a vaccine, a real-life death panel has been formed of current and former medial types (think Fauci, and his ilk) who are deciding who gets the shots and in what order.  A real-life death panel, I say again, and again nary a word from the same folks who screamed about Obama killing grandma.  Glad to see most all political types were given a shot prior to, I don’t know, the folks working in ICU/ER or old folks’ homes!  Teachers will be in the next rotation; however, they have mostly been distance learning.  Students will be following shortly afterward, again the distance learning thing.  No comment on when folks who are old/infirm or those who have COPD/Asthma or other pre-existing conditions that make them high risk will get the shot. 

Just to go a step further, in LA county, ambulances have been advised not to bring patients to the ER if they think they have zero chance at survival.  Again, nothing from the same so-called conservatives who warned about death panels and rationing of care.  I thought that was the major conservative talking point during the Obama years.

The reason for this short form rant is this: those folks never actually believed their own talking points. Remember “Repeal and Replace” and then finding out Republicans never had a plan to replace anything—it was just campaign talking points to stir-up voters. In truth Rahm Emanuel said it best, “never let a good crisis go to waste.”  These same folks, when it was politically expedient, railed against it, now when they find themselves in a predicament, they are strangely silent.  The truth is most of those same folks are scared of this virus and work for government, are retired, or other essential jobs meaning they can live as usual.  However, they wish to see others suffer under the guise of a “deadly pandemic.”  See the 90-Day Guy, its ok to go to an Indian Casino, but the bars better remain closed or else.  Same applies to the vaccine distribution, make sure I am at the front of the line and I will keep quiet, who cares about other people, it’s all about me.

Sadly, the CA GOP wonders why it continues to drift into irrelevance.  The truth is, they lack any sort of leadership and would rather be a voice of loyal opposition.  Conservativism has been dead for a decade plus now, George W. Bush may have declared the era of big government to be over, but in reality, he helped hasten the move toward socialism.  Nice going so called conservatives, funny how when shutting down businesses to slow the spread and letting a death panel play God is only a bad thing when the outcome may not benefit you.


What the New Year Means to Small Businesses

Hi. I trust everyone survived the holidays hiding from your relatives. I think some elites just didn’t want to discuss politics and religion at their holiday meal and found a new way not to invite those less desirable members of their extended family. Hiding behind the China flu might work this year but what will they think of next year. Well, if you live in New York, and the state Assembly gets their way, you can get your neighbor (or family member) locked-up indefinitely if you accuse them of spreading a communicable disease—like Covid or Christianity. Next, we’ll all be given gold stars? It worked in socialist Germany so why not here?

Anyway, to the topic at hand. Folks, to lift a phrase from the Lutheran Church, I’ve been in, under, and around small business for a number of years so please trust me on this, a tsunami of bankruptcies is coming in the next few months. People have gone thru their cash and when that ran out, thru the money that should be earmarked for state payroll taxes. They may have limped thru the Christmas season but who does better in January than December? Given a choice, small business will pay federal taxes before state because the federal government can seize your bank account and assets, something state revenue agents can only dream about. Also, January marks the highest payroll tax burden on employers because the bulk of unemployment tax revenue for the year is collected on employee wages in this quarter—January to March. As a result of cash flow problems, many businesses will be going under in the next few months.

In addition to tax revenue not making it to the state treasury, vendors will be stiffed on many of their receivables and the supply chain in many sectors will be sorely tested. Watch the aging category of 60 to 90 days and consider anything over the 90-day mark as lost revenue.

Many folks that didn’t see it coming will find themselves out of work and the economic disruption will be significant.

Look for whatever economic solutions that the federal government offers to make the situation even worse.

Joe Biden is threatening a nationwide shutdown like what has happened in England and Australia. If this happens, you can amp up my prediction 20 or 30-fold. What is coming will be the death knell of many more businesses. Also look for the feigned shock and surprise of the so-called experts when all this happens.

Many words may describe 2021 but “happy” is not going to be used much this year.

Solving the Age-Old Problem of Toilet Seat Up or Down

For the last month, our master bath and bedroom have been undergoing a remodel. The work is not yet concluded but being down to one bathroom has put the men in conflict with the women over the age-old question of should the lid to the toilet be left up or down?

Here’s the situation:

We had to move everything out of the master bedroom including emptying the closets. The bathroom was completely gutted. While I advocated for using the old toilet as a flower planter in the front yard, mama wouldn’t hear of it.

(Sorry mama but I was just trying to relate to the Democrats in the neighborhood by sending less to the landfill.)

Anyway, the remodel forced us to use the kid’s/guest bathroom as our own. We’ve been perfectly content to let our son do whatever he wanted in this bathroom for many years and now he is forced to share with mom and dad.

Point of Conflict:

Sadly, for us men, mama went in there one to many times at night and found the seat up. Granted mama could have turned on the light before trying to do her business but she chose not to. Mama’s seat was not finding the other seat where she expected it to be. This happened several times.

Mama’s wrath was terrible to behold. She got some tools and removed the toilet seat altogether. Yep, if she can’t have it then nobody can. She hid it from us. This went on for several days. I pulled junior aside and recommended that he apologize but it never happened.

Lucky for me, junior got an invite to flaunt the Governor’s tyrannical Covid orders and went on an overnight church outing with youth from other households. While he was gone, mama relented—hoping us men folk had “learned our lesson”—and re-installed the toilet seat. This, she thought, had surely taught the men what was expected of them.

Lesson Learned:

Within hours of being back, junior had left the seat up twice. I put it back in the position that mama demanded. I pulled him aside and reminded him that mama’s wrath was fierce. Furthermore, that I couldn’t always cover for him. He agreed with me to do better.

Junior’s Genius Solution:

A few hours late, as I was getting ready for bed, I went in the bathroom and was shocked to see his solution to always forgetting to put the seat down.

Yep, white duct tape was on both sides of the seat holding it down. No chance he will forget to do the right thing anymore. I thought it was genius and had mama come see the brilliance of our teenaged son.

“If the women don’t find you handsome, at least have them find you handy.”

Now mama is happy, I’m entertained, and junior has found a solution that doesn’t involve him actually having to remember to do anything.

Have a Happy New Year!