Debate Reaction

By Chief

Editor’s Note: Chief tried to send this post to us via the old ways (smoke signals) but after burning ½ cord of oak, and scorching holes in two blankets and his wife’s buffalo skin rug, he finally relented and had Troll send it via email.

Life in Chief’s village

The Troll and I were unfortunate enough to draw the short sticks (straws are illegal contraband here in CA) and were forced to watch and report on the debate last Wednesday night. Take that back, it was an honor, here is the reaction.

First I had a hard time finding the channel as I was pirating the signal from my neighbor’s cable company. Then when I got the TV to work, I had to find the channel; I searched for at least 30 minutes and had no luck. I tried Al-Jazeera News, since well I figured they were a sponsor, C-SPAN because well that channel is usually a snooze fest and this would qualify… Still nothing. Then I figured it had to be on Comedy Central! Still nothing, finally we located it just in time for it to start. To quote myself “what a time to be alive!” This debate was banana lands from start to finish, let me tell you.

First off only 6 candidates were featured; Sanders, Warren, Booty Judge, Biden (He wasn’t Hidin’ for this one), Klob-butcher, and “Mini” Mike Bloomberg. The latter only qualifying at the last minute after the rules for qualifying were changed, either that or he raised his donation level to the DNC. This thing had so much mayhem Allstate may sue for copyright infringement.

Warning about Sander’s economic plans

Bloomberg: was literally killed by Liz Warren, she relentlessly attacked his record on women at his business. He was also attacked about policies he enacted as Mayor of New York deemed racist. It was a horrible night for him, Mike learned a valuable lesson, TV/Radio ads can tell a great story but his live performance fell very flat, so much so I wondered aloud why he wanted to even be on stage? He had been rising in most Super Tuesday states. Note he has declined to play or even appear on the ballot in the early states, thus awarding 0 delegates.

Sanders: He didn’t look that bad, he dished out a couple zingers at Booty Judge and Biden, but man Bloomberg hit him right where it hurts. Making it clear to the folks Sanders owns 3 houses (most of his supporters likely own 0) and hammering him on his health records, which Sanders refuses to release. (He had a heart episode earlier this campaign season). However, Sanders being hit for owning three houses by a guy that owns 11 just seems to ring hollow.

Booty Judge: Had a middle of the road performance, kind of describing his campaign so far. He is a guy who I don’t think anyone really takes seriously, kind of like Bernie last go round, everyone is just waiting for him to drop out. He doesn’t really add anything to the debate, and no one really tests his knowledge. Mayor Pete is a small town mayor of South Bendover, Indiana. He wasn’t really attacked which tells you no one is taking him very serious.

Klob-butcher: See Booty Judge, she did fairly well in New Hampshire, but doesn’t really add anything, and I was left wondering why is she running? She had a couple good skirmishes with Mayor Pete, but the real zinger landed was she is on 6 subcommittees as a Senator dealing with Mexico, and she could not name the President of Mexico when asked…ouch! Her retort was to accuse Mayor Pete of calling her dumb, let’s just say she has a bright future in the Democrat Party, since when attacked don’t use facts, just call names.

Warren: The clear winner, no doubt. She went hard after Bloomberg, but I have to wonder if she knows her “voter.” I don’t foresee many Bloomberg voters switching to her, she needs to aim for Sanders, and Mayor Pete’s young voters, who seem to be showing up in droves. I’m sorry I just don’t see her lasting much longer in this thing, she is in a precarious spot, she is most definitely not establishment, but at the same time is not as far left as Bernie.

Biden: Like his campaign it was stale and old. Nothing to see here, but a sad man withering away, trying hard to stay relevant. Biden looked more like someone listening to a timeshare proposal; trying to run out the clock in order to claim his free 75 inch TV. Folks he is all in on South Carolina, and his numbers are shrinking there, “Say it ain’t so Joe, but it’s time to go.”

Overall this was a brutal look for the Democrat Party, the knives were out and no one was spared. Warren may have scalped a couple people, and the TV executives may have wanted this outcome, but it looks horrible to the average Joe. These folks were just like the 90-day guy Johnnie Does talks about, tripping over one another’s every word, trying to parrot an internet website or cable TV news anchor. These folks are supposed to be running for president, and spent the night destroying one another. Half way through this shin dig I realized the real winner here was the DNC, the convention is likely to be a brokered one, meaning the “super delegates” will pick the winner, and utter chaos will set in. If the candidates were wise, after South Carolina; Warren and Biden need to drop out. They are splitting hairs at this point, and 4/5 place finishes are not going to get it done. Steyer/Bloomberg are a couple billionaires in a party that claims to hate them, both are strategically playing in certain states, likely to halt Bernie. Klob-Butcher better figure it out quickly, as she is a candidate with no real base of voters of which to draw from. If she changed her name to “None of the Above” or “I Hate Trump” she’d get way more votes. I’m really not sure where to go from here, but the Democrats have a huge issue on their hands, not to mention that debate appeared to be more of a WWE Smackdown than a Presidential forum.

The real winner? Donald Trump, I think he just clinched 4 more years.


PS: I thought the GOP was the party of rich white folks? Wouldn’t know it after watching what I saw last night.

Trump Agrees with Us on Roger Stone

Wednesday night I received another nonsensical email from my token Liberal friend asking about Attorney General Barr and the Stone case.

Barr has stated his displeasure of trumps daily tweets of attacking a federal judge in the middle of a federal case. It’s thought he may resign because of the unprecedented obstruction and interference.

Easy question:

Who is right and who do you support?

Do you support trumps daily attacks of a federal judge (Which means if President Warren sent the exact same tweets you would support her with a blog) and Barr should just shut up and do with the King says?

Or is Barr right, trump has crossed the line and must be confronted? And none of this is normal presidential behavior?

Here was my response

I don’t think Barr will resign.

Four observations on this trial

1 This particular judge has a long track record of treating people working for the other party differently than others. With activist judges, this often happens.

2 What is worse is that the jury foreman in the Stone case should have been thrown off the case long before it went to a jury. She was posting daily updates of the trial on Facebook and doing other things contrary to standard jury practice.

3 Third, the case itself is probably the result of a concept call “fruit of the forbidden tree.” If the FBI had properly vetted the “Steel Dossier” this case would never have happened. The logic is this, the Steel claims were the basis of the FISA warrants, since the Steel stuff was demonstrably false, the FBI should have stopped their actions investigating Trump’s campaign but instead they repeatedly lied to the FISA judge to renew warrants.

4 The investigators tried the same approach that is normally reserved for the mafia and drug dealers, i.e. find a charge as leverage on a small player to get the goods on the guy above them. They tried this with Trump but couldn’t find anything. Many otherwise fine people were threatened by prosecutors to “cop a plea” or they were going to go after their families. For example, faced with this threat, General Flynn pleaded guilty to something that he never did. These heavy handed tactics netted a few other folks too. The prosecutors in the Stone case were some of the last Democrat lawyers left from the Mueller investigation. (Reportedly Mueller had zero Republicans in his team of investigators.) The sentence that the prosecutors were asking for was way beyond federal sentencing guidelines.

The judge is well aware of my four points and would not admit that the process in this particular case was irredeemably tainted. Had she done her job and declared a mistrial, the government could refile the charges again with a new jury and perhaps different judge (or the government could toss the case).

All things being equal, the case should have been tossed. The fact that it wasn’t and the government’s lawyers were asking for an especially harsh sentence (given Stone’s age it was life in prison) was a source of frustration to many; especially Trump.

Yes his emotion is understandable but the timing of Trump’s comment was a source of irritation for the AG. It should be, Trump was really going after Barr for not acting sooner and ending the charade of a trial.

To directly answer your question, strictly speaking, Trump did not obstruct the court nor interfere with the judge, he was chiding the Executive Branch (his branch of the government) and kicking Barr in the butt. The Federal Judiciary is separate from the Executive and Federal Judges are appointed for life so Trump can’t threaten them or do anything but grumble, which he did. Furthermore, the sentencing recommendation from the Justice Department (Executive Branch agency) is only a recommendation; the judge can take it or leave it. She can do what she wants; subject to appeal.

Yes this is not “normal” presidential behavior but Trump is not a normal president. Trump calls things the way he sees them. Like it or not, you know where he stands. As for Warren or someone else Tweeting similar stuff, I don’t see it happening. Democrats usually operate differently because they view the purpose of government differently; but that is a different topic…

The next day, hours after the sentencing of Roger Stone, President Trump took to the microphone.

President Trump blasted Roger Stone’s treatment by the criminal justice system, the Justice Department and the jury forewoman in the GOP operative’s trial Thursday in a blistering address in front of an audience in Las Vegas, saying Stone has a “very good chance of exoneration.”

Trump says Roger Stone has ‘very good chance of exoneration’ in Las Vegas

Trump said that Stone, though “definitely a character,” was a “very good person,” and that the jury in his sentencing had been tainted by an anti-Trump activist. “These people know more about bad juries than anyone else, the sheriff, the mayor. You’re my experts okay?” he told the room of previously incarcerated people. He said the jury forewoman “started going a little wild, was very happy,” when Roger Stone was determined to be guilty of obstruction last year, and it was later revealed she had a social media account full of anti-Trump posts which she did not disclose to the courts.

The jury forewoman, Tomeka Hart, even posted specifically about the Stone case before she was selected to sit on the jury, as she retweeted an argument mocking those who considered Stone’s dramatic arrest in a predawn raid by a federal tactical team to be excessive force. She also suggested Trump and his supporters were racist and praised the investigation conducted by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, which ultimately led to Stone’s prosecution.

Justice Department prosecutors initially had sought a sentence of up to nine years for Stone, but senior officials at the department later called for a lesser sentence. Attorney General William Barr’s move to intervene in Stone’s sentencing led to all four members of the prosecution team quitting the case.

U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson on Thursday also said the initial recommendation was excessive. Her sentence of 40 months in prison was considerably less than that — yet far more than the probation sought by his defense.

It is great to give an answer to a bewildered Liberal and the next day have POTUS agree with many of the points that I raised at his very next public appearance.

Who is Tomeka Hart?

Below are some Tweets for Tomeka Hart, the foreman of Stone’s jury. Please note that all Tweets in this post were created before she was put on Stone’s jury. Stone’s trial began November 6, 2019. Also, Hart had previously run for Congress as a Democrat. Hart also regularly posted on Facebook about Trump but has since purged much of that content.

Sample of Hart’s bias and proof Stone was railroaded #1
Sample of Hart’s bias and proof Stone was railroaded #2
Sample of Hart’s bias and proof Stone was railroaded #3
Sample of Hart’s bias and proof Stone was railroaded #4

Oh, Tomeka Hart works for Bill Gates. Yuck!

Hart, committed perjury by not disclosing her bias during jury selection. Oh, please note in the biography above that Hart is a lawyer and knew what she was doing. She should not have been on the jury, let alone its foreman, and once the judge was presented with proof that Hart was biased, a mistrial should have been declared. Like us, Trump is ReallyRight.

Trump Pardons the Original Troll

Greetings again. I take a break today from professing my love for Hope Hicks to highlight a man who laid the groundwork for me to troll on the internet today! I am talking about the Original Troll, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich!

former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich

“Blago” as everyone in Illinois called him, was elected in 2002. When the one term US Senator Barack Obama won the Presidency in 2008, Blago decided he could sell Obama’s old Senate seat to the highest bidder.

I’m really being serious. Just dig into these recordings of him. “I’ve got this thing, and it’s f******g golden. I’m just not giving it up for f******g nothing. It’s a f******g valuable thing, you just don’t give it away for nothing. If I don’t get what I want … I’ll just take the Senate seat myself.” Oh, my, God, that is pure gold.

But wait, he was not done, listen to all these additional requirements….

  • A substantial salary for himself at either a non-profit foundation or an organization affiliated with labor unions.
  • Placing his wife on paid corporate boards where he speculated she might garner as much as $150,000 a year. (Same deal Michelle Obama got when Barack was Senator)
  • Promises of campaign funds—including cash up front.
  • A Cabinet post or ambassadorship for himself to Serbia.

I respect a man who is always looking for his next move, and especially one looking out for his wife’s well-being. I love the non-profit foundation board, everyone could use a write-off, and one affiliated with organized labor to boot? Who did this guy think he was? Corporate Board appointments? Always a plus; solid do nothing gig with access to private jets! Campaign cash up front…talk about a personal slush fund, what a guy! A cabinet post or ambassador to Serbia? Ok that is a wild move! Why not the Bahama’s or something?

Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich

But wait there was even more…..This guy was also charged with these crimes:

  • Attempting to extort the owners of the Tribune Company to fire Chicago Tribune editors who criticized the governor’s handling of state affairs.
  • Abuse of power concerning release of US$8 million of state funds to Children’s Memorial Hospital expecting to obtain a $50,000 campaign contribution.
  • Seeking graft in the form of $2.5 million in campaign contributions (through 2008) from companies and individuals who have received state contracts or appointments.

Extorting a newspaper is a total mob boss move…no shock as Blago hails from Chicago. Ripping off a children’s hospital…wow…that’s, yeah, not cool. I’m sure Hell won’t be your only stop. As far as grafting campaign contributions, well pretty much any political type does that.

However it wasn’t just his crimes, this guy literally believed his poop didn’t stink. He was king of the bizarre interview, speaking to anyone and anybody about his innocence. I still remember him on the Glenn Beck program on Fox News doing a 30 minute interview of him denying it was him on the recordings. Even doubling down saying it wasn’t illegal. The interview was so bizarre Beck apologized at the end to the viewers, right in front of “Blago,” saying that it was a complete and total waste of time. Not to be outdone, he went on David Letterman, (also a troll) and Dave gave it back to him, like only Dave could. Blago said he wanted to be on Dave’s show in the worst way….only for Dave to retort “this is the worst way.” Check out this zinger while he was on vacation from his publicist, “I’m saddened and hurt, but I am not surprised by the indictment. I am innocent. I now will fight in the courts to clear my name.” Wow, he still got 14 years in jail, serving 8, until Trump pardoned him yesterday.

In closing I will say this, “Blogo” likely was given a sentence that was harsh, but he acted like a total gavone through his entire existence as Governor. Very few people could be less contrite when hit with the crimes he was hit with. Only worse, he then made the rounds telling anyone who would listen how innocent he was and this was all a witch hunt or a conspiracy. Like I said earlier he was an original troll, he trolled all of us, thinking this was some kind of big game or something. The whole episode was fun to watch, but man was it painful at the same time. I will never forget being on the toll road in Illinois and seeing his name all over the “Open Road Tollways” talk about a classic troll move…hopefully those signs were removed.


Got to give Blago credit though, he literally nailed the corrupt politician look. Just look at him, Black poofy hair, s**t eating grin, absolutely no self-awareness at all. Think Michael J Fox channeling a TV preacher soliciting contributions.

If Sprit of Halloween needed a corrupt politician costume, just sell copies of that guy.

Conversations with the Clueless: Is Trump the Chief Law Enforcement Official?

I was minding my own business today when my token Liberal friend texted me a meme on President Trump with the statement, “Trump claims he’s the chief law enforcement official.”

The text accompanying the meme was accusatory in tone. Let me give you the conversation.

Liberal: Hey William, question for you. In addition to the King of earth and Jesus Christ, trump now calls himself the chief law enforcement officer of the land. So if Warren is elected president will she now be the chief law enforcement officer?

Me: The Executive Branch of government is charged with enforcing the law, the Legislative Branch makes the law, and Judicial Branch resolves and tries the Law. What’s the big deal? Gavin Newsom is technically the chief law enforcement guy in California. All federal people, like Attorney General and Federal Prosecutors, are under Trump, since he is President.

Almost all Federal government employees, as a percentage, work for the Executive Branch.

Lib: So would Warren be the US chief law enforcement officer like trump is?

Me: Sure, whoever wins in November will be chief law enforcement official for next four years. That’s basic Constitution not rocket science.

This power is where Trump or Newsom gets power to pardon or commute prison sentences.

Lib: I’m not sure what page of the constitution where it states the president is the chief law enforcement officer of the US.

Me: Since all law enforcement people work under him, and he appoints the department heads and has power to remove them, this makes him chief of law enforcement. Same idea as him being Commander of the military. He is charged with enforcing the law and protecting citizens.

This power of the President is supported by the Supreme Court and has been upheld in numerous court cases.

Trump appointed Mueller and had the power to fire him without cause at any time.

If Chief Executive is not chief law enforcement guy then who is?

Lib: The Attorney General has always had that role until now.

Me: He may have day to day role but who hires and fires Attorney General? The President.

President delegates authority but not responsibility. Remember “the buck stops here?”

Lib: Ya, I know that saying but it doesn’t pertain to trump since he never once has taken responsibility for his actions instead he attacks others and lies.

Me: Your emotional response does not negate a factually true statement.

And, poof! Just like that the conversation was ended.

My Comments

Can you imagine a California Liberal appealing to enumerated powers of the Constitution to limit the government?

Sadly, hell has not frozen over. A Liberal has not seen the light and become a Constitutionalist.

Trust me, this guy is OK with Obamacare, open borders, and all the extra-Constitutional actions of the federal government—which he has never once complained about–but when dealing with Trump, he then tries to limit the President to only enumerated powers??? Folks, I just don’t get it.

Another funny one? On a previous occasion, this guy complained that under Trump, the federal budgets are too large. So his brilliant solution, he wants a Democrat in the White House. To which I responded, if Hillary or anyone else in the Dem field won in 2016 or this time around, the federal budget would be even bigger. Grrrrr!!!

Folks, I don’t mind disagreeing with people or that others have a difference of opinion but what really frosts me is when they have one standard for the people that they like and another for everyone else.

Sadly my friend has no interest in learning for himself what Trump is doing. He can only parrot stuff he’s heard from some place on the Internet.

Bottom line is you can’t use reason to talk with a person that can only engage issues on an emotional level. Yes I know the proverb about fools and their folly but on the other hand, why should I expect the spiritually dead to exhibit signs of life? My friend needs Christ not an amended voter registration card. Thanks to Trump, I have more freedom to practice my religion and engage with lost souls.

Trolling the News for Feb 2020

Florida police arrest Major League Baseball player at Dollar Tree for a solo “home run.” Here are the details:

Reese McGuire at bat

Toronto Blue Jays catcher Reese McGuire has been charged with indecent exposure after exposing himself in a Florida parking lot Friday, authorities say.

The 24-year-old athlete was arrested in Dunedin, Florida — where the Blue Jays spring training facility is located — after police responded to a 2:07 p.m. call of a man exposing himself while sitting inside an SUV parked outside of a Dollar Tree store, according to the report from Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office.

Blue Jays Catcher Reese McGuire Arrested in Florida for Exposing Genitals

That arrest headline literally reads like a Mad Lib from my youth, that didn’t actually happen, did it?

Worst part is, its as bad as it sounds. Like you’re caught stroking your salami, in a parking lot, near a Dollar Tree, in your Mercedes, watching porn. Like, that’s a wild move! If he did this in the comfort of his own home it’s not a crime at all, but instead, he does this in front of the store! Yikes. Can you imagine the 911 call?

Hope Hicks Returns to White House as a Senior Advisor: Speaking of stimulating, the Troll could not be happier about this one. Only one problem, she is now a senior at 31? She still looks great by the way!

Hope returns to the White House

Hope Hicks, formerly President Donald Trump’s most trusted and longest serving aide, is expected to return to the administration in the coming weeks, sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News.

Hicks, who departed in early 2018, will return in the coming weeks as a senior adviser reporting to Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law. Her official title will be counselor to the president.

Hope Hicks returning to Trump White House as senior adviser

“There is no one more devoted to implementing President Trump’s agenda than Hope Hicks,” Mr. Kushner said in a statement. “We are excited to have her back on the team.”

Hope Hicks photo from Troll

Hey, stay away from her Kushner! You have Ivanka, and she is another favorite of Troll, so let’s have a truce, shall we! I’m more than excited she is back!

Hope Hicks photo from Troll

Jarrold Nadler was skeptical: “I’m not thrilled the underwear model is returning to the White House.” Ummm how would you know Jarrold? You dumb humpty dumpty… just fall off the wall already. That being said however, I would love to see her work. I’m a huge fan by the way… and I’m going to IM the Trumpster to see if Hope is single…Because, I need Hope in my life!!!!!!!

Troll Hopes he and Jen are Friends

UPDATE: Jennifer Aniston, I call her Jen by the way, is not handling this well, posting this photo of herself. It is pure jealousy, but it’s ok. I may circle back to Jen if no Hope exists.

The Troll

Republican Crickets on March 3rd?

No, this post isn’t a slam on the third party of California but on KCRA-TV and the Associated Press. Folks I don’t know if this is sloppy writing or a purposeful dis of the once Grand Ole Party but the lead of this story is constructed in a peculiar way. See if you agree.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. —California voters will be able to change their party affiliation and update their address at polling stations on election day under a new law approved in time for the March 3 Democratic primary.

The change was particularly sought as it will allow the state’s 5.6 million independent voters to register with a party by signing off on only one form on election day. Democratic presidential campaigns hope the law will boost the number of registered Democrats and participation in their primary.

California voters can switch party status on election day

It strikes me as weird that the way this story is constructed; no acknowledgement is mentioned that Republicans can vote too. But does this story only apply to Democrats? The perspective of the author is that there is only one party in California.

A different view

Here is the lead for the same story from the San Francisco Chronicle.

SACRAMENTO — Californians will be able to update their party registration on election day, allowing independent voters to participate in the upcoming Democratic and Republican presidential primaries.

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill Thursday simplifying the process for voters to update their party preference or address at any point in the final two weeks before an election, until the polls close. SB207 allows voters to fill out a short form to amend their registration information at their voting location or the county registrar’s office, rather than requiring them to reregister and take a conditional ballot.

California voters can now switch party registration on election day

Two comments about the Chronicle story. First we learn that the law applies to all voters not just Democrats and second the Chronicle actually gives you the bill number and links it in their story.


So what does it do?

This bill would permit a voter, from the 14th day immediately preceding an election until the close of polls on election day… to change the voter’s residence address or political party preference by submitting to the voter’s county elections official a written request containing the new residence address or political party preference and signed under penalty of perjury. The bill would require a ballot or provisional ballot to be provided to the voter, as specified, and would require that the registration of the voter be immediately updated.

SB-207 Elections: voter registration: partisan primary elections.

The bill was passed by a 2/3 vote of both houses of the State Legislature last week and was signed by the Governor yesterday. So as predicted many years ago, California now has same day registration. Since Democrats planned this change a decade ago, one wonders why the sudden urgency after voting has started and two and half weeks before Election Day.

Oh, in case you missed it, the net result of all the election changes here is that Iowa’s Democrat vote count will be a shining example of efficiency compared to getting California’s final vote totals. Even before this legislation, final results were expected to take many weeks. Kind of begs the question as to whether a Sander’s election night victory will Bern away once the dead and illegal voters are counted in the days following the election.

Talk about Operation Chaos!

Addendum: There was another bill enacted last fall (October 2019) related to late and same day voter registration. The bill signed last fall required verification of voters prior to counting their votes.

Legislation signed Tuesday by Gov. Gavin Newsom expands conditional voter registration in the state. Voters who register conditionally on Election Day will not have their ballots counted until their registration has been verified.

Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs New Law Expanding Same-Day Voter Registration

However, under the new law, the process of registering or changing registration is streamlined. (Completion of a full voter registration form is no longer required during last 14 days.) Also, it appears that ballots cast are no longer segregated and counted separately.

My initial interest in the article was the assumption that only Democrats will be voting on March 3rd.

McClatchy Goes for BK

Yep, the Liberal rag that has plagued northern California for over 150 years and the rest of the country for a few decades has filed for bankruptcy protection. McClatchy can’t pay their retirement payment that is due next month—we have previously documented this—so they are filing for B.K. and trying to slough-off their pensions onto the Federal government.

The overall reorganization plan seeks to address an estimated $700 million in debt. It would also put a hedge fund in control of the 163-year-old journalism company.

McClatchy expects fourth-quarter revenues of $183.9 million, down 14% from a year earlier. Its 2019 revenue is anticipated to be down 12.1% from the previous year. That would mean that the publisher’s revenue will have slid for six consecutive years.

The company expects to pull its listing from the New York Stock Exchange as a publicly traded company and go private.

Sacramento-based McClatchy files for bankruptcy protection

The company’s value is so low that they are being kicked out of the New York Stock Exchange—can you say penny stock? Thus they have to go private, the statements above are lipstick on the pig.

Folks, McClatchy’s bankruptcy filing will only allow the death spiral of this company to crash in a controlled manner. Color me skeptical, but somehow the company’s leadership will walk away with fully funded stock portfolios while retirees might get their pensions cut and they put taxpayers on the hook for the liability of 25,000 current retirees.

The newspaper chain also said it expects to transfer management of its $1.4 billion pension plan to the U.S. government’s Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. The costs of the company’s pension plan, a legacy of an era in which the newspaper industry was rich with profits, weighed it down in recent years.

Although bankruptcies can result in pensioners receiving less than they were due, McClatchy said Thursday that it believes its plan “would not have an adverse impact on qualified pension benefits for substantially all plan participants.”

Newspaper chain McClatchy files Chapter 11 bankruptcy after pension woes, print declines

McClatchy’s pension plan was founded in 1944 and covered nearly 24,500 people as of Jan. 1, 2019. The company also assumed other pension plans with various acquisitions in recent decades. By July 2019, the company’s pension shortfall totaled $805 million, according to a court filing.

Folks, to me this is tragic on a lot of levels but a long time in coming.

There is humor (or hubris) to be found in all this. The following quote encapsulates what’s wrong with this company and always has been.

McClatchy spokesperson Jeanne Segal said in an email that there would be “no layoffs associated with this filing. Our newsrooms are operating as usual, providing strong independent local journalism essential to the communities we serve.”

Folks, this paper has never been a provider of independent journalism. That is laughable on its face. McClatchy has been the official mouthpiece of the Democrat Party on every issue they have ever covered. Yes, they will occasionally throw a token Democrat under the bus if it furthers the Party as a whole, but who remembers Joseph Montoya anyway?

The hedge fund involved with putting McClatchy on life-support parroted the McClatchy spokesman, saying they’re “committed to preserving independent journalism and newsroom jobs.”

Translation, “we gave McClatchy enough life to lie about Republicans and President Trump for a few more months (or years) before we give this organization the needle.”

McClatchy and the rest of the mainstream print media should be under mandatory reporting for in-kind contributions to the Democrat Party because they are incapable of independent thought. These guys are a joke. The faster this company is euthanized, the better off the rest of us will be.

College Girl’s Offering to Her God

Those of you that paid attention in Sunday School might recall the following passage about a poor woman that offered her all to God:

And she sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people contributing money into the campaign. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor woman came and put in three small silver coins. And she called her supporters to her and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor woman has put in more than all those who are contributing to the campaign. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.”
Mark Pocahontas 12:41-44

Here is the Washington Times version:

“A young woman came up by herself [in a selfie-line tonight] and she said, ‘I’m a broke college student with a lot of student loan debt,’” she said. “And she said, ‘I checked and I have six dollars in the bank. So, I just gave three dollars to keep you in this fight.’ That’s what we gotta do. We gotta stay in this fight with people who are counting on us.”

Warren: 2020 quest continues for ‘broke college student’ who gave $3 of last $6 in bank

Not satisfied with the offering from the young woman who was in debt up to her eyebrows and drowning is student loan debt, millionaire candidate, Elizabeth Warren, then shared a video of the encounter with her 3.7 million Twitter followers—most who hail from Russia, China, and Ukraine (if they really exist at all)— so her supporters know that they are expected to give her their all.

If elected, Warren has repeatedly promised to forgive economically ignorant young people that blindly follow the dictates of society and magically forgive all their trespasses. Note that Warren has never actually drafted and introduced any legislation to make this happen while serving in the US Senate—our same criticism of Ted Cruz in 2016—because only at some indeterminate time in the future (like her 2nd term) would she be comfortable enough to make this a reality. However, she has no problem promising to screw all of us that played by the rules and paid off our student loans. “Damn the bad luck’” she said.

Failed Impeachment Has Consequences

“Elections have consequences.” It’s the political way for winners to tell losers: “Tough luck, you lost. Get over it.”
Barack Obama 2009

Donald Trump has been cramming that statement down the Democrat’s throats for over three years now. But this last week, he has taught them a new corollary to that sentiment, failed impeachments have consequences too.

In what the mainstream media thought was a preemptive strike, they made the case that failed impeachments shouldn’t have any repercussions. Consider the following from Bloomberg news.

President Donald Trump mostly stifled his fury toward the impeachment … Now that he’s been acquitted of two impeachment charges, they’re bracing for payback.

It may be about to begin.

It’s not just the witnesses — such as Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, an NSC analyst — who could face retribution for speaking out. The deeper anxiety among many career national security officials is that Trump, feeling vindicated by the Senate’s acquittal, will act on longharbored suspicions that bureaucrats at the State Department and the NSC are out to undermine his agenda.

Unburdened by impeachment, they fear that Trump could unleash his anger at the foreign policy establishment he’s long equated with what some of his advisers and supporters call the “Deep State.”

Trump Impeachment Fury Sows Fear of Payback Among Diplomats

“Active-duty officers are scared of word getting out and then facing retribution, not just from the president but also from political ambassadors,” said Lewis Lukens, the former deputy envoy in London who was removed last year by Trump’s choice to lead the embassy there, New York Jets owner Woody Johnson. “The president’s acquittal will reinforce in his mind that he can get rid of career people, not just at State, who he thinks are blocking or slow-rolling his agenda.”

So far the fallout from impeachment has been relatively muted. Gordon Sondland, the hotelier and U.S. ambassador to the European Union — who testified there was a “quid pro quo” in Trump’s Ukraine dealings that everybody knew — continues his work in Brussels.

Folks, the digital ink on this story was not even dry when the stuff hit the fan. Alexander Vindman and his brother were sacked by Trump along with Ambassador Gordon Sondland.

Donald Trump has recalled the US ambassador who testified in the impeachment inquiry against him, becoming the second prominent witness to be fired in the aftermath of the president’s acquittal on charges of abuse of power and obstruction.

“I was advised today that the president intends to recall me effective immediately as United States Ambassador to the European Union,” Gordon Sondland said in a statement released on Friday evening. The hotelier from Oregon became a diplomat after donating $1m to Mr Trump’s inauguration committee.

During his explosive testimony at the impeachment inquiry, Mr Sondland contradicted claims from Mr Trump and his top aides that there was no quid pro quo when the White House withheld aid from Ukraine as a way to pressure Kyiv to launch an investigation into former US vice-president Joe Biden.

His recall came within hours of the dismissal of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, the US army officer who told impeachment investigators that Donald Trump made “inappropriate” demands of his Ukrainian counterpart.

Lt Col Vindman, a Ukraine expert, was sacked from his post at the National Security Council and “escorted out of the White House”, his lawyer said

Donald Trump fires US ambassador to EU and impeachment witness

But President Trump was just getting started.

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Monday hinted that additional officials could be forced out of their roles following the ousters last week of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and Ambassador Gordon Sondland — both high-profile witnesses in the impeachment investigation of President Donald Trump.

Asked during an interview on “Fox & Friends” whether there will be more dismissals in the days to come, Conway said…

Kellyanne Conway says more officials may be ousted after Trump’s Senate acquittal

With the digital ink not dry on that story, it was announced that Trump fired 70 more people from the National Security Council.

In some sense, as Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner reported, Trump “is making good on his promises to ‘drain the swamp.’”

In this case, he’s targeting leftist appointees to the NSC hired by his predecessor, Barack Hussein Obama.

“Officials confirmed that Trump and national security adviser Robert O’Brien have cut 70 positions inherited from former President Barack Obama, who had fattened the staff to 200,” Bedard reported. “Many were loaners from other agencies and have been sent back. Others left government work.”

Trump Fires 70 at NSC, Biden-Burisma Questions Remain

Folks, look for this purge to continue under the radar. Trump values loyalty above all else and he will do what it takes to get the Executive Branch to be responsive to the Chief Executive.

If you recall, President Bush was plagued with similar subterfuge with holdovers that he kept in his Administration—note that this malady doesn’t affect Democrats because they keep no holdovers.

Lastly, is Alexander Vindman the real life Radar O’Reilly?

Oh, and some folks left today as a result of the government not throwing the book at Roger Stone. Seems like this guy is being prosecuted as the result of tainted FBI warrants. Roger is full of BS and going to jail while Biden did worse and gets a pass. Not fair. I think all the Mueller related cases need to be dropped in light of the lies that the FBI told FISA to spy on the Trump campaign.

Dumb jocks won’t even move to the Soviet CA

By Chief

As I write from the news desk at this weekend, I came across an article that featured a football player. Of course, I figured he is dumb because well…like Democrats, they say athletes are dumb. “I was tuld so whil in skool.”

Back in the day, I attended Jesuit High School. I know the athlete stereotype first-hand. As a freshman and sophomore (which means “wise fool” in Latin by the way), I was viewed as a great scholar. I played no sports, I was focused on school. As a junior and senior, I played football, (NOT A BIG DEAL) and suddenly I was viewed as a dumb jock. BRAG ALERT, BRAG ALERT!!!!! We went undefeated my junior year, only team to ever do that by the way (AGAIN NOT A BIG DEAL).

Humble brag over for now, let’s share the story. A player on my favorite football team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, also known as the team that completely embarrassed the Oakland/Los Angles/Las Vegas/wherever Raiders, made news this week. Shaq Barrett signed with Tampa in last offseason for 4 million dollars. He had a great year and most folks figured he would go to a true professional team, as Tampa is the worst team in football history. My spies tell me he will be back in Tampa after leading the league in quarterback sacks last year, but in case you were wondering, he won’t be going to Los Angeles.

“If [other teams] offer me more than Tampa, I’m going to look at the places, if they offer me more than Tampa, I’m going to look at what their taxes is compared to Tampa’s. Because I ain’t going to live in L.A. and get taxed crazy,” Shaq said.

“I’m not going to take drastically less but I am open to doing what I think is best for my career, and I think that would be staying in Tampa.”

Shaq Barrett has two reasons for willingness to take discount with Buccaneers
Shaq Barrett–proudly playing for Tampa Bay

Ouch………. Are you listening Gavin Newsom?????

But he’s a dumb jock right????? Just like me in High School as most on the left would say we “don’t cum to play skool.” They could not be more wrong about most of us. We are normal people some just with gifts from God, me being tall and fast. However, it’s funny. My first two years at Jesuit, I barely achieved, and I could care less about school. I had a 2.3 GPA; however, I was viewed as a scholar. I was loved by my teachers, then I became a “dumb jock” and it’s funny my GPA at graduation from Jesuit, regarded as a top institution of higher learning, was 3.75. Funny because when I enrolled I took elementary algebra, and other classes I could care less about, my junior year I took calculus, and took care of business. My point being we aren’t dumb jocks, we prefer you guys thinking we are.

Gavin you have it smoking in California…keep it up. Your state stinks so bad even the Raiders are leaving. It’s ironic actually, your voters are much like fans of the 49ers, Raiders, Rams, and Chargers, they haven’t been relevant in decades.

The Chief