If you haven’t been living under a rock, are completely delusional, or related to Aaron or George Park, you likely have heard about the leaked Supreme Court documents regarding Roe vs Wade. Specifically, the court will overturn the ruling and leave the enforcement up to the individual states.
For starters not much is really going to change as far as a woman’s right to choose. I mean that in the sense that if you choose to engage in unprotected sex, or refuse to take birth control, nothing will be different. The consequences of your decision will be changed though…. depending on where you live.
I have always spoken of the great political divide in this country, and the forthcoming ruling will only add to it. However, I want you to take a step back, forget about Roe v Wade for a minute here. Over the past 20 years we have seen a sea change in how people/politicians govern. It used to be the school board/city council/mayor/water board were not political…. now it’s a hot bed. Ditto for the DA and Sheriff races. On one side it’s how far left can you go, same holds true for the other side, compromise is a bad word. Here is my point.
Let’s look at a California based example first. In a county like El Dorado (far right) if you kill someone, you will be charged with and likely get the death penalty upon sentencing. In Sacramento (center left) likely you will get life in prison, probably no parole. In San Francisco or LA (bat s**t crazy left) you will at some point be released from prison and be able to kill again. This is because the individual counties have their own leadership and go from there.
Back to the abortion issue.
Say Roe V Wade is overturned leaving the decision up to the states. A state like California has already said they will not have any restrictions on abortion, and I foresee tax breaks being offered to move your abortion clinic out here. In some counties like the aforementioned El Dorado, they likely will make it hard for those clinics to exist, think zoning laws, etc. However, in neighboring Sacramento County they will allow an abortion clinic to open right at the county line to serve the folks who refuse to make adult choices regarding pregnancy.
On the flip side a state like Texas will criminalize abortion as fast as the legal process allows. This additionally means enacting something like the death penalty for people who perform abortions inside its state lines. Some cities like; Houston, Austin and Dallas may try to prevent this from occurring or have shadow clinics but after a couple doctors are sentenced to death this will change. Look for most abortion clinics to move to New Mexico or a friendly, just across state lines, area. The other issue likely to come from this is the election of a governor from the opposition party could well set up an arcane back and forth pendulum swing regarding abortion clinics in their states.
In closing the left is absolutely going bananas over the possibility Roe will be overturned. To the democrats it’s about control, nothing more, nothing less. In many ways they are correct, I think everyone agrees with me, I am pro-choice as well, but that choice is an important one…. life. To translate for the living impaired I am very pro-life, however the choice is yours.
For people like me and many others who practice safe sex, we do not have issues where we need a Planned Parenthood or other abortion clinic. For those who don’t, and there are tons, their choice is likely to get taken away if they live in a red state. In many ways the choice is taken away because you made a bad choice. When you choose to have unprotected sex, especially with someone who is not a “committed partner,” the consequences can be vicious. STDs are one thing, but an unwanted kid is another story. My roommate in college lived this fantasy because he wanted to live dangerously. Well, he got a gal preggo and admits it was his biggest mistake. While I commend them for getting married and keeping the kid, he is living a life of poverty. Actions have consequences…. wait…I mean choices have consequences.
In closing, as far as taking someone’s choices away, please answer me this question. How come Planned Parenthood doesn’t serve the affluent, mostly Anglo parts of Sacramento County? When I looked up locations online, I found they serve an area near Arden way (poor and mostly black) and Fruitridge Road (ditto). If these services are so vital how come people in middle to upper class don’t need or use them? Also why are they only in downtrodden majority minority areas?
I’ll hold the line and wait for your answer. In the meantime,…. I guess that sucks, you got knocked up by a guy who refused to use a condom while you refused to use birth control. Fear not you can always give the baby up for adoption…. or move to California/New York/Illinois or any other whacko left state who will kill your baby on demand. Now serving number 105…. number 105…. please report to exam room B.
Yep, the truth is finally winning out. The US Supreme Court is going to offer states the right to end the Democrat’s sacred rite of child killing. As a result, the worshippers of Moloch are going all out to keep the sacrament of abortion legal. Oh, for those of you that went to public school or are just ignorant about Western Culture, here is the scoop on Moloch.
Moloch, also spelled Molech, a Canaanite deity associated in biblical sources with the practice of child sacrifice. The name derives from combining the consonants of the Hebrew melech (“king”) with the vowels of boshet (“shame”), the latter often being used in the Old Testament as a variant name for the popular god Baal (“Lord”).
In the Hebrew Bible, Moloch is presented as a foreign deity who was at times illegitimately given a place in Israel’s worship as a result of the syncretistic policies of certain apostate kings. The laws given to Moses by God expressly forbade the Jews to do what was done in Egypt or in Canaan. “You shall not give any of your children to devote them by fire to Moloch, and so profane the name of your God” (Leviticus 18:21). Yet kings such as Ahaz (2 Kings 16:3) and Manasseh (2 Kings 21:6), having been influenced by the Assyrians, are reported to have worshipped Moloch at the hilled site of Topheth, outside the walls of Jerusalem. This site flourished under Manasseh’s son King Amon but was destroyed during the reign of Josiah, the reformer. “And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the sons of Hinnom, that no one might burn his son or his daughter as an offering to Moloch” (2 Kings 23:10).
In times of apostasy some Israelites, apparently in desperation, made their children “go through the fire to Molech” (Leviticus 18:21; Leviticus 20:2-5; 2 Kings 23:10; compare 2 Kings 17:31; Jeremiah 7:31; Jeremiah 19:5; Jeremiah 32:35 ). It generally is assumed that references like these are to the sacrifices of children in the Valley of Hinnom at a site known as Topheth (“Topheth” probably means “firepit” in Syriac). See Hinnom; Tepheth. Precisely how this was done is unknown. Some contend that the children were thrown into a raging fire. Certain rabbinic writers describe a hollow bronze statute in the form of a human but with the head of an ox. According to the rabbis, children were placed in the structure which was then heated from below. Drums were pounded to drown out the cries of the children.
One suggested identity for Molech is the Canaanite deity, Ba’al-Hadad or Hadad. Hadad was considered the king of the gods by the ancient Canaanites. Evidence that Moloch can be identified with him comes from the fact that the pagan alters in the valley of Ben-Hinnom where children were sacrificed are also described as altars to Ba’al by the prophet Jeremiah. Furthermore, Assyrian texts state that child sacrifices were made to Adad, the Assyrian equivalent of the Canaanite Hadad. This makes it reasonable to suggest that child sacrifices may have also been made to Hadad and that a cult of child sacrifice may have been related to him.
Molech represents the most repulsive of acts in God’s sight, the ritual sacrifice of children to a pagan god, which was condemned in the strongest way by the Lord, including punishment by death.
Ancient people sacrificed their children to a false god in the belief that this would result in a better life for them. God calls for those that sacrifice their children to be put to death. Sorry, but like gender, many things in life are binary choices.
Oh, abortion is also condemned in the Bible—especially the New Testament. However, Big Tech is pushing a different point of view so you may have difficulty finding this in your favorite search engine.
I did a search and found generic stuff like “you are fearfully and wonderfully made” or “the child leaped in her womb” but that’s about it. But don’t quit there.
Thankfully I know where to look to find spiritual meat and not baby food.
Exposure, abortion, child sacrifice, and other forms of infanticide more often than not were both legal and respectable in pagan societies from the earliest times. Unwanted children in ancient Rome were abandoned outside the city walls to die from exposure to the elements or from the attacks of wild forging beasts. The Greeks often gave pregnant women heavy doses of herbal or medicinal abortifacients. The Persians developed highly sophisticated surgical curette procedures. Ancient Hindus and Arabs concocted chemical pessaries – abortifacients pushed or pumped directly into the womb through the birth canal. The primitive Canaanites threw their children onto great flaming pyres as a sacrifice to their god Molech. The Polynesians subjected their pregnant women to onerous tortures, their abdomens beaten with large stones or hot coals heaped upon their bodies. The Egyptians disposed of their unwanted children, especially girls, by disemboweling and dismembering them. Their collagen was then ritually harvested for the manufacture of cosmetic creams. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Plato and Aristotle both recommended infanticide and abortion for Eugenic purposes. Juvenal and Chrysostom revealed that many abortions were performed in order to conceal illicit or illegal sexual activity. Soranos argued that some women killed their children out of sheer convenience or self-indulgent vanity. Ambrose and Hippolytus said that some families resorted to these drastic measures for economic reasons. Others, according to Justinian, did so for religious, ideological, or sectarian reasons. But most women, reported Calaetus, simply were coerced by oppressive cultural norms, values, and structures to despise and reject their progeny.
Indeed, “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9).
From time to time voices were raised against the slaughter of the innocent and helpless. But they were like voices crying in the desert: hauntingly prophetic but scornfully spurned.
It was not until the rapid spread of Christianity throughout the Mediterranean world in the second and third centuries that a consistent and convincing pro-life message began to sound. But when it did, the whole civilized world stopped to listen. It was not long until laws were passed and a cultural consensus was reached to protect both women and children. The church’s pro-life message was arresting.
The reason Christianity commanded such attention and compelled such action was not just that the sanctity of life was a new and novel notion. The pro-life emphasis was provocative because the church affirmed it universally and without dissent, because it was undeniably rooted in Scriptural Revelation, and because it was coupled with complementary action on the part of the faithful.
Affirmation. The wholehearted consensus of the early church was that abortion and infanticide were in fact murder. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. On that, all of the patristics absolutely agreed.
The Didache was a compilation of Apostolic moral teachings that appeared at the end of the first century. Among its many admonitions, it asserted an unwavering reverence for the sanctity of life: “Do not murder a child by abortion or kill a newborn infant.”
The Epistle of Barnabas was an early second-century theological tract that was highly regarded by the first Christian communities. Like the Didache, it laid down absolute strictures against abortion and infanticide: “You shall love your neighbor more than your own life. You shall not slay a child by abortion. You shall not kill that which has already been generated.”
The second-century apologist Athenagoras in a letter to Emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote, “We say that women who induce abortions are murderers, and will have to give account of it to God…. The fetus in the womb is a living being and therefore the object of God’s care.”
In the third century, Clement of Alexandria asserted that “our whole life can proceed according to God’s perfect plan only if we gain dominion over our desires, practicing continence from the beginning instead of destroying through perverse and pernicious arts human offspring, who are given birth by Divine Providence. Those who use abortifacient medicines to hide their fornication cause not only the outright murder of the fetus, but of the whole human race as well.”
GRAND ILLUSIONS: The Legacy of Planned Parenthood by George Grant pages 209-211
Grand Illusions is available for free at the link. You need to search by title or author in the left hand column to find the book.
The Greek word for sorcery or witchcraft throughout the Bible is pharmakea. That is also the word that is consistently used in ancient literature for abortifacient. There is a Scriptural connection, then, between occultic sorcery and abortion. Considering the backdrop of Baal and Molech worship and their occultic and child sacrifice elements, this connection should not be too terribly surprising.
Let’s look at Revelation 22: 15 per the King James Bible
“For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.”
Liberals really hate this verse. Here’s a breakdown from the original Greek per Strong’s.
“Dogs” is a reference to sodomites or homosexuals.
“Sorcerers” includes people that make drugs that result in abortions and attempt to alter their reality.
“Whoremongers” includes male prostitution or men indulging in unlawful sexual intercourse
“Murderers” unjustified or intentional homicide
“Idolaters” worshipper of an idol, worshipper of Mammon (money), participant in heathen worship or festivals
“whosoever loveth and maketh a lie” people who love to deceiving men, act according to precepts and principles of idolatry, purposely promote untruth
Oh, all the above are banned from Heaven and destined to hell.
If Gavin does nothing and Roe is overturned, abortion in California remains unchanged; however, that’s not good enough. Gavin not only wants to make California an abortion travel destination but wants to make infanticide legal to boot. Yep, why stop killing them when they’re born. California is going to implement one of the primary goals of evil bio-ethicist Peter Singer.
Princeton bioethics prof Peter Singer
Gavin isn’t ready to roll out infanticide for two-year-old’s just yet but anywhere just shy of one year is the immediate goal of current legislation put forward by his keep abortion lethal committee. If you missed it, killing the elderly (euthanasia) is already legal here. Who’s next, maybe the homeless?
Gavin wants to fight like hell because that’s his team. Human sacrifice is a high priority for this man. Government is his “god” and abortion is his sacrament. Plus, he can be a closet racist. He is using abortion and taxpayer money to eliminate poverty by eliminating the poor. Which brings us to the next quote.
Planned Parenthood was founded on the principle of eliminating blacks and the mentally defective. It’s founder regularly attended cocktail parties with the folks that helped Hitler eliminate gypsies and Jews—the so called “final solution”. That so many Jews support Planned Parenthood is proof that those who refuse to learn from history get to repeat the mistakes of the past.
Satan worship and paganism are on the rise in our culture while church attendance is way down—per Gavin “nonessential”. Universally, Democrats are promising that all hell will break loose if Roe v Wade gets tossed. Again, this can only be understood when the State (political power) is their god and abortion is their sacrament.
As Rushdoony said, “all law is religious.” When the God of the Bible is kicked out of the public square and public policy then some other god will take its place. All false gods are demon worship and thus end up being Satan worship via counterfeit religions. All men are religious, the thought of a godless society is not Utopia or some stupid John Lenin song but hell on earth.
This culture of death puts our nation and its people under the condemnation of God.
Dear Church, God is coming soon but not to take us to Heaven but coming in judgement and vengeance. The George Grant quote above is an indictment of just how far we have fallen.
Friday night, Johnnie Does and a male friend (both are straight) got together to share a meal and get caught up on recent happenings in our lives. We decided to break bread at the Macaroni Grill. I use the straight term as my co-worker made a comment that Macaroni Grill is an odd option for a couple of fellas to grab dinner. He wasn’t wrong. Some background on Macaroni Grill, it’s an Italian chain that is a rival with Olive Garden. It offers typical Italian faire, here is the review and my commentary.
Peasant bread
Ambiance: It has a cool, wine cellar/Italian castle vibe to it. It’s a dark place, but that’s ok. It seems like a “take a girl out on a date prior to prom place.” They place a white piece of butcher paper over the table to simulate a white tablecloth dining experience, this was cool. For a typical table, if you ordered wine, they draw a glass on your table, and after placing the wine on the table, you keep track of your glasses. I would give it a 6.5/10 as our table had no butcher paper and while the place was basically empty it seemed we were an afterthought. At 7:30 mind you, closing time is 9.
Create your own pasta #1
Food: As I mentioned, its classic Italian faire; pasta, fish, steak, ravioli and the like. The chain 86’d its pizza during Covid for who knows what reason as they have a fired pizza oven in the kitchen. We both had create your own pasta, you get a choice of noodles, sauce, you pick 3 veggie/type toppings, and meat if you would like it. You also get a loaf of “peasant bread” and oil and balsamic to dip it in. Overall, I give the food selection 6.1/10.
Create your own pasta #2
Overall: It’s a chain, and I have blistering commentary at the bottom here. The open concept kitchen was cool, the décor was nice, but the menu was just ok. It’s a typical chain, and as I mentioned, it’s a “take your date there prior to the dance” place. 6.3/10.
Scalding hot-take commentary: Your experience may vary, but mine was bizarre. The hostess seemed more interested in texting on her phone than trying to seat us. We were seated at a barely made-up table. Our waiter seemed pretty off, like maybe he had a hit or two on the devil’s lettuce during his break. We placed our order, and he almost immediately came back with our food, like disturbingly quickly. My friend’s order was perfect, mine was served sans meatballs. When I made comment, I was told they are there. Okay, I guess I’ll dig around. When I confirmed their absence, the waiter ran the whole plate back to the kitchen to have the applicable 4 meat balls tossed on the plate. Not a big deal, but I mean where is the quality control? Also, no offer of parmesan cheese!? I figured the waiter likely forgot, or got the munchies and ate it all. Also, there was a wild move with an employee walking around serenading every single table. I would have had him more like a “for hire” guy because he just kept walking around the store. Kind bizarre actually, like you could serenade a table for tips, but oh well. Oh, and in addition, at the top of the bill, a $2 inflation fee? F*** outta here! Make Biden pay it, his dementia laden a** caused this. The only thing I want to see inflated are Jen Aniston’s tots……okay that’s it, Troll. Quit photo bombing my post.
It’s not fair, but Macaroni Grill is in a lot of trouble as a chain, they only have 41 locations left nation-wide. They challenged Olive Garden mocking their unlimited salad in an ad, but yikes. The chain has been sold more times than Troll changes his underwear. Most recently, in 2015 Red Rock Capital bought the whole chain for 8 million. The chain filed for BK protection in 2017 and is struggling badly today. If you have a gift card, use it.
Final note: I did describe this place to the Blog Father as a poor man’s Olive Garden but it costs more.
Friend of the blog and legit crazy person, who used to double as the goalkeeper of the women’s USA soccer team, Hope Solo, announced she has entered alcohol rehab Friday. Solo is a decorated member of the soccer team, but also has had more than enough run-ins with the law. This is a very good positive step; I am saying this because she was the best goalkeeper in women’s soccer history.
Here is a look see at Hope Solo’s rap sheet.
6/21/2014 she was arrested for a domestic dispute involving her half-sister and nephew. The carnage was so bad Sen- Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut sent a letter to US soccer blasting them for not taking the charges seriously. The charges were later dropped. Solo was quite intoxicated that night.
1/19/2015, While it was her husband (compete dirt bag former NFL player) Jeremy Stevens who was arrested for DUI, he was driving the women’s soccer van, with Solo in tow. The van was not supposed to be used for non-team events. Rules don’t apply to Solo. Solo was very intoxicated, I will give her credit for not driving, but being a passenger in a car with a drunk usually doesn’t end well in a crash.
3/31/2022 Solo was arrested for DUI when police found herself passed out in a Wal-Mart parking lot with her twins in the backseat. Yikes.
While I understand folks will say she made a mistake, or what not, it shows a pattern, and a bad one at that. The domestic violence is a major problem, likely fueled by alcoholic rage. Being a DUI passenger in the team van shows a massive judgment error. The last one however is indefensible. Being passed out drunk with your two young offspring in the car is horrific. This usually leads to divorce or separation instantly; I mean think about it. You couldn’t wait until you got home? Of course, not you are a drunk.
That all being said, the point of this blog is not to go after her, she made a very wise choice. Choosing to enter rehab as a public figure is tough, as scrutiny will follow. She is smart to get out in front of the DUI charges as judges tend to look favorable on choices like this. We here at the blog wish her the best, she was unceremoniously kicked off the woman’s soccer team and was drug through the media for seemingly every mistake. The only advice I would give her, be a better wife and mom, your kids need you to make good choices not horrible ones.
Alcohol and drugs are destroying the lives of many, and yet this country wants to make it easier to gamble? Sheesh.
The Chief
PS in an ode to Troll, Hope is pretty hot, and she has “cray cray eyes” basically meaning crazy in the head = crazy in the bed.
In preparation for our impending move out of California, I have been scanning many of my old files. I am making them digital so I can toss the papers I have been storing since the 1980’s. Today I scanned a front-page article from the Sacramento Union on the death of Bishop Gallegos. On the back was another article featuring the first American media report of a reactor fire in Chernobyl.
Also, in the stack I have a few assorted magazines that I saved because of featured articles on various facets of abortion and the life issue. After scanning one series of articles, I noticed another in the magazine on the subject of acid rain.
The context was this: Ten years into the acid rain scare, the US Government paid for a study on its affects. $500 million dollars and 28 volumes later, the study was promptly ignored. Surprise!
Why? The study disproved the pop culture narrative and as a result, it was ignored by both Democrats and Republicans.
The study’s conclusion: from 1850 to the present day, there was no change in pH of the lakes that they studied.
Last summer, the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) re-aired an interesting NOVA program on the natural recovery of the at Yellowstone National Park following the enormous 1988 fire.
NOVA pointed out that one of the benefits of this fire would be “to improve the aquatic habitat in lakes and streams for 100 years or more,” because it would decrease their acidity by anywhere from 20 percent to as much as 100 percent.
Within that scientifically correct statement is the key to one of the worst environmental boondoggles ever perpetrated, President Bush’s $140 billion acid rain program.
Summed up quickly: Forest fires raise alkalinity (reduce acidity) of soil, lakes, and streams by replacing acidic forest floor organic buildup with ash. That also releases the base cations (aluminum and calcium) from the soil so they can better neutralize naturally acidic rain (5.0 pH). Soil analyses show that clear-cutting of fir forests raises soil pH from 5 to 7 (lowering acidity), and slash-and-burn fires raise it from 4.95 to 7.60.
Conversely, unfettered forestation promotes the acidity of lakes and streams precisely because it builds up highly acid organic forest floors which tie down acid-neutralizing cations.
The study found that forest cycles change the pH of nearby bodies of water by creating temporary changes in pH but eventually the waterways return to a steady state level. In its entirety, this article debunks the whole idea of another mythical environmental catastrophe (acid rain).
Editor’s Note: Due to a vacation, this post fell thru the cracks in my In Basket. Troll was on time, but I muffed the handoff and failed to get it posted when he submitted it.
Well, well, well. It was an unspeakable tragedy but one of those arrested is getting smoked by the Troll. Look at this idiot!
Sacramento police announced a third arrest Tuesday stemming from Sunday’s mass shooting downtown, saying they had taken into custody a man seen carrying a firearm after the incident. Daviyonne Dawson, 31, was arrested late Monday and a gun was recovered, police said, adding that Dawson will be charged as possessing a firearm despite being prohibited from having one. “At this time, Dawson is not charged with crimes directly related to the shootings,” police said. “Based on the type of firearm recovered, detectives do not believe that this gun was used in the shooting. Detectives are continuing to investigate this crime and identify additional suspects.”
Bah Gawd that’s the Troll’s music…. get after him!!!!
First off that’s a crazy way of spelling Davion, like wow. I will say this, that name in the game Scrabble is worth several triple point bonuses! Hat tip to your parents though, your name has more characters than your IQ has points.
Also, boy must that suck, here you are on a Sunday morning hiking around downtown with your AK draped around your neck, and some jacka** is taking photos of you. The NERVE! Here is Daviojetjngmshr or however the hell you spell his name just going for a stroll on the Sabbath, and it ends in his arrest! On the Sabbath no less!
My sources tell me Dawson was out with his gun just keeping watch, he was going to call the police, and do the right thing. He has been quoted saying variations of that during his sentencing hearings of which there have been many. Or maybe did he want to return to jail because he craves the oatmeal? Or wanted to find true love in the bathhouse wing of the jail?
BTW how rude of those gang members to unload all those bullets with you in the area! It’s like when the red-light camera catches you, when someone else was guilty! Dawson was caught on camera with the gun walking near the area. Since when is America a police state? I thought this was America? Where is Ron Paul and Ted Cruz on this issue!
Sacramento Superior Court filings show Dawson has felony cases from 2012, 2014 and 2015, and documents say he was charged in 2014 with the Halloween assault on a man as a member of the Starz street gang.
Dawson subsequently was released from the jail Tuesday after posting $500,000 bail, a law enforcement source said.
I thought we were supposed to be giving young innocent black people money…. not taking it away! This is just another obvious move by the white privileged folks to take money away from a black man!
Hmm normally one would say the third time is a charm…apparently for you, it wasn’t, as your luck hasn’t changed. Also, great name of the gang you joined, Starz street gang…. sounds like a makeup group for trans people. Maybe when you are committed to jail you can join the sparkle cupcakes shower gang?
Regarding the Halloween assault, gotta give my man Dawson some credit dressing up as a gang member, makes you incognito.
He also was charged with being a street gang member who “engaged in a pattern of criminal gang activity and did willfully promote, further and assist in felony criminal conduct by said gang members,” court documents say.
When reached for comment Dawson said he “dindu nuffin” in regard to these alleged crimes … are we inclined to take his word for it? In addition, all that shooting, and Dawson couldn’t even get a shot off? He is destined to be a Sacramento King!
Dawson, I will say this, I am not a very religious person. However, I do feel the need to set aside some time in my life for prayer to thank god that I’m not you. Most folks go to jail to tell a tale about how they got in. Your story basically sucks. Yeah man, was walking by a crime scene, had my gun over my shoulder. Dindu shoot nobody. Then deez dumb azz cops be poundin on my door. They dun arrested me for nuthin man. I din du it! Little advice Davioduensgf or however the heck you spell it, keep the back door closed at all times. Keep your head on a swivel, and if you drop the soap, let it go brother. Stay strong.
PS anyone whose parents spell their kids name like that belong on a government list.
We are back, Covid is declared over….er I mean Putin invaded Ukraine. But anyways here we go with food reviews again! Blog Father tripled our salary so we will get these more often.
A new place opened in Elk Grove near the Costco called “Nick the Greek” we love Greek people and Greek food on this blog so here we go.
Ambiance: It’s a typical fast casual (order at counter, be seated, food brought to you place). Lots of décor and an outdoor eating area. Its new, and trendy, but very small. Think like a Chipotle but smaller. You can watch the cook crew make/assemble the meals. Overall, it’s a cool concept 7.2/10
Food: Typical Greek faire, Gyros, kabobs, souvlaki, bowls, and sides. Basically, it reminded me of Ariana’s. I went with the chicken gyro pita, fries and a coke. This meal sets you back about $15. The fries I chose were the regular fries, they came with sea salt and herbs. You also could choose Greek fries, which include feta cheese, or Nick’s fries which include meat, garlic and spicy yogurt. The chicken gyro pita was solid, it was quite large, and I got a very generous portion of chicken. I also thought the fries were a generous portion. A patron next to me got a chicken kabob plate over rice, which I also thought looked great. Call it 8.7/10.
Overall: It’s a small regional chain. I learned that they have shops in Roseville and Davis among other locations. I hope they make it and wish them well. They were very busy since it was opening weekend, and they had quite a crew working there. The owner was greeting folks at the door and explaining the menu, I thought this is a needed touchpoint. Some folks are not as cultured as others and if the menu’s not familiar to them it could cause confusion and a back-up at the order kiosk. Solid 8.3/10. We will be back.
Carli Lloyd who we call a friend of the blog, went on Hope Solo’s (former US team goalkeeper) podcast and told it like it was about the end of her career as a professional soccer player. Lloyd in her career, won 2 gold medals, and 2 World Cups, which is a hell of a career. She played well into her late 30s which again, is an amazing accomplishment in and of itself, and played at a very high level!
So, while on the podcast she had this to say about her last year as a player on the national team.
Even within our squad, the culture has changed,” Lloyd said. “It was really tough and challenging to play these last several years. To be quite honest, I hated it. It wasn’t fun going in. It was only for love of the game, really, for me.
“I wanted to win, and I wanted to help the team, but the culture within the team was the worst I’d ever seen it. I’m hoping that the future is bright and some things change.”
If you are wondering, it’s pretty easy to deduce whom she is referring too. Megan Rapinoe aka the pink haired, outspoken showboat, and Alex Morgan the star forward of the team. Morgan is another piece of work as you will see later. Rapinoe is so hated as a public figure due to her name calling and refusal to stand for the National Anthem; Subway dropped her from their TV ads after the franchisees revolted.
Solo agreed with Lloyd saying she “didn’t want to be around any of her teammates toward the end of her career. (Full disclosure, Solo had her contract terminated in 2016 after several bouts with the law.)
The conversation went further, this time touching on the $24 million dollar lawsuit settlement regarding equal pay with the men’s team.
“When I saw the team actually signed it, I was in shock,” Solo said. “Everything we had been doing to fight and then for the team to sign a less than equal contract — and then use words like ‘it’s equitable.’ We were fighting for equal, not something close but not equal. That was really tough to see.”
My wish if I could help and do something — the culture needs to change,” Lloyd said. “You want people thriving. You want to empower people. You want people to be there because they love it.”
A day later, she went on further on Instagram saying this….
By culture, I am referring to mentality. Respect for coaches, teammates, support staff. I’m also talking about the drive, the desire, the hunger, the fight, the accepting a role and doing it to the best of your ability.
“Giving it your all every time you step on the field, giving it your all in training, and giving it your all whether it’s five minutes on the field, 10 minutes on the field, 60 minutes on the field or 90 minutes on the field. It doesn’t matter.
“You represent the crest and you represent your country with pride because there are millions of other people who would love to be in our shoes playing on the national team, and so you can never take it for granted.”
She even described these changes going back as far as 2016, after they won the World Cup, calling the situation “toxic”.
“In 2015, winning a World Cup obviously put us on a really big, big stage, and endorsements started coming, and the spotlight started coming, and I just saw a shift in people’s mindsets,” Lloyd said. “It became more about ‘what can I do to build my brand off the field? What can I do to get an endorsement deal’ and less about what we have to do when we step in between those lines.”
I can sympathize with what Lloyd is saying, after winning a championship in football (American) as a high school junior I saw the same things. People were “playing for the name on the back of the jersey rather than the front, as a result we underachieved.
Lloyd is also taking a well-deserved shot at trash bag teammates Alex Morgan and Megan Rapinoe. They were more concerned with social justice and other divisive issues than the actual playing of soccer. They are also the two highest paid players as both have lucrative sponsorship deals. As such they took a very small settlement and “called it a day.” No different from any other rich person looking down at the serfs. Ah yes, all we have to eat is bread and watered down soup….until we venture back to our mansions filled with steak and lobster. Rapinoe and Morgan are the worst kind of people. They complain about wanting to be equal until they “get a bag” (money) then suddenly it’s about just taking a deal. This is most likely why the team flamed out in the Olympics in 2020, something seemed off and it is now obvious. This team is rotting and there doesn’t seem to be an answer right now. One can only hope the rot doesn’t spread throughout the team too far.
I do not know much about soccer but if Megan Rapinoe is the answer, I have no clue what the question is. She just seems like an uptight human looking to settle a score with anyone who doesn’t share her alt-left beliefs on life. Morgan on the other hand? Well, she got paid, so why should she care anymore. In the meantime, the world is catching up quickly to the US and they are not quite as dominant anymore.
BTW in a nod to Troll, Lloyd looks amazing as she is, but far better in a sports bra and shorts…..just sayin’
As you may know, just over a week ago, Vladimir Putin decided to have a “peacekeeping mission” in Ukraine. Putin’s incursion has killed thousands and displacing millions. He has bombed schools, television stations, orphanages, and residences. Even his thugs have been caught killing civilians. But this blog isn’t about the modern-day Hitler who is unhinged, it’s about those of us who fancy themselves foreign policy experts.
I have been asked by a plethora of people about why NATO will not help Ukraine at all. I will lay it out. NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization it contains 28 European countries and 2 North American ones. NATO is based on mutual aid for an attacked country with attacked being the key word. This is not an offensive alliance or an aggressive one, quite the opposite. To join NATO you must apply, and first and foremost, you cannot have an active border dispute. This is the key thing that Putin has exploited over the past decade plus. Putin, by invading/annexing parts of Ukraine (Crimea, Luhansk, and Donesk regions) created a border conflict. The World minus Putin’s cronies never acknowledged the separation of those areas from Ukraine. Putin for his part didn’t either, essentially calling them separatist controlled regions. Putin did similar in Georgia, and Moldova. By doing this he made it so NATO could not accept them into the alliance.
As laid out earlier, they cannot join NATO because of a border conflict. It doesn’t matter if Belarus joins Putin, because again, Ukraine is not a member, so they get no protection. Ditto to the other named Baltic States. NATO plays defense not offense, in fact a little-known piece of history, NATO has only invoked Article 5 once in its history. That was in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks on the US, and most NATO countries removed themselves after securing the Afghanistan region assuring no additional attacks were coming. Article 5 is the most cited one by today’s “foreign policy correspondents” saying NATO should defend Ukraine. Article 5 clearly spells out, for lack of a better term; an attack on a member is an attack on us all, and all members will provide mutual defense for the member under attack.
A friend even went as far as telling me, why won’t NATO have a fighter jet take out a convoy of tanks or blow up a Russian airbase. Again, Ukraine isn’t in NATO. Any member country that intervenes would in essence be declaring war. If that were to occur, I’m not sure article 5 would even come into play if the member was counterattacked. He went on to further point out that neighboring countries were monitoring the situation, and have sent troops to Poland, etc. I explained again, Poland is NATO and right now the NATO countries are saying to Putin “do something stupid and attack Poland or another NATO member and it won’t be fun for you.”
NATO getting involved as a whole can have major repercussions for Ukraine as well. Right now quite a few countries (China especially) are sitting this one out seeing it as Russia v Ukraine. An attack by additional countries, especially an alliance likely brings China into the war, in their home region.
Another friend pointed out NATO countries are giving supplies to Ukraine; again, that is ok, since it’s indirect. It’s one thing to send bombs, missiles etc. it’s another thing entirely to send a fighter jet and a pilot.
So long story short, if Ukraine prevails and drives Russia out of its territory, it can try to join NATO, it’s a long process, and it could possibly be expedited. However, a more likely scenario is Russia occupying Ukraine and making it a puppet state. NATO is there only to defend their members, not help Ukraine directly.
Joseph Castro (photo above) was the Chancellor of the California State University system until yesterday when he made the “biggest decision of his life….to resign.” He was under investigation for mishandling sexual assault and workplace intimidation claims of a colleague. Castro was in his first year as chancellor after being promoted from President of CSU Fresno. While at CSU Fresno he was a dumpster fire to say the least, check out this report….
Castro was personally aware of at least seven complaints against Frank Lamas, the head of campus student affairs at Fresno State. The complaints against Lamas, at least 12 in all, detailed a pattern in which the senior administrator “stared at women’s breasts, touched women inappropriately, made sexist remarks, and berated, belittled, and retaliated against employees,” ,” USA TODAY reported. Those complaints began soon after Lamas was hired and spanned the six years he was on the job.
Not one, two or a third complaint, 12. That my friends is a pattern, a really bad one. Castro and Frank Lamas were obviously close, check out this bombshell…
Despite knowledge of the allegations, Castro still recommended Lamas for an achievement award and later — rather than firing or calling for his resignation — paid him $260,000 and full retirement benefits to leave his post. The settlement forbade Lamas from ever working again at the Cal State system, but promised him a letter of recommendation if he wanted to work at a different college.
I understand the idea of paying someone off to avoid litigation, but the idea of a letter of rec? That just seems like allowing a predator to continue elsewhere. To our non-California readers, this is quite common in our education system at the high school level. There is even a word for it…passing the trash. Castro in his bio claims he graduated from Cal Berkeley and Stanford, he is obviously not dumb, but how could he be so tone deaf in the #metoo era?
That same day Castro and Lillian Kimbell, who heads the Cal State board of trustees, both said that they welcomed an independent investigation into how Castro handled the assault charges against Lamas. Castro partially defended his actions at Fresno State: “While I followed CSU policy and took the steps to ensure this individual could never work on a CSU campus, I recognize that certain aspects of the process should have been handled better.”
Castro further explained his rationale for offering Lamas a letter of recommendation in an “open letter” he shared with Cal State students and staff that night. “In hindsight, while my motives were to expedite Dr. Lamas’ permanent removal from the CSU, I regret agreeing to this aspect of the settlement, knowing that it caused additional pain,” Castro wrote.
So, in the eyes of Mr. Chancellor paying someone off is the best way to expedite a dismissal? Well, I guess when it’s the people’s money not yours that’s the way it works. I take back what I say about Castro being smart, he is just a dumb bureaucrat who would be on unemployment if it weren’t for government work. Only in government is incompetence allowed.
Consternation continued to flow. Students had gathered protesting Castro’s handling of the sexual assault claims. The Visalia Times-Delta posted an editorial urging the university’s board to fire Castro. The systemwide academic faculty union sought an independent investigation, calling the USA Today report “disturbing.” The faculty senate at Fresno State also expressed dismay over Castro’s time at Fresno through a vote of no-confidence.
At this point the cake was baked, Castro needed to resign. A career of incompetence. All Castro needed to do was turn over the reports to a Title 9 officer. Trust me on this the UC and CSU system is chock full of bureaucrats holding the title Chief of ___, but unlike me they have real jobs, for me it’s just a fancy name. Castro could have called a legal counsel; I am sure again numerous were at his beck and call. Could have gone to the trustees on the board, or even the governor, attorney general…. heck the damn city council of Fresno. But nope, he hid a sexual deviant and predator for reasons unknown.
Truth be told, the toughest decision Castro had to make was covering for Lamas, and he instead made it over and over and over again. The #metoo movement may not be one you agree with, but if you think you can escape unscathed your mistaken. Castro had a ton going for him, and he threw it all away. He is a loser, and a coward. He spoke about how he disagreed with the decision of the board and their investigation…. why didn’t he dig in and fight? Instead, he didn’t, like any other coward he cut and ran. He talked about how resigning was a tough choice, really it wasn’t. Cowards like him do it all the time, they would rather run away then face the music.
The last aspect of this commentary from me is this. God Bless, State of California quit hiring people based on their skin color or “being the first.” This Castro moron was in way over his head, the job was too big for him. But he checked a box and in California that is all that mattered. Quite a few highly qualified folks likely applied, and Castro was selected based on his skin color. Go ahead try to call me a racist, I call it like I see it. Castro had these issues at CSU Fresno, and they finally bubbled up a year later? Nice job Castro…. now make an easy decision, stop covering up sexual assault, and why the hell are you helping out a low life like Lamas?