Sacramento Teachers Screw-over Working Families

By: Chief

Yes, you read that correctly. You are not dreaming but this could be construed as one. (OK, a nightmare is more like it.) Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) decided today that none of the public schools (elementary to high school) can open for in person learning this fall. The teachers polled their members and the response was “overwhelming” that they did not wish to re-open for in person learning, thus distance learning it is. I figure this also includes no sports or athletic clubs for the fall either, as it makes no sense to have in person sports or band while banning in person classes.

What does this mean for sports? I doubt football or any other fall sports happen. The number of mandatory practices required prior to games being played is certainly not happening. This doesn’t bode well for fall sports being rescheduled for play in the spring either. Football games in 90-degree heat on field turf anyone? Just might be a thing of the past.

What does this mean for parents? Well I guess unless their children are junior high or high school aged, you’re doing “take your child to work day” for at least an entire semester. I am not quite sure how this will work as most jobs do not allow for 100% supervision. Take my job for example. I guess they could set up in the breakroom (it would be an invasion of space of my colleagues) and junior could fire up the laptop. Another problem, what happens at 3:00 or so when his school day is over? I am not off until 5. Most children under the age of 17 have the attention span of a gnat, which would make the last 2 hours of my day hell on wheels. What about internet access? At my work some sites (mostly viewed by high school age folks) are blocked, so that won’t help either. What about folks who do not work a desk job like me…. some people work jobs where children are not allowed, or worse it is unsafe for them. I guess they get left at home with little to no supervision. Sadly, some children will never notice the difference as public schools statewide lost track of about 20 percent of their kids once distance learning began last spring.

Oh, instead of putting the burden on parents to educate their children, the Legislature has already mandated that during distance learning, teachers must have live contact with every child on their rolls every day. Surely nothing could go wrong with adult teachers calling your minor children on the telephone when you are not home.

What does this mean for the child? Well long and short of it is zero in person school for nearly an entire calendar year. As you may recall, we shut schools down in March. Young children, especially those in elementary school, need to interact with other human beings, classmates, teachers, etc. in a face-to-face environment. Additionally, when in school, the curriculum provided things in the classroom for students to physically learn, are parents going to be expected to buy those same materials while junior “distance learns?” Folks over 60 who think the millennials and Gen X are bad…. you haven’t seen nothin’ yet. Wait ‘til these broken, dysfunctional, and unnecessarily traumatized children are voting age!

What does this mean for school support staff? If you’re administration then its probably business as usual, maybe a little more paperwork, and zero accountability. For the cafeteria staff, the hot lunch and meal program is still going full bore, so report to work regardless of your thoughts on this. Athletic department staff may be cleaning out their lockers for a while. Custodial and maintenance staff will continue to work as normal. If anyone is interested, the AC units and lights will be left on as usual, wouldn’t want anything to appear out of routine! What about yard duty, counselors, resource teachers, etc.? Some districts like Elk Grove may carry the deadweight but look for Sac City to dump extra baggage as they try to stay afloat.

What about the teachers? They won. They get to keep teaching from the comfort of their homes with full pay and benefits, and zero accountability. They are required to keep attendance records, but frankly don’t expect them to go one iota above and beyond. Sounds like the SAT and ACT are likely going away, and while we are at it, I figure we will take this opportunity to remove all standardized testing prior to the end of the school year. Think this group feels any of your pain? Think again, the teachers in this state are the most self-serving group of people I have ever heard of. The CTA (teachers union) owns this state and all the elected from both parties. Ask a Democrat elected, cross the CTA you will get humiliated in your next re-election run.

Sadly, fellow readers, the teacher’s union has become a microcosm of everything wrong with our country today. Teachers don’t have to teach in person but folks at grocers, Wally World, meat packing plants, and a host of other essential jobs must report to work or else. On the other hand, this merry band of entitled folks can decide to opt-out? Sorry you signed up to be a teacher. If you want the benefits, short workday, quite a few days off, summers off, extra time at Christmas, Spring Break, Thanksgiving, you need to show up to work in the classroom. Maybe if we withhold their salary, their attitude would change. You know, like what would happen to any of us who work in the real world?

I thought it was their job to think about the children. Sadly, there is only one bully on school property and it’s the teacher’s union.

The Chief

PS Hey parents, don’t forget to document your children’s P.E. (physical education) minutes each day so your district can continue to be fully funded. This is the only mandated curriculum in the state of California that must be documented by each school district. Thanks to Governor Arnold.

Archbishop Newsom Closes Worship Again

Just when you thought you could breath easy again and be welcome back to your local church, Gavin Newsom has again shutdown worship and a bunch of other activities that America citizens once called “freedoms.” Gone again is freedom of association and freedom to worship in California. Yep, Gavin has unilaterally suspended the First Amendment of the US Constitution again. Of course in a state this liberal, he will be able to find a host of judges that will agree with him—especially since these guys won’t be bound to their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Since the biggest domestic threat to America is the political party in power in California, it isn’t a surprise to us here at ReallyRight; however, we are disappointed that our fellow citizens are so willing to give-up their freedoms for security—or the promise thereof.

As I often say, ideas have consequences. Shutting down churches and releasing even more criminals into our society in the name of protecting us from Covid-19 will have the opposite effect. Newsom’s abdication of protecting citizens from evil doers and locking up all the law-abiding citizens in their homes will endanger many people. Look for a return to shelter in place in most of the State. I told you this crackdown would happen about mid-July.

Oh, all these unemployed people at home will also see more destruction and protests, along with general societal unrest. Folks, Joe Biden is nowhere to be see. What you are witnessing now is the proxy campaign to defeat Donald Trump. Joe is just the figurehead of the revolution; Marxism is the religion and socialism is the philosophy that underpins it.

Norman Rockwell’s America is Dead

Folks we were told from our earliest days to be good, follow the rules, try hard, and we just might be successful. However, Newsom has thrown such American ideals in the crapper. Every business that Newsom shutdown this month has spent time, money, and talent to follow his edicts and open their businesses at reduced capacity and in a safe manner as dictated. Now thru absolutely no fault of these business owners and after following all the arbitrary rules imposed on them from Newsom, Garvin pulls the plug anyway.

Folks there is zero reason to do this. No data supports this decision. It is arbitrary and an abuse of the police powers given to the Executive Branch by the State Constitution and Legislature. In short, tyranny.

Oh, the stated reason for the shutdown is too many family gatherings. So where were said family gatherings? Why the Fourth of July celebrations that we all had. Told you that would be the reason. If you people weren’t so darn patriotic and love your country so much, none of this would be necessary?!

Hey Gavin, get a life…preferable in another country where they hate America as much as you and your Party do. In fact, take your Party leadership with you. May I suggest you consider a country where face coverings have been all the rage since the 7th Century.

Folks again remember that Newsom will not allow things to return to normal until there is a vaccine…which may never happen. In the meantime, face coverings will be required in California as long as a Republican occupies the White House. Remember those news stories last week about requiring face coverings for the next three or four years? This ain’t coincidence.

The Vaccine Windmill

Oh, the leading pharmaceutical companies researching a vaccine are jumpstarting their research by using human tissues from aborted babies. As such, is it moral to even get the vaccine? What do I do when required by my employer to get this vaccine—experimental as it will be—and considering its immoral origins? I will refuse if either is true. Con Law people are invited to send me their contact info just in case.

Another Reason Things Can’t Open

Folks, the other unspoken reason that Newsom and his fellow Democrat Governors can’t allow businesses to open is that it will improve the economic numbers which would increase Trump’s reelection chances. Newsom needs to suppress employment as much as he can to assist Biden. Since people will get their $600 a week in federal unemployment, Newsom and his ilk are getting a backdoor bailout to suppress people’s livelihoods. The fact that many of the businesses Newsom is shutting down will never reopen is irrelevant to him. He is a cold-hearted SOB. Newsom also benefits by wiping out a broad swath of the middle class. Democrats function better in the binary world of haves and have-nots, where they are the haves and the rest are totally dependent on them.

Meanwhile, the wife and I have our realtors lined-up in California and Idaho and the financing will be ready in the next few days. Trust me, I’m really ready to get the hell away from this miserable state of tyranny and one Party rule.

ESPN Employee Melts Down

By Chief

2020, the year journalism and humanity officially died. The day was July 7th and Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri sent off a letter to NBA commissioner Adam Silver regarding the words that players would be allowed to wear on their jerseys when the league restarts. Basically, the league is allowing only certain sayings on the jerseys–all of which have some tie to the BLM movement. Hawley was simply inquiring as to why a player couldn’t wear a pro law enforcement slogan. Enter complete retard Adrian Wojnarowski. (above photo) “Woj”, as he is known throughout the industry, has very close ties to the NBA. I would call him a shill, but to each is own. Well Woj–who is an employee of ESPN (hired right after the major layoffs a few years back btw)–decided to get behind a keyboard and fire off a rapid response!

Woj via his official company (ESPN) email, fired off a 2-word email to the Senator. F**K You. Yes, you read that right, both the response and the email it came from. This is the height of stupidity and from a grown man to boot.

This isn’t the first time Woj has gone out of his way to stick up for a sport whose players could probably care less about him, the other time was in the NBA preseason. Prior to a game being played in China, Daryl Morey GM of the Houston Rockets, voiced his support for protestors in Hong Kong who were protesting against their communist government. Woj and a ton of NBA players, coaches, and executives hammered Morey for his remarks, how dare he stick up for the persecuted! Long story short, Woj does his best work on his knees worshipping a fellow man’s manhood.

I am calling for his immediate termination for cause! Before you say I am overreacting, remember this same network fired Rush Limbaugh for far lesser violations some time ago. First of all, the violation Woj committed isn’t just using foul language to speak to a fellow public official, he did it on a company email platform. By doing the latter, it means that he spoke as a representative of ESPN. I hope HR is grilling him right now but somehow, I doubt anything will happen to him. Why do I say this you ask? Read more below.

So here is a screen shot of the front page of the website, notice the headline of the article “Senator: NBA limiting social justice messages.”

It basically attacks Hawley and is very one sided, and then ESPN slipped this little nugget in toward the end of the article:

In response to the senator’s letter, ESPN NBA insider Adrian Wojnarowski replied with a profane email. The senator posted Wojnarowski’s reply on his social media account.

“I was disrespectful and I made a regrettable mistake,” Wojnarowski said in an apology. “I’m sorry for the way I handled myself and I am reaching out immediately to Senator Hawley to apologize directly. I also need to apologize to my ESPN colleagues because I know my actions were unacceptable and should not reflect on any of them.”

ESPN also issued a statement, which said: “This is completely unacceptable behavior and we do not condone it. It is inexcusable for anyone working for ESPN to respond in the way Adrian did to Senator Hawley. We are addressing it directly with Adrian and specifics of those conversations will remain internal.”

There you have it folks, all will remain internal, meaning nothing will be done. Woj will keep his job and continue his worship services same time Monday morning. By the way, why is he apologizing to his colleagues? Most, if not, all likely hold the same viewpoint. Let me just make sure I have this straight; NBA, BLM, and China are all perfect, yet the people of Hong Kong, and police are the problem? How many of us would have been terminated instantly for a similar email being fired off? Truth be told I’m not sure how much longer Disney will keep ESPN around. Their parks are still closed, and there have been 0 in the way of sports happening. Oh, and zero movies released over the last several months. Sadly, folks like Woj will always have a job at places like ESPN, as they are nothing other than mindless lemmings; incapable of thinking for themselves. Seriously who fires off an email like that on a company owned email system?

Maybe what Woj needs is a lesson on hypocrisy. As William has pointed out before China, uses slave labor to mine for the rare metals used to make your electric cars, and production for your new iPhone, yet folks like Woj have an issue with folks supporting our police? Huh?

The Chief

Editor’s Note: The Chief sent this to me for posting several days ago, but due to work and binge-watching Warrior Nun on Netflix over the weekend, I didn’t get around to it promptly.

Oh, Wojnarowski was finally suspended by ESPN for two weeks. Several NBA players, that hate America as much as Colin Kaepernick, have rallied to his defense. Links to related articles appear below:

ESPN suspends NBA reporter Adrian Wojnarowski after profane email to Sen. Hawley: reports

Senator says NBA shouldn’t limit its social messages on jerseys

Josh Hawley invites ESPN CEO to talk China, NBA amid clash with sports reporter

ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski responds to Missouri senator’s email: F–k you

Democrat True Colors Showing Now

By Chief

Why should Johnnie Does get to have all the fun? I have returned from hiatus and it’s time to get back to work. While I was on assignment (more on this later) the democrats went crazier than a Girls Gone Wild Video. Here we go….

Dateline CA!

Comrade Newsom was about to re-open nursing homes to visitors as early as July 21st. This information, while not widely known, was found out in a discussion with my neighbor, call him “Chief Sabertooth.” He works in the governor’s office. Think about that for a minute. We have had spiking cases of Corona, yet Newsom wanted to open up the nursing homes exposing our most vulnerable to this disease? How does that even make sense? Well I will tell you; a politician’s only job is to get re-elected. When the economy went into the tank and the budget saw a deficit of 55 billion, even in the face of a rising curve, Comrade Newsom decided to begin re-opening the state. So, we did a phased re-opening, and surprise, surprise the number of cases began growing. Now they are growing so rapidly we are beginning a phased shut down of the economy.

To make matters far worse, this mean additional layoffs and more Californians helplessly out of work. At least Comrade Newsom was nice enough to keep the churches open! But he did ban them from singing. I spoke to a friend who is a card dealer at the Limelight Grill and Bar (cardroom) he has been out of work, and looking forward to returning 7/10; however, now Newsom ordered them to stay closed indefinitely. Another friend of mine just got back to work at a restaurant, she has been laid off due to indoor dining being closed down. To make matters worse Newsom, being the tyrant he is, has ordered the creation of “strike teams” —government organizations to ensure your business is compliant with his rules or else. Think ABC shutting down the local watering hole and pulling their license permanently. Sounds like a police state to me! Hard to believe this idiot wanted to open nursing homes isn’t it? I guess I don’t understand this, most of the positive cases are being traced back to graduation or funerals, why are we punishing all for the decisions of a few?

Oh, his CDCR (corrections department) is another major fail. With an outbreak of over 1,100 Covid cases at San Quentin, some genius decided to move some prisoners to another prison in Susanville in rural Lassen County. The prison there currently has a Covid outbreak of over 214 people. The entire county of Lassen minus the jail had 0 cases just a few months ago. So apparently Newsom is a fan of Greek history, borrowing their use of the Trojan Horse to penetrate your opponents. (Lassen is a very GOP heavy county)

One last factoid on Newsom, he has always wanted to make history when elected governor, and frankly he did! While our flip flop governor was playing political games with people’s lives due to Covid, look what happened to our economy. In May we hit 15.5% unemployment, the highest ever in CA (until June when it was 16.3—Editor). So next time Newsom comes out of his Fair Oaks house, make sure to tell him, he’s made history!

Dateline MN!

So the city council in Minneapolis wants to and has repeatedly said they would defund and disband the city’s police force. Seems like a crazy move because in case of a real emergency who does one call? Sorry kids, Ghostbusters is not a valid answer. I guess you could ask for the guy who guards the local bank, and see if he has quarters to use at the pay phone to call the real police? However, to my point, did you know the city of Minneapolis is paying $4500 per day to a private security detail for those same council members? In total the city has spent over $63,000 of taxpayer dollars in just the past 3 weeks.

This is how this defund the police works for you. You dial 911 as an emergency is occurring, there is no answer, so you take up arms yourself to defend your property, similar to the couple in St Louis. Fear not, even if you do not fire a shot, the local DA will attempt to indict you, and make you fight and answer to several charges in court. This will cost you thousands in billable attorney hours, all while the DA has unlimited public funds. If you aren’t so lucky as to own a weapon, you will likely be killed, and your house ransacked, with no justice. Think long and hard about this defunding thing for a bit.

Dateline Seattle!

So I was on assignment the last few weeks I relocated to the de-militarized zone between Seattle, WA (USA) and the Country of CHAZ/CHOP.

The original Chaz
Chastity Bono before and after addadicktome surgery.
Her new name became Chaz Bono

I met with a special envoy who had direct communication with the leaders/citizens of CHOP and the message is far different from what you heard on TV. CHOP had a wall built around its border and had its own militia, a private security squad of AK-47 or long rifle toting commandos.

Keep in mind, most of the guns held by their security were either illegal in the US or were being open carried, also illegal. CHOP has its own laws and its own way of enforcing them. Mayor Jenny Durkan—who in a race to see who is the biggest pantywaist between her and Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg would come down to a photo finish—praised this movement and even took a knee in solidarity with the CHOP occupiers.

Seattle Mayor Durkan showing her support of CHOP protesters

This gave them credibility; CHOP went on for 3 weeks and showed no sign of slowing down…that is until this past Sunday 28 June. On this day, socialist councilwomen Kshama Sawant led a group of protestors to the home of Mayor Durkan. Durkan thought she was a sympathizer, turns out the protestors think she is a part of the problem too. So much for taking a knee huh?

Durkan’s office released this statement that night, and wow is it a doozy:

The mayor’s office shared the following statement Sunday night: 

“Seattle has a long tradition of peaceful protest and advocacy for progressive change, and Mayor Durkan strongly supports those rights. Mayor Durkan will continue to listen to leaders in Seattle’s Black community.  She is working hard to translate the calls for change into real, tangible systemic changes to policing and all the other systems needed for strong and healthy communities.  She has prioritized these as Mayor, with investments in housing, education, youth opportunity, and economic equity.  She proposes investing an additional $100 million into the Black community.

Mayor Durkan and her family are in the state program to keep their address confidential because of the death threats mostly related to her work as Seattle’s U.S. Attorney under President Obama.  Instead of working to make true change, Councilmember Sawant continues to choose political stunts.  Tonight she did so without regard for the safety of the Mayor and her family. The Mayor was not even home – she was working at City Hall.  Seattle can and should peacefully demonstrate but should not put families and children at risk.”

Durkan even went a step further calling on the city council members to investigate and throw out Sawant. Yes, how dare she release your address oh dictator! And just like that CHOP was dismantled Wednesday morning, and 25 arrests were made. 4 people were killed in CHOP all of them black, and over the span of about 3 weeks, puts the number of black folks killed by the “police” at 1.2 million times the national average compared to USA. If I could speak to Durkan for 1 minute, she likely won’t, but I’ll try. Mayor you are a white woman, I know I’m assuming your gender, but bear with me. This movement started off going after police, and now it has somewhat shifted to white men, you are next on the list. Keep in mind Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos had a guillotine placed in front of his house by these same types of folks, Bezos is a committed leftist like you. Your politics don’t matter, your skin color does, completely against the dream of MLK. Your fellow council members have declined your request to investigate Sawant. You are not viewed as a saint by this group, you are a sinner. You may have clapped and chanted with them when they took over the police station, or when they toppled statues, looks like your fellow councilmembers may be helping topple your statue next time you are up for election. Keep your head on a swivel!

The Chief

Newsom Arbitrarily Closes Restaurants

In yet another drive-by attack on the private sector and the American way of life, California’s Executive has demanded the closure of bars, restaurants, and beaches lest people might celebrate the Independence Day holiday coming up this weekend. This is in addition to local governments in most places cancelling fireworks displays that real people might actually attend and enjoy.

We all now know thanks to Some Black Lives Matter that all people that came before us were evil whether they supported or opposed black slavery—please note that present day slavery in order to build iPhones and mine raw materials to build electric cars and solar panels is perfectly ok—but I digress.

Anyway, the Pontiff of California has decided that people living their lives in liberty is a threat to his control of the populace. He can take all these punitive actions with a clear conscience because there is no way the Orange Man will win in his state and Gavin hopes that as goes California, so goes the nation will ring true. He’s banking that Uncle Sam will then use the power of the press—no not the liberal media and tech companies—but the printing press at the US Treasury to print their way out of this fiscal mess. We all know that once Hidin’ Biden is elected that China—you know that country that engineered the Wuhan Flu and gave it to the world —will once again be our ally and start buying our T-bills in record numbers like they used to before the Orange Man stole the election from the entitled Secretary Clinton.

Folks I’m so angry at all this nonsense I’m beyond words. In know that the restaurants have been following all the BS rules they have been shackled with and on the whole were doing a great job trying to stay open. Most people just want to make a living and be at peace with their neighbors and somehow that’s not good enough for Newsom. It is typical Liberal behavior, punish the innocent instead of the guilty.

Oh, lest you think this is just a blip on the radar, I’m warning you that Gavin is very close to trying to force us to shelter in place again. I predict about two weeks from now that he will claim the continuing spike in Covid-19 cases is due to family gatherings over the July 4th weekend and he has no choice but to further roll-back the openings. Remember that he says we can never safely and fully reopen without a vaccine. Also, his pronouncements were on the very same day that Congress renewed the $600 a week bonus for unemployment benefits. This is not a coincidence. Guess Newsom figures the optics aren’t that bad when the Feds have your fiscal back.

Against this backdrop, the fourth or fifth attempt to recall the governor is now underway. What a laughable windmill to battle. Not only do these guys have no money for such a venture—which is both typical and laughable—but they have no candidate that is better than Gavin to put in his place. Sorry but you can’t recall the governor and then leave the office vacant until the next election. If there was a guy better than Gavin, then why didn’t he run?

I told Johnnie Does and The Chief at our last Pow-Wow that the family is getting out of this wretched state as fast as we can make it work. Long ago, I promised you dear readers that Gavin Newsom would remake California—the whole state—into San Francisco. How’s that going for you? Just think, you folks get him for governor for six more years. I plan to be living in one of the free and thus prohibited states on Attorney General Becerra’s list long before Newsom is finished with his rampage.

The Salsa Bar is a Dumpster Fire!!!!!

By Johnnie Does

One thing that should be known, if you mess with Johnnie Does or any friend of his (Blog Father/wife/child) included; Johnnie is a relentless human being. He has claimed two scalps and after last week, he may be after another. The salsa bar, aka Dos Coyotes (if you’re a gringo that means two coyotes) is owned by a man called Bobby Coyote. It was a great place for a bite, a little expensive but it was quality, a favorite by the staff here at Even catered the Christmas Party for law firm Dewey, Screw’em, and Howe!

As has been our practice during the Corona craziness, William and I agreed to meet at the salsa bar last week. Our most recent visit was just after the mask requirement was implemented for customers when ordering. In the case of Johnnie Does, he looks better when fully masked and as such I was geared-up. The manager saw us and told William, called him by name btw, to wear a mask. We weren’t even near the inside of said establishment!

William muzzled-up and ready

After ordering, we encountered a young lady in the outside patio area mad that she was not allowed in, we will henceforth call her Mrs. Howard Jarvis because she was mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!

It was surreal, William approached the counter first, he has a preferred benefit card, and ordered a salad and soda, $18. He was flummoxed. The price was raised, it was crazy, you could be feeding 2 for that, but my God. The jamoke behind the counter said he would bring it up to his manager….F**k outta here, your manager is a clown who thinks folks outside need to wear a mask!

This is very sad. The salsa bar was once a great establishment, maybe it’s a foreshadowing of Trump losing, I am not sure. But my god, make the salsa bar great again. Britney is gone, the other cute girl is gone, the 2 jamokes that run that place stink, like seriously they both have a big fat dump in their pants.

Johnnie didn’t feel great afterwards, and William was light in the wallet, so Lowe, Ball’em, and Lynch was called to handle this.

Johnnie Does

Editor’s Note: I was rudely booted out of the salsa bar location in south Davis several weeks ago when I was meeting my mother there for lunch. At the time, Yolo county was requiring masks, but Sac county was not. Salsa bar did not offer customers a covering so they could enjoy the food, just treat people like lepers. This was true even when customers claimed that they had medical conditions that prevented the use of masks. Oh, and said location is near Interstate 80, great way to treat the tourists.

On Vacation and Second Amendment

I rarely, if ever write or talk about the Second Amendment on this blog. Its not that I don’t care about it, but that in my experience all people do is brag about how many cannons they have in their closet and whether they have a CCW permit. I have made it a habit of not talking like the rest because I don’t want to be on record anywhere about whether I own something or not because it’s not anybody’s business, especially the government. My feeling is that any record of bragging or self-disclosure is just giving the government a shopping list of what they need to pick-up when the decide to confiscate our guns. Having seen the 1984 version of Red Dawn, I know better. Gun registration is the path to gun confiscation.

On my recent trip thru Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, I got to experience just how other states honor this Constitutional right and how little of it remains in California. California laws for firearms do not stop at the state line. In practical terms, I found that I had no more right to purchase a firearm in another state than your typical career criminal with an extensive felony record. Virtually nobody was willing to sell anything to someone with a California I.D.

Most people that I spent any amount of time with were armed. In Idaho, you can both open carry and conceal carry with no permit. Purchasing firearms is a matter of passing a Federal background check. I overheard one clerk tell an interested customer that the background search is $44. Montana and Wyoming had rules very similar to Idaho.

In Wyoming, we were told about an incident when Some Black Lives Matter sympathizers decided to hold a rally. They were permitted to have the protest because unlike liberal states, the First Amendment is still honored even when the position advocated is a minority view. The difference was that armed citizens were also allowed to show-up at the park and surround the park to protect property. Thus, the citizens protected the surrounding neighborhood, the protestors got to hold a peaceful protest, and then everybody got to go home to their families. No businesses were burned, no statues desecrated, and no rocks, bottles, etc. were deployed. Oh, and the police were there too. Reportedly, they spent most of their time visiting with the armed citizens and watching the protestors at a distance.

Cody Firearms Experience

In Wyoming, we found a place across from our hotel–Cody Firearms Experience–where you could pick from a huge assortment of firearms, pay a fee, and fire them in an indoor range. Yep, it was not just a large assortment of handguns and long guns (rifles) but also some more exotic weapons. If you were over 18, you could go full auto. You could fire the legendary Thompson submachine gun, an M-16, and FN P90. Anybody could also fire a Gatling gun. It was the poor man’s way of doing an episode of Top Shot.

Cody, Wyoming

Having been to Gettysburg last year, my choice was an 1861 Springfield black powder rifle. It was the very same gun that the Yankees used to fight the forces of General Lee and the Southern Confederacy.

William home on the range

Really Right Jr. opted for a Glock 9mm.

Folks I highly recommend if you ever get in the neighborhood of Yellowstone Park to get over to Cody and check this place out. I bet half the guns you can fire here are banned in California, just sayin’.

This vacation illustrated for me just how oppressed our Second Amendment rights really are in California.

Gavin Newsom’s Mark of the Beast

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark…
Revelation 13:16-17

Tried buying food or getting your “retail therapy” out of the way lately? Tried it without a mask?

We were warned

Its ironic that the very same churches (the Dispensational ones) that were warning us about the end of the Age, Jesus was coming back any minute so be ready, and beware the “Mark of the Beast;” the very same ones that claimed they were warning us about a time when unless you were willing to accept the Mark—which also meant you were automatically going to Hell, not passing Go, and not collecting $200; thanks Hal Lindsey—are amongst the churches that shutdown when told to do so. Like all the others, they obeyed blindly and threw-in with all the rest.

A time of persecution which they were warning us about for decades is upon us, and they all ignored their own warnings and threw in with the government. They complied without so much as a whimper when told to shutdown because they were nonessential. According to their interpretation of the above passage, other groups that didn’t heed Dispensationalism and rejected Lindsey’s warnings were expected to be duped but these guys kept saying they knew better. Per Dispensationalism, martyrdom was better than receiving the Mark; at least until their 501 (c)(3) status was on the line. On this dry run for the Apocalypse, these guys folded like a bunch of cheap suits. Talk about epic failure. Apparently, 501 (c)(3) trumps Scripture every time.

If your church closed who’d notice?

There is a cause and effect relationship to closing churches and the rioting, burning neighborhoods, toppling statues, and despair of citizens on both coasts.

Since the 1980’s I have defined revival—which all evangelical churches claim they want—as: “when the church is culturally relevant.” The opposite is “if they put a padlock on your church’s door, would anybody notice?

Well I guess we have our answer now.

Hey church, the government declared you irrelevant and nonessential, locked the doors, and nobody noticed. What does that say about your ministry? Oh, and you were ok with it too. Shame, Shame, Shame.

In my recent travels, I did meet one pastor in Idaho that refused to close his doors, the only one in his State by the way, and he was willing to go to jail to defend the right of his folks to worship. He said the police showed-up, he stated his case and the police not only left that day but left him alone, period. Too bad he’s the exception and not the rule. The fact that he lives in an open carry state—a behavior which he participates in every day—probably helped too.

Universal compliance without enforcement

Now in California and other places where Democrats reign unchallenged, you cannot buy or sell unless you bear the mark of the State. While the directive says there are exceptions for medical and a few other reasons, the practical effect is that no business establishment is willing to acknowledge that any exceptions or personal liberty exists. They are too afraid of prosecution by the State. Besides the lady at the salsa bar yesterday that was denied entry, there is a media account of the police being called to a Wal-Mart because a guy couldn’t get his four-year-old to wear said mask.

The children were reportedly not wearing masks and the three refused to leave. That’s when police were called to escort them out of the store.

VIDEO: Family Kicked Out Of Turlock Walmart For Not Wearing Masks

Thankfully, some localities and their police forces have said they will not ticket or arrest anyone for violating the mask order but this seems to be the exception as only areas with Republican officeholders are taking such positions; albeit generously wrapped in lots of weasel words.

Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones released a statement Friday encouraging the public to wear masks but will have his deputies focus on education instead of enforcement.

No mask, no problem? Here’s why police across the region are not enforcing the mask mandate

Local officials across California balk at Newsom face mask order, say they won’t enforce it.

State sells oppression as only way to happiness

Meanwhile, the government is trying a “full court press” media campaign to pursue doubters to comply.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and three other former California governors joined Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday in a video campaign promoting the use of face coverings to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Wilson, Davis, Schwarzenegger And Brown Join Gov. Newsom To Urge Use Of Masks

Meanwhile in America…

Folks I’ve been on vacation for the last three weeks, two of which were spent in the United States. (For purposes of this post: Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.) This last week back in California has been a train wreck.

In the United States, I didn’t encounter anyone wearing a mask except occasionally as part of their working with the public. I saw no people voluntarily wearing a mask until a week into our trip when we got to Missoula, Montana. There we saw a few hippy-type folks muzzled-up. Missoula is only one of four counties in Montana that went for Hillary in 2016. My conclusion is that only Liberals–who are frightened to death or of death—wore masks just because. These guys are genuinely scared but everyone else was behaving like regular people. Oh, Missoula is known as Berkeley at 3,000 feet.

Gavin is Coming for you Barbara

In contrast, the despair and oppression hanging over California is palpable. People here think the current situation is “normal” or all that there. Such a pessimistic view is B.S.

Folks there is no metric, measure, trigger, or whatever you want to call it that will cause the mask requirement in California to be rescinded. It is here to stay until the Governor decides that we don’t need it. Newsom has just over two years remaining in his first term so don’t expect things to change anytime soon.

In case you didn’t hear, Emperor Newsom now has the total authority to decide which counties are not in compliance with his unilateral edicts. Thanks to our one party rule in this state, he can withhold state money from them whenever he feels the urge. Yep, its in the freshly signed budget.

Under Budget Deal, Gov. Newsom Has Power To Pull Funding From Counties That Disregard COVID-19 Rules.

But Newsom warned that counties that don’t comply with their virus containment plans will pay the price.

“I just did a budget deal with the California legislature,” Newsom said. “Two and a half billion dollars is conditioned on counties meeting their criteria under the emergency declaration related to COVID-19.”

Newsom added, “If they decide even though the numbers are going up ‘we’ve got this, we’re going to dismiss these new rules and regulations,’ We’re going to attach some considerations and consequences to that. There’s simply two and a half billion dollars in that budget that simply will not flow to those counties that do that.”

Newsom to counties: Contain the virus or lose funding

Other thoughts unmasked

Oh, thanks to the mask mandate, the wife and I have retained the services of a realtor and are actively looking to get out of California. We’ve had enough of the nonsense. Thankfully, California’s litigious Attorney General keeps a list of recommended states conservatives should consider moving to because California officials are not allowed to travel there.

I think it should be up to individuals whether they wish to participate in wearing a mask. Liberty used to be the American way.

Oh, and as reported here while I was on vacation, protestors involved in Some Black Lives Matter are immune from Covid-19. Here’s the scientific proof that we’re Really Right.

No evidence that Black Lives Matter protests have led to a spike in coronavirus cases, research says.

Gorditos: No Mas

Did I do it again or did I do it again????? I reviewed this overpriced restaurant giving it a 1.7 out of 5. Everything was all kinds of bad here, from the tables and chairs still stacked up, to the absence of a menu, to food quality. The phony looking hanging sign inside displaying their name didn’t exactly inspire confidence.

Well I went by the joint a week ago, and it was dark inside, at 12:30 mind you, heart of lunch time. Actually, there was a man working inside, he identified himself as the alarm installer. But no workers to be found, not really a surprise. I walked by the place again today, and they are permanently closed, I guess when there is a pandemic and folks aren’t allowed to leave their homes, overpriced, poor quality food is not the answer. Who knew?

Oh, check out their Yelp reviews, looks like they were universally bad.

So yes, they are permanently closed. Johnnie Does claims another scalp, (no offense to The Chief is intended by this remark). I have done more damage to poor/bad businesses in a few short months than The Chief has ever done. And frankly he needs to change his name, it’s very offensive, maybe indigenous blogger would be a better fit?

Just remember restaurants, Johnnie Does is always lurking about. You can try to hide, but if he gains entry, he can elevate you to the next level, or he can shut you down. Side Burn BBQ and Gordito’s have been shut down by Johnnie Does.

Keep your head on a swivel.

Johnnie Does

Johnnie Does Rubio’s Concluding “it’s a Waste”

Bloggers note: Johnnie Does is apparently channeling his inner James Carville as he was so hot, he almost spontaneously combusted because of his lunch visit. Below is his account.

I visited Rubio’s on Bruceville Road on Friday 6/7 for lunch. Rubio’s is a chain, known for their fish tacos. The menu is a little pricy but that’s ok as they are known for quality. They operate as a fast-casual place, meaning you order at the counter, take a place at a table, and the food is brought to you.

I ordered a bacon and shrimp burrito. It comes with rice, beans, the aforementioned (great word by the way) shrimp and bacon as well as guacamole, which I declined. As the Blog Father can attest, I never order sour cream or guacamole as I am severely allergic. Yes, as in it could kill me; apparently, I had a health episode as a kid and have never touched it since. I even say no guacamole or sour cream even when the entrée doesn’t come with it just to make a point of my major food allergy. To continue, I placed my order and found an empty table. It was filthy, not with food remnants, but dirt and grime. Wasn’t this place closed for 11 weeks?

Continuing onward; I waited for about 20 minutes. I don’t mind waiting because I would rather that my food be fresh and made to order as opposed to a fast food, quick serve place where they have it precooked. As the lady brought the burrito out, I had a feeling something was wrong; especially when a side of guacamole in a small cup was accompanying it. She set the burrito down in front of me, to which I inquired… “is that guacamole?” pointing to the top of the burrito at a green, ¼ inch thick coating. She responded affirmative. I told her I am deathly allergic and asked for it to be left off. She said they would remake it, but only after checking my order ticket. I knew there was a problem here…. customer is allegedly always right, why the checking of the ticket?

So, the young lady promised to have it re-made After a 10-minute wait (again not a big deal), she came right back to the table… with the exact same burrito just face down. The same guacamole conveniently located now on the downside. When I pointed that out, the young lady apologized saying they would make it a third time…. funny she said third because it was never re-made.

Look, I know kitchens are reluctant to remake or scrape off, margins are thin as it is, but when a food allergy is involved… it was their error.

I declined a third attempt as I have a schedule to keep at work, one must earn a living you know. She told me it would take her 1 minute. Again, I declined. It was 1:22 and my lunch is over at 1:30. She insisted. I kept saying I have to get to work, let’s just refund the transaction, I never blamed her. She said she didn’t want me to leave without food, it’s a nice gesture but it was too late. I told her I had to go. She said, let me write your name down and come back later to a free entrée…. keep in mind I already paid for one that was never made correctly. I told her I would not likely be back for dinner, to which she offered just come to the counter your name will be written down whenever you want, like some sort of will call. When I declined, (let’s face it, Johnnie used to be a common name) I don’t want some other jamoke to grab a free entrée because they are a namesake.

This is when it got odd, they would not refund me my money. I used a valid credit card; it should have been easy. She kept insisting on this will call thing, which I was not interested in. I was told no refunds, but I could charge back my credit purchase. Funny, this is likely due to places of business being “protected” when charges are under $25. This means the business does not lose the revenue, yet I am made full.

Rubio’s, I will never visit your weak-kneed establishment again. Twitter followers pin this and retweet as I am in disbelief. They may have messed up on my order, but to re-serve it face down knowing someone could potentially get very sick and/or die from a food allergy is a wild move. To add, seems like your location has several cockroaches there, and I am not talking about just your kitchen, I’m talking about in your bathrooms.



Johnnie Does