A Church at War with Its Members

Now I say this, that each of you says, “I am of Paul,” or “I am of Apollos,” or “I am of Cephas,” or “I am of Christ.” Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?

1 Corinthians 1:12–13

Even if you don’t recognize all the names in the above passage, you get the idea that when people divide into factions that they exclude others and treat the one they like with more deference, respect, or courtesy. Conversely, those that disagree with them are vilified, dehumanized, and shunned.

A storm has been brewing for several years in the church that I have been attending. Actually, three storms or waves of controversy. Things finally hit the boiling point during the last two weeks. People have been taking “sides” and going after each other on social media and other platforms.

Instead of coming clean about what transpired, the church has told its members that its none of their business. They are maintaining that “it’s a personnel matter” and thus they have no intention to tell anyone what happened or apologizing to those that quit their jobs because of the crappy way they ignored the “personnel matters”. Yep, plural issues; more about them in a minute.

Folks, personnel matters are not in the Bible. We are given a command on how to deal with dissention in churches by Jesus himself.

 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

Matthew 18: 15 – 17

These folks think they are a “Bible Church?” That’s laughable. I guess the Good Book doesn’t apply to them, it’s just a tool to whack everyone else.

On the other hand, this group was supportive of the leadership’s willingness to fold like a cheap suit when the governor said they were non-essential, I guess they’d rather please Caesar than their Savior. On this point they’re a consistent lot anyway.

Lastly people forced to experience these situations don’t act based on reason but are governed by emotion.

Now that I’ve given you an idea of what’s happening, let’s get to the why. From this point on, hip waders are recommended because the crap is going to hit the fan.

Folks this is literally a three-ring circus.

In ring number one is the school administrator that didn’t pay the teacher’s money which was withheld from their pay checks to the appropriate government agency. If memory serves, this agency is the guys that are currently hiring 87,000 agents willing to use deadly force against taxpayers. Her attitude was no worries. When the school was notified of the oversight, this genius just threw the notices (plural) in the trash so nobody would see them. This went on for the better part of two years before she was busted for being stupid. Oh, she was not the treasurer, so I don’t see why she saw fit to interfere. After tens of thousands in penalties, interest, and principle were paid, she was fired. (Makes you wonder what else wasn’t reported about her conduct.)

A certain segment of the congregation thinks she was shafted and treated unfairly. They maintain she was innocent. This is based upon the idea that she is a nice lady so she couldn’t have done it. Another group thinks she is lucky not to be serving time in government custody.

In ring number two are both the ordained ministers on the payroll. They needed to hire an outside mediator to help them reconcile “issues.” Being this happened during Covid, makes me wonder. You’d think the degree of ankle grabbing done by the church staff might not have been as unified and harmonious as it appeared. The only thing worse than the wholesale surrender of worship and church authority to Gavin Newsom was the Scripture twisting done from the pulpit to try to rationalize obeying the government when they ordered the church shut down.

Heresy is not too strong a term for the sermon allegedly based on Romans 13 that was put forth to justify capitulation to the whims of the State. It was as masterful as any scary cult stuff you get warned to avoid. The Scripture twisting from the pulpit was remarkable in its boldness and deceit. Rarely have I seen Holy Writ so grossly manipulated from the misapplication of “The Word.” The pastor verbally contorted the Bible in the same fashion as a clown stretches balloons into grotesque animals or a corner vendor shapes his dough into pretzels. Before long, the epistle written by the Apostle to the Gentiles is placed firmly upside down and its contents are proclaimed to mean the exact opposite of the plain context and historical background of the text.

In ring number three is the main event, the hostile workplace issue that dragged on for almost three years. Word is that employees of the church filed a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing because the church board failed to act after repeated complaints. I was told, gosh shucks, the board is volunteers so we shouldn’t expect them to act on such complaints. Such matters are way out of their league.

Finally, enough pressure was applied that the church had to hire a labor attorney to investigate the issues. In the course of conducting the investigation, much of the church board had to recuse themselves for conflicts of interest because they were either related to participants in the controversy or material witnesses to said violations.

The findings of said investigation are embargoed but the recommendations that the attorney made were reportedly adopted unanimously by the same governing body that had failed to act for so many years. What those recommendations are has not been disclosed either. They are embargoed too. In fact, everything having to do with it is embargoed. Curiously, following this vote, the Senior Pastor announced his resignation with two weeks’ notice.

What’s that saying about where there’s smoke …

Oh, due to the resignation of the Senior Pastor, the mediation mentioned in #2—which went on for about seven months—is null.

Some board members claim no causality between the findings of the investigation in number 3 and the pastor’s resignation. Considering that the Senior Pastor is the one that was accused by a multitude of people as the one fostering the hostile workplace stuff, that is laughable. The number of people to jump ship under his leadership is remarkable. The only way to know what the relationship between his resignation and the investigation is if the investigation findings are released.

Following their unanimous vote, the board thought it best to send their minions to various church events to calm the sheep that might be considering jumping ship. Their approach reminds me of my Navy days when we were on the Alaska Cruise. The captain came on the ship’s intercom one afternoon and said, “I can’t tell you what we’re doing out here but you’re doing a great job. Keep up the good work”.

Hint to my blog readers and members of the board, don’t send a known weasel out to try to calm the sensibilities of the masses. Having a person of such dubious character saying “anything you might wish to know is none of your business” can hardly be regarded as a competent strategy. The board’s position is trust us; we know what’s good for you. Wasn’t that Gavin’s line on closing churches during Covid?

When asked about the Matthew quote above, we are told the Bible doesn’t apply in the internal working of the church. Only state law matters. (If you think this sounds like the same rabbit hole that we just went down with Covid, I would wholeheartedly agree.)

Oh, we were also told that to make anything public would be to expose the church to litigation. Better to cover up the offenses. Again, opposite of biblical teaching. Oh, ditto for any type of apology to those that suffered under an unrepentant task master that created the alleged hostile work environment.

Folks, I’m not even on Facebook and the stuff that I know that was posted there is highly corrosive.

I could get into the tall weeds on this topic but why? I think you get the picture. It’s beyond ugly, it’s downright toxic. Irrecoverably so.

In the midst of all this, it did get even weirder. The spokesmen of the board are scared to death about the membership suffering or the weekly offering declining more. People have left the church over this—more on that in a minute. The sermon hymn last Sunday was “They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love”.


The message from the church board is you have no right to know what happened. Its none of your business. But trust us. Stay here and we can go forward together just don’t expect us to do that healing stuff. Oh, and keep tossing money in the collection.

Lost in all this is that Biblical stuff about restitution and reconciliation.

This is a labor law, personnel matter, and you have no right to know even though you are the ones paying their salaries.

Based on my experience, this is how this will playout. A group of people will definitely leave over this mess. People act emotionally not intellectually to such things. Then in about six months, another group will exit. These are the ones that stayed to see if things will get better and they didn’t meet expectations.

Oh, we were told amidst a tidal wave of weasel words that the pastor didn’t have to resign. Folks, this ain’t his first rodeo. He left to save face. Better to retreat and live to fight another day.

Lastly after getting run out on a rail, the disgraced pastor got a going away party sponsored by the church and held on church property. My wife and I went out of curiosity. The number of people that didn’t show up was illustrative as well.

My attitude is that we’re leaving shortly for Idaho so in many ways we don’t have a dog in this hunt. I’m not emotional about the office mismanagement as much as the failure of the pastors to lead during Covid. The pastor needed to go because he lacked a spine to do the right thing. The fact that it’s not his reflex to trust Scripture speaks volumes to me.

Lastly, on the spineless comment, this pastor would occasionally say something right from the pulpit and the very next Sunday he would begin the service with an apology because a few people got offended by his comment the previous week. He would then retract what he said, ask for forgiveness, and promise not to do it again.

Again, where’s the Bible? Jesus said his words would be an offense. Many quit following Jesus because people disagreed with him or didn’t understand his words. At one point he even asked his disciples if they would leave too.

A church that can’t follow the Bible when it might have a cost is not worth defending. It needs to be vomited out. I’m thinking really hard if my money will continue to go there or elsewhere during my remaining time in Elk Grove.

This church has problems because the pastoral sermons stay in the shallow end of the theological pool and don’t give the meat of the Word to their members. So, when times get tough, we get to watch everyone play the baby game because they’ve never matured from the church’s teaching; or lack thereof. “Safe” sermons are worthless ones and sadly way to frequently given.

Just as I was preparing to post this blog, I get an email from the board. Guess the board meeting a couple days ago was not poorly attended like days gone by. Anyway, they sent out a communique tonight. I will redact a few names but let you have a feel for what was sent.

In October of 2021, the Church Council received complaints of hostile work environment from Church staff against a Pastor …  In April of 2022, the Church Council retained an attorney … to conduct an internal investigation into those complaints as well as allegations of inappropriate behavior.

… the attorney, worked with a sub-committee appointed by Church Council to establish the parameters of the investigation.  The purpose of the investigation was to dismiss or substantiate the hostile work environment allegations.  The scope of the investigation involved gathering information from the complainants, the pastoral staff and members of the Church Council.  (attorney’s) scope was limited to conducting unbiased interviews, gathering information/fact finding, creating a report and recommendations, and presenting this information to the Church Council appointed sub-committee.

Following an extensive investigation, it was determined this Pastor’s conduct did not rise to the level of unlawful hostile work environment under California or federal law.  The investigator did conclude, however, that there was inappropriate conduct.

The sub-committee and Mr. (attorney) recommended a corrective action plan to address the inappropriate conduct and prevent it in the future.  Some of the recommendations, by law, are prohibited from being disclosed.

I’ll keep following this situation in case it warrants another post.

One Man’s Mental Health Crisis

Readers, I am going to share my thoughts and opinions about one man’s mental health crisis. This is by no means a “painting with a broad brush” blog. I am merely pointing out how this crisis was caused by himself.

There is a friend of mine who is struggling to the point that he admitted to a doctor he had “picked out the knife” he was going to use to kill himself.  As a result, he is on meds, seeing a counselor, and a psychiatrist. He is confused as to why. He also thinks this will be a short stay on the meds and appointments with others. What he fails to understand is in CA, you can sue anyone for anything, so especially when it comes to medical issues, everyone goes into CYA (cover your butt) mode.  There is no easy way out and due to our lack of mental health facilities, all our society does is prescribe pills.

temptation to go down the drain

Enough about his issues, let us get to the root cause of this problem.  It dates back about 2.5 years; you guessed it the start of Covid.  He bought into the big lie being peddled by all news networks. The lie was we were all going to die, expect for a master race that would be avoiding Covid altogether. He hid inside his house and continued to consume more of this lying, even though it was being proven that folks were not dying en masse. It didn’t matter what was really happening, the folks on TV were saying otherwise.  He tripped over people to get the vaccine, ditto for boosters and the like. This is even after seeing that the masses were not perishing in high numbers.  He continued to watch the entire daytime and prime timeline up, concluding the lock downs must continue even though the numbers were likely being made up.

Recently he has changed his tune just like a certain cable network did toward Covid.  It’s over and we better move on.  He will even tell people he was never scared of Covid.  Yet he still refused to flush the toilet at work, touch the doorknob, or let anyone stand near his desk.  He doesn’t want me taking vacation anywhere because I may catch Covid, yet he attends casinos?

Circling the drain

Long story short, he fell for the big lie.  He cannot handle it.  As a result, he pulls the mental health card, one he used to say was only pulled by the weak.

He cannot bear to watch his teams lose, he actually calls them his teams, yet he has no ownership stake or betting stake in them.  Seriously, when they lose, he says he doesn’t want to talk about it, and he is depressed.  Keep in mind this person is twice my age. When the 49ers lost the Super Bowl, he took a week off. The Giants are fading from the playoffs, yet he watches every pitch, every game, every day.

He has a reality issue. He thinks life is like a Disney Movie; the princess always gets the prince at the end no matter what. He can no longer separate real from fake. A game?!?!?  Seriously?

He has pulled away from everyone and self-isolated.  This has been a long time coming. His favorite pastimes are throwing folks under the bus and blaming folks who are not in the room to defend themselves. You should hear what he says about his golf crew behind their backs, you would think its mayhem on that course.

Is there a way out?

He has become the most price sensitive complainer I know.  He gripes about everything, airfare, hotel rates, food, gas, … well except the gambling.  All in all, he is bitter to be around, a wet blanket if you will.

To put a bow on this blog, I want to point out, I do think mental illness is real. It is a crisis; one we do not know how to deal with in a country that has become hyper-focused on name calling.  The difference is he did this to himself.  The number one cause of depression is isolation, a lie he bought into.  He trusted Hannity, Tucker and Fauci. The lockdowns were needed, it was to weed out the weak.  Sounds like he is having second thoughts on the upcoming booster?  How come?  You already hit your body with 4 jabs, what is one more?  Prices going up? Well, that is a result of shutting things down, and now you have to pay a premium to hire folks to do those jobs.  Another fact lost on him.  Businesses were shut indefinitely, and it shows no signs of getting better. He never had the ability to understand you cannot put the toothpaste back into the tube. I think he feels he was lied to and conned by people he trusted; his “TV friends.”

Watching the TV for hours on end just makes things worse. 90% of that is negative, and its constantly negative.  Worse, it’s on a continuous loop, so when one show ends another one starts and rehashes all the news.  Watching more than 5 minutes could kill a man. This guy watches 10 plus hours a day.  The TV viewing time is often extended longer by a steady diet of 3 plus hour baseball or football games.  This is not the real world, it’s a fake fantasy.

He does not want to volunteer his time anywhere, nor does he want to get out of his house.  Seeing another human is a wonderful thing, locking yourself in an echo chamber is not.  Read a book, go outside, touch the grass, volunteer your time, get to a church.

Long and short, I hope he gets better but he refuses to change his ways. I see this self-destruction spiraling as he circles the drain lost in his delusions.

The Chief

Saint Stephon Clark the Martyr gets his Settlement

Thursday night on KCRA News, the outfit that brought you innocent black child gets “Rodney King’d” by white cops, had this doozy of a report about the deceased Stephon Clark.  The City of Sacramento settled with Clark’s parents for the tidy sum of 1.7 million, this is in addition to the 2.4 million paid to his 2 children.  Being shot by the police while being under the influence of every drug known to man, plus alcohol, plus domestic violence, threatening texts, and robbery pays well in this area.  Trust me that 4.1 million is likely to be more than pretty much any middle-class family’s lifetime earnings.

Here are some highlights from the “report.”

On Friday evening, Clark’s brother ⁠— Stevante Clark ⁠— held a news conference to respond to the announcement of the settlement. Stevante Clark said that, despite the settlement, he will continue to call for the officers involved to be fired, charged and prosecuted.

Stevante is the piece of trash who during a city council meeting jumped on the dais and told the Mayor to “F*** Off” and other choice vocabulary.  He has about as much credibility as Geoffrey the Giraffe of Toys’ R Us fame.

“He was a loving, loving, loving father,” Stevante Clark said of his brother. “He was a proud father. He was love and light.”

Well in that case maybe the settlement was low, seemed like a great dad, coked out of his mind on drugs to the point his grandparents wouldn’t let him in the house.  Judging by the texts and his criminal rap sheet, Clark was the opposite.

Clark said he and others planned to protest Saturday afternoon at p.m. at Stockton and Fruitridge Roads to continue to call for the officers’ resignation. Stevante Clark also said, in honor of Stephon Clark’s birthday Wednesday, events would be held throughout the weekend in his memory.

“There’s no reason I should be out here talking about my brother’s legacy, defending my brother’s legacy, when the officers who murdered him should be proving their innocence in court,” Stevante Clark said during the news conference. “We always have to relive the death of Stephon.”

Ah, yes, a protest during these Covid times, monkey pox is prevalent, but its ok. Let us all gather to protest the death of a clown who got what he deserved.  Um…, your brother’s “legacy,” what exactly do you mean by that?  By the way, you are innocent until proven guilty you dumb hood rat.  You would know that if you took any history class or been called to jury duty, but that assumes you receive anything from the government other than a benefit card paid with this blog’s workers taxes!  As far as reliving the death of your brother…. take the 4.1 million, buy a place in Granite Bay.  You will never have to relive it again, and you can celebrate his legacy as he dun got you out da hood.  I mean your friends will call you an “Oreo” or say you’re “not really black” but live it up.

The Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office and the California Attorney General’s Office said in March 2019 that the officers would not face criminal charges.

The wrongful death lawsuit filed against the city and the two police officers claims the officers racially profiled Clark and used excessive force when they shot and killed him in March 2018.

The city’s attorney Susana Alcala Wood said in a statement on Friday that the most recent settlement is “the best path forward for all involved parties including our community.”

The Clark family has agreed that the settlement brings an end to the legal action.

“Stephon Clark’s death was a tragedy that brought pain and sorrow to his family and to our entire city,” Mayor Darrell Steinberg said. “Everyone wishes this heartbreaking event had not occurred. A family lost a son, a grandson, a brother, and a father.”

The Sacramento DA was an Independent and the Attorney General was police hating Xavier Becerra.  They found no reason to charge the cops.  The police profiled Clark?  Really? It was several 911 calls, him evading arrest, and running through other folk’s yards, and trying to break into a neighbor’s house.  Yes, Sacramento’s mayor is correct the death of Clark brought pain to the families of 2 police officers.  They are basically persona non-grata in this area, I hope both were able to transfer and move on.  The city is going to feel pain too, this settlement will be paid for by increased tax money… but nothing another ½ cent sales tax can’t fix!

Blame the police, tax the people, remember Stephon Clark.

Saint Stephon Clark the Martyr……Pray for Us!

The Chief

What we call news in Sacramento

Check out this whopper of a story transmitted by KCRA 3, the local news channel in our town. “Elk Grove family claims 11-year-old was tackled at State Fair, asks for termination of officers involved

An Elk Grove family claims that 11-year-old Elijah Hunter was tackled by police at the California State Fair last week on Kids Day.

Hunter’s family, their attorney, Black Lives Matter Sacramento and the Greater Sacramento National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) gathered on Monday saying that his civil rights were violated and they’re now asking for policy changes regarding security at Cal Expo.

Cynthia Martin, Elijah’s mother, said in a news conference that his shirt was covered in blood.

“They [Cal Expo police] knew that they injured him because they provided the first-aid before we even made it to Kaiser hospital, where he received further treatment,” Martin said.

Just think about that for a minute, no actual reporting just releasing statements from BLM, NAACP and the victim’s family and attorney.  Notice they make it clear they want people terminated.  Notice the bolded words of “covered in blood” more on that later in the article.  By the way, if officers injure someone, even shooting a criminal they have a duty to attempt lifesaving measures until fire/ambulance/etc. personnel show up. 

Looking at this article it would appear this is Rodney king part 2 electric boogaloo right?  Wrong.

But, in a statement to KCRA 3, Darla Givens, a spokesperson at Cal Expo, said the youth only suffered a small cut. Givens also added that police were called about a child attempting to steal items from fair vendors, climbing over a safety fence and almost being hit by a roller coaster ride.

Ahh, now we get clarity our little saint was trying to steal items from vendors, jumped over a safety fence, (those are usually about 6 feet high mind you) and almost was hit by a roller coaster.  This coming from Cal Expo officials not the police mind you.

Of course, it didn’t stop local NAACP President Betty Williams from continuing a false narrative…

However, advocates like Betty Williams, who is the president of Greater Sacramento NAACP said that nothing excuses the behavior of Cal Expo officers toward the minor.

“What makes him different from any other 11-year-old? I’ll tell you what it is. He’s Black. He’s a Black man, a Black male. It doesn’t matter your age when it comes to this society and law enforcement. You are treated differently,” Williams said.

Sorry, officers taking down a person has nothing to do with whether they are black, brown, Asian, white, or any other color.  Your son was acting a fool and so out of control officers were forced to take him to the ground.  Sounds like his safety was at risk, I’ve never gotten so close to a roller coaster it almost hit me.  He was trying to steal items…. he was being a punk and a thug.

Oh, check this out little thug’s parents were even there that day…

The family and attorney are also concerned about a document that they say Elijah was forced to sign without any family members present.

Cal Expo officials said that when their policies are violated, fairgoers are asked to not return and sign a document agreeing to such.

Sure, I guess the little thug wasn’t 18 yet, but regardless he will be perma banned from Cal Expo since he cannot follow basic rules, like don’t act like a criminal. 

But what upsets me most here is this is the last paragraph of the article, buried at the end mind you…

KCRA 3 asked the family for photos of the injuries, but they refused to provide those. However, in photos that they sent to KCRA 3 last week, he had a bandage on one of his elbows and a visible blood stain on his shirt about the size of a nickel.

Hmm, the family won’t provide photos?  That’s odd.  His shirt was covered in blood I thought?  I figured he was a disjointed mess?  Beat up so bad his body would require multiple surgeries?  Well, I guess this wasn’t Rodney King part 2 after all.  Once again, it’s a sad story of a young thug causing trouble, not following orders who got the business from a police officer or two.  I’m sorry but if you run, and it sounds like this thug did, they will be tackling/tasing/taking down you.  The sad part is he seems to be a young man with no family in his life, who lets their 11-year-old go to the fair unsupervised?  Sounds like zero family was around as they objected to him signing a form banning himself from the fairgrounds permanently.  Maybe if parents were there this would have all been avoided?

Bottom line this is irresponsible journalism at its finest, notice how they make the incident sound like he was beaten within an inch or two of his life?  Only to at the very bottom in essence refute that?  Why do they get statements from the parents, NAACP, and others but ignore the police organization?  This is because they can create a false narrative of “white police, black victim” when in reality it was a thug acting out, running away, and then being finally subdued.  This is how false narratives of “hands up…. don’t shoot” get started.

The good news here for the family is they will likely get a 6-figure settlement, it’s what we do here in Sacramento, crime pays.  Then the incident will go away.


The Chief

How to Ruin Your Life in 15 Minutes

Bloggers note:  This was a late-night conversation that bled early into the morning hours; I may need to have an update later when the brain fog clears.

Readers you may know that on this blog we stress not watching heavy amounts of TV or cable. Its far better to seek out advice from real people not paid actors.  A former close friend of mine from college nuked his life last night.  While some may say this was a long time coming, he overreacted drastically and his marriage is over, and his life has begun a spiral.  I have a feeling, copious amounts of drugs/alcohol or worse could be in his near future.

This friend of mine has been married for 15 years, he works for the State of California and lives in the Bay Area.  He seemed to have a lot of great things going for him, including a 13-year-old daughter.  He has always kind of hopscotched in and out of my life, kind of a “when I need something you are my phone call, when the opposite is true, he plays the kid/marriage card in my face.”  Anyway, he called about 2 weeks ago in a full-blown panic.  He was barely making sense over the phone, so I told him email/text what he wanted to say…. he kept insisting I had to believe him. 

If you know me, I’m pretty fiercely loyal to friends of mine…until you screw me over/double cross me.  I think I’m a pretty sound giver of advice should you choose to take it. I also normally can ask friends of mine “off the record” to advise friends in crisis.  He started the text chain to me with “when I was in Texas for business…” I cut him off right there.  California’s state workers are forbidden from traveling to certain states due to a perceived “human rights violation in certain state’s constitution” aka they are hostile toward gay/lesbian/trans people.  So that was a lie and I knew it.  He went on to say he was seeing someone there, ok that makes more sense.  Apparently his “side piece” told him her child was likely “theirs”, this child is 10.  The freak out ensued.

I apparently wasn’t texting back quickly enough, so he called.  He kept saying I had to believe him, while not telling a story that made a lick of sense.  When he finally calmed down, I asked how she knows it’s “theirs” and what his thoughts were.  He told me he is convinced it’s his because he has been seeing her for about 11 years.  When I asked if he used protection, his response was a no… preceded and succeeded by a sheepish chuckle.  When I asked what this girl was like, he made her out to be a promiscuous, flirt.  A red flag, but at the same time, it offered an out route.  He asked what I thought and immediately offered an opinion of “do not freak out, wait and I’ll get in touch with an attorney whose new firm does a little bit of everything.” It was almost 2am so I offered a call back in a day or two.  This wasn’t good enough for him, as he apparently was checking every site on the internet for advice.

I got in touch with my friend. She of course was appalled but said, the best thing to do is always operate under the guise, of “you do not know that yet.”  Until you have a positive paternity test showing a definitive match, you are in a gray, but not dark area.  She recommended 2 tests, to insure against a false reading on way or the other. Also said do not share any of this with your spouse.  Blogger Note:  I do not condone cheating in any form period, full stop, but in cases like these I prefer a wait, watch, and see as opposed to admitting your sin immediately.  She also recommended getting tested for STD’s since he was “hitting it raw” there’s a likelihood, especially with both of their lifestyles.  Additionally, if he popped positive… well you better tell both your side piece and your “spouse” asap.

Well, my friend, after I relayed the info, rejected in outright saying since I am not married and have no kids, I have no credibility on the issue.  Fair enough, I guess. He also flatly rejected my lawyer friend’s advice, not only did he refuse the paternity test, but he also declined getting tested for STD’s.  Apparently, he saw on TV a show that glorified cheating on your partner, and that they would come around.  To be honest my lawyer friend was aware of this; and apparently there are many of these shows.  He went on to tell me on shows like the Bachelor etc., contestants have sex with many women during a short period.  I am not sure who told him this was smart, but he took it as sage advice.  Note to readers, TV is not the real world, not even close, it’s a perverse fantasyland masquerading as reality for an hour each week.

So, in his infinite wisdom, last night (Wednesday) at the dinner table, after 2 glasses of wine with daughter finishing her meal, he decides it’s time to “come clean.”  Again, I’m not sure who gave him this advice, but yikes.  He tells his spouse he needs to talk to her in front of child.  He says he needs to come clean about his “business trips.” They were in fact not business He was seeing someone else.  He then tells her she needs to stand by him, it “was only a phase.”  YIKES.  He then said she is accusing him of fathering her 10-year-old child; again, accused but no proof, but I digress.  Predictably, the spouse stormed off bawling her eyes out, grabbed an overnight bag, threw her wedding ring at him, and off she went.  Saying I don’t even know you anymore.  I guess the master plan failed.

Like any fantasyland residing loser, he then went to work on his daughter who was crying and locked herself in bedroom.  He kept telling her “We need to be strong as a family” and “this will all work itself out.”  Yeah, seriously.

So, he called me after this episode last night/this morning, as our chat lasted ‘til about 2 am.  He blamed his wife for walking out; his child for being “obtuse” and could not understand how his plan failed.  He could not get through his head he was at fault.  He kept quoting “Scripture” from their wedding about staying together in good times and bad, sickness and health.  Oh, the kicker, he literally said to me “what kind of idiot throws a 10k wedding ring at someone?”  This Einstein couldn’t figure out he is the problem.  TV overload like you read about.

When I could finally get a word in edgewise after being shouted down about not having a wife or kids, I tried to level with him.  He took a bad situation and escalated it to a point he lost all control, then like a typical TV enthusiast he tried to blame everyone but himself.  How is this possibly the wife or his daughters’ fault?

AM Update: Well, he called me again. I guess to seek out more advice he won’t take under advisement.  He filled me in that “His dumb spouse filed for divorce this AM.”  A truly shocking development to everyone who lives in fantasyland.  Daughter has not left her room, and he has fielded a call from the sheriff’s office stating his spouse will be returning to get personal belongings later today.  She also passed through the grapevine to him that she has gotten an STD test already.  He took a personal day off work today, probably the only good decision he has made lately.

Final Thoughts & Commentary

I need a disclaimer here, as stated above I do not condone cheating in any form, its morally wrong; however, after texting the lawyer friend of mine, we both agreed on how to handle this in the best way possible.  First the trips to TX stop immediately, and a paternity test needs to be done ASAP.  If negative, I would end the “Texas Two-Step” for good, you have a family bro, and I would argue no one needs to know.  If positive, well the situation is still bleak but there are options.  You can try to explain away an affair, the child is not something that you can casually dismiss.  It’s going to cost you monthly in $$$ and likely your marriage.  This is when you break the news, while also providing a negative STD test. It won’t make the pain hurt less, but to put it bluntly, it may show you aren’t an immature child.  I would have moved my things out and tried to come to an amicable split in an attempt to save face.  He will not have much of any relationship with his spouse anymore, he could still have been in his daughter’s life…. that chance looks remote now.

As for as his soon to be former spouse, good on you for acting quickly. Society is so backward for this “stand by your man” trash.  Your “man” penetrated another woman, raw, and showed no remorse until he inexplicably decided to come clean, then blamed you.  You will have a tough road transitioning to a divorced single mother of an adult daughter but with the coming settlement, things will look up. 

As for my acquaintance, you chose to nuke your marriage and demolish your life.  I am not totally sure why.  You had sound advice, yet instead you followed the advice of TV shows you binge watch?  Your story of an affair going on for roughly a decade plus makes very little sense, but I mean, I guess TV has show’s that glamorize it.  I find it hard to believe you knew nothing about that child until recently. Frankly you just didn’t care. Like most indoctrinated TV viewers, you can no longer sense real vs fake, all you know is the ending is usually a good outcome.  You were puffing on vibes from your cable TV, feeling like superman, and didn’t realize your spouse had the kryptonite.  You cheated on her and lived a double life, blaming your “job” for travel.  Then you tried to use a narrative that you were the victim, unreal.  That’s rich, you got what you wanted with the exception of a storybook ending, and you seem to think you have done nothing wrong.  Rest assured the law firm retained by your soon to be ex-spouse is going to take you for everything they can…I verified them through the lawyer friend of mine whose advice you shoved off.  Fear not I am sure your “side piece” is lawyering up as well and if the kid is yours, have fun working that state job until you croak.  You may think your pension is sacred, but not in CA it ain’t!  Try to pull your martyr act in family law court, it won’t go very far.

In closing, understand this, what you watch on television is made to hold your eyeballs and keep you from wanting to change the channel.  You sit mesmerized for hours, through turns and plot twists. They eventually catch the bad guy, try him, convict him, or the belle of the ball gets with prince charming or vice versa.  Even if the bad guy gets away, on the next episode he is caught.  The mere idea of thinking breaking this news over dinner and walking away without a blemish, speaks to your lack of living in the real world.  Honestly from the stories you told me, the chick in Texas sounds like a pay-for-play cheap hooker, the kid is likely not even yours, sounds like she was saber rattling and you got spooked.  You may have cut off your family to spite yourself.  GET THE PATERNITY TEST!

Lastly turn off the TV. You have been desensitized to what the real world is all about.  Anyone who thinks cheating with someone and not using a condom is normal, is major league messed up in the head.  BTW the bag over your pepperoni would have likely saved your marriage but I digress.  You had sex with a bimbo and had no regard for your own body (who cares) or for your wife.  This is how STDs are spread.  You got pretty good advice from both a male and female, one who you were friends with in college, the other a licensed lawyer, and you threw it away.  Rather you decided taking advice from a TV show was better?  I guess the only happy ending you will be getting now is from the chick in Texas, sadly you nuked your own life.

Johnnie Does

I Do Not Recognize the USA Anymore (Griner Trade Edition)

Lest I be accused of being racist, let me preface this blog by saying in my 20 plus years of paying attention to world affairs in this country, I am finally speechless.

Back story:  We wrote a blog detailing Britney Griner and her being detained in Russia. Well as first reported by ESPN (the so-called sports site), take my word for it, the Blog Father will confirm, they beat Fox News by at least five minutes sending out the news alert.  The USA has offered Putin a trade. We get back Britney Griner and jailed Marine, Paul Whelen, in exchange for Vicktor Bout. 

Victor Bout to get sprung from the Big House where he’s guarded by stormtroopers.

Whelen was “convicted” of espionage AKA Russia wanted to detain an American in 2020, so he has been incarcerated for 2 years, Griner has been incarcerated for about 5 months.  Check out what Viktor Bout is jailed for. Yeah, selling guns and stuff; things the Democrats say they hate!  Bout even had a movie made about him starring Nick Cage…Lord of War.  So, we trade in essence an arms dealer, we get back an American hating basketball player and a former Marine jailed on bogus charges.

I do not recognize the USA anymore. We used to not negotiate with terrorists, I would argue what Russia is doing to Ukraine civilians in terrorism.  US Sec of State Anthony Blinkin (I would surmise he did a lot of blinkin’ on this stinkin’ deal) is set to try to meet with Russian minister Sergy Lavrov, AKA the guy ordering the bombings of apartments and schools in Ukraine to finalize this swap.  The USA spent millions in $$ and man hours hunting down, extraditing, and convicting Bout, and all is for naught.

Anthony Blinkin

I bet this Bout character is back in the arms game within ‘bout a week…. Let’s Go Brandon!

Good news is we get back a woman who is gay and black; three things the Democrats feel makes someone super deprived.  Also allow me to add, she was not a tourist, she knew damn well she was breaking the law.  Oh, not to be outdone, Griner was in court this AM, said she was never read her rights…….um you ain’t on Cops sweetheart.

Final note: We are not Russian citizens; it is not ok to not be familiar with their rules and laws.  They view drugs as a major issue, in the USA we mostly don’t give a rip anymore.  If I am traveling anywhere outside the USA, I’m making a list, checking that list twice at least and making damn sure I’m clean.  Hell, I may buy all new clothes and toiletries prior to the trip just to ensure a factory seal/tag exists for some sort of plausible deniability. 

If you are a US citizen traveling abroad, and want to come back, you better mind your P’s and Q’s otherwise you just might become a valuable trade chip for the country you are in.  Ditto for all you going to Qatar for the Men’s World Cup.  Check out Muslim countries and their stance toward alcohol, specifically public intoxication.  Check out drugs as well…. just saying. Oh, entrapment is perfectly legal in some countries.

I almost hope Russia says no….and counter offers with withdraw all NATO aligned military supplies in Ukraine, just to see Biden’s brain break.

I almost hope God comes back for me soon, Lesbihonest as a straight, white, male, I have no value to this society anymore.  A so-called superpower MADE an offer to swap a terrorist for a basketball player. Please do not be fooled. Whelen is a throw-in due to his supporter’s saber-rattling Biden lately.

The Chief

Stanislaus County Proclaims Lets Go Brandon

I was minding my own business today when I saw this story. Personally, I think it’s funny, but the feigned outrage is priceless. How dare anybody challenge the orthodoxy of Liberalism, especially here in California.

Here’s the story:

MODESTO (CBS13) — A Stanislaus County resident is demanding answers after she and hundreds of others received an official tax letter in the mail stamped with “Lets Go Brandon.”

‘Lets Go Brandon’ Mistakenly Stamped On Hundreds Of Official Tax Letters In Stanislaus County

“This is taxpayer’s money, and they’re using this derogatory stamp to show what somebody thinks about it, and we’re paying for it. It’s just not right,” Boese continued.

County officials say the slogan ended up on roughly 544 pieces of mail.  But how does a political slogan end up on official county business envelopes?

He says ABS Direct, a contractor, printed the envelopes in error and has since apologized. Gaekle says the county not only doesn’t condone such messages, but he says they don’t belong on official government business.

“How could this be a printing error? It’s stamped on every envelope on the back,” said Boese.  “Somebody needs to realize this was illegal, and it’s just not good.”

Even the Modesto—formerly McClatchy—Bee has chimed in:

It’s hard to believe this statement needs saying. But the recent, incredibly embarrassing “Lets Go Brandon” gaffe — stamped in red ink on official correspondence from the Stanislaus County Assessor and Treasurer-Tax Collector’s offices to more than 500 residents — suggests otherwise.

Let’s go Brandon” is a euphemism for the most vulgar put-down you might imagine aimed at President Joe Biden. The accidental slogan was quickly adopted by his critics on the right smirking at what they deem to be a clever insult lacking profanity while evoking it. The left is understandably appalled.

How the slogan ended up on the backs of tax-related envelopes from our own county offices is almost beside the point. It’s enough to say it was a carelessly egregious mistake, one made by a firm contracting to send mail on the county’s behalf.

Well, that was stupid. Stanislaus must prevent future `Let’s go Brandon’ blunders

So, if one part of government attacks another, even by accident or via a rogue contractor, we get outrage but if government wants to attack the most innocent and vulnerable in our society, or refuse to punish criminals and protect citizens, or solicit money to fix water storage and spends the money instead on bike paths and carpool lanes then we get crickets?

Folks, what’s the lesson here?

I get that even if I agree with “Lets Go Brandon” which I do, I have even worn a shirt with the statement to church on a few occasions, it probably doesn’t belong on official correspondence. What is surprising to me is how widely this story is circulating (it is theoretically a national story now since it’s carried on MSN.) Again, the outrage is greatly disproportionate to the offense of having it stamped on 544 pieces of mail.

By the way, what kind of county tax mailing goes to only that amount of people?

Are they deadbeats that didn’t pay taxes?

I can see this going two ways; first, the Lets Go Brandon controversy might bring more attention to the tax letter causing more people to pay and thus increasing county revenue or perhaps, since this is California, a taxpayer goes to court and gets the warning letter tossed as unofficial government correspondence due to this unauthorized message on the letter and thus they are given a pass on having to pay any tax associated with the letter.

Why not, Gavin gave free water, sewer, electricity, and rent to renters in California for 18 months with no compensation to utilities or property owners just because he said so. This is an offense that no media company has taken up or made any serious complaint about.

BTW Gavin still has all emergency powers given to him at the beginning of Covid and can shut everything down again on a whim anytime he pleases. Thus, he is essential, all the rest of us are not. Oh, sorry, no media outrage over this abuse of power either.

This latest iteration of Lets Go Brandon is yet another illustration of the brokenness of our people and institutions in the dystopia of California.

Societal Decay Part ???

I want to share my experience at my local gym yesterday, keep in mind I attend a gym with the word “family” in its name.  So, I would take it as meaning “family friendly.”  That being said, it is summertime and that means the weather is hot.  Check out my experience at Family Fitness. 

First upon my arrival, I check in and get on the hamster wheel for circa about an hour to get my cardio workout in.  As I was running, I glanced at the person on the Stair Master directly in front of me.  I couldn’t figure out what I was looking at first, but then I realized, it was a young lady in what appeared to be volleyball shorts that barely covered her up.  I’m talking a good half of both cheeks were uncovered.  I promptly found a new machine; no way was I going to be accused of being a pig looking at that view for my duration of my workout.  At first, I figured it was a malfunction, or maybe a rookie mistake, nope she was proudly strutting her stuff all over the workout floor later that evening.  I overheard a fellow gym goer make a “cat call” at her to which she responded in kind with a smile and twirling her hair.  Obviously, it’s not just the trainers who are for hire here.

Flashdance 1983

Second interaction was when I was out at the pool area cooling down after my run.  I had to do a double take as someone walked by me, I swore she was quite naked, and I thought she had a group of three kids with her.  Yeah, I was correct, she was wearing I guess a thong, as her two cheeks weren’t covered up at all.  And yes 2/3 kids were hers.  I thought this was pretty classless and tasteless at a family gym, also were many families and young children congregate…a pool!  Not to be outdone she walked directly through the entire club on the way out, wearing no towel. 

The third and final interaction was while I was on the workout floor.  As I was bench pressing, I looked up and saw a female with extremely tight-fitting spandex leggings on.  Like so tight that if you told me she had to attach the “butt crack” part directly to her “butt hole” I would believe it.  I have honestly never seen something like this.  This girl legit found a way to show off every curve on her body.  But wait there is more…. this same girl tied her shirt in a knot in the back as to make it even more form fitting.  I guess I had seen it all right?  Nope, her shirt read “personal trainer” on it.  Yup she draws a paycheck from this place. 

Flashdance 1983

I could go on, especially about the men who wear leggings to the gym, you can include me in that group, but I wear shorts over them.  I’m pretty self-aware in that no one goes to the gym to scope out my rear end, and even fewer want to stare at the crotch of a mid-thirties man.  Actually, I’m one of the very few who do that, I see numerous men not wearing shorts over their leggings.  Definition of gross if you ask me.

However, I was quite possibly outdone by the response I got to an informal poll I did.  Almost no one who was a guy had an issue with it, this poll included those married, single, and engaged.  Please do not get me wrong, I do not mind summer, warm weather, but is it too much to ask to cover up a little bit?  The responses from women seemed more in alinement with my thoughts, which is to be expected.  When it came to the men’s attire, as expected the men were adamantly opposed, ditto for the women for the most part.  One disturbing trend out of a couple female’s surveyed was they spoke about a 6-6-6 club, when I asked, they admitted it’s an on-going thing with women who desire 6 feet tall, earning 6 figures, and 6 inches in the pants.  If you are stuck on the last one, I can’t help you sorry.  I personally find this odd, but I guess that is what society wants.  Maybe I should go short less at the gym?  Or maybe I don’t want to embarrass myself?

In closing, this bothers me in a way it may not bother many.  This oversexualizes society, big time.  Why are we doing this at the gym?  Understand I am completely on board with traditional workout attire for all groups, and society has changed in a way leggings are tolerated, but man…. this seems to be overkill.  I’m not sure it’s asking too much to keep the thong at home, get some better covering volleyball shorts, and maybe don’t buy leggings 3 sizes too small?  Especially if you happen to work there.  Also, guys, definitely cover up, its gross.  However, this is what we want now, I guess it’s like a big show room, check out the goods, test drive the car if they let you, then I guess decide second date or not?

The Chief

California Versus America in Three Photos

Folks, I’ve been on vacation for the last two weeks. Mostly we’ve been taking Really Right Junior to tour various colleges so he can decide where to apply. I drove about 5,000 miles during that period.

Oh, cheapest gas price was $4.09 a gallon in Texas. Highest was on the California/Arizona border which was about $7.45 on the CA side of the line and $4.65 on the other.

While driving from Longview Texas to Fayetteville, Arkansas we had to make a bathroom stop. We chose the Dairy Queen. Some DQ franchises in Texas have chocolate soft serve ice cream and momma loves her ice cream.

Anyway I saw something I have never seen before in California. I feel that it illustrates what’s right with Texas and simultaneously what’s wrong with California. I felt compelled to photograph it for the blog. Let me know your thoughts.

Planted in the flower bed was a cross with the words “Jesus is Lord”. I thought that was unusual for a fast food place.

When coming out of the bathroom, I saw this on the counter where customers pick up their orders. Yep, that’s a Bible and an assortment of pens and highlighters. The sign says, “Highlight your Favorite Scripture”.

I was impressed. Yes, In ‘n Out Burger has Bible references printed on their wrappers and Chick-fil-A is closed on Sundays but wow that’s nothing compared to this.

My Take on the San Antonio Area Shooting

Very sad day yesterday, at this moment we know of 19 children and 2 adults who are deceased.  I believe it was reported two police officers were injured responding.  It takes a very sick human to shoot up an elementary school, but let’s just ignore all those facts and go straight to the left wing’s response to this.

My mother had the Clinton News Network on as I arrived at their house and predictably, they fired up the official democrat response to the story.  They wheeled out “political panel” David Axelrod and another democrat hack.  Of course, Anderson Cooper made no mention of Axelrod being Obama’s former campaign manager, that’s immaterial.  Axelrod proceeded to run-off every democrat talking point they use in regard to mass shootings, gun control, far right state, etc.  Cooper of course never intervened as he was likely told this is the narrative democrats need to win.  They highlighted it was in a minority community and in republican red Texas.  Cooper never mentioned the shooter was Hispanic, because that doesn’t fit the narrative.  Calling Axelrod a political commentator and Cooper a journalist is an oxymoron and likely the reason exists no one watches them.

It gets better from the democrats.

Congressman Ruben Gallego of Arizona thought it would be a good idea to take to Twitter to rip Ted Cruz.  Yup he called Ted a baby killer, yet Gallego will abort any fetus at any time.  Gallego then ripped Darrell Issa and went after fellow democrat Krysten Sinema.  Congressman Gallego needs a lot of help; he is a deranged human who lacks any self-awareness.  The carnage was not even known, and this human decided to fire up Twitter.  By the way congressman saying “we are sending prayers” is a self-aware thing to do.

My take is the following on this.

First of all, this never should happen, especially at a school.  This issue now has our children becoming pawns in a game of political football.  First isn’t it refreshing the same people calling to defund the police now suddenly want guns off the streets and cops in classrooms?  Actually, rephrase, they want people who legally own guns to turn them in.  So, when in case of emergency, we call 911 and wait until they get around to responding?  Maybe we should refund the police?  Sorry the good cops already left for more friendly pastures.

Social media is a large part of the issue, kids now do not have friends, they have “friends;” folks they have never met and hardly interact with except via looking at each-other’s tweets, Instagram, or the like.  We no longer have a human connection.  We have created hot take machines who do not need to show/reveal their true identity.  People can bully one another with zero consequences. 

Politics are a bigger cause.  We need to turn the temperature down about 40,000 degrees.  This idea of news shows being politics 24/7 is destroying our very core.  Neither side is willing to give an inch on a single issue, if you move slightly or flinch, you will be primaried.  Also rid us of the 2-year election cycle, this makes it so issues must be addressed.  Also stop doxing people!  Giving out addresses of political types or judges in against everything this country is supposed to stand for!  It is no true wonder politics is filled with scum of the earth types.

Video games.  It used to be you were the police or friendly army shooting at the criminals or the bad army.  Now the tables are flipped, Grand Theft Auto and other games make it so being a criminal is cool.  With a goal to kill as many police as you can.  The lifestyle is glorified.  Ban these types of games.  They are not needed and serve no purpose.

We need family again.  Most are born to single parent households.  The father chose to walk away, and mothers have chosen the opposite route; shielding the baby daddy from any responsibility and not allowing him to see his son.  Caring is not a bad thing, having a lover (mom) and a teacher (dad) is the best way to move forward.

Quit the self-blame/victim culture.  Your life isn’t bad because of _____ we need to make comments about how this is the greatest country on earth and if you get your lazy a** up and work you can do quite well for yourself.  We have now become a group who blames everyone else.

Quit bailing out family/criminals.  If you are arrested hold their a** in jail for a bit.  We bail them out, or release and they commit more or worse crimes.  Toughen the crime laws, not weaken, do not end cash bail.

Additionally, please answer me this.  We give criminals 3 squares and a cot, as well as protection while in the joint, no one blinks an eye.  Yet if you have major mental health issues there is nowhere for you to go, so you go out on the street. Maybe we should allocate money for these hospitals as opposed to homeless tents?  Most of the time the mentally ill live out there with zero help.

We need to understand you have the right to bear arms in this country.  No one I know responsible carries themselves like Rambo.  The criminals and mentally challenged are the problem.  Notice at the recent shooting in downtown Sacramento, the criminals all had gang ties and illegally modified guns.  Focus on the word illegally.  Taking innocent people’s guns away is cruel and not right.

We also must rethink security at schools.  Ask yourself why we don’t have mass shootings at a courthouse or government building?

The Chief