Esophageal Cancer: When the Grim Reaper Darkens Your Door Part I

“And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” Hebrews 9:27

Yep, we merrily go along living our lives and suddenly, everything comes crashing down. That is the place that my family is in now. I always knew that our plan to exit California would be contingent on certain things happening or not happening—making allowances for elderly parents was what I had in mind—but the unexpected and unanticipated happened from another vector altogether. You see my wife has esophageal cancer.

Unlike my experience with skin cancer, cutting it out and stitching up the hole won’t work on this one.

Nope, by the time you have symptoms, you’re probably hosed.

Here’s some quotes from research that I did.

Unfortunately, most esophageal cancers do not cause symptoms until they have reached an advanced stage, when they are harder to treat.

Trouble swallowing
The most common symptom of esophageal cancer is a problem swallowing (called dysphagia). It can feel like the food is stuck in the throat or chest, and can even cause someone to choke on their food. This is often mild when it starts, and then gets worse over time as the cancer grows and the opening inside the esophagus gets smaller.

When swallowing becomes harder, people often change their diet and eating habits without realizing it. They take smaller bites and chew their food more carefully and slowly. As the cancer grows larger, the problem can get worse. People then might start eating softer foods that can pass through the esophagus more easily. They might avoid bread and meat, since these foods typically get stuck.

Signs and Symptoms of Esophageal Cancer

The 5-year survival rate for esophageal cancer is alarmingly low.

It’s essentially a death sentence. Just HOW does esophageal cancer cause death?

The 10-year survival rate of this cruel disease is virtually zero, says Alex Little, MD, a thoracic surgeon with a special interest in esophageal and lung cancer, and clinical professor at the University of Arizona.

That’s because almost always, it’s discovered after it’s already spread.

Furthermore, esophageal cancer grows and spreads quickly.

How does esophageal cancer eventually kill a person?

There are two types of esophageal cancer, each with different risk factors:

Cancers that start in gland cells at the bottom of the esophagus are called adenocarcinomas. This type of cancer is the most common esophageal cancer. It usually occurs closer to the stomach. Chronic acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Barrett’s esophagus and chronic heartburn can increase your risk of developing adenocarcinoma esophageal cancer.

Esophageal Cancer

Per Dr. Fauci’s agency are these Esophageal Cancer Facts

5-year survival rate 19.9 %
1 % of all new cancer cases
2.6 % of all cancer deaths

In 2021, it is estimated that there will be 19,260 new cases of esophageal cancer and an estimated 15,530 people will die of this disease.

Cancer Stat Facts: Esophageal Cancer

Oh, sorry you woke people but race and gender matter with this cancer.

Among 2025 patients, 87.9% were White and 12.1% were Nonwhite. Median survival was 18.7 months for Whites vs 13.8 months for Nonwhites (p = 0.01).

Survival Disparities by Race and Ethnicity in Early Esophageal Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, the percentages of people who live for at least five years after being diagnosed with esophageal cancer (taking into account that some people with esophageal cancer will have other causes of death) is 43% for localized cancer to the esophagus, 23% for cancer that has spread regionally, and 5% with distant cancer spread.

Esophageal Cancer

The male to female ratio of the esophageal cancer incidence is 3:1.

Esophageal Cancer: Should Gender Be Considered as an Influential Factor for Patient Safety in Drug Treatment?

I grant that I tend to be the cup half empty kind of guy, but can you blame me after reading the above?

Meanwhile my wife leans to the unicorns and rainbows end of the spectrum, but she too is making preliminary plans to make radical changes in her life. In fact after I wrote a draft of this post, she got the biopsy results and 20 minutes later quit her job.

We had plans to do other things but right now they are on hold. Folks we could use some prayers for a whole host of decisions that we are expected to make in a very short amount of time. Whether God heals my wife or not, is up to Him. My biggest concern is for our teenaged son.

For more information, here are two videos for your consideration. In the first video, Christine talks about her diagnosis of esophageal cancer. The second video is an announcement of her death five months after her original diagnosis. Oh, Christine was 34 years old. Sobering stuff.

The Covid Conundrum

You may have heard the rumors, but there is no sense is letting them continue unchecked.  I have Covid-19.  While I was not tested to confirm, there is no point.  Friday night I went to bed with a “feeling of nausea” and woke up Saturday morning in a world of hurt.  In essence making it from the bed to the toilet had me completely winded, I had no appetite, actually since Saturday morning I have eaten a grand total of 2 Oreo cookies, and sipped on water.  My head feels like a vice is squeezing it, and I alternate between fever and the chills based on whether or not the ceiling fan above my bed in on or not.  I get the sweats simply standing up.  My body aches all over, almost like I took some sort of medieval torture.  My cough is a barking cough that leaves me reaching for cough syrup with each unproductive expellatory breath.  Nyquil has become my best friend, since I have zero energy all I can do is sleep.  When I waken, or as I put it, when the NyQuil runs out, I simply roll over, turn the pillow around and poof I’m out like a newborn. 

Johnnie Does Nyquil

I still have a sense of smell and taste, so you’re asking how I know I have Covid 19?  Simple, and it never had to happen, honestly while I won’t do it, my legal partner has told me to look into potential OSHA violations relating to this disease.

Blogger Note: Identities and locations are being changed as to prevent any additional “C&D letters from lawyers who work on Sunday evenings.”

On Saturday last week the office partner of Johnnie Does returned from a trip to Washington State.  He came into the office at the beginning of the work week and was coughing and hacking like crazy.  He was double vaccinated (Moderna) so it didn’t matter that he was sick, it wasn’t Covid.  This continued. On Wednesday I asked him to get tested. He moved at a glacial pace.  He kept saying there are no clinics to get tested.  This is a lie, I found a ton with a cursory Google search, including 2 literally walking distance from here.  Thursday he finally set an appointment up, for Friday no less.  His cough was worse, he had a fever, the chills and no appetite.  Finally, Friday came, and he went and got tested.  He returned saying, he was positive.  He went to his office, and then proceeded to go down the hallway to get the mail, and to make a run to Panda Express for lunch!  Yes, you read that correctly.  Mask less, because he was vaccinated.

Panda Express the proven choice of vaccinated super spreaders.

Friday night I get the symptoms described above; all of them.

Do not get me wrong, I feel we will all get Covid one way or another and maybe Rick Santelli of CNBC was on to something saying we should just get it over with.  My beef is why I deserved to get treated like this.  The office is small it’s a 3-man weave, mostly though its 2 of us.  Anything breaching the office door gets passed around.  I am now a statistic, more so, I am an innocent bystander, no more than collateral damage in someone’s arcane game of life.  He wasn’t even working the week he returned. He spend the time sleeping and ignoring the calls of anyone who called.  This could have been done from home, but let’s not make this about me.  Let’s take a step back and look at the others I may have harmed, depending on when I became contagious.

Thursday, I have a group meeting of about 35 guys who are all 70 plus, we remanence and shoot the… (you know what).  This group is highly likely to die of Covid according to Fauci.  My own parents, I spent all of Friday with them, both are immunocompromised after bouts with cancer.  Ditto according to Fauci. 

This is why this virus is spreading. Stupid people who have no regard for others.  The office was a petri dish, and I was going to be infected, no way around it.  My doctor is aware, and we are monitoring my situation daily, and sometimes hour by hour, as being hard to breath and getting winded is not easy.  I feel as if I will pull through just fine, but it could be a tough couple of weeks.  Sadly, I was informed by my doctor I might suffer permanent organ damage as a result of this lab created virus. This would be a real shame. Working out and being active is a major part of my life and frankly I do not know what will happen to me if I lose that.  Demons in my past may reappear.  Hoping for a good outcome but I think this one may be bumpy.

Johnnie Does

Biden Administration Presses Veterans on Vaccine

Hi folks. I got this in the mail yesterday. This letter is frightening on a lot of levels. I wish to point out a few gems. The entire text appears below my comments.

1 Its Your Patriotic Duty to Get the Shot

We must once again ask you to volunteer to serve… It is time for this pandemic to be over and I ask for your help in protecting this Nation and completing the last part of this journey. Our greatest hope in defeating this deadly virus is for each of us to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

2 Every VA Hospital is a Vaccine Dispensary

VA is accepting all Veterans, regardless of whether they are enrolled or eligible to enroll in VHA health care, spouses and caregivers of Veterans, and CHAMPVA beneficiaries to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. We are offering walk-in clinics without an appointment to any Veteran, their spouse, and caregiver and we encourage you to come get your shot today.

Yep, the Veteran’s Administration, same great care as DMV only with needles and chocked full of employees with the same temperament as the legendary Dr. House.

Hugh Laurie a.k.a. Dr. House

3 Oh, After You Get the Jab Report Your Compliance to the Government

If you have received your COVID-19 vaccination outside of the VA system, please tell us so we can keep your health record up to date. You can either bring your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card to your next appointment, call your primary care team, or share with your primary care team by uploading an image of your vaccine card to your My HealtheVet account.

The letter concludes that if you love your family, your fellow veterans, your country, or your neighbor then get the shot.

Oh, and should anything go wrong, well the government kind of stopped tracking those statistics after Trump left office so you’re on your own. Additionally, this same government that is pressuring you to get the shot has indemnified themselves and Big Pharma from any liability and made it impossible for a paper trail to exist should anyone attempt to hold people accountable at a future date. At the same time, this same government that wants you to get the shot will deny you proven treatment drugs should you then get Covid.

As for the vaccine’s effectiveness, yesterday it was reported that 20 percent of new Covid cases in Los Angeles County are people that are fully vaccinated and 40 percent of Covid patients hospitalized in England are fully vaccinated. So, after you get the shot keep wearing a mask. Lastly, thanks for volunteering for the world’s largest DNA altering experiment in the history of the planet.

Only Republican’s Aren’t Getting the Vaccine!

Cable must have broken an extended family member of mine.  I do not know what is worse, him saying that only Republicans aren’t getting vaccinated or that he may actually believe this.  First of all, you cannot be more ignorant or out of touch, secondly this is flat not true.

First of all, what happened to “my body, my choice”?  Also, what happened to “this is a Trump vaccine, and we don’t support it”?  Well, to answer the first, my body, my choice is only true with abortions, the second…well the dead turned out and Biden won.  Now it’s his vaccine!

Let’s just delve into the vaccination stats on a state-by-state basis if you will.  Let’s start with California, since the World Headquarters of is domiciled there.  This handy-dandy map I’m linking shows the percentage of folks fully vaccinated. 

Vaccination Map captured 07-21-2021

CA checks in at 47% and change.  I’m no Rhoades Scholar, but GOP registration in CA is 23% not 53%.  Additionally, let’s delve into our home county, Sacramento.  Specifically, I will hone in on North Highlands, specifically 95660 zip code. 

The County tool shows 40% as of this past weekend.  I pick on North Highlands as it has a very large black population, again, not GOP voters.  If you wish to get technical, the southernmost zip codes; the delta, Rio Vista, etc, show north of 70% inoculation, these are GOP areas.

My point here is this has nothing to do with party registration at all; it’s ignorant to think it does.  President Trump was more than willing to tout the vaccine, even getting the jab on live TV to prove its safety.  Joe Biden and others have made this political.  It breaks down multiple ways, as such Democrats cannot process it since liberalism is a brain disease.

First the older folks were/have been cooped up by their kids during the height of the lockdowns the shots bought their freedom, most older folks skew Republican. 

Secondly the working folks who travel, they received the shot in large numbers since most places require it for you to fly anymore.  While you could produce a negative test, they likely would create more hoops to jump through.  Again, these are folks who work, so likely skewing heavily GOP here.

People who work in government buildings, this will be a mixed bag as rules still provide work from home options, this likely brings the average down, as if one works from home, he doesn’t interact with others.

Here are the problem areas.

Folks who are black; there is a heavy distrust in their government here when it comes to vaccinations.  I know several who vote Democrat (oh god the horror) who refuse to be vaccinated.  This is a very large Democrat voting bloc, don’t believe me, nut its true.

Folks who are Hispanic; same as above, but also add in the immigration issue.  This group tends to work extremely hard and can ill afford for a complication to take them out of commission for even a day or two.  Again, this group votes heavily Democrat.

This is not a blog to highlight racial tensions, it’s just to show how ignorant some folks are when it comes to vaccinations.  Personally, I would peg the figures like this. 

Folks over 65: 80% or more are fully vaccinated
Folks over 55: 75% or more vaccinated
25-45 demographic: 20% or less.  Remember this group “can’t die from Covid” and aren’t likely to even get sick from it.
18-25:  Folks at a public college or university will skew the numbers higher, but I do not see high figures here either.

Stop racism, stop being ignorant.  It’s not just Republicans, stop politicizing a vaccine.


Editor’s Note: I agree with The Chief that blaming Trump is a lazy way of dealing with the vaccine issue but when only 10 percent of Biden supporters say they won’t get the shot, its safe for them to politicize the issue. The vaccine is worse than a placebo because it has unintended health effects which no one wants to acknowledge. Such as 40 percent of those hospitalized for Covid in Great Britain were vaccinated.

Really Shocking Covid News

Yep, more leaks in the official narrative on Covid-19 vaccines. This headline should really give you pause:

SHOCK REPORT: There Were More COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Last Week in US than COVID-19 Deaths

The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 in the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US.

Last week they were reporting 6,985 deaths, and this week that number jumped up 2,043 to 9,048.

That number is now at 9,195.

“The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines. Reports are accepted from anyone and can be submitted electronically at”

There have been 411,931 adverse reactions reported to the vaccine.

Also, last week there were 1,505 COVID-19 deaths in the United States.

That means there were more Covid vaccine deaths in the United States last week than Covid deaths in the United States last week.

Please note that the statistics on the Covid-19 vaccine would be even worse but our government decided to no longer track most instances of “breakthrough cases”. Thus vaccinated people that get Covid are no longer being counted by the government unless they die and then only reluctantly.

The CDC stopped tracking most COVID-19 cases in vaccinated people. That makes it hard to know how dangerous Delta really is.

California is telling counties to report post-vaccination cases of COVID-19 only in people who are hospitalized or have died, a shift from earlier surveillance that included all so-called breakthrough infections regardless of severity.The move aligns the state with the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which stopped collecting nationwide data on mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 cases last month.Some infectious disease experts have said they are disappointed in the shifts. They said it’s important to pay close attention to how well the vaccines are working across the entire population, especially with new variants emerging in other parts of the world where the pandemic is still raging.

California won’t closely track every breakthrough case. Some experts call that smart

Oh, the reinstatement of masks here in Sacramento County is due to 101 cases of the milder Delta variant of Covid-19.

Please note that the news story indicates that vaccinated individuals must also wear masks. So, on the one hand health “experts” say that everyone should be vaccinated to be protected from Covid while at the same time these same “experts” are claiming that the vaccine doesn’t work, and people need to wear masks. Then you wonder why people like me think the vaccine is a scam. (From a moral perspective the vaccine is worse than that.)

Post Covid Version of Two Americas

In economic terms, the only difference between socialism and fascism is who owns the means of production. In classical definitions, both are directed by a central government. In the United States, we have elements of both systems; however, currently there is a wrinkle in the way things work that people in the past never envisioned, that businesses would not only be cooperative with such tyrannies but would be directing their actions via innovation. In essence, businesses are enabling and monetizing tyrannical activities. What we have now is an incestuous cooperation between both. Thus, we are not run by a conspiracy but separate interest groups that are all on board with the same philosophy.

In terms of Covid, many states are moving towards vaccine passports—although they are calling them something else in hopes of avoiding the label of “vaccine passports”. Governments are being encouraged to implement tracking systems which are designed to limit the freedom of movement and commerce by the usual tech suspects such as Microsoft and Oracle.

FAANG is Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google

What is happening now is that there are Two Americas. Two Americas does not mean what it once did when invoked by Democrats like Johnathan Edwards. Edwards and others once argued Two Americas was the economic gulf between “haves and have nots.”

Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards 2008

No, in modern terms it is those that are vaccinated and those that are not. Technically, only those who have knelt at the throne of the big state and submitted to Dr. Fauci & co. who can attempt to return to a pre-Covid lifestyle; however, those that are not vaccinated are an inferior, ignorant, and dangerous lot and cannot be allowed to access the opportunities of our nation.

Unvaccinated in California

In biblical terms, “and he decrees that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.”

The Mask of the Beast

While the modern iteration of the mark of the beast is a vaccine, the state has a visible mark it wishes to place on the unvaccinated. You see the Book of Revelation also speaks of God’s mark upon the elect. God’s mark is invisible to us, but the state’s mark is not. It is the modern equivalent of the Star of David which the Nazis required Jewish citizens to wear in the 1930’s. It is the continued use of wearing a mask.

Soon to be required again

If you dig into the edicts by local, state, and national government officials, only the vaccinated can enter a place of business without a mask. You cannot attend a government sponsored college in California without proof that you have been vaccinated. You cannot gather together for church, a concert, county fair, attending a movie, or any other activity without a mask unless you attest or are willing to prove that you are vaccinated.

In many jobs, refusing to get a vaccine whether for health, medical, or religious reasons will result in your immediate termination. Please note that it is illegal under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability of 1996) laws to ask questions about someone’s medical status. Under law, this is supposed to be legally private and protected information. It is supposed to only be released if you specifically authorize it.

For many that have not been vaccinated, discrimination against them is a violation of a number of various state and federal laws. However, when the law stands in the way of what those in power want, it often takes a backseat.

My own employer released a memo this week that is both disturbing and illegal. However, I think many others are being subjected to similar requirements.


Effective immediately, employees who are “fully-vaccinated” against COVID-19 are no longer required to wear masks in the office. To comply with the ETS, the department must maintain documentation that vaccinated employees meet certain requirements. Employees may self-attest that they meet these vaccination requirements by completing the COVID-19 Vaccination Self-Certification form, and emailing it to their manager. Managers should not request, and employees should not reveal any other medical information. Managers must retain this documentation in the employee’s secure medical file, in compliance with the Personnel Management Handbook, Sections 3-9400 through 3-9430.

Employees who are not fully vaccinated, who choose not to disclose their vaccination status, and those who have not completed the COVID-19 Vaccination Self-Certification form, must continue to wear face coverings at all times when they are in the workplace with limited exceptions. Respirators (N95 masks) will soon be available at no charge for unvaccinated employees, upon request. Orders have been received by the warehouse and are being delivered to each office. Detailed information related to updated face covering requirements, including how to ensure proper fit for respirators, is available on the Safety SharePoint page.

Cloth face coverings continue to be available to all employees, upon request. All employees, including vaccinated employees, may continue to request and wear face coverings without fear of retaliation, discrimination, or reprisal.

Please note the above, carefully. My employer is forcing me to disclose some of my private health information or if I hold to the existing law (HIPAA) that its none of their business, then I must continue to wear a mask indefinitely.

Just to show how ignorant these guys are, who needs an N-95 mask? They are ineffective for three reasons, most people are not trained on how to don them properly, they have a limited life of just a few hours, and the cloth mask is to protect others from you, but N-95 is to protect you from others. Lastly the presumption of the above memo is that all unvaccinated people are contagious without any symptoms.

Just to prove that I’m right, please note this gem from the same memo.


Masks are now required only for unvaccinated customers. If an individual without a face covering enters a state building, the department should assume the individual is complying with the requirement. Employees should not inquire about a member of the public’s vaccination status. Customers are no longer required to complete pre-screening health questionnaires prior to their appointments.

Why can’t employees inquire about a customer’s vaccine status? Its rude and also a violation of HIPAA law. In other words, it’s none of your bleepin’ business.

Given the hostility to those employees that are unvaccinated or think its none of the government’s business one other sentence requires comment.

Remember to be respectful in your interactions with all persons. For example, vaccinated employees should not exclude or avoid an unvaccinated employee or customer. Individuals should not ask others questions about why they are not vaccinated, or start discussions about mask wearing/non-wearing.

This is just stupid. The memo’s author has spent the last page and a half setting up a dual track system in our office. One set of rules for the masked and another for the maskless based on vaccine status and then you are supposed to pretend it doesn’t exist and never say anything because we don’t discriminate. This whole memo is all about discrimination but as long as we don’t call it that, somehow its, ok? WTF?

The EDD remains committed to demonstrating equality among employees by recognizing and respecting individual differences, treating all employees fairly, and creating equal opportunity for everyone.

If they really respected individual differences, then why write this memo? This is nothing but a justification to treat people differently, unfairly, and create inequality.

My freedom is not an option. If it were then the memo should operate from the presumption that no one needs a mask, but you may continue to wear one if you like. It is the polar opposite of freedom of conscience or thought. Such rules are tyranny.

Also note that there is no scenario envisioned where mask wearing will not be required between now and the time of my death. I could probably make the argument that vaccination and mask wearing is tantamount to a religion test oath. Think Nebuchadnezzar and the fiery furnace in Daniel chapter 3. Bow the knee to the State or else…

Thus, I either agree to receive multiple doses of an experimental cocktail of chemicals build from the corpses of aborted children or I continue to be treated as an inferior and second-class citizen. How soon until I get to wear my gold Star of David as a Scarlet Letter warning all that pass by that I am unclean.

Conforming to propaganda is easy, standing for what is right has a cost. Sadly, a cost most are unwilling to pay.

Covid Vaccine Updates for April 2021

Folks many aspects of the Covid 19 search for immortality have proven utterly worthless. I say immortality because for the first ten months of Covid—which just happened to coincide with the Trump Administration—nobody died from anything other than Covid 19 except Saint Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

First the funny but true Babylon Bee strikes at the heart of the matter with this headline:

More Conservatives Deciding Not To Get Vaccinated After Learning Liberals Will Stay Away From Them

Next is an article from LifeSite:

Vaccines using fetal tissue: 12 faulty assumptions

The article explores the barbaric practices used to produce vaccines for Covid 19. After reading this, I can only conclude that despite the promises of “the Greatest Generation” and the Jewish community that survived that era, the practices of human experimentation and eugenics which were the basis of the Nuremberg Trials are still alive in the West.

Here’s a few paragraphs to give you an idea of the article—which is thoroughly footnotes and sourced.

The two cell strains used by COVID vaccines are named HEK293 and PERC6. The name HEK293 stands for a Human Embryonic Kidney from the 293rd experiment — we can be confident that more babies preceded the final baby used for HEK293.

With fetal tissue research, cell death renders the tissue unfit for purpose: tissues and organs must be harvested “within 5 minutes” and at times this occurs while the baby’s heart is still beating  — this was also revealed during a Planned Parenthood court deposition.

Vaccines produced in cell lines contain fragments of the child’s DNA — one study even found “a complete individual genome” of the aborted child. The divided cells the vaccine was grown in would have been the child’s as she grew.

Oh, read the footnotes too.

The next article is another warning to the wise:

Covid Mutation is 8 times as likely to infect people that are vaccinated

The study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, indicated that the B.1.351 variant of the virus was found eight times more in individuals who were vaccinated—or 5.4 percent against 0.7 percent—against those who were not vaccinated. Clalit Health Services, a top Israeli health-care provider, also helped in the study.

“We found a disproportionately higher rate of the South African variant among people vaccinated with a second dose, compared to the unvaccinated group,” said Adi Stern of Tel Aviv University. “This means that the South African variant is able, to some extent, to break through the vaccine’s protection.”

Isn’t it funny that the same folks that promise to keep abortion safe and lethal are the same ones that say a Covid 19 vaccine is safe? Facts are stubborn things, but I doubt you’ve seen this article on your favorite cable news station.

10,000+ deaths after COVID shots reported by U.S., European agencies

April 14, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — More than 10,000 people have died shortly after COVID-19 vaccination since December, American and European authorities have revealed. The deaths include more than 7,100 in Europe, according to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and 3,005 reported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 

As of Tuesday, EudraVigilance, the EMA’s database of suspected drug reaction reports, noted that 4,036 “fatal outcomes” after vaccination with Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot, as well as 1,922 and 1,234 deaths after administration of vaccines made by Moderna and AstraZeneca, respectively.

EudraVigilance also reported 20 deaths from the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson. The database has disclosed more than 200,000 injuries possibly linked to the four vaccines, with tens of thousands of cases deemed “serious.”

Covid 19 has a fatality rate of 0.15 percent so why do we need that vaccine passport other than to restrict our movement?

STANFORD, California, April 16, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — A new study released by Professor John P. A. Ioannidis of Stanford University, California, has found that the infection fatality rate (IFR) of COVID-19 is significantly lower than previous studies indicated. According to Ioannidis, a medicine and epidemiology professor, the virus is less deadly than once thought, registering at a mere 0.15% fatality rate.

If I hear we’re following the science ever again, I might hurl without advanced notice. Time to quit wearing masks already.

CDC Lied that so Many People Died

The following excerpts are posted without comment:

A peer-reviewed study contends the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention violated federal law by inflating Coronavirus fatality numbers.

The figures were inflated by at least 1,600%

That fact, the National File notes, corresponds with the CDC’s “quiet admission that it blended viral and antibody test results for its case numbers and that people can test positive on an antibody test if they have antibodies from a family of viruses that cause the common cold.

Among the notable findings in the study is the conclusion that the CDC “illegally enacted new rules for data collection and reporting exclusively for COVID-19 that resulted in a 1,600% inflation of current COVID-19 fatality totals,” the watchdog group All Concerned Citizens said in a statement provided to National File.

COVID-19 was to be listed in Part I of death certificates as a definitive cause of death, regardless of confirmatory evidence, rather than in Part II as a contributor to death in the presence of pre-existing conditions.

On its website, the CDC says, just 6% of the people counted as COVID-19 deaths died of COVID-19 alone.

The researchers estimated the COVID-19 recorded fatalities “are inflated nationwide by as much as 1600% above what they would be had the CDC used the 2003 handbooks,” said All Concerned Citizens.

Study finds CDC inflated COVID numbers by 1,600%

COVID-19 Vaccine will Change Nothing

Folks, the merry band of health officials claiming that a vaccine will fix everything Covid related are once again showing their hand… and it’s a very empty bluff that needs calling. If you get the vaccine, it changes nothing.

The following is from the State of California, specifically “Dr. Heidi Bauer, the head of public health for California Correctional Health Care Services.”

Let’s go through this one question at a time. Oh, please keep in mind that the text which I am quoting is the best arguments that your government can offer as to why you should get vaccinated.

After the vaccine, can I stop wearing a mask?

Unfortunately, the answer to that question is no. We as a society are going to need to continue to protect ourselves and to protect other people by masking and distancing for at least the next six months and possibly longer. It will take weeks to months to get enough people vaccinated before we can really let down our guard. Masking and distancing will continue to be really important prevention measures until we know more about the protection that we get from the vaccine.

Getting the vaccine will still require you to socially distance and wear a mask. You will need to do so for at least six months.

Note to readers, depending on the article that you read on vaccines, the Covid vaccine is claimed to be good for a period of three months to as long as a year. These claims are constantly being revised because the truth is that nobody really knows. Some articles are even claiming that you will need a Covid vaccine annually for the rest of your life or until Dr. Fauci changes his mind (yet again).

Oh, if you’ve had Covid, you will still have to get the shot because its assumed that you don’t develop any immunity by being infected. My question is, if surviving Covid—as over 99 percent of people do—does not result in immunity, then how does getting a shot do something your body’s immune system can’t do on its own by successfully fighting it off?

Am I exempt from testing after getting the vaccine?

Unfortunately, no. As I mentioned, people can still become infected even if they’ve been vaccinated so testing continues to be important for identifying people who become infected and may be infectious and pass along that infection to other people. We’re going to continue all of those other strategies. So the vaccine really gives us another tool in the tool kit. Unfortunately at this point. It doesn’t replace any of the tools that are already in use. 

So, getting the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from getting Covid and getting Covid doesn’t prevent you from getting the vaccine. This is called circular reasoning; which by the way is a logical fallacy.

Given the above, the next question is at least a logical one. Please understand that the answer is directed at people working in the correctional system.

If I still have to wear a mask and get tested, what’s the point of the vaccine?

That’s a great question. People have many reasons for wanting to be vaccinated for COVID-19. The primary reason is for the benefit of health and the ongoing risk of exposure to COVID-19, particularly in congregate settings and prisons are very much congregate settings. And we know from our experience over the last nine or 10 months that there is very high risk of transmission, and these viruses some of them are becoming even more transmissible. And so the main reason I think that people want to be vaccinated and should be vaccinated is to protect their health. The other really important reason is to protect the health of people around you and family members and people that you come into contact with. 

Did you catch the answer? You should get vaccinated to protect yourself and the people that you love even though it doesn’t really do anything but make you feel better. The ultimate reason is in your head (the mental health of vaccine recipient) and an appeal to your sense of citizenship not based on science.

Maybe the Surgeon General should require wording like this on the vaccine: Warning, any immunity that you develop to COVID-19 is purely coincidental and not necessarily the result of this highly experimental chemical cocktail that we are injecting into your body. Just in case this vaccine proves ineffective, keep pretending that you are the most highly infectious individual in your family/ church/ school/job or community by continuing to stay six feet away from other people and wearing a mask. Shouting out, “Unclean” when a stranger passes you by is encouraged but not yet required.”

Oh, and even though millions of folks have been vaccinated, its just a drop in the bucket. Which ties in with this next article. Please note the headline is: COVID-19 cases drop 40% since last week

The number of reported COVID-19 infections has plummeted 40% in the United States in just one week and 30% worldwide in the past three weeks.

And the primary reason is not the distribution of vaccines, contend experts, who point out that only 8% of Americans and 13% people worldwide have received their first dose, reported.

A New York Times COVID-19 case tracker indicated cases in the U.S. were down 30% from just last week, according to Marketwatch.

Statistics from Johns Hopkins show the nation’s seven-day rolling average is down 40%.

Daily cases have dropped 45% since the latest peak Jan. 11, according to data from the COVID-19 Tracking Project.

Didn’t Michael Crichton tell us that “nature finds a way?”

Meanwhile the plethora of COVID-19 mutations which we told you about last Spring are finally being reported by the mainstream media. Some are finally asking in light of the virus’ ability to mutate, “will the vaccine remain effective?” Please note, this presupposes that the vaccine was effective to begin with. Give the responses by Dr. Heidi Bauer, this claim is very suspect to me.

When God is Nonessential

Folks, its not that we haven’t addressed the topic of the complete capitulation of virtually all the churches in this country in the face of the Covid nonsense at times in the past; however, it seems to be getting worse. Clearly those claiming the name of Christ fear microbes more that God. The shepherds of the faithful have chosen to scatter their flocks to the four winds to be thrashed by the Evil One while they hide their lamps under the bushel basket cringing in fear and looking to government for salvation.

I took this photo on my way to work this morning.

Oh, on a side note, California taxpayers, thanks for the full paycheck this month when I have spent less than five hours in the office all month. This is the “new normal” for government employment in case you missed that. Yet another story you won’t know if you only watch cable news.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Its one thing when our Governor calls churches nonessential but it’s a whole ‘nother level of stupid when the churches agree with the proposition and call themselves “nonessential” as in the photo above.

The truth is that the offering plate at your local house of worship is really empty these days. Many places of worship—especially in high-cost areas such as here in California—will never recover either the money or the members that they had prior to the Covid collapse. In fact, Jake the Snake said that his parish-which had 1.5 million cash in the bank before Covid-just applied to get a government loan to keep the church’s payroll afloat. This bothered both of us. We talked that such bailouts would come with strings and we wondered aloud if churches would soon lose their tax-exempt status under the Harris/Biden administration.

Folks there’s even worse news for churches than all the above. Last Thursday, I was at the men’s gathering at the local Speak Easy and learned that the men of my congregation are perfectly OK with complying with all the Covid restrictions and see no difference between church on YouTube and worship in person. In fact, they want to hand over more money to Facebook and Twitter to advertise the fact that either way to attend church is equally valid. Oh, when I brought up the historic and biblical model of church being in person and there is no such thing as virtual Sacraments, I was told that watching YouTube services by yourself was not good but if you invoked the “whenever two or three are gathered in my name” that such virtual worship with the family was just fine. (I let it slide that the application of this verse to worship is completely out of context with the passage.) Oh, YouTube is also great because why just watch our service on YouTube when you can watch all them other guys too?

In a congregation that once numbered between 800 and a thousand, three services once a week with a one-hundred-person limit is fine with these guys. In my opinion, its congregational suicide.

Oh, Jake and I also agree that our congregations have buried way more folks than they have either baptized or confirmed since Covid started. The trend line is indisputably in the wrong direction.

Lastly, as I’ve pointed out before, there is a cause-and-effect relationship between closing churches and the rise of socialism in our nation. If your pastor neglects to fill the spiritual vacuum in our society with Christianity, then people will fill it with other stuff to sooth their itching ears. Trust me that there’s much more stuff like that on YouTube than anything with spiritual substance to it. If your church has ceased or restricted in person worship, then your church is part of the problem and not offering solutions.