You may have heard the rumors, but there is no sense is letting them continue unchecked. I have Covid-19. While I was not tested to confirm, there is no point. Friday night I went to bed with a “feeling of nausea” and woke up Saturday morning in a world of hurt. In essence making it from the bed to the toilet had me completely winded, I had no appetite, actually since Saturday morning I have eaten a grand total of 2 Oreo cookies, and sipped on water. My head feels like a vice is squeezing it, and I alternate between fever and the chills based on whether or not the ceiling fan above my bed in on or not. I get the sweats simply standing up. My body aches all over, almost like I took some sort of medieval torture. My cough is a barking cough that leaves me reaching for cough syrup with each unproductive expellatory breath. Nyquil has become my best friend, since I have zero energy all I can do is sleep. When I waken, or as I put it, when the NyQuil runs out, I simply roll over, turn the pillow around and poof I’m out like a newborn.

I still have a sense of smell and taste, so you’re asking how I know I have Covid 19? Simple, and it never had to happen, honestly while I won’t do it, my legal partner has told me to look into potential OSHA violations relating to this disease.
Blogger Note: Identities and locations are being changed as to prevent any additional “C&D letters from lawyers who work on Sunday evenings.”
On Saturday last week the office partner of Johnnie Does returned from a trip to Washington State. He came into the office at the beginning of the work week and was coughing and hacking like crazy. He was double vaccinated (Moderna) so it didn’t matter that he was sick, it wasn’t Covid. This continued. On Wednesday I asked him to get tested. He moved at a glacial pace. He kept saying there are no clinics to get tested. This is a lie, I found a ton with a cursory Google search, including 2 literally walking distance from here. Thursday he finally set an appointment up, for Friday no less. His cough was worse, he had a fever, the chills and no appetite. Finally, Friday came, and he went and got tested. He returned saying, he was positive. He went to his office, and then proceeded to go down the hallway to get the mail, and to make a run to Panda Express for lunch! Yes, you read that correctly. Mask less, because he was vaccinated.

Friday night I get the symptoms described above; all of them.
Do not get me wrong, I feel we will all get Covid one way or another and maybe Rick Santelli of CNBC was on to something saying we should just get it over with. My beef is why I deserved to get treated like this. The office is small it’s a 3-man weave, mostly though its 2 of us. Anything breaching the office door gets passed around. I am now a statistic, more so, I am an innocent bystander, no more than collateral damage in someone’s arcane game of life. He wasn’t even working the week he returned. He spend the time sleeping and ignoring the calls of anyone who called. This could have been done from home, but let’s not make this about me. Let’s take a step back and look at the others I may have harmed, depending on when I became contagious.
Thursday, I have a group meeting of about 35 guys who are all 70 plus, we remanence and shoot the… (you know what). This group is highly likely to die of Covid according to Fauci. My own parents, I spent all of Friday with them, both are immunocompromised after bouts with cancer. Ditto according to Fauci.
This is why this virus is spreading. Stupid people who have no regard for others. The office was a petri dish, and I was going to be infected, no way around it. My doctor is aware, and we are monitoring my situation daily, and sometimes hour by hour, as being hard to breath and getting winded is not easy. I feel as if I will pull through just fine, but it could be a tough couple of weeks. Sadly, I was informed by my doctor I might suffer permanent organ damage as a result of this lab created virus. This would be a real shame. Working out and being active is a major part of my life and frankly I do not know what will happen to me if I lose that. Demons in my past may reappear. Hoping for a good outcome but I think this one may be bumpy.
Johnnie Does