My Take on Ukraine-Russia

Comrade Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. that’s his real name by the way, decided the best way to counter Russia’s 100-130,000 troops on the border with Ukraine, was to send about 2,500 of our troops to Europe.  Doesn’t take a math major to know those numbers do not look favorable.  Belarus, a close Russia ally has allowed troops to amass along their border with Ukraine as well.  It is my opinion war is imminent in the area, I have a feeling Russia is going to annex the entire eastern part of Ukraine.  For those uneducated on the matter Ukraine is almost like 2 separate countries sharing a common government.  Eastern Ukraine would rather be part of Russia, western Ukraine wants to be part of Europe.  Think similar to our government neither party agrees on anything except how much to spend.

Vladimir Putin

Russia under Putin has made it clear he wants all of the former Soviet Union to be united as one again.  Belarus is a willing ally because like the far left in this country is ok with a war, as long as Russia kills them off last.  For those who doubt me, Putin has invaded the former soviet counties of Georgia, and Ukraine, and likely will do the same with its other non-NATO neighbors.  You do not set up makeshift hospitals and blood banks near your border with a large mass of troops to have a military drill; this is a scenario where the generals are awaiting the go-code from Putin.

Enter our senile and very weak president, sending 2,500 troops (all fully vaccinated by the way) out to Europe does nothing, it just further enrages a crazy person like Putin.  Worse yet China who has drifted ever closer to Russia over the years in terms of superpower status in the region seems to have its eyes on Taiwan.  They are working in tandem and likely negotiating terms of attack in secret.  Neither wants the USA anywhere near them, and frankly we have no business in the region anyways.

Folks I want to lay out why we are making a serious mistake sending our troops there, and frankly it shouldn’t be that hard to see, history should always be our guide.

Vladimir Putin–next Bond villain?

First off, why are we intervening in the Ukraine?  They are not an ally, nor a part of NATO.  They are a corrupt country that has an extremely weak military to begin with and underpaid to boot.  Think North Korea, but with shaky loyalty at best.  We really are considering sending our young people to fight in a battle in a region where we only have a slight vested interest?  (Russia being an untrusted enemy).  Furthermore, NATO aligned European countries are offering tepid support at best, Germany has sent about 5,000 helmets (God I can imagine Putin shuttering at the thought) UK is offering military aid, and countries like Poland have said they could help.  That’s not exactly a serious showing of solidarity.  They all know Russia is going to topple Ukraine, and they aren’t worth fighting for.

Or is it?

Europe is very dependent on natural gas from Russia, as Germany and other countries have turned off their nuke and coal power…. sound familiar?  Well, they don’t want their people to be cold in the winter or risk Putin shutting the valve off.  Translation = They aren’t going against Putin for a non-NATO ally.  Sanctions don’t really scare Putin either.  This is something the neo-libs and neo-cons will never understand, war is never a good option, especially when facing someone crazy.

Putin doing the Lord’s Work?

The sad thing is we once again are trying to police the world, we are no longer a superpower, I’m sorry.  Putin knows this he see’s weakness.  Our President is weak and indecisive, can’t even get through a presser without flubbing the canned speech, and OMG don’t ask a question…wait you can’t.  Putin is going to go as far as creating propaganda of the US somehow starting this conflict.  I do not understand how I can see this playing out poorly for us but many in power cannot.  Maybe it’s the Cold War era policies, and history is repeating itself.  This is a cataclysmic mistake, even de-escalation means we lose, we look bad.

Here is what I would do if I was tasked with going mano-a-mano with Putin.  First of all, remember smart people never challenge stupid people to a fight, the stupid one always wins as that person will do anything to come out on top.  I send no troops, as we already have them stationed all over the globe, sans Afghanistan.  I show the world satellite imaging of the troop build ups and, in a NATO, led presser call out Russia, asking what they are doing, and when it will be over with.  I tell Ukraine to scale down the military operations in the border area, as you want to be weak when Russia thinks its strong.  The world is watching as the winter Olympics are taking place in neighboring China.  China wants no part of Russia pulling shenanigans during its Olympic games.  I tell Putin forcefully if he fires a bullet or drops a bomb, we are going to bomb the sh*t out of his country.  I mean scorched earth, and I tell Belarus get Russian troops out of your country or we will test the bombs on you.  Then I tell China and Russia if North Korea shoots any US or NATO allied plane out of the air, there will only be one Korea, and it will involve US troops at the border with China.  This is a nightmare for both China and Russia.  Russia also needs to know any, and all bordering countries will be NATO members if he invades.  I do not fear the Russian army, they are not big and are unskilled, however a country like Ukraine or Georgia does, as they are outgunned, outmanned and outflanked.

My plan may or may not work, but it’s far better than sending a token number of young people to stand sentinel while facing an army of 100-130,000 with a crazy leader hell bent on expansion.  You don’t try to reason with a drunk at a bar, right?  We shouldn’t reason with a power-hungry crazy person.  Let him get his moment in the spotlight and make him step down.

The Chief

Why Covid-19 Will Not Go Away

Everyone is tired of hearing about this, save the cable watchers, mouth breathers, fake Republicans, and the Democrat party.  Truth is we never should have had massive shutdowns, but fear took over.  Trump listened to Fauci, and fear has taken hold.  We will all die of Omicron, even though the experts claim you will have only mild symptoms.  We have been doing this for almost 2 years, and no end is in sight. I will lay out two examples of why this will not go away, neither are cable related.

Case #1 It’s the stupidity, stupid.

Case in point, my “fully vaccinated” colleague who came back from Dallas after a long weekend.  He didn’t feel well Monday, leading to a worse cough Tuesday, a massive fever Wednesday, and Thursday he was so sick he could barely stand.  Did he come to the office?  Yep.  Did he get tested?  Nope, not till Friday.  By Friday it was too late for me, I had been exposed for 50 hours of a work week.  Thankfully I found out he lived on the other side of the house from his wife, her health was more important than mine.  I was Covid positive and got very ill, lasting about 10 days, say what you want about my vaccine choice, I got through it.

Case #2 It’s the stupid behavior, stupid.

A friend of mine from college called me on Tuesday a week ago, she was coming home from a bar.  She called me again Wednesday, ditto on the bar thing.  She lives in Marin County and was fully vaxxed.  She went out again Friday and called me on her way home.  She said it had been a rough week (hangovers? but I wasn’t sure).  As the conversation went on, she said she was going to get tested Saturday. When I questioned why, she volunteered that she had a cough, fever, and fatigue all week.  But fortunately, she still went out!  Priorities.  Worse, yet, which brings me to my point, she tested positive earlier in the week, via a rapid test.  Yep, as in she had the ‘rona.  Did she quarantine?  Nope, that’s silly. It’s a big part of her life, going out that is.  She claimed it was a rapid test and they are not always accurate.  Sure, Trump colluded with Russia too, it’s what you feel, not facts.  Since getting a confirmed positive, she now is quarantining, mind you five of her friends have gotten sick, they got the ‘rona.  They all hung out all week.  She continues to go out to dinner, she wants to support local businesses, in person by the way.  She went for a long walk twice this week, mask less because why not.


The point of this blog is to illustrate that this virus will not go away, nor will the media or political types allow it to, due to people’s stupidity.  In the case of both these folks, if they stayed at home, by the way the laws are on your side, due to this pandemic.  But they chose not to put their lives on hold, they chose to bring other folks down with them.  This is stupidity.  Plain and simple.  How can one be so selfish?  After two positive tests you keep going out?  I’m sorry it sucks, but I did it, and so can you.  Following the rules, reduce your chances of getting/spreading it, but you cannot fix stupid, and as long as those folks are out and about, it won’t go away.

It’s stupid folks like these that empower our masters to demand that the sheep inject yet another semi-annual booster.

The Chief

Folsom Dam Releases Water: 90 Day Guy Panics

So, we have had a lot of rain and snowpack recently.  If you believe in global warming, you likely ignored all news media, since well, how can snow be happening if the planet is being cooked by emissions.  Ignoring all that, we had an appearance by 90-Day Guy at the office, and predictably he fired up the internet machine and got to reading headlines.  Not the article, just the headlines.

Tahoe record snow December 2021

He stumbled across an article stating Folsom dam was going to release water due to all the rain we had received lately. This set him into panic, because, well he lives in southern Sac County and his house will be for sure under water due to this emergency.  He made a few calls to check sandbag availability, I would be shocked, but he is just like this.  When the man on TV or an article on Yahoo! News pops up, he takes it as gospel, because…well why should you seek any other opinions or facts.  He is still scared of the “virus” and refuses to touch any door knob because…. the virus.

Folsom Lake 2021

Personally, his best position is cowering at home with a warm glass of milk, under the covers, watching the world burn through the lens of news anchors who are trying to drive ratings.  I typically rib him with comments like “Well, at least there are no mean tweets” or “Biden ended the virus 1/15.”  He blames this on his old age, but this is a trait I don’t see in many folks, only the ones who are fixated on the tube.  If it bleeds it leads, and sex sells.  His excuse is his wife watches it all day, he just happens to be in the room.  Similar to the “I’m sorry your honor but I didn’t rob the bank, and shoot the teller, I just drove the get away car.”  It’s pathetic and sad.

To put you all at ease, I will offer up this.  Folsom Dam is not a storage or flood control dam like Shasta or Oroville.  Folsom is designed to hold water for recreation and to supply water to local communities.  You don’t have to believe me.  Folsom is under contract by the Bureau of Reclamation and has to be tightly regulated as far as water levels go.  Again, don’t believe me, they came out and said they had to release a slight amount of water due to standards to allow for more inevitable run off when the microwave in the sky heats the planet and causes the snow to melt.  Follow the dam in the spring/summer months, typically what goes into Folsom Lake on the back end, is released from the dam’s spillways on the front end.

Folsom is not there for flood control, hence when the Oroville Dam failed, panic set out everywhere because Folsom cannot hold that volume of water, they are not allowed to.  Dams are actually one thing in this state where the government regulation is extremely tight, thanks to the Sierra Club and other environmental groups who want to see us demolishing them as opposed to building new ones.  You may remember back during the Oroville Dam pending failure, they evacuated the fish at the hatchery long before they told the people of imminent danger.  The government even went as far as saying the releases where miniscule and fishing would be completely unaffected. 

Que the Kermit the frog freak-out gif.  Head desk!

Folks I will conclude by saying this; stop reading the internet and watching the news on TV. It’s all depressing.  You would think we live in a slum, and the sun is killing the planet…. oh wait.  The bottom line is we can only control what we can control, some things are in God’s hands.  For those of you who are non-believers the world is a scary place, and you have no control over things it does.  Best bet is be prepared, and minimize your risk.  This means the inevitable freak out will not affect you.  I’m not worried about a few thousand cubic feet of water, with the amount of steady rain we received, it is no big deal.  The time to be worried is when we get a warm storm.  That will overwhelm the dams and we could see an issue, lucky for us in the valley we will have ample warning.

Back to your freak out folks.  I heard 5G is coming to a cell tower near you and will scramble your brain.  You have been warned!

The Chief

Editor’s Note: as on 12/30/21, we have had 14.42 inches of rain this season which is 242% of normal. Currently we have received 79% of our average annual rainfall of 18.14 inches.

Dominic Foppoli had a Bad month

It has been a while so we will update the goings on of former Windsor Mayor Democrat Dominic Foppoli, not that anyone cares, but here goes.  Dominic bizarrely declared himself “cleared of all wrongdoing” and decided to run for office in 2022 as mayor.  Yes, some folks maybe delusional, he is just flat out dumb.

Foppoli did not respond to requests for comment. But a source close to Foppoli told KTVU that he is running for his old seat – and that Foppoli says he’s been cleared of any wrongdoing.

Ex-Windsor mayor Dominic Foppoli files paperwork to run again

Fellow enabler Debroa Fudge had this nugget…

Town councilmember Debora Fudge said, “I’ve seen the paperwork and I have no clue what Dominic’s real intentions are because we have not spoken.

Fudge said the fact that Foppoli filed the paperwork without any explanation “is not being able to take the temperature in a room.”

She added, “I can’t see that Dominic would have any support for running for any office in Windsor or anywhere at this point.”

Thank god you weighed in Debora, I was waiting with baited breath to hear from you.  I’m so very sorry Dominic didn’t disclose to you his future plans in advance.  Since you know you’re the benevolent queen of Windsor.  As far as Dominic not being able to take the temperature of the room, he took what he wanted from his victims you douche.  As far as not having support, well Bill Clinton got re-elected, stranger things have happened.

Yes, folks that’s right, he was declared innocent apparently, no press conference by the California AG or the Sonoma County Sheriff.  Sadly, that was wishful thinking.  It got bad for Dominic in November, as the Sheriff raided his home; taking several pieces of electronic media.

The objects taken from Foppoli’s home last Wednesday include two laptops, three iPads, a cellphone, a recording device, camera, USB drive and a DVD or CD, according to the filed search warrant, which SFGATE obtained from the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office. The warrant reveals the items were singled out as potential “evidence that tends to show a felony was committed.”

Here’s what authorities seized from former Windsor Mayor Dominic Foppoli’s home

Allow me to explain this one, innocent people, myself included, routinely have our houses raided by the police, its standard operating procedure here…ok, I can’t anymore.

Folks this is really bad news for Dominic, judges don’t just sign off on warrants for police to raid someone’s house.  They do so after being convinced the crime was committed and the evidence seized will result in a forthcoming arrest warrant being issued.  This is because if zero evidence is obtained, the judge has mud all over his face. Also, another person came forward with allegations against Foppoli, the story is behind a paywall so I couldn’t access it. 

Commentary: The USS Foppoli continues to circle the drain, and it won’t be pretty for him nor his supporters.  That is a lot of electronic media that was seized, which tells me quite a bit of video/photo and other evidence exists.  That is gross and disgusting.  Anyone who films themselves, their partner or both having/doing/partaking in sexual acts has major issues.  First of all, the idea of watching someone else having sex is gross, the idea of watching yourself on instant replay is disgusting.  Think of not just you but your partner. However, the truth is Dominic is such a loser he is used to watching other people have sex online, it’s called porn.  Sadly, it leads to bad habits/beliefs etc. being formed i.e., the idea of “rape fantasies” and the like.  You get so used to watching it on movies or YouTube that it becomes real, much like politics, violence, etc. it’s not the real world, it’s quite literally fantasy.  Dominic likely filmed these acts figuring it would exonerate him later…quite the opposite will be occurring.  It may be fun with your group of guy friends, maybe even the occasional female to joke about filming your sex acts, even using it as blackmail…but to normal people it isn’t funny…it’s a crime.

Most of these women who have come forward have brought up some aspect of being filmed/possibly being filmed, never with their consent.  This is likely another crime, similar to a warrantless wiretap, CA is a 2-party state, and if one party didn’t consent it’s a crime.  We believe evidence exists, quite a bit of it.  We also believe an arrest warrant is forthcoming.  We also believe Florida wants to move but California is taking the lead since the majority of the crimes took place here. 

To speak directly to his followers (I know you read this blog, you forwarded it to an attorney who accused us of Libel Per Se) how do you all feel now?  I hope you feel good.  Congrats on defending an alleged rapist, serial sexual harasser. Apparently, you all feel recorded porn/photos/videos etc. are taboo and funny?  I’m sure you feel like Dominic still has done nothing wrong.  I’m sure you believe the videos will clear him; he is a nice man right?  I doubt that will be occurring, actually I hope he does the perp walk Christmas Eve!  Sadly, your leader is vacationing in Italy right now because he knows his freedom is short lived, he is on borrowed time.  The joke is on you…this blog is headquartered several counties away, none of these bloggers have been to Windsor, and you were convinced it was a conspiracy.  You even had a low rent lawyer write a mean comment on the Sabbath no less! 

Now if I can speak to Dominic…not that you would listen but here goes.  I actually feel sorry for you, from some who I spoke with in Santa Rosa you were a dorky, awkward loser in high school at Cardinal Newman.  You were a loner who tried to fit in too hard, you had rich parents, so you compensated that way.  When you struck out with the ladies you aimed younger, and younger, and younger.  This was the start of your undoing.  Your actions at your’s and my Alma Mater say it all, we met a few times, always a mid-twenty-year-old hanging with the freshman and myself.  I know you fancied yourself a ladies’ man, and you had a car and ability to ply us with booze….it made you a disgusting creep.  After the ill-fated night I had with you I was done.  After George W Bush got re-elected, you insisted, I fly with you and several freshman girls to DC to see his Inauguration, I declined.  You called me a loser among other things…and maybe I am. Yes, I passed on a trip where you promised me booze, girls, and other things…congrats you are a better partier then me.  You developed a taste for the grape and had money. You infiltrated groups with no intention of doing good. It was about “getting lucky” and in essence picking out a trophy…it’s sad.  You became a public official and you just got worse.  Dominic read the SF Chronicle Article; the stories are flat our cringe worthy.  Then to find out you filmed these acts is gross, but I guess you analyze your performance and give a breakdown Monday Night Football Style?  That’s about as bad as taking a girl’s underwear as some kind of trophy.  Hope you had your fun, because its curtains for you soon.  I would start Googling countries with no extradition laws, because I don’t think you will be having a good year in 2022.  But the good news is you aren’t a loser!

Thanks for helping our blog here go viral, we average double digit hits per blog, but my stuff on Foppoli generated earth shattering records!  We were contacted by the local paper, and a prominent attorney (one who I would not want to face in court mind you!)  life is good here for us at the blog.

PS The enablers of Dominic had better hope a) I never get elected in this state and b) hope my preferred party never takes power.  Because I will be introducing legislation to change CA rape laws.  First it would be a boomerang back law, so if a case is discovered the statute of limitations would go back 5 years prior for any further crimes, and so on and so on.  This stops creeps like Dominic from running out the clock, or threatening victims.  The second change would be any and all enablers who knew would get charged with rape crimes as well and go on the registry.  This stops the “well I saw a lot of bad things, and wish I said something like his ex-campaign manager told me.  You may not have penetrated or forced yourself into the girl, but if you didn’t stop it, you’re an accomplice.

The Chief

The Guilty Party in Kenosha isn’t who you think

Editor’s Note: This was sent to me prior to the beginning of today’s Black Friday looting in select markets.

As the country waits with bated breath as the jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial debates his faith.  Will he walk?  Be found guilty?  Or will the jury split the baby? 

Sadly Mr. Rittenhouse is not at fault for his actions, and he is being slandered in the media.  Most are calling him a racist, even though he shot 3 white men.  Others are calling him a deranged far right anti-government zealot when zero proof of that exists.  Some are even saying he crossed state lines with a banned firearm…also not true. 

Mr. Rittenhouse is guilty of one thing, being a hardo.  The optics of him walking about with the AR-15 slung over his shoulder were unnecessary.  However, he had no choice, as the local government failed.  Government, much to the dismay of Tea Party/BLM types, has a role in our lives; it is to keep us safe.  In Kenosha that did not exist.  The local Police and City Leaders decided to stand down and let the protestors create a chaotic scene.  When “reasonably prudent persons” (it’s a law school term for a normal person) decide the government won’t protect them, they arm themselves for protection.  When an angry mob is running amuck, like we have seen so many times before, normal folks get scared.  Look no further than the scene at the CHAZ or CHOP in Seattle.  In that autonomous zone, people were killed as paramedics and police were not allowed to enter. 

Where was the local government?  Where was the governor?  They allowed this mob to run amuck.  I saw a similar mob in Sacramento, they tried to throw a Molotov cocktail into the DA’s office.  They tried to enter and burn the local jail.  Mayor Darrell Steinberg told the police to stand down. 

The situation descended into chaos and as a result, we have abandoned store fronts, and businesses with boarded up windows.  Folks like us here at the blog refuse to travel there because the situation could get chaotic again and any time, and we have no trust in the local official’s will to do anything about it.

While I disagree with Mr. Rittenhouse going to Kenosha and doing what he did, let us take a step back for a moment.  Rittenhouse was threatened by all 3 men he shot, killing 2 of them, lawfully I may add.  The “victims” Joseph Rosenbaum, who was a convicted pedophile and Anthony Huber a convicted domestic abuser, Gage Grosskreutz who is a felon, aimed a gun at Rittenhouse.  Folks these are not the martyrs they have been made out to be, as is the norm when a black man is shot by police these days.  Could we please stop making these folks out to be innocent victims?  In the case of all 3, not one of them would have died if they weren’t there provoking trouble.  I’m sorry, but running about and threatening violence, is a good recipe assume room temperature quicker than most.  Even more so when threatening someone with a high-powered weapon.

Frankly I feel Rittenhouse will walk, and once again chaos will begin all over the US.  It is very preventable, but local politicians will pander to the mob, and as a result normal law-abiding folks will suffer.  The news media should be asking a simple question to all.  Isn’t the main role of government to keep us safe?  Why did the local police or leaders create a protest zone?  It is due to the local government failing to do its duty that 2 men were killed and 1 was wounded, Mr. Rittenhouse is just the collateral damage.

Now an entire city hangs on the verdict of a jury (who by the way has only 1 minority on it) regarding the fateful events of that night.  Even the judge has been scapegoated by the national media.  Chaos is set to happen again, and the question we all should be instead of why? Is How come our government isn’t keeping us safe?

The Chief

Vaccine Mandate = Defund the Police/Military

Folks have you heard the words “defund the police lately?” Of course, you haven’t, since our inner cities are now crime riddled utopias, the idea of calling to removing police from the streets is toxic.  Key word in my last sentence was “idea.”  You see the liberals in the country don’t change their beliefs, they change a buzz word.  

What is happening in big cities nationwide right now is a massive crime surge, violent crime especially.  You don’t need to watch the news; you can see it with your own eyes.  We have been releasing “non-violent” folks from prison.  These folks mixed with reduced morale at the local precinct, and city councils who are pressuring the local DA not to charge on certain offenses.  The result is a powder keg about to blow.  The Democrats saw all this, and they know the suburban moms (aka the ones who supported Trump the first time, not the second) are having second thoughts on “defunding.”  So, they changed the rhetoric, now it’s a vaccine mandate. 

Cities got smart, why call it defunding when the word mandate works just as well?  It’s not about your health and safety, right?  That officer standing guard on the corner?  The officer who pulled you over?  Well, they better not be unwashed!  So as a result, a mandate works here.  Again, it’s a public health crisis, right?  Most know the public safety workers voted overwhelmingly for Trump and are most likely to be resistant to a vaccine.  The answer is simple, order a mandate, if they don’t comply fire them. Why not, we get to shrink to police force and blame the officers not elected Democrats.

This is playing out all over the country, there is discussion of entire firehouses and police precincts shutting down.  Look at New York City a place where crime has skyrocketed…the answer is less police due to a mandate! Remember when NYC cut one billion in police funding. 

San Francisco has become a lawless region, parts of LA have vigilante justice.  The problem will be getting worse not better, as these mandates are set to go into place over the next couple weeks. 

Do not kid yourselves loyal readers, defund the police is alive and well, it just exists under a different name.  Calling it a mandate and invoking public safety is the new buzzword.  This is playing out in all big cities, hopefully it won’t come to one near you.  We used to believe in freedoms here, sadly since 9/11 we have given those up, and put them in the hands of bureaucrats and a media that selectively reports and edits as they see fit.  The virus isn’t killing the masses, it seems like it targets specific groups.  Also why is it that today we have entire generations who want to go after people’s livelihoods?  I think some do not understand the loss of a job leads indirectly to a loss of housing, transportation, food and mental state.  Aren’t those things what the Left and BLM argue so much that they are in favor of?

Hiring police is not easy, it costs a ton of money and time.  The candidate pool for recruiting has dried up.  Now we have mandates.  What will they mandate next?

The Chief

The Worldwide Woke Leader (ESPN) Continues to be Woke

On Monday night I was checking my ESPN app for no reason other than to see the status and score of the Monday Night Football Game, as a proud cord cutter that is how I get my sports fix.  As you would imagine I was surprised by a “news headline” conveniently disguised as sports.  See the photo sent to BlogFather (who was able to verify its authenticity).

Check out that exact wording “Texas law restricts trans students’ access to sports” Barf.  Folks if you get your hard news from ESPN, you likely believe Joe Biden is actually running the country.  The Texas law is simple, you play on the team associated with your birth-gender.  So, to break this down for those related to Aaron or George Park, if you have interior plumbing, you play on the girl’s team, exterior plumbing you play on the boy’s team.  If you are confused maybe you could just sit on the bleachers.  It’s not about hate, it’s about safety.  Something ESPN cares little about as they allowed an anchor of theirs, Sara Walsh, to have a miscarriage while hosting a live show.

ESPN also protected and defended piece of sh** dirtbag employees Jonathan Coachman and John Buccigross and Bomani Jones from sexual assault allegations.  Buccigross refers to himself on air as “Bucci-mane” as an ode to rapper Gucci Mane, I’m sure the rapper uses similar words toward women in his songs.

So, at ESPN, if you are trans, play on any team you want.  If you’re women, make me a sandwich, wear revealing clothing, let me hit on you, sexually harass you, or have a miscarriage live on air.  Got it?  Good.

But ESPN wasn’t done yet, check this article out they posted predominately on their website. NAACP calls on athletes not to sign with Texas teams due to recent legislation

Yeah, if you’re black, ESPN has your back, but if you like it from behind, ESPN say don’t have a Texas team in mind.  Thus the Woke amongst us want you to boycott the Cowboys, Texans, Rangers, Astros, Mavericks, and Spurs.  Keep in mind Mark Cuban is the owner of the Mavericks, and Greg Poppovich, the coach of the Spurs, are two of the wokest humans on the planet.  Keep in mind this has to do with transgender sports laws, nothing else.

In closing I will say this, while the suits at ESPN think they are a hard news network, they ought to understand safety.  Put me, a 6’2 205lb man, against almost any female and I would have a decisive advantage.  For no other reason that the testosterone and muscle mass that I possess, I could beat a girl into submission.  Think about it, almost all cases of domestic violence involve the male being the one arrested, it’s not by accident.  I am not sure why it is so hard to play on the team of your birth gender, and why do folks want boys in the girl’s bathroom?  Check out what is going on in Virginia right now in Loudon County.  The school board, the superintendent and others are actively stonewalling and covering up the sexual assault of what could be 2 or more girls by a “trans person.”   It’s not about hate for us at the blog, it’s about safety.  Keep in mind a sitting Democrat senator was filmed while using the bathroom at Arizona State University, and no one on the Democrat side even seemed to care about her privacy.  Mind you one of the “filmers” was male.

Rest assured ESPN still employs Adrian Wojnarowski who tweeted at senator Josh Hawley “F*** You.” So, it’s very clear if you are a Democrat or are just plain unhinged, ESPN has a spot for you.  If you are a woman better watch you back, the men at ESPN are well protected when it comes to sexual assault.

ESPN has nothing going for it anymore, I am not sure why they try to push their far-left BS on the masses, maybe Disney executives will address this on the earnings calls?  Wait, they did by showing falling subscribers and revenue.

The Chief

#ArrestFauci #PuppyKILLER

Very few things in the world today make me literally speechless.  I came across this article yesterday and was at a total loss for words.  Yep, believe it or not folks, our all-knowing, America’s Favorite Doctor Tony Fauci is a puppy killer.  Yep, I’ll let the article do the talking for me.

According to documents acquired by a government watchdog group, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases — led by Fauci — funded research in 2018 allowing scientists to force-feed experimental drugs into 44 beagle puppies before killing and dissecting them.

The dogs — between six and eight months old — were also “devocalized,” according to the report. The procedure involves the slitting of a dog’s vocal cords as a means to stop barking.

In another instance, live-puppies in Tunisia were held in cages and exposed to sandflies. DeSantis lambasted the research while speaking to reporters in North Venice.

“They’re doing cruel experiments on puppies,” DeSantis said. “What they were doing with those puppies is flat out disgusting. It’s despicable. I cannot believe American tax dollars would go to treat those dogs the way those dogs are being treated.”

Barf.  Yep, the innocent telegenic Dr. who claims the vaccine is just for you among other things, was doing heinous research on “man’s best friend.”  Not only did he infect/kill the dogs, but he also instructed the researchers to cut their vocal chords.  This is straight out of a movie like the Mummy where no one could hear them scream in horror.  The photos are sick, this Fauci is a literal modern-day Dr. Frankenstein.  This is so gross, its reprehensible.  Does anyone now doubt us here at the blog who have been telling you this coronavirus was grown in a lab?  The conspiracy doesn’t seem so far-fetched now, does it? 

Dr. Rand Paul, the Kentucky Senator, has been all over Fauci from day 1.  He knows Fauci is a dishonest, little man syndrome having prick.  He gets on TV with that fake used car salesman look (when he isn’t wearing his mask) and tells everyone how self-righteous he is.  By the way, did you see how his NIH institute has been funding gain of function research in Wuhan?  Yeah, you likely missed that too on your favorite cable channel. 

But a letter from the NIH to Ranking Member Rep. James Comer of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform Wednesday admitted to a “limited experiment” conducted in order to test if “spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model” – contradicting Fauci’s previous claims.

Folks allow me to remind you, this would not be the first time the good doctor has lied to Congress.  A move that if made by any of us unwashed would lead to jail time.  Yet somehow this evil man is able to continue to peddle his bullshit while telling us to get vaccinated or else. 

This is exactly what Donald Trump fought against his entire presidency.  The Bureaucracy in the country has too much power.  These folks just wait out the leaders they do not like.   Fauci needs to be gone yesterday, he helped create this virus and now he wants to keep it going.  He cares only about power.  How else does one describe the endless changes in policy from him?  Mask, no mask, tinder hookups are ok, Christmas is not, Halloween is ok, church is not, take-out is ok, indoor dining is not, vaccine passports, corporate mandates.  Let’s end this.  It’s time.  Fauci is a dog killer and a liar, the worst kind of person.  Just remember Michael Vick got jail time for an illegal dog fighting operation.  I wonder the punishment for literally maiming and killing dogs in the name of science?

In the meantime, back to your cable watching, and be sure to get the booster shot.  Because?  Science, and you better go along or else no Christmas for you!

The Chief

Oh, lest you think The Chief has left the reservation on this one, even the MSN is appalled by his puppy torture.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIAID and the National Institutes of Health as a whole have been under intense scrutiny in recent months over what types of animal testing should be funded with taxpayer grants in light of questions about gain of function experimentation at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Fauci-Led Agency Funded Abusive Animal Experiments Promising To Kill Dozens Of Beagles

“According to documents obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request by taxpayer watchdog group White Coat Waste Project, and subsequent media coverage from October 2018 until February 2019, NIAID spent $1.68 million in taxpayer funds on drug tests involving 44 beagle puppies,” the Thursday letter reads.

Bipartisan legislators demand answers from Fauci on alleged puppy experiments

Why Gruden had to Resign

Loyal readers I’m late on this one, but as you know, I’m a card-carrying Oakland…eh Vegas Raider Nation hater so I have to weigh in.  Jon Gruden aka the Messiah of Aaron Park’s loser squad was “axed to resign” circa 10 days ago.  Yes, during the middle of the season, he got caught up in a scandal involving the Washington Football Team…. yeah, that’s a real name.

Gruden apparently sent quite a few emails when he was out of work to his former GM friend Bruce Allen, the President of the “Football Team.”  These emails were uncovered during an investigation of “Football Team’s” owner Daniel Snyder.  Snyder is a dirt bag accused of all kinds of stuff, but this blog doesn’t focus on him. 

Gruden was the collateral damage.  This was because in said emails he called NFLPA (Players Association) leader Demaurice Smith a racially tinged name.  He basically said Smith had large lips and was taken maybe out of context.  Smith was about to be removed as player association leader, so these emails had to drop.  This saved Smith’s career, as he has been a do-nothing bozo as player association leader.

However more came out; Gruden basically went after every single protected class.  He went after trans people (Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner), gay people (Michael Sam) woman, and Jews.  I understand the language he used flowed freely at one point to describe people, trust me, I played football at an all-guys high school, that language was used daily.  Not just by players, it was coaches, teachers, and administrators too.  But it’s not 2004 anymore.  This gets you fired, it’s not just Cancel Culture.  Gruden went after every single protected class.

Here are the actual words; mind you it wasn’t one email it was a bunch.

What did Jon Gruden say in emails?

Gruden used racist, sexist, homophobic and transophobic language in the emails, which the Times reports dated from 2010 through 2018, before Gruden was hired by the Raiders for his second stint with the team. Per the Times, he often called NFL commissioner Roger Goodell a “f—t” and a “clueless anti football p—y.” He also used homophobic slurs to describe NFL owners, coaches and reporters who cover the league.

Gruden also reportedly exchanged emails with Allen and others that included photos of women wearing only bikini bottoms. One photo reportedly included two Washington Football Team cheerleaders. Per the Times, Gruden and Allen also sometimes included Ed Droste, the co-founder of Hooters; Jim McVay, an executive who has run the Outback Bowl; and Nick Reader, the founder of PDQ Restaurants, in the emails.

Per the Times, Droste in 2017 shared a sexist meme of a woman refereeing in the NFL, with Gruden replying, “Nice job roger.”

Gruden also criticized larger issues that surfaced in or otherwise had platforms of discussion in the league. For example, he reportedly criticized former President Barack Obama during his 2012 reelection campaign and called then-vice president Joe Biden a “nervous clueless p—y.” Gruden reportedly also denounced the league for attempting to reduce concussions, adding that Eric Reid — who demonstrated during the playing of the national anthem as a form of protest against police brutality — should be fired.

Raiders coach Jon Gruden admits he insulted Roger Goodell in 2011 emails

In 2015, Gruden condemned a congressional bill that attempted to force Washington to change its name from the Redskins, which many Native Americans view as a slur. Gruden received a link, also that year, detailing how players wanted Goodell to support them in efforts to promote racial equality and criminal justice reform.

“He needs to hide in his concussion protocol tent,” Gruden said.

Gruden also singled out individuals as targets of his hateful language. That includes Caitlyn Jenner, whom Gruden mocked when she won an award in 2015 after transitioning. He also asked Allen to tell Bryan Glazer, whose family owns the Buccaneers, to perform oral sex on him. Allen reportedly responded that Glazer would “take you up on that offer.”

Gruden coached Tampa Bay from 2002 through 2008.Gruden also targeted Michael Sam, who came out as gay before attempting an NFL career, and Smith.

Michael Sam

Per the Times, Gruden criticized Goodell for pressuring former St. Louis Rams coach Jeff Fisher to draft “q—rs.” That was a reference to Sam, who came out as gay ahead of the 2014 NFL Draft and was selected with the Rams’ second-to-last pick in the seventh round. He spent the 2014 season on St. Louis and Dallas’ practice squads, later spending time in the CFL with the Montreal Alouettes.

Prior to his resignation, Gruden coached the NFL’s first openly gay active player, Carl Nassib, who came out ahead of the 2021 season.

DeMaurice Smith

The email that initially got Gruden in hot water was a 2011 email to Allen in which he used a racist trope to describe Smith:

“Dumboriss Smith has lips the size of michellin (sic) tires.”

Jon Gruden’s second coming to save the Raiders

Jon Gruden’s comments after emails leaked

Gruden, perhaps in an attempt to soften the comments he hurled at Smith, told ESPN on Friday that the NFLPA executive director wasn’t the only person he insulted in 2011 during labor disputes that led to a lockout: He said he also insulted Goodell:

“I was in a bad frame of mind at the time (in 2011), and I called Roger Goodell a (expletive) in one of these emails too,” he told ESPN. “They were keeping players and coaches from doing what they love with a lockout. There also were a lot of things being reported publicly about the safety of the sport that I love. I was on a mission with high school football (in the Tampa, Fla., area) during that time, and there were a lot of parents who were scared about letting their kids play football. It just didn’t sit well with me.”

Folks the Glazer family owns the Tampa Bay Bucs, the team Chief cheers for, Gruden has since been removed from the Ring of Honor aka the teams Hall of Fame.  Gruden was erased, he is gone.  Going after Smith could be explained away possibly.  Jenner?  Well, no one likes a transgender Republican so ditto there.  Going after women in the NFL is bizarre as they now make up 55% of the viewership, and it’s growing quickly.  Going after Goodell and gays did him in, Goodell has a gay son.  Gruden has officially ended his coaching/broadcasting years.  He worked for ESPN for a while in between gigs.  It was brought to my attention he could coach in college…. are you kidding me?  They are more woke than the NFL.

The real lesson here is this, while some possibly share Gruden’s beliefs, it’s always best to do so verbally.  Gruden not only emailed these thoughts, but he also sent them to Bruce Allen’s work email.  A work email folks is not protected, and for most, you see a pop-up when you log into your work computer saying “they know every click”, or” any emails sent are property of the entity you work for”.  Hence Gruden has no leg to stand on in regard to any sort of wrongful termination suit.  Worse yet, he back loaded his 10 year 100 million contract, he is currently in year 4, and up words of 85 million could be lost.  Gruden was not the target here, but he is the scapegoat.  Collateral damage was needed as the scandal involving the Washington Football team is big.  I call it a PHD lawsuit, since its Piled High and Deep.

The Chief

PS Troll emailed me saying “Why did they find Grudens 10-year-old emails but cannot recover Hillary Clinton’s emails.”  Just a thought on this.

BTW Troll continues his quest for a date with Jen Anniston or Hope Hicks, his commentary will resume soon.

The Supply Chain is a Crisis of our own Making

Unless you live under a rock, think Joe Biden is a good president, or are related to one of the Park Brothers, you likely have heard our supply chain is in dire straits.  Our Commander in Chief is obviously bothered as well.  I saw the Clinton News Network hosted a “Presidential town hall” with Biden last night to give him a chance to explain away all his failures. 

Joe Biden does CNN Townhall

Anderson Cooper was a great host as he cherry picked questions from 15 folks in the “audience chosen at random.”  Like any Biden Q and A session, the participants were carefully vetted and handed a softball question to ask.  Of the 15, 10 were registered Democrats, 3 were Republicans and 2 were Independent.  Definitely a hostile crowd for Ole Slow Joe.  This campaign event, I mean propaganda event, I mean town hall was based in Republican voter rich Baltimore.  Biden basically said he had no answers for the fuel crisis. But he was considering calling up the National Guard for the shipping crisis.  And…. Yeah, thank god my hour on the treadmill at the gym was done, because that was torture to watch.  Shame on CNN for airing that, and shame on us for electing this fellow to be President.

Anderson Coper asks hard hitting questions

I will sum up clearly and succinctly what the supply chain issues are really about.  They are not just the doing of Joe Biden’s failed presidency; this has been going on since Bill Clinton.  Believe it or not, NAFTA aka the North American Free Trade Agreement was a major catalyst.  The goal of NAFTA was to create a free trade zone, free of tariffs, to allow a flow of goods and services across borders.  In theory this is a good idea, it tears down borders and disputes and creates “friendly neighbors.”  However, NAFTA has evolved and not in a good way.

NAFTA in the last 15 years has become a catalyst for corporations to reduce expenses and outsource jobs.  One of the most argued points cited by myself and others are “we used to build things in the USA, now we no longer do.”

The reasoning here is we used to have factories to assemble the parts imported from Mexico, but with increased expenses here domestically, we now build it in Mexico.  Furthermore, Mexico sends it here and we “finish it,” in essence we put the stickers and decals on it, and a few other accents and can still call it “made in the USA.”  In many ways this was palpable because expenses were cut, and our producing workforce could transition to a “paper pushing” workforce.  Workers were mostly happy, shareholders were trilled, and executives bonused out at year end.   Win.  Win.  Win.  Right?

Incorrect.  As time went on, more and more jobs were sent to Mexico, and Mexico has become a developed country.  I say that in a sense that the workers there now want more money and benefits.  As a result, the job merry go round has started again.  Jobs from Mexico have migrated to China, and neighboring countries.  Many of which employ slave labor, child labor, prison labor or just flat-out deplorable conditions.  But that’s ok, because you need your new TV, iPhone etc. and you ain’t paying full price.  So, you ignore that part of the supply chain.

Enter the virus.

I’m leaving the political BS out of this blog in regard to the Corona Virus.  We locked down in the USA, and other countries followed suit.  It was supposed to be 14 days, which has turned into almost 2 years.  The vaccine was the end all, cure all…. not so much.  It didn’t affect the US that much because other countries produce most of what we consume.  But over time, the virus spread to countries we import products from, and this has exasperated the issue.  Most recently Vietnam has locked down its factories; don’t believe me look it up yourself, most of our clothing is made in Vietnam.  With those countries locked down, we get no additional clothing sent here.  Contrary to the belief of some, we here in the US are not able to build a factory to make said clothing here. 

Furthering my point, the lockdowns here taught us one thing, the workers have the upper hand.  Currently and recently, we have seen striking workers for; Nabisco, Frito-Lay, Deere, Kellogg and parts of the healthcare sector.  These workers were ordered to work during the pandemic, most given mandatory overtime and restrictions on time off requests.  At year’s end they were given a small bonus of a few hundred, maybe a thousand if they were lucky.  Management got far bigger bonuses and shareholders got even richer, keep in mind the former stayed at home during the pandemic because it was safer for them and their workers.  We are now seeing a revival of unions, don’t believe me, but look around.

The problems at the port are another issue.  However, we are focused on the cranes and the operators, what we need are semi-trucks and trailers to move those containers once off loaded.  We don’t have those, so the containers are stacked on shore.  Running the port 24/7 as senile Joe suggests isn’t the problem.  Corporations for years have mistreated the drivers of said trucks, so now we are unable to find workers to do that.  Most corporations, especially Target made the drivers contractors, and required them to bid on a route, and pay for the gas, lease payment, insurance et. Al. This resulted in truck drivers making close to zero when expenses were paid.  Don’t believe me, look it up.  Again, Target is one of the worst offenders here, but that’s ok, because they told Biden they want to help.

Editor’s Note: The Federal government and California in particular has also punished truck drivers in a number of ways including limiting the number of hours per day that they can drive and outlawing independent operators via AB-5, diesel engine regulations, and other restrictions.

The long blog short here is the workers in factories are burned out, and years of consolidation are partly to blame.  Look at Campbell Soups, they used to have a plant in California, but due to costs they shut it down, production moved to Texas.  This is a no-brainer, until Texas is snowed out.  Pretty hard to get soup from Troy, Ohio to California.  In addition, try building a plant in the USA to make something, forget for a minute the ungodly amounts of red tape (unless you want to build a basketball arena downtown, somehow the red tape vanishes for that) you also have to build it, hire, train workers, and have production lines set-up and built.  This is not easy, and it’s a tough sell to shareholders who expect you to beat last quarter’s earnings and lower your expenses.  American workers get breaks, lunch, benefits, and extra time, these are federal and state laws.

While Senile Joe may have won the day yesterday, he has lost long term.  The issues of years of outsourcing and production cuts, met with lockdowns have created a toxic cocktail.  Sadly, for people like Jorge Riley, this isn’t a cocktail that you want to drink.  The problem is going to get worse.  Here are a few examples of just what we are facing here.

I bought a jacket on sale $22 marked down from $44, I ordered the wrong size, I shipped back for a return.  The company I purchased from said due to supply chain issues I could not exchange unless I paid the difference.  Another package I ordered sat in a FedEx office for 7 days in Sacramento prior to making the trip to the world headquarters of  Keep in mind we live about 15 miles from Sacramento.

The Chief

Editor’s Note: Our family has been buying gift baskets from a company that ships from Oregon to California. Every order that we have placed in the last year starts with an estimated delivery date of about a week but in reality, it takes 6 to 8 weeks before it actually ships to our Sacramento suburb. Ditto for our new Samsung phone order. Delivery keeps getting delayed.