Another Aaron Park Client Shows his True Colors

Chad Bianco… it’s all over Park’s blog (unless he’s recently deleted the posts) defeated “corrupt, drunk womanizer” Stanley Sniff as Sheriff of Riverside County. We needed Bianco because he could do Republican things like give out concealed carry permits by the thousands! Well Aaron, you got us a good one in Bianco, look at what this newly minted Doctor of Medicine had to say about Corona Virus in his County.

Sheriff Bianco has mandated everyone wear masks to cover their faces in public or risk a $1,000 fine or jail time.

The mandate went into effect on Sunday after Riverside University Health System indicated 946 confirmed coronavirus cases in the county.

“This is a valid order and enforceable by fine, imprisonment or both,” Bianco said on Monday in a video statement.

He added: “Not everybody’s getting the message.”

“It started with staying at home, social distance and covering your face. But now we change from saying that you should to saying that you must.”

“Right now, you could be a carrier of this virus, spreading it to your family and friends.”

California sheriff warns he can arrest and fine people $1,000 for not wearing masks in public

There you have it boys and girls; Dr. Chad Bianco put down his scalpel and stethoscope and has donned a Sheriff’s badge in hopes to save the world! No one knows more about this disease then Dr. Bianco…. he is not the hero we asked for, but the hero we needed during these trying times! Fixated on cable news, he has all the information to make an informed decision on the heath crisis facing his county! A total of 25 folks have died in his county, out of 2.7 million, but let us not allow a good crisis to go to waste.

Riverside County

Keep in mind, he also announced there will be no checkpoints or traffic stops to pull over folks not in compliance…. I guess he didn’t go full Adolf Hitler on us. He also said you will not be stopped while walking or hiking. After reading those statements aren’t you left asking “What’s the point of this order?”

Additionally, in the People’s Republic of California, we have been releasing “non-violent criminals” from both our prisons and jails to prevent the spread of this disease. Yet this MORON wants to arrest and jail you for not wearing a mask in public? And what about this fine? Good grief! Please help me understand the logic behind this, you can steal from a store and not even get cited, yet walk around in Bianco’s County sans a mask and you will be fined $1,000?

Well that Aaron Park sure knows how to pick ‘em!

The Chief

BTW We here at encourage Aaron to wear a mask at all times, not just due to his looks but due to the toxic emissions coming from his mouth. Frankly I’m surprised the EPA hasn’t shut him down yet.

Aaron Park is a Lonely, Pathetic Human Being

By Chief

I woke up this morning to a sound of a baby crying, which is odd since I have no offspring that I’m aware of. Turns out it was a story sent to me by a friend of mine, from the blog of a man who no longer has many friends, Aaron F Park. I wish I could get back the five minutes of my life I spent reading that absolute abomination of a wannabe hit piece, but I would rather not bleach my eyeballs. In the piece, Aaron tried to lay out the case as to why his client, Supervisor Kirk Uhler lost re-election. He used classic Aaron Park lines from every campaign he had run…. “You took down my clients signs.” “She was funded by far left people” “Tried to use undue influence over the public.” Aaron these were all total and complete bunk, and you know it!

Photos of Aaron F Park per Microsoft Bing search engine

Editor’s Note: I tried searching for a recent photo of Aaron F Park on Bing for use in this post and the second image was a dumpster fire; ok, actually it was a row of porta-potties totally involved in flames but isn’t that actually worse?

I have spoken to about 8 folks in Placer, specifically about your political operations. All were less than impressed. All 8 live in Supervisor District four, home of your doomed client Mr. Uhler. None of them to a man could bring themselves to vote for Mr. Uhler. They described Uhler as being one of the most arrogant, condescending human beings they have ever met. Furthermore Mr. Park, no one had a good thing to say about you. Most questioned you even wanting to be in politics due to your extremely thin skin. When I brought up as your name as an insurance professional, they all became flat out irate. Seems like you are a failure at both lines of work…congrats!

Aaron let’s take a close look at some of the clients you helped usher into office…..for the low, low cost of just a couple hundred bucks a month blogging fee you charged!

Bill Brough

William “Bill” Brough, you piled on Anna Bryson, (congrats you successfully wiped those posts from your blog) and defended a womanizing, alcoholic, sexual assailant. You now claim you never knew, and blogged about his exploits in the Capitol, I consider you an accomplice.

Ted Gaines, this was classic Aaron. He was all in against Roger Niello, and according to Aaron, Gaines was the best thing since sliced bread. Almost right after the ink dried on the Gaines election, he became public enemy number 1. Don’t believe me? Check his blog, post after post about the Gaines family.

Ted Gaines

Beth Gaines, Aaron was all riled up that she ran and won her husband’s old seat. Aaron screamed she was unqualified, nepotism, etc. In most ways Aaron was right, but let’s take a look behind door #3 here….

Megan Dahle

Megan Dahle, wife of now State Senator Brian Dahle, check the blog again, Aaron had no issues with her being elected to follow her hubby under the same circumstances. Looks like she doesn’t exactly hold major qualifications either?????? Aaron…I’m hearing crickets from you?

In the 2015 special election you supported Don Wagner over John Moorloch, and I understand why, as I supported Wagner as well. However you referred to him as “Moloch” a pagan god of human sacrifice. This coming from a man who “claims he is a Christian first, and conservative second.” May I ask if you have ever actually read the Bible? That alone is horrific and the fact you wrote it over and over is astonishing.

pagan god Moloch

Have you ever read your own posts? Not to proof read but for the actual personal attacks? They all settle on womanizing, drinking, or not being ideologically pure enough. Newsflash you moron, people can have a drink and not be an alcoholic, I swear you AA graduates are the worst of the lot. As far as your womanizing attacks go, funny how you left Duane Dichara unscathed on that one, with you even going as far as calling him ethical! LOL As far as your ideological attacks, most of the time you are so far off base its laughable. These are literally his only attacks folks, he either lacks the mental capacity to think of other ones, or runs his life like he runs a campaign, same old box of tricks each year.

You complain and whine constantly about the lack of paid campaign jobs you have received lately….maybe because no one likes you. I heard you did great work re-electing Harmeet Dhillon as National Committeewomen to the CRP….oh wait, that’s right you were not allowed near it, probably because she wanted to win! I actually have it on record that you are a laughingstock inside the CAGOP headquarters, they have screen shots of your blog trashing Jessica Patterson, then going on an apology tour after she got elected chair. Your chances of a campaign consulting gig went from zero to piss off.

Harmeet Dhillon

Aaron you exhibit patterns of behavior that any medical professional would say are signs of a psychopath. You peaked when online blogging was invented as you can now make anonymous posts about any and every one with whom you have an axe to grind. However you lack the material or the state of mind to do so and make any impact. Also think about the high number of folks you have run out of your life on a rail over very small squabbles! Tom Hudson, and Charlie Schaupp are just two of them. Best friends you were, you even helped Charlie run for office, yet you attack them on personal matters so far out of bounds; you can’t even tell you’re turning other folks off to you. Also you seem to get the police/FBI called on you far more often than anyone I know…maybe find a new schtick? Or get a life outside of politics? Or find an actual hobby?

Charlie Schaupp

Aaron get some help and take a long hard look in the mirror. You are a dumpster fire in the worst possible way. Your attacks on Victor Behket were despicable. You trashed that man, who by the way was running for a local office not even a partisan one! You trashed Celeste Greig, and Karen England…all for what, simple political disagreements? You blame every campaign you’ve been against at stealing your candidate’s signs; however, I have first-hand knowledge that you have removed far more of your opponent’s signs over the years! Come on Aaron, it’s over.

Kirk had only one friend left, and he hired you to do his dirty work, congrats on failing spectacularly. Oh hat tip to you on the robo call from the Democrat operative in the area, while others say that reeked of desperation, you’re dumb enough to have thought it would work!

It’s not too late to remove all those old posts Aaron.

The Chief

PS who can ever forget you and your loser brother George sitting front row at a Jeb Bush event in Reno way back during the presidential primary…ouch, bad look for you two “conservative brothers!” Before you try to spin the tale, the only folks allowed to sit in the front row are large money donors.

George and Aaron Park with Jeb Bush on 05-13-2015

I was Really Right on The DNC Power Brokers

By Chief

Note: The Chief sent me this post midafternoon yesterday but I didn’t have a chance to get this posted until the following day. — Editor

I wrote this past Friday that the Democrats have a Bernie problem. The problem isn’t so much his electability it’s the down ticket that matters. Bernie is popular in some core constituencies but deeply unpopular in others. The Democrats realized that and I have to give them credit for heeding my warnings. After Hidin’ Biden won big in South Carolina, his only decent showing to date, Tom Steyer dropped out. The following day Mayor Pete decided to drop out, and the “Klob-Butcher” dropped out and flew to Texas Monday to appear with and endorse “Hidin’ Biden.”

My initial reaction was that was odd, as Mayor Pete had actually shown quite well leading up to South Carolina, and had been tied with Bernie in the delegate race! The Klob-Butcher was actually starting to gain traction and the more friendly mid-western states were up next…so I was equally shocked by this. Just seemed like a lot of unnecessary dominoes fell instantly, almost like this thing is being rigged again?

Here is my hypothesis, somebody likely a Clinton appointee showed the DNC Bernie’s polling numbers in areas outside of academia and spooked the entire party. I’m sure campaign debt was paid off (also an opinion shared by the Blog Father) and suddenly…..wham Mayor Pete and Amy jump on the Biden campaign. I say suddenly because when you run for president, your campaign has rallies planned all over the place, on a given day you may visit 3 different states all in different time zones. I find it hard to believe these 2 just folded up the circus tents and jumped on Biden. Additionally I am not surprised on Steyer dropping out, he had a Jeb! One state strategy and it horribly backfired, as of writing I do not believe he has endorsed, only saying they need to beat Trump. Bloomberg I expect drops out after tonight, pending a bigger showing than I think. That would leave Biden, Bernie and Warren, the latter being key to rigging the election.

In essence, Warren and Sanders are competing for the same 40% or so of voters, if you believe like we do that if one dropped out, the supporters would vote for the other, as on policy neither differs that much. Warren needs to stay in, and likely got a promise to wipe out her campaign debt after she drops out. This sets up Biden to try to capture Bernie’s share + “x” and beat Bernie, in every state that remains, and allow him to pick up more delegates. Think back to 2016, Trump always got his 30-34% of the vote in each state, with Cruz and Kasich flopping 2nd and 3rd place finishes allowing Trump to continue winning states and an increasing delegate lead. Neither candidate would drop out, and eventually Trump got enough delegates to earn the nomination.

Here we are today, the eve of the “Super Tuesday” election primary and it’s going to get wild tonight. I say that because millions of folks have already voted, and the votes cannot be changed. Look for some wild finishes tonight, remember if a candidate gets above 15% they win delegates even if no longer in the race. Amy could well win Minnesota, Pete should do well in the mid-west states. Bloomberg is an absolute wild card in all of this, if he does well and presses on, it will be a brokered convention. The key is he needs to drop out ASAP and get behind Biden, because again, more and more states vote in the next few weeks, and his name is still on the ballot! Bernie is very aware this is happening, actually he is one of the most self-aware candidates remaining. He knows he has to ramp it up, and look for him to attack Biden big on the stump, as he knows Biden’s voters are not “hard support” like he enjoys from his voters. The key tonight is to watch Warren, if she drops out, Bernie’s chances of winning go exponentially higher, if she does not, Bernie knows this thing is rigged again, just like the last one.

My only words of advice: be very careful with Bernie’s supporters, the worst look possible is a smoke filled convention, with Bernie leading his folks out like the Pied Piper. If this plays out the way I think it will, Bloomberg, Biden, and Bernie in a smoke filled room, Biden will get routed at the polls and the Democrats could be looking at a super minority. Bloomberg can only buy off so many people.

Stay tuned,


Bernie Baby

Editor’s Note: I agree with Chief that it is unusual for so many people to drop out of the race the day before Super Tuesday. These folks have campaigned for almost two years to get to this point in the election—remember there were once 24 candidates in the field—and now the day before the Olympics of politics they all drop out??? What happened to the brokered convention? Clearly somebody connected with Clinton or Obama organizations dropped a dime on the candidates in the race. Also, if Biden is so great for blacks, why is it that no black candidates were part of the last minute endorsement or campaign blitz? Where are Harris, Booker, etc.?

The Democrats Bernie Problem

By Chief

At the time of this writing it appears inevitable that at the very least Bernie will have a large plurality of the delegates when the Democrats go to convention in July. Here at the blog, we speculate there is something a brewin’ behind the scenes because at the last debate; Booty Judge, Klob-Butcher, Mini Mike, and Demented Uncle Joe all attacked Bernie not just on his electability but also on his effect on down ticket races. As the headline of this blog mentioned, the real problem with Bernie isn’t HIS socialist policies, but the fact that said policies don’t play well everywhere.

Flag of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

William has been pounding the table saying this election will be California values vs the rest of the country. He is correct, as its shaping up that way. You see Bernie is very popular in some parts of the country, one could argue he even has a Trump-like following. Problem for Bernie is that his policies only play well around academia, with young voters, and people who love the word “free.” The flipside being his policies are deeply unpopular pretty much everywhere else. As a country, we have literally watched this play out the last couple weeks. He praised Fidel Castro, and is vehemently anti-Israel, this will likely end up in him losing Florida. He wants a complete ban on fracking, this likely causes him to lose Pennsylvania, Ohio and the upper Midwest. Start doing the delegate math and it’s hard to find a path to victory for him. Don’t get me wrong, Bernie will still run up big vote totals; however, CA, NY, IL, WA, and OR only count for so many electoral votes.

Flag of National Socialist German Workers’ Party

It’s not just Bernie losing on election night that poses the biggest problem for Democrats, it’s his coat tails or lack thereof that could be devastating. The Democrats in 2018 won big in the House, and won some governorships and statehouses, they won very big in the suburbs. The suburbs are where the Democrats are concerned about being routed this time around. They successfully made a case that Trump’s policies were not the best in those areas and won; however, this time it will be different. I don’t see those same voters embracing socialism. Nationally, the stakes are higher in 2020. We have a census going on where congressional lines will be re-drawn; the House could be re-shaped for a decade! This is the real reason the Democrats are so scared. Not only could their gains be wiped out, but they could find themselves in the minority for a long time.

Flag of People’s Republic of China

We are still a ways out from November, and the Corona virus is taking its toll on the economy and international travel right now, so anything could happen. But I think the effort behind the scenes by the power brokers is very real. They want no part of a socialist running at the top of the ticket because win or lose, his policies become the de facto party platform. You are already starting to see incumbents distance themselves from Bernie and I cannot say I blame them. If I was a Democrat in an area that was not heavily exposed to academia or big city living, I would be updating the resume because you might be feelin’ the Bern on election night.

I am curious as to how this ends up playing out, but if I was a power broker, I would be trying to stop Bernie before he does irreparable harm to the country and the party. Their problem is how to do it without splitting the Party? Frankly, I’m not sure they can.

The Chief

Debate Reaction

By Chief

Editor’s Note: Chief tried to send this post to us via the old ways (smoke signals) but after burning ½ cord of oak, and scorching holes in two blankets and his wife’s buffalo skin rug, he finally relented and had Troll send it via email.

Life in Chief’s village

The Troll and I were unfortunate enough to draw the short sticks (straws are illegal contraband here in CA) and were forced to watch and report on the debate last Wednesday night. Take that back, it was an honor, here is the reaction.

First I had a hard time finding the channel as I was pirating the signal from my neighbor’s cable company. Then when I got the TV to work, I had to find the channel; I searched for at least 30 minutes and had no luck. I tried Al-Jazeera News, since well I figured they were a sponsor, C-SPAN because well that channel is usually a snooze fest and this would qualify… Still nothing. Then I figured it had to be on Comedy Central! Still nothing, finally we located it just in time for it to start. To quote myself “what a time to be alive!” This debate was banana lands from start to finish, let me tell you.

First off only 6 candidates were featured; Sanders, Warren, Booty Judge, Biden (He wasn’t Hidin’ for this one), Klob-butcher, and “Mini” Mike Bloomberg. The latter only qualifying at the last minute after the rules for qualifying were changed, either that or he raised his donation level to the DNC. This thing had so much mayhem Allstate may sue for copyright infringement.

Warning about Sander’s economic plans

Bloomberg: was literally killed by Liz Warren, she relentlessly attacked his record on women at his business. He was also attacked about policies he enacted as Mayor of New York deemed racist. It was a horrible night for him, Mike learned a valuable lesson, TV/Radio ads can tell a great story but his live performance fell very flat, so much so I wondered aloud why he wanted to even be on stage? He had been rising in most Super Tuesday states. Note he has declined to play or even appear on the ballot in the early states, thus awarding 0 delegates.

Sanders: He didn’t look that bad, he dished out a couple zingers at Booty Judge and Biden, but man Bloomberg hit him right where it hurts. Making it clear to the folks Sanders owns 3 houses (most of his supporters likely own 0) and hammering him on his health records, which Sanders refuses to release. (He had a heart episode earlier this campaign season). However, Sanders being hit for owning three houses by a guy that owns 11 just seems to ring hollow.

Booty Judge: Had a middle of the road performance, kind of describing his campaign so far. He is a guy who I don’t think anyone really takes seriously, kind of like Bernie last go round, everyone is just waiting for him to drop out. He doesn’t really add anything to the debate, and no one really tests his knowledge. Mayor Pete is a small town mayor of South Bendover, Indiana. He wasn’t really attacked which tells you no one is taking him very serious.

Klob-butcher: See Booty Judge, she did fairly well in New Hampshire, but doesn’t really add anything, and I was left wondering why is she running? She had a couple good skirmishes with Mayor Pete, but the real zinger landed was she is on 6 subcommittees as a Senator dealing with Mexico, and she could not name the President of Mexico when asked…ouch! Her retort was to accuse Mayor Pete of calling her dumb, let’s just say she has a bright future in the Democrat Party, since when attacked don’t use facts, just call names.

Warren: The clear winner, no doubt. She went hard after Bloomberg, but I have to wonder if she knows her “voter.” I don’t foresee many Bloomberg voters switching to her, she needs to aim for Sanders, and Mayor Pete’s young voters, who seem to be showing up in droves. I’m sorry I just don’t see her lasting much longer in this thing, she is in a precarious spot, she is most definitely not establishment, but at the same time is not as far left as Bernie.

Biden: Like his campaign it was stale and old. Nothing to see here, but a sad man withering away, trying hard to stay relevant. Biden looked more like someone listening to a timeshare proposal; trying to run out the clock in order to claim his free 75 inch TV. Folks he is all in on South Carolina, and his numbers are shrinking there, “Say it ain’t so Joe, but it’s time to go.”

Overall this was a brutal look for the Democrat Party, the knives were out and no one was spared. Warren may have scalped a couple people, and the TV executives may have wanted this outcome, but it looks horrible to the average Joe. These folks were just like the 90-day guy Johnnie Does talks about, tripping over one another’s every word, trying to parrot an internet website or cable TV news anchor. These folks are supposed to be running for president, and spent the night destroying one another. Half way through this shin dig I realized the real winner here was the DNC, the convention is likely to be a brokered one, meaning the “super delegates” will pick the winner, and utter chaos will set in. If the candidates were wise, after South Carolina; Warren and Biden need to drop out. They are splitting hairs at this point, and 4/5 place finishes are not going to get it done. Steyer/Bloomberg are a couple billionaires in a party that claims to hate them, both are strategically playing in certain states, likely to halt Bernie. Klob-Butcher better figure it out quickly, as she is a candidate with no real base of voters of which to draw from. If she changed her name to “None of the Above” or “I Hate Trump” she’d get way more votes. I’m really not sure where to go from here, but the Democrats have a huge issue on their hands, not to mention that debate appeared to be more of a WWE Smackdown than a Presidential forum.

The real winner? Donald Trump, I think he just clinched 4 more years.


PS: I thought the GOP was the party of rich white folks? Wouldn’t know it after watching what I saw last night.

Dumb jocks won’t even move to the Soviet CA

By Chief

As I write from the news desk at this weekend, I came across an article that featured a football player. Of course, I figured he is dumb because well…like Democrats, they say athletes are dumb. “I was tuld so whil in skool.”

Back in the day, I attended Jesuit High School. I know the athlete stereotype first-hand. As a freshman and sophomore (which means “wise fool” in Latin by the way), I was viewed as a great scholar. I played no sports, I was focused on school. As a junior and senior, I played football, (NOT A BIG DEAL) and suddenly I was viewed as a dumb jock. BRAG ALERT, BRAG ALERT!!!!! We went undefeated my junior year, only team to ever do that by the way (AGAIN NOT A BIG DEAL).

Humble brag over for now, let’s share the story. A player on my favorite football team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, also known as the team that completely embarrassed the Oakland/Los Angles/Las Vegas/wherever Raiders, made news this week. Shaq Barrett signed with Tampa in last offseason for 4 million dollars. He had a great year and most folks figured he would go to a true professional team, as Tampa is the worst team in football history. My spies tell me he will be back in Tampa after leading the league in quarterback sacks last year, but in case you were wondering, he won’t be going to Los Angeles.

“If [other teams] offer me more than Tampa, I’m going to look at the places, if they offer me more than Tampa, I’m going to look at what their taxes is compared to Tampa’s. Because I ain’t going to live in L.A. and get taxed crazy,” Shaq said.

“I’m not going to take drastically less but I am open to doing what I think is best for my career, and I think that would be staying in Tampa.”

Shaq Barrett has two reasons for willingness to take discount with Buccaneers
Shaq Barrett–proudly playing for Tampa Bay

Ouch………. Are you listening Gavin Newsom?????

But he’s a dumb jock right????? Just like me in High School as most on the left would say we “don’t cum to play skool.” They could not be more wrong about most of us. We are normal people some just with gifts from God, me being tall and fast. However, it’s funny. My first two years at Jesuit, I barely achieved, and I could care less about school. I had a 2.3 GPA; however, I was viewed as a scholar. I was loved by my teachers, then I became a “dumb jock” and it’s funny my GPA at graduation from Jesuit, regarded as a top institution of higher learning, was 3.75. Funny because when I enrolled I took elementary algebra, and other classes I could care less about, my junior year I took calculus, and took care of business. My point being we aren’t dumb jocks, we prefer you guys thinking we are.

Gavin you have it smoking in California…keep it up. Your state stinks so bad even the Raiders are leaving. It’s ironic actually, your voters are much like fans of the 49ers, Raiders, Rams, and Chargers, they haven’t been relevant in decades.

The Chief

Carville From the Top Rope!!!!!!

By Chief

That is an old reference from WWE Wrestling; however, unlike that fake television, this is real life! The one nice thing about a man with the nickname the “Ragin’ Cajun’” is you know once he starts, it’s hard to get him to stop! James Carville followed up his epic rant the other day by attacking even more!

In reference to Sanders and Warren’s socialist beliefs “They’ve tacked off the damn radar screen!” This coming from Carville a self-described liberal himself.

And he still wasn’t done…..

“We just had an election in 2018. We did great. We talked about everything we needed to talk about and we won,” he said in a Vox interview published on Friday. “And now it’s like we’re losing our damn minds. Someone’s got to step their game up here.”

James Carville rips elitist media, says Dems are ‘losing our damn minds’

Hammer them again big Jimmy…. Hammer them again……

According to Carville, both Sanders and Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., were pushing “stupid” ideas about higher education.

“Democrats talking about free college tuition or debt forgiveness. I’m not here to debate the idea. What I can tell you is that people all over this country worked their way through school, sent their kids to school, paid off student loans. They don’t want to hear this s–t. And you saw Warren confronted by an angry voter over this. It’s just not a winning message,” he said.

The old man still has it at 75…. Kill ’em Jimmy!!!!!

Carville also took a shot at Sanders for saying that he wanted to expand voting rights for people like the Boston bomber. Sanders, the well-known Democratic strategist suggested, would be ineffective as president and wasn’t representative of the Democratic Party. Instead, Carville said, he is an “ideologue.”

The Cajun is getting so hot blood may shoot out of his eyes!!!!!

“[H]ere’s what I do know: Sanders might get 280 electoral votes and win the presidency and maybe we keep the House,” Carville said. “But there’s no chance in hell we’ll ever win the Senate with Sanders at the top of the party defining it for the public …So long as McConnell runs the Senate, it’s game over. There’s no chance we’ll change the courts and nothing will happen, and he’ll just be sitting up there screaming in the microphone about the revolution.”

No fear New York Times writer and fellow re-moron (that’s what we here call people whom neither the retards or morons want to call one of their own) had this to say about Ole Jimmy and his Alma Mater LSU.

Do the Warren/Sanders “free public college” proposals include LSU, or would it only apply to actual schools?

Big mistake “Binyamin” or however the heck your first name is spelled because the Cajun made fresh gumbo out of you….

“You know how f—–g patronizing that is to people in the South or in the middle of the country? First, LSU has an unusually high graduation rate, but that’s not the point. It’s the goddamn smugness. This is from a guy who lives in New York and serves on the Times editorial board and there’s not a single person he knows that doesn’t pat him on the back for that kind of tweet. He’s so f—–g smart.

“[Binyamin] Appelbaum doesn’t speak for the Democratic Party, but he does represent the urbanist mindset,” he said. “We can’t win the Senate by looking down at people. The Democratic Party has to drive a narrative that doesn’t give off vapors that we’re smarter than everyone or culturally arrogant.”

Ole Jimmy is so angry he may bring back Crossfire just to let out some of his rage!

Thing is it’s not just Carville folks check these additional Democrats out:

But like Carville, former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid similarly predicted trouble for Democrats because of their immigration and health care policies. And earlier this week, one of former President Obama’s advisers said he no longer recognized the Democratic Party.

“Look, I just don’t recognize the Democratic Party right now,” former Obama National Finance Committee Member Don Peebles said. “I mean, the party has turned so far-left. Also, to see members of Congress jointly dressing up in white as some form of protest or solidarity at the State of the Union address is astonishing.”

The concerns about elitism aren’t new either. MSNBC host Chris Matthews has warned Democrats about appearing out of touch with American voters. “There’s too much self-saluting, too many events that seem to be about saluting them,” he previously said. Matthews also argued that former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton “personified the elite Democratic Party — the party that had gotten a little too Ivy League, a little too secular.”

Problem is the divide is only getting worse in the party.

Progressives like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and filmmaker Michael Moore maintain that pushing progressive policies is critical to winning elections. Former Vice President Joe Biden, the perceived Democratic moderate in 2020, caught flak from Ocasio-Cortez for not going far enough on climate change policy. He also changed his decades-old position on the Hyde Amendment — a bipartisan measure blocking funding for most abortions — amid criticism from his own party.

My thoughts on this are reflected on previous blog posts on this site. When you talk down or look down at someone, it not only makes them more likely to support their candidate, it also makes them less likely to ever support yours. Elitism, urbanism and socialism are very scary, and no one really wants to be lumped in with that crowd. Be wary of pushing a generation of voters out the window because it just increases likelihood they will never come back. The exchange between Liz Warren and that voter took place earlier this year.

The voter asked “My daughter is getting out of school. I’ve saved all my money. She doesn’t have any student loans. Am I going to get my money back?”

Warren’s retort “Of course not.”

Voter Challenges Warren’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan: “Those Of Us Who Did The Right Thing Get Screwed?

This is classic liberal elitism, oh you saved your money, well thanks for playing…cry poor next time. I doubt that little girl’s folks will be supporting the new Democrat Party any time soon.

The Chief

Besides the Fox account of Carville’s interview, it can also be found on MSN news.
“We’re losing our damn minds”: James Carville unloads on the Democratic Party

Carville Sounds off on the Democrat Party

By Chief

James Carville is a fiery guy even at the ripe old age of 75. Carville for those of you in Rio Linda, related to a Park brother, or just flat out dumb is most known for his prominence during the Clinton years, in addition to being one very ugly human being. Carville is most widely credited with getting Bill Clinton elected President, defending him during his impeachment, and is a very well know political commentator. Recently he gave an interview where he blew up the Democrat Party far worse than any other human being including our own Troll could ever do.

Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville went off on the current state of the party on Tuesday, asking why Tom Perez “is still the chair” of the Democratic National Committee.

“We gotta decide what we want to be,” the “Ragin’ Cajun” said on “The Beat” with Ari Melber on MSNBC. “Do we want to be an ideological cult, or do we want to have a majoritarian instinct — to be a majority party?”

James Carville tees off on state of Democratic Party: ‘Do we want to be an ideological cult?’

The truth is James is correct here and his warning needs to be heeded. The Party was so caught up in defeating Trump at all costs that it has given rise to a strange group of characters. To be fair he also criticized the GOP for this back during 2010 with the rise of the Tea Party. In a world of no compromise, strange battle lines are drawn.

Look at some of the absolutely nuts political positions the Democrats have taken up over the last 6 years. Contempt for the police, contempt for any district attorney, outright disrespect for any elected official they disagree with, allowing felons to vote – especially from a jail cell. Is anarchy what they want? Why are Stephon Clark, Michael Brown, and Trayvon Martin idolized and the responding officers criminalized? Electeds are shouted down and harassed while they are out and about? What happened to civil disagreement?

Free education, free healthcare; no more handouts to corporations, close Wall St. So who pays for all this? Or better yet how do we as a country afford this? Who would want to work in a government regulated industry as opposed to a free market one?

Defund ICE, no border security, legalize drugs. Where does it end? So now it’s just a country with no rules or laws? Folks we need some modicum of security albeit not a police state to prevent crime/terror etc. from happening here.

“We’re, like, talking about people voting from jail cells,” Carville said at another point. “And not having a border.” –James Carville

Carville is on to something. It has been brewing in the Democrat Party for a while now and they have become an ideological, tribalistic cult. All of this came to a head this week. Schiff decried the impeachment acquittal, Pelosi ripped up the State of the Union Speech for all to see, AOC commented how Limbaugh didn’t deserve the Medal of Freedom since he is (allegedly in her view) a racist, the Iowa Caucus was a disaster, literally nothing went right for them. Worse yet, the public outcry from both sides has been worse. It is very sad, but the Party is kicking out the very voters who put Barack Obama in power.

Just think about it; if you work in a trade, you are a loser who didn’t go to college. Work for law enforcement and you must hate black/brown people. Don’t drive a hybrid/Tesla/etc….you must hate the environment. Make a decent living…you must be rich by stealing from poor people and need to pay more taxes. There are plenty more examples, I just do not wish to cite. These have slowly alienated your base little by little.

In reality it’s what the power brokers have always wanted; they want the Coasts, not fly over country. What do you think the talk of abolishing the Electoral College and going with the popular vote is about? In truth, under the current system, if you look at the Left Coast, New England, New York/Jersey, Illinois you have a solid block of support. You really only need a couple of other states to win the Presidency, the problem is you alienated your voters in these swing states.

In closing Carville was reacting to a poll showing about 29% of Seniors would vote for Biden vs only a token percentage for Sanders/Warren. Sanders/Warren do very well with young voters, but the older voters are far more likely to vote, and there is a very good chance if nominated, Sanders goes down early. In addition, 18% of the voters pick 52 of the 100 Senators.

Carville would go on to exclaim that Democrats need to be more concerned about taking power back in Washington, repeatedly stating that only 18 percent of the population controls 52 Senate seats.

“It matters who the candidate is, it matters what a party chooses to talk about!” Carville shouted. “I’m 75 years old. Why am I here doing this? Because I am scared to death, that’s why! Let’s get relevant here, people, for sure.”

James Carville Rages Over State of Democratic Party: ‘I’m Scared to Death!’

Just food for thought.


If at First you Don’t Succeed….Stop Bernie at the Convention

By Chief

Just take a look at this. First they tried to tie Bernie up in DC for impeachment proceedings, then they went full “Hidin’ Biden”….now the powers that be have appointed Barney “Balls in his mouth” Frank and John “The Hit Man” Podesta on the DNC rules and platform committee. In case you live under a rock, Frank was a huge Clinton surrogate (no comment on if he is pregnant with Bill’s second child*) and Podesta served as Clinton’s past campaign manager. Podesta is famous due to a leaked email where he claimed he “wanted to stick a knife in Sander’s Campaign.” This has Sanders supporters even more riled up.

Some Democratic National Committee (DNC) members and supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) are venting frustration at DNC Chairman Tom Perez over his initial appointments to the committees that will oversee the rules and party platform at the nominating convention in Milwaukee later this year.

Sanders’s allies are incensed by two names in particular: former Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), who will co-chair the rules committee, and Hillary Clinton’s former campaign chairman John Podesta, who will have a seat on that committee.

The Sanders campaign unsuccessfully sought to have Frank removed from the rules committee in 2016, describing him as an “aggressive attack surrogate for the Clinton campaign.”

And Podesta, a longtime Washington political consultant and Clinton confidant, is viewed with contempt by some on the left. One of Podesta’s hacked emails from 2016 showed him asking a Democratic strategist where to “stick the knife in” Sanders, who lost the nomination to Clinton that year after a divisive primary contest.

Sanders allies in new uproar over DNC convention appointments

The article does go on to say there is going to be representation from all candidates who win delegates proportionately, but this doesn’t pass the smell test. Bernie and his followers know they were screwed last go round and this just further pushes a narrative that the establishment hates their candidate. The DNC goes even further trying to assuage their concerns…saying…”we have only appointed a small number of appointments to each committee.” This is very tone deaf folks. It would be akin to the RNC nominating Ted Cruz, John Bolton, and John Kasich (or Mitt Romney) to the same body…all noted anti-Trump folks. While it may only be a token few appointments, Frank and Podesta have very large pulpits and can sway numerous people…like maybe folks who were Hillary supporters in the past?

In addition, check out this new way Iowa will be tabulating their Caucus results next week. Technically there will be 3 “winners.” Yeah check this out. Yeah, they will announce who won “The first vote, the final vote, and who won the most delegates.” In 2016, Bernie often got the votes and Hillary got the delegates. What a confidence builder for faith in the results.

So I guess we will crown a top 3. No word if everyone gets a participation trophy or recognition of who won the most votes from deceased members. This is literally unbelievable, and will create chaos on election night. In addition, they have set up satellite caucuses in different countries to be able to vote as well that night…including one in…wait for it…Georgia, as in the country just outside Russia. The one CNN’s Don Lemon said is across the little lake from Ukraine!!

“Georgia across the little lake from Ukraine”–Don Lemon

You know the Clintons are involved because there are 69 (no coincidence) of these remote locations around the state that get added to congressional district results, plus an additional 25 outside of Iowa in 13 different states (I guess the cemeteries now are precincts). These votes get added to the total votes statewide, as well as 3 international sites, including the aforementioned location right near Russia.

Satellite locations include 69 in-state, 25 outside Iowa and spread across 13 states, and three international sites (Paris, Glasgow, Scotland, and Tblisi, Georgia). In-state satellite locations will be included in the congressional district results, while international locations will be reported into the statewide results.

Iowa is changing its caucus rules. Here’s what’s different in 2020

Folks Iowans that are out of the state get to vote too? Who thought this one up? Some consultant watching reruns of Brewster’s Millions (1985)? Although, perhaps this would explain how California has 1.5 million more voters registered than eligible adults living in the state.

My head hurts from trying to decipher that, but honestly it doesn’t matter. The fix is in, Bernie must be beaten. The reason for the top 3 categories is Bernie may win one or two but if someone like… I don’t know, Joe Biden… wins one category, we can call it a split decision. It also plays right into the Democrat power broker’s charges of Sanders overall un-electability. The only reason for this is to try anything possible to blunt his momentum. If you can blow a hole in his victory; hopefully, 8 days later in New Hampshire, voters will pick a different candidate and so on and so forth.

In closing I will say this, the Democrats have handled Bernie Sanders as horribly as possible. They paint him as a wildly out of touch, crazy person, in the same vein that the GOP tried to do with Trump. Trump, like Bernie, both have crazed, very loyal followers and who, in my estimation, will be sitting this election out in November if they view any sense of unfairness in the process. Sanders hates billionaires and corporations, in the same way Trump hates career politicians. The DNC never learned their lesson from the last election and continues to play delegate games, lest we here remind you of the West Virginia primary? In some cases nominating a wild candidate is not always a horrible idea.

Look at Trump. The establishment GOP is literally in shambles. The media is proving what Levin, Limbaugh, and O’Reilly said all along. The apple cart was rocked, the stock market is way up, job numbers are way up, investment in our country is up; a Trump Presidency seems to be working well to me.

However look at what needed to happen for the GOP to get Trump in the White House; a failed President W. Bush, a horrific military moderate John McCain, and then a bigger flop, Mitt “Wall Street Man/moderate” Romney. Sadly the Democrats seem to want to push the Sanders people away without giving them a chance.

Just follow me for a minute here. Democrats nominate Sanders, he goes on to lose bad to Trump, handing the house back to the GOP, the Senate may or may not get redder, and the suburbs would crush the Democrat Party. Then the party can effectively say socialism does not work in our party, basically eliminating the Warren/Sanders/AOC wing. Also it gives rise to who I think your best chance of winning in 2024 is….Gavin Newsome.

Think about it for a minute before you get too upset. The GOP has a very thin bench and Mike Pence is not going to be welcomed as part of the Trump coalition. Heck, he barely moves the needle for a Trump backer like myself. Cruz/Rubio/Paul… or another Bush? Who knows? Democrats, look deeply at your candidates this cycle. The Democrat field is comparable to the GOP circa 2012. Warren/Sanders are wild crazy socialist types. Biden is imploding right in your face, Booty Judge is a small town mayor who has no shot. Bloomberg and Steyer are a couple billionaires in a Party that hates them. Take my advice, nominate Bernie. Take your lumps and move on to 2024 and Gavin. Go against my advice at your own peril. Sanders looks ready to “Bern” it down, and may well nuke the entire Party and start a Third Reich, oops, I mean Party. Take your chances with Bernie or prepare for an insurrection in your ranks.


Bill Clinton/Danny Williams

*Editor’s Note: Bill Clinton reportedly has fathered other children; specifically, a son named Danny Williams. Clinton has refused a DNA test for paternity. Given Clinton’s reckless behavior with females, not his wife, the idea that he fathered an African-American child in Arkansas is within the realm of possibility. There is no confirmation whether this is why LeBron James declared Bill Clinton “The first black president.”

Democrats have a Bernie Problem Again

As Yogi Berra would say “Its Déjà vu all over again!” The liberals have found themselves in the same conundrum as 4 short years ago. Their solution, rigging the primary process against one of their own. As you may recall last presidential cycle, the unelected or voted on, so-called “super delegates”, were aligned solidly behind Himmler Hillary Clinton before a single primary vote was cast. The “super delegates” represent 1/3 of all convention delegates. So even in states where Bernie Sanders won more votes, Clinton continued to get more delegates to the Democrat convention. No result was more clearly rigged than West Virginia. Sanders won the primary with 51.41 percent to Clinton’s 35.84 percent, but Clinton ended up with more delegates than Sanders.

Bernie decried this process as rigged and the power brokers made some “behind the scenes changes” to make things appear on the up and up; however, this same disconnect between the popular vote and the delegate count continued in state after state. This time, Democrats are playing their same games, just using a different playbook page this time around.

You see Bernie is a problem that will not go away for the Democrats. He has a fiercely loyal following and they show no signs of playing nice with the establishment’s nominee. Think Woodstock, but far, far worse. Bernie is similar to Trump in some ways; he calls a spade a spade, and the insiders don’t like it very much. He is a powerful force within the Party that most refuse to admit… as stated here before, his supporters either sat out 2016 or voted for Trump as a protest vote. Truth be told, Bernie never really endorsed Clinton, and as you saw last night, there is no love lost between them. Hillary lobbed some verbal grenades at the socialist from Vermont.

“Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician,” she said. “It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.” Asked by The Reporter recently if that assessment still held, she replied, “Yes, it does.”

‘Nobody Likes Him’: Hillary Clinton Risks a Party Split Over Bernie Sanders

You see establishment Democrats have always viewed the presidency as a throne and thought of themselves as a political family (think mafia). In essence, certain political families look at the White House as their entitlement; hence, it’s my turn now*…everyone else step aside. Don’t believe me…look at the actions of the 2016 primary. The Clinton’s called in every favor possible, from super delegates, party power brokers, insiders, and any and all media to get her across the finish line. Oddly enough, the only place Bernie claimed he was treated fairly was on Fox…oh the irony.

Fast forward 4 years and the same set of issues plagues the Democrats. Bernie remains a force, but the “next in line” is Joe Biden, a horrendous failure of a candidate. So, once again the Democrats needed a plan of action, enter “fauxahontas” Liz Warren. Liz was needed because she and Bernie line up on most issues and the Democrats figure they can fight over the same 33% of the electorate in each state, thus leaving 67% for; Biden, Booty Judge, and Klobuchar to fight over. Then to their dismay enter billionaires Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg, money is no object to either of them. Again, they will be fighting over the same 67% as Biden. The plan failed, after Warren saw a surge in the polls, she was scalped by Bernie and is now in the mid/low teens in Iowa.

That split over what direction the party should take is now a major issue in the current primary, with Mr. Sanders arguing for the full-throated leftist agenda and others counseling moderation. At the same time, he is engaged in a standoff with his liberal ally in the 2020 race, Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts…

So, a new plan was needed to help Biden cross the finish line, so Comrade Nancy Pelosi held the impeachment papers for over a month in the House to ensure Biden’s victory. This plan will work because impeachment puts Amy Klobuchar, Liz Warren, and Bernie Sanders in a spot where they must report back to DC as William astutely pointed out. This allows Joe to barnstorm Iowa and likely emerge as the victor. Keep in mind, the goal is not just for Joe to win Iowa, it’s for him to win it somewhat convincingly, so everyone can get behind the “presumptive nominee.”

The Democrats are already floating the narrative only Joe can beat Trump. Their surrogates have latched on to this narrative and are hammering away at Bernie supporters daily. Problem is that Bernie is 78 and is basically your senile grandparent at the family reunion who is still mad about schools being de-segregated. He knows this is his last stand and doesn’t intend to go quietly. Bernie knows he should be winning Iowa, and now he is forced to sit in meaningless impeachment hearings where every minute of his observations and any questions he asks, or comments he makes will be closely scrutinized. He is in a no-win situation. Quietly I think Democrats hope this carries on for a few weeks so he loses in New Hampshire and Nevada as well so he can be persuaded to throw in the towel. However, he won’t, remember he is 78 and knows this is the last hurrah.

Hillary Clinton on Sanders, “She worries he will not drop out of the race even if it becomes clear he cannot win the nomination, a situation that could exacerbate divisions in the party.

On Twitter, the hashtag #ILikeBernie became a top trending topic. Many supporters pounced on Mrs. Clinton’s remarks, arguing that she remained out of touch with the working-class Americans who back Mr. Sanders.

No apologies, no backing down, the scorn and hatred that all of official Washington D.C. and the Democratic Party has for him and his supporters is his closing case,” Will Menaker, a host of the progressive podcast Chapo Trap House, wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. “They are corrupt and evil, they hate him and they hate you because you are not.

Trust me folks it will be fun to watch the next several weeks, because Bernie is going to come unhinged…not just with his policies but towards the establishment in his Party. Bernie is going to burn the whole thing to the ground, even if that means Trump gets a second term. He knows Joe Biden stands for nothing more than status quo, and if Biden wins, his policies of socialism will be ignored. His supporters know this, hence why they either sat it out or voted for Trump last time. Too bad this all could have been avoided…all Hillary had to do 4 years ago was look at Bernie before the first debate started and ask the moderator “Why is he allowed to be up here when he is a registered socialist?” “I must be in the wrong room, I thought this was the Democrat Party debate?” Bernie would have never recovered, instead the Democrats created this monster…one they have no idea how to contain or silence.

Bernie is not settling for VP or a cabinet position folks, it’s going to be a fun few weeks.


* Editor’s Note: Both parties have candidates that lay claim to “its my turn now.” These folks are the consummate politic insiders. Republicans experienced this phenomenon in candidates like Bob Dole and John McCain. They also had the Bush family (George HW, George W, Jeb). Democrats had the Kennedys (John, Bobby, Ted) and in recent years have the Clintons (Bill & Hillary). Joe Biden is making that claim in the current cycle. Often dynasty is used in the media to identify such a claim by a member of a well connected political family.