Dominic Foppoli: The Final Chapter

An Investigative Series by The Chief

Folks we have chronicled the fall of my fellow Dominican University of California alumni Dominic Foppoli over the last few months.  We are putting a bow on the series today with a summary and concluding thoughts on the former mayor of Windsor. 

Dominic has been accused of rape/sexual assault by 9 women publicly, we believe there have been at least 30 privately.  We also believe that number is closer to 60 or 100 when you take into account most survivors never come public with their story.  Foppoli finally stepped down as Mayor when a celebrity of MTV fame, Farrah Abraham, came forward publicly and said she had turned over digital, and I believe, video evidence to local police in Florida. 

Like any coward, Foppoli resigned on a Friday, the slowest day in the news cycle and one most folks pay zero attention to.  However, this does not stop the upcoming criminal and civil suits against Foppoli, the town of Windsor, and his family winery.  Truth be told, his resignation should have come a long while ago.

You see Dominic is a larger-than-life character who fancies himself relevant, he wore a sash emblazoned with the word “mayor” like he was Mayor Quimby or something. 

His Honor, the Mayor

He also had polo shirts and a jacket custom made with his name and the word “mayor” on them.  This is typically not sanctioned, but Ken McNab doesn’t have a brain, so Dominic got a free pass.  Seriously Windsor has a population of around 30k, my hometown has one over 170k and hardly anyone cares about our mayor.  Dominic wanted the title and the power that comes along with it.  This was evident when he was telling folks to “mute or unmute” when they spoke at the infamous council meeting where the council was voting to ask him to resign.  It came to my attention last night that Dominic tried to bully out Rosa Reynoza when she was going to run for mayor in 2020Dominic told Reynoza that he would “get way more votes than her, and he would make several campaign donations in her name to local charities if she bowed out.”  This is illegal use of campaign funds and speaks to the character of this wannabe “Godfather type character.”  All this for a job paying 10k a year by the way.  Makes sense when you find out he drove a Range Rover with a custom plate reading “DOMSRANGE,” he was also quite proud of his white Tesla.

In reality, he was just a real-life version of a character from the movie Wedding Crashers.

Wedding Crashers: Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn

He never wanted to be involved in that dance club or Active 20-30 for legitimate reasons, he couldn’t care less.  He needed dumb titles and meaningless committee assignments in order to go to the conventions and pick up chicks.  He would find a victim, ply them with alcohol, and likely add a date rape drug, and wait for it to take its course.  If that failed, the only other play in his playbook was to wait until he found someone too drunk to stand and “become the good guy” by walking them to his room or diverting the Uber/Lyft cab to his personal residence.  Thus, giving the victim no chance of escape.  Even more cowardly, he would claim he had video footage of the deed that he held over the head of the survivor as leverage.  Quite the sick human this Foppoli is huh?

We interviewed a former girl friend of mine who is a criminal defense lawyer in the Bay Area County of Alameda.  She told me Dominic is in a heap big trouble and he didn’t realize it until it was too late.  His comments about the women amounted to “they wanted it” or “well they seduced me” are not going to work in front of a jury.  Worse yet, he instructed Robert Stryk to make claims of a sex tape and he has, in a sense, called the victims “alcoholics, philanders, and adulterers.”  Hate to break it to you, but none of that matters, only the events of the night in question matter.  She told me the firm she worked for would likely only take a case like this on a large retainer and would need to convince the client that he likely is looking at an unfavorable plea deal at best.  If he thinks attacking the survivors at trial is smart, he will get an even harsher sentence, most judges are none too lenient on sex crimes, especially a serial rapist like Foppoli.  Worse yet Foppoli thinks a defense of “it was all consensual” will work, not likely when 9 women are all reciting the same story without any of them knowing one another.  It’s over Dominic.

What we think will happen:  We think Dominic is toast as far as Florida is concerned. It seems as if Abraham handed over plenty of evidence and likely it comes down to how many crimes he will be charged with.  The holdup is they are likely waiting on California.  We feel CA is dragging its feet because Dominic has played so many games in the past.  As things sit currently in CA, it comes down to 2 witnesses the night Esther Lemus was assaulted/raped.  The two folks are Amy Holter and Chris Grabill.  Holter and Grabill are not being charged with any crimes, nor do we believe either will be, but both were present during the assault/rape of Lemus.  Holter is a former girlfriend of Foppoli’s and Grabill a friend.  Both are saying the right things publicly and are “cooperating with the police” but what does that really mean?  Seems like, if they were cooperating fully, Dominic would be in handcuffs doing the perp walk?  Florida is waiting, and will swoop in if CA fails to act, or do anything.  Remember this, Deb Fudge, Ken McNab, and Ruben Martinez have helped Dominic at every turn so far, why would they stop now?  Think I’m joking?  Ask yourself this question, how many folks do you know like Dominic who were allowed to roam free after 9 women have come forward accusing them of rape/assault?  Bet you can’t name anyone.

The good news is FL has no allegiance to Dominic hence the reason he stepped down immediately.  He now knows his number 1 job is to fight these charges and he is dispatching his small group of friends to do so.  One thing is for certain, he will be charged and convicted in CA, FL or both places.  We feel he will be getting about 10 years of hard time in jail and will be forced to register as a sex offender for the remainder of his life.  It seems like both states are trying to feel each other out, if CA moves first, FL likely hits him with a fine and minimal jail time to be served at the same time as CA and a felony.  If FL moves first, it will be a very strict, as the crime with the most evidence happened on their soil.  Disclosure: I am not an attorney, nor do I play one on TV.  I’m going off what my friend told me.

Some closing thoughts on his enablers:  I really hope some of you take the time to grow up or disappear from this earth.  Dominic, through your aiding/abetting and ignoring, has raped/sexually assaulted 9 women.  To the former editor who spiked the story at the Press Democrat, by my count 4 additional women were assaulted/raped after you refused to run the story.  Deb Fudge I hope your career goes up in flames. You are a joke of a human and a horrific actor. You personally enabled Dominic by spiking the emailed complaint directed to you about your “protégé.” Ken McNab, you are lucky that government jobs exist because in the real world, I don’t think you would even be hired to work the overnight shift at a Jack in the Box once folks find out about you covering Dominic’s rear better than an adult diaper. 

Ruben Martinez and Mark Essick, I truly hope for both your sakes that Dominic is charged and convicted in FL and CA.  I guess you could save face slightly if your department ends up arresting him.  What truly is sad is that Fudge, Martinez, and Essick took an oath upon being elected/sworn in as an officer/councilmember to protect your fellow citizens from all enemies both foreign and domestic…. Just to point this out, you allowed a domestic enemy (rapist) to wreak havoc on your home city/county.  Let that sink in.

Just for the record here, I want to let you in on some of the witnesses/people I spoke to regarding Mr. Foppoli.  A Lyft driver who constantly ferried folks to and from his parties at his Christopher Creek Winery after hours.  This person told me that the parties were constant, drunken debauchery with Dominic making crude comments toward most women present.  A vendor who made frequent stops at his winery now refuses to step foot anywhere near his properties after hearing the way he speaks to his own staff and talk about other women.  Some of Foppoli’s comments (to his female staff mind you) included: “What is your cup size” “Do thongs hurt you or feel like a wedgie?” “Let’s have a guess what underwear you’re wearing contest!” and my personal favorite line of his “are they real or fake? Can I touch them?”  Yeah, this guy is one sick puppy dog.  Keep in mind these statements were made to staffers likely between the ages of 21-30 by a male who was 33-38, this makes him a disgusting creep.  I was also told he would threaten termination or retaliation should they go to HR.  I would love to see the personnel files and get the opportunity to reach out to former tasting room workers between say, the ages 18-33, as to why they voluntarily separated from the winery.  Dominic fancied himself as a real-life Van Wilder of National Lampoon fame, too bad this ain’t Hollywood.

National Lampoon’s Van Wilder

More disturbingly, we spoke to two folks who witnessed the same behavior from 2 campaigns of his.  One while running for mayor, the other for State Assembly.  During the campaign for mayor, Dominick made crude comments to two 17-year-old volunteers.  Check this statement out “I want to apologize for my large (manhood) and I’m sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, but I do like showing it off.”  WOW.  I spoke to another person who was on the ill-fated Assembly campaign. This person spoke of Dominic making similar crude remarks.  Again, to underage co-eds, saying he “only buys magnum sized condoms (if you’re curious, magnum is the largest/biggest condom made) so it’s a reference to his large “manhood.”  He also spoke about how he likes wearing tight pants to show it off.  The sick part, his campaign manager, who he named by name (her maiden name), was a couple feet away, laughing and joking about the matter.  Disgusting.

Is there a single grown adult around Dominic?  The answer is no.  The folks—McNab, Fudge, Martinez, Essick, and his former Assembly campaign manager—feel a close connection to Dominic.  They ignored his behavior and in the case of some, encouraged it more.  You see, around rapists like Dominic, there are naïve folks, just the way the rapist wants it.  Dominic needed you more then you needed him, he could comp you wine or whatnot, he just needed you to look the other way.  Each of you willingly did.  Sadly, if any of you were to jump from the height Dominic has inflated your ego and fall the distance necessary to land on your actual IQ, the fall would kill you instantly.  Dominic needed a group of useful idiots. You all had no idea, but he carefully recruited you, vetted you, and lured you into his web of deceit.  How else would you explain McNab, Fudge, Essick, and Martinez stonewalling investigations and papering over email complaints from constituents?  How would you explain this one? Shortly after the Chronicle article, his former campaign manager called me hyperventilating as she told me that she saw “so many bad things” during Foppoli’s campaign for Assembly yet in the next breath saying that I can’t use her name on any post about Dominic because she still communicates with Dominic on social media and wants to remain his friend!  This was less than 3 months ago!  The answer to all these questions is easy, you all support his lifestyle and behavior, only when he became toxic did some of you publicly denounce him.  Shame on all of you, you all have blood on your hands.

We consider this the final post on this issue.  Thank you for your time, and mostly I want to thank the former campaign manager for sharing my blog with Dominic and his “friend.” I don’t want to name his name since apparently just the word “Liam” triggers a “cease and desist letter.” Keep in mind I never knew Liam’s last name, nor his involvement with Dominic necessitated hiring a lawyer until the lawyer told us.  Due to your wanting to alert Dominic and his friend, this blog went viral.  We got over 900 hits in one day!  Even better, 2 local papers picked it up, as well as the attorney for the survivors.  I was even told it was the “talk of the town.” Thanks to you helping Dominic, you made this blog famous in a county I think I have only stepped foot in once!  Even better, I can say I have never been to Windsor, and I couldn’t likely find it on a map!  Not bad for a tiny blog five counties away.

The Chief

PS to the campaign manager, you lied to me about your involvement with Dominic. I have a request in to the CA Secretary of State Elections Division as to when you separated from the campaign, I hope for your sake there is a termination form on file.  If not, as the kids say, I plan on “firing you directly into the sun” on this blog.

Happy Hunting!

Editor’s Note: Rosa Reynosa ended up replacing Foppoli on the Windsor City Council

Dominic Foppoli’s Enablers

An Investigative Series by The Chief

We will be putting a bow on this series next week barring any late breaking news.  This blog will be tough to read if you are an enabler of Dominic’s or an elected official in the Sonoma/Windsor area, I even land a clean blow on Windsor City Manager Ken McNab.  Reader warning for triggering is advised.

Sonoma Sheriff Mark Essick:  Essick is the top law enforcement official in the county, while he denies being “bros” with Dominic, hearsay says he helped squash 2 investigations into his past behavior in Windsor, more on that later.  Essick rose through the ranks and when he was a captain in the department, he ran for the top job, winning in 2018. Prior to being elected, he oversaw the contract town of Windsor.  (This means Windsor has no formal police department, they pay the county to provide it for them, this is quite common.)  Essick and Foppoli overlapped quite a bit in Windsor, as Dominic was appointed to the planning commission in 2013, prior to getting elected to the town council in 2014.  My understanding is while the Sheriff may not be good friends with Dominic, they collaborated a lot.  Essick recently has come under fire for bullying and harassing Sonoma Supervisor Lynda Hopkins. Back in August, during fire season, sounds like the phone call got heated and the Sheriff threatened the supervisor.  An investigation took place and the Sheriff has sued to block the release of the results of the probe…seems kind of like Dominic’s behavior, right?  Deny, deny, and blame others.  Sheriff Essick, according to a couple sources of mine, is a bully and is known for making disparaging comments about women; even those on his own staff.  Essick’s office is leading the probe into the allegations against Dominic, we here at the blog believe he is stifling this or putting his thumb on the scale to delay justice from occurring. 

Windsor Police Chief Ruben Martinez:  The “chief” can best be described as a real-life Barney Fife or Colonel Klink.  While Windsor has no formal police department, he heads up the group of detectives and deputies in charge of the town.  Martinez has been described by 3 sources as “not the brightest bulb on the tree” and “seems like more of a political appointee then chief material.”  Interim town manager Ken McNab could not be more ecstatic during the press release:  check this out!

“Ruben’s background and experience in law enforcement and knowledge of the Windsor community are a perfect fit for us. We are excited to have Ruben serve as our Police Chief and I look forward to his leadership and contributions as he engages with the community. Ruben’s appointment continues the tradition of law enforcement excellence and service that we have come to know and rely on through our relationship with the Sheriff’s Office.”

Think he may regret that statement just a little?  But it gets better folks, look at Martinez’s qualifications and past work in the Sheriff Department. Law enforcement assignments during Martinez’s career with the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office included service with the City of Sonoma Police Department, the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault unit, Special Operations and SWAT units, the Henry 1 unit, and his current assignment as a Watch Commander for Northern Sonoma County.  Pay attention to the bolded statement please.

Martinez made an appearance on the special Windsor council meeting to address Mayor Foppoli’s sexual assault and rape allegations. When asked to comment about 2 letters, one sent in 2017 and another in 2020.  Martinez, while never speaking to the author of either email or bothering to follow-up, said the comments amounted to political hearsay and the author did not want to press charges. The author of one email categorically denies not wanting to press charges.  Let me again remind you, Martinez worked in the sexual assault and domestic violence unit for several years.  Coincidentally, Martinez decided the other day to step down for “health reasons” [health of his pension maybe?]. We wish you best on luck in retirement “chief”, but we here think you stifled an investigation.

Oh, by the way, here is that Essick guy again on Martinez getting the job as Police Chief. Sonoma County Sheriff Mark Essick stated, “I am very happy that Lt. Martinez has been selected as the next Windsor Police Chief. The Sheriff’s Office is proud to be a partner with the Town of Windsor in providing top quality law enforcement services to the community.”  That didn’t age well Sheriff.

Council Member Debora Fudge:  Deb you will get my sharpest criticism so far. You have always referred to Dominic as “your protégé”, or saying “you were like a mother for him.”  Well time to face the music for your transgressions.  First the letter in 2017 was addressed to you, as you were the “rotating mayor” at the time.  Fudge brushed it under the table and instead decided the best move was to “handle it internally.”  The email detailed Foppoli sexually assaulting a group of ladies who had rented the guesthouse at his winery, as well as forcing his 2 tasting room employees to join in and “strip off your underwear and don a bed sheet toga.”  The allegation happened 4 years prior, but you decided this was not material since it would have blocked your protégé from climbing the ladder. Fudge threw her weight around and persuaded the other council members that a measured response to these allegation of rape was to put of Dominic’s turn as mayor off for a year and proclaim that justice was served.  Seems like a fitting punishment, right?……NOT.  Dominic served as Mayor and then got a second one-year term with Fudge voting for him!  In 2020 another email made its way into the City Hall, it went to City manager Ken McNab (Ken you may want to stop reading now) the email was sent to the town council, who predictably did not act.  Fudge not only didn’t act, but according to my source she told those looking to investigate and I quote “it may hurt Dominic’s political career, he paid for his actions already.”  Ouch.  Keep in mind this email detailed how Dominic has a reputation of sexual harassment and allegedly raping a few girls around town.  Deb Fudge you are the good ole boy network, nice job sticking up for your buddy Foppoli. 

Fudge, being the political operative she is, gave in essence a “no comment” answer when the Chronicle reached out to her after the story on Dominic raping and assaulting 4 different girls came out.  She claimed she “was out of the country for surgery and hadn’t read the article yet.”  She then wound herself up and decided she, and only she, could fight for the rights of women in Windsor!  She railed on Dominic at the special council meeting, saying she hated him, adding she was brought to tears by his actions, and he needed to resign.  Deb Fudge is a woman who wears many faces. When Dominic turned into a political liability, she cast him aside.  She objected to Dominic leaving the meeting early and voted for him to resign.  No one on the Zoom meeting was fooled, #firefudge was trended on Twitter.  Everyone knows you are full of crap Debora; your eyes were solid brown.  Your political career is over as well.

Finally, Ken McNab town manager gets his turn to be roasted.  Ken McNab is a strange fellow. If you told me he worked at a “buy here, pay here” car lot I wouldn’t doubt you.  Ken is just a slimy human being, like the guy at the multi-level marketing meeting who tells everyone he makes so much he drives a Bentley, but he drove his late model Ford Focus because it gets better gas mileage!  You can see right through it, but Ken McNab actually believes it.  McNab who was the email recipient of the 2020 email complaint, forwarded it to the council and city clerk but first he went straight to Dominic…yeah check this quote out. “The Town Manager also inquired with the Mayor about the accusations and the Mayor denied they were true,” according to a statement from Windsor town officials.

So, you asked Dominic if he ever raped or sexually assaulted anyone, and he denied it?  Oh my God, it’s a miracle!  What great investigating Ken. Holy crap, just give this guy the Pulitzer for investigative journalism!  CNN could single handedly save their ratings if they put you on during the prime-time hours.  My God you are dumb, or are you just that tone deaf that you thought he would spill the beans to you? 

McNab was on the council meeting Zoom call, custom background and all. Even though this was a serious matter, he hee hawed like a donkey about how he works for the council, not the other way around, and he couldn’t fire or prevent Dominic from emceeing the meeting.  You made a bunch of other dumb statements, but I was far to fixated on your custom Zoom background to hear what you said. Oh, it’s nice to see that you spent more time on picking a Zoom background than actually … I don’t know, investigating Dominic!  Maybe make a statement or two about the allegations, mention the email in 2017.  Thanks to your background, Debora Fudge was only the second biggest clown of the night!  Maybe you found you’re next calling if the car sales job, or pyramid scheme hocking jobs fall through!  However, I’ll give McNab a little credit, he did make a statement that Dominic agreed to not enter the city hall unless Ken gave him permission and that the rank-and-file workers didn’t want his presence virtually or physically.  Ken thank you for your service on this, such a gentleman, protecting the workers from an accused serial sexual assaulter and rapist!  Ken you should be in the infomercials about why we no longer allow lead-based paint in this country.

On a more serious note, the connection between McNab and Foppoli runs quite deep.  I have spoken to 3 very reliable sources and all agree that McNab and Foppoli are drinking buddies and are known to enjoy cigars together.  McNab was a regular at The Christopher Creek Winery and was out with Dominic and Esther et al. the night Esther was “allegedly” (we use allegedly as he hasn’t been charged or convicted yet) raped.  We are not saying McNab had anything to do with the events of that night, we are merely pointing out that he had a chance to be an adult and instead he passed.  Deferring yet again and enabling bad behavior.  McNab according to Transparent California made about $280k last year for his incompetence.  But focus on the positive, the man had a custom zoom background for a serious meeting about Dominic!

The Press Democrat (minus Andrew Graham) this paper is a colossal failure, it’s very sad.  The former editor spiked the story about Dominic, which ironically the larger SF Chronicle picked up and ran above the fold.  I am not sure to this day why the story was deemed not fit for print, but I have a sneaky suspicion Dominic and company made a phone call or two.  We do think Andrew Graham is a good one, (full disclosure I spoke to him and he is doing the best he can digging, not an easy job when your paper has the bad reputation it got).  The new editor dropped an opinion/editorial piece apologizing and saying they needed to do better in the future; sorry buddy you need to do better now, Windsor looks like Hicksville, USA.

Robert Styrk:  This guy is a certified piece of work. He is a lobbyist for Bahrain and Somalia, great human rights records those countries have!  He has been running around doing interviews from Washington D.C. or London attacking the victims.  He made an ill-fated appearance on the “Drive, with Steve Jaxon” where he called Esther a bunch of names, attacked the victim’s lawyers, and kept repeating a line of attacks when asked about the multiple women accusing Dominic.  He did neither himself nor Dominic any favors.  He is a friend of Dominic and calls Dominic a son to him…for the record Styrk is 7 years older than Dominic…weird!  For the record Styrk has gone radio silent since Dominic stepped down as Mayor.

Dominic’s former campaign manager for Assembly:  I do not know how you can possibly sleep at night. You figured the best place for an 18-year-old female volunteer was the personal assistant to a 21-year-old male candidate. Apparently, you have no ability to think, or your moral elevator has no bottom floor.  Just to re-summarize:  the 18-year-old intern was raped twice in one night by Dominic, stopping only for her to turn her head and vomit.  I really hope you take some time to reflect and ponder making adult decisions in the future. Your ignorance set up a 16-year spree of rape and assault, whose victims included a fellow city councilmember, a former Mayor, and a former reality TV star.  Not the best legacy.

Fellow readers, not a single person in his inner circle, from any walk of life, tried to stop this guy.  My advice if you are a female, avoid Windsor as no one is safe while Dominic is free to move about, and you are even less safe with his enablers around.  I truly hope the next mayor is Esther Lemus. She will clean this thing up. We have no dog in the hunt, but she is an inspiration for all survivors!  Deb Fudge needs to be run out on a rail, her crocodile tears better not fool you, she is just an opportunist.  Ken McNab should put his talents to work selling used cars, or at a local meet-up to recruit unsuspecting folks to join a pyramid scheme.  Ruben Martinez is retiring, Sheriff Essick is in dire straits.  Is there a single adult in Windsor right now outside of the survivors, their attorneys, or those pushing for Dominic’s now unnecessary recall?  Please speak up!

Again, this did not happen in Hicksville, USA, this happened in deep blue Sonoma county.

The Chief

Dominic Foppoli: A Racist, Rapist Jackhole

An Investigative Series by The Chief

Reader Warning: This series will contain graphic details of rape, racism, sexual assault, and straight up deplorable behavior by Dominic Foppoli and his colleagues who covered for him.  Reader discretion is advised.

And we are back after a short hiatus.  To drop the next big story.  Dominic is a racist, and the worst kind of person.

The story takes place my freshman year in college. I was a young lad at 18, the year was 2004 (error on my part earlier) and George W. Bush was running for re-election.  As a young man born with conservative values, I joined the Young Republicans on campus, led by one Dominic J Foppoli.  After his “alleged” crime against 2 friends of mine, he seemed to fade away, he likely found well let’s call it “fresh meat” then he resurfaced.

It was February, I was on my way back to my dorm in Meadowlands Hall after class on a Tuesday at 8pm.  One roommate of mine, let’s say he was Mexican, told me “dude you’re in deep, stupid signs you put up.”  Quizzically I asked what he was saying.  He told me “There are signs on campus, literally all over about MLK.”  I couldn’t put two and two together as I had just come from a 3-hour class.  He showed me.  The signs were …. Well, I’ll let you react.

The Republicans freed the slaves

Martin Luther King Jr was a Republican

Blacks should be Republicans

Vote GOP, Young Republicans are the best party on campus.

Yeah folks, in February, AKA Black History Month, be more tone deaf you cannot.  Stupidity like you read about.  Of course, my third roommate was black. As I walked into the dorm room, he of course was prepared; 3 officers of the Black Student Union in tow, it was likely curtains for me.  I was known to wear Bush Cheney 04 shirts or Bill Jones for Senate shirts on campus because, I was a literal troll.  I was ready to take my punishment but all 4 had my side. My roommate remarking over and over, he ain’t racist while my other roommate saying he cares deeply about those in need.  Lucky once again, I was not going to answer for the sins of someone else.

My roommate and his friends from BSU told me they knew the culprit. They saw him getting into a white Chevy Tahoe or Suburban, a tall, built white male (the campus was 70% plus women btw).  He had an accomplice, another white male, with facial hair. 

So, the next meeting of the College Republicans, oddly called that Monday went swimmingly; me, and all the officers resigned.  The faculty rep made Dominic answer for his stupidity, made even more embarrassing since he was an officer in the SONOMA not MARIN GOP. What a low life.  He denied any wrongdoing (duh) and was in shock his fellow officers stepped down, (wild move, we aren’t racists) and we held new elections.  Dominic couldn’t face the complaints; he had a meeting to attend.

Dominic admitted to putting the signs up at Dominican University, we didn’t have a vibrant student paper.  There is no record of this.  Imagine if this happened after circa 2004.  You see Dominic gives all Republicans a horrible name, why February? Why Black History Month?  Why invoke MLK?  Who cares about his political party, let him rest in peace, he deserves it.

Again, the narrative remains that he wanted me and my classmates to face the music.  Maybe Sonoma and Marin wanted that too, but I came in peace, trolling, but in peace. I should be allowed my beliefs.  I am no racist and will never be accused of being one.

Dominic has now been accused by a 7th woman.  Another hero has come forward; former Sonoma Mayor Rachel Hundley has accused him of sexual assault.   He says Dominic climbed on top of her and showed his “Johnson.” Mayor Hundley said she wanted nothing sexual to happen, but apparently Dominic had other ideas.  He took pictures of her in her robe, and sexually assaulted her.  We here believe all the women.

What a sick f**k he is.

Concluding commentary:  This blogger (notice, not blog owner, The Chief and The Chief alone) has info, and damning info at that, about Windsor Chief of Police Ruben “Colonel Klink” Martinez, Sonoma DA Mark “girls are sexual objects” Raasch, seriously sheriff you’re a womanizer and its over for you, oh and I have firsthand info you and Dominic are “bros.”  Deborah Fudge, on the council, she is burnt toast. I’ve got too much info.  Sam Salmon?  I won’t waste too much time on him, he’s useless.

It’s over. I’m going to destroy you politically Dominic. I don’t have to destroy you criminally; you did that yourself. Actually, Liam, your buddy’s attorney did a nice job with his comments about you. His words not ours. 

Just to speak to the victims, we are here for you. We know of about 23 women who have come forward so far, and there are many more. Dominic is a sick, disgusting creature.  We understand you may not want to reach out to us; however, we strongly encourage you to reach out and be put in touch with local groups to help you, statute or no statute of limitations. This story will run in the local paper if one person can corroborate it, you can remain anonymous.  Let’s get rid of this scum!

Ghislaine Maxwell

Now to speak to his “Ghislaine Maxwell,” the former campaign manager who aided and abetted in his rapes.  So said you when you called me, saying and I quote “I saw a lot of horrible things”.  This is a final chance to get your story to us and clear you name, or we can put you in touch with folks who you can tell your story too.  We are not here to hurt folks who want to tell a story, and you can remain anonymous.  We are in possession of an Instagram message from him to you inviting you to his winery as recent as March, it might be a good time to reach out.  A word to the wise, after your call we received a cease-and-desist order, probably not smart to cover for a rapist. 

You have 72 hours.  I would call, I really would. This blogger is not scared of you. We have 23 courageous women, a great attorney (a rock star by the way).  Maybe call us before you get a call, because the best case scenario for your buddy Dominic is he will be “on the registry;” look it up, not great.  Go ahead sue me, I’m not scared, Dominic will throw you under the bus far before he names me.

Popcorn is ready,

The Chief

Dominic Foppoli’s Statements and Actions

An Investigative Series by The Chief

Reader Warning: This series will contain graphic details of rape, racism, sexual assault, and straight up deplorable behavior by Dominic Foppoli and his colleagues who covered for him.  Reader discretion is advised.

Dominic Foppoli has had a rough couple of weeks. Depending on who you talk to, like this blog, you are probably on the growing side of those who hope Dominic gets what he deserves, while others are choosing to stand with Dominic. 

We will unpack his actions since the SF Chronicle ran its story, his presiding over a Council Meeting, and his statements regarding fellow Councilmember Esther Lemus in this installment.

As we detailed so far, 4 women reported his “actions” to the San Francisco Chronicle, another woman came forward with her story shortly after, then a bombshell dropped.  Esther Lemus, a city council member and deputy district attorney with Sonoma County, came forward with her statement as detailed already in this space.  Dominic being the slimy politician he is, issued this whopper of a statement: 

“Despite the clear political and social machinations that are outwardly and obviously driving the effort to put my head on a spike, I never imagined I would be pursued as a trophy to warn those who dare to have a positive impact in public service regardless of ideology,” Foppoli wrote.

Mayor of Windsor accuses council member of assault

Ah yes, the martyr-in-chief, his honor Dominic Foppoli, rushing to the tried-and-true defense of attacking the critic.  Even though all the stories were the same, his exuding dominance, pouring way too much alcohol, and likely using a date rape drug, its Dominic who is the victim.  I guess in some weird way his brain must think the campaign intern shouldn’t have fought back, and how he was doing “the Lord’s work” by exorcizing her virginity twice in the same night, after repeated calls to stop!  He likely feels the victim of not being able to enjoy sex with Sophia Williams, who fought off this coward of a human.  Dominic, take it from me, life is full of disappointments, and this ain’t the actions of a gentleman you Neanderthal.  Crashing a party you had no business at just because it was taking place at your winery’s guest house is peak you Dominic, and forcing 2 of your employees to remove their underwear?  Yeah, you are some victim.  The girl you met in Reno and tried to act out your perverse sexual fantasy on while she was blacked out…you must have been deprived.  Too bad she came too and stopped you from going further.  Handcuffing your girlfriend to your bed, and sticking grapes up her vaginal orifice when she is pleading with you to stop doesn’t make you a victim.  IT MAKES YOU A MONSTER.  I guess you were also the victim in the case of the young intern who worked at your winery, her crime was wanting to learn more about wine, you wanted to explore what was under her jeans.  You failed, Dominic.  You are no victim, these heroic women fought you off the best they could, the situation was not fair, you had them liquored up and drugged up, a serious crime in California.  It doesn’t make you a victim Dominic, it makes you a rapist, a sexual assault predator, and a disgusting creep.  How about find some women your own age and I don’t know maybe don’t sexually assault them?

But Dominic wasn’t done yet. He knew a much bigger story was coming, this one from a fellow councilmember.  So, he acted like any “victim” would, check out this verbal diarrhea he spouted out “this admitted cheat clearly will go to any lengths imaginable to advance her political career and get what she wants – power.”

“I am not saying I am a victim or claiming a “me to” moment for myself or for men in general. That idea is ridiculous,” Foppoli said in the statement. 

“Mrs. Lemus has led the charge in asking for my resignation and it wasn’t until I defended myself and told the truth regarding these manufactured and baseless accusations against me that she showed the degree in which she is, at the very least, complicit in the witch hunt driven by these continuing attempts at assassinating my character,” Foppoli said.

Ok, so Dominic claims a female sexually assaulted him, and put him into compromising positions?  Mrs. Lemus works as a deputy District Attorney as we mentioned earlier, her statement will be repeated here:

What Lemus said she does remember is attending a Windsor Boys & Girls Club crab feed in February 2020, during which she got up at one point and returned to learn from Foppoli’s then-girlfriend that he had refilled her glass. There was dancing and music, and then Lemus, Foppoli, his girlfriend and another male friend, whom she declined to identify, stopped by a brewpub before going home. Lemus’ husband had left earlier.

At some point, Lemus learned later, she left the group and was found outside becoming violently ill. The two men then left Foppoli’s girlfriend at the pub to drive Lemus home, but they were gone so long the girlfriend finally walked home, she later told Lemus.

Lemus, 48, was becoming ill again as she arrived home, and went into the bathroom. At one point she sat on the bathtub to remove her shoes, and fell in.

The next morning, she awoke on the couch, nude, with a small towel placed on her and the growing fear that she had been sexually violated.

But Lemus said she does not remember even leaving the crab feed. When she called Foppoli’s girlfriend the next day to find out what had happened to her, the woman said Foppoli had told her “he put me to bed, tucked me in or something,” Lemus said.

She said she cannot recall what happened inside her home. She was in pain and had rectal bleeding when she awoke, she said. She said she believes she was raped and sodomized while unconscious by Foppoli and/or the other man who drove her home. She said the experience of feeling drugged in his presence — that night and during a second assault that she said happened six months later at Foppoli’s winery — prompted her belief he was responsible.

The second incident occurred in August 2020 when she attended a gathering at Foppoli’s winery. She said Foppoli had inexplicably taken her phone and keys much earlier in the night. She later experienced the same cloudy disorientation and amnesia that she had felt after the February crab feed. She said she recalls being led off by a man Foppoli had just introduced to her, saying his friend “liked me,” and finding herself engaged in oral copulation in the tasting room.

She was next aware of falling and hurting herself some place, which Foppoli would later tell her was a vineyard. She later became violently ill. She eventually woke up and drove home.

Windsor Mayor Dominic Foppoli, council member Esther Lemus accuse each other of sexual misconduct
Esther Lemus

Dominic you finally did it, you met your match, and you know it.  Like a true monster, you blamed a woman whom you allegedly drugged/intoxicated and likely raped or sodomized.  Instead, you left her with just a small towel covering her, what an absolute coward you are.  You panicked and called for her to step down from her career as ADA with the Sonoma Prosecutor office.  If you had any brain cells you would know, not a soul in that office could prosecute you, due to obvious conflict of interest laws.  Hence the California Attorney General has taken over. Again, your lack of functioning brain cells is hurting you here.  The AG does not care about any of your connections in Sonoma County you may be wealthy and powerful, but you are not above the law. 

Getting back to your actions; you for some reason decided to chair the meeting when a motion was going to come up asking for your resignation.  I tuned in, and my comments will be brief.  First thank you to the hundreds of folks who called in and dragged Dominic.  Dominic appeared to look intoxicated or on a drug of some type, sweating profusely and looking beady eyed at the camera.  He tried to exude dominance by calling on each caller, telling some to unmute, and telling others “thank you.”  Your act got old, and you realized it about an hour into the meeting. You were being dragged to filth by every caller, you were called a rapist, folks said they hate you, and also told more times than I could count to F*** Off.”  Then like the coward you are, you tried to sign off the call, prompting fellow enabler Deb Fudge to call the question on demanding you to resign.  The motion carried 2-1, Esther being an adult recused herself from the meeting under conflict-of-interest laws, you wouldn’t provide such concessions.  You signed off after, leaving Deb Fudge, and Sam Salmon (I won’t call them councilmembers, they enabled you, more on them in another installment) to pick up the pieces and continue the meeting.  Dominic it’s very obvious you are a narcissistic sociopath. Your blank stare said it all. You’re pure evil. Watch the tape, Dominic.  The dragging continued even after you left, Dominic your entire town hates you.  Please step down, you are causing so much unneeded attention to a town you claim to love.  Laugh at a recall all you want, but your political career is on fire and this will be a blow-out loss for you.

Up next will be the folks covering for Dominic, it’s a bomb shell report!

The Chief

Blogger commentary:  The cockroaches are scrambling since this blog shined some light on the situation. Folks this blog averages 25 – 60 hits on a given article and we do not promote it on social media in any form.  However, I received a call from a concerned political operative Sunday AM, and coincidentally by mid evening the blog had over 900 hits, far exceeding our average. Clearly someone on social media is interested in Dominic’s malfeasance. We even had a lawyer threaten a cease-and-desist in the comment thread, rather than contacting the editor in chief directly.  I do not know many lawyers working on a Sunday afternoon. Even stranger was the lawyer found our blog when we didn’t mention his client’s last name.  To the political operative, I certainly hope you are not passing info along to the campaign being orchestrated by Mr. Foppoli or any associate of his, as it has come to our attention, he is running an intimidation campaign in Windsor as we speak.  I am giving you a chance to go on record. We will redact your name and you can remain anonymous, but we here at the blog find it very hard to believe when our articles don’t come up on a Google search yet we get 900 page views. You will not silence this blog or this blogger. 

To the women out there who saw this article, if you were assaulted, raped, harassed, or even just have a story to tell, reach out to us.  We will connect you to someone who will help you get a measure of justice that is independent of anyone associated with our blog. We will give you a phone number and that’s it. If you want to share your story less your name, you may. Any woman brave enough to step forward is a true rock star. If you think you are alone, believe me, you are not. The number of victims that have come forward thus far is much greater than the six previously mentioned in media reports.  Reach out, Dominic is a disgusting creep, a rapist, and a sexual predator.

The Women Foppoli Sexually Assaulted/Raped

An Investigative Series by The Chief

Reader Warning: This series will contain graphic details of rape, racism, sexual assault, and straight up deplorable behavior by Dominic Foppoli and his colleagues who covered for him.  Reader discretion is advised.

In addition to my experience, Dominic was accused of sexual assault and rape by these women who were brave enough to go on the record sans 1 or 2 to the SF Chronical.

In 2003 Foppoli had aspirations at the young age of 21 to be the youngest person elected to the CA Assembly.  He met an 18-year-old who volunteered for his campaign; he knew the family through his church.  The girl said she admired his conservative values and catholic faith; she was looking for an unpaid campaign position.  Foppoli and his female campaign manager decided the best place for an 18-year-old girl, was personal assistant to the candidate.  Yep, read that again folks, 21-year-old candidate, and an 18-year-old female would be his assistant. He took advantage of her, who would have thought?  He groped and fondled her twice, leading her to break up with him shortly after Foppoli lost the GOP primary for his campaign.  On December 31 of that same year, he convinced her to go out with him to “ring in the New Year” one last time.  She reluctantly agreed. While out that evening Dominic and Liam pressured her to drink champagne. If you aren’t a drinker or are a “rookie in the drinking game” champagne will get you very sick and inebriated quite quickly, also make note of her age 18.    Dominic drove her back to his house, groped her buttocks, and tried to pull her skirt down, she fought back, even saying she was “on her period” it didn’t stop him, he raped her and whilst doing so she turned her head and threw up over the bed.  She woke up later with Dominic raping her again.  He drove her home in the morning, joking about how they were both drunk.  She was 18.

Dominic in 2006 met Sophia Williams at a junior college while taking a dance class.  Sophia was typically his dance partner, but as is customary, you danced with one another’s partners in this class.  Keep in mind this was a social gathering type atmosphere, but also a class, for… you know adults.  My source told me Dominic wore out his welcome quickly, he always wanted to dance with the better-looking girls, and was extremely handsy, and loved touching the lower back, and arm pit area.  No one wanted to dance with him eventually.  Sophia and a few friends hung out with Dominic at a dance club after class. They drank quite a large amount of booze, she wanted to get a cab, Dominic called Uber.  They both stumbled into the back seat. It wasn’t until most of the way through the ride she realized they weren’t going to her place first; it was straight to Dominic’s place.  Dominic offered her his bed, and he would take the floor. (Remind anyone of his same playbook from the dorm room earlier?)  She crashed on the bed, Dominic climbing in behind her, he put his hand down her pants, she fought him off.  He used leverage to pin her against the wall, she broke free, and locked herself in his bathroom until morning when a friend could safely pick her up. 

Prior to 2012, Dominic became very active in a group for young professionals called Active 20-30.  He was a big wig in the all men’s Santa Rosa chapter.  A short time after, his reputation became one of “toxic masculinity.” He was known as a big partier and loved pouring drinks for others.  He had a well-known reputation for paling around with much younger women, an allegation that gets much creepier after you leave college.  At a convention of these young professionals in Reno, Dominic found his next victim.  Allison Britton was having fun like any other young person in Reno, drinking, gambling, and enjoying herself…maybe a little too much, but we all have likely been there.  Visibly intoxicated, Britton’s friends had asked Dominic to take her back to her room, Dominic took her back to his room.  She passed out, she came to with her top off, on her knees in his hotel room bathroom with his Johnson in her mouth.  Terrified she wanted to know what was going on, all Dominic could say is “can I finish on your chest.”  Britton learned later she drank more alcohol with Dominic and that his roommate was fast asleep in the bed next to his while this all went down.  Shortly thereafter a list of top ten things not to do in Active 20-30 included get this: Dominic Foppoli.

A fourth women came forward named Rose Fomuso. She was a winery intern at Dominic’s Christopher Creek Winery, and an exchange student from France to boot.  She wanted to learn the finer points of winemaking and served in the tasting room. Toward the end of her stay, Foppoli threw a large party. Dominic of course made sure she was invited.  During the evening she fell ill, even though she consumed a “normal amount of alcohol for her.”  Dominic wanted to show her his white Tesla. She got in, he started the car, drove her around, and tried to rape her.  Her internship having been finished, she returned to France, telling her coordinators not to send anyone to Christopher Creek again.  She too claims to have been drugged by Dominic.

A fifth women, Shannon McCarthy, came out and said she was sexually abused during a relationship with Dominic from 2001-2004.  More of the same, copious amounts of liquor, and not knowing when to stop or hold off.  She was forced by Dominic into oral copulation more times than she wants to recall, and once Dominic handcuffed her to the bed, raping her of course.

Dominic was also accused by a woman who stayed at the guesthouse on his winery property of sexual assault as well.  The details were a little foggy on this one, but it involved Dominic inviting himself to dinner and joining a few women in a hot tub.  Dominic refilled the wine glasses, seems to be his “go to move” and while getting his guests intoxicated, he attempted to remove their bikini bottoms.  Foppoli also had a couple of his employees there, he instructed them to remove their underwear and don bed sheets to be worn as a toga.  What an absolute sick fuck this guy is!

The 6th and definitely not last accuser is fellow councilmember Esther Lemus, who doubles as a deputy DA in the District Attorney’s Office.  I will let her words tell the story….

Esther Lemus

What Lemus said she does remember is attending a Windsor Boys & Girls Club crab feed in February 2020, during which she got up at one point and returned to learn from Foppoli’s then-girlfriend that he had refilled her glass. There was dancing and music, and then Lemus, Foppoli, his girlfriend and another male friend, whom she declined to identify, stopped by a brewpub before going home. Lemus’ husband had left earlier.

At some point, Lemus learned later, she left the group and was found outside becoming violently ill. The two men then left Foppoli’s girlfriend at the pub to drive Lemus home, but they were gone so long the girlfriend finally walked home, she later told Lemus.

Lemus, 48, was becoming ill again as she arrived home, and went into the bathroom. At one point she sat on the bathtub to remove her shoes, and fell in.

The next morning, she awoke on the couch, nude, with a small towel placed on her and the growing fear that she had been sexually violated.

But Lemus said she does not remember even leaving the crab feed. When she called Foppoli’s girlfriend the next day to find out what had happened to her, the woman said Foppoli had told her “he put me to bed, tucked me in or something,” Lemus said.

She said she cannot recall what happened inside her home. She was in pain and had rectal bleeding when she awoke, she said. She said she believes she was raped and sodomized while unconscious by Foppoli and/or the other man who drove her home. She said the experience of feeling drugged in his presence — that night and during a second assault that she said happened six months later at Foppoli’s winery — prompted her belief he was responsible.

The second incident occurred in August 2020 when she attended a gathering at Foppoli’s winery. She said Foppoli had inexplicably taken her phone and keys much earlier in the night. She later experienced the same cloudy disorientation and amnesia that she had felt after the February crab feed. She said she recalls being led off by a man Foppoli had just introduced to her, saying his friend “liked me,” and finding herself engaged in oral copulation in the tasting room.

She was next aware of falling and hurting herself some place, which Foppoli would later tell her was a vineyard. She later became violently ill. She eventually woke up and drove home.

Windsor Mayor Dominic Foppoli, council member Esther Lemus accuse each other of sexual misconduct

More to come tomorrow featuring Dominic’s reaction to the article in the Chronicle as well as his statements regarding Mrs. Lemus.

The Chief

Dominic Foppoli: How I learned he was Scum

An Investigative Series by The Chief

Reader Warning: This series will contain graphic details of rape, racism, sexual assault, and straight up deplorable behavior by Dominic Foppoli and his colleagues who covered for him.  Reader discretion is advised.

This is the second in my series on Dominic Foppoli. This installment talks about my interaction with Dominic while in college.

I was a freshman at college. The year was 2005 and I was in roughly the middle of my first semester.  I lived on campus and did not have a car.  I had joined the Young Republican club even though Marin County was so blue due to my wanting to be involved.  Our leader was an upperclassman named Dominic, he seemed like a nice enough guy; but came off as a Mitt Romney type who was more concerned with impressing people than governing or leading.  After our second meeting, he asked if I wanted to go with him to a fundraiser for a local who was running for Assembly. I declined since, well what college student has money, let alone money to donate.  He told me it was free, and almost demanded and guilt tripped me to come along.  I did, against my better judgment, as I literally had just met him.

We climbed into his Chevy Tahoe and present were 3 freshman females. I quickly figured out he needed me as a freshman to make this seem legit.  We went off to the fundraiser.  Dominic made a point to ditch me at the door; however, he stayed very close to all 3 females.  Next thing I knew, they were all drinking wine, being poured by the host, a candidate running for Assembly named Carolyn Patrick.  The fundraiser took place in Sausalito at the home of what I would characterize as a very wealthy donor.  I was offered wine, to which I declined. I was merely 18 and honestly didn’t know where I was and didn’t want to get anyone in trouble.  However, I eventually had a glass put in front of me, and was told drink up, you’re not driving anyways.  I retreated to a balcony to be with my female friends who were invited and all 3 were uncomfortable.  The night wore on, and I could have sworn my glass was never empty, almost like Dominic was filling up the glasses of all 4 of us unexpectedly.

Because he was.

After leaving that party at around 10 pm, he decided we were going to keep the party going over at a financier’s business located conveniently an exit or two up from my college near San Rafael.  We entered Paul Financial LLC and made our way to the second floor. Dominic called a childhood friend named Liam.  Liam came armed with a large bottle of Jack Daniels and a liter or two of coke.  We proceeded to play spin the bottle and truth or dare.  Immediately I knew this was wrong as the two of them (Liam and Dominic) made sure their “dares” involved 1 or more of the 3 inebriated women.  I spent a great deal of time in the bathroom re-visiting my dinner from several hours earlier.

Dominic finally called the party off at 3 am and drove us back to campus.  I made my way to my dorm and noticed the 2 females and Dominic were following me.  When I got to my room, Dominic said they were too drunk and was he asking if they could sleep in the 2 unoccupied beds belonging to my absent roommates.  I agreed. Dominic got into 1, the girls into the other.  I spent most of the night throwing up, and when I came too,  I noticed Dominic was in the bed with the other two girls, appearing as though he forced his way in.  I woke them all up, the girls seemed revolted, I said my roommates were coming back and they had to leave.  One girl commented to the other her bra strap was undone, and the other saying her pants were mysteriously unbuttoned.  Both questioned Mr. Foppoli who continued to filibuster saying everyone was drunk and it could have been any of us.  It seemed odd for A. Dominic to sleep on campus, and B. to put himself in a situation where he would wake up between 2 females in a twin sized bed.

Or does it?

At the chow hall for dinner me and the 3 girls reconvened. We tried to put the pieces of the night back together.  We all agreed on one thing, Dominic had a motive and bringing me with him was just trying to make the girls more comfortable.  We all remembered different parts of the night, but one thing we all remembered was Dominic insisting all 4 of us drink wine from glasses he poured in a different part of the house.  We agreed he spiked the drinks with some sort of date rape drug due to the severe headaches and vomiting we all suffered from.  When walking back to my dorm, our Resident Assistant asked me how I felt, to which I said fine. She proceeded to warn me about Dominic and said his friend Liam stayed in our room as well, he was let in by Dominic later that night/morning.  She also warned that the 3 of us freshmen appeared highly intoxicated bordering on black out drunk, but Dominic seemed more than happy with the situation.

Closing:  While I do not know what happened that night, I also know none of my 3 friends pursued anything with law enforcement. I do know after that semester, 2 transferred and the other did the same after the year concluded.  Knowing what I know now and after sharing the next parts in the series, I know for a fact Dominic drugged all 4 of us, that was his point.  I know he had his way with both girls that night, his friend likely joining in the fun.  I also believe Dominic never intended to wake up in that bed that morning, he was supposed to be gone, leaving me to answer the questions about what happened, and pick up the pieces how 2 intoxicated girls who felt violated during their sleep woke up in various state’s of undress in a friends dorm room.  Fortunately for me, Dominic had no use for me after that night. He largely ignored me and I’m ok with that. I found it very creepy that someone closer to 23 years old was palling around with 18 year olds; especially someone who fancied himself wealthy, powerful, and relevant on the political scene.

It gets even better in the next part folks….

The Chief

Windsor CA Mayor Dominic Foppoli: Total Scum

An Investigative Series by The Chief

Reader Warning: This series will contain graphic details of rape, racism, sexual assault, and straight up deplorable behavior by Dominic Foppoli and his colleagues who covered for him.  Reader discretion is advised.

He is a small town mayor who came from money. I went to college with him and while I only knew Dominic for a year, I was done with him after one semester.  This initial blog will sum up a stunning fall from grace for an aspiring young man.

Foppoli can be described as an awkward, dork of a male who was tall and full of himself.  He was balanced out by coming from money; his family was in the wine business in Windsor for generations.  Like most, money can get you pretty far. In the case of Foppoli, his real vice was not just wine, but women, women far his junior.  He had a quick assent to become mayor of a Napa Valley community and had his eyes on bigger prizes; but a bombshell report from the San Francisco Chronicle has ended his career, possibly 2 fellow councilmembers careers, and maybe even the chief of police. 

Foppoli was named as the man who raped a campaign intern 2 separate times, raped/assaulted a fellow active 20-30 member, sexually assaulted a guest staying at the guesthouse of his winery, and twice raping an intern at his winery.  Most recently a fellow councilmember came out and announced Foppoli sexually assaulted, and sodomized or raped her.  This council member works for the District Attorney as a deputy DA.

I did quite a bit of research and made contact with a few folks regarding Foppoli. I will lay out the details in this series.  Let’s just say that this is a tale of typical political scum who likely will be doing a perp walk soon.  My hope is when I name names, others will be held accountable for coving up, or ignoring his crimes.


The CA Teachers Union: The Real Bully on Campus

Bloggers note:  obviously there are good teachers out there, this does not apply to them, I’m directing this at the real life pond scum who have failed our young people for now second school year.

Folks I want to share a statement made by Comrad Gavin Newsom yesterday regarding the re-opening of schools.  This taken directly from KCRA 3, an affiliate of MSNBC mind you, look for the emphasis I place on one word. 

All California schools should reopen when the new academic year begins next fall, though his guidelines remain merely an expectation rather than a mandate.

Facing political pressure and a recall effort, Newsom has said he plans to lift most of California’s coronavirus restrictions June 15 as part of reopening the state to business-as-usual. Earlier this month, he made a similar pronouncement, but many districts and teachers remain reluctant.

‘Reimagine the school year’: Newsom pushes reopening as many California districts resist

The word is “should”, as in optional, not required.  Again, note he will be re-opening most of California mid-June, Disney is already in stages of full re-opening, movie theaters are operational, but not schools.  Mid-June also is smack in the middle of summer; thus, schools are typically not open. If they are, only those who are looking to get ahead, earn AP college credits, or failed a class are required to attend.  Many students are falling behind, some even hopelessly behind.  Virtual meetings work for work meetings, clubs, and certain social gatherings, may have merit but not school. 

I have to hand it to our governor. He and his ilk, along with anti-Trumpers, 90-day guys, and cable watchers, successfully scared everyone into thinking this virus would wipe us all out; well except for the “essential workers, required to show up at an office like me” apparently this virus hop scotches over me.  As a result, teachers have decided to milk the clock as long as they could, even while certain other sectors re-opened.  Please answer, how I am safer at a home improvement store or at a mall than a child would be at school?

You may ask what I know about the latter? I know this much, the UPS guy who delivers to our office told me he dropped off an entire truck load of PPE, think plexiglass, shields, masks, bleach, wipes, etc. at a local elementary school.  Nary a single box has moved or been open for over a month.  Your tax dollars hard at work my friends!  A local charter school group in our hometown still thinks the CDC claims 6 feet is safe in schools, that is false, they now say 3 feet.  Fear not, the charter school system will not adhere to the new guidelines until the EGUSD board tells them too.  Mind you these teachers are not union, and the administration rails against EGUSD constantly.  I guess politics really do make strange bedfellows!

Additionally, the vaccine was made available to this charter school’s teachers 2 months ago, only 5 teachers showed up, the remainder staged a “sick-out” or claimed religious exemptions.  To the latter group, I know of zero Middle Eastern folks teaching there, and the Pope has claimed only the Johnson and Johnson shot violates Catholic beliefs.  It is non-sense.  To the former, I always hear you are sacrificing monetarily to have a career teaching our youth…maybe try doing it?  I heard a statement “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.”  For some reason you all think that means hit the beach for spring break?

In closing I will say this, you are lucky you own this state. Gavin can’t attack you or he is toast, he knows it, your union leaders know it.  Teachers work about 185 days a year. They start work after most folks are already at their jobs, and then go home far earlier than others begin their trek home each afternoon. The term last in, first out used to be a bad stigma, but you teachers live it daily.  You avoid the vaccine not for any reason other than you do not wish to work.  You half a**ed it all year for the same reasons.   No longer keeping track of truancy or people ditching class, because, well I guess the administration told you not too.  A school year has come and gone, and you have not had to teach in front of your full class.  Fear not the bonuses will flow, and all will be well after you all celebrate graduation.  Congrats on a job well done.

I never wish to hear about your trials and tribulations, or having a tough job ever again. You all quit on the students you are supposed to help.  Just remember this next time you are temped to complain how rough your job is. You forced the young people to work at the grocer, or the fast-food places so you could grab a bite while you were home hiding in place and refusing to work. 


60 Minutes Cares Little About Facts

In what should surprise no one who possesses an IQ above room temperature, 60 Minutes debuted a hit piece on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis last night.  DeSantis is a Republican and Trump ally so, he like most ignore science, and due to his actions more folks have died of Covid than any other state.* 

*Florida actually has fewer deaths than California and New York, but that is usually left out of any analysis. 

60 minutes reported Governor DeSantis gave grocery chain Publix “priority access to the virus vaccine, as a result of campaign contributions made by Publix to the Governor in the form of a pay to play scheme.”  Publix like most grocery stores has a pharmacy and pharmacies are tasked with distributing the vaccine to the masses depending on eligibility.

DeSantis who has done a commendable job combating the virus, got support from the unlikeliest of people, the Mayor of Palm Beach County.

Palm Beach County Mayor Dave Kerner

Palm Beach County Mayor Dave Kerner, a Democrat, accused CBS’ “60 Minutes” of “intentionally false” reporting for suggesting Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis gave grocery store chain Publix preferable treatment to offer the coronavirus vaccine because of donations to his PAC.

“The reporting was not just based on bad information – it was intentionally false,” Kerner said in a statement on Monday. “I know this because I offered to provide my insight into Palm Beach County’s vaccination efforts and ’60 Minutes’ declined. They know that the governor came to Palm Beach County and met with me and the county administrator and we asked to expand the state’s partnership with Publix to Palm Beach County.”

“We have confronted this pandemic for over a year. Our residents, like all Americans, are tired. And the media is making it worse. They are hellbent on dividing us for cheap views and clicks. ’60 Minutes’ should be ashamed,” Kerner continued, adding that the program left his side of the story out because it “kneecaps their narrative.”

Kerner thanked DeSantis for his work to help Palm Beach County.

“Because of his efforts, working in coordination with Palm Beach County officials, over 275,000 seniors in our county – which is over 75% of the total senior population – have been vaccinated. I am proud of how our county and state leadership have executed on this important mission, and the results speak for themselves,” Kerner said.

Publix called the notion that it received special access “absolutely false and offensive.”

“The irresponsible suggestion that there was a connection between campaign contributions made to Gov. DeSantis and our willingness to join other pharmacies in support of the state’s vaccine distribution efforts is absolutely false and offensive. We are proud of our pharmacy associates for administering more than 1.5 million doses of vaccine to date and for joining other retailers in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia to do our part to help our communities emerge from the pandemic,” a Publix spokesperson told Fox News.

“60 Minutes” journalist Sharyn Alfonsi pointed out that Publix donated $100,000 to the governor’s PAC and said Palm Beach County Commissioner Melissa McKinlay claimed DeSantis “never met with her about the Publix deal.”

Democratic Florida mayor defends DeSantis: ’60 Minutes should be ashamed’
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

There was no pay for play. 60 minutes, like most so called journalism shows these days, does nothing but paper or gloss over facts to fit a narrative.  Case in point, Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo are seldom talked about poorly, yet they have the highest covid-19 deaths of all states.  Florida has one of the lowest, but you would think DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott killed all their citizens by “ignoring science.”  Maybe we should ignore these journalists?  Folks this should not surprise you, these talking heads only think one way…. something, something, something orange man bad…something, something, something Red state governors bad, something, something, something virus will kill us all.

This is why I make fun of the cable watchers so much. Not only will they believe all of this, but they also believe DeSantis is a killer.  But then again Sacramento’s own Lester Holt, host of NBC Nightly News, made waves by saying in essence facts don’t matter anymore and to inject your own commentary.  I guess Merriam Webster should change the definition of journalism.


Jorge Riley is a Dumpster Fire

Unbeknownst to anyone who actually cares about the pathetic life of Jorge Riley, apparently, he is out of custody and back in Sacramento.  Yes, he is out of custody. I found this out yesterday.  Jorge, as you may recall, was arrested by the FBI (yeah, as in federal crime not state or local) during the “insurrection at the Capital” back in January.  Riley was in custody with no bail, until about the end of February, then he was extradited to DC.  Apparently, a judge in DC bought his line of crap of being a combat veteran with PTSD and having no money. 

Blogger commentary:  Jorge was in the military, I cannot speak to his service, but a couple of veterans that I know refute his take on combat service.  Riley intentionally keeps himself under or unemployed to leach off taxpayers; unlike the editorial board of this blog.  This is to avoid court ordered support of his “children,” as for how many the world may never know. 

Last I heard from an officer friend of mine, he is facing 2 misdemeanors and a felony for striking a child of his recently.  He also is a heavy drinker, as detailed in past blogs, as well as a narcotics user.  My officer friend says likely cocaine or meth, due to his skin/looks seeming far older than he really is.  With no money or job, how does he keep his habit of drinking at events and using narcotics going you ask.  Easy Answer!

His enablers.

After being released and told not to leave the country, Jorge flew back to California. My sources say Bill Cardoza footed the bill, no shock.  I would say iron sharpens iron but neither of these two possess an IQ in positive territory.  He recently attended a recall Newsom event. Give his recent past, while I guess that’s not a crime since it’s an open rally/protest; however, it’s a rough look.  Even rougher is his giving an interview to a former central committee member of Sac County who is a current member of the Proud Boys and was recently expelled from said GOP committee.  Couldn’t he find, I don’t know, anyone else to video tape the interview? 

Oh, this interview is pure Jorge Riley gold folks. On camera, he admits to “rubbing his butt on Nasty Pelosi’s desk.”  Actually, he says “may or may not have”, but in today’s media and court system, you better believe they are adding another charge, to his pending charging documents.  I am sure his lawyer is thrilled.  Most people get out of jail and do not wish to go back, apparently Riley misses it so much he wants to book a longer stay by nixing any chance for a concurrent sentence  and insuring  a consecutive one.  Hotels may be open with minimal occupancy, but as an attorney friend of mine will say “there is always a vacancy at the Blue Roof Inn aka Jail.” 

Oh, remember those media reports that we said were bogus about Riley leaving the California Republican Assembly in shame following his arrest for storming the nation’s Capital? Well, we now have proof, as if we needed any more, courtesy of Riley and his enabler Cardoza.

Let’s have a gander at another event Riley “showed up” to.  I use air quotes because there is no way he didn’t know in advance and if I were a betting man, I would lay heavy odds Bill “the Wookie” Cardoza moved the regular meeting of the Sacramento Republican Assembly to make sure they could have Riley as their keynote speaker. 

Riley’s leadership has brought such attention to the organization that he was presented with an award for his longevity of service as chapter president. Lest you forgot, Riley was SRA President and a statewide CRA Board member on January 6th. Yeah, check this award out. 

Thank you for your leadership as president of the Sacramento Republican Assembly Jorge Riley 2015 – 2021

If it’s really gold, I got a feeling it’ll soon be pawned off, melted down, or sold for scrap to fuel his addiction to drugs and alcohol.  Shame it won’t be around to be admitted into evidence at his trial. 

Below is a photo that was taken during the night’s festivities. I can picture his time at the podium prior to the presentation. Likely Riley told stories of violating Speaker Pelosi’s office, fighting his cellmates, disrespecting officers, and stories of his multiple court outbursts. Proudly standing shoulder-to-shoulder with him in the photo below are 2 lawyers licensed by the California State Bar Association.  Said Bar is not to be confused with the watering hole Riley is used to patronizing.  The lawyers in question are Sue Blake, a former Sac CRA President and past Chair of Sacramento Republican Party, and Tom Hudson former CRA Statewide President and Placer County Republican Party leader.

Local SRA and California Republican Assembly (CRA) leaders gathered to pay tribute to Jorge for both his service on the SRA as well as the CRA board of directors. From left, 8th SRA President Angela Azevedo, Immediate Past CRA President Tom Hudson, CRA National Committeeman Bill Cardoza (me), 4th SRA President Russell Gray, current and 15th SRA President Dr. Justin Hardcastle, 7th SRA President Sue Blake, and current SRA Vice President Todd Freeman who also served as SRA’s 2nd and 3rd vice president. — Bill Cardoza Facebook page 03/09/2021

This speaks to enablement. Folks, I am sorry, but Sue and Tom know better.  They may claim to be tax lawyers not criminal lawyers, but they had no business in that photo or at that meeting.  First Blake hasn’t been an attending member in about a decade, so she showed up only to pay homage to Riley.  Hudson knows better and knew of all Riley’s acts, again enabling.  Hudson is immediate past president of the statewide California Republican Assembly—as such a sitting Board member of CRA— [per recent media reports, CRA allegedly ejected Riley which clearly is a lie]. Angela Azevedo came out of the woodwork to support Riley. Again, someone who had a career in the corrections arm of the state government and should know better.  In fact, all four enablers listed above (Blake, Cardoza, Hudson, Azevedo) are career state employees living off the taxpayer’s dime.

Bill Cardoza, well he put it all together and is again running for National Committeeman of the CRA.  Facepalm!

The problem Jorge has is that the drugs and alcohol have destroyed his health, and this will destroy his life, if it hasn’t already.  These folks are not your friends Jorge. They are using you like the parent who uses their child to “re-live their glory years.”  You may not be able to help yourself Jorge, but you are looking at about 15-20 years in a federal lockup.  Try remorsefulness for a change. Stay out of politics and try to right a few wrongs you have had in your life.  Jorge the FBI wants you. The scariest arm of the federal government not named the IRS is looking to bury you. You are in real trouble. 

In the past, you always got your way at CRA, CAGOP, or Sac GOP meetings because Sue, Tom, Bill, and others covered for you.  You screamed, shouted, interrupted, pouted, and muttered things incoherently and you were never told, “No”.  These folks are not your friends and will abandon you as you leave the courtroom in handcuffs.  Rest assured this video you made and the photos you took will be coming to a courtroom near you very quickly. I hope you get another stimulus check because a return trip to DC will be cheaper and more enjoyable on your own dime rather than if you ditch court.  I can’t say for sure, but I think a federal chartered airplane won’t have flight attendants serving booze.

Sue, Bill, Tom and others, you may be lawyers (sans Bill) and work for powerful people, but your unfettered allegiance to Jorge has me questioning why I ever got involved in politics with people of your caliber.  You are all truly the lowest of the low.  None of you are above the law and I wish you were required to testify as to why you support that sack of trash Jorge.  Watching you squirm would be out and out fun, seeing you try to bob and weave, or plead negligence would be funny.  Frankly, I would make sure the Academy Awards committee was on site as it could be Oscar worthy for best performance on camera!

Jorge word of advice, these folks (just like your lawyer) have very little say in front of a man/women/binary with a robe and a gavel.  You have been warned.

The Chief