On Monday night I was checking my ESPN app for no reason other than to see the status and score of the Monday Night Football Game, as a proud cord cutter that is how I get my sports fix. As you would imagine I was surprised by a “news headline” conveniently disguised as sports. See the photo sent to BlogFather (who was able to verify its authenticity).

Check out that exact wording “Texas law restricts trans students’ access to sports” Barf. Folks if you get your hard news from ESPN, you likely believe Joe Biden is actually running the country. The Texas law is simple, you play on the team associated with your birth-gender. So, to break this down for those related to Aaron or George Park, if you have interior plumbing, you play on the girl’s team, exterior plumbing you play on the boy’s team. If you are confused maybe you could just sit on the bleachers. It’s not about hate, it’s about safety. Something ESPN cares little about as they allowed an anchor of theirs, Sara Walsh, to have a miscarriage while hosting a live show.
ESPN also protected and defended piece of sh** dirtbag employees Jonathan Coachman and John Buccigross and Bomani Jones from sexual assault allegations. Buccigross refers to himself on air as “Bucci-mane” as an ode to rapper Gucci Mane, I’m sure the rapper uses similar words toward women in his songs.
So, at ESPN, if you are trans, play on any team you want. If you’re women, make me a sandwich, wear revealing clothing, let me hit on you, sexually harass you, or have a miscarriage live on air. Got it? Good.
But ESPN wasn’t done yet, check this article out they posted predominately on their website. NAACP calls on athletes not to sign with Texas teams due to recent legislation
Yeah, if you’re black, ESPN has your back, but if you like it from behind, ESPN say don’t have a Texas team in mind. Thus the Woke amongst us want you to boycott the Cowboys, Texans, Rangers, Astros, Mavericks, and Spurs. Keep in mind Mark Cuban is the owner of the Mavericks, and Greg Poppovich, the coach of the Spurs, are two of the wokest humans on the planet. Keep in mind this has to do with transgender sports laws, nothing else.
In closing I will say this, while the suits at ESPN think they are a hard news network, they ought to understand safety. Put me, a 6’2 205lb man, against almost any female and I would have a decisive advantage. For no other reason that the testosterone and muscle mass that I possess, I could beat a girl into submission. Think about it, almost all cases of domestic violence involve the male being the one arrested, it’s not by accident. I am not sure why it is so hard to play on the team of your birth gender, and why do folks want boys in the girl’s bathroom? Check out what is going on in Virginia right now in Loudon County. The school board, the superintendent and others are actively stonewalling and covering up the sexual assault of what could be 2 or more girls by a “trans person.” It’s not about hate for us at the blog, it’s about safety. Keep in mind a sitting Democrat senator was filmed while using the bathroom at Arizona State University, and no one on the Democrat side even seemed to care about her privacy. Mind you one of the “filmers” was male.
Rest assured ESPN still employs Adrian Wojnarowski who tweeted at senator Josh Hawley “F*** You.” So, it’s very clear if you are a Democrat or are just plain unhinged, ESPN has a spot for you. If you are a woman better watch you back, the men at ESPN are well protected when it comes to sexual assault.
ESPN has nothing going for it anymore, I am not sure why they try to push their far-left BS on the masses, maybe Disney executives will address this on the earnings calls? Wait, they did by showing falling subscribers and revenue.
The Chief