Dominic Foppoli had a Bad month

It has been a while so we will update the goings on of former Windsor Mayor Democrat Dominic Foppoli, not that anyone cares, but here goes.  Dominic bizarrely declared himself “cleared of all wrongdoing” and decided to run for office in 2022 as mayor.  Yes, some folks maybe delusional, he is just flat out dumb.

Foppoli did not respond to requests for comment. But a source close to Foppoli told KTVU that he is running for his old seat – and that Foppoli says he’s been cleared of any wrongdoing.

Ex-Windsor mayor Dominic Foppoli files paperwork to run again

Fellow enabler Debroa Fudge had this nugget…

Town councilmember Debora Fudge said, “I’ve seen the paperwork and I have no clue what Dominic’s real intentions are because we have not spoken.

Fudge said the fact that Foppoli filed the paperwork without any explanation “is not being able to take the temperature in a room.”

She added, “I can’t see that Dominic would have any support for running for any office in Windsor or anywhere at this point.”

Thank god you weighed in Debora, I was waiting with baited breath to hear from you.  I’m so very sorry Dominic didn’t disclose to you his future plans in advance.  Since you know you’re the benevolent queen of Windsor.  As far as Dominic not being able to take the temperature of the room, he took what he wanted from his victims you douche.  As far as not having support, well Bill Clinton got re-elected, stranger things have happened.

Yes, folks that’s right, he was declared innocent apparently, no press conference by the California AG or the Sonoma County Sheriff.  Sadly, that was wishful thinking.  It got bad for Dominic in November, as the Sheriff raided his home; taking several pieces of electronic media.

The objects taken from Foppoli’s home last Wednesday include two laptops, three iPads, a cellphone, a recording device, camera, USB drive and a DVD or CD, according to the filed search warrant, which SFGATE obtained from the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office. The warrant reveals the items were singled out as potential “evidence that tends to show a felony was committed.”

Here’s what authorities seized from former Windsor Mayor Dominic Foppoli’s home

Allow me to explain this one, innocent people, myself included, routinely have our houses raided by the police, its standard operating procedure here…ok, I can’t anymore.

Folks this is really bad news for Dominic, judges don’t just sign off on warrants for police to raid someone’s house.  They do so after being convinced the crime was committed and the evidence seized will result in a forthcoming arrest warrant being issued.  This is because if zero evidence is obtained, the judge has mud all over his face. Also, another person came forward with allegations against Foppoli, the story is behind a paywall so I couldn’t access it. 

Commentary: The USS Foppoli continues to circle the drain, and it won’t be pretty for him nor his supporters.  That is a lot of electronic media that was seized, which tells me quite a bit of video/photo and other evidence exists.  That is gross and disgusting.  Anyone who films themselves, their partner or both having/doing/partaking in sexual acts has major issues.  First of all, the idea of watching someone else having sex is gross, the idea of watching yourself on instant replay is disgusting.  Think of not just you but your partner. However, the truth is Dominic is such a loser he is used to watching other people have sex online, it’s called porn.  Sadly, it leads to bad habits/beliefs etc. being formed i.e., the idea of “rape fantasies” and the like.  You get so used to watching it on movies or YouTube that it becomes real, much like politics, violence, etc. it’s not the real world, it’s quite literally fantasy.  Dominic likely filmed these acts figuring it would exonerate him later…quite the opposite will be occurring.  It may be fun with your group of guy friends, maybe even the occasional female to joke about filming your sex acts, even using it as blackmail…but to normal people it isn’t funny…it’s a crime.

Most of these women who have come forward have brought up some aspect of being filmed/possibly being filmed, never with their consent.  This is likely another crime, similar to a warrantless wiretap, CA is a 2-party state, and if one party didn’t consent it’s a crime.  We believe evidence exists, quite a bit of it.  We also believe an arrest warrant is forthcoming.  We also believe Florida wants to move but California is taking the lead since the majority of the crimes took place here. 

To speak directly to his followers (I know you read this blog, you forwarded it to an attorney who accused us of Libel Per Se) how do you all feel now?  I hope you feel good.  Congrats on defending an alleged rapist, serial sexual harasser. Apparently, you all feel recorded porn/photos/videos etc. are taboo and funny?  I’m sure you feel like Dominic still has done nothing wrong.  I’m sure you believe the videos will clear him; he is a nice man right?  I doubt that will be occurring, actually I hope he does the perp walk Christmas Eve!  Sadly, your leader is vacationing in Italy right now because he knows his freedom is short lived, he is on borrowed time.  The joke is on you…this blog is headquartered several counties away, none of these bloggers have been to Windsor, and you were convinced it was a conspiracy.  You even had a low rent lawyer write a mean comment on the Sabbath no less! 

Now if I can speak to Dominic…not that you would listen but here goes.  I actually feel sorry for you, from some who I spoke with in Santa Rosa you were a dorky, awkward loser in high school at Cardinal Newman.  You were a loner who tried to fit in too hard, you had rich parents, so you compensated that way.  When you struck out with the ladies you aimed younger, and younger, and younger.  This was the start of your undoing.  Your actions at your’s and my Alma Mater say it all, we met a few times, always a mid-twenty-year-old hanging with the freshman and myself.  I know you fancied yourself a ladies’ man, and you had a car and ability to ply us with booze….it made you a disgusting creep.  After the ill-fated night I had with you I was done.  After George W Bush got re-elected, you insisted, I fly with you and several freshman girls to DC to see his Inauguration, I declined.  You called me a loser among other things…and maybe I am. Yes, I passed on a trip where you promised me booze, girls, and other things…congrats you are a better partier then me.  You developed a taste for the grape and had money. You infiltrated groups with no intention of doing good. It was about “getting lucky” and in essence picking out a trophy…it’s sad.  You became a public official and you just got worse.  Dominic read the SF Chronicle Article; the stories are flat our cringe worthy.  Then to find out you filmed these acts is gross, but I guess you analyze your performance and give a breakdown Monday Night Football Style?  That’s about as bad as taking a girl’s underwear as some kind of trophy.  Hope you had your fun, because its curtains for you soon.  I would start Googling countries with no extradition laws, because I don’t think you will be having a good year in 2022.  But the good news is you aren’t a loser!

Thanks for helping our blog here go viral, we average double digit hits per blog, but my stuff on Foppoli generated earth shattering records!  We were contacted by the local paper, and a prominent attorney (one who I would not want to face in court mind you!)  life is good here for us at the blog.

PS The enablers of Dominic had better hope a) I never get elected in this state and b) hope my preferred party never takes power.  Because I will be introducing legislation to change CA rape laws.  First it would be a boomerang back law, so if a case is discovered the statute of limitations would go back 5 years prior for any further crimes, and so on and so on.  This stops creeps like Dominic from running out the clock, or threatening victims.  The second change would be any and all enablers who knew would get charged with rape crimes as well and go on the registry.  This stops the “well I saw a lot of bad things, and wish I said something like his ex-campaign manager told me.  You may not have penetrated or forced yourself into the girl, but if you didn’t stop it, you’re an accomplice.

The Chief