Back in the 1960’s, the Beach Boys admonished us to be true to your school. As a youth, I thought this song was about cheering for the football team and supporting your community. Boy was I wrong.
It turns out to be much more serious than that. If you thought being true to your school is what I thought, don’t go to Wisconsin. Such a casual view of school can get you thrown in jail. Say the wrong thing and you’re in legal jeopardy. No, really.
Anyone who delivers a speech at an event hosted by the school district in Appleton, Wisconsin, must submit the speech in advance and then swear under oath they will not deviate from the script. And that includes students.
“The opportunity to speak at a school event is a privilege, not a right,” the Appleton Area School District wrote in a statement.
The new guidelines require all speakers, including students, to submit their entire speech in writing two weeks in advance of delivery.
Speakers are also not permitted to wear “jewelry, clothing or accessories that reasonably could be understood to communicate a message to the audience when the speech is given.”
School Board member Rev. Alvin Dupree
But the swearing of an oath is perhaps the most disturbing part of Appleton’s crackdown on free speech.
“Speakers that submit proposed speeches shall be required to certify that they will deliver the speech as written, except for minor and immaterial variances from the text of their proposal,” the district wrote. “Certification shall be in writing and shall be sworn under oath.”
The oath must be signed by student and adult speakers and must be witnessed and sealed by a notary.
The oath states, among other things, “that I am affirming the statements to be true and correct under penalty of law.”
Lest you had any doubts about this draconian policy…
Their new policies and procedures are meant to silence people of faith – specifically Christians.
Why did the district do this?
The new regulations were implemented after a Christian school-board member invoked the name of Jesus Christ during a graduation ceremony last June.
Submit or else you’ll get worse
Oh how terrible. And worst yet, this school board member had the gall adlib his prepared remarks by deviating from the script. He “told students to ‘never succumb to the pressure of being politically correct’”. “He also changed the district’s prepared statement of ‘best wishes’ to ‘God bless.’”
The article ends with this controversial endorsement of the US Constitution and the First Amendment.
Every freedom-loving American should be appalled by the actions of the Appleton Area School District.
Heaven forbid the day comes when an American teenager or a pastor is dragged off the stage by security forces simply for uttering the name of Jesus Christ at a graduation ceremony.
To which I can only add a hearty and appropriate, “AMEN.”
Yesterday, I got to drive a car full of kids to the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. The drive each way was three hours; remarkably, that’s using the car pool lane otherwise it would have taken much longer.
For the trip, I figured that I would use Google Maps instead of my car’s navigation system since cities like San Francisco and Sacramento like to arbitrarily change the direction of one-way streets and add random bike lanes where cars once freely roamed. I figured, if there was an area that Google had down cold, it would be the highways and byways of their own backyard. Sadly, my experience was less than satisfactory. Things were OK until I got in San Francisco and then, when I needed it, Google failed. Twice when going down the highway (I-80 and then Highway 101), Google suddenly put me on surface streets just because I did a lane change. Worst of all, when exiting 101, it was totally messed up and kept rerouting me to get me lined-up to head west on surface streets towards Golden Gate Park.
Finally, we turned from John F Kennedy Drive to Nancy Pelosi Drive and got our first look at our destination.
Folks, in principle, I hate anything named after individuals that are still alive. Lots of people start well and finish life poorly. I’m speaking in generalities and being very charitable in this instance. I think the filter of history needs to weigh a person’s life before naming public places (or holidays) after them. This is not a slam on just Pelosi but my town of Elk Grove as well. Elk Grove is constantly naming parks and schools after living people. My reaction on hearing the name of the street (Nancy Pelosi) was mirrored by one of my son’s friend that verbalized my feelings. Folks, knowing that the boundaries of the museum are in part defined by invoking Nancy Pelosi’s name, is what is known in literature as foreshadowing.
The California Academy of Sciences is a composite of different areas under one roof. For one price you get access to an aquarium, planetarium, rainforest, and natural history museum. I have seen better displays elsewhere but for northern California, it is a respectable assembly of experiences in one place.
Steinhart Aquarium
The Steinhart Aquarium—which used to be a standalone attraction—is the best part of the museum. It is a fraction of the size of the Monterey Bay Aquarium but does boast an impressive display of mature freshwater fishes including some trophy sized arapaima.
River Monster sizes arapaima
The largest saltwater tank is supposed to be representative of a reef system in the Philippines; however, I doubt its authenticity. As it happens, I have scuba dived in the Philippines and many fish that I frequently saw while diving were missing from the display.
Philippines reef display
Also strangely absent from the displays were sharks. In many of the smaller salt water tanks, I saw algae and other things indicative of poor water quality. I think there is room for improvement in this area. This is one area that Monterey Bay beats all others since they take water directly out of the sea and don’t have to recycle and extensively tinker with water chemistry.
Osher Rainforest
The Osher Rainforest is supposed to represent a generic rainforest. It is housed in a Plexiglas bubble structure with a pathway through it. You walk up several levels from the ground to the tops of the trees. The most predominant feature is the assortment of butterflies. Also, you will notice various tropical birds. The exhibit is kept humid compared to the outside air but it’s not really as humid as a tropical region (otherwise my glasses would have instantly fogged over). Various small insects are displayed as you go thru the display including beetles, ants, etc. Signs also make mention of the roles of elephants and apes in such an environment. Of course there are also signs claiming that the Amazon rainforest is in danger due to human activity like logging and agriculture.
Morrison Planetarium
The Morrison Planetarium can seat several hundred people. Sadly, we didn’t see a show about the stars but instead a film about oceans. The film was Expedition Reef. This film is completely computer generated. It begins at the Philippine reef display at the aquarium and then does a reverse angle to reveal the open sea in all its CGI glory. The production is stunning except for one small problem, the sea doesn’t look anything like it does in the film. Folks 4K photography can’t really capture the brilliance of the undersea adventure let alone the limitations of CGI. The colors and lighting of this film was more akin to diving just after sunset than in broad daylight. The scope of seeing it on the planetarium screen was reminiscent of an IMAX presentation.
Below is a summary of the film’s content.
Narrated by Tony Award® winner Lea Salonga, the all-digital Expedition Reef takes full advantage of the Morrison Planetarium’s fulldome screen to immerse you in the undersea adventure. Along the way, discover how corals grow, feed, reproduce, and support over 25% of all marine life on Earth—while facing unprecedented threats from climate change, habitat destruction, and overfishing.
“This is a difficult story [and] a turning point for reefs,” says Academy scientist and reef expert Dr. Rebecca Albright, “but it’s not too late.”
Folks, while much of the usual Darwin and millions of years was missing from many of the displays, radical environmentalism was front and center of this whole place. The centerpiece of this worldview was this film at the museum. In it we are told that we need to stop using plastic, synthetic materials for clothing, and reduce CO2 emissions amongst other things. As always, we are told that by some arbitrary date in the future, in this case 2050, it will be too late.
The plastic waste in the seas was presented as being all our fault because of our lifestyle even though most of the trash in the world’s oceans is from Asian countries.
In 2015, a study published in the journal Science sought to discover where exactly all of this garbage is coming from. According to the researchers, the discarded plastics and other debris floats eastward out of countries in Asia from six primary sources: China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Thailand. In fact, the Ocean Conservancy reported that China, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam dump more plastic in the sea than all other countries combined. China alone is responsible for 30% of worldwide plastic ocean pollution.
Also, this film neglects that the plastic in the ocean is serving as impromptu coral reefs with millions of creatures including juvenile fish living in their midst. In fact these trash zones have their own unique ecosystems.
Imagine you’re on a small boat in the middle of the open ocean, surrounded by what looks like a raft of plastic. Now flip the whole world upside down. You remain comfortably attached to your seat—the abyss towers above you, and all around, stretching up from the water’s surface, is an electric-blue meadow of life. What you thought was plastic is actually a living island. This meadow is made up of a diverse collection of animals. The most abundant are blue buttons and by-the-wind sailors, with bright-blue bodies that dot the sky like suns, and deep-purple snails found in patches so dense one scientist described collecting more than 1,000 in 20 minutes.
This is the neuston, a whole ecosystem living at the ocean’s surface. I once stumbled upon a raft of neuston when a storm blew it ashore in California. Many neustonic animals are vibrant highlighter colors, and the sand was saturated in bright blues and pale pinks. Together, these small creatures may function like upside-down coral reefs: an oasis of shelter and life far out to sea. As far back as the Cold War era, scientists were describing these colorful and important ecosystems, yet they still remain all but unknown. But now, as efforts to clean the ocean of plastic start up, our ignorance is putting this ecosystem at risk.
The neuston is home to more than blue buttons and bright snails. Erupting through the lawn of blue are crackling purple, red, gold, and yellow strands. These are Portuguese man o’ wars, whose tentacles stretch like lightning from the meadows of blue and pink. And among them, dragons roam.
Small nudibranchs, known as blue sea dragons, feast on blue buttons and man o’ wars, using their winglike cerata to grab and hold onto their tentacled prey. There are sea anemones, barnacles, copepods, color-changing crabs, specialized bacteria, even bugs, all living in this inverted reef in the middle of the open ocean. (Organisms that live exclusively by floating at the surface of the water are called pleuston, while neuston is a broader term, referring generally to the sea-surface ecosystem, which is why I chose to use it here.)
Just like reefs on the seafloor, this ecosystem does not stand apart from the open ocean around it. The neuston is a nursery for multiple species of larval fish and a hunting ground for paper nautilus octopuses. It supports sunfish, leatherback turtles, and diverse ocean grazers, which frequent these islands, relying on them as a food source. At night, soft-bodied jellies rise up to join the neuston, sparkling like fireflies. But all of this, from the blue sea dragons to the by-the-wind sailors, is in peril.
When I learned about the Ocean Cleanup project’s 600-meter-long barrier with a three-meter-deep net, a wall being placed in the open ocean, ostensibly to collect plastic passively as the currents push water through the net, I thought immediately of the neuston. How will it be impacted? But in the 146 pages of the Ocean Cleanup’s environmental-impact assessment, this ecosystem isn’t mentioned once.
I was disturbed by this omission. Though the neuston isn’t known to many people, it is certainly known to marine biologists. Evidence that the Ocean Cleanup knows about the neuston is clear from a table reporting animals in the vicinity of the Ocean Cleanup deployment area, where both blue buttons and by-the-wind sailors are listed. But the ecosystem itself is never discussed. By omitting the neuston from its assessment, the project is overlooking the habitat it could be impacting most, and there is no sense of what the damage might be.
We were told in the film not to wash our clothes because doing so introduces microscopic plastic fibers into the water. We are also told in the film that plastic can never truly be removed from the environment once introduced into the water which is false.
Did you know that microscopic critters are actually eating and dissolving the plastic?
Many flourishing microbes appear to interact with the plastic surfaces we examined. These observations, together with findings from previous studies, suggest that microbes are helping to break down plastics at sea. This could be another explanation for the less-than-expected level of plastic pollution at surface waters.
Plastic-eating microbes may also support biotechnological solutions for better plastic waste disposal practices on land. Perhaps in the future, we may come up with industrial “composts” that can break down our plastic waste.
This radical environmental theme is found throughout the museum but the film, Expedition Reef, is the centerpiece of the message. Second only to the film is the “Living Roof.” I found this quite hypocritical given the construction materials used in the building. The Living Roof is described as:
Our living roof is more than beautiful—it’s the heart of the Academy. Weather stations on the roof monitor wind, rain, and changes in temperature to help inform the building’s automated systems and skylights, keeping rainforest temps just right, the interior piazza cool and comfortable, and natural light streaming to the exhibits below.
Edged by solar panels, the roof’s seven hills are lined with 50,000 porous, biodegradable vegetation trays made from tree sap and coconut husks. An estimated 1.7 million plants fill the trays, their roots interlocking to create an extraordinary oasis for birds, insects, people, and other creatures.
The Living Roof provides excellent insulation (reducing energy needs for heating and cooling), captures 100% of excess storm water (preventing runoff from carrying pollutants into the ecosystem), and transforms carbon dioxide into oxygen—just for starters.
Sounds really green right? Only problem is that the living roof is only possible because it is coated with polystyrene and other petroleum based materials which allow the roof to be inches thick on top of a concrete roof. Only because of the plastics used can the roof absorb rain water, retain moisture, not leak, and give enough anchor points for the roots so plants can grow.
As with any other modern structures, the building is built of Plexiglas, steel, and concrete. Yes it’s certified as a “green” building but only because of these materials and a host of petroleum based products used in things like solar cells, wiring, plastic piping, and various displays.
Given their radical environmental posture, it makes me wonder why plastic is ok for them and not us. Lest you think I was alone in perceiving a double standard, the students in my car noted the plastic waste in the museum’s food areas as contrary to their message.
Natural History Museum
Scattered in various places were displays collectively known as the Natural History Museum. At the entrance to the building is a plastic or fiberglass reproduction of a T-Rex skeleton along with the obligatory plaque touting the millions of years old party line.
A section dedicated to the continent of Africa also has a brief mention of human evolution on one wall and various displays of taxidermied animals. No other continent had its own display area. Also, there is a section dedicated to mammals that live in the Pacific Ocean. Whales and sea otters made up much of this portion. A docent was allowing people to see pieces of whale baleen.
FYI The docents that I spoke to were all nice and willing to talk about their subject areas with visitors.
The radical environmental message needs to be countered by parental discussion. I’ve provided you with at least a few resources in the discussion above to counter some claims made environmentalists. None of us is in favor of trashing the planet but saying it’s all my fault because I happen to live in the United States is disingenuous. As stated elsewhere on this blog, our recycling scheme is broken and needs a private sector solution.
This Gaia worship is wrapped in scientific sounding jargon but don’t surrender to this false religion. God has put man in charge of the planet while the view portrayed at the California Academy of Sciences is that man is the cancer that plagues the planet. A proper Christian worldview would go a long way towards fixing our understanding of this issue. Over time, I think that will happen but not by following the environmentalist religion but by the Gospel permeating the world and bringing into subjugation every area of life to the authority of God’s Word.
If you make the trip to Golden Gate Park during the week, allow plenty of time to drive and expect to spend much on bridge tolls, parking, and food. Not counting the admission tickets, I think I spent about $120 for my son and I to participate in this outing. Truthfully, if you can; go to Monterey Bay Aquarium instead. The food on Cannery Row is world class and the aquarium is better.
Lastly, remember my pet peeve about naming things after people that are still alive, when did the Bay Bridge get renamed the Willie L Brown Jr. Bridge?
In a shock to no one with an IQ north of a potted plant and no genetic relation to a Park Brother, the College Board is adding a new “adversity score” to students who take the SAT. This adversity score will add and likely subtract from a student’s score based on several things: neighborhood they live in, school they attend, number of parents/siblings in household, household income, marital status of parents, and if the applicant has a child among other things. This has finally gone way too far and there will be major pushback from several different ethnic groups. While the “adversity score” doesn’t mention skin color, I’m sure it’s included somewhere. This whole thing is a tragedy, and a direct attack on college access based on hard work, I’ll continue later.
Truth is this has been in the works since “no child left behind” or as I call it “no child turned down until you cannot afford tuition” was written by Sen Kennedy and signed by George W Bush.
George W Bush signing No Child Left Behind
While that law has been a disaster, this amendment has been in the works for a while. The backlash will be interesting on this one. As you may recall, we had SB 1 here in California and the Asian community caused such uproar it was instantly squashed. This is about equal results folks, it has nothing to do with equal access or any other line of BS put out by the elite. This is an affirmative action plain and simple, and forcing college compliance with mandatory minimum quotas of people from all socio-economic status. Instead of SAT score, academic achievement, extra-curricular involvement you will be scored as well on “adversity?” How exactly does that work? So if you live in a bad zip code, attend a bad school, come from a broken home and have a single parent who doesn’t work, that makes up for the lower test scores/grades? If you attend a private school, live in a nice neighborhood, have 2 parents who work, your score will be reduced because you’re privileged? According to what metric? What about the gender/sex of the parents? I would assume if your parents are a same sex couple you get a higher score since there’s “adversity?” I would assume if the student or a parent is transgendered it would be like hitting the jackpot since they seem to be getting all the sympathy in America now?
Here at Really Right we see this as an attempt by the powers that be to put their hand (not just their finger) on the scales to get the outcome they desire. The dirty little secret is they do not like the fact that Asian students dominate all the supposed “elite schools” in America and want to change all that. Have a student who is very talented academically and you hire a tutor and put them in advance placement classes? You will be knocked down a peg or two as a result. Now we won’t be accepting the most qualified, we will be trying to have a completely gentrified campus with no one socio-economic status dominating the student body. Lawsuits will start flying and we will rue the day this became a qualifier to gain acceptance.
Martin Luther King told everyone no one should be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character…..too bad, those times are long gone. I have a hard time believing he is agreeing with this type of scoring model.
However this should surprise no one, all politicians preach inclusion and equality so as a result we have new rules like these. By the way if you go to DC and see the MLK Jr Memorial look for that quote, but don’t take too much time since you will not find it on the statue. (Hat Tip to William on this one)
I for one would like to see this applied to the football and basketball teams at colleges, boy how funny would that be, imagine the outrage in certain communities that their children cannot apply since there is a “adversity score” added to short/un-athletic people. Oh by the way the guy who helped birth Common Core David Coleman, is the same guy who is behind this.
So basically what we have here is legalized reverse racism with a voodoo scoring model that no one will have any clue how it’s calculated.
I for one, went to private school my whole life, attending prestigious Jesuit High and was a player on the only football team to go undefeated in school history, ask for a look at my football championship ring, I’ll show it to you! I would be given negative marks, I’m also white, and have 2 working parents and live in a nice part of South Sacramento County.
Now let me add an “adversity” to my score. If instead I had attended Pleasant Grove High School, while it is considered one of the best, my school district, since it has a very high level of people on free or reduced lunch program, I would get added adversity to my SAT score! By the way as William can likely attest getting on this program is not very hard.
The overall point we try to strive for here at is to present facts and have you decide. We both believe students get out of school what effort they put in. Why should one be punished for getting a tutor to help, or taking AP classes? Or the color of their skin? Or if their parents are married/or any other factor? I thought this was America? The republic is at a tipping point. Once again we see the elites switching equality of opportunity for equality of outcome and hoping no one notices. I’m not sure if the emperor ever had any clothes on but thinking he can pull this off with a straight face is stretching credulity.
“The Chief”
Editor’s note: Thankfully there is an alternative to the SAT called ACT. If students quit taking SAT as a result of adversity scores, this social experiment will go away quietly. Liberals claim they are all in on socialism but the truth is that they will follow the money.
Recently, the Elk Grove Tea Party promoted a public meeting to fight the introduction of a new textbook series that is being considered for use by the Elk Grove Unified School District (EGUSD). The controversy surrounds the incorporation of a 2011 mandate to the California Education Code requiring the teaching of the positive value of homosexuality and transgenderism to elementary school children. The district had set three days for public input and viewing of the curriculum at their headquarters. Friday December 14, 2018 is the last such date.
The Tea Party promoted meeting was originally scheduled to be held at the Impact Church, just north of the Elk Grove city limits but was inexplicably moved at the 11th hour to the Elk Grove Library. The meeting was held on Monday, December 10th for the purpose of encouraging parents to voice their concern by the Friday deadline. My son and I attended the meeting.
Most of it was dedicated to SB 48 which I will explain before commenting further.
A controversial state law approved in July amid heated debate isn’t likely to affect California classrooms anytime soon.
The Fair Education Act adds lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans, as well as people with disabilities, to existing state law that requires the contributions of women and minority groups be taught in California social-science classes. It also prohibits materials that reflect adversely on people because of race, gender, or other characteristics.
Aside from making California the only state to mandate LGBT-inclusive teaching, it lends—at least theoretically—legal cover for teachers.
And yet in other ways, the Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful Education Act is typical of education mandates in the Golden State. It did not, as even proponents point out, provide any funding for implementation. Some districts have dawdled in training teachers. And aligned curricula are only now being rolled out.
The bill added language to Education Code Section 51204.5, which prescribes the inclusion of the contributions of various groups in the history of California and the United States. This section already included men and women and numerous ethnic groups; the expanded language now includes (additions bolded):“…a study of the role and contributions of both men and women, Native Americans, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, European Americans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans, persons with disabilities, and members of other ethnic and cultural groups, to the economic, political, and social development of California and the United States of America, with particular emphasis on portraying the role of these groups in contemporary society.”
Per other California laws on this topic, parents are not required to be notified prior to this material being taught in class and there are no opt-out rights for parents. Since the legislation’s passage, homosexuality is considered by California’s Department of Education as a normal part of the curriculum.
Karen England’s group apparently is no more, and CFC has stepped up to fill the gap as best they can.
CFC presented first, going over the worst of the two choices of textbook series being considered by EGUSD and why. Parents were encouraged to support the lesser of the two evils being offered. From their perspective, the worst of the two began indoctrination in first grade while the other waited until fourth grade to begin inculcation.
The first-grade part of the topic discussed is linked here:
Being the influential person that I am, here is my copy of
the most blatant of the third-grade lessons on the topic.
Sadly, Pacific Justice Institute made the main part of their presentation a PDF file that once was freely available on their website. Now however their website requires you to register before being allowed to view it. Whether that’s to block Facebook from banning PJI due to content or to boost their email newsletter blasts is not known.
At this point in the meeting I left, partly because I had already read the PDF file and because it was clear that nothing was being done to stop this Ed Code addition to the curriculum. The subject of teachers being offered protection by PJI if they refused to teach this crap was not part of the discussion.
I got the feeling that there is no legal strategy to protect public school children (or their teachers) from this stuff. This mandate is clearly a conflict with the First Amendment beliefs of both parents and teachers; especially since no opposing view is allowed in the language ofSB-48.
This is on the same webpage from the California Department
of Education quoted above:
Education Code Section 51501 outlines prohibitions on material included in textbooks or other instructional materials. This section already included prohibitions on matter “reflecting adversely upon personsbecause of their race, sex, color, creed, handicap, national origin, or ancestry”; this bill added “sexual orientation” to the list.
Thus, you are in violation of the law if you disagree with the public pronouncements on sexual orientation. This is a conflict between religion and protection of sexual orientation. And in this State, religion will lose. Laws like this are on the books to use against us later; especially, if groups like Pacific Justice don’t have the resources to litigate this issue and win. If you want to know where we are heading, as I have said before, look at Canada. In the Great White North, to speak against homosexuality is to risk jail; yes, even from the pulpit.
This is yet another front of the war on Western Culture and our side is enjoying the warm water too much to hop out of the pot.
Keith Green wrote a song many years ago (1978) Asleep in the Light. The song is an indictment of the Church, particularly in America:
The world is sleeping in the dark,
That the church just can’t fight,
’cause it’s asleep in the light!
How can you be so dead?!
When you’ve been so well fed
Jesus rose from the grave,
And you!
You can’t even get out of bed!
If there’s one thing that I have seen over-and-over in my lifetime, it’s that Christian people don’t care about the world around them as long as they are left alone. Like kicking the proverbial bee’s nest or waking the sleeping giant, occasionally those assaulting Christians get too bold and rouse folks from their pews just long enough to have them push back…for a while anyways.
You can go back to Moral Majority, Christian Coalition, Tea Party, Gary Bowers, Patrick J Buchannan, Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee, opposition to Common Core, and others. People will band together for a short period of time and then unilaterally surrender and go back to their lives of isolation. Back to their Christian Ghettos.
30 years ago, I was a member of Capital Christian Center in Sacramento. At this church of 6,000 folks, I got a copy of the Christian Yellow Pages. In it I learned that I could live practically my whole existence without ever having to interact with a pagan. We had the Christian car dealer, the Christian pizza parlor, Christian haircut place, Christian grocery store, Christian real estate, etc. The only folks missing from this book were the public utilities.
Steve Taylor pokes fun at this notion in his song, Guilty by Association (1984)
So you need a new car? let your fingers take a walk
through the business guide for the “born again” flock
you’ll be keeping all your money in the kingdom now
and you’ll only drink milk from a Christian cow
don’t you go casting your bread to keep the heathen well-fed
line Christian pockets instead–avoid temptation
guilty by association
(Please note: the Christian cow mentioned above is not Chick-fil-A)
So why am I dredging up this stuff today? Because of the super-secret meeting tonight in Elk Grove. Those of you that need to know were told via the grapevine.
Update 11/27/2018 Super Secret Meeting is now 12/10/2018 @ 7 PM Lifepointe Church, 10291 E. Stockton Blvd. 95624
The topic tonight is how to combat the new curriculum in the Elk Grove School District that promotes homosexuality in elementary schools. This exercise at tilting at windmills is brought to you by at least one local church and the Pacific Justice Institute.
While I agree that imposing San Francisco values on the rest of California is terrible, the truth is this ship sailed about a decade ago thanks to such luminaries as Mark Leno and Leland Yee. Where were you then?
Folks you had a few school board candidates two years ago that would have agreed with you on this issue but where were you then? The guys in your corner lost decisively.
How many people at tonight’s meeting voted a straight Democrat ticket three weeks ago? Two years ago? Ten years ago? Oh, truth is they probably didn’t even vote.
The truth is that these guys aren’t serious about anything except being left alone.
How many at tonight’s meeting will blame Common Core for this addition to the social studies curriculum? FYI it’s not, I had two different teachers look it up on the official Common Core website. This requirement is a Legislative amendment to the education code that was approved by the governor.
Folks you have my sympathy for the meeting tonight,
But only if your goal is to shine your light.
Believe it or not, NPR (National Public Radio) is reporting that 2/3 of all school shootings reported during the 2015/2016 school year never happened.
This spring the U.S. Education Department reported that in the 2015-2016 school year, “nearly 240 schools … reported at least 1 incident involving a school-related shooting.” The number is far higher than most other estimates.
But NPR reached out to every one of those schools repeatedly over the course of three months and found that more than two-thirds of these reported incidents never happened. Child Trends, a nonpartisan nonprofit research organization, assisted NPR in analyzing data from the government’s Civil Rights Data Collection.
We were able to confirm just 11 reported incidents, either directly with schools or through media reports.
In 161 cases, schools or districts attested that no incident took place or couldn’t confirm one. In at least four cases, we found, something did happen, but it didn’t meet the government’s parameters for a shooting. About a quarter of schools didn’t respond to our inquiries.
A separate investigation by the ACLU of Southern California also was able to confirm fewer than a dozen of the incidents in the government’s report, while 59 percent were confirmed errors.
When Liberals are honest enough to admit that “there are lies, damned lies, and statistics” it makes you wonder.
Here is the legislative language on fines for daring to offer a children’s meal with anything but milk or water.
114379.50. A violation of this chapter is, notwithstanding Section 114395, an infraction, provided, however, that the first violation shall result in a notice of violation. A second violation within a five-year period from the notice of violation shall be punishable by a fine of not more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250). For a third or subsequent violation within a five-year period, the fine shall be not more than five hundred dollars ($500). A restaurant shall not be found to have committed a violation under this chapter more than once during an inspection visit.
Please note that there is no age limit in this bill.
Thus if a senior citizen wants the kids meal then the restaurant must still offer milk or water. Failure to do so is a violation of the law as written.
Also, a change of restaurant ownership or employees during the five year period does not reset the clock for fines.
Some of you want to homeschool your children, some of you make lunch for them instead of eating the ones prepared by union cafeteria workers at the local government school, and some of you even let your children drink with straws.
We all know that children must be kept in baby seats until age eight while traveling in cars because parents can’t be trusted to make them use a seat belt or drive safely because driver safety classes are optional now.
We all know that children are fat because parents are afraid to let their children play outside because they don’t really know their neighbors and many of them are registered on Megan’s List (or should be); plus, due to lawyers, schools have fences around them to keep children out after hours so they can’t get hurt on the playground.
Now the nanny state has put yet another bill on Governor Brown’s desk for approval; this is a bill that requires restaurants to offer only two drink choices to children.
A new state bill would give kids two options with their meals at restaurants—water or milk.
So, suddenly restaurant workers are becoming the most regulated segment of the economy and most are making minimum wage for the privilege of facing this harassment. Think about it, give a person a straw and a waitress can be fined $1,000 and face six months in jail. Now nanny state idiots are on the verge of passing another law that says she could be in trouble if she offers the wrong beverage to a child. I wonder what the fine will be for that shortcoming. If it’s not in the bill now, it certainly will be added at some point in the future.
No soda or else…
Remember, you are only parents because you engaged in a biological act that had unintended consequences and you chose not to abort the product of conception. Until government can agree on a curriculum to license parents, such patchwork responses to childrearing are necessary in an aspiring totalitarian society.
I told you this is coming and here it is. Canada is a few years ahead of California in its moral decline and attacks on
Christianity—although we will pass them up soon.
I have said that the moral stands of Christians will either have to be done away with or that Christian Colleges will not
be allowed money for loans and graduates will not be allowed government jobs. In Canada, they are starting with a key
part of the government education system of denying accreditation if you don’t comply. Please note this has nothing to
do with academic standards or quality of education. This is a bald faced attack on religious freedom.
A Christian university in Canada has decided to eliminate its code of behavior – which had been mandatory – for students after a court ruling that a law society could deny its law-school membership because of the “discrimination” against LGBT students.
The Supreme Court of Canada, in a pair of 7-2 rulings, recent concluded that the law societies of British Columbia and Ontario could refuse accreditation to Trinity Western University’s planned law school because of the community covenant.
As a Christian institution, Trinity Western required students and faculty to abide by biblical boundaries on sexual behavior. The covenant also requires students to abstain from, among other things, fornication, obscene language, harassment, lying, stealing, pornography and drunkenness.
But now the board of governors has reviewed the situation, and issued the following conclusion:
“In furtherance of our desire to maintain TWU as a thriving community of Christian believers that is inclusive of all students wishing to learn from a Christian viewpoint and underlying philosophy, the Community Covenant will no longer be mandatory as of the 2018-19 academic year with respect to admission of students to, or continuation of students at, the university.”
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Paul of Tarsus letter to Romans ~55 AD
In the same vein of attaching Western Culture (Christianity), the state of California is considering purging all laws and regulations of gender pronouns referencing male and female because they offend folks that embrace morally deviant sexual preferences.
Liberals always paint themselves into corners from which they can never extract themselves. As a result, they are forced to embrace logical fallacies, but depending on which proposition they embrace to the exclusion of others, they can accept the same premise and be on opposite sides of other related issues.
Liberals maintain that eating chemically enhanced foods is bad. Thus, they say no GMO’s and growth hormones. Many denounce meat (meat, eggs, milk) as bad either because of chemicals or because they don’t eat food with faces. Many have chosen a vegetarian lifestyle as a result. But for those of us old enough to remember the past (1970’s and Rachel Carson), environmentalists have proven that plants have feelings too. Thus, not to harm any other living creatures, the Liberals are left only with chemicals to consume.
This ladies and gents is circular reasoning on display.
The pop-culture fad of banning plastics is in full swing now. Especially targeted are those identified as “single use.” You can’t get a plastic bag at many retail establishments any more. Now straws are being targeted by these same selfish idiots. Liberals have announced that balloons are next.
Following efforts to limit plastic bags, the push by environmentalists against straws has gained traction in recent months…And the push may bring attention to other items people may not have considered — like festive balloons.
Before I begin my next comments please be aware that I’m expecting Liberals to be logically consistent with their stated positions. This in itself is a fallacy because everything they do is based on feelings and facts; be it based on reason, science, or anything else don’t penetrate their shallow, bumper-sticker mentality. But if it did, the following argument would be even more laughable. (Oh, but they don’t have a sense of humor either.) Anyway, here it goes.
I wish to talk about how banning balloons crashes headlong into other cherished Liberal values. Balloons are made of rubber, often latex. They are being banned because they are a source of litter and hazardous to animals; be they mammals or fishes. The most common type of balloon that I encounter on my walks thru public spaces are those balloons manufactured for one-time use. These balloons are not just an eyesore but a public health hazard.
The balloons that I’m referring too are known by many names; raincoat, rubber, love sock, love glove, erasers, mood killers, etc. I have been in public places where children have found these things on the ground and tried to inflate them with their mouths (much to the horror of their parents.) I can think of few things nastier than finding these things on the ground.
Raincoat—multi-use version
Liberal have tried to make them multi-use but the government won’t let them.
Yes, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued an appeal to folks to not wash or otherwise reuse condoms.
“Incorrect use, such as reusing a condom or using more than one at a time, diminishes the protective effect of condoms by leading to condom breakage, slippage, or leakage,” Elizabeth Torrone, an epidemiologist at the CDC’s Division of STD Prevention, told BuzzFeed News.
“You should use the condom in the way the manufacturer has intended and tested,”…
As government certified, single use balloons, using the arguments put forth by Liberals, condoms must be included as part of the forthcoming ban.
Full, Festive, Happy, Single Use Balloons
Now imagine that you’re a young guy in college and are confronted by this issue. Do you side with your environmentalist friends to ban the balloon, thus causing your love life to suffer or do you oppose the ban? If you support the ban, you could suffer the ire of the abortion community and the rainbow people. If you are Liberal, straight, and male will you even be allowed to have an opinion on the issue? Smart money says to hell with all of ‘em and become a Libertarian.
Anyway folks, there you have it, when the rubber meets the road what will Liberals do? Who knows but it will be fun to watch.