Jorge Riley aka the “Drunken Jedi” was sentenced by Judge Amit Mehta to 18 months in prison for his role in the “Insurrection” on January 6th. I use air quotes on insurrection because I do not think the Democrats, liberal Republicans or media types actually know the true definition of insurrection.
As far as Riley’s sentence, color me shocked. I was thinking 5-6 years in prison to be honest. Mostly because Jorge filmed a lot of his antics, bragged about it online, and put things all over social media. As far as I know, he is the only person arrested for his behavior on Jan 6th that claimed to be armed. Riley got one hell of a lifeline from this judge. Judge Mehta is also hostile towards Donald Trump and his supporters, again I’m shocked Riley is getting only 18 months.
This may seem overtly mean and come off as sour grapes but sentences like this will never change a person. I see a lot of my sister in Jorge. They are one in the same; they never learn a lesson, so they don’t change their behavior. Jorge quite literally had a backpack filled with vodka he sipped from a siphon at GOP meetings and conventions. I cannot tell you how many times I was treated to the saying “Jesus loves you” at early morning hours at conventions with the stench of booze on his breath. Many friends of mine who were officers at the functions allowed his behavior to continue. He is paying for it now.
The reality of the situation is Jorge never was a guy who made get out the vote calls, knocked on doors or did much to help the party at all. I will never understand how he always got a pass from leadership. Even more, they gave him a lifetime achievement award after he was released from jail. The irony of that group.
Riley got a gift from the judge, compare the sentences of the leader of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. They got decades in prison. If I were Jorge, I would change my life. I do not know how old Riley is but the book isn’t closed on his life, it’s just a series of bad chapters so far. I know drugs/alcohol are prevalent in our prison system, I think it would be wise for Jorge to give up those vices. I was always told he drank/drugged due to his PTSD from serving in the military, but during one of his hearings he admitted to having never left the USA. So, what is causing this PTSD? He obviously didn’t serve over seas.
In closing I will say this, I do not support the actions on January 6th, not one bit. But it all could have been avoided. Folks if you live in the Midwest or East Coast, you didn’t see what the blog staff here did. In every single contested state, Biden would get out to a large lead, and eventually the result would be a Trump win by a couple. Well around 11:00pm they announced that Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and other large cities would quit counting until morning. Oh, the rural areas would keep counting, just not big cities. When morning came suddenly Trump would be trailing by about 45,000 votes in each of those states, so basically the opposite effect happened. Maybe Trump did lose fair and square, but let’s be honest; the optics don’t look great there. It appears some sort of fraud likely occurred. Again, if the counting continued, I would say he lost legitimately.
However, it does not excuse the behavior of January 6th.
Jorge Riley, a local Sacramento GOP activist, pled guilty last week to charges relating to his storming of the Capital to “Stop the Steal” a couple years ago. In exchange for pleading guilty, he will only have 1 count on his record, the other 4 will be dismissed.
This comeuppance has been a long time coming for Riley, he has been on a destructive path for years. Riley has a rap sheet that makes career criminals jealous. I know of at least 1 DUI, likely more, and a slew of charges related to unpaid child support. I am not sure of the number of kids and how many women they are by. Riley also is a heavy drinker, I refuse to say he has a problem, because he never has a problem finding the bottle.
Riley was arrested a couple months after the “Stop the Steal” rally at the Capital. Not due to anyone ratting him out, he ratted out himself. Riley is a Grade A braggart when it comes to his Facebook and other social media. He posted over 150 messages and videos according to the complaint against him. Worst yet, the man has never had an unspoken thought; his rantings (likely fueled by booze) target minorities, Democrats, women and other groups. His comments are typically vile in nature making even this single male blogger cringe. One may ask why no one tried to stop his behavior…that’s because those around him and in power supported it. I literally saw him countless times at GOP meetings and conventions literally walking around with a backpack filled with vodka that he was drinking through a siphon. He reeked of hard liquor, so much so I could barely tell what brand it was. My understanding is his use of drugs and alcohol was to cope with PTSD or some type of condition he got while in the military. My issue? During a hearing, his attorney admitted Riley has never been outside the US. I’m trying to be sensitive to mental health, but I just think Riley is an addict.
I have a source who claims Riley had numerous outbursts at his initial hearings here in Sacramento at the federal courthouse. So much so he was ordered held on no-bail. Annoying a judge isn’t the best move when that person is likely to sentence you. NOTE: The venue was moved to DC so it will be a different judge who heard the guilty plea and will handle sentencing. Riley was also far from the model prisoner at Sac County jail, having to be moved multiple times due to being a Grade A dickhead. AKA normal behavior for Riley.
Riley is still in a lot of trouble, preliminary reports are a federal lockup of 41-51 months, another report said maximum of around 20 years, a different report had a line about judge Amit Mehta considering “enhancements.” I would bet he is looking at around 6 years in jail, his behavior, plus his bragging and some of his comments online will hang him. The judge is seeing that Riley is not sorry or repentant at all. Problem for Riley is that he is facing federal not state time. The feds typically do not do good time credits for behavior, he will serve his entire sentence. (Riley’s indictment and plea can be found in this article.)
My hot take: Riley is a clown and piece of work, more so it’s his enablers that made this happen, he was never reigned in. Sue Blake, Terry Mast (RIP), Craig DeLuz, Bill Cardoza and others routinely looked the other way or supported him. In the case of Cardoza, he was even stupid enough to post to Facebook the local CRA chapter giving Riley a lifetime achievement award. DUMB
Riley is going away for a while, but the CRA and other groups should not be left unscathed. Sorry, not sorry. They needed to remove Riley as a member and put pressure on the local group to do the same. Riley is a net negative, not a single redeeming quality about him. Yet several of the members attacked my conservative credentials. Yup they chose a drunken moron over me.
The irony in this whole bit? Riley was a never Trump guy, like most of the rest of the CRA. It’s sad.
I’m a glutton for punishment. I left the CAGOP and here I am giving them advice… of course they won’t listen as I am now an outcast in their eyes. I know this for fact, as I have lost a couple friendships over it, of course they don’t see it my way, they see it as quitting. I see it as sending a message, something they will not/refuse to do. Frankly if I lose your friendship over my political party of choice eat my nuts.
Here is how to fix your Party…. don’t listen you might actually start winning seats again.
Admit you are weak kneed: this is the first step; you have no fight in you. You are all a bunch of donkeys braying about “the good ole days.” You enjoy your conventions each year and talk a great game about opposing the chair or certain candidates, but it never comes to fruition as none of you are brave enough to call the question or make a motion.
Get the G-d D**m endorsements in the voter guide: You love to blame the chair for this; bull. You are long in the tooth and mostly graying/balding, you guys know the ropes/rules etc. Get your act in gear, a voter guide that maybe no one reads is your excuse. I was looking at races with many candidates on the GOP side looking to get castrated in November, at least endorse one and get it in the damn guide!
Get out to parts of the state not friendly to you. This is obvious but I feel I must point it out. Some voters/people in this state have never even heard from a Republican, and as such have no way of refuting the Lefts lies about your Party, It won’t be fun, but if you show up, there will be curious folks. Even more so now with the homeless/crime/inflation issues. Stop preaching to the choir, if you are blind, I’ll fill you in, the Republican Party is shrinking drastically in CA.
End the consultant class: Aaron Park takes a W here; he was really right and still is. These consultants have a franchise territory they are gifted by the Party and as a result, they get to play god in the primaries. Don’t believe me? Check out the safe GOP state senate seat we lost as a result of the party/consultants playing there.
Vet the candidates you endorse: Aaron takes another W. He pointed it out perfectly about the embrace of being pro-choice. The consultants gas these clients up prior to their client meeting your group, the message changes depending what room they are in. Rather than asking if life begins at conception… ask what 3 things they would push for in Sacramento/DC. Ask what committees they want to sit on. Throw them off their game and get them off their talking points (and yours) Trust me, if they sound like Sean Hannity, they are likely a Democrat in disguise. I know so, as the CRA has endorsed several questionable GOPers in my day. Or just keep asking if they love Reagan, are they prolife, or do they want to ban same sex marriage? Heck that playbook has worked great for the last few decades, huh?
Term limits for county chairs, and state party chairs: This is a no brainer. Sadly, I hate term limits as it causes a massive shuffle of elected officials every so often, but its needed. The state party has the same faces just in different places. The county parties have folks that I swear have been in charge for a couple decades. Move on, get a life, let someone else lead the fight.
Quit bringing up Reagan for G-d sakes. Reagan likely wouldn’t get the nomination in your party today as he would be seen by you as a liberal squish. Keep in mind, most under 36, give or take, have zero memories of “the Gipper.” Move on, you sound like a person who peaked in grade school for josh sakes.
Drop the social issues: Put them on the back burner, as I mentioned earlier, you are preaching to such a limited universe NASA may need to start exploring it soon to find out if it actually exists. Gay marriage is law of the land, abortion is up to the states, rest assured CA is not banning abortion anytime in my lifetime. Emphasize what you can do, not what you want to take away.
Stop calling yourself “true conservatives or the conscience of the Republican Party.” Many of you opposed Trump in the 2016 primary to the extent that you wanted a brokered convention AKA the “original stop the steal” so you could put “Lyin Ted” Cruz as the nominee. You didn’t just make yourselves look like idiots, you proved it beyond a reasonable doubt … to the entire country btw. But its ok, Donald once gave money to democrats….as I am sure no GOPer y’all endorsed ever has. Harken back on the 4 years of the Donald’s term, you will see the most conservative president since Reagan. And to think you opposed it. I’d bet a good bunch of money most of you voted Biden or stayed out of the last election just because of what he did to your idol Ted. Rather than blow out the people who don’t pass your “conservative” litmus test grow the party.
Actually, stand for something: This will be hard as you would rather use words like “repeal” or “wait ‘til we take over.” If you have no plan, you get no votes. Yes, raising copious sums of money off a Hillary presidency would have been great, but the country would have been a disaster…. much like it is now.
Remove the crazies: This will be the hardest part. CAGOP and its affiliated groups are seen by most as a haven for whack jobs because a few apples have been allowed to spoil your bunch. When you let crazy take the center stage, or don’t isolate it, your entire group gets the crazy label. I doubt many of you see crazy in your party, so I’ll point you toward it: Jorge Riley and any associate.
Send a message at the convention: I know this will be hard to do, as it would out you as a true conservative and a rabble rouser, but if you really hate Jessica Patterson, here’s is a thought; during her speech, stand up in unison and walk out of the chamber. You say the vote to re-elect her was close…. it really wasn’t, but rather than do nothing, a.k.a. the usual, show a pulse. The liberal newspaper writers covering the event will have a story to write about and you can tell your story about her as a failure as chair! You may just make a difference, and you would send a message. She may not hear it, but her officers will, and people who are part of the problem will sense unrest brewing among the natives.
Hold 1 convention: it’s an insult to working people, having to find transportation, housing, and meals for multiple conventions a year where nothing gets accomplished. Rather than catch up about the good ole days of trying to deny Donald the nomination, you could laser focus on growing the party. Actually, never mind…. keep whacking Donald. But it’s cheaper to do this at a local speakeasy than at Knott’s Berry Farm or Palm Springs, just my $.02.
Lastly Reflect on just how conservative you are: It ain’t much. You hated Donald, look at what he did; tax cut, 3 judges on the court, ended Hillary. Yet you cheered on the houses of Congress who opposed him. Only after his first 3 years did you decide you liked him. Who is the true conservative? It’s no one in the CAGOP.
The rumors are true, this past week I re-registered to “Libertarian.” If you know me, you already know I am a Libertarian, but I caucused with the GOP. I only voted for 1 Democrat in my life prior to this election, that was Sacramento County Supervisor Don Nottoli. I am not going to grandstand and claim the party left me.
Truth is there is no Republican Party in California.
For years the party has been in a free fall. Tribalism took over and poof, we are now a super minority. I see that Chad Mayes, the former GOP leader, is still in the Assembly as an independent. Mayes is known for being a sorta Republican who loves tax hikes. Would be nice if the GOP could beat him, but why bother. Frankly he fits in perfectly. On each vote there is inevitably 3-4 GOP members who vote with the Democrats so it can be called a “bi-partisan bill.” Barf.
The party brand is toxic here. Just look at Sac DA Anne Marie Schubert. She used the party to get elected, then dropped us afterward. She got obliterated running for AG, but the point is, she used us until it was no longer necessary. Ditto for Pat Hume, the lazy EG councilmember, who will get slaughtered in November because he never wants to put in the work. The GOP endorsed him, but he refuses to use the logo. He was in a 4-way race with 3 Democrats, and if he achieved 50% plus one, he could have won outright. Hume also supported the tax measure on the ballot, and supported the sales tax increase a couple cycles ago. But that’s ok…. he is a Republican!
Looks like the hedgehog is a symbol of Libertarians
The county party here is a joke. I mean Sue, Terry (RIP) and others were a circus, but this crew is a straight up joke. I got an email the night before Election Day saying Sac County GOP recommends you vote this way. Yup, I got my ballot 6 weeks prior at least, and had already returned it. We do all our voting by mail in CA, these idiots just do not get it. It told me to vote Barnes for sheriff, he lost, write in Sue Mason for her race, and that if I couldn’t drop my ballot off someone could come pick it up. Yeah, read that again, the GOP called that ballot harvesting a couple cycles ago. Good luck trying to sue over that now.
The top 2 primary has killed off all non-democrat parties. I don’t even need to say anymore here. Too bad the GOP supports it. I think a lawsuit involving all non-democrat parties gets the top 2 overturned. Congrats on being on the wrong side of history GOP! In November I get the choice of Stephanie Nguyen or Eric Guerra in one race, and Dave Jones and Angelique Ashby in the other. Neither race features a GOP.
The GOP had zero endorsements on my voter guide. See the troll blog for more on this disturbing factoid. Bonus, the GOP voters are crying as very few of their “candidates” made it through to November. Shocking I say, shocking.
Recruiting failures. Let’s look at BOE district 4, a former GOP seat, there stands a very high likelihood 2 Democrats make the run-off. 5 GOP folks split the vote, allowing this debacle. In SD 4, 6 GOP folks allowed the Democrats to both advance to a run-off. Minority leader Scott Wilk (a GOP) spent money on one of the Democrat candidates that won in this highly Republican area. Face it, minority and leader are two words that never belong together. Idiocy rains supreme here. The GOP has one option to win in November, Lanhee Chen is the best chance. I have it on record that in a couple statewide races the establishment GOP recruited a challenger just to deny someone the chance to be in the top 2. WTF?
The two party system is broken
So, to conclude, the GOP is dead here, so I won’t be wasting anymore of my time on it. I still vote GOP as the lesser evil, but I cannot continue supporting a party that is lost. It’s sad. I voted for Democrats; Steve Glazer (he lost), Dave Jones, and Steve Ly this time around. I won’t be doing that anymore unless the GOP requires it. In the races between Jones and Ashby, Nguyen and Guerra, I will have to.
Folks let’s take the library model from part one of this article and apply it to another body, the Republican Party.
Imagine a Republican Party that has no Central Committee elections. Instead, with a few exceptions, the Chairman appoints all the district representatives. If you think such a scenario is farfetched, its not. Oh, said Chairman rules with an iron fist and allows no new business from the floor. Instead, any new business must be approved by the Executive Committee which is composed of the Chair and a few close and likeminded friends. Anything they don’t like is automatically dead-on-arrival. Oh, members of the public are not notified about Committee meetings and will often not even be allowed in the room to watch the proceedings. Those few lucky enough to get on the Committee must pay dues (typically north of $100 per year) or they are barred from voting.
Lest you think the above is a bad dream, its our reality in California and has been for over a decade.
Folks in Republican strongholds such as Idaho better take notice because your turn is coming unless you stay vigilant.
So how did we get here? It took only two things: namely, Charles Munger Jr. and the San Diego bylaws.
First Mr. Munger. Charles Munger Jr. is the son of a mega-billionaire. Jr’s dad is described on Wikipedia as, “Charles Thomas Munger (born January 1, 1924) is an American billionaire investor, businessman, and former real estate attorney. He is vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate controlled by Warren Buffett; Buffett has described Munger as his closest partner and right-hand man. Munger served as chairman of Wesco Financial Corporation from 1984 through 2011. He is also chairman of the Daily Journal Corporation, based in Los Angeles, California, and a director of Costco Wholesale Corporation.”
His son, Charles Munger Jr. is a California physicist that lives in Palo Alto.
Munger is the architect of the “jungle primary” in California. He was also one of the principal funders of the 2010 ballot measure, Proposition 14, that created a top two primary system. Under this system, the top two vote getters, regardless of party, then face-off in the November General Election. The argument to pass this measure was that it would allow moderates (or centrists) in both parties to dominate at the ballot box. Look at how far to the Left politics has gone in California since then. We were sold a bill of goods; the real result was the death of the Republican Party in the State.
Republicans died for two reasons.
First, Democrats held the majority of offices in the state when this measure was passed. If you live in Rio Linda or under a bridge, you might not know that in most cases, Democrats handpick their candidates in smokey backrooms long before the filing date for an office is opened. In short, the fix is in before the process even begins. Having already picked a candidate, they don’t tend to waste funds fighting amongst themselves in primary elections. Republicans can do nothing cooperatively and usually field many candidates in a given race which defeats any chanced of advancing to November. This allowed Democrats to systematically pick off weaker Republicans. The net result is that Democrats have succeeded in reducing Republican numbers in the Legislature each election cycle. They also, were able to redraw political districts that made Republicans a minority in almost every electoral district in the State. Since passage of Prop 14, Republican registration has declined to the point that they are now in danger of being the number three party in California. No-Party-preference is close on their heels. (Voter registration as of 04/08/22, Dems 46.75 %, Rep 23.92 %, & NPP 22.77 %)
This disparity has resulted in Democrats holding a super majority in both legislative houses—actually much more than two-thirds of the seats in each house.
The second reason that this killed the Republican Party was via a decision by the association of county clerks. They, along with the Secretary of State, decided that it was unrealistic to have partisan ballots for the General Election when in many districts, both parties were no longer represented in the General Election. They decided if Republicans (or Democrats) wanted to continue Central Committee elections that the Parties would have to pay for the printing and distribution of ballots. They wanted hundreds of thousands of dollars per county to continue printing ballots. Of course, the parties balked at the bill that they were threated with and stopped having Central Committee elections. Yes, the Legislature could have forced the bill on taxpayers, but the Parties wanted to be rid of average people getting on the Committees, so they did nothing. Grassroots activists were thus cut-off by both parties and have no access to representation in county committees and thus no access to the state party apparatus. This leaves the current crop of elected officials running the state parties in perpetuity.
Concurrent with the implications of the top two primary being felt was the introduction of the San Diego bylaws. These were model bylaws for running central committees which were first adopted in San Diego and a few other Committees in southern California. They decided that the Central Committee was a private organization and thus not open to anyone but members. Even in the days when central committee elections were going the way of the Mastodons, if you were duly elected, you were not allowed to vote or participate in central committee business without paying dues. It was literally a type of poll tax. The fact that you were elected by voters in district was irrelevant. I know. I was one of the people that they refused to seat. Furthermore, the bylaws, as they were implemented, vested all power in the Chair and the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee cleared everything in advance of the general meeting including endorsements, resolutions, speakers, etc. Oh, under this scheme, meetings were no longer publicized, and members of the public were often barred from attending. It’s a private club, remember?
So how did Munger get his hooks in the Republicans?
Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Charles Munger Jr. began dabbling in Republican politics when Arnold rose to power. He liked Arnold and was a big supporter. His big opportunity happened like this: on his way out the door, Arnold stripped the Republican treasury and left the party over four million dollars in debt. (In his second term as governor, Arnold raised money for himself but not the Party.) Into the midst of this fiscal vacuum, Munger rode in like a white knight and started buying influence and central committee seats. Munger paid the party’s debt and started funding almost exclusively RINOs candidates. He ran whole slates of candidates for county committees and persisted until he ran the State Republican Party. 40 or 50 thousand dollars in a Central Committee election goes a long way in getting a slate elected. It just so happened that central committee elections ceased about the time he gained control of the party. Surely this was coincidence.
In summary, Munger was responsible for the top two primary which has resulted in Democrats controlling all levers of power in California and has resulted in California veering far to the Left. Concurrently, he oversaw the decline of the Republican Party by forcing conservative voices out of the Party. The cessation of Central Committee elections, when combined with the San Diego Bylaws, sealed the Party from grassroots influence and made local committees good ‘ole boys clubs where only “the right people” could become members.
Concluding Remarks
For those in other states, learn from us in California or you will get seduced by the dark side and loose your grassroots access to the party as well. If the Establishment can, they will do this to you too.
I know that pockets of the Boise area of Idaho are adopting their own version of the San Diego bylaws—or at least some of its principles; especially, the Executive Committee Command and Control structure. Bad move. I also know that many elections, meetings, and activities are poorly or selectively publicized in hopes of controlling the outcome.
Sorry to tell you, but Democracy in any form, even a Representative Republic, is not about efficiency but about letting all voices be heard and then decide, as a group, what is best for the people that you represent. Its not to have a slick, one hour, carefully scripted meeting followed by another hour eating shrimp cocktails and drinking adult beverages at the local watering hole while reliving past victories.
Having competitive Central Committee elections is a vital part of a healthy committee. Then after you get elected, find a way to work with other people when you can and respectfully disagree when you can’t. Its easy to make and take things personally. Don’t. Its unhealthy for you and the committee.
Lastly, don’t demonize the RINOs in the group. They are made in God’s image too. You need to show them with actions that Conservatism works—at least to the extent that it conforms with biblical teaching. Show them you can disagree with them without hating them. Love the hell out of them and you just might bring a few into the light.
Heed this warning: if you steamroll the moderates like we did in California in the 1990’s, when the tables are turned (2010’s), they will find a way to lock you out from ever taking over the party again. Conservatives took over the California Republican Party for a time and then lost it. When the Munger moderates took over, they promptly sealed all points of access to the party that conservatives had previously used to gain control. When forced into a corner, moderates would rather defeat Conservatives than Democrats. If you don’t deal with them honorable this will happen to your state’s Republican Party too.
Anything that restricts rank-and-file members of your Party from getting involved in the activities of the County Central Committee is bad. Open and well publicized elections and committee meetings are necessary to have a vigorous organization. When you decide to ignore or cancel elections or think the Party is a private organization, then have broken faith with voters. At that point you have become just another enemy of the people not their advocate.
Learn from California or share its fate.
Oh, just to prove my point, right after I posted this, I saw this article from another website. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are being funneled into Idaho politics from out of state PACs to thwart Conservatives. These folks are pro-abortion, pro gun control, and hoping to block any influence or support of candidates that like President Trump.
Not that anyone cares about the pathetic life of Jorge Riley, and we here at hate piling on but I came across this gem of a story the other night. Jorge Riley was back in court again last month on 4/16, not for his federal charges but for charges filed in Sacramento, his home county. However, this hearing had to do with Riley turning himself in to police as a bench warrant had been issued since he skipped his court appearance 3/16. For those of you scoring at home, skipping court is one of the stupidest things you can do. Think about it, a judge, and a prosecutor waited around, and you decided to skip, so a bench warrant is issued, and the local sheriff/PD tries to track you down.
Why did I mention the names above? Well coincidently on March 9 Riley was being honored at the SRA monthly meeting. Bill Cardoza made sure to put the photos all over Facebook. The people mentioned are all pictured in several photos. Folks Jorge has a known history of being an alcoholic and having admitted to being a huge marijuana smoker. He was always verbally abusive to any women around him, and it is unknown how many children he has. Read on to see what Mr. Riley was charged with.
Local SRA and California Republican Assembly (CRA) leaders gathered to pay tribute to Jorge for both his service on the SRA as well as the CRA board of directors. From left, 8th SRA President Angela Azevedo, Immediate Past CRA President Tom Hudson, CRA National Committeeman Bill Cardoza (me), 4th SRA President Russell Gray, current and 15th SRA President Dr. Justin Hardcastle, 7th SRA President Sue Blake, and current SRA Vice President Todd Freeman who also served as SRA’s 2nd and 3rd vice president. — Bill Cardoza Facebook page 03/09/2021
A week later he skipped court. I want to focus on a statement his lawyer made:
Riley was before the court for missing a court appearance March 16 on two outstanding felony child endangerment charges—his bail, after Friday’s hearing, is $250,000. It was $500,000 but he claimed he’s homeless and used a $600 government stimulus check to fly to D.C. in January.
According Russ Miller, Riley’s court-appointed attorney, Riley had left the state to protest at the capital and when he came back, all of his property, including electronics, were confiscated by the FBI.
Basically homeless at this point, his attorney claims, Riley had to stay at a friend’s place where he awaited the Zoom information to attend court and a working laptop to video chat.
This is what we call a lie folks, take another gander at that photograph, does the man in the middle look homeless or “basically homeless?” Looks pretty well groomed to me. So the government stole all his clothes and other stuff? Come on, Jorge looks just fine in the photo shared above, with a “drunken glare” I may add, so obviously someone in the photo sprang for the sacrament prior or during this event! Lovely.
Jorge is known to share everything about his personal life, he likely bragged about court being just a couple days away. I find it very hard to believe not a single person there knew about his pending court date, also I had heard rumors of these charges many months before now. Here is what he is charged with:
One Riley felony charge involves an incident where his child nearly drowned when the two went kayaking, and another charge accuses Riley of beating his son in front of bystanders for nearly six minutes straight while intoxicated.
Bill Cardoza has admitted to driving Jorge around and trying to help Jorge legally, as mentioned before Tom Hudson and Sue Blake are licensed attorneys, and Angela Azevedo had a long career in justice. I don’t know much of anything about Justin Hardcastle, Russell Gray or Todd Freeman but tethering yourself to Jorge is not a very wise move. Hat tip to Bill Cardoza for taking this photo, showing a “very homeless” Jorge a week before he skipped court, you can always count on the worthless, useless, idiot Bill to have his camera out.
To quote Joe Biden “What the hell is wrong with these guys?”
By the way, here is the prosecutor of the case on how much trouble Jorge is in:
Deputy District Attorney Daniel Jensen argued Friday Riley is in deep trouble on his Sacramento felony charges, too.
According to Jensen, there were many attempts to contact Riley by calling him and messaging him, and his previous Sacramento attorney even gave him the Zoom information. It wasn’t until Riley was told there was a warrant for his arrest three days later that he actually responded. He turned himself in on March 25.
We will just go ahead and say it, Jorge you can check out, but you can never leave. Sounds like the feds and the state are going to crack the whip on you. Get used to jail house oatmeal buddy. “You will be eating on the payers for a while, but sadly you have lived off the payers for most of your life so not a big deal for you.”
Rumor has it that CRA’s favorite warrior, Jorge Riley, may be granted their highest honor at the California Republican Assembly’s statewide convention later this month. The Freedom Fighter Award was first bestowed by CRA on Lt. Colonel Oliver North in 1991.
Why Oliver North got the award
Marine Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North did something really, really bad. He sold weapons to Iran in an effort to help fund rebels fighting Nicaragua’s Socialist government.
Translation, in the midst of the Cold War, North found a way to finance the opposition to the socialist/communist government of Nicaragua (funded by Russia) by selling US arms to another country (Iran) and funneling the proceeds to freedom fighters that the American Congress refused to help. The Congress was majority Democrat and loved hanging out with Communists like Castro and other likeminded dictators.
North’s nationally televised testimony before Congress portrayed the political class as a bunch of idiotic, children that knew nothing about protecting American interests abroad. His testimony shredded the premise for the hearings which really was a witch hunt that Democrats hoped would implicate President Ronald Reagan and give them an excuse to remove him via impeachment. Democrats were so sure they had Reagan in their sights that they never even bothered to depose North and others before the live television broadcast.
After the Congressional dog and pony show was over, Reagan was still firmly in control of the White House. North was charged and convicted of lying to Congress—something Congress does to the American people on a daily basis with no repercussions. North’s conviction was eventually overturned because he had been granted immunity prior to his Congressional testimony.
The California Republican Assembly invited North to speak at their convention and wanted a way to thank him for his service to our country and for making the other Party look like a bunch of jackasses. At the time, CRA was claiming more than 30,000 members.
The Award in Recent Years
In the years since, the Freedom Fighter Award has been occasionally granted to others. The most recent recipient was Tom Hudson. Hudson presided over CRA as the membership shrank to less than 1,000 souls scatted throughout the state.
Hudson is best known for his ferocious defense of CRA when the Just Us Brothers shredded the records of the organization—including its membership records—and deleted or withheld much of the financial ones as well.Hudson and his fellow CRA attorney, Craig Alexander, prosecuted George and Aaron to the fullest extent of the law. As a result, the Park Brother left California in disgrace and moved to Nevada.
Oops, Tom promised to do all that stuff and more to the Just Us Brothers but after filibustering for over a year eventually did nothing. However, the Park Brothers really did leave California for the Silver State.
Riley on Deck?
In the wake of his recent recognition for leadership by the Sacramento Chapter of CRA, Jorge Riley, seems on track to gain the Freedom Fighter award in a matter of weeks. Riley brought much needed attention to CRA as a result of his penetration of security at the Nation’s Capitol. By one act, Riley has done more on social media to publicize CRA than all his predecessors during the last two decades of the organization’s history. Who knew there were any Republicans left in California? Thankfully, Riley set the record straight and finally got the media talking about what a difference that one man can make. (Riley’s job on the statewide CRA Board was to boost the CRA on social media.)
So why else are we so confident that Riley will be so honored?
Look at the CRA support that Jorge Riley has received.
Riley is supported by Bill Cardoza. Bill has been in, under, and around, those controlling the levers of power in CRA since Barbara Alby and Greg Hardcastle took over the organization in the late 1980s and early ‘90s. Bill then followed this group as they then took over the California Republican Party. Word is that he bought the plane ticket so Riley could pay his respects to Speaker Pelosi on January 6th.
Riley is supported by the aforementioned Tom Hudson. As a CRA Board officer, Hudson is uniquely qualified to recognize raw talent when he sees it on CNN.
Sue Blake helped guide the Sacramento Republican Party into obscurity by selling-out her values for an opportunity to hangout with political consultants and cigar smoking armchair quarterbacks.
Riley also has the backing of both current and former rank-and-file members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Any Republican that can gain such support without compromising his values, is worthy of another look; especially, here in California.
Jorge Riley Facebook page 03/11/2021
I could go on, but as they say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Pictured above, Angela Azevedo, Tom Hudson, Bill Cardoza, Jorge Riley, Russell Gray, Justin Hardcastle, Sue Blake, and Todd Freeman.
Unbeknownst to anyone who actually cares about the pathetic life of Jorge Riley, apparently, he is out of custody and back in Sacramento. Yes, he is out of custody. I found this out yesterday. Jorge, as you may recall, was arrested by the FBI (yeah, as in federal crime not state or local) during the “insurrection at the Capital” back in January. Riley was in custody with no bail, until about the end of February, then he was extradited to DC. Apparently, a judge in DC bought his line of crap of being a combat veteran with PTSD and having no money.
Blogger commentary: Jorge was in the military, I cannot speak to his service, but a couple of veterans that I know refute his take on combat service. Riley intentionally keeps himself under or unemployed to leach off taxpayers; unlike the editorial board of this blog. This is to avoid court ordered support of his “children,” as for how many the world may never know.
Last I heard from an officer friend of mine, he is facing 2 misdemeanors and a felony for striking a child of his recently. He also is a heavy drinker, as detailed in past blogs, as well as a narcotics user. My officer friend says likely cocaine or meth, due to his skin/looks seeming far older than he really is. With no money or job, how does he keep his habit of drinking at events and using narcotics going you ask. Easy Answer!
His enablers.
After being released and told not to leave the country, Jorge flew back to California. My sources say Bill Cardoza footed the bill, no shock. I would say iron sharpens iron but neither of these two possess an IQ in positive territory. He recently attended a recall Newsom event. Give his recent past, while I guess that’s not a crime since it’s an open rally/protest; however, it’s a rough look. Even rougher is his giving an interview to a former central committee member of Sac County who is a current member of the Proud Boys and was recently expelled from said GOP committee. Couldn’t he find, I don’t know, anyone else to video tape the interview?
Oh, this interview is pure Jorge Riley gold folks. On camera, he admits to “rubbing his butt on Nasty Pelosi’s desk.” Actually, he says “may or may not have”, but in today’s media and court system, you better believe they are adding another charge, to his pending charging documents. I am sure his lawyer is thrilled. Most people get out of jail and do not wish to go back, apparently Riley misses it so much he wants to book a longer stay by nixing any chance for a concurrent sentence and insuring a consecutive one. Hotels may be open with minimal occupancy, but as an attorney friend of mine will say “there is always a vacancy at the Blue Roof Inn aka Jail.”
Oh, remember those media reports that we said were bogus about Riley leaving the California Republican Assembly in shame following his arrest for storming the nation’s Capital? Well, we now have proof, as if we needed any more, courtesy of Riley and his enabler Cardoza.
Let’s have a gander at another event Riley “showed up” to. I use air quotes because there is no way he didn’t know in advance and if I were a betting man, I would lay heavy odds Bill “the Wookie” Cardoza moved the regular meeting of the Sacramento Republican Assembly to make sure they could have Riley as their keynote speaker.
Riley’s leadership has brought such attention to the organization that he was presented with an award for his longevity of service as chapter president. Lest you forgot, Riley was SRA President and a statewide CRA Board member on January 6th. Yeah, check this award out.
Thank you for your leadership as president of the Sacramento Republican Assembly Jorge Riley 2015 – 2021
If it’s really gold, I got a feeling it’ll soon be pawned off, melted down, or sold for scrap to fuel his addiction to drugs and alcohol. Shame it won’t be around to be admitted into evidence at his trial.
Below is a photo that was taken during the night’s festivities. I can picture his time at the podium prior to the presentation. Likely Riley told stories of violating Speaker Pelosi’s office, fighting his cellmates, disrespecting officers, and stories of his multiple court outbursts. Proudly standing shoulder-to-shoulder with him in the photo below are 2 lawyers licensed by the California State Bar Association. Said Bar is not to be confused with the watering hole Riley is used to patronizing. The lawyers in question are Sue Blake, a former Sac CRA President and past Chair of Sacramento Republican Party, and Tom Hudson former CRA Statewide President and Placer County Republican Party leader.
Local SRA and California Republican Assembly (CRA) leaders gathered to pay tribute to Jorge for both his service on the SRA as well as the CRA board of directors. From left, 8th SRA President Angela Azevedo, Immediate Past CRA President Tom Hudson, CRA National Committeeman Bill Cardoza (me), 4th SRA President Russell Gray, current and 15th SRA President Dr. Justin Hardcastle, 7th SRA President Sue Blake, and current SRA Vice President Todd Freeman who also served as SRA’s 2nd and 3rd vice president. — Bill Cardoza Facebook page 03/09/2021
This speaks to enablement. Folks, I am sorry, but Sue and Tom know better. They may claim to be tax lawyers not criminal lawyers, but they had no business in that photo or at that meeting. First Blake hasn’t been an attending member in about a decade, so she showed up only to pay homage to Riley. Hudson knows better and knew of all Riley’s acts, again enabling. Hudson is immediate past president of the statewide California Republican Assembly—as such a sitting Board member of CRA— [per recent media reports, CRA allegedly ejected Riley which clearly is a lie]. Angela Azevedo came out of the woodwork to support Riley. Again, someone who had a career in the corrections arm of the state government and should know better. In fact, all four enablers listed above (Blake, Cardoza, Hudson, Azevedo) are career state employees living off the taxpayer’s dime.
Bill Cardoza, well he put it all together and is again running for National Committeeman of the CRA. Facepalm!
The problem Jorge has is that the drugs and alcohol have destroyed his health, and this will destroy his life, if it hasn’t already. These folks are not your friends Jorge. They are using you like the parent who uses their child to “re-live their glory years.” You may not be able to help yourself Jorge, but you are looking at about 15-20 years in a federal lockup. Try remorsefulness for a change. Stay out of politics and try to right a few wrongs you have had in your life. Jorge the FBI wants you. The scariest arm of the federal government not named the IRS is looking to bury you. You are in real trouble.
In the past, you always got your way at CRA, CAGOP, or Sac GOP meetings because Sue, Tom, Bill, and others covered for you. You screamed, shouted, interrupted, pouted, and muttered things incoherently and you were never told, “No”. These folks are not your friends and will abandon you as you leave the courtroom in handcuffs. Rest assured this video you made and the photos you took will be coming to a courtroom near you very quickly. I hope you get another stimulus check because a return trip to DC will be cheaper and more enjoyable on your own dime rather than if you ditch court. I can’t say for sure, but I think a federal chartered airplane won’t have flight attendants serving booze.
Sue, Bill, Tom and others, you may be lawyers (sans Bill) and work for powerful people, but your unfettered allegiance to Jorge has me questioning why I ever got involved in politics with people of your caliber. You are all truly the lowest of the low. None of you are above the law and I wish you were required to testify as to why you support that sack of trash Jorge. Watching you squirm would be out and out fun, seeing you try to bob and weave, or plead negligence would be funny. Frankly, I would make sure the Academy Awards committee was on site as it could be Oscar worthy for best performance on camera!
Jorge word of advice, these folks (just like your lawyer) have very little say in front of a man/women/binary with a robe and a gavel. You have been warned.
As I am sure you have read by now, Jorge “the drunken Jedi” Riley is in custody for his part storming of the capital in DC. While we can debate whether he was right, wrong, or indifferent we can all agree on one thing, it was flat stupid to do what he did. Even dumber was to post video and other photos on his Facebook page. Far dumber was to make comments about killing people or taking back the People’s House. While we can agree he probably didn’t mean those comments, they are very dumb to say in an era of big tech hating conservatives, and when “screenshotting” is taboo.
Jorge Aaron Riley
The point of this blog is not to dance on the grave of one’s misfortunes, as Mr. Riley in the words of a federal judge “is looking at a lengthy sentence, due to the nature of his crime and evidence against him.” The point of my writing is to bring to light his enablers, who will all be called out by name, and I feel are accomplices to the behavior leading to the crime.
They are listed in no particular order.
Sue Blake (Former Sac County GOP Chair): Sue or madam chair, as you can call her, had a front row seat to Riley’s sobriety issues. Riley was known to attend the meetings with his “backpack” carrying the elixir by which he would consume, before, during, and after each meeting. Blake would call on Riley to give a report, we would hear a plethora of racial or homophobic slurs, and she would smile and say thanks for that report.
Tom Hudson (Former CRA President) same as above but worse. Hudson is a smooth-talking lawyer who for some reason really liked Jorge. He too had no issue with the drinking, and every time there was a CRA board election, Jorge would find himself safe from any challengers. Last I heard, he owns the server and membership lists for the statewide group. Hudson is still known to be protecting Riley even though he no longer wields much power.
The Park Brothers (George and Aaron): While both may be removed from CRA, both allowed Riley to consume copious amounts of booze and stir up trouble at conventions. Aaron may have written a blog or two disparaging him, but too little, too late. Aaron, you are just as culpable. Notice his blog has been quiet about this, when news of Riley’s arrest spread like a PG&E induced wildfire. Aaron and George know they are neck deep in this. Does the fact that Riley’s middle name is Aaron immunize him from their criticism?
Bill “The Wookie” Cardoza: By far the biggest enabler. Bill, like any liquid, takes the shape of whatever vessel he is poured into. Bill is a very close friend of Riley’s. Bill has never done anything to advise Jorge of his behaviors. Bill on numerous occasions has even allowed Jorge to drive under the influence…Some friend! On occasion Bill was a sober passenger. Let that soak in! Bill has worked for several elected’s in his day and he should know better. Jorge was protected by Bill, so he is equally at fault for his behavior. Rumor has it, Cardoza bought Riley’s ticket to DC. Worse yet, Cardoza is a ranking member of the Sacramento CRA unit, and he has allowed Riley to destroy that once proud unit!
Jared Kopp (Former Sac County Republican Executive Director) Kopp was a drinking buddy of Riley, he also allowed Jorge’s drinking to shape who he is now. Jared used to think this behavior was amusing and funny. Jared, Sue and Terry Mast (RIP) defended this behavior and marginalized those who tried to stop it.
Folks if you know any of the above, please do not buy their BS. They are all equally culpable. Jared, Sue, and the other central committee members knew this man was a liability, yet they kept protecting and promoting him. Cardoza? He keeps protecting him, rumor has it he is actively searching for counsel to help defend Riley of the federal crimes he is charged with. Aaron and George? I doubt Jorge paid you so how did you have such blind loyalty to him? Tom Hudson, ditto. Folks that is a collection of supposedly smart folks who sold out their futures to help a deranged human.
In short, the folks named above fought to enable and cover for a man (Jorge) who has unpaid child support from 4 different women, and allegedly has a criminal past. Riley drinks alcohol from his backpack, before, during, and after meetings. He has threatened folks with physical violence and once bragged about committing a double shooting. (Said crime is still listed as unsolved by local police.–Editor) I guess he must be a great volunteer or do quite a bit for the Party, right? To justify defense of these actions? Nope, he has not done squat since being a member of local politics.
The Drunken Jedi (aka Jorge Riley) has finally screwed-up beyond the ability of his enablers to cover for him. He was arrested by the FBI and is currently being held without bail awaiting a hearing in Federal Court in early March. I’ll have more on this in just a moment.
First why is this individual called the Drunken Jedi on our blog? The short answer is that Sith Lord and Apprentice were taken. This individual is the polar opposite of the Sith Lord, thus in order stay with the Star Wars motif, he was a Jedi. Second, this individual has substance problems which his peers have enabled for decades, thus to point out the obvious is to mock them for enabling and even rewarding bad behavior. (Another blog contributor is going after these enablers via his own post so I will deal only with other aspects to this story.)
I learned of this story via a friend that happened to be dining with the Sith Lord when stuff hit the fan. Folks, this one incident did more to unite the California Republican Party than anything else the CRA (California Republican Assembly) has done in decades. This was the day prior to this story hitting both local television stations KOVR and KCRA. It seems after the raid on the Capitol building January 6th that the Drunken Jedi did an interview video telling how he was in the front of the pack entering the Capitol building and Speaker Pelosi’s office. He talked of getting maced on three occasions as he went about pillaging the People’s House.
The day of the Sith Lord’s fateful meal, knowledge of the video was circulating thru the Republican electeds at the California Capitol. They were reaching out to anybody they could find in CRA and the Sith Lord got his share of calls demanding that CRA repudiate this guy and his actions.
The following day, the story hit the local TV news stations. Understandably they got a few key details wrong and were unaware of other information which I will attempt to correct in the following paragraphs. But first, the news accounts.
A Sacramento man who admitted his involvement in the U.S. Capitol riot in a video has resigned from his position as a local Republican leader.
The California Republican Assembly is condemning the actions of board member Jorge Riley, who they identify as the man in the video, and any plans for further violence.
A Sacramento Republican leader was forced to resign on Thursday after backlash following his involvement in the pro-Trump mob that stormed the nation’s Capitol on Jan. 6.
Jorge Riley, corresponding secretary of the California Republican Assembly and president of the Sacramento Republican Assembly, resigned from both positions Thursday afternoon. Photos and posts on his personal Facebook page document his participation in the siege.
The California Republican Assembly issued a press release condemning Riley’s actions, and said the CRA was not involved in the incident.
The statement also said the CRA president demanded Riley resign his membership immediately or be removed.
“CRA President Johnnie Morgan has demanded that the member, Jorge Riley of Sacramento, resign his membership in CRA immediately as it is important to have leaders who’s actions exemplify positive engagement in the civil governance process. If he does not resign, we will seek his expulsion from the organization.” Members with the CRA told KCRA 3 Riley resigned from both positions at 4 p.m. Thursday.
KCRA 3 reviewed photos, videos and comments posted to Riley’s Facebook page during and after the riot, including a since-deleted Jan. 8 post that read “You will all die.” That post was removed Thursday evening.
In a series of photos and videos, he is seen participating in the rally with President Trump, before moving with the group to the Capitol. As the photos continue, Riley is seen with the group storming the Capitol building. He also shared photos of broken windows inside the Capitol hallways and outside Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office. Photos of Riley inside the Capitol were removed Friday afternoon.
Folks, sorry but Mr. Riley didn’t cut his ties with CRA as stated in the press accounts. I have been unable to get any confirmation that Riley has submitted anything in writing resigning as statewide Correspondence Secretary, President of the Sacramento Chapter of CRA, or resigning from CRA itself.
Whether Riley leaves the Board voluntarily or is removed, such an action cannot be taken without a duly called Board meeting. As of this writing, two weeks after the media accounts above, such a meeting has not been called. CRA is incorporated in California and all Board members, including Riley, are officers of the corporation. Removal is not official until certified by the Board at a properly called and noticed Board meeting.
Riley has not been replaced as President by Sac CRA.
Riley has not been removed as a CRA member.
In fact, some CRA members are fighting behind the scenes to keep him in the organization.
Oh, there’s more. Riley is the keeper of CRA’s membership rolls. Yep, he has the master copy of who is in the organization and who has paid their dues. This information is needed for Board meetings and conventions.
Riley also owns the web servers hosting the CRA website. Thus, he owns the CRA’s website! Without his cooperation, he can hold the CRA hostage and prevent them from updating content. This is more proof that the CRA leadership learned nothing from their dust-up with the Just Us Brothers.
The FBI has also arrested a Sacramento man, Jorge Riley. Though no court documents have been filed against him, he can be seen on videos posted to Reddit storming the United States Capitol.
About the time that the FBI narrative came to my attention, I was given information that Riley was being held with no bail and a preliminary hearing date of March 5. It appears that Mr. Riley is slated to be the poster boy for what happens to you when you raise hell in the Swamp and then brag about it on social media.
Folks I have lots of questions about this whole incident not the least of which is why travel from Sacramento to Washington DC in the first place? Several folks arrested at the protest were from the Left Coast. I have yet to hear of any of these people who were arrested making political contributions to President Trump’s campaign. I’m sure if the Dems could tie them to Trump via donations that they would do it. Given the above, how did they afford to travel to DC if they wouldn’t even write a check to Trump’s campaign? (It only takes a $100 contribution for your name to appear on campaign contribution records filed with the FEC.)
I was just at the Capitol Building a year and a half ago and I thought there was an enormous amount of security so how did these guys get in the building en masse? What about reports that the raid on the Capitol started 20 minutes before Trump spoke to the crowd? Did some protesters get in the building thru security before this started? Or stated another way, was this truly spontaneous or planned?
Media reports raised the possibility that Riley and others would be tried in Virginia or elsewhere in the DC area. Is it necessary to extradite them to the other side of the country or can the preliminary court appearances be done locally?
Apparently, we didn’t have to wait very long for the answer to my last question. Hours after I penned the above, a staff member forwarded the answer to my question with this update.
Jorge Riley, the Sacramento man accused of participating in the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riots, was in a heated hearing Wednesday where a federal judge ordered he remain in custody and be transported to Washington, D.C. courts, calling him “a man of impulse and poor judgment.” Judge Carolyn Delaney held firm that there was plenty of evidence against Riley, saying that his incarceration will be a lengthy one if he is convicted. Timothy Zindell, Riley’s attorney, vehemently argued against the judge, saying that the former Sacramento Republican leader was neither a flight risk nor a risk to public. Zindell also argued that Riley is a disabled veteran with no money and that he had to use his $600 stimulus check intended for coronavirus relief to buy a plane ticket to Washington.
These paragraphs contain a lot of info related to the theme of this post.
First, Riley will be sent to DC for trial.
Being in a “heated hearing” with a federal judge is never a good thing.
The judge, as we suspected, thinks Riley will be on ice for a long time.
It’s interesting that Riley—who allegedly resigned from his positions in CRA—is still described as a “Republican leader.” As we all know, were he a Democrat, his Party affiliation would never be mentioned in the story. This type of media bias has been the case for the last forty-plus years.
If Riley is transported out of California-which I understand happened yesterday-then maybe CRA will have grounds to remove him since he no longer resides in California, although we learned during the most recent election that living in another state is not necessarily a barrier to voting in the once golden state. The only sure way to ensure Riley’s removal from the CRA and Republican voter rolls is if he is convicted of a crime that results in his loss of the right to vote. Again, many within CRA don’t want Riley removed from office or the organization.
Lastly, if Riley had done the exact same things that he is accused of now and been a member of Some Black Lives Matter, Antifa, or another liberal group of malcontents, he would be out on bail and not be facing any charges as they would be dismissed by prosecutors.
Riley’s day of reckoning has been a long time coming. Had some in CRA said “NO” to him years ago, maybe he wouldn’t be drowning in this pool of excrement today.