Why I Can’t Support Donald Trump

President Trump had a good run, and in just four short years of his presidency he showed me how bad the GOP is corrupted by swamp creatures.  Similar to the CAGOP, the national party has the same types of folks; they talk a great game, then vote differently.  Case in point, healthcare. Trump upon being elected said “let’s get a plan ready and pass it once I am sworn in.”  That never happened.  The fire breathing conservatives never had a plan. In fact, I figure most of them likely voted for Hillary, figuring they could fundraise off her presidency and make millions.  In fact, I think most would agree Trump fought more with his own Party than the liberals. 

Everything was going well until the last 8 months of his presidency.  Then it all un-winded in spectacular fashion.  He “lost” the presidency. I use air quotes because I want to throw a bone to the mouth breathers who lurk on this site who keep talking about conspiracy theories.  Trump lost, I am sorry but folks it’s been 2 years now, get over it.  No one on this blog is happy he lost, mostly because of the way he lost, but most importantly what Trump did next was awful in my humble opinion. 

In the Georgia Senate runoff, he made bizarre statements and made that election all about him, as a result we lost 2 seats in the Senate we should still be in control of.  Rather than help the Party, Trump decided to make it all about him.  Again, we lost both seats, handing Chuck Schumer control.  Trump never let’s go of a grudge, and in this case, it decimated the Party. Look at what happened to the economy and the record spending on domestic and military programs by the Left.

His destructive persona continued with the January 6th shenanigans.  Frankly neither myself nor any other blogger on this site cares about January 6th, it happened, if you want to investigate the capital police etc. go for it.  It’s over.  Much like the Trump loss, get over it.  A group of whackos stormed the capital, see blogs about Jorge Riley for more details.

My biggest issue is how Trump acted this election cycle.  I will mention again that he raised 200 million this election cycle, with most donors likely thinking this would help his slate of candidates: Dr. Oz, Kari Lake, Herschel Walker, Blake Masters, Adam Laxalt, Don Bolduc, and JD Vance.  Of those candidates, none got any support from him, and only Vance won, underperforming big time, check out how the governor did in Ohio and compare.  Trump spent no money he raised to help his own slate of people! 

Worse yet he announced he had “an announcement to make 11/15 about his future plans” about 3 weeks prior to election.  This, in my opinion, wound up the liberal base all over the country.  We as conservatives must face it, Trump is to the liberals what the Clintons are to us, we will turn out in large numbers at the mere mention of the word “Clinton”.  The Democrats did the same.  They want no part of Trump, he is the anti-Christ to them.  He did more than the Dobbs decision ever could.  His announcement went off the same way we all figured it would, he is running.  We barely controlled the House and will at best be 50/50 in senate.  No red wave.

Trump made it all about himself, and the party was crushed.  He never went after lock-down governors like Whitmer, Evers, or Walz.  Didn’t go after any democrat senators either.  It was classic Trump., I’m sorry to say this, but he is a narcissist, and the party is now going to be held hostage by him.  Sadly, because Trump wanted to overthrow the election, among other odd beliefs, and our senate candidates were tied to him, they were torpedoed. Republican gubernatorial ones were able to slightly differentiate themselves and survive. 

In closing.

Trump is running, he has already started going after Ron DeSantis (Ron Desanctimonius) and Glenn Youngkin (saying it sounds like a Chinese person).  This will be found as funny to his devout supporters, but to me I’m turned off.  Petty name calling and personal attacks have place, it’s called family court.  DeSantis won big and is the frontrunner in my opinion, I will be supporting him or Glenn Youngkin (VA Governor) most likely.  DeSantis turned a purple state bright red, Youngkin a former businessman who turned a blue state red, we need folks like this.  Conservative governors are where the turn-around will start.  Both of those are great choices, I like Abbott from Texas as well.

Sorry Donald, but your erratic behavior has turned me off.  You could learn a lot about yourself by reading the room at your “announcement” where were the electeds?  Celebrity GOP types?  Even your allies from your presidency sat it out.  I saw the My Pillow Guy, and Roger Stone, this hardly moves the needle.  Now big money GOP donors are fleeing you and supporting anyone but you. You had six years to help elect Republicans that you could work with, but instead you sat on your thumbs doing nothing but self-promotion.

Mostly my disappointment is looking at what could have been.  The Senate could have been 52-48 leading up to this election.  Pick up AZ, NV, NH, which were all likely pickups by realclearpolitics.com on election day by the way. In addition to holding the open seats, we could be looking at 55-45 right now.  The map looks bad for the Democrats in 2024, with seats in Montana, West Virginia, and Arizona up, all 3 of the current office holders are on the outs with the far left of the party, primary challengers perhaps?  Also seats in the upper Midwest are up, if things go right, we could be looking at 60 seats!  But no, we will be digging out of a hole due to Trump.

The Chief

Last Thursday Night was a Wreck

As has been my habit, this week I went to the twice monthly Theology on Tap. It’s a Thursday night men’s gathering at a local watering hole that is sponsored by my church and usually attended by our pastor. The Pastor decided to read a passage in Psalms about trusting in God as opposed to men. I’m not sure of the reference—not that it matters—but it was something like one of these verses.

Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. Psalm 146:3

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. Psalm 20:7

He used the verse as a springboard to bring up government and politics. As you might expect, things went really sideways from there. Folks, it was the most horrific display of biblical illiteracy that I’ve seen in many years.

Those in attendance maintained that government was an invention of men and God could care less about it or what it does. It was just another societal institution composed of corrupt men. Which by the way is ok, as long as they leave us Christians alone and don’t force us to do stuff we disagree with; not that anyone could cite an example of what that might be. (Apparently closing churches, telling us whether we could sing songs during a worship service, or when and how to have Holy Communion is not crossing that line.) Furthermore, they asserted that the Bible is mute on how we should be governed by the State.

Folks these were not a bunch of pagans in the local biker bar trying to tell me why religion is dumb, these guys are the leaders of the church and regularly attend weekly services, and most have done so for years on end.

Wow. Truthfully, I got so angry that I left before it was over.

I thought every Sunday School kid knew that God created government. Its right there in Genesis 9, if you know what you’re reading. The proposition that man created government is usually credited to Thomas Hobbs or Jean-Jacques Rousseau. That this idea was allowed to stand for the hour and a half of discussion that I endured is shameful.

Most were in agreement that the Bible has nothing to say about “How should we then live?” (title of 1976 book by Frances Schaeffer). To say this group was antinomian and hostile to what the Bible has to say is no exaggeration. Any believers that would look to the Bible—particularly the Old Testament for guidance as to what God expected of government—were denounced as advocates of tyranny, inquisition, theocracy, and Roman Catholicism. Aren’t those the accusations normally leveled against Christians by liberals, pagans, and humanists?

I couldn’t get anyone to agree to the proposition that God is sovereign, ruling the nations now, and that all authority is under Christ. I said that God has appointed all authorities and will judge them and hold them to account. Not one agreement from anyone in the room.

I also stated that we don’t live in normal times. We are under God’s judgement. One person asked if that was the nation as a whole or Christians in particular? I said both.

Oh, the other zinger that was loudly and repeated stated, the United States was not founded as a Christian nation. I guess the first 200 years or so of our history were irrelevant, at least to this know-it-all public school graduate.

Finally, they got around to bashing Donald Trump—who last I checked didn’t claim to be a roll model of virtue or Christian excellence. Trump was bad because he called people names and had been married more than once. Zero complaints about the Party of the KKK, Jim Crow, Trail of Tears, abortion, homosexuality, slavery, etc.

Other than to invoke a Lutheran prayer that the government leave us alone—“That we may live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity” —and a reading of Romans 13, there was crickets from the pastor.

(I would expect this discussion from a female Methodist priestess and her congregants but a supposedly conservative clergyman and his leadership team, yikes!)

The only thing others said that I agreed with last night was if you don’t like it then move to another state. Thankfully I’m doing just that in a few months, God willing.

Folks, please understand that these guys see themselves as Godfearing Christians, good fathers, and Conservatives. If you want to know why your state is moving liberal and you have California Conservatives in your midst, maybe you can see a pattern here. They would rather be ruled by godless humanists, atheists, and pagans than by anyone using the Bible as their standard of Law and Ethics.

I got to see a microcosm of what’s wrong with the Church in America, or some of it anyway. It was heartbreaking. I’m not sure that I have much interest in going anymore.

Red Ripple Thoughts

Well that kinda sucked last night.  I was told by the media, even the left-wing ones, a red wave was coming. It was just a matter of how big.  The talking heads were saying GOP House with a 30 seat majority minimum, and a GOP Senate with a majority of 3-4.  Well, here we sit Wednesday at around noon, and we are at a House gain of 7, and a Senate loss of 1, and losses at the governor level of 2 so far.  This is the opposite of a wave; in fact it should be deflating.

Sadly, as a former card carrying CAGOP member, I am quite used to this feeling.  The wave never touches CA yet we were always told about the great hope that it would.  Our guys were going to do it, this was the year…etc.  So, the feeling, like I said, was nothing new.

So I will break down my commentary on winners and losers from last night.

WinnerRon DeSantisNo question he is the frontrunner to take on whomever the presidential nominee is from the Democrats.  A 20 point win in Florida is what he needed.  Keep in mind 4 years ago he won by about 1%.  He also became the first GOP governor to carry Miami-Dade County since Jeb Bush.  Miami-Dade is mostly Spanish speaking mind you.

Loser: Dr. Oz.  This guy lost to a clown who can barely speak after having a stroke and who spent most of the campaign in his basement.  Oz also has a very questionable background of supporting; gay rights, lbgtq, puberty blockers, and just flat out being a shill who lives in New Jersey. Oh, also isn’t he a citizen of a Muslim country (Turkey)? This was a loss we couldn’t have, and he lost it.

WinnerLockdown governors Whitmer, Evers, and Walz all from the Midwest, all won fairly convincingly.  I guess these folks like being in a nanny state?  Amazing to highlight the difference in DeSantis winning by 20% supporting freedom, and these folks winning while locking down.

Loser: Certain down ticket races.  More on this in a minute, but look at those Midwestern states mentioned above, add PA, GA, AZ, and a lot of House seats were left on the table.

WinnerPartisan politicsNo major wave in either direction, major politico types sent packing over Roe v Wade or other far out policies. This country is evenly divided, and it appears the Senate and House will reflect that as well.

LoserTrump.  I am actually starting to get off the Trump train.  Before you call me a bandwagon type or a fair-weather fan, I’m getting tired of his act.  He raised over 200 million and spent almost none of it.  This was a chance for him to get a coalition started for his next run.  He missed badly.  Even worse he endorsed and shepherded through some very average candidates.  Pure speculation on my part but I think any other candidate than Dr Oz, Herschel Walker, Blake Masters and Dan Bolduc (ME) would have done much better.  Even Trump supported folks who won badly underperformed.  Look at OH, the governor won by about 26%, Trump endorsed JD Vance won by 7.  In NC, Ted Budd won by about 5%.  In AZ Blake Masters is tracking about 10,000 votes less than the governor nominee is currently getting.  In PA his governor nominee flopped so badly it likely took Dr. Oz down in the undertow, at time of this writing the GOP governor nominee was at about 42% of the vote.  Oh BTW in Colorado Trump was so angry at nominee Kevin O’Dea in the weeks leading up to the race he said O’Dea shouldn’t win and called him a RINO.  O’Dea lost big, and Trump crowed on his Twitter clone, not a great look.

Winner: liberal policies.  Crime and law and order were on the ballot everywhere, and the Democrats won all the left leaning states.  So look for more homeless and more crime in these regions.  It is what it is I guess.

Loser: GOP messagingWhich was what exactly?  I’m being serious.  It sounded like the same old same old, no taxes, less spending, put us in charge and you will find out.  I heard no answers to the crime issue, none on the inflation issue, and I think the vote reflected that.  You wanted to have your own congressman/senator back and let them continue the fight.  If the GOP doesn’t figure it out on a national level and soon, they will be like the CAGOP, essentially a regional party who serves as “loyal opposition” as opposed to new ideas.


Editor’s note: Trump’s endorsement of DR. OZ was the stupidest endorsement that he ever made. He lost much credibility with me on that one. It even caused me not to contribute money to him anymore. Left that sink in just little. I’ve been supporting him since before he won the Presidential nomination, something few in California can truthfully say. I haven’t been a major donor, but I have given a few contributions since he became a candidate. Endorsing Oz really crossed a line for me.

 Kevin McCarthy is not, nor ever has been, a conservative. He has a multi-decades long track record of opposing us and our ideas. He is the RINO’s, RINO. He is on the wrong side of almost any social issue that I or fellow Christians believe or care about. He’ll change his spots to appear our ally but beware. Mitch McConnell seems the same type of political animal; just enough change of beliefs to stay in power. For men like them, its about gaining and expanding power not doing what’s best for the country.

There was no GOP coalition to oppose Biden. All we got was the same old crap (smoke and mirrors) as “repeal and replace” with a lot less believability and only after internal polling showed the insiders that there was no Red Wave. It was a psyop to keep the Fox News faithful on the reservation.

The best we can hope for is two years of gridlock.

Midterm Election Predictions

By Chief & Troll

Long standing traditions on this blog: Troll chasing any skirt that walks past him, Johnnie Does ripping small businesses, and Chief making predictions about elections.  So here we go!

Starting nationally

Blogger note:  Keep an eye on New York Governor race, if it’s very close, the GOP will way outperform my predictions. Also be aware of the “3 am ballot discovery” or “ballot counting will take months to complete” California has mastered the later, most swing states the former.  We saw the new Democrat playbook last election.

House elections:  The GOP will pick up 35-45 seats, it would be much higher if we had better folks running for governor in certain states.  In CA, we will pick up a couple seats…that’s my bold take.  A comfy GOP majority.

Senate:  Here is where my takes get even hotter, and predictions get bolder.  We will hold: PA, WI, OH, FL and NC.  These races won’t be close enough for the fraud to matter.  We pick up: AZ, NH, NV for sure, again these will likely be outside the amount of fraud that the Democrats will need.  Toss ups:  CO and WA, these will be tough, but if NY Governor race is close, dominoes will be a fallin’.  GA will go to a runoff and the GOP will win it next month.

The senate races remind me of a few years back, the Democrats put up average candidates, but they prevailed because the GOP brand was so bad, it’s going to be the reverse this time.  Let us not kid ourselves; Dr Oz, Herschel Walker, JD Vance, Blake Masters, Dan Bolduc, and Ted Budd are average candidates, but in a wave year they get pushed across the finish line.  I look for a 52-48 edge as a minimum advantage after Tuesday.

Governor: We will have a decent night, we hold GA, FL, TX, and VT.  The Democrats will pick up Maryland and Massachusetts, but who cares, those were on borrowed time.  The red team picks up: KS, WI, MI, NV, and I’m calling it, OR.  New Mexico will be close, and I think MN could be a barn burner.  Again watch New York, a little-known congressman from Long Island could keep it very close, Obama, Biden, and Harris have stumped for her recently.

Overall, a good night for the red team. On to CA

Not a lot of good to report here, I’ve heard rumblings Lanhee Chen will win Controller, no surprise, he is running as a Mitt Romney type.  Nathan Hochman could make it close for Atty General.  Look for Newsom’s results closely, if its close we could pick up about 4 seats in CA, a big blow out (68% plus) and I doubt it.

The statewide propositions will mostly all fail, the abortion one will pass big, I predict 68% in favor.  Blogger note:  This prop and Newsom should track fairly closely because the lack of any opposition from clergy, church or powers that be, make it a lost cause.  I’m disappointed the CAGOP didn’t endorse Prop 27, as I believe sports wagering should be allowed from your phone, but the CAGOP is owned by the Indian Casinos, so such is life.

Let’s turn it over to Troll shall we….

Well, well, well, here I go torching the Democrats……

Anyone seen that John Fetterman guy?  Running for senate in PA?  He looks like anyone at a CA state prison yard, just look at him.  Sweet holy moly is that the only outfit you own!

Oprah Winfrey supports Fetterman in PA…. well, if you want anyone to throw their weight behind you, Oprah isn’t a bad one to do so.

Speaking of weight, Stacy Abrams is running for GA governor again. Jesus, do her and Beto O’Rourke run for something new each cycle?  I do not know what Beto brings to the table, but I do know Abrams brings two things to the table, A KNIFE AND A FORK!

Speaking of ugly, has anyone seen Congress person Rosa DeLauro?

Hey Troll, is this genetically male or female? At least 3 bags either way

Wow hubba hubba baby baby, you must hate Alexander Graham Bell for inventing electricity.  Good god could you imagine if she married James Carville?  Oh god, my eyes, it’s like someone threw bleach in them.


Tulsi Gabbard leaves the Democrat Party….no shock; have you seen Democrat women lately?  No one on their side is winning a Miss America pageant, no wonder they hate Trump!

DeLauro, Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton squaring off against: Lauren Boebert, Sarah Palin, and Nikki Haley is the definition of no contest.


In closing Troll has a new GF, Olympic bobsled and hurdler Lolo Jones.  Check her out.

Spin on Paul Pelosi Attack–Hit Job in a Box

Yep, before the wounds were cleaned from Paul Pelosi getting hammered, the Democrat spin machine was ramping up to frame Republicans.

Below is an early report from Associated Press and CBS News.

San Francisco – The suspect in the attack on Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, appears to have been an active online participant in multiple conspiracy theories railing against perceived censorship and government control, and engaging in hate speech and antisemitism.

Pelosi attack suspect David DePape embraced hate speech, multiple conspiracy theories

DePape was known for embracing multiple conspiracy theories on subjects such as voter fraud, climate change, and the COVID pandemic on at least two different online forums. He also has posted antisemitic screeds and entries defending former President Donald Trump and Ye, the rapper formally known as Kayne West who recently made antisemitic comments.

In other posts, the writer said Jews helped finance Hitler’s political rise in Germany and suggested an antisemitic plot was involved in Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine.

In a Sept. 27 post, the writer said any journalists who denied Trump’s false claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election “should be dragged straight out into the street and shot.”

An Aug. 24 entry titled “Q,” displayed a scatological collection of memes that included photos of the deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and made reference to QAnon, the baseless pro-Trump conspiracy theory that espouses the belief that the country is run by a deep-state cabal of child sex traffickers, satanic pedophiles and baby-eating cannibals.

“Big Brother has deemed doing your own research as a thought crime,” read a post that appeared to blend references to QAnon with George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984.”

In an Aug. 25 entry titled “Gun Rights,” the poster wrote: “You no longer have rights. Your basic human rights hinder Big Brothers ability to enslave and control you in a complete and totalizing way.”

DePape’s posts frequently fixated on the subject of government or tech company “censorship.” One blog has subject tabs with such labels as “Pedophile normalization,” Creationism,” and “Facts are Racist.”

Another website has categories such as “Climate Hysteria,”  “Da Jewbs,” and “Groomer Schools.” The web hosting service WordPress removed one of the sites Friday afternoon for violating its terms of service.

DePape also posted memes and conspiracy theories on Facebook about COVID vaccines, the 2020 election and the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. Two of DePape’s relatives told CNN that he was ‘out of touch with reality,” estranged from his family, and confirmed that the Facebook account – which was taken down by the social media company on Friday – belonged to him.

All weekend the media was regurgitating this story or ones in a similar vein.

Folks, as a Trump supporter, this article looks very embarrassing and maybe even damaging to the cause; however, virtually every assertion in the above quotations is a bald-faced lie. David DePage had no websites or Facebook pages. Yep. It was a psyop.

The mainstream media attributed two websites to the man arrested with Paul Pelosi on early Friday morning, David DePape. However, this all appears to be another far-left farce.

David DePape was found with Paul Pelosi early Friday morning in his underwear at the Pelosi home by police in San Francisco. The mainstream media immediately tried to cover for the Pelosi family. They then attempted to align the man in his underwear found with Paul Pelosi as a conservative. But it was all a lie.

EXCLUSIVE: Two Far-Right Websites Attributed to David DePape to Smear Conservatives Were Scraped Friday and Deleted Saturday

In addition, the media tried to frame DePape as a conservative based on websites that were reportedly his. DePape was homeless and a drug addict but the media insisted he was running a conservative website? Makes perfect sense.

Fox News reported:

Facebook disabled DePape’s profile early Friday and declined to answer questions. At least two online blogs under DePape’s name are stocked with posts from the years of 2007 and 2022 speaking of “censorship,” “Big Brother,” and pedophiles. One contained calls for violence and antisemitic content. It was not immediately clear that he was responsible for the posts, and San Francisco police did not immediately respond to questions about DePape’s online presence.

The L.A Times:

In the months before police accused him of attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Friday morning, David DePape had been drifting further into the world of far-right conspiracies, antisemitism and hate, according to a Times review of his online accounts.

In a personal blog that DePape maintained, posts include such topics as “Manipulation of History,” “Holohoax” and “It’s OK to be white.” He mentioned 4chan, a favorite message board of the far right. He posted videos about conspiracies involving COVID-19 vaccines and the war in Ukraine being a ploy for Jewish people to buy land.

DePape’s screeds included posts about QAnon, an unfounded theory that former President Trump is at war with a cabal of Satan-worshipping elites who run a child sex ring and control the world. In an Aug. 23 entry titled “Q,” DePape wrote: “Either Q is Trump himself or Q is the deepstate moles within Trumps inner circle.”

The problem is the websites cited by the mainstream media that were supposedly aligned with DePape were created on Friday and they are no longer active today, Saturday.

The site Godisloving.wordpress.com was opened on Friday and shutdown on Saturday.

If you try to link to it now, you will find it has been shut down

The other site listed, www.frenlyfrens.com/blog is no longer active as well. It too was created on Friday and shut down on Saturday. The only activity on this site as well was in the last two days.

If you read the article quoted above, the author is correct in stating the sites were created Friday October 28 and taken down Saturday the 29th. I verified it. Since he wrote the article, archive.org has attempted further backups. Following the URL will take you to a jump page stating the site is down.

The moral of the story is that facts are irrelevant because Democrats just make-up their own. This is the intersection of “he who frames the issue, wins the debate” and “never let a good crisis go to waste”.

With just a week until election day, would you really expect anything else?

Is Nothing Private Any More

The good news is that we finally got insurance for our future retirement house. They offered us a discount to add our car on the policy, so we agreed.

That was last week. Today I was greeted with the following package in my mailbox.

In it was the “Drive Safe & Save” gizmo. It is a Bluetooth device that they want you to pair with your phone and keep in your vehicle. Yep, they want you to voluntarily let them track your every movement in exchange for an auto insurance discount.

Sorry fellas but I’m not playing. It’s bad enough that Big Tech is tracking me, and I didn’t volunteer or agree to that, but they make me do it to get a cell phone. Oh, as a bonus, China gets to track me too and gets copies of my text messages and address book on a regular basis, oh, notice that Tim Cook, et al., don’t block the Communists from having the same data on me that they have. Our government is next in line and getting us to agree to this Bluetooth device is just an incremental step in imposing a mileage tax on us because who wants their odometer read?

Oh, on the subject of privacy, why is it that it takes a daily newspaper in Texas to inform us that UC Davis is monitoring all their student’s social media activity?

DAVIS — An investigation by The Dallas Morning News revealed UC Davis is among several schools across the country using social media-monitoring software to keep track of students’ online posts.

UC Davis police using software to track students’ social media posts

The Dallas Morning News reports that “Detect” can also allow campus police to surveil student protests. The surveillance strikes a chord with UC Davis students as they remember the impact of an incident over a decade ago. In 2011, student protesters with the Occupy movement were pepper-sprayed by campus police.

The software can track student email, movement, friends and associates, posts, and more. The software vendor claims to have thousands of schools in 36 different states as customers.

The article appears in many places such as these:

Tracked: How colleges use AI to monitor student protests

Tracked: How Colleges Use AI To Monitor Student Protests

An older but similar story

Texas schools are surveilling students online, often without their knowledge or consent

I promise this information will be abused but anyone with a brain will not admit how they use it. Perhaps we are seeing a glimpse into what gets you into the college when they don’t use SAT or other academic criteria.

Oh, even without all the above, here’s what I call “an admission against interest” from a hiring manager that was reposted on GAB a few days ago.

Evil Hiring Manager

The Catholic Church and Abortion

Bloggers noteThe point of this blog isn’t to debate Prop 1 in CA (abortion) but to point out the shifting “stance” of the Catholic Church in regard to abortion that I have witnessed firsthand.

It should be a surprise to none of our readers, I am a Knight of Columbus (men’s group sanctioned by the Catholic Church) so I have a front row seat to the goings on and beliefs coming from leadership.  One thing that upset me was slightly after the confirmation of Amy Comey Barret to the Supreme Court, I witnessed a sea change in tone at my church and in the media.  Let me lay it out.

The media no longer made this a GOP vs Democrat issue, it became organized religion aka the Catholic Church vs everyone else.  I use the term “Catholic Church” because most view the Pope as the world’s strongest leader when it comes to organized religion. He is definitely the most recognizable.  Notice how the judges were being grouped by “Catholic vs the others”?  Barrett was criticized as being Catholic, and heavily religious.  This has begun a narrative that in my opinion led to the church changing its tone toward abortion. 

I was also in receipt of 2 emails from supreme one telling me as a leader to tell my fellow Knights how to vote.  Odd. If you are in a Catholic men’s group, you should know what you are joining, oh well.  Followed by a separate email in essence saying you are a Catholic gentleman, vote this way.  Yikes! Talk about bad messaging.

I am involved in a welcoming ceremony for the Knights here in California.  One of the lines I always listened for is “Regarding abortion, we do not recognize it, and cry out it is a mortal sin!”  “This goes for support of all politicians legalizing it as well.  Interestingly enough the ceremony was changed last year, and those lines are gone.  Furthermore, abortion is no longer even mentioned.  Gone.  When I asked, I was told this is how it is, and not following exactly means you are expelled from the order.  Pretty harsh!

In addition, it used to be if you were a Knight, you could not be a “Mason” as the Free Masons support abortion access, this was dropped as well.  Something, something, membership dropping, something, something.

Then I came church a week or so ago, and the following left me speechless.  During the homily or sermon depending on your viewpoint, our head priest wanted to address the congregation about Prop 1.  I figured he would address it, likely saying the Bishop says this… etc.  Nope he pawned it off to his deacon, a deacon in our church is not a priest but ordained kind of like minister in some ways.  Our deacon punted, he basically said the bishop’s remarks are in the bulletin (basically a program) and they moved on.  After Mass I looked in the vestibule (gathering area outside the main church) and the anti-abortion pamphlets were gone.  Just to re-cap Father passed the baton, deacon punted, and the congregation was likely confused. 

To make matters worse, I was told the Spanish Mass got a different variety of homily, there’s was more fire and brimstone about abortion being bad.  This leads to one obvious conclusion, it’s about butts in the seats and money on the collection plate (donation plate). 

Also leads to another question.

Is the Catholic Church picking and choosing who gets their message based on the crowd?  I say yes.  Why would you avoid the issue at the Masses with white/more affluent/progressive types, yet go all in at the Spanish Mass occupied by more traditional types?  I believe it’s just a matter of which audience they want to hear the message.  The earlier Masses are sparsely filled and tend to be far more democratic in their viewpoints, so tell them check out the program.  The more traditional crowd?  Hit them with the red meat and let them chew on it.

There has been a massive sea change in this country and make no mistake, its Catholics Vs Everyone on CA’s ballot in November.  I expect 70% to vote in favor of making abortion legal permanently.  I cannot hide my disappointment in the church or the Knights for turning their back on these issues.  Just like the GOP does out here, when they start winning on an issue they immediately run for cover, scared and afraid.

Oh, and like William’s church, my church plays the same music, “They will know we are Christians by our love” and we play “all are welcome in this place” I guess all are welcome.  Who cares about beliefs…like you know, the Bible says.  Ouch.


Editor’s Note: The first email never even said how to vote or came out against Prop 1, it had this milquetoast admonition. “As you may be aware, the California Bishops have made a recommendation on Proposition 1 …” Two days later, a more substantive  email was sent. The resources contained in it are actually very good. The Bible warns us “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James 1:8 On this issue, the Church definitely falls under that condemnation.

Esophageal Cancer Update September 2022

I haven’t written about my wife’s struggle with cancer lately. I wanted to provide an update for at least two reasons, first, it’s been over a year since her diagnosis and secondly, she just spent a week in the hospital because of cancer related reasons.

At the end of August, the wife and I went to our house in Idaho. Our mission was to frame interior walls and get rough electrical and plumbing figured out. I did get both bathrooms framed as well as some other walls, but it took way more time than I thought. I found that the house framing was not ready for insulation and covering the walls. Nailing edges were not installed anywhere and that took lots of additional cutting and attaching.

The air compressor that we bought at Home Depot was broken when it came out of the box. As a result, we had to return it and buy a new one. I decided to try a different brand. Word to the wise—skip the Dewalt 6-gallon compressor. Getting supplies was a slow process, especially, when mama decided on a major design change in the midst of the build.

Partway thru the week, my wife got sick. Typically, she throws-up about once a week but this time was different. She usually is her happy-go-lucky self by morning but not this time. She had a fever and continued to barf up everything, including water. The next night she woke me up because she was shaking the bed. She complained of being cold and couldn’t stop trembling. I gave her my half of the blankets on the bed. I offered to take her to the Emergency Room two blocks away, but she refused. Her shaking lasted for about 45 minutes before subsiding.

She spent the next day in bed. It was clear that as it related to construction, I was on my own. The following day I strongly suggested that we skip the remainder of our vacation and go home. It was only one day early but she agreed. I drove the thousand miles from our place in Idaho to California in one day. I don’t think I did more than two potty stops on the whole trip. My wife was miserable and did most of the trip with ice packs on her head.

That night we showered and went to bed hoping tomorrow would be better. Sadly, that was not to be. The next day was Labor Day. By that evening, I finally got my wife to let me take her to the hospital.

She had three major issues, she was dehydrated, vomiting, and had a horrible headache. Just so you know, it seems nobody wants to go to the Emergency Room on a three-day weekend. We were seen almost immediately. OK, technically she was seen, I was exiled because I didn’t have a Covid vaccine card. Newsom has never released his grip on the medical community.

After sitting outside for a while, I read the Covid rules. It said that if I did a home test that I could go see her. I verified this with security, and they said my understanding was correct. Trying to find a Covid test at nine o’clock at night on a holiday is really a booger. I had to go four places to find one. Believe it or not, I ended up at Safeway in Elk Grove. They were the only place that I could find them. Shortly after 11 PM, I had two in hand and headed to the hospital.

Oh, just as I was walking out the door of Safeway, the ER doctor offered me a Covid test so I could be with my wife.

My wife spent a horrible week in the hospital. The IV solution took care of the dehydration. The docs thought she had “aspiration pneumonia” and put her on antibiotics. She has shadows in her lungs, and signs of an infection. Everyone assumed it was because her vomiting had been inhaled. The lab tests showed she did have an infection, but the white cell count didn’t improve as a result of her treatment. In fact, her blood chemistry was an indescribable mess. All sorts of seemingly unrelated things were low. Towards the end of her stay, the doctors decided the only logical thing was that these symptoms were the result of her immunotherapy.

Let me explain. Immunotherapy is supposed to encourage your body to fight-off infections. Since it is administered one per month, it must be stored in your body and released slowly over time. This means it’s probably related to your liver. When you get sick, your body can release a large quantity of the stuff into your system and overload your body’s systems. This appears to be what happened.

My wife has been out of the hospital for about a week now. She is weak and lacking energy. She has improved a bit but seems to be stuck in a lower gear, if that makes any sense. I have to help her walk long distances and her stamina is definitely gone. She is taking multiple naps each day and has a very limited reserve of energy. Also, her food intake is minimal, some days just a few hundred calories. She has lost about 80 pounds since being diagnosed with cancer and her weight is continuing to decrease.

Many follow-up visits to various doctors have been planned and each visit seems to have lab work associated with it. My wife hopes to resume immunotherapy in October, but I think the doctors will consider ending the treatments. Perhaps lowering the dosage and going back to twice monthly sessions will be considered, but the problem with the twice monthly idea is that the FDA approval of this drug may not allow this as an option. I know a certain number of people cannot complete the course of immunotherapy treatment but none of the literature that I can find says why. Perhaps this is what my wife is going thru now.

I do know that none of the tests run in the hospital found any cancer in her body and they did look. This recent hospitalization makes me wonder if the cure for the cancer is almost as bad as the disease. On good days you say, “No,” on bad days … well, you hope there aren’t many until things improve.

Johnnie Does Sky River Casino

Avoid.  That’s the one and only word.  Your humble correspondent has not and will not visit after hearing and seeing several trusted sources review our new shiny casino. 

Sky River is a brand-new casino that opened in the same town as this blog’s world headquarters.  We have always been skeptical as this is a small town, and do we really need another casino here?  In a short driving distance, we have, Jackson Rancheria, Cache Creek, Thunder Valley, Red Hawk and a couple of card rooms downtown.  All of them are far more exciting than our new casino.  Sky River Casino is very small, and no frills at all.  For now, it’s just a gambling floor and food.  I guess long term they have plans for a hotel, we shall see.

As for the casino part, I have had 4 customers/friends attend the casino multiple times since it opened, of course they aren’t degenerate gamblers, they just like to play a bit.  None enjoyed it at all.  Some even won money and still would not go back.  They said it was smoky as heck, so bad they had to go outside to get fresh air multiple times over the course of 30 minutes.  This is a bad look for a casino who said they have state of the art filtering systems in place. 

Photo from Yelp

The slot and table play got decent marks, but it was very crowded, this is a good thing for the casino.  But again, the smoke…. yikes.

The food was a major let down.  Full disclosure they do have a standalone steak house coming soon, which would be a good addition to this town in my opinion, but the food otherwise consists of just a food court.  Pretty lame. You order from your phone and sit and the workers bring it out to you.  Prices were just ok.  Food was high school cafeteria quality.  Avoid.

In summary, this place is average, but it fits this town perfectly.  If you think about it, we have lots of chain restaurants here, nothing special.  Our casino fits that.  We have people who are always hunting for a deal, this place fits that.  We are a no-frills town… this place fits that. 

Yelp Review Summary of Sky River Casino

Recently, I went out to eat and happened to be seated near an elected official from this area.  I overheard her telling a colleague we have a Walmart quality casino, for our Walmart quality town.  (We have 4 Wally Worlds in and around Elk Grove.)  If you are looking to blow some cash, this place will allow you to do that, but bear in mind, it has no sports book, no quality food options, and no hotel.  Also, no golf course or amphitheater.  Suit yourself, but I am not going to partake.  Like usual, this town would rather be adequate or average than have anything nice.

Johnnie Does

Editor’s Note: I checked Yelp just to see if Johnnie was being too hard on the place. Here’s what I found.

After trying to go here and eat more than Ice Cream, it was disappointing. Most of the Marketplace Food Court is surpassed by your local Shopping Mall Food Court in Selection, Quality and Service.

Yelp Reviewer Wanugee N. 09/17/22

Beautiful inside except the cleanliness. A casino of this size should have at least 5 people on the floor all the time just picking up and cleaning everything. It’s dirty.

Yelp Reviewer Marianna B. 08/21/22

There was no non-smoking area. I brought a mask but it didn’t help. There were also no hand sanitizer stations around. There are germs on every machine!

There was a long line to get into the food court area. It took awhile to get in and once I saw the prices I immediately went out… Too bad there is no buffet, whenever I go to a casino I expect a buffet.

Main question, did I have fun? My answer is not really.  I did get some exercise though from getting lost in this casino and then getting lost again in the parking lot. I guess I at least got to experience this but I don’t think I’ll come back.

Yelp Reviewer Scott F. 09/03/22

What is Causing the Fentanyl Deaths?  It’s not what you think

Fentanyl is affecting hundreds of thousands a year, in all our communities.  How and why is this happening?

Well really its simple, we are a country of addicts.

We do not want to believe or hear this but allow me to lay out my reasoning.  In this country we are a nation of addicts, be it; alcohol, drugs, prescription drugs, phones, TV, porn, you name it, chances are you know someone who is one.  Once you get hooked, you eventually need a bigger euphoria.  So, you get into something more hardcore or take a larger dose.

I spoke to a friend in law enforcement and his comments were similar to mine.  He took the stance of his industry that legalizing weed was a horrific idea, due to its status as a gateway drug.  You start with weed, then your body needs more, so you smoke it more times a day.  Then you have a larger desire, so you move on to cocaine, heroin you name the next drug in line.  Furthermore, that doesn’t become a big enough hit, so you move on again.  Eventually all roads lead to the fentanyl dealer.  You take him up on it, if it doesn’t kill you, you come back for more.  Or it kills you and you leave a family/loved ones behind.

The overwhelming belief from my friend in L.E. and his colleagues, where the bud is so much stronger than it used to be back in the hippie days, people are getting hooked quicker.  We made a colossal mistake, but we do not wish to admit it.

Don’t believe me?  You do not have to. All I ask is for you to picture yourself at your office or around your friends.  How many of them drink energy drinks/Starbucks/Dunkin?  How many drink numerous servings of them a day?  How many vape?  Smoke?  Do edibles etc.?  We are a large nation of addicts, many of the caffeine crowd make numerous trips to the “legal crack den” coffee shop as I call it.  They are addicted and will need a bigger buzz at some point.  So, you switch, move up etc. and eventually you end up dead.

A second hypothesis of mine is depression/mental health issues

We locked down for 18 months, maybe longer depending on your state of residence.  We told folks at some of the lowest parts of the socio-economic ladder they were not essential.  As a result, they stayed at home since well they weren’t needed.  (2 weeks to slow the spread anyone?) This did horrific things to people’s mental health.  When people are down, they search out a fix.  The pandemic did wonders for your local dealer, and I’m not talking about the one working on a car lot.  When you feel alone, depressed, and told you are not essential…. well, is anyone surprised we have a drug problem?

Isn’t it the cartels/border where the problem is?

Yes.  But we have shown zero to attempt to do anything about the problem in the country under President Depends.  An open border policy leads to drugs flowing in.  Americans have lots of $$$ and we are willing to pay for vices to get a fix.  We won’t close the border, soft on crime policies will have the offender out of jail before dinner time, and they will be back out dealing again.

Should we better educate our youth?

Doubtful it would work.  Just like the cable watching older folks, the younger ones get their info and life advice from Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat.  Oh, I almost forgot TikTok–brought to you directly by the Chinese Communist Party who is likely responsible for these shipments of fentanyl going to Mexico to be sent to USA.

Be aware. These are killing folks in big numbers. It used to just be in Appalachia, then it moved to lower socio-economic areas, and now it’s in every big city.  It’s bad enough now a local High School in my area had a booth set up to give out Narcan (lifesaving medical) to students to carry on their person in case of overdose.  This will not get better America, but hey, grab that joint and light it up, trust me it’s just a little pot, nothing to worry about.


Editor’s Note: Fentanyl, also spelled fentanil, is a potent opioid used as a pain medication. Together with other drugs, fentanyl is used for anesthesia. It is also used illicitly as a recreational drug, sometimes mixed with heroin, cocaine, benzodiazepines or methamphetamine.