Troubling Future for our Medical Field (USA)

This blog has admittedly been a long time coming but now that my doctor has retired and moved back to his home country, I feel I can get away with it.  I had this doctor for about 20 years of my life. He is from a part of the world where most of our doctors came from 20 or so years ago.  I am trying to conceal his identity as most of the items I list in this blog were told to me by him verbatim and I wish no ill will on him.  He chose to retire, not to a different state, or part of the US but back to a country I do not hold in high esteem as developing.

My doctor and I grew to be friends, and I value his wisdom, I ask you to really set aside any preconceptions you have and listen to his commentary.

  1.  Our best and brightest no longer want to be doctors.  Six/seven figure student loans are the norm, then you must either: buy a practice (adding more debt) or join a health network and be an employee.
  2. Medicine is dictated from the top down, not via peer reviewed research.  You may remember the Covid-19 shot, and if you refused you were a whacko.  No dissent is allowed.  If you speak out your medical license could be revoked.  Worse yet, if you are an employee, you get muzzled and terminated. 
  3. Don’t believe point #2? Most hospital boards are run by lawyers now.  Check it out yourself.
  4. The debt issue: my doctor was never really in debt, so he could bill for only needed expenses. New doctors must bill for “extra services, not likely essential” knowing your insurance will pay.  As my doctor states, this is now routine practice not an outlier. 
  5. Distribution of prescription drugs is at unsustainable levels.  Go to your doctor, tell him you are experiencing pain/anxiety/depression etc.  He will find a pill for you.  We have a current shortage in Adderall pills right now. Adderall is used for focus/attention disorders. I have read zero about an increase in folks with diagnosed ADD/ADHD. 
  6. Mental Health Blarney:  Again, his words, we have folks walking in wanting a diagnosis simply to essentially “pull the mental health card” at work or at school.  He had a client who didn’t like his answer in diagnosing so this person traveled all the way to Modesto (3 counties over) to get a medical pot prescription. 
  7. Prescription drugs = lawsuit.  Ever see the ad on TV…ask your doctor if_____ is right for you?  Kinda weird right? You go to a guy with a medical license and you’re trying to tell him what to prescribe to you?  Well, I guess that’s why you pay for internet and cable right?  Yup.  The bad part about those “ask your doctor ads”? The ad that comes later is “did your doctor prescribe ____ and you experienced any of these symptoms? Call 1-800-bad-drug now!”  Yep, that “ask your doctor” drug got sued and now a 10-figure settlement has been reached.
  8. Medical Malpractice Insurance is too expensive: it’s easier and cheaper to settle than litigate.  My doctor was sued 10 times in the past decade for largely dubious claims; however, in each case the lawsuit was settled for literally pennies on the dollar, it got too expensive.  Again, it’s a lawyer thing, settle and save $$, fight and we could lose more money.  In one case the plaintiff signed the settlement papers, and the following day scheduled a physical with my doctor.  Yep, the same one she had for 15 years and sued for “inappropriate touching.” Yep, after claiming to be victimized, she was so mad and angry that she wanted to go back the next day for more.
  9. Too many idiots trying to play doctor.  I know at least one. They Google or watch the TV for affirmation about what they believe.  This person was convinced he could get off his anti-depression pills because “it was time,” he didn’t.  While this person didn’t go to my doctor, he told me numerous stories as well.  Folks, when you tell your doctor about mental health issues; especially suicide, you don’t ever get off the pill; no matter what Google or your cable news channel host says.
  10. His 2 children are going to law school.  Yep, the family business is over.  They would rather sue and collect than research and listen.  It broke his heart, but it’s a change in America and it isn’t good.
  11. There are 2 genders.  This actually is science; you know like the Covid vaccine was marketed as?  Check out what puberty blockers are.  BTW you are being a colossal dickhead for trying to make any doctor sign off on this procedure.  Just go to the local murderer of the unborn, at least you won’t be putting someone’s medical license in jeopardy.  Don’t believe me?  If you are here in California and approach your doctor about this, watch them squirm and get uncomfortable really quick. Said California doctors will not stick their neck out to save your child when such action will cost them their medical license.

Not an exhaustive list but you see the point.  The independent doctor is now a thing of the past.  Say hello to large corporations buying up and creating “in house” options to save $$ and overhead.  Get off your damn computer, put the remote down, and quit listening to doctors like Anthony Fauci who don’t practice medicine.  We have a massive crisis coming here and it’s not going to get better.  I want a free-thinking doctor who researches, not a mindless dolt who is scared to be sued.  And my god quit this mental health BS.

The Chief

One Man’s Mental Health Crisis

Readers, I am going to share my thoughts and opinions about one man’s mental health crisis. This is by no means a “painting with a broad brush” blog. I am merely pointing out how this crisis was caused by himself.

There is a friend of mine who is struggling to the point that he admitted to a doctor he had “picked out the knife” he was going to use to kill himself.  As a result, he is on meds, seeing a counselor, and a psychiatrist. He is confused as to why. He also thinks this will be a short stay on the meds and appointments with others. What he fails to understand is in CA, you can sue anyone for anything, so especially when it comes to medical issues, everyone goes into CYA (cover your butt) mode.  There is no easy way out and due to our lack of mental health facilities, all our society does is prescribe pills.

temptation to go down the drain

Enough about his issues, let us get to the root cause of this problem.  It dates back about 2.5 years; you guessed it the start of Covid.  He bought into the big lie being peddled by all news networks. The lie was we were all going to die, expect for a master race that would be avoiding Covid altogether. He hid inside his house and continued to consume more of this lying, even though it was being proven that folks were not dying en masse. It didn’t matter what was really happening, the folks on TV were saying otherwise.  He tripped over people to get the vaccine, ditto for boosters and the like. This is even after seeing that the masses were not perishing in high numbers.  He continued to watch the entire daytime and prime timeline up, concluding the lock downs must continue even though the numbers were likely being made up.

Recently he has changed his tune just like a certain cable network did toward Covid.  It’s over and we better move on.  He will even tell people he was never scared of Covid.  Yet he still refused to flush the toilet at work, touch the doorknob, or let anyone stand near his desk.  He doesn’t want me taking vacation anywhere because I may catch Covid, yet he attends casinos?

Circling the drain

Long story short, he fell for the big lie.  He cannot handle it.  As a result, he pulls the mental health card, one he used to say was only pulled by the weak.

He cannot bear to watch his teams lose, he actually calls them his teams, yet he has no ownership stake or betting stake in them.  Seriously, when they lose, he says he doesn’t want to talk about it, and he is depressed.  Keep in mind this person is twice my age. When the 49ers lost the Super Bowl, he took a week off. The Giants are fading from the playoffs, yet he watches every pitch, every game, every day.

He has a reality issue. He thinks life is like a Disney Movie; the princess always gets the prince at the end no matter what. He can no longer separate real from fake. A game?!?!?  Seriously?

He has pulled away from everyone and self-isolated.  This has been a long time coming. His favorite pastimes are throwing folks under the bus and blaming folks who are not in the room to defend themselves. You should hear what he says about his golf crew behind their backs, you would think its mayhem on that course.

Is there a way out?

He has become the most price sensitive complainer I know.  He gripes about everything, airfare, hotel rates, food, gas, … well except the gambling.  All in all, he is bitter to be around, a wet blanket if you will.

To put a bow on this blog, I want to point out, I do think mental illness is real. It is a crisis; one we do not know how to deal with in a country that has become hyper-focused on name calling.  The difference is he did this to himself.  The number one cause of depression is isolation, a lie he bought into.  He trusted Hannity, Tucker and Fauci. The lockdowns were needed, it was to weed out the weak.  Sounds like he is having second thoughts on the upcoming booster?  How come?  You already hit your body with 4 jabs, what is one more?  Prices going up? Well, that is a result of shutting things down, and now you have to pay a premium to hire folks to do those jobs.  Another fact lost on him.  Businesses were shut indefinitely, and it shows no signs of getting better. He never had the ability to understand you cannot put the toothpaste back into the tube. I think he feels he was lied to and conned by people he trusted; his “TV friends.”

Watching the TV for hours on end just makes things worse. 90% of that is negative, and its constantly negative.  Worse, it’s on a continuous loop, so when one show ends another one starts and rehashes all the news.  Watching more than 5 minutes could kill a man. This guy watches 10 plus hours a day.  The TV viewing time is often extended longer by a steady diet of 3 plus hour baseball or football games.  This is not the real world, it’s a fake fantasy.

He does not want to volunteer his time anywhere, nor does he want to get out of his house.  Seeing another human is a wonderful thing, locking yourself in an echo chamber is not.  Read a book, go outside, touch the grass, volunteer your time, get to a church.

Long and short, I hope he gets better but he refuses to change his ways. I see this self-destruction spiraling as he circles the drain lost in his delusions.

The Chief

The Road to hell is Paved by Birx

Folks, its not too often that the man (or woman) behind the curtain outs themselves and takes a bow for their skullduggery; but occasionally, the villain has enough hubris to do just that. Enter one, Deborah Birx. This woman is evil incarnate and thinks herself quite the opposite. Everything wrong with the government’s response to Covid 19 was not only her fault but her idea.

Here’s a partial list of things that she did as the lead doctor on the White House Covid task force.

  • Came up with two weeks to flatten the curve which she knew was a lie
  • Limit social gatherings to ten people when she really wanted zero
  • Use federal bureaucrats to give governors cover to lockdown their states
  • She fought for unending shutdowns
  • She came up with asymptomatic spread of the virus with zero proof
  • Brix doctored—sorry about the pun—White House communications with state governors and health officials
  • Brix denounced any real science as subterfuge
  • Face masks

The only thing I can’t find for certain is whether it was her idea to keep six feet apart but after everything else I found out about her; I believe it’s likely.

Folks, most of the rest of this post is quotes of others who are quoting the doctor’s book and then comment on it. Please read the source material cited. Lastly, any emphasis within the quotation is from the quoted source and not added by me.

Dr. Deborah Birx, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator for President Trump, launched her book about her one-person attack on our form of government and our economy under the guise of saving us from the Wuhan virus. Though it has been out for a couple of months, it is only now attracting the attention it deserves. The book is called Silent Invasion and, to quote Michael Senger, “reads like a how-to guide in subverting a democratic superpower from within, as could only be told through the personal account of someone who was on the front lines doing just that.”

Former Trump COVID Honcho Birx Admits to Deceiving the White House and Just Making Stuff up to Push Her Personal Agenda

Dr. Deborah Birx, who served as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under President Donald Trump, has admitted in a new book that she manipulated data and altered quietly altered Useless CDC guidance without authorization.

In “Silent Invasion,” she confesses she “devised” a “strategic sleight-of-hand” method of reporting she described as “subterfuge.”

“This wasn’t the only bit of subterfuge I had to engage in,” she writes.

Birx insisted, contrary to the White House and the CDC, that the asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 was significant.

She says that “eight months into the pandemic, many at both the White House and the Useless CDC still refused to see that silent spread played a prominent role in viral spread and that it started with social gatherings, especially among the younger adults.”

Birx opposed the advice of then-coronavirus adviser Dr. Scott Atlas to limit testing on the premise that asymptomatic transmission was minimal and not driving the pandemic.

She and then Useless CDC Director Robert Redfield “agreed to quietly rewrite the guidance and post it to the Useless CDC website.”

“We would not seek approval. Because we were both quite busy, it might take a week or two, but we were committed to subverting the dangerous message that limiting testing was the right thing to do,” she writes.

Birx recalls a phone call from White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows: “What the hell do you think you’re doing? You rewrote and posted the Useless CDC testing stuff,” said Meadows, according to Birx’ account.

“Yes, I did, but – ” Birx replied.

“There’s no ‘buts’ here. You went over my head,” Meadows said, according to Birx.

Dr. Deborah Birx admits she deceived Trump to push COVID measures

So just to recap, here we have Deborah Birx—the woman who did more than almost any other person in the United States to promote and prolong Covid lockdowns, silencing anyone who disagreed with her, to the incessant praise of mainstream media outlets—telling us she’d been inspired by all those images of Wuhan residents falling dead and constructing a hospital in 10 days, and still didn’t realize they were fake two years after they’d been proven fake.

And that’s just Chapter 1.

Deborah Birx’s Guide to Destroying A Country From Within

Birx proudly recalls using “flatten-the-curve guidance” to manipulate the President’s administration into consenting to lockdowns that were stricter than they realized.

“On Monday and Tuesday, while sorting through the CDC data issues, we worked simultaneously to develop the flatten-the-curve guidance I hoped to present to the vice president at week’s end. Getting buy-in on the simple mitigation measures every American could take was just the first step leading to longer and more aggressive interventions. We had to make these palatable to the administration by avoiding the obvious appearance of a full Italian lockdown. At the same time, we needed the measures to be effective at slowing the spread, which meant matching as closely as possible what Italy had done—a tall order. We were playing a game of chess in which the success of each move was predicated on the one before it.”

Birx doubles down, inadvertently admitting where that arbitrary number “ten” came from for her guidance as to the size of social gatherings, while admitting her real goal was “zero”—no social contact of any kind, anywhere.

I had settled on ten knowing that even that was too many, but I figured that ten would at least be palatable for most Americans—high enough to allow for most gatherings of immediate family but not enough for large dinner parties and, critically, large weddings, birthday parties, and other mass social events.… Similarly, if I pushed for zero (which was actually what I wanted and what was required), this would have been interpreted as a “lockdown”—the perception we were all working so hard to avoid.

Birx divulges her strategy of using federal advisories to give cover to state governors to impose mandates and restrictions.

“The White House would “encourage,” but the states could “recommend” or, if needed, “mandate.” In short, we were handing governors and their public health officials a template, a state-level permission slip they could use to enact a specific response that was appropriate for the people under their jurisdiction. The fact that the guidelines would be coming from a Republican White House gave political cover to any Republican governors skeptical of federal overreach”

Then, Birx recalls with delight as her strategy led the states to shut down one by one.

“[T]he recommendations served as the basis for governors to mandate the flattening-the-curve shutdowns. The White House had handed down guidance, and the governors took that ball and ran with it…With the White House’s “this is serious” message, governors now had “permission” to mount a proportionate response and, one by one, other states followed suit. California was first, doing so on March 18. New York followed on March 20. Illinois, which had declared its own state of emergency on March 9, issued shelter-in-place orders on March 21. Louisiana did so on the twenty-second. In relatively short order by the end of March and the first week of April, there were few holdouts. The circuit-breaking, flattening-the-curve shutdown had begun.”

In what may be the most damning quote of the entire US response to Covid, in one paragraph, Birx tells us that she’d always intended “two weeks to slow the spread” as a lie and immediately wanted those two weeks extended, despite having no data to show why that was necessary.

“No sooner had we convinced the Trump administration to implement our version of a two-week shutdown than I was trying to figure out how to extend it. Fifteen Days to Slow the Spread was a start, but I knew it would be just that. I didn’t have the numbers in front of me yet to make the case for extending it longer, but I had two weeks to get them. However hard it had been to get the fifteen-day shutdown approved, getting another one would be more difficult by many orders of magnitude.”

Birx frequently emphasizes her fixation with the concept of “asymptomatic spread.” In her mind, the less sick a person is, the more “insidious” they are:

“Asymptomatic, presymptomatic, and even mildly symptomatic spread are particularly insidious because, with these, many people don’t know they are infected. They may not take precautions or may not practice good hygiene, and they don’t isolate.”

In the days before Thanksgiving 2020, she had warned Americans to “assume you’re infected” and to restrict gatherings to “your immediate household.” Then she packed her bags and headed to Fenwick Island in Delaware where she met with four generations for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, as if she were free to make normal choices and live a normal life while everyone else had to shelter in place.

Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit

Where did she come up with the idea of lockdowns? By her own report, her only real experience with infectious disease came from her work on AIDS, a very different disease from a respiratory virus that everyone would eventually get but which would only be fatal or even severe for a small cohort, a fact that was known since late January. Still, her experience counted for more than science.

“In any health crisis, it is crucial to work at the personal behavior level,” she says with the presumption that avoidance at all costs was the only goal. “With HIV/AIDS, this meant convincing asymptomatic people to get tested, to seek treatment if they were HIV-positive, and to take preventative measures, including wearing condoms; or to employ other pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) if they were negative.”

She immediately hops to the analogy with Covid. “I knew the government agencies would need to do the same thing to have a similar effect on the spread of this novel coronavirus. The most obvious parallel with the HIV/AIDS example was the message of wearing masks.”

Masks = condoms. Remarkable. This “obvious parallel” remark sums the whole depth of her thinking. Behavior is all that matters. Just stay apart. Cover your mouth. Don’t gather. Don’t travel. Close the schools. Close everything. Whatever happens, don’t get it. Nothing else matters. Keep your immune system as unexposed as possible.

Here is an example. There was a controversy about how many people should be allowed to gather in one space, as in home, church, store, stadium, or community center. She addresses how she came up with the rules:

“The real problem with this fifty-versus-ten distinction, for me, was that it revealed that the CDC simply didn’t believe to the degree that I did that SARS-CoV-2 was being spread through the air silently and undetected from symptomless individuals. The numbers really did matter. As the years since have confirmed, in times of active viral community spread, as many as fifty people gathered together indoors (unmasked at this point, of course) was way too high a number. It increased the chances of someone among that number being infected exponentially. I had settled on ten knowing that even that was too many, but I figured that ten would at least be palatable for most Americans—high enough to allow for most gatherings of immediate family but not enough for large dinner parties and, critically, large weddings, birthday parties, and other mass social events.”

She puts a fine point on it: “if I pushed for zero (which was actually what I wanted and what was required), this would have been interpreted as a ‘lockdown’—the perception we were all working so hard to avoid.”

Notice her above mention of her dogma that asymptomatic spread was the whole key to understanding pandemic. In other words, on her own and without any scientific support, she presumed that Covid was both extremely fatal and had a long latency period. To her way of thinking, this is why the usual tradeoff between severity and prevalence did not matter.

She was somehow certain that the longest estimates of latency were correct: 14 days. This is the reason for the “wait two weeks” obsession. She held onto this dogma throughout, almost like the fictional movie “Contagion” had been her only guide to understanding.

Birx admits that she was a major part of the reason, due to her sneaky alternation of weekly reports to the states.

“After the heavily edited documents were returned to me, I’d reinsert what they had objected to, but place it in those different locations. I’d also reorder and restructure the bullet points so the most salient—the points the administration objected to most—no longer fell at the start of the bullet points. I shared these strategies with the three members of the data team also writing these reports. Our Saturday and Sunday report-writing routine soon became: write, submit, revise, hide, resubmit.

Fortunately, this strategic sleight-of-hand worked. That they never seemed to catch this subterfuge left me to conclude that, either they read the finished reports too quickly or they neglected to do the word search that would have revealed the language to which they objected. In slipping these changes past the gatekeepers and continuing to inform the governors of the need for the big-three mitigations—masks, sentinel testing, and limits on indoor social gatherings—I felt confident I was giving the states permission to escalate public health mitigation with the fall and winter coming.

So there you have it. Deborah Birx was the witch behind the curtain that inspired and encouraged petty bureaucrats all over the nation to kill the greatest economic boon since Ronald Reagan while flooding the cable news world with crap that people still cling to today which she knew was false before she said it. Truth was the first casualty of the Covid era. We, on the Right were correct that this whole thing was BS.

Her justification was that she knew what was best for others. What an egotistical piece of human garbage. Folks this is the classic definition of tyranny, the “Big Lie”, or whatever name you wish to use.

Her actions cost lives and harmed millions of people.

She cost lives by attacking off the shelf stuff that worked effectively against Covid. She cost lives by keeping people from needed medical care because the healthcare community was all tied up in putting people on ventilators and killing people that could have recovered if she had told the truth. She harmed millions of elderly by keeping them from being visited by the ones that love them. She harmed million of young children that lost two years of school and will be hard-pressed to have normal lives due to the lack of social skills and life skills like reading, writing, and such. These and many others were also inflicted with mental health issues due to prolonged periods of isolation and separation. All this because she lied.

Folks we all saw this and could do little because her lies were “the science” and still are in much of the country. True science was relegated to accusations of fringe nutjobs and conspiracy theorists. Again anyone bringing forth any challenge to her orthodoxy was crucified on social media by her willing accomplices. She went scorched earth on everyone that dared to defy her. She destroyed anyone professionally and personally that got on her way. She silenced all but personal dissent in the United States.

Also this week, we learned that she even made a pact with people at the National Institute of Heath, Centers for Disease Control and other agencies that if their proclamations were ignored, they would quit en masse. Not that I care if they quit but the corollary to that is they purposed to stick together and parrot the leader. No wonder Fauci and company were changing their story every week or two.

Read the attached stuff that I linked.

Birx is the reason that children in southern California schools are about to start wearing masks again. She lied her ass off about risks and invented protocols to treat Covid out of the dark recesses of her mind soul.

As you read thru the articles, look out for a curious throwaway line by Mike Pence. Pence was in charge of the government response to Covid and Birx was on the panel too. Pence was asked where Birx came from and his response was the he “just inherited her”. Let that soak in for a moment; WFT? He just inherited her? That can only mean she was a relic left over from the Obama Administration. Everyone wrongly assumed she must be a MAGA person, but she clearly was not.

I could rant on but you get the point.

Oh, so how did this mistress of science get separated from her powerful government job?

She broke her own rules and for some reason, the media decided to crucify her for it. Had they really known what she was up to, they would have left her alone.

Her “tell all” book never mentions how she was forced to resign.

It goes something like this: after telling all of us not to gather for Thanksgiving but if we do keep it under ten people, she got together with four generations of her family to celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday. The media went full bore after her. I’m sure they thought they were hitting Donald Trump with one last blow before Biden took office. Little did they know that they were doing the Lord’s work by taking her out.

Folks, please understand that I’m not denying that Covid exists and many people got it. Ok, hold that thought, Birx was also adamant that any story about people having comorbidities being at higher risk of dying from Covid be quashed. She knew it was true but she didn’t want that out in public. She wanted maximum panic. Ok, now where was I? Oh yeah, some people died of Covid but many could have been saved if real science was allowed to happen.

If you recall, when Sleepy Joe took office, one of his first acts was to kill any ability to get off the shelf cures and insure that the government not only denounce them but let it be known that if any doctor prescribed them, they risked loosing their medical license and could face charges for promoting non-government sanctioned cures. By the way, this is why there were more Covid deaths under Joe Biden–who also had the “vaccine”–than under Donald Trump who didn’t.

Lastly, Birx succeeded in something that all others failed to attain, she took-out Donald Trump singlehandedly. Covid was the one time Trump was boxed into a corner and needed to trust “the experts” and look what we got. So now that Birx gets that credit, we can also give her credit for all the unnecessary deaths of the Biden Administration. Let’s start with the Afghanistan Retreat and the Ukraine War. Neither would have happened under Trump.

Monkey Pox The Next Covid?

Yep, it looks that way. While I don’t normally get sucked into things that look like conspiracy theories, I did check this one out and its weird to say the least.

Did you know that the Monkey Pox outbreak was predicted last year? Oh, and it was slated to begin on May 15, 2022!

Gab screen capture 05/21/22

What do you do with such a thing? Obviously check it out. So, I did, and it seems legit.

In March 2021, NTI partnered with the Munich Security Conference to conduct a tabletop exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats. The exercise examined gaps in national and international biosecurity and pandemic preparedness architectures—exploring opportunities to improve prevention and response capabilities for high-consequence biological events. Participants included 19 senior leaders and experts from across Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe with decades of combined experience in public health, biotechnology industry, international security, and philanthropy.

This report, Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats: Results from the 2021 Tabletop Exercise Conducted in Partnership with the Munich Security Conferencewritten by Jaime M. Yassif, Ph.D., Kevin P. O’Prey, Ph.D., and Christopher R. Isaac, M.Sc., summarizes key findings from the exercise and offers actionable recommendations for the international community.

Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats

So, what was the tabletop game these guys played? Yep, Monkey Pox outbreak beginning May 15, 2022. Move 1 per their graphic is 1,421 cases and 4 deaths by June 5, 2022. Oh, and it gets much worse from there. Oh, per their scenario, said Monkey Pox is a bioweapon engineered to resist traditional treatments.

So, is this a hoax, a coincidence, or a glimpse behind the curtain? I’ll let you decide but please know that Google indicates the website is legitimate. I went to and looked up said post about the Monkey Pox and its not backdated. Google—which owns—backed-up the post on November 24, 2021. Here’s the URL for the archived page.

Below is page 12 of the 36-page PDF linked in the quotation above.

I’ll leave this as; we report, you decide.

Why Covid-19 Will Not Go Away

Everyone is tired of hearing about this, save the cable watchers, mouth breathers, fake Republicans, and the Democrat party.  Truth is we never should have had massive shutdowns, but fear took over.  Trump listened to Fauci, and fear has taken hold.  We will all die of Omicron, even though the experts claim you will have only mild symptoms.  We have been doing this for almost 2 years, and no end is in sight. I will lay out two examples of why this will not go away, neither are cable related.

Case #1 It’s the stupidity, stupid.

Case in point, my “fully vaccinated” colleague who came back from Dallas after a long weekend.  He didn’t feel well Monday, leading to a worse cough Tuesday, a massive fever Wednesday, and Thursday he was so sick he could barely stand.  Did he come to the office?  Yep.  Did he get tested?  Nope, not till Friday.  By Friday it was too late for me, I had been exposed for 50 hours of a work week.  Thankfully I found out he lived on the other side of the house from his wife, her health was more important than mine.  I was Covid positive and got very ill, lasting about 10 days, say what you want about my vaccine choice, I got through it.

Case #2 It’s the stupid behavior, stupid.

A friend of mine from college called me on Tuesday a week ago, she was coming home from a bar.  She called me again Wednesday, ditto on the bar thing.  She lives in Marin County and was fully vaxxed.  She went out again Friday and called me on her way home.  She said it had been a rough week (hangovers? but I wasn’t sure).  As the conversation went on, she said she was going to get tested Saturday. When I questioned why, she volunteered that she had a cough, fever, and fatigue all week.  But fortunately, she still went out!  Priorities.  Worse, yet, which brings me to my point, she tested positive earlier in the week, via a rapid test.  Yep, as in she had the ‘rona.  Did she quarantine?  Nope, that’s silly. It’s a big part of her life, going out that is.  She claimed it was a rapid test and they are not always accurate.  Sure, Trump colluded with Russia too, it’s what you feel, not facts.  Since getting a confirmed positive, she now is quarantining, mind you five of her friends have gotten sick, they got the ‘rona.  They all hung out all week.  She continues to go out to dinner, she wants to support local businesses, in person by the way.  She went for a long walk twice this week, mask less because why not.


The point of this blog is to illustrate that this virus will not go away, nor will the media or political types allow it to, due to people’s stupidity.  In the case of both these folks, if they stayed at home, by the way the laws are on your side, due to this pandemic.  But they chose not to put their lives on hold, they chose to bring other folks down with them.  This is stupidity.  Plain and simple.  How can one be so selfish?  After two positive tests you keep going out?  I’m sorry it sucks, but I did it, and so can you.  Following the rules, reduce your chances of getting/spreading it, but you cannot fix stupid, and as long as those folks are out and about, it won’t go away.

It’s stupid folks like these that empower our masters to demand that the sheep inject yet another semi-annual booster.

The Chief

Esophageal Cancer: When the Grim Reaper Darkens Your Door Part XI

At the beginning of last week, my wife had THE Surgery. The cancer was located about an inch above her stomach. Due to the chemo and radiation, the tumor shrank from 6 cm to 3 cm in height. The surgeon went 8 cm above this point to cut the esophagus. The bottom cut removed the top part of her stomach. The remaining tissue was the sewn together. Thus about 5 ½ inches of her esophagus was removed.

If you’re a fan of Forged in Fire and like the part when Doug Marcaida whacks on ballistic dummies with large swords and then states, “It will kill.” Then you might have some idea of how the incisions on my wife looked when the bandages came off. She had a vertical cut from the middle of her chest to the top of her belly button sealed by 25 fairly evenly placed staples. Not to be out done, under her right armpit she had a diagonal incision sealed by another 20 staples. Total staple count was 45.

Doug Marcaida from Forged in Fire

Prior to beginning the surgery, my wife had an epidural inserted in her back, about even with her shoulder blades. She kept this anesthesia for most of her stay in the hospital. At the conclusion of surgery, she had two drain lines in her chest. One was about ½ inch in diameter and the other was about a 1/8 diameter line. She also was given a catheter. A myriad of IV solutions were given to her thru the tops of her hands. She had a handy dandy port installed about two months ago in hopes that it would be used in the surgery. Sadly, it was ignored for her entire stay in the hospital, and she came home with the bruises on her arms to prove it. She also had a drain tube entering her nose and going into her stomach to keep her stomach empty. Simultaneous with that, oxygen was being given to her via her nose.

Her vitals were monitored via various instruments as well. My wife referred to the whole group of tubes, hoses, wires, and the like as “her spaghetti”.

We arrived at the hospital at 4:45 AM on the day of the surgery. She was prepped and on her way to surgery about 7:30 AM. The surgery was completed about 1 PM. Around 3:30 PM, I caught up with her in the Intensive Care Unit. I got there just in time to hear the following questions asked of my wife:

  • Do you know your name?
  • What is your date of birth?
  • Do you know what has happened to you?
  • Do you know where you are?

After three days in ICU, my wife was moved to a regular room on the floor for surgical recovery. Two days later, the doctor authorized a leak check of her stomach. The following day, she began a liquid diet. This was the first food or water that she had had since the day prior to the surgery. The seventh day of her stay, the large drain tube and her epidural were removed (in that order).

On her eighth day in the hospital, she was authorized to be discharged. About three hours before discharge, the small drain tube was removed. I got to witness this bit of torture as about 10 inches of medical grade aquarium tubing was pulled out of her side.

Mama now has a walker to help her navigate around the house and a special pillow to hug when she coughs–which is often. When properly medicated, she does ok, and the pain is manageable. After walking for a bit, she needs to stop and catch her breath. Her lungs and stomach are still coming to terms learning to share her chest cavity.

If everything goes as scheduled, the next steps are going to happen next week, the pathology report and several doctor visits.

As always, thanks for your prayers and we’ll check in as events unfold.

New Covid Variant Yields New Opportunities to Lie

Omicron—allegedly the 15th letter in the Greek alphabet—is the latest Covid variant being used to oppress the masses. Folks, as Shakespeare once said, this is, “Much ado about nothin’.”

First, there are more documented Covid variants than there are letters in the Greek alphabet. Many (30 +) were known within the first few months of 2020. At the time the question was whether more mutations would occur “in the wild” or just under laboratory conditions. We documented this a year and a half ago on this blog.

A new study in China has found that the novel coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different variations.

The results showed that medical officials have vastly underestimated the overall ability of the virus to mutate, in findings that different strains have affected different parts of the world, leading to potential difficulties in finding an overall cure.

Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains new study finds

Second, although some media outlets can’t seem to use spell check—example to follow shortly—two letters of the Greek alphabet were skipped Nu and Xi. Nu because everything about Covid is Nu—especially when it’s intended to scare the hell out of a willingly ignorant public and Xi because he’s the guy in charge of China and claiming this is the China virus—which it is—is somehow racist or some such insult even if it’s the F***ing truth.

The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed it skipped the Greek letters “nu” and “xi” in naming its new COVID-19 variant, which it dubbed the “omicron” variant.

WHO skips over Greek letters ‘nu’ and ‘xi,’ names new variant ‘omicron’
Chinese President Xi Jinping

Third, we knew about a South African variant of Covid in April 2021 and documented it on this blog.

The study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, indicated that the B.1.351 variant of the virus was found eight times more in individuals who were vaccinated—or 5.4 percent against 0.7 percent—against those who were not vaccinated. Clalit Health Services, a top Israeli health-care provider, also helped in the study.

“We found a disproportionately higher rate of the South African variant among people vaccinated with a second dose, compared to the unvaccinated group,” said Adi Stern of Tel Aviv University. “This means that the South African variant is able, to some extent, to break through the vaccine’s protection.”

Covid Mutation is 8 times as likely to infect people that are vaccinated

“Based on patterns in the general population, we would have expected just one case of the South African variant, but we saw eight,” Stern told the Times of Israel. “Obviously, this result didn’t make me happy.” He added, “Even if the South African variant does break through the vaccine’s protection, it has not spread widely through the population.”

Fourth, the media—which can’t spell—is lying to you.

Wait for it…

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — As of Sunday, the new COVID-19 variant, Omnicron, has still not made its way to California. In fact, there are currently no cases in the United States.

Wait for it…

Nevertheless, based on previous varieties, Omicron’s detection in the United States is simply a matter of time.

And the lie…

As long as there are huge populations of unvaccinated people, new varieties will emerge.

And the spelling error is in the title of the news story.

‘We Are Doubling Down On Our Vaccination Efforts,’ Omnicron Variant Not Yet In California

Sorry KOVR but Omnicron is not a letter of the Greek alphabet but a character in either a Pokémon type game, a Sword Art Online villain, or a 2018 B-Movie with zero reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.

Truth is that unnecessary vaccination is the biggest cause of more Covid mutations. I will repeat the quote above, “…variant of the virus was found eight times more in individuals who were vaccinated.” That is settled science and has always been a fact in the study of virology until Covid when real science was trumped with politics.

Further note that only 6 percent of Africa is vaccinated—allegedly—so if half the infected got their shots then once again, those conforming to big pharma are at more risk of infection by actual Covid than those that were not.

So, what are the evil symptoms of this Covid variant?

Three days after petty tyrants all over the world instituted a travel ban on South Africa, we get this single news story echoed again and again in the media:

The South African doctor who first sounded the alarm on the Omicron variant of the coronavirus said that its symptoms are “unusual but mild” in healthy patients — but she’s worried the strain could cause complications in the elderly and unvaccinated.

Dr. Angelique Coetzee, a practicing doctor for 30 years who chairs the South African Medical Association (SAMA), said she believed she had found a new strain of the virus after COVID-19 patients at her private practice in Pretoria exhibited strange symptoms.

“Their symptoms were so different and so mild from those I had treated before,” Coetzee told The Telegraph.

She called South Africa’s vaccine advisory committee on Nov. 18 after a family of four all tested positive for the virus with symptoms that included extreme fatigue.

So far, she’s had two dozen patients who tested positive and showed symptoms of the new variant, mostly young men. About half of the patients were unvaccinated, she said. None of those infected lost their sense of smell or taste.

It presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two not feeling well,” Coetzee told the paper. “So far, we have detected that those infected do not suffer the loss of taste or smell. They might have a slight cough. There are no prominent symptoms. Of those infected some are currently being treated at home.”

Omicron variant symptoms ‘unusual but mild’, says South African doctor

Please note that the symptoms of Omicron are very mild and last for only a day or two.

Give these mild symptoms, why is everybody hitting the panic button? What in this news story justifies a lockdown of travel to or from Africa?

After much contemplation, I could only come up with this, because half the patients are vaccinated.

Translation, the shot doesn’t work. No big revelation, we’ve been maintaining that all along. The shot is not a vaccine and never was. Vaccines cause permanent immunity, the shots from big pharma don’t.

So, we’ve known about this variant for almost nine months and just as Newsom, Merkel, and other likeminded tyrants might be forced to open society, we get this burst of panic because one doctor is South Africa is able to sound the alarm? No way. The WHO caused the whole world to panic again by a non-story. Folks this is a coordinated and orchestrated event not a random outbreak of a deadly Covid mutation. In fact, as of my writing, no one is claiming that a single person anywhere in the world has died from Omicron; but they might someday so obviously more tyranny is needed to protect the masses.

If you want an exercise on virology for the lay person, spend a few dollars at the Google Play Store and buy Plague Inc. if it’s still available.

This game predated Covid and shows you how difficult it is to create any kind of pathogen that can kill masses of people. This is because there is an inverse relationship between how lethal a disease is and its ability to transfer to enough people to keep it going. Ebola kills hundreds while Covid kills tens of thousands.

Oops, sorry, it’s the Covid “vaccine” that has killed tens of thousands and the actual disease has killed more—although you can’t get an accurate number because Covid deaths are defined differently for Republican and Democrat Presidents. Ironically, this hasn’t really helped Biden since more Covid deaths have occurred in his first ten months in office than Trump’s last ten months even though the threshold of what defines a Covid death was much lower for Trump. But then again, Trump allowed more medical treatments to fight Covid than Biden, whose only answer to their proven effectiveness was to outlaw them and demand everyone get the shot whether already immune or not. Why is it that swamp rats like Biden and Fauci have one size fits all answers for us and a different set of rules for themselves?

Anyway, Covid -19-Omicron, is not even a new variant, it just has a shiny new name now that the governing elites have called it to service to promote more lockdowns and further loss of our liberty. Lockdowns are about controlling people not disease prevention.

Esophageal Cancer: When the Grim Reaper Darkens Your Door Part X

The past few weeks have seen a gradual but steady improvement of my wife’s health. We were able to make another road trip to Idaho to attend to our property and see some old friends.

The hair loss that my wife has experienced after chemo and radiation has slowed. It’s thin but uniform. Sometimes it gets covered with a wrap/scarf sort of thing.

Eating food is better but she avoids spicy things and some types of menu items.

The second PET/CT scan was done about a week ago. The tumor is about 1/3 as bright as it was initially. Her SUV rating went from 18 to 6. (SUV is not a tiny Humvee driving around your innards blasting cancer cells with a microscopic .50 Cal machine gun; instead, it’s a measure of how much radioactive material accumulated in the tumor and its intensity on the scan.) This is good and the expected result of the treatment thus far. In addition, no cancer was detected elsewhere in her body during the scan.

Many days later, we did have a meeting with her oncologist. At the meeting, the oncologist said that a pathology report would be done on the tissue removed during her upcoming surgery. This is the first mention of a pathology report that I have hear from her medical team. The report would follow within two weeks of the procedure. The oncologist said that if the pathology report detects cancer cells—which is likely—then a follow-up treatment of immunotherapy would likely start in January. This also is the first admission that cancer will remain in my wife after the surgery.

It was at this point that the words of the oncologist got very close to using the “cure” word. The little yellow flags went up in my mind as I heard her say this. Such a promise is not what I have found in my reading of the literature on esophageal cancer. I can only reconcile the two opposing views as meaning that we can buy you a few years more if everything goes your way.

I have written elsewhere in this series about the surgery, so I won’t rehash that now; but I did need to get into the latest with Covid restrictions. The most important thing is that nobody with the initials M.D. after their name can tell you what the Covid testing rules are. We ended up being told to talk with the security guards at the hospital and find out.

What we learned is that there is no formal way required to prove that you had a recent Covid test. My two upcoming appointments at CVS or wherever it is, won’t get me very far. The security guys at the hospital will accept a home test if you bring it to them in the hospital. Please note this is a medical determination made by people that just might have a Red Cross First Aid certificate if you’re lucky and are probably the lowest paid folks in the hospital not changing bedpans. Also, they kept saying something about 72 hours but whether the test must be within that interval, or they only let you use it for that long; both or neither, I guess I will find out next week. Oh, I plan to have the home version of the Covid test in my car or on my person. I guess once they document my quickie test, I can trash it until I need another.

This brings up my next question which is why are face masks and Covid quickie tests just common garbage? If Covid is really so bad, then shouldn’t anything Covid related be biohazardous? Yeah, I know it’s not but if Dr. Fauci and the rest were serious then wouldn’t disposal be an important issue to prevent the spread? (Sorry I assumed for a minute that they might follow at least the easy science related to virology and contamination.)

Oh, lastly, when in the hospital, my wife is allowed one visitor per day. We are having sign-ups at our Thanksgiving celebration to let our relatives get in line. However, and isn’t there always one of those somewhere, the security folks will allow more people to visit if the nurses on her floor say that its ok. How this is communicated to the security guys was not explained. Also, minors are not allowed to see their moms in the hospital. Wanna bet it’s a Covid rule too?

Anyway, I’m thankful to have my wife and I’m glad see her doing better, even if it’s all about to be undone by the forthcoming medical procedure. Have a good Thanksgiving and expect to hear from me again after the surgery.

Esophageal Cancer: When the Grim Reaper Darkens Your Door Part IX

When we last left my wife, she was getting her potassium back into the normal band. Since then, about two more weeks have passed. She is still dealing with nausea and occasional vomiting. She is eating three small meals a day; think mashed potatoes, ice cream, oatmeal, and other fairly soft foods. In addition, she is getting saline added to her via the port about twice a week.

She says that it hurts to swallow many types of food but that it no longer is getting “stuck” on the way down. Speaking of down, she said that she is down 40 lbs. from the time of her first chemo treatment until now. Another symptom that she is now experiencing is that much of her hair has fallen out. Its not all gone but is very thin compared to what it was back in July. Ironically, the hair loss didn’t start until chemo and radiation were concluded.

In other developments, my wife wants to make a short road trip before her next PET/CT scan scheduled in mid-November. Yep, cancer patients get cabin fever too. Surgery is scheduled following Thanksgiving.

As I have previously mentioned, this procedure is not one I enjoy contemplating. It will forever change her lifestyle and maim her for the rest of her days. As a refresher, let me briefly explain the surgery.

The esophagus is about 9-10 inches (25 centimeters) long and less than an inch (2 centimeters) in diameter when relaxed. It is located just posterior to the trachea in the neck and thoracic regions of the body and passes through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm on its way to the stomach.


As previously blogged, the “height” of her tumor is 6 cm or about 2.4 inches. Per what I have read on medical websites, the upper incision of an esophagectomy is 3 inches above the top of the cancer.

If the cancer is in the lower part of the esophagus (near the stomach) or at the place where the esophagus and stomach meet (the gastroesophageal or GE junction), the surgeon will remove part of the stomach, the part of the esophagus containing the cancer, and about 3 to 4 inches (about 7.6 to 10 cm) of normal esophagus above this. Then the stomach is connected to what is left of the esophagus either high in the chest or in the neck.

Surgery for Esophageal Cancer

Ok taking the above quotations, let’s do some simple math.

We know that my wife’s cancer is in the lower third of her esophagus. Let’s say that the tumor is one inch above her stomach’s sphincter. (This is a guess and the only part of my math that is an estimate.)

Length of Esophagus (10.0”) minus distance above stomach (1.0”) minus height of tumor (2.4”) minus additional three inches (3.0”) leaves 3.6” of esophagus.

Thus, the likely outcome of the surgery is that my wife will get to keep about 1/3 of her esophagus (3.6 inches) plus, the top of her stomach will be removed. The remaining parts will then be sewn together. This surgery takes about seven hours.

Folks, the above scenario and a “successful” surgery involve many things going right and none going sideways.

I’m not sure that my wife has the stamina to take a road trip in mid-November but I’m willing to let her try. I don’t think you will hear from me again on this subject until we get the scan results. Until next time…

#ArrestFauci #PuppyKILLER

Very few things in the world today make me literally speechless.  I came across this article yesterday and was at a total loss for words.  Yep, believe it or not folks, our all-knowing, America’s Favorite Doctor Tony Fauci is a puppy killer.  Yep, I’ll let the article do the talking for me.

According to documents acquired by a government watchdog group, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases — led by Fauci — funded research in 2018 allowing scientists to force-feed experimental drugs into 44 beagle puppies before killing and dissecting them.

The dogs — between six and eight months old — were also “devocalized,” according to the report. The procedure involves the slitting of a dog’s vocal cords as a means to stop barking.

In another instance, live-puppies in Tunisia were held in cages and exposed to sandflies. DeSantis lambasted the research while speaking to reporters in North Venice.

“They’re doing cruel experiments on puppies,” DeSantis said. “What they were doing with those puppies is flat out disgusting. It’s despicable. I cannot believe American tax dollars would go to treat those dogs the way those dogs are being treated.”

Barf.  Yep, the innocent telegenic Dr. who claims the vaccine is just for you among other things, was doing heinous research on “man’s best friend.”  Not only did he infect/kill the dogs, but he also instructed the researchers to cut their vocal chords.  This is straight out of a movie like the Mummy where no one could hear them scream in horror.  The photos are sick, this Fauci is a literal modern-day Dr. Frankenstein.  This is so gross, its reprehensible.  Does anyone now doubt us here at the blog who have been telling you this coronavirus was grown in a lab?  The conspiracy doesn’t seem so far-fetched now, does it? 

Dr. Rand Paul, the Kentucky Senator, has been all over Fauci from day 1.  He knows Fauci is a dishonest, little man syndrome having prick.  He gets on TV with that fake used car salesman look (when he isn’t wearing his mask) and tells everyone how self-righteous he is.  By the way, did you see how his NIH institute has been funding gain of function research in Wuhan?  Yeah, you likely missed that too on your favorite cable channel. 

But a letter from the NIH to Ranking Member Rep. James Comer of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform Wednesday admitted to a “limited experiment” conducted in order to test if “spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model” – contradicting Fauci’s previous claims.

Folks allow me to remind you, this would not be the first time the good doctor has lied to Congress.  A move that if made by any of us unwashed would lead to jail time.  Yet somehow this evil man is able to continue to peddle his bullshit while telling us to get vaccinated or else. 

This is exactly what Donald Trump fought against his entire presidency.  The Bureaucracy in the country has too much power.  These folks just wait out the leaders they do not like.   Fauci needs to be gone yesterday, he helped create this virus and now he wants to keep it going.  He cares only about power.  How else does one describe the endless changes in policy from him?  Mask, no mask, tinder hookups are ok, Christmas is not, Halloween is ok, church is not, take-out is ok, indoor dining is not, vaccine passports, corporate mandates.  Let’s end this.  It’s time.  Fauci is a dog killer and a liar, the worst kind of person.  Just remember Michael Vick got jail time for an illegal dog fighting operation.  I wonder the punishment for literally maiming and killing dogs in the name of science?

In the meantime, back to your cable watching, and be sure to get the booster shot.  Because?  Science, and you better go along or else no Christmas for you!

The Chief

Oh, lest you think The Chief has left the reservation on this one, even the MSN is appalled by his puppy torture.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIAID and the National Institutes of Health as a whole have been under intense scrutiny in recent months over what types of animal testing should be funded with taxpayer grants in light of questions about gain of function experimentation at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Fauci-Led Agency Funded Abusive Animal Experiments Promising To Kill Dozens Of Beagles

“According to documents obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request by taxpayer watchdog group White Coat Waste Project, and subsequent media coverage from October 2018 until February 2019, NIAID spent $1.68 million in taxpayer funds on drug tests involving 44 beagle puppies,” the Thursday letter reads.

Bipartisan legislators demand answers from Fauci on alleged puppy experiments