In what is a natural step in the tyranny of diversity and intolerance, colleges are now requiring applicants to prove they are adherents to diversity and inclusion.
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is rolling out a new policy to “require a diversity statement from candidates for all faculty and staff searches,” becoming the latest university among dozens nationwide that force job-seeking professors to pledge their commitment to equity and inclusion as a condition of employment.
Critics of required diversity statements have suggested they are a tool used to weed out candidates who do not agree with the leftist notion that identity politics should be the lens through which academics is taught. What’s more, critics contend, seeking to identify and hire underrepresented conservative and libertarian scholars is not the type of “diversity” sought through the statements. Finally, they argue, the statements are used to elevate applicants of color over other qualified candidates.
I told you this was coming. This oppression of folks with different worldviews—especially targeting Christians and other conservative folks—will be spreading to other taxpayer funded employment and the private sector too. Look for this concept to be embraced and expanded once Garvin Newsom is anointed California’s next Governor.
The war on Western Culture is escalating right under our noses but few frogs are willing to jump out of the pot. Some days I think George Orwell just got the year wrong.
Faithful followers, your humble correspondent intercepted a communique from the Elk Grove Teachers Association by facsimile at the beginning of this month regarding a student led walkout protest in regard to the recent shooting in Florida. As a note to the CRA readers and the occasional Park offspring that read this blog, we do not condone any part of the shooting in Florida, this is merely to point out that fault lies with parents, teachers, and the students during these subsequent walkouts nationwide.
First of all, to the teachers and parents of this country, you are both directly responsible for this radical walkout, let me explain. When William and I were young lads many moons ago, if us students planned a protest or demonstration we would be instantly shot down, by said teachers and parents. The words, “sit down, shut up”, or “life isn’t fair” were uttered constantly. If we didn’t obey, a subsequent trip to see the principal and a phone call to your parents and likely a suspension was warranted. Yes, these were the days that a parent (or educator) could spank you so hard you couldn’t sit down for a day or two.
Oh, the good ole days…
Fast forward twenty some odd years and we get to the current political climate. Now you have a generation of 40 to 55 year-old parents whom after having their feelings and voice suppressed want their children/students to do their bidding for them. My reasoning, someone explain to me why a local K- 8 grade school had a massive walkout here? When I was in Kindergarten through 8th grade school I was more worried about whether we would be playing football or basketball during recess and hoping I wouldn’t get cooties from girls, hence I find it very hard to believe these same students today could decide to walk off campus in a protest! I didn’t know who the president was and definitely didn’t know much about gun violence. But wait; what about social media? No K-8th grade student is that plugged in; sorry to say, these protests were all led by their parents and teachers; sorry.
Let’s face it, sadly we live in a world that has become very politicized, and filled with breaking news, not correct but being the first to break it. This political climate started during the end of the Bush II administration and has progressively gotten worse since the election of CRA enemy Donald J Trump.
Let me take a couple of steps back and try to make sense of this for you. It used to be that a teacher’s job was to teach, and this job didn’t pay well, but the benefits and having summers off coupled with the love of children and joy of teaching outweighed the salary part. Currently, teachers believe they should be paid north of 100k to start, and get the same great benefits, coupled with no accountability at all. Actually, this is not far off, some school districts start at 75k, have great perks, and most importantly grant tenure after just 2 years of teaching! Yes folks, they get a “you can never be fired pass” after just 2 short years!
(Editor’s Note: while technically two years, the administration approves and submits the tenure paperwork when the new teacher is about 18 months into their teaching gig.)
It used to be if you wore a Reagan/Bush/Clinton shirt you were sent home or told to turn it inside out. Now you can wear a “F**k Donald Trump” or “Kill a Cop” shirt and if you’re a teacher, you’ll be eligible for sainthood and if you’re a student you are accounted as “a forward thinker.” The problem is people who have no business teaching are now in the classroom because they view teaching similar to being a doctor or a lawyer, it’s a money making career. Go to a local school, look at most of the teaching talent, I wouldn’t hire most to work the till at your local Burger King let alone teach my child! Don’t believe me? Go complain to the principal or the school board about this, you would be labeled as a racist or a homophobe or a bigot. Speaking of school board, WTF has happened to that group, it used to be they fought over should we teach sex-ed to 7 graders or eighth graders, now it’s should we give condoms out to students in 4th or 5th grade? Or we need to pass a school bond to make gender neutral bathrooms, or to create a safe space or best summed up at a local charter school out here a “Peace Pole.” Well I guess a peace pole is better than a stripper pole, seeing the number of teachers arrested for having a sexual relationship with students so far this year already…but I digress.
Politics has no place in our schools or class rooms, however all that has changed as well. These classrooms have become a propaganda machine for left leaning groups looking for lambs to lead to the slaughter later in life. I don’t want you to believe me; just ask one a question to see for yourself. Ask who the President is, you will likely get a very serious response of “He isn’t my president” “He was helped by Russia” “He is a racist”. The answers run the gamut. Then ask about Barak Obama, the answers will be completely different; they have been fed propaganda by their teachers in order to create a permanent voting class for dependent liberals.
So now I will tie this all into the protest, point by point as taken from this intercepted communique from Elk Grove Education Association. Click here for EGEA Memo
1. Do NOT advocate certain political positions or encourage students to participate in a non-authorized student demonstration.
Well this is fresh, so they can pander all they want on any other day, but don’t you dare state or advocate a political position during the protest? Heck why not play the Anthem of our Country, you have probably already conditioned your sheeple to take a knee during that! Additionally, non-authorized? What the actual heck, if you’re under 18 and something wasn’t authorized as stated above, sit down, shut up, and learn.
2. You should not be perceived to be participating in the activity. Instead, your role during such activities should be supervisory.
Again, what the heck! You should participate, you should supervise? Please explain the difference to me between don’t participate but supervise? So, I can walk off as a teacher but hide behind the excuse that I need to supervise little Mike on his way off campus? What about the other students? Is Mike 18? Why is he allowed to leave without parent consent and being present with said child? Hell, supervise; 7/9ths of teachers can’t supervise properly during yard duty let alone a protest!
3. Follow instructions and plans of your site administrator. Some sites may be planning activities during this event.
Site administrator? What are we talking about here a website? As far as activities being planned, there is an activity planned that day it’s called a faux Donald Trump Protest, these kids don’t know anything about the circumstances of the shooting they just hate Donald Trump, because their teachers and parents told them too. Additionally, was there a permit pulled for this protest because they took place on public property, or was it exempt because Donald Trump?
4. Do NOT prevent a student from leaving your class who wants to leave. Follow your site procedures about reporting this behavior. Do NOT question or draw attention to a student’s participation or choice not to participate.
If a student wants to leave, especially one under 18, fine they can do so if accompanied by a parent (except when going to the local abortionist and then it’s illegal to tell the parents). As far as reporting the behavior goes, give little Mike an A for the day as far as properly following protocols.
So yeah, that’s pretty rich; but it’s right there in black and white. The teachers who tell our students complete untruths regarding Donald Trump, now want to be seen as neutral?That’s preposterous. The real sad thing about all this kerfuffle is most students and even adults have no real idea what happened during and leading up to that shooting. As far as where that lunatic got the gun, or what his motive was, who cares? The SOB is gone from this earth. Maybe we should discuss cyber bullying? The internet is a place where people can be anonymous and bully or troll anyone they please. Maybe we should discuss banning bump stocks and conversion kits, but should we also ask why it is that during an Antifa or Occupy Wall Street rally law enforcement usually recovers a cache of weapons including; rocket launchers, grenades, tommy guns, etc.? Those are far more capable of ending human life than a legally purchased AR-15. Maybe we should discuss arming a few personnel on campus, not open carry but concealed carry. How come these protests didn’t happen during the Obama presidency? Why has the older generation been allowed to ruin America’s future generations for the sake of having their children/students be social justice warriors?
Following the recent school shooting in Florida, many folks are asking, “what it will take to end such senseless violence?” I wish to address this question but not in the way that the George Soros types are expecting.
• First, the shooter was not a current student.
• Second, all of the non-violent, touchy-feely stuff like “See something, say something” was followed. Months Before Massacre, Cops Told of Cruz Threats With Weapon
• Third, did you know there was an officer on the campus when the shooting started and he did nothing but hide until it was over?
Sheriff Scott Israel during a press conference Thursday said video showed Peterson arriving at the west side of the building where the shooting took place. Peterson, Israel said, took up a position but “never went in.”
Peterson was armed and in uniform during the shooting, but never entered the building despite “clearly” knowing a shooting was happening, Israel said.
The sheriff said he believes Peterson remained outside of the building for four minutes, while the shooting in total lasted six minutes. Israel said the officer never fired his weapon.
Unless Tom Cruz really wants to setup the Pre-crime Unit from his movie Minority Report, nothing of substance could have been to the gunman prior to walking on the campus with his guns. (And no, you can’t lock people up because you think they’re crazy, the U.S. Supreme Court killed that idea in the 1980’s. What do you think caused the epidemic of homeless people?)
Sorry but Pre-Crime Unit is Science Fiction
What should have happened is that the cop on campus or some teacher “packin’ heat” should have ended this thing before it ever got started. If the coach that died shielding students had been able to use deadly force, then the tragedy could have been avoided entirely. But Liberals would rather that we all were defenseless sheep rather than potential deterrents to crime.
Calling 911 Won’t Save You
If you think that calling 911 during an active shooter event will save you then you are a fool. Never has a call to 911 prevented an active shooter situation. The police take too long to arrive to be of any good and will wait outside until they know they have superior numbers before entering the building. This time is measured in hours not minutes. Here are a few random examples
Parkland Florida: February 2018
In this instance, the shooter left the school with a group of students and before law enforcement was ready to enter the building.
Authorities said the alleged gunman, Nikolas Cruz, stopped at a WalMart, a Subway restaurant and a McDonald’s immediately after carrying out the second-deadliest mass shooting at a public school in US history.
No news story directly addresses when police entered the school but they were setting up a command post for an active shooter situation about an hour after said shooter arrived on campus via Uber and a half hour after he had fled the campus. Florida school shooting timeline
Schools aren’t the Only Soft Targets
I happen to work for the State of California. Where I work is supposed to be a “gun free zone”. Even if I had a conceal carry permit, I still wouldn’t be allowed to bring a firearm to work. If I did, I could be prosecuted by the State. While he’s really busy filing lawsuits against President Trump and the United States government, Xavier Becerra would gladly take time out of his schedule to bury me in a deep hole for daring to defend myself and coworkers against bad guys.
Nevertheless, we have mandatory training for active shooter situations. We are supposed to run, hide, or fight back; in that order. Let’s examine these instructions.
Option 1 Run
We are supposed to outrun a bullet or at least the guy with the gun; after all we are trained to do that. Yeah, right! If this is such a great idea then answer me this, “So how many state workers have you seen in the Olympics?” None. Most State workers feel fortunate if they can run to the breakroom fast enough to catch a donut because someone is celebrating their promotion.
Option 2 Hide
I work on the second floor of a building with two stairwells as access points. If two guys each took a set of stairs or disabled the back door before acting then everyone here would be trapped in the building. We have a few conference rooms built of metal studs and sheetrock in an otherwise open floor plan. A bullet would easily travel the whole distance across the room until it strikes a solid object which would likely be a person. Only if the gunman was interested in a quick hit and run would you have hope of surviving.
Option 3 Fight Back
Picture this, a bad guy brandishing his semi-automatic loaded with a clip of hollow point bullets versus me throwing my tape dispenser and stapler while yelling loudly to intimidate a guy with murder in his heart. That outcome seems rather stacked against me seeing another sunrise.
The State wants me to be happy that I’m a target. After all they are giving me a paycheck in exchange for workplace free of violence.
But if this is such a great policy why do they get metal detectors, armed California Highway Patrol guards, and armed drivers who are sworn officers?
Elected Officials have guns nearby for protection but not us
Beslan has been called Russia’s 9/11. Over 330 people died in a school siege that you’ve probably never heard of. Here’s the short version. On the first day of school, over two dozen terrorists descended on an elementary school in a town of 35 thousand people. They took over 1,100 people hostage. They herded them all into the school gymnasium. They placed explosives on all the doors, confiscated all cell phones, and then executed the men and boys that they felt might have the physical ability to fight back. Three days later the Russian Army raided the school.
A documentary called Beslan: Three days in September is well worth viewing. I saw this years ago on Netflix but it is no longer available from them. In fact, I can’t find it for sale anywhere; however, it is available via streaming from CBS News. It is on their page for the news program, 48 Hours.
I think it will take a similar incident in our country to make meaningful changes in our public debate. As always the debate is do we begin to defend ourselves or cede freedom to the central government in exchange for the illusion of safety?
Congratulations to the Sith Lord on being vindicated about his claim of illegal electioneering by the Elk Grove teacher’s union back in 2016. Unfortunately, at the time he would not put in writing his claim that the union’s Pac was making illegal campaign contributions. However, the local paper reported that the FPPC has given the union their day of reckoning with a fine of $11.5K.
A local political action committee was fined $11,500 after a state watchdog group last month determined they broke a state campaign law several times.
The Elk Grove Education Association (EGEA) has a political action committee that reportedly failed to file campaign documents by deadline during the 2016 election year.
This committee supported three Elk Grove school board candidates and the Measure M school bond campaign in 2016.
The EGEA represents more than 3,000 teachers and other school employees in the Elk Grove Unified School District. Their political action committee received more than $65,000 in contributions and spent more than $110,600 during the 2016 election year, according to a California Fair Political Practices Commission report.
Folks this is a slap on the wrist considering what these guys could have received. They willfully broke the law and then pleaded ignorance. This is the FPPC version of a “fix-it” ticket. Sadly, this isn’t the only part of this union that’s broken.
In our last installment, we quoted the email from the Elk Grove Joint Unified School District which is presented again for your reference:
…I would expect that some students and staff members will elect to exercise their right to freedom of expression in a variety of manners. Such expressions could include sitting or kneeling during patriotic observances, including the Pledge of Allegiance or the National Anthem. While these are two of the most common ways people express themselves, I always marvel at the creativity of our students and staff and would not be surprised if they came up with other methods to express themselves.
Please do not overact or take disciplinary actions in response to such expressions. Site leaders should confirm this with staff, including off campus coaches, to ensure all staff understand that no punitive actions are to be taken against students or staff participating in an act of expression that does not interfere with the safe and orderly running of our schools or school sponsored events.
OK, so we have established the following from the school district:
• The District expects students and staff to “exercise their right to freedom of expression”
• Kneeling is permissible before school events
• District employees are not to interfere
• District employees may also participate
• No punitive action shall be taken against staff or students as long as it “does not interfere with the safe and orderly running of our schools or school sponsored events.”
• Other as yet unanticipated methods may be used for people to express themselves
Ladies and gentlemen of the audience let’s put the district to the test, from now on both coaches and players have been given a blank check to pray on the field before any school sponsored event and furthermore, they have been promised that the district will take no retribution against them as long as it does not interfere with event safety.
The charter school in Rocklin held a board meeting last night about the so-call transgender five year old. I submit to you that a normal five year old doesn’t have a clue about sexuality other than children their age are either boys or girls. This is some perverted idea that the child’s parents are forcing on this poor kid because they are angry at God and want to punish someone made in His image. Of course they wrap their warped ideas into a claim of compassion. Remember that the Scripture says “the compassion of the wicked is cruelty”.
As you read the news story you get three messages:
First, what happened in this classroom is legal and has the backing of the State of California and the education establishment.
The book, according to the school, was not only age appropriate, but part of the California Department of Education’s recommended reading list and was given to the teacher by a transgender student in the process of transitioning.
Second, some parents don’t like it
“I want to be the one that teaches my kids about these controversial issues, not the school, I know my kids best,” said one parent speaking out during public comment.
“When we shun the rights of parents, we go from education to indoctrination,” said one father.
Many parents have wanted to not have their children be placed in the same classroom as transgender children and were asking the board for a chance to opt out. But the district says that’s against the law and is discrimination towards a protected class.
Three, the school is not sorry and will not change
Since the incident, the district has held a number of talks with parents, faith leaders, and other school districts, and administrators offered a series of recommendations that were being discussed. The main recommendations were to affirm the literature policy and to make a change in the parent handbook that would suggest that the school will “endeavor” to notify parents about controversial topics being discussed in class.
Since the incident, at least 14 families have pulled their children from the school. Superintendent Robin Stout says she’s expecting more people to withdraw. But also adds that there are more than 1,000 families on their academy waitlist.
If you recall, the school had hired a public relations firm after the incident back in June. The PR firm was to help the school manage the parents so they would accept that it was OK to expose their children to this perverse behavior.
I find it ironic that the other news story yesterday was concerning a 21 years old student that followed the teachings of the homosexual lobby that was shot by campus police. He was called mentally ill for claiming to be what California Senator Mark Leno wants the rest of us to accept as normal.
Scout Schultz, the now-deceased assailant, was a 21-year-old student who suffered from gender identity disorder (or, as it has now been relabeled, gender dysphoria). He was also the past president of the Georgia Tech Campus Pride Alliance.
Schultz’s biography on the Alliance website quoted Schultz as saying: “I’m bisexual, nonbinary, and intersex … when I’m not running Pride or doing classwork I mostly play D&D and try to be politically active.”
His preferred pronouns were “they” and “their” rather than “he” and “his.” His last words prior to his demise by police-assisted suicide were “Shoot me” as he advanced on retreating police while holding a knife.
… Aren’t these the same values that the Rocklin charter school is forcing on parents as the new normal? So is transgenderism “normal” or mental illness?
Regrettably, CRA is not the only dumpster fire we are following these days.
The story that you are about to read is true. Names were withheld to give plausible deniability to those involved.
A young boy lived with his mother and grandparents in a village not far from the big city. Mother and grandmother doted over the boy. Mother was thrilled that her son liked many of the same things that she and grandmother liked. The young boy attended the village school. The young boy was a little slower than his peers in some areas of learning and development. Mother had two options on how to deal with this problem. Option one was to tell the son that he needs to try harder and yes it would be difficult at times. Option two was to shelter the son from his learning difficulty by convincing the teacher to selectively withhold the expectation of achieving the same standards as his peers. Mother decided that option two was better for her son.
As the son grew, he did well in school. He had great short-term memory recall and as a result, he performed well on him tests; however, logic was not his strong suit. If he was given “A” and “B”, he had difficulty getting to “C”. Others that knew him were concerned about this lack of logical thinking but since he was sheltered by mom and grandmother, nothing consequential ever resulted. At an early age it was even regarded as innocence and endearing. Of course, not knowing that he didn’t know, he thought this was the norm for people.
Like many in his generation, he was very self-focused. Upon meeting him, people were impressed with his confidence, poise, and demeanor. All anyone had to do was ask him about himself and he could talk for hours. Most adults thought he was wonderful, mature, and very together. Truly he does make a great first impression; however, those close to him notice that what other folks miss is that all he talks about is himself.
Now son is an adult. By exempting him from having to try harder in his youth, the son has not been pushed to be a fully functioning adult. Too bad for him that the real world doesn’t operate by accommodating those on the fringes of society.
Said son returned home after college and was offered a transitional period to move from being a student and into adulthood. He landed a job after college and was given a chance to live at home for $300 per month in rent. This “rent” covered his auto insurance, cell phone, and other expenses that mom was paying but felt her son should be responsible for now that he had a job. Mom continued to pay for food and did the cooking. By most standards this was a bargain. Rent also served the purpose of having him learn that along with his paycheck came the ability to pay his own way in society.
The son was told that one of the benefits of this stay at home was to get him up to speed with age appropriate responsibilities so that he could be a fully functional adult and not become the dreaded roommate from hell. However, within a short period of time it became apparent that he was unwilling to learn. He refused requests to pick-up after himself, respect others, and do his share in exchange for living at home.
Son paid no heed to those around him. When the entire household was in bed, he would do things to keep others awake. This included laundry, showers, slamming doors, having tantrums about where he left his keys, and a general disrespect of others. He was asked to shower, do laundry, and other chores while others were awake and he refused. Here are three examples compiled from eye witness accounts:
Exhibit 1 Laundry
His typical way of doing laundry was too simply to pile it on the bedroom floor until the wet towels caused the smell to become so unbearable bad that mom had to complain. Then a huge stack of it would be crammed into the washing machine with a scoop of soap and run. The clothes were frequently left at this stage of the process for several day thus necessitating the process be started all over again. Once washed, his cloths were never folded or put on hangers in the closet, instead they were wadded-up and stored on the bedroom floor or on occasion shoved in whichever dresser door was the emptiest.
Exhibit 2 Safety
One day, his hard working mom was injured at work. Mom’s back went out and she had to take time off. For several weeks, mom needed a walker and could barely move. The son had the habit of deliberately leaving his stuff in the path from the hallway to the kitchen. (Gym bag, jackets, shoes, car keys, etc.) His injured mom had to try to negotiate this minefield of crap in the common areas of the house just so she could fix the son dinner and do a few things around the house. When son was asked to be considerate of his mother’s injury, he retorted that it was unfair to be held to this standard of common decency. He felt that picking up after himself was an unrealistic expectation and he categorically refused to do it.
Exhibit 3 Dishes
While mom or others did the cooking, son was often expected to help with dishes. As you might expect by this point in the story, he approached this chore with the same gusto as laundry. Most but not all dishes made it into the dishwasher but wiping down the stove, countertops, the kitchen table and other surfaces was not done. Son dismissed the idea that cleaning the kitchen involved making it ready for the next meal. Son said that such an instruction was unfair and too difficult for him to be expected to remember despite his private college GPA of about 3.85.
After about a year of constant refusals to act his age and honor and obey him mom, the son was given the ultimatum that many parents have issued to their children, “If you don’t like it here then move out.”
For him, the ultimatum was an invitation to try the path of least resistance. He reasoned, why change or grow-up when I can solve my problem by moving out? So he did.
After living on his own for a while, the son thought it would be good to have a place to entertain people and the studio apartment that he was living in was too small for that. Thru a friend, the son was told about some poor dude that needed a roommate. I’m sure the son made a good first impression so the roommate thought he knew what kind of person that he was agreeing to live with. Son and the new roommate agreed to rent a house and each signed on for their half of a one year lease. Prior to moving into the house, the roommate knew virtually nothing about the son.
Within a short time, the roommate had had enough and asked the son to go live elsewhere. Three months after moving in, the son was shopping for a new place and by month four, the son had moved out. The new apartment where the son moved, required him to sign a one year lease.
Son now has two concurrent leases to pay. Son has maintained that it was ok to move out of the house because he could afford both leases but hoped that he could find someone to take the balance of the first lease.
Six months after signing the first lease, the son now wants to be excused from the balance that he owes. He tried asking the landlord to excuse him but they refused saying he signed the lease and thus is legally obligated to pay the money. Son thinks that it is unfair that the roommate is living by himself and really isn’t looking too hard for someone to take over the balance of the lease.
Recently the son has got it in his head that he was evicted by his old roommate despite the fact that he moved out voluntarily. Not only is he still on the lease for the house but he still retains a key. Currently, son is hunting for a lawyer to take up his cause and get him out of the remainder of the lease.
Mom is frustrated that son won’t listen to her anymore. She now regrets sheltering the son from consequences when he was a child and wishes that he had taken another path. Sadly, emotionally the son is still a child even if the calendar says he is approaching age 30. Mom jokes that the son just waited until his mid-twenties to exhibit teenaged rebellion.
If you happen to be looking on Craig’s List, Facebook, or social media for a roommate or potential spouse beware because the son is still out there.
Meanwhile, we here at ReallyRight send our condolences to the mom.
If you want a preview of where California is heading once Jerry Brown is termed out and Gavin Newsome or somebody of his ilk is elected Governor then take a look at this article linked on Joe Miller today. Those of you that think “gay marriage” was the end of the trail are sadly mistaken. It was just the opening salvo of a much bigger assault on your freedom to believe in traditional Christian values. In fact, the full force of the State government is about to be directed at scouring your beliefs not only from the public square but your home as well.
Two years ago, those who were paying attention got a preview of this when the State of California threatened to withhold any student loans from colleges that opposed homosexuality. The author withdrew the measure but it has not gone away. The next time it sees the light of day will be with the blessings of the majority party leadership.
Soon litmus tests affirming abortion, homosexuality, and other “rights” will be required for student loans, employment, and benefits but it won’t stop there. For a preview of coming attractions, look to “the great, white North”; Canada. Link: Joe Miller—Canada’s Big Brother Ready to raid you Home
Below are a few paragraphs from the article. Please read it in its entirety.
So, in the privacy of your own home, as you teach and instruct your own children, you would be forbidden by law to teach them what the Bible said about homosexual practice. And how, pray tell, was the government planning to monitor this?
Quoted in this article is Dawn Stefanowicz
I want to warn America to expect severe erosion of First Amendment freedoms if the US Supreme Court mandates same-sex marriage. The consequences have played out in Canada for ten years now, and they are truly Orwellian in nature and scope.
In Canada, freedoms of speech, press, religion, and association have suffered greatly due to government pressure. The debate over same-sex marriage that is taking place in the United States could not legally exist in Canada today. Because of legal restrictions on speech, if you say or write anything considered “homophobic” (including, by definition, anything questioning same-sex marriage), you could face discipline, termination of employment, or prosecution by the government.
Canada’s province of Ontario just passed Bill 89
This is beyond mind-boggling. It might even be beyond Orwellian. Really now, would even Orwell have predicted that the government could seize your 8-year-old boy if you wouldn’t let him dress like a girl or if you refused to affirm his perceived female identity?
For good reason, Jack Fonseca, a political strategist for Campaign Life Coalition, slammed the new bill in no uncertain terms: “With the passage of Bill 89, we’ve entered an era of totalitarian power by the state, such as never witnessed before in Canada’s history. Make no mistake, Bill 89 is a grave threat to Christians and all people of faith who have children, or who hope to grow their family through adoption.”
And it is not just an era of totalitarian power. It is an era of misguided totalitarian power.
In America, we don’t do things in moderation. We are all in or all out. I think the pendulum in California has swinging towards full-blown craziness. Here, the Constitution is viewed as a suicide pact and a license for excess and tyranny. We are accelerating on a course of societal and fiscal destruction. In fact, we are already over the cliff and waiting for gravity to act. The only remaining question is which cause of death will be listed on the death certificate at the autopsy.
If you thought you were having a bad year because you voted for Hillary or have other issues with the direction of the cosmos, try being a physicist or astronomer. You see, somehow 68 percent of the universe is missing.
According to the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (Lambda-CDM) model, which is the current accepted standard for how the universe began and evolved, the ordinary matter we encounter every day only makes up around five percent of the universe’s density, with dark matter comprising 27 percent, and the remaining 68 percent made up of dark energy, a so-far theoretical force driving the expansion of the universe. But a new study has questioned whether dark energy exists at all, citing computer simulations that found that by accounting for the changing structure of the cosmos, the gap in the theory, which dark energy was proposed to fill, vanishes.
Scientist now confirm that the guys that developed this theory and won a Nobel Prize for Physics in 2011 for its development were wrong.
“The theory of general relativity is fundamental in understanding the way the universe evolves,” says Dobos. “We do not question its validity; we question the validity of the approximate solutions. Our findings rely on a mathematical conjecture which permits the differential expansion of space, consistent with general relativity, and they show how the formation of complex structures of matter affects the expansion. These issues were previously swept under the rug but taking them into account can explain the acceleration without the need for dark energy.”
For those of you that don’t understand the quotation cited above, it means that Einstein’s general theory of relativity is correct as long as you don’t round your math answer. Yes, in this age of computers, the eggheads that should know better, took a shortcut that injected errors into Einstein’s theory. Instead of checking their math, they invented dark energy “making it a placeholder plug for holes in current models.” When you end-up with a 68 percent error in your solution you deserve a failing grade not a Nobel Prize.
Is it me or did the guys in the era of slide rules do a better job of engineering than those with computers?
“Any character that was diverse, any character that was new, our female characters, anything that was not a core Marvel character, people were turning their nose up.” Link: David Gabriel, VP of sales for Marvel
So what has Marvel been up to lately?
Over recent years, Marvel has made efforts to include more diverse and more female characters, introducing new iterations of fan favourites including a female Thor; Riri Williams, a black teenager who took over the Iron Man storyline as Ironheart; Miles Morales, a biracial Spider-Man and Kamala Khan, a Muslim teenage girl who is the current Ms Marvel.
Writer of the Kamala Khan Ms Marvel series, G Willow Wilson responded to Gabriel’s comments … and criticising Marvel’s tendency to introduce the new iterations of fan favourites by “killing off or humiliating the original character … Who wants a legacy if the legacy is shitty?”
If this sounds familiar, it should. George Takei, said something similar about the last Star Trek movie, when producers decided to make his character—Hikaru Sulu—into a homosexual, complete with “husband” and baby. Takei said they should have made a new character, not changed the cannon of Star Trek. “Unfortunately, it’s a twisting of Gene’s creation, to which he put in so much thought. I think it’s really unfortunate”– George Takei
George Takei
Hollywood is hell bent on making this issue one that you can’t avoid. Look at it from their point of view, they get to simultaneously teardown some part of an American symbol or institution and replace it with something else.
Partly, this is laziness on their part described as creativity.Stan Lee or whoever pours decades of work into something and then some young punk comes along and highjacks it in the name of diversity. Why? It’s hard to make an original thing successful.
Revisionism, especially as it relates to homosexuality, is just the latest fad in Hollywood. Xena: Warrior Princess and Wonder Woman are slated to become “gender-benders”. Xena is being revived by NBC as a television series and Wonder Woman—in her second movie—is expected to “come out”.
This is just the latest iteration of Democrat group politics. No character stands on its own merits. Everybody is just assumed to identify with a group, and the group must advance or no one does. This plantation mentality is just dumb and shortsighted; not to mention insulting.
Dear Hollywood Liberals, the more you push these issues, the less of your products that I will buy. I want characters that are entertaining and have a moral code not ones that get their identity with who they sleep with.
• I dumped my DirecTV a year ago because of this.
• I’ve seen every Star Trek movie except the last one because of this issue. Oh, and I will take a pass on the new Star Trek TV show on CBS because you are pushing homosexual characters.
• I’m done with most everything Disney because of this and yes, Disney there are many children in this country that have never owned a Mickey Mouse piece of clothing or even know who you guys are because of your abandonment to “family values”. If Star Wars or Marvel movies go the direction of Star Trek then I’m done with them too.
I want something my children can see that has good role models not morally broken ones. If I want my kids to see morally broken people and what they are really like then I’ll let them watch the evening news not your programming.