California Republicans Continue to Fail

The Republican Party in California is dying a very slowly painful death by 10,000 cuts and they have no one to blame but themselves.  The CRA is the main culprit in this…..remember they are the conscious of the party!  Think about it, the CRA didn’t even offer token opposition years ago when the State Party was going to change their platform on same sex marriage.  Actually I remember seeing some CRA members, and some in leadership actively campaigning to support the platform change.  So much for being the conscious of the party, just like the national party under Bush, you decided to play nice and it cost you at the ballot box.

Same thing is happening in Southern California, the groups down there were so incensed by Janet Nguyen, Ling Ling Chang and Young Kim winning Assembly and Senate seats that they made sure that two of them did not get re-elected later.  Yes, you read that correctly, because of a couple bad votes, the CRA wouldn’t endorse Janet Nguyen or Ling Ling Chang and as a result, we lost the ability to stop tax increases and gave the other side a super majority.  And raise taxes they did, the newly elected Senator Josh Newman voted along with several Republican colleagues to raise the gas tax to fund “transportation projects” also known as the Bullet TrainOnce again the CRA took no stand against any of the seven Republicans who voted for it, likely they endorsed their re-election as well.  Because hey, we need to play nice and it’s only a few dollars extra added to fill your tank up with gas.  This is another reason the party is failing, they usually campaign and win on the issue of taxes, but if you support higher taxes and a majority of your rank-and-file go for it, is there really any difference between the parties?

California Republican Assembly sinking to the depths of oblivion

Now about the recall election of Josh Newman that took place last week.  Please don’t gloat too much CRA rank-and-file because your organization did nothing to lead this battle.  Mostly because Ling Ling Chang, there’s that name again, got elected to replace him.  The effort was led by Carl Demaio and a host of southern California radio hosts who had finally had enough of the steaming pile of B.S. being pushed by your organization.  The recall passed with 59%, you were once again on the wrong side of a result, maybe Ling Ling endorsed Trump?  I would love to hear the spin doctor try to spin this one, lol.

While you are at it, maybe have your fellow elected and endorsed Republicans explain this comment by Newman;

It saddens me, colleagues, Republican colleagues, that despite all your nice…words, not a single one of you had the integrity, the decency or the courage to stand up and say…‘this is wrong. This is an abuse of the recall process.”  URL: Recalled Democratic senator condemns GOP in defiant speech

Think about that and let it set in for a moment. This now recalled Senator is basically saying to the opposition party, you guys supported me behind the scene, how come your didn’t come out publicly?  Where are the conservatives in the party?  Where is the CRA?  Like usual, nowhere to be found.  Maybe that’s why registered Republicans are now the 3rd political preference after Democrat and Decline to State?

Lastly, maybe you should take a long hard look in the mirror regarding your so called “conservative credentials”; especially, seeing that your group almost always winds up endorsing the most liberal candidate under the guise of “only they can win the seat.”

Until next time,


CRA Week at UC Berkeley and the #METOO Thing

Editor Note: This dispatch from X was sent yesterday but my family activities resulted in a delay.

Greetings on a rare Tuesday blog from your humble correspondent! I just wanted to check-in with some thoughts regarding recent goings on in Soviet California.  First, I want to thank the CRA Board and current President Thomas Hudson for renting the “stress” llamas for the use of their membership.  These llamas were at UC Berkeley last week for students to hug, cuddle, etc. to relieve stress from final exams.  Yeah I guess that’s a thing now……

Llamas in Berkeley are so cute they could melt the heart of a snowflake

Here’s something stressful, being a CRA member and knowing full well that Donald J Trump is literally kicking butt and winning at everything important; yet somehow you still despise the man!  Seriously, the whole Board, including President Hudson, hates this man so much that I heard they even offered to write the articles of impeachment of our president!  Problem is they approached their great white God, Theodore Cruz (who I think most believe was the victim of a rigged primary), to be installed as President following the impeachment of Donald Trump, however true to form, Theodore voted no, saying we need to have a President with a conscious.

So, to the CRA, President Hudson and the entire Board…… you made a great investment with those llamas.  They should go on tour to all CRA meetings, everyone should get to hug those llamas and relieve the stress of Donald Trump as President!  You might even make them available to former members as well because I remember so fondly that endorsement convention where, with the nomination already wrapped up, Trump was not endorsed by the CRA, instead it was Theodore Cruz (Loser-TX).  I rest my case, please hug a llama, relieve your stress lest you be tempted to harm yourself or others.

Oh, and if your life is stressful now, just wait until the votes are counted in June. By then, the llamas will be gone but take comfort in the fact that Governor Garvin has promised to fight against Trump with all his being. Both Bush I & II taught us that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” so naturally I expect for CRA to endorse Newsom in November.

I need to say my piece on this #Metoo thing. I never could grasp this phenomenon. I don’t have a tweeter or whatever it’s called.  I used to think the hashtag was a pound sign, so I would read that as POUND ME TOO. So just like any other red-blooded American man would do, I was waiting for Jennifer Aniston to have her turn holding said sign.  Sadly, I found out what it really meant and naturally…well embarrassment set in.  Like I said, thank god there’s no tweeter for me.

Jennifer at last year’s Oscar Awards

By the way, as for the two paranoid CRA members in Sacramento County who keep trying to track down my identity; rest assured, I am a former board member living in exile.  You both knew me very well.  I am so glad that I’m gone from the CRA and that the Blog Father departed as well.  By the way William, I heard the statute of limitations is up for my “shenanigans at the salsa bar” at our favorite Mexican place, shall we go when I’m out your way in a couple months?


Editor’s note: Hey X, the statute may be up but I’m confident that she stills remembers you.

4/25/2018 A National Day of Mourning for the CRA

Today was a horrible day for the CRA  (whatever the heck is left of it, I should add).  In a move not foreseen by anyone in either this organization or the Tea Party; Senator Theodore Cruz R-Tejas has endorsed President Donald J. Trump for re-election in 2020.  There you have it ladies and gentlemen….shut it down. is now a worthless domain name.  For those of you who think there may still be Hope…sorry she left the White House a month ago.  As the Blog Father and I have stated all along, Donald is here for 7 more years, get over it.

Oh, true believers may want to help Lyin’ Ted to make sure he gets re-elected first, he is barely edging out a liberal democrat in early polling for his senate race in November; otherwise CRA will be Can’t Re-elect Anyone.

CRA President Thomas N Hudson, has moved to declare today a National Day of Mourning for the organization. Note: the spelling of MOURNING, not to be confused with MORNING, like “Its morning again in America.”  CRA flags should not be flown at all (actually this has been the case for many years, but I digress), endorsement meetings scheduled for the rest of the month will cease to take place, and all should tune in to CNN to be sure this is not fake news.

I was aware that the organization was losing members, but now I hear entire units are shutting down and may never meet again. This news is a huge blow to CRA’s moral. Both a crisis prevention hotline and suicide prevention hotline are being made available to all members free of charge.

Speaking of suicide prevention…

Never Trump media figures lamented Cruz’s support for Trump’s campaign. Glenn Beck, a fervent Cruz supporter during the 2016 primary, described himself as “profoundly sad” following Cruz’s endorsement of Trump, whom Beck strongly opposed. Beck later described America as a “petulant child” worthy of divine punishment for making “the wrong choice” in nominating Trump.

Ted Cruz Endorses Donald Trump in 2020

For the sole purpose of impeaching President Trump, CRA leadership is mulled over a proposal to allow endorsement of democrats running for Congress in the People’s Republic of California.  Since most voted for anyone but Trump in the last election, this effort will likely prove just as futile.

Good luck, hopefully you will find the strength to overcome this setback.



State of the CRA

The CRA has graciously invited me to their annual convention in March; an honor that I must respectfully decline.

They will be gathering in once Republican Orange County to considering such weighty topics as:
Battle for Congress—Which seats are at risk
State of our State
Why be activists?
How to engage Non-Republicans?

Also they will vote to endorse candidates for Governor and U.S. Senate.

However, I must respectfully rip this confab as a relic of a long dead age. The CRA, and Republicans in general, living in California are much like zombies. They move around, make noise, occasionally mumble about brains, and can occasionally be herded about totally unaware that they died long ago.

Conservatives blame Pete Wilson and Charles Munger Jr. while Liberals blame pro-lifers and religious Conservatives for the Party’s demise; however, both are wrong. Two factors deserve the lion’s share of the blame for the decline of the Republican Party in the once Golden State, George Herbert Walker Bush and demographics.

• In 1973, Los Angeles County alone had 270,000 aerospace jobs, mostly due to the military. The aerospace industry was one of the biggest employers in California. While the number of jobs in this industry was declining due to the decrease in spending for the space program and end of Vietnam as well as improvements in materials and manufacturing, it was still an important industrial sector in the state.
• In the late 1980’s, then San Francisco Mayor Diane Feinstein refused to allow the USS Missouri to be stationed at Hunter’s Point as a permanent museum.
• A year after Ronald Reagan left office the Berlin Wall fell.

George H.W. Bush created the military base closure commission to celebrate the mythical “Peace Dividend.” This “Blue Ribbon” commission decided which bases would be closed and Congress agreed that no amendments would be allowed, it would be a straight up or down vote, that way if a base in someone’s district closed it was the commission’s fault not theirs. Furthermore, Bush agreed to sign the commission recommendations into law before it ever saw the light of day. This commission stripped most military installations from California. Ironically, the money from the base closures ultimately went to bailing out the Saving and Loan Crisis that was solely created by the same Congress.

Demographics in California changed for a number of reasons but the mass exodus of conservative and Republican voters from the state due to the base closings sealed the fate of the state. This change in the electorate coupled with the influx of people arriving from other countries changed the face of California forever.

It was during this era that CRA saw two things, a precipitous decline in membership and the rise of Barbara Alby and the Christian Right. CRA went from north of 100,000 members to about 20,000. Today CRA numbers less than 2,000 members in a state of 38 million.

For CRA to hold a convention about Republican victories is like the survivors of Pearl Harbor or Civil War reenactors gathering to honor the good old days of a bygone era. They can pound their chests and drink a beer in honor of their fallen comrades but other than being armchair quarterbacks to current events they are as irrelevant as Pete Wilson to contemporary politics.

Jon Fleischman goes full CRA at GOP Convention

The GOP convention took place in southern California this past weekend and what a doozy it was!  Steve Bannon—the former Trump advisor—did a keynote dinner which is surprising due to the number of people in the CAGOP that hate everything about him and President Donald J Trump.  This led to some interesting developments.

Former CRA President, Jon Fleischman did a full 180 on Trump. He put out an email to all of his “readers” saying Bannon was on fire, and on point lighting up the establishment!

Wait, full stop, isn’t this the same guy who skipped the Convention in Cleveland, Ohio as a delegate because he hated Trump?  Didn’t he spout off over and over again about how conservative “Lyin’ Ted” Cruz was?  He also basically quit the party and wanted to punt the election to Hillary Clinton so we could try again in 2020?  Wasn’t he a ringleader of the Never Trump faction of the Republican establishment? So now this same Fleischman wants us to believe that he supports the President?

In short ,Fleischman and others in the CRA like to pick winning horses after the race is run. This is not a principled stand. The truth is that Trump has proven more conservative than any candidate backed by Fleischman or CRA. It reminds me of the saying “Success has many fathers but failure is an orphan.” Jon is piling on the “Me Too” Express long after the train left the station. Where else could he go? There’s no way he can back the Republican Congress for advancing their agenda.

This is not an isolated example.  How many times did the CRA endorse Kevin McCarthy?  He is no conservative.  However, every time he’s in front of a microphone McCarthy calls himself a conservative. He proudly said so on many occasions this past weekend. Truth is that Keven has never met a conservative that he wasn’t more than happy to throw under the bus to advance himself.

Fleischman and CRA endorsed John McCain and Mitt Romney, because they would rather jump on the bandwagon than stand for any principles.  The CRA and Fleishman were so cocksure Trump would lose the Presidential contest that most didn’t even vote in the November election; Fleischman proudly admitted this on his blog!  The CRA—like Fleishman and the CAGOP—are trying to act as if they were behind Trump from the get go but they weren’t unless they mean behind Trump the way the Roman Senate was behind Julius Caesar one March 15th many years ago.

Trump did exactly what he said he would do in DC, drain the swamp; I—just like William—believe he is shining a light on the swamp!  Trump is exposing the liars and the charlatans that claim to be conservatives, but are frauds.  The whole Republican establishment is running like cockroaches that were caught in the light when asked to enact their campaign promises into law. Talk about duck and cover! Notice that not a single congressperson from the Orange County area—where the convention was held—showed up?  The four of them know their careers are in peril and wanted no part of Bannon calling them out in front of convention attendees.

The point of this post is that next time you see or hear a CRA member or CAGOP member talking up their conservative credentials; don’t believe them, they are just wolves in sheep clothing.  Actually better yet, they are lambs in wolves clothing.  This group will always run from their conservative talking points and endorse or back someone who has no credentials at all such as Ted Cruz.  It’s over for CAGOP and CRA. They should just pack up their tent and go home.  And Fleischman, do everyone a favor next convention, have a flip-flop party for Trump on your own dime, or even better change your blog from the “Flash Report” to beliefs you can change in
…in a flash.


Human Beer Keg Aaron Park Wrong Again

Everyone knows I can’t stand the CRA, the CAGOP, the Tea Party, and Aaron Park; but these past two weeks Park has outdone himself.  I have been watching from afar as the CAGOP has once again commenced the circular firing squad.  As you may know Chadwick Mayes (I know his name is Chad, but I call him Chadwick) stepped down as Assembly Minority Leader yesterday.

By the way is anyone offended by the word “minority”?  Because the way our country is going that word is going to get stripped from the job title soon.
Back on track now…

Ever since Chadwick and his six minions sold out on cap and trade, or crap and spade as I like to call it, some of the Assembly Caucus wanted to oust him as leader.  Being that I don’t live in the state anymore, I have taken to reading my daily emails from Jon “Squishy GOP’er” Fleishmann and reading Aaron Park’s right-on-occasion blogsite.  Fleishmann is funny because he talks all big and bold, but I’ll never forget his term as GOP chair, he was about as liberal as the Democrats under the dome in Sacramento.  Fleishmann is also a Nevertrumper, so I’m just going to ignore him on this post.

But, human beer keg Aaron Park, (I call him that because of his drinking past and the size of his stomach when I last saw him), couldn’t have been more wrong at every turn.

First Park declared Jay Obernolte would be our new leader. Park is friends with Obernolte, which is a good reason to be glad that he isn’t our next minority leader.  Actually as ironic as this sounds, Obernolte never even put his name into consideration; this after Park declared he was told his pal had the votes necessary to win it.

Then Park said there would be six people running for minority leader: Obernolte, Melendez, Fong, Mayes, Dahle, and Bigelow.  While this is somewhat true, Melendez, Obernolte, and Bigelow never put their names into consideration.  Fong never wanted the job (I know this from inside sources). He was being pushed by the anti-Munger crowd.  Chadwick Mayes didn’t run for leader again, he knew his time was up. Mayes was making calls on behalf of Dahle.  Dahle, pronounced Dolly, as in when the CRA loses elections they like to play with their dolly, is the new leader.  Dahle is from a town called Bieber. Yeah, I cannot take him seriously, he is about as big of a joke as the new CRA or a certain pop music icon.

Assembly Republicans replace Hanging Chad with the Dolly from Bieber and report deck chairs are now in order, sir.

So Park had it wrong on who was running to replace Mayes, but his erroneous prognostication didn’t end there. He was also very wrong on who was the real conservative in the race.  Park wrote up and down on his blog, calling Vince Fong a real conservative, when in fact Charles Munger poured hundreds of thousands into his election campaigns.  Munger is no friend of the conservative movement but he was on speaking terms with Park last time I checked.  In recent years Park has had little use for conservatives except to renounce them—at least until they write him a check. Park also claimed that Dahle was close to Mayes and would vote for his re-election as leader.  So by this logic, Dahle voted for Chadwick Mayes, and a majority of the Caucus voted for him?  Great logic there Aaron!  Interestingly enough a few days after calling Fong “the conservative”, someone influential must have passed Park a bag of cash or Doritos because suddenly Fong was the core of all evil and Dahle became the last man on earth to save conservatism.

Here is the problem, Dahle was in favor of the cap and trade bill, he voted for it.  He doesn’t sound like a conservative to me.  The more I read about this Dahle character, the more I don’t feel comfortable with him. He seems to have close associations to squishy members of the Assembly.  All of the cap and trade voters: Chad Mayes, Devin Mathis, Catherine Baker, Heath Flora, Jordan Cunningham, Rocky Chavez and Mark Steinnorth all voted for Dahle.  Kevin Kiley—who Aaron Park seems to be hot and cold toward—also voted for Dahle (Park was ready to early endorse him for re-election last month).  The conservatives: Obernolte, Melendez and a few others voted for Fong.  Dahle also has a very disturbing pattern; he seems to be from the John Kerry School of Political Reasoning, voting for something and then voting against it to try to prove his conservative credentials or be on the right side of any issue half the time.

Anyways, while I sit back and watch from afar, Republicans in California you have a new leader; Brian Dahle.  So now the CRA can go back to debating the good ole days of Ronald Reagan and figuring out how to make Ted Cruz president in 2020, (sadly they remained silent during this entire episode and couldn’t even find the time to issue a timely press release or resolution against the biggest Republican sell-out in California since Arnold signed the cap and trade bill.) Likewise, the Tea Partyif it even still exists—can revert to saying “NO” to everything again, and Aaron can go back to binge eating or drinking.  Seriously for someone who claims insider status and is often paid handsomely for his prose, he is really wrong much of the time.  Leading me to conclude Aaron Park knows a lot more about snacks then he does politics. But then again, ESPN Radio may have an opening soon for someone with his accuracy rating.


My RA is Dead and the CRA says and Knows Nothing

You may remember President Obama—who if you are a CRA member you still approve more so than Donald Trump—loved big government solutions. One of his signature programs was called MyRA. The program was based on the theory that if someone didn’t have access to a private sector retirement account or 401k they could invest through the Treasury Department into MyRA.  Contributions were limited so when your balance grew to $15,000 you were forced to move it over to a new investment vehicle outside of the Federal Government like maybe Wells Fargo.

In theory this wasn’t a horrible idea, most Americans have no retirement and this would have given people the ability to save small amounts of money in a safe haven investment.  The problem is that not very many people ever opened accounts, just a paltry 20 thousand. Worse yet, only 10 thousand had any money deposited into them!  While the ten thousand active accounts did have an average balance of about $1700, the expenses of the program were massive—almost 70 million from its creation in 2014!  The total amount of money ever deposited into MyRA accounts is a hotly disputed 34 million.  So in typical government fashion, the product was grossly overpriced and we lost millions in taxpayer dollars, let alone new government bureaucrats and the pensions that come with them.

This is why I was glad to vote for Donald Trump!  This is exactly what he promised. Trump took a large government bureaucracy laden with waste and outright eliminated it.  The CRA didn’t endorse Trump and most likely didn’t vote for him.  That’s okay, as I’m sure Hillary Clinton probably would have expanded the program into the government run Ponzi-scheme that would have made the Social Security Administration jealous!  The program was set up to help Americans save for retirement, and obviously the better majority had no interest.  President Trump acted swiftly to eliminate the program.

Here’s the bottom line, Donald Trump if given time and some bi-partisan support, (since the CRA and Tea Party endorsed Republicans aren’t helping!) he will drastically and dramatically reshape our government for generations.  Therein lies the problem, the CRA and other organizations have befriended establishment Republicans and Democrats and have teamed up to stop Trump every single step of the way.  Remember I was called out by 2 South Sacramento CRA members demanding my identity and saying I was breaking stories that were not true.  As a result the Blog Father and I are offering this space to CRA members wishing to refute anything in the above article.

Oh BTW, while the CRA may call this a federal issue, remember my article from earlier speaking about California’s plan to make a state run retirement program for its citizens?  Why is it something tells me it will have the same results, but won’t get the plug pulled like MyRA?

Til next time,


PS nice find Blog Father on Rich Uncle Pennybags Buffett, from my research, his investment vehicle Berkshire Hathaway holds over 500 million shares of Wells Fargo Bank.  Truth be told though, he was required by the Fed to divest about 8 million shares.  Not because of anything illegal but new rules state no single entity can control more than 10% of the outstanding stock.  The reason: so one person cannot have too much influence over the corporation.  Swell, maybe Buffett could have called the Board of Directors and said “Stop Ripping off the American People.”  But no, I’m sure Mr. Buffett happily collects his dividend check and looks the other way.

What the Hell, CRA!!!!!

I must admit I am beginning to lose what little faith I had left in the CRA, and that’s probably a good thing.  From the same group that brought you an endorsement of Ted Cruz long after Donald J Trump had wrapped up the nomination process for President, they have recruited a second Republican to run for Governor.  Assemblyman Travis Allen (R-who cares) has been talked into running, thus assuring a run off between two Democrats for the top job in California.

If you are related to Aaron Park, registered to vote at Wal-Mart, or been living under a rock; you might have missed the enactment of the law many years ago that gave California a “top two” election system where the two highest vote getters—regardless of party—advance to a general election run-off in November.  (This law was funded and passed by the current majority shareholder of the California GOP, Charlie Munger.) Think the 2016 Senate Election which pitted Comrade Loretta Sanchez against Socialist/Black Lives Matter Kamala Harris—notice no Republican in that group.

My point is this; we already have a Republican running for Governor, John Cox. Cox is very wealthy and has showing a willingness to spend quite a bit of his own money.  I don’t know much about Mr. Allen or his finances, except that he is very far to the right of center, and that’s fine but not viable in the Peoples Republic of California.

Several questions need to be raised about this.  Why doesn’t Allen run for one of the other statewide offices in California?  Like I don’t know any of them since none currently have a Republican seeking the office?  Does the CRA believe Gavin Newsome vs Antonio Villaraigosa really offers us the best choices?  What the hell, the CRA!

(Editor’s Note: many Republicans in California would rather have an all Democrat gubernatorial race next time because they don’t believe a Republican can win. Many have voiced tentative support for Democrat and former State Treasurer John Chiang.)

I Spell William R-E-A-L-L-Y R-I-G-H-T

I’ve been a loyal reader and blogger in this space for about 10 months, but who’s counting, except maybe the CRA.  I want to just re-hash a few things William has been really right about and clear up some questions about who I really am.  First and foremost, William nailed it on healthcare. He has been saying this since late last year folks; do not kid yourself he is no Johnny come lately.  He has been pounding the table about Lyin’ Ted having never submitted any piece of legislation let alone an attempt at drafting legislation, during his brief DC tenure.  The GOP created a CRA-esque lie about all the legislation that would occur the minute they had control of all levers of DC.  This is due in part to the in depth knowledge prior to the 2016 election that the Republicans would keep the House and Senate, and in all likely hood lose the Presidency.  Then Donald J Trump won, and the congressional GOP went on full tilt.  William and I are willing to wager better than 50% of the GOP members of congress voted for Hillary or 3rd party to keep the “repeal and replace someday” slogan alive.

William also nailed it on CA GOP being relegated to third party also ran status in this state.  Truth be told, I have a feeling most of the California GOP has moved to Texas, Arizona, or Nevada already.  I look forward to the day when William makes his move and relocates closer to X.

Before I close I want to say this, it has come to my attention that 2 members of a CRA unit in south Sacramento County have been saying my columns are incorrect or full of lies.  I say this to both of them, if my analysis or anything is wrong I will happily retract and delete the fallacies.  Unfortunately there will be none, because I haven’t shared anything not true.  Aaron Park was supposed to be in jail, remember or was I wrong about that?  People who the CRA endorsed?  Was that incorrect?  These two are suffering from a term called Trumpaphobia, a term I’m coining because this is what happens when you wanted Ted Cruz to be nominated, then when that failed voted for Hillary to preserve status quo.

But here I will tell you who I really am; I am a former CRA vice-chair.  I am a former unit president.  I no longer live in the state of California. I’m not in Jefferson either for the CRA folks who read this.  Don’t even get me started on that movement.

Til next time,


The CRA, Aaron Park, And Anthony Cannella are all the same on Taxes

Loyal readers, the Blog Father, William, spoke about the recent “bi-partisan” tax increase at length the other day and I want to expand on it slightly.  This type of horse trading and phony math has been going on in this state for generations.

Let’s start with the phony math
The 7 billion that is not being accounted for in KCRA’s math?  Does anyone think the bullet train is getting left out of this “transportation tax?”  To be clear, X does not support any tax increase, but does support $$$ for infrastructure repair.  Let us not kid ourselves, 15 billion for “potholes” is just putting lipstick on a pig. We tried that on the Oroville Dam and look what happened!  X prefers total tear down and rebuild, similar to what William warned about earlier saying wait until the big one happens and we will see how badly mismanaged this state has been.

Fixing potholes does not fix infrastructure, it’s simply a waste of time; however, it does create busywork that very highly compensated state employees are capable of doing. It’s all temporary fix work.  With all the billions going to public transportation, when is the last time you saw someone actually riding the bus/light rail?  Most ride public transportation because they don’t want to be stuck in gridlocked traffic and pay for parking in downtown areas. For their trouble, they actually pay $35 per month and we pay the rest.

Folks, the lion’s share of this new tax money is all going to Los Angeles/Bay Area communities, some monies may trickle down into San Diego, Ventura, Riverside, and possibly Sacramento.  Other outlying areas? Well you may get an extra bus on the route, or an extra bus stop or two put in.  Most likely this money will be diverted by the local city/county/bus authority to shore up future healthcare/pension benefits and prevent a system wide shut down like BART experienced not long ago.  The other revenues raised from the tax increases amount to the same old same old; walking paths and bike trails?  Does anyone even use those anymore?

The horse trading aspect is most troubling
A CRA endorsed State Senator, Anthony Cannella, took a 400 million dollar bribe; err, I mean promise of future work to be done in his district to provide the decisive vote for this tax increase.   Cannella is a sell out in the worst way. Roger Niello, also a CRA favorite, did the same on his way out of office.  Cannella and people of his ilk are why the Party has dropped below 30% registration statewide. Even low information voters have figured out that if even Republicans are willing to accept tax increases what do they really stand for?  The state party and the CRA are in a horrible position. They have no clearly defined set of goals or beliefs and as a result do not police their own.

Over the years, I watched personally as the CRA endorsed; Mike Villines, Roger Niello, Anthony Cannella, and Anthony Anderson; all of whom reneged on the no new taxes pledge, but I guess these were fees?  Keep in mind folks, the CRA endorsed Ted Cruz after it was certain Donald J Trump would have the delegate count required to advance to general election!  Fear not, Cannella will have no problem finding his next political job, is the State Insurance Appeals Board still around?  Remember the board that retired legislators got to sit on that required very little time commitment and a six figure salary?  Cannella might see his name pop up there too.

To be clear, if any of these clowns were running for re-election or election near the unit where I was CRA president not only would they have been non-endorsed I would have seriously advocated for endorsing the Democrat; why have the light beer when the regular one will do just fine!  By the way, evil State Senator Steve Glazer, a Democrat who worked for Jerry Brown was the lone Democrat to oppose the tax!  Heck I would even venture to call Glazer a hero of the taxpayer, but that’s ok; meanwhile, the GOP will keep telling us we need to support more Anthony Cannella types in order to appeal to more voters.  Excuse me while I go barf.  Meanwhile I heard the CRA had career politician and definition of low energy Ted Gaines highlighting their convention a few weeks ago.  Go Team!

My tie-in to Aaron Park?
Well he may act all far-right and self-righteous on his blog but he would have voted for it too.  Actually for a conservative, Park actually does not even mention it on his blog, not that it matters when you draw about 30 clicks a day, 29 being yours and the other being your brothers.  I know Aaron; he would have asked for the money in cash as opposed to hoped-for future projects in his district.

Personally, Aaron should run for office under the slogan “Beliefs I can change in.”  I have to give Park credit, he and his group of LOW ENERGY IMPACT REPUBLICANS spend about $30k to beat a guy running for a supervisor seat.  By the way, anyone know what happened to the other idiot Park brother George?  Last I heard he was seeking greener pastures in Nevada, since his type of political fertilizer has lost its potency in California. Like the influence of the California GOP, he has been slowly fading away. In the decade that I have known him, he’s gone from being about 400 pounds to about 110. Clearly Aaron hasn’t learned everything his brother could teach him.

Anyhow til next time,