State of the CRA

• Remember when the Park Brothers were expelled from CRA for life?
• Remember the financial shenanigans they masterminded in both the Placer County Republican Assembly and at the CRA annual conventions?
• Remember the Brothers Park posting people’s home addresses and bank account numbers online?
• Remember when the new board of directors took them to court?
• Remember the multipage expose’ in the Sacramento Bee laying out the case used by the prosecution to win conviction?
• Remember the complaints that were filed with FPPC, FBI, DOI, various local District Attorneys and CA Attorney General?
• Remember the Emmy Award winning special on the Fox News Channel about the “Placer County Mafia”?
• Remember when the Brothers (Aaron and George) went to jail after being convicted by each and every single one of these entities?

Let me guess; you don’t remember any of these things happening do you?  Because everything except the first three points are false and never happened.

X has been involved in the CRA for a little over a decade now and knows both Aaron and George very well; well enough to say both are so crooked you may be able to open a wine bottle with either one.  Back in the day, Aaron once had a big problem abusing the sauce, but now he (and George) spend their leisure time abusing the truth.  For them truth is not an absolute, it’s a matter of compensation and personal enhancement that determines their “truth”. But enough of those two Jeb Bush supporting, wannabe conservatives—for now.

George and Aaron Park with Jeb Bush on 05-13-2015


What Aaron really thinks about Jeb Bush on 05-18-2015

The California Republican Assembly (CRA) claims to be the oldest Republican organization in California. A quick look at their membership at the last convention would convince you that the claim is probably true. Sadly, the once proud CRA has devolved into an old white people’s club, except rather than play Bingo and shuffleboard, they reminisce about the old times when California frequently went Republican during statewide elections and occasionally for President.  This group still fondly remembers when “The Gipper” called them “the conscience of the Republican Party.” However, like “The Gipper”, CRA has developed Alzheimer’s disease.  They have forever lost their way.

If you need evidence of how out of touch the CRA is, you need look no further than their Presidential Endorsing Convention last February. On the first ballot, Donald Trump barely got 10 votes while Ted Cruz was overwhelmingly endorsed. When California actually cast ballots on June 7th, Trump got 74.8% of the vote while Cruz came in third with just 9.5%.

Likewise, the CRA Convention’s choice for US Senate, Tom Del Baccaro, was overwhelmingly endorsed on their first ballot. When Californians voted in June, Del Baccaro got 4.3% of the vote. Not only did he finish a distant fifth place in the field, but no Republican received enough votes to go on to the November 8th election.

Every two years, CRA chapters hold local endorsement conventions all across the state. These pyric events often break out into meandering trips down memory lane for these old geezers.  You see, the CRA endorsement comes with no money for candidates or sweat equity to further their campaigns. It’s just symbolism with no substance. However, for those that believe, it’s a sacred duty that they take very seriously.

CRA claims to be an organization based on principles. However, I’ve personally watched a candidate get endorsed by CRA by promising to hold the line against higher taxes, only to break their promise and then the following election cycle be endorsed again (Mike Villines and Mimi Walters).

Sadly, CRA stands for nothing; they are just another GOP group with a different name and annual dues.

In my local unit, I’ve witnessed firsthand a three hour debate by two candidates running for the right to get annihilated by Doris Matsui.  CRA will leave no windmill unscathed.

X left the CRA due to these types of people/actions, permanently.

You see the new CRA Board has stood idly by while the organization went the same way as the CA Republican Party; right down the commode.  Yup, while our blind leadership was busy trying to set up a new unit in Compton and make sure all the incumbents in Orange County got re-elected in landslides, the world changed. Look at what CRA has been reduced to.  The Park Brothers should be history from any type of political circle, and a DA in Placer County likely could have helped spearhead the effort but no, we would rather play nice. CRA failed to act either in self-defense or on principle. Between the CRA and rank-and-file Republicans, the disconnect has never been more pronounced. CRA is stuck so far in the past that they still think California has primaries. They still haven’t come to grips with a top two system. Despite much bluster and bravado, they are just as averse to conflict as the national party when squabbles break out.

The long extinct Woolly Mammoth—aka “long in the tooth Republican”

Like the Republican Party in California, CRA has run its course. Both are dimming memories in the consciousness of the political historian that is likely young enough not to know firsthand what a vibrant two party system looked like. It has been millennia since the proud elephant has roamed supreme in the western states of North America and almost as long since a living Republican has been spotted making a difference in the once Golden State.

81st Annual California Republican Assembly Convention

I went to the Convention this past week-end. It was held at the Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel.

I arrived about 2 p.m. and tried to check in to the hotel. This process took an hour, two calls to my bank and three trips thru the check-in line. As it turns out, the people at the front counter were not entering the transaction correctly and it was being refused on their end because they were trying to reuse a transaction number when running my card.

I went to my room, changed into swim attire and spent about half an hour in the pool. Then showered and went to the 4 p.m. CRA Board meeting. Much to my surprise, in attendance was John Briscoe and his partner in crime, Benita Gagne. I texted another person at the meeting and asked why Briscoe was there. His one word reply was “Spy”. Towards the end of the meeting, Briscoe asked the presiding officer for a copy of the final report for the committee investigating George and Aaron Park’s unethical activities during the prior year. Briscoe was told there was no written report, but it was read in its entirety at the Fall Board meeting—which he attended by the way. After witnessing this exchange, I thought that I might have seen the last of him, but he was in attendance for the remainder of the convention.

Benita had a cadre of ladies with her and was wearing a badge identifying her as a unit president. In response to their questions, she was instructing willing ladies how they should vote.

I had thought that maybe the presence of Briscoe and Gagne signaled that their experiment forming Impact Republicans was officially defunct. Today, I hear that they are trying to make another go at getting recognized by the California Republican Party at the upcoming Spring Convention. Clearly their identification as spies was the correct read on the situation. I guess my prediction of I.R. becoming a pay for endorsement racket is closer to reality.

The vendors at the Convention were few. Only two campaigns were present: Phil Wyman for US Senate and Ted Cruz for President. There was a booth by a group of crazy Christians from Orange County and some folks plugging some group for something else. I never heard of them before. I thought it strange that they had many books on their table by Phyllis Schlafly but it was not Eagle Forum. Also, there was a lady there selling a book on the conservative and Christian roots of America. There were a few other folks there but these made the biggest impression on me.

The focus of two booths was a rabid hatred for Common Core. Nobody can say why they hate Common Core, they just expect that you have to in order to be a conservative. One booth left me with the impression that you couldn’t be a Christian and support Common Core. It was God’s will that I oppose it. Echoes of Greg Hardcastle were going thru my head as I looked at their paraphernalia. Of course they have nothing to offer in its place.

Conservative hatred of Common Core and Obamacare in California is just stupid. Obamacare was the law in California before Obama was elected President—thanks Arnold—but nobody ever acknowledges this fact. Somehow, they always aim their disdain at Washington and not Sacramento. Ditto for Common Core. It was established as the law in California years ago but Conservatives direct their ire to the Department of Education—a federal agency—and somehow the State is off the hook. Truth is that Conservatives were asleep at the wheel and let this happen under their noses and did nothing to stop either.

Republicans have owned both Houses of Congress and so far have nothing to show for it. They can’t even pass an honest to goodness budget. Just a series of continuing resolutions and fights over the mythical budget ceiling.

The more I watched CRA in action, the lamer they seemed. The endorsement votes for President and US Senate were a joke. The job of nominating Trump fell to me because nobody even wanted to mention his name. CRA was so in the tank for Cruz it was amazing. No candidate got over twelve votes in a room of about 160 people. Cruz’s name came up last and the room went crazy (I’m using that word a lot in this blog). He got way over the required 2/3 vote for endorsement.

There were eight Republicans that spoke to the CRA Convention that were seeking their endorsement for US Senate. A few were legit but several were not ready to run for school board let alone a statewide election. I was amazed that Tom Del Baccaro got the CRA endorsement on the first ballot. Tom was on the record to stop Common Core and I guess that’s all it takes in this group. He never seems to say how he plans to do this. Tom has a record of platitudes but never quite seems to be able to back them up with deeds. My sources tell me he pile-drived the Contra Costa Republican Party into oblivion; but somehow he was able to leap from that job to CRP Chair.

My favorite part of the Convention was the time I spent with Dana Rohrbacher’s eleven year old daughter. She was pushing for Cruz every day in front of his booth. She’s the most extreme Type A kid you will ever meet. At a Cruz reception on Saturday night—non-believers like me were invited too—she stole the spotlight. My favorite exchanges were these:
Girl “Who are you supporting for President”
Me “Donald Trump”
Girl “Why?”
Me “Because he has nice hair.”
Girl “Yeah, I like his hair too.”

A few minutes later, Tom Del Baccaro walks into the room. The little girl points to Tom and says, “See that guy.” I then look at Tom, and she continues, “He’s evil.”

I did find it disturbing that she was demanding to watch Saturday Night Live when it came on. My son is the same age and he goes to bed between 8 and 9. He’s never even heard of the program.

CRA is recovering from the Park brothers but I don’t know how much more growth they will experience.

The last thing of note during the Convention was the talk by current CRP Chairman Jim Brulte. Brulte classified voter registration in California like this. First is Democrats with 43% registration, second is DTS and all others, and Republicans were in third place with 28%. Brulte has hopes of blocking the Dems from getting a 2/3 super majority in either house of the California legislature. At best maybe a one seat pickup.

I’m glad to be off the CRA Board and look forward to following Dave Ramsey’s advice to pay down my debts instead of spending the cash on long weekends tilting at windmills.

More Sutter-Yuba RA Minutes

This an analysis of the body of the Sutter-Yuba Republican Assembly minutes for June 8, 2015.

Priory to looking at these minutes a brief summary of the timeline for the period will be helpful for readers.

January 24, 2015

• CRA Board meeting where Aaron Park remarks than Placer has more money that Statewide CRA.

March 13—15, 2015

• CRA Annual Convention—run by George and Aaron Park in the name of Placer RA

March 25, 2015

• George Park closes CRA Business Roundtable account and gives balance to himself.

April 15, 2015

• CRA Board members call for May 30, 2015 business meeting.

April 17, 2015

• Aaron Park goes nuclear with campaign to block lawfully called meeting.

April 18, 2015

• Impact Republicans dot com is registered.

April 30, 2015

• George Park kills CRA’s Hightail and Mailchimp accounts. This results in deliberate purge of all statewide CRA files “in the cloud.”

May 13, 2015

George and Aaron get a front row seat to see Jeb Bush in Reno. This event and their photo are seen nationwide.

May 18, 2015

• March Convention Financial Summary given to CRA with zero receipts.

May 20, 2015

• Placer County Republican Assembly general fund was liquidated.

A portion of money allegedly went to refunding dues members. No record of disbursal of this money has ever been given to Placer RA or statewide CRA. It was purposely done as an untraceable transaction. Per membership records subsequently turned over by George Park (after May 30), Placer RA had four members in the club. Previously Aaron Park has repeatedly stated Placer RA membership was 105 souls. No proof exists that this was ever the case.

The balance of money was then allegedly divided amongst three charities.

Per current leadership of Placer RA, the account did have as much as $24,000 in it during calendar 2015. No receipts exist as to what happened to this money. On a side note, Aaron Park—at the January CRA Board meeting—was claiming that the Placer balance was greater than what statewide CRA had in their bank account. The statewide number at the time was over $25K. Aaron was indicating they had about $27K.

• CRA Convention checking account was closed. Again, no receipts were even submitted to account for the money. The convention hotel was able to provide receipts for items that they billed; however, about $5K claimed as expenses is still undocumented. In addition, large amounts of cash are unaccounted for. I know of at least $1,000 in cash from just two sources.

• Placer County RA Political Action Committee was unilaterally closed by George Park. $5,000 was disbursed to liquidate the funds.

May 21, 2015

• CIR Bylaws near final draft.

May 30, 2015

• Sham vote held to close Placer RA checking account and give money to charity. This was already done ten days prior to this vote.

• Later this same day, Parks booted from CRA

June 8, 2015

• George and Aaron Park are keynote speakers at Sutter-Yuba Republican Assembly meeting.

And now for the SYRA minutes.

Here is the first paragraph.

Guest speakers George Park, former CRA Membership Secretary, and Aaron Park, former CRA Vice President, reported the CRA board voted life-time expulsions for them at the May 30, 2015, CRA Board meeting in Santa Barbara. George discovered and reported multiple fraudulent memberships and delegates to the CRA Board. Aaron reported the discoveries, cover-ups, and fallout on his blog, which he keeps updated … Through fraud and violations of CRA and chapters’ Bylaws, CRA elections have been manipulated. At the behest of fraudsters on the Board, rather than address and fix the well-documented corruption, the CRA Board chose to expel for life George and Aaron, the whistleblowers. As a result, several CRA members have resigned, including SYRA’s two Senate District Representatives. CRA has failed to notify SYRA of anything.

Just to review for the Sutter folks:

If George found fraud then he had the Credentials and Charter Review Committees to investigate it. It is my recollection that he sat on both committees. If he didn’t get satisfaction, he could have gone to full convention. George reported nothing to anyone. Not until CIR was beginning to take shape did George and Aaron start the campaign about fraud in CRA. Please see timeline above. Aaron cried fraud on his blog April 17th and the next day CIR had a registered website. So how hard did they fight for integrity in CRA?

George is the author of the chaos that he used to claim was fraud. (FYI the new mantra shifted in July claiming that this was all Tom Hudson’s fault because he was trying to kiss-up to Tom McClintock.) Anyway, back when they were claiming this was about fraud, the only documented person with a record of membership fraud was George.

George was directly accepting membership dues without membership forms for the Sacramento Republican Assembly. Of the twenty plus members added to the club by paying directly to George, only two ever went to an SRA meeting. One attended his first meeting several months after his dues were paid. Also, none of these mysterious members ever renewed their dues.

If 20 people joined your unit without ever attending a single meeting and the dues never went to your treasurer and you received no membership application would you think this was proper?

In addition, to playing fast and loose with memberships, George kept sloppy records. Georges talks a good game and makes people think he works with attention to detail but the reality is much different. Based on the work product that he had at the first of the year (prior to the current controversy), his record keeping was like the general contractor that has his office under the seat of his pickup truck. His lists weren’t just wrong, they were really wrong. He had an error rate between about 30 to 40 percent on several lists that I am aware of. He ignored input from chapters about their lists and literally kept his own.

Lastly, he lost whole units. If he didn’t like you, he would just quit communicating and say the chapter was no longer meeting. If he thought you were ripe for induction into CIR then he dropped you from all records so he was the only conduit to CRA. Think Stockholm Syndrome and you will be close to the mark. Sutter-Yuba RA has always been viewed as a take-over target by the Park boys. They chartered it so it’s their club not CRA’s.

Paragraph two has partially been discussed in a previous post.

George provided information about the California Impact Republicans, an alternative to the CRA that he and Aaron founded. CIR has support of several legislators and Jim Brulte, the Chairman of the CA GOP, who has offered to donate $10,000 to ClR. Ten members minimum. Membership dues – $10 for two years. SYRA members agreeing to join CIR will be transferred at no cost until membership dues are payable October 1, 2017. Each chapter can select its own name. (Larry and Carla prefer Sutter-Yuba Conservative Republicans.) Each member attending a CIR convention will have one vote—no appointed delegates or proxy voting.

It’s what George leaves out of his full-throttled push for CIR that should give the folks at Sutter-Yuba pause. Perhaps they should at least read the CIR Bylaws and see if they resemble the draft language that I previously posted.

Per their May 21st draft, you must be a CIR member for one year before you can serve as County Commissioner or Senate District Director. The requirement jumps to two years to run for VP and three to be “el presidente.” I don’t know of any other group with such a requirement. If they do go for chartering at the CRP Convention, I don’t know if this provision will survive.

The third and final paragraph was also interesting.

After a question and answer period, a discussion was held regarding whether to quit CRA or stay and whether to join CIR. Results of a secret ballot advisory vote:

0- No change – remain with CRA

0- Remain with CRA and join new organization

7 – Join new organization and phase out of CRA

2 – Other – Troubled by fragmentation of organization – same as Republicans

Per the minutes, 12 members were present for the Just Us Brothers presentation. However, only nine voted. Curious.

Two and a half months have transpired since this “advisory ballot” but Sutter-Yuba is still meeting as a CRA chapter. If they go to “the dark side” I won’t be surprised.

The fact that George and Aaron had to work so long to convince them to jump ship has to be a hindrance to their announced timetable. Won’t they be surprised when they learn that there will still be a Sutter-Yuba CRA chapter no matter what ends-up happening?

CRA Legal Defense Vote

Two rumors are circulating about the delay in announcing the results of the online vote conducted by the CRA Board to create a legal defense dream team.

First, they stopped counting votes because the vote was so overwhelming that the obscure Bylaw provision for the “mercy rule” was invoked by President Hudson.

Second, the delay might be due to Craig Alexander holding the vote until the new bank can create an account for the legal defense fund. Did Alexander insist that the $7,000 from the old legal defense account be deposited into the new one in preparations for imminent action?

Stay tuned.

My Answer to a Fool

Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.
Proverbs 26: 5

The CRA Board meeting went as expected.

The Treasurer report was illuminating to some that haven’t been following the controversy. It took over an hour. The report covered many points already discussed on this blog.

The Investigative Committee presented their preliminary report. The only conclusive finding that they made was that there was indeed a data breach. The five individuals that had their financial data published on the Internet will be offered a one year subscription to LifeLock.

The “trial” of George and Aaron went well. They decided not to show-up and face their accusers. Instead they found yet another way to violate the Bylaws—more on that in a minute. Carl Brickey presented the case against Sharkey and Grima. I have known Brickey for 20 years and it was his best presentation ever. He covered all the necessary points. To paraphrase Churchill, “It was his finest hour.”

The Parks were overwhelmingly removed from the Board. They got only a handful of NO votes for removal. Even many that later voted against removing them from CRA voted for their removal or remained silent.

Next up was a motion to suspend them for 10 years. It was soundly defeated. Had either shown even a modicum of contrition, they might have been given this or a lighter sentence than they eventually got.

The next motion was to suspend them for life. This was the first time anyone on the Board, except one member (Aaron Park), had publically called for this punishment. The reasoning was simple; Aaron kept asking for it so in the end we were happy to oblige him. By my last count, since May third Aaron asked for a lifetime ban at least fifteen times on his blog.

Their sentence was poetic in a way. Only Karen England and Tim Lefever have ever been banned for life and their sentence was at the behest of the Just Us Brothers.

This completed Act II of the Park Family Tantrum

This is where we see when and if the litigation that they so richly deserve is meted out to Sharkey and Grima for trashing the CRA shire and a good portion of the Republican Party.

We begin first with the prelude to the final chapter. This was foreshadowed by more Bylaws violations. Lest you take my word for it, the new Bylaws violations were superbly documented by the perpetrators in an email sent far and wide on Saturday morning.

At the duly noticed meeting of the Board of Directors of the Placer County Republican Assembly this morning, the following actions were taken:

• Called to order at 8:32AM.

• Motion to refund all 2015 members their dues approved at 8:56AM on a 3-1 vote (Uhler, Park, Mendonsa – yes; Rowan – no).

• Motion to divide remaining operating account funds between three charities (Lighthouse Family Services Center, Acres of Hope and Courage Worldwide) approved at 8:57AM (unanimous).

• Motion to surrender the Charter of the Placer County Republican Assembly approved at 8:58AM on a 3-1 vote (Uhler, Park, Mendonsa – yes; Rowan – no).

• Meeting adjourned at 8:58AM.

Per the Bylaws, only a two thirds vote of the membership can vote to resign from CRA. So either Aaron has 96 fraudulent members in his club or these guys violated the Bylaws yet again.

Second, donating the money is not allowed. It must be surrendered to the State organization. The last figure that Sharkey and Grima bragged about was that Placer County RA had more than $25,000 in the bank.


Section 5.06. Resignation. Any chartered Republican Assembly may resign from the CRA by submitting a written resignation. To be effective, a resignation must have been approved by two-thirds of the total membership of such Republican Assembly and shall be certified by its President and Secretary. Such resignation shall become effective only if accepted by the CRA Board of Directors at its next meeting.

Section 5.07. Surrender of Charter. Any chartered Republican Assembly that has ceased to be part of the CRA for any reason, or that is seeking to leave CRA, shall relinquish the name Republican Assembly, surrender its charter certificate to the Membership Secretary, and transfer all of its funds to the CRA Treasurer. The former chartered Republican Assembly shall not thereafter use the name, emblem or insignia of any Republican Assembly or the CRA in any manner.

Not satisfied in digging their own graves until they reach China or the Marianas Trench, Aaron put more nuggets out on the Internet today. Speaking of the CRA majority, “Meantime, the state officers that are part of the coup will be re-elected in perpetuity until the next purge and fight”. Blog Post

Hey Aaron, yet another admission against interest. Your group is the one that says no member can run for office for their first year of membership. Your Bylaws say that a person must be a member for two years to run for a Vice-President slot and three years to run for the “big chair”, el presidente. CRA has never had such rules. Lastly, CRA actually exists and is not a figment of a fertile imagination.

If you thought that the complaints against us were legitimate. Think again – the coup always was about removing us (and John Briscoe who people wrongly thought was our puppet) because they wanted to control CRA. Blog Post

No, Aaron you and your bro, are toxic people.

If you stay true to form, tomorrow you will publish the demand letter sent to you today by a CRA attorney and then mock the feeble attempts of the “Lynch Mob”. This is what you did with Karen England in 2011. This letter has more teeth than Karen’s so we will see if you back down or act as foolishly as I think you are capable of behaving.

Aaron, I’m tire of your stupid games. Let’s go for broke. I’m calling your bluff. Go ahead and publish the entire state membership list. Do it. Then you can unleash the lawyers waiting in the wings to pluck your financial carcass to the bone. The owner of your blog is listed as Park Family Insurance so put your business on the line too. Then after they get thru with you, the State Department of insurance can take a wack at your license.

Your friend—that incidentally you treat like crap—Tom Hudson, is trying to protect you from what you deserve. The least you should do is shut-up, comply with the demand letters, and let him try to help you.

Hightail Update

I received several phone calls and emails as a result of the revelation that all CRA records were wiped by George Park. I keep recalling Aaron’s claim that they have superior intellect since they have been trained in the financial services industry. Yeah, right.

My nagging question from yesterday is why were any of these accounts set-up using personal email addresses? The data belongs to CRA not George. Why not use Membership@ or something like that. My blog site comes with 100 email accounts and I’m sure the CRA site includes many email accounts as well. It’s not that hard to find, but I did alter George’s email address in the entries below.

Oh, I have confirmation that the Hightail account was approved by the CRA Board and paid for by CRA—not George Park. The account was paid thru July 2015. Furthermore, George was not authorized by the Board to delete records or post anything to his personal Dropbox account.

The remainder of this post was submitted by the Sith Lord.
Oh, the Sith Lord says some folks are not up on Star Wars references and are mispronouncing his name. The “i” in Sith is pronounced with a short “i” sound. It rhymes with myth.
To learn of Sith Lords see this link Wikipedia-Sith Lord Article

Deleting the Hightail Lite Account was completely unnecessary.
From Hightail:  How-to-Remove-or-Cancel-a-Free-Account

Hightail currently does not provide an online option to permanently delete a free Lite account.  While we will accommodate requests made through a support ticket, we HIGHLY recommend not having your account deleted.  Removing your account will delete all account history and all files stored immediately, and there are no recovery options.  The free Lite account has no billing associated with it whatsoever, so even if you don’t have the need right now for your account you will never be charged and can simply use it at your convenience.
If you choose to have your Free Lite account permanently deleted:
Please email Support@hightail,com from the accounts email address you would like to have removed. We will email you a confirmation and a reply must be sent back from the registered email address to confirm the cancellation.

Note that George had to go out of his way to delete the Hightail Lite Account.
Our correspondence with Hightail Customer Service:

Hello Tom,

I just spoke with Alice and wanted to provide more clarity. The account that was originally registered to: gparkjr@…. was cancelled as requested by George on 4/30 and then the free LITE account was deleted per his request. For your records here is the email:

Brian C. Sahagun Apr 30 10:07 pm
Hello George,

Thank you for contacting Hightail, we appreciate your email.

Per your request your account under: gparkjr@…. has been removed from our system.

Please let me know if there is anything further I can do to assist you, we are here for you.

Thank you,
Brian Sahagun
Hightail Customer Support

To get answers to your common question please visit us at

gparkjr Apr 30 02:20 pm
I have removed or already retrieved copies of all the files I need from this account. I have cancelled the subscription plan as well. Please delete the free account effective immediately and delete all data that my be left in the account immediately.

At this point since the account was deleted from our system the files have all been removed from our servers as well so there is no way for us to retrieve them at this point.

Please let me know if there is anything further I can do to assist you, we are here for you.

Best regards,

Shelly Maynard
Manager, Customer Services

NEWS FLASH!!!  The Parks Are Lying, again.  Okay, that really isn’t news to anyone at this point.  We were told by Mailchimp that a user had deleted the lists, campaigns and templates from within the account.  Furthermore, closing the account was unnecessary.  Mailchimp allows a user to pause its monthly billing up to twice a year and there is no limit to the length of time an account can stay paused.  This would have given the CRA Board time to consider options regarding our email program while keeping the lists, campaigns and templates in place.
From Mailchimp:  Pause Monthly Billing

Before You Pause Billing
MailChimp offers a couple of ways to change your monthly billing options. If you know you won’t be sending any campaigns for a short period of time, but you need to retain access to the other data and features in the account, you can Pause billing. You won’t be able to send campaigns or tests, but you can design and preview campaigns and templates as usual, and you can purchase Inbox Inspections as needed.
As soon as you pause, sending for the account is turned off and the current billing period ends. There is no limit on the length of time an account can stay paused, but because the Monthly Plan is a discount program that isn’t designed to be frequently turned off and on, you can pause only twice a year. This limit allows us to accommodate seasonal senders, while still keeping things affordable for everyone and continuing to roll out great features.
List management continues while your account is paused, so your list may grow or shrink during the time your account is paused. New subscribers will receive confirmation and Welcome emails.

Aaron and George are intellectual and technological idiots if they think they can get away with this stuff and not leave a wide trail of evidence behind.  They are either delusional or hubris has gotten the better of them.
Maybe this can be the afternoon update on your blog!

Parks Hightail It from CRA

The Park brothers have done to CRA what Lois Lerner did for the IRS and Hillary Clinton did for the State Department. Yeah deleted emails and destroyed documents to cover their tracks.

The Sith Lord predicted this back in April and sure enough the ole boy was right.

I’ve known for a week now that George and Aaron Park had deleted all records from the CRA Mailchimp account before it was taken over by folks friendly to new CRA President Tom Hudson. This was the official email account used to communicate with officers and members of CRA.

Taking a look at the account we do see that it had recently been closed by a user from within the account. It is important to note that closing an account is typically a permanent action which cannot be undone.
Mailchimp email 05-15-2015

The question was what about the Hightail account? This is where unit rosters, minutes of meetings, resolutions and other electronic copies were archived on behalf of CRA.

Per instructions to Hightail from George Park, all CRA info posted on this account was deleted on April 30, 2015.

Here is the email George sent to Hightail. He cancelled both paid and free accounts.

gparkjr Apr 30 02:20 pm

I have removed or already retrieved copies of all the files I need from this account. I have cancelled the subscription plan as well. Please delete the free account effective immediately and delete all data that my be left in the account immediately.

No wonder Aaron has been asking for a lifetime ban from CRA. They’ve worked hard to put that option in play.

If you had any doubts, this pretty much seals the deal. These boys definitely want to be shown the exit—with extreme prejudice.

I told the Sith Lord that I felt a disturbance in the Force. Clearly it was two bitter wannabees yelling “Allah akPark” and then deleting themselves from our lives.

What’s Bylaws Got to Do with Senate District Director Elections

Note: This charge concerns actions taken on Saturday of the Convention

Aaron and George Park, at the instruction of John Briscoe, conducted the elections for Senate District Directors. Aaron’s was one of ten Vice-Presidents and George was Membership Secretary. Here again were Bylaws violations, procedural violations and a big mess created by the Park brothers.

First, the convention has an Elections Committee for a reason. They should be involved when these elections were conducted, but they were not.


Section 13.02. Elections Committee. The Elections Committee shall have general charge of the election and the distributing and the counting of the ballots.

Traditionally, the caucus for electing Directors and their Deputies, can be done any time from when ballots are distributed on Saturday until the final gavel of the convention on Sunday. The reason for this is that some delegated don’t arrive at the convention until the business meeting on Sunday morning. This allows the flexibility to have the most people present when the caucus is held. This was short circuited by John Briscoe. Briscoe required all caucus ballots to be turned in less than an hour after they were distributed.

Furthermore, the ballots should be tabulated by members of the Election Committee. These ballots are supposed to be compiled into a report and presented to the Convention. Those districts with three or less members fall under this bylaw provision.


Section 13.08. Senate District Directors and Deputy Senate District Directors.

(b) If there are fewer than three Delegates from a Senate District present, the Senate District Director and the Deputy Senate District Director shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

The appointment mentioned in this provision has always been at the Board of Directors meeting immediately following the Annual Convention. At least until this year. John Briscoe also failed to do this.

To compound this mess, only the Park brothers ever saw the ballots. The Elections Committee was not in charge of the ballots.

Even before the ballots were collected at the Convention, stories were circulated of Aaron and others giving conflicting instructions to people trying to vote.

Dallas Thiesen’s characterization fits well with my experience at the Convention.

It was apparent to everyone present that Vice President Park and Membership Secretary Park took control the Senate District Caucuses Saturday General Session of the 2015 CRA Convention. This was improper, the Senate district Caucuses should be administered by the Convention Election Committee, to ensure order and fairness.

However, the Membership Secretary Park and Vice President Park took over the administration of the Senate District Caucuses away from the Election Committee. As direct result the 2015 Senate Caucuses were disorderly, resulted in delegate confusion, and facilitated Vice President Park’s malfeasance described in above.

Furthermore, Membership Secretary Park failed to validate the results of the Caucuses transmit the final results to President Briscoe for reading at the Board of Directors Meeting on Sunday following the close of the convention.

Had the Convention Elections Committee not been improperly stripped of its duty to facility the Senate District Caucuses the process would have been orderly and any discrepancies in the Caucuses would have been discovered and dealt with during the convention, not months later when it benefits Vice President Park and Membership Secretary Park to raise the issue.

Like all the rest of the information that checks into the Park’s possession, it only sees the light of day after it has been massaged and cherry-picked to serve the will of Aaron and George.

The flaws and shortcomings of this sloppy caucus will be fixed at the May 30th Board meeting.

Had Aaron and George spent their time in February and March concentrating on organizing the Convention instead of playing circular firing squad with Credentials and Charter review, most of the problems we are faced with now would never had happened. Again, the records belong to the Board not George and Aaron.

Are Santa Clarita Ex’s Really in Texas?

In the current CRA dispute, the only complaint that Aaron raises that appears especially troubling is Santa Clarita member rolls listing a dead person and the couple that—per his blog—“have divorced and moved to Texas”.

I have talked with representatives of the Santa Clarita unit and they assure me that they have investigated each and every name which Aaron has put out publicly. Many outside their unit have implored them to engage publicly on this issue but they are doing their best George W Bush imitation by being silent. Typically, he who frames the issue wins the debate and right now they look rather stupid. Understandably however, they don’t wish this issue to become part of the blog wars which are currently raging so they will only release the information to the Investigative Committee created by the CRA Board of Directors.

This sounds great except for one small detail; George and Aaron won’t talk to the Investigative Committee.

Yes, same problem the rest of the Committee has had for months. George and Aaron refuse to provide the documents which they allege prove fraud. Since George and Aaron fired the first shot by screaming “fraud”, the Investigative Committee decided to let the Park brothers present the case for claims of fraud. Then, any units that have claims made against them will be given the opportunity to present any contrary or mitigating evidence. Then the Committee will look at all the evidence and present their findings to the Board once their report is complete. Translation, the report could never be ready by May 30th and George and Aaron are making certain that it won’t be.

So now that you know where things stand on the Investigative Committee, let’s take a look at this claim of divorce and departure. Is the email that Aaron posted April 17th correct ?

I have a friend that did a little digging on this allegedly divorced couple and this is what was discovered.

• Mr. and Mrs. X are proudly cohabitating in sunny southern California.

• Mr. and Mrs. X are both registered Republicans.

• Mr. and Mrs. X voted in the November 4, 2014 election.

• Mr. and Mrs. X cast their ballot at their polling place, not by mail.

• Furthermore, per the Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office, the property was last sold in 2004.

• Lastly, Mrs. X has “married” as her status on Facebook.

Translation: “Alive and well and living in L.A.”—Michael Omartian 1976

Aaron one of your key proofs of fraud just blew-up in your face.

In the future try tossing the grenade instead of the pin or be more charitable and hold your fire altogether.

What’s Bylaws Got to Do with Electronic Membership Records

The idea of electronic membership records was pushed as part of a modernization effort by George Park once he became CRA Membership Secretary. After the 2011 mess with Peggy Mew, the Board was almost unanimous in supporting this idea.

The record depository was to be a one stop storage site for everything CRA. Each local chapter was to have their own area for membership records, samples of Bylaws, guides for voter registration, candidate training and a host of other resources were supposed to be available. Senate District Directors and Vice-presidents would have more access so they could monitor the activity of clubs in their care. Committees were supposed to be able to communicate with each other and access records necessary for them to conduct their business. The standardized membership spreadsheets created by George were supposed to be an integral part of this data. Access was to be controlled via different user roles defined prior to populating the site with data.

It sounded like a great idea until George built the member database. Then he began to retreat from the goals stated above. He tried to scare people with the idea that electronic records were not really that secure. Some clubs with older members got lost in all the changes or lost confidence in the system we had supposedly adopted.

Look at the bald faced lies spewing forth on Aaron’s blog.

Both Jim and Tim were used by Alice as stooges to help her get her hands on all of the CRA’s records in an unsecured electronic format. The credentials committee kept ramping up their requests for more and more records from George until it hit a flashpoint a couple weeks before the convention.

… the same people that wanted and entire copy of the CRA’s Membership Records in an unsecured electronic format sent to the credentials committee!

Blog Post
Emphasis added

These statements are so stupid that only Apple users or people of my parent’s generation could possibly believe them. George didn’t want to give the records to Credentials so he could prevent them from doing their job. I have extensively demonstrated this elsewhere on my blog.
Blog Post

When the time of truth came for George to do what Peggy Mew had failed to do back in 2011, he failed. The Credentials Committee—which Park has chaired in the past—exists for the express purpose of examining membership records. The records belong to the Board not Mr. Park. Somehow George forgot who he works for.


Section 8.02.

(a) Powers and Limitations of Powers. The Board of Directors shall have the control and management of all CRA affairs, properties, and funds.

Here is much of the complaint filed by Jim Shoemaker. Shoemaker was also on the Credentials Committee.

George has worked very hard at trying to bring our records up to date. I applaud him for this and it was needed. But in his zeal to accomplish this task he has forgotten that we are a volunteer organization and we must be considerate and respectful of each other.

The Membership Secretary has no authority to withhold requested documents, including the complete membership list in electronic form, from any board member and especially Vice Presidents and our Credentials committee.

George has over stepped his authority by nit picking units that have had no history of being out of control or being a problem.

The membership secretary has overstepped his authority in the credentialing process and failed to provide the credentials committee with the necessary documents to perform their duties in determining appropriate delegates to the convention and their ability to provide candidates with the documents they have a right to have in advance of the convention in a timely manner.

Record security is not now nor ever been the issue. Record security means limiting access to authorized individuals. Board members using records in the course of their duties is allowed.

It is record control. Park didn’t want other on the Board to have copies of membership information.  He does believe knowledge is power, his power. That apparently is why he permitted his brother to post portions of it on the internet in an unsecure format for all the world to see less than a month after the convention and mere weeks after the email quoted below.

On March 10, 2015, George Park sent this campaign email to delegates to the CRA Convention. (Please note that the Convention began March 20th.) The bolded portion quoted below was that way in the original.

Protecting the privacy of your units’ membership records – many of you have expressed concern over your rosters being distributed in even a limited manner.

I have listened and have protected your records! I am willing to stake my reelection on protecting the privacy of your personal membership information.

If re-elected – I will continue to safeguard the confidentiality of your records.

Once again, Park violated the CRA Bylaws by withholding membership records from the Credentials Committee. He also violated his pledge to “stake my reelection on protecting the privacy of your personal membership information” while simultaneously violating State and Federal law.