Stormy Daniels was Arrested this AM

When the “Chief” read this headline, Stormy Daniels was Arrested this AM, I knew I had to fire up another troll blog.  Stormy Daniels, we will refer to her as an adult entertainer, most known for trying to extort money from President Donald J Trump, was arrested at a Columbus, Ohio strip club where she was “performing” this Thursday AM.  She “allegedly” touched some undercover police officers while she was performing on stage.  Stormy was arrested and booked into a local jail; no word if said jail had a stage or fireman’s pole on which she could continue her act.  However; traditionally, they do have a camera or two on the premises.

Stormy Daniels taking the perp walk earlier today and she looks way different with clothing

Stormy posted bail of $6,054 and was released shortly after being booked. No word on whether bail was paid in used one-dollar bills, or coupons for future services rendered by Miss Daniels.  As a sidebar I hope the bail officer wore gloves when handling said dollar bills because this money is in need of laundering (with bleach).

As a certified connoisseur of strip clubs since my youth, I would like to weigh in on this topic because I find the lack of details disturbing here.  First of all what patron of a strip club would complain about a dancer touching them?  This is what the officers should be investigating, good lord!  That’s like the Holy Grail my friend and here you are rushing outside to put 911 on blast?  For this?  Fortunately for this “poor lad” there just happened to be a number of undercover police officers at the club to well…to stick-up for him and lend a hand. Coincidence?  I think not!  Rumor has it the officers were investigating a lead on a shooter of famed, rap martyr, XXXTentacion.

Lest you think I jest about Ohio, read the article in the post below on flakka.

“… there have been recent reports of a designer drug marketed as flakka in Ohio and Houston as well as Florida.”

Thank gawd they didn’t let this “Stormy” situation blow over.  Or perhaps these officers were just looking for a reason to get her off the premises, away from the unwashed masses, and get a private show out of this?  Most people don’t look good in handcuffs unless you are into that sort of thing, but something tells me Stormy didn’t mind, and she is likely no stranger to a pair of more “furry” handcuffs.

Upon being bailed out, her attorney put out a statement saying, “This was a setup and politically motivated, it reeks of desperation.”  I agree, as this appears to be the same thing she did to President Trump. The irony in that statement cannot be made up.

What is kind of funny in a weird way is this is the law she broke “under Ohio Law, an employee who regularly appears nude, or seminude on the premises of a sexuality oriented business is not allowed to touch anyone who is not a family member while nude or semi-nude at said establishment.”  Well I think that law defeats the purpose of any and all strip clubs, I mean who wants to see a family member nude or semi-nude?  Frankly I would expect a law like this in West Virginia but not its neighbor to the west!  Truth be told I’m slightly disturbed. Now let me get this straight, so touching a family member’s junk while nude is not viewed as a crime, but if it’s not a family member, it’s illegal?  Does this include service animals? Many people regard them as family members too.

Given the above, I think it’s time to change the way we pick Presidents since it usually comes down to Ohio’s “voters.”  Maybe they have these laws because of the old joke, what do you call a good looking women in Ohio?  A visitor!

In an interview with a friend of mine, he commented “Just a few months ago she was on top of the world, being interviewed by Anderson Cooper and Jimmy Kimmel and now this?  My response was if you consider being interviewed by those two as the top of the world; you should get out more often.  Plus, I think that’s the first time I’ve heard the words, “girl”, “on top of” and “Anderson Cooper” in the same sentence, ever.

In closing, Stormy got off on these “alleged” charges this morning. And when I say got off, I mean legally, not sexually because there is no way to prove the latter.  This is why I always urge people to use “allegedly” because until convicted you do have rights in this country…allegedly.  A couple of final thoughts on this; first, the day I call the police because a stripper touched me is the day I kill myself!  Also, boy do I hope Trump tweets his thoughts on this, I’m going to get my popcorn and warm pretzel handy!  Additionally, I’m glad to know the good men and women of the Columbus Police Department were attending a strip club last night rather than you know; cleaning up the hell hole that is known as Columbus!  I am sure there were no shootings, opioid overdoses, or any other crimes committed in that gawd forsaken place!

More as events warrant,


Bill Cardoza is a Liberal Part 1 of ???

Bill Cardoza is a member of the CRA. He serves on the Board and has been identified elsewhere on this blog as the “Wookie” with aspirations to be the next CRA President. The vote will happen early next year. Cardoza is not known for consuming vast quantities of adult beverages, but he pals around with Jorge Riley aka “the drunken Jedi.” Riley has problems holding his liquor unless it’s securely stowed in his backpack. He always impresses me as being wasted and often dresses like he is on a 72-hour bender. Both these fellows are nice enough to talk too at a public gathering, but they are deeply flawed and not fit for leadership. Below I lay-out my case for opposing Cardoza’s aspirations to be statewide President of CRA.

Bill Cardoza—photo from SRA website

In high school I was told the word sophomore meant “wise fool” if that’s the case Bill Cardoza must mean “useful idiot” or “loyal follower.”  This guy worked for many years at the Board of Equalization (BOE). If you’re wondering what the heck that means, it’s the state organization that until last July oversaw collecting sales and use taxes and redistributing them to their respective counties, cities etc.  Of all the people, one would think Mr. Cardoza would have in depth knowledge of tax bills/propositions on the ballot, right?  Especially because he worked for BOE and also did time in and around the State Capital, tax policy should be his forte.

Two years ago, the CRA had a regional endorsing convention and among the items we were voting on were two tax measures scheduled to appear on the ballot.  I am going to zero in on these two very troubling votes Mr. Cardoza made.

Measure B
The first, Measure B, a countywide sales tax increase, “allegedly” to fund transportation projects and fix potholes and stuff.  Cardoza decided he was the only man in America that should take the lead in discussing the impact this would have on everyone’s wallet, being he worked for BOE; I respectfully deferred.  He stated Measure B “only rises sales tax by half a cent” (8% to 8.5% in Elk Grove, where I reside).  Note the word, “only” very odd choice for a self-described conservative.

I had had enough, so I blew him up similar to how I would blow up a bathroom stall after eating four chipotle burritos for lunch!  (Sorry for that image.)

I immediately called him out saying “only” as in like we can all afford it?  His response was “transportation projects are needed in this area.”  Typical RINO gibberish; we pay some of the highest sales taxes on a rolling county by county basis already!  When I read a quote from Regional Transit General Manager Henri Li saying it would go towards “well needed raises for my staff”, ummm what?  I thought it was for transportation stuff not salaries?

Henry Li—Regional Transit

When faced with this response “Liberal Bill” looked dumbfounded saying “it’s a transportation tax”.  Obviously shaken, Cardoza retorted “plenty of local electeds are supporting this measure, including Darrell Steinberg” (D-Weak-Kneed Bozo), sounds like a good reason to support this right?

When I said voting against this measure would actually lower our sales taxes by .25% again I was met with faces in utter disbelief. The reality was that the old Measure A was going to run out, hence the urgency to pass this POS.  Boom roasted Bill!

Roasted Bill We serve our Bill flame broiled but never fried

In a rare moment of sobriety, Riley turned to Cardoza and said, “dude really?”  The attempt by Cardoza went down in flames just like his run for CRA President will if I have a say!

Funny, Cardoza looked very similar to Alexander from Pinocchio aka the boy who turned into a donkey after abandoning his morals, and realizing he was going to work hard labor for the rest of his life!  Interesting symbolism there, Cardoza turning into a donkey…the donkey being the Democrat Party image of choice….hmmmmm.  Just a note: the measure barely lost, failing by only 8,100 votes, nice work Liberal Bill!  Despite his best efforts to stop it, our taxes actually went down, a rare win for the little guy!

Alexander from Pinocchio

Measure M
The second showdown featuring “Liberal Bill” was a local (Elk Grove area mostly) school bond authorization, Measure M.  This was near and dear to the “Chief” because his property tax would rise by at least $75 and likely a lot more if it passed.  Cardoza again filibustered. Seated feet away from him was a candidate running for school board in that same district. This candidate had spent several thousand dollars opposing Measure M and was a fellow delegate to the endorsing convention!  Despite his best efforts, CRA finally had the sense to oppose both Bill’s position and Measure M.

Rumor has it “Liberal Bill” even single handedly killed the issue at the local Republican central committee convincing them not to take a stand on the issue.  When election time came, the measure carried by a large margin thanks to “Liberal Bill” and his buddies.  Lots of hard work by both a candidate and a friend of mine went down the drain do to your lack of basic understanding of how taxes and fees work.  Thanks to Cardoza running the end around, my property taxes went up substantially, so I tell people I had to pay a Bill Cardoza tax hike!

Now, I have heard this character wants to run for CRA President, ummm yeah no.  Bill Cardoza is a liberal, there is no defense to this.  Bill is the worst of the worst, he is a professional chameleon and an obvious Ted Cruz supporting, very confused person who likely hates Trump.  Bill is clueless so I feel badly for beating him up….well not really. Unlike Facebook, we here at Reallyright give our correspondents the freedom to dance on people’s graves and Mr. Cardoza you are next!  By the way are you related to former Congressman Dennis Cardoza?  You both share the same quizzical look!  What are your accomplishments that lead people to believe you would be a good President?  I hear crickets?  By the way I have it in writing from a direct report of yours that you supported both measures passing and did your part to recruit people to vote in favor or take no position.

So, when you see Bill Cardoza ask him:
1.  Why do you think we should pay higher taxes?
2.  Where is your political spine?
3.  When did you get so out of touch with the GOP voter?
Or maybe just tell him he should give lower taxes a try!

Bill Cardoza… out of touch…..dangerous for CRA President!

As the great one Mark Levin would say “HE’s a LIBERAL



Disturbing News out of Florida

Jahseh Onfroy was a rap singer that was gunned down in Florida on Monday. His stage name was XXXtentacion. From what is known of him, he can best be described as a horrible person who spent most of his juvenile years in and out of the Florida legal system for things ranging from false imprisonment all the way to beating the tar out of his pregnant girlfriend.

XXXTentacion, who sported dreadlocks and facial tattoos, was a rising star. He notched a No. 1 album in March with his sophomore effort “?”and had a top 10 hit with “Sad!”

But he also generated controversy. In 2016, he was arrested on charges including home invasion for a 2015 incident, and less than a month later was jailed on charges that he attacked his girlfriend, who was pregnant at the time. Later, he faced more charges including witness tampering.

In a recent interview with the Miami New Times, XXXTentacion described his upbringing, which included seeing his mother infrequently and being raised by friends, family and baby-sitters. His mother bought him clothes, phones and other gifts. He said he used violence so she would engage with him.

Suspect In Murder Of Rap Artist XXXTentacion Appears Before Judge

Rapper Jahseh Onfroy AKA XXXtentacion

On Monday, June 18, the 20-year-old was shot and killed during an apparent robbery as he was leaving a motorcycle dealership in Deerfield Beach Florida, CNN reported. The controversial talent, whose real name was Jahseh Onfroy, was departing the shop before 4 p.m. when he was gunned down by two armed men who fled the scene in a dark-colored SUV.

Bystanders attempted to check his pulse, but X was transported to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead just after 5:30 p.m. Monday.

On Thursday, June 21, Cleopatra Bernard, mother of the slain rapper, shared an image of an ultrasound to her Instagram account inscribing the sonogram with the note, “He left us a final gift.”

URL Murdered Rapper Expecting a Child

Broward county Sheriff’s officers arrested 22 year old Dedrick Williams and charged in connection with the shooting death of rapper Jahseh Onfroy AKA XXXtentacion.
Days after rapper’s Florida slaying, a suspect is arrested

Dedrick Williams was arrested for murder

First of all Mr. Williams is just 22 years old, which still makes him a baby or a child.  A baby who now faces the prospect of spending every last day of his life in jail due to 1 poor decision.  Also he is a man of the cross, witness, said cross tattooed just near his eye.  I think he was just doing the Lord’s work.  Please don’t point to Mr. Williams’s criminal history and the fact that he was still on probation for Grand Theft Auto four years ago, he was still a juvenile damn it!  His past should not matter because it is not relevant!

Court records show Williams has been charged previously with several felonies, including grand theft auto, domestic violence, cocaine possession and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

It does not appear, however, that he has ever done prison time for these charges and some of them were dropped. Williams does not appear in the Florida Department of Corrections offender database, but was on probation for the auto theft conviction.

Suspect In Murder Of Rap Artist XXXTentacion Appears Before Judge

This guy was on the straight and narrow and getting his life back together, this incident was just a mere slip-up in my eyes.  So now the State is going to take this kid’s freedom away on a permanent basis?  For this?  Look Black Lives Matter tells me police officers do this same thing daily and I don’t see any of them going to jail! Murdering someone I know isn’t really right, but there is a time and place to discuss Mr. Williams losing his freedom forever, but I don’t think it’s appropriate on the day of his arrest!  I find it extremely distasteful because this is not the time or place!

Williams was loved by all friends and family and deeply respected in the community. He had aspirations to get a degree in breaking and entering but I guess he moved on to murder.  His own mother was even quoted as saying “He a good boy!”  Word has it, William’s was owed money by Mr. XXXtentacion, that being the case he was jus gon collet his debts!  I mean he was just trying to provide for his family like any good man would!  Or maybe XXXtentacion had stolen his unlimited pass to the local Centerfolds?  Also do we even know if he committed this heinous crime?  I want to use the term “allegedly” for what he did, because I think he is a victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time!  I don’t even think there is reason to believe this crime even really happened to tell you the truth.  So now one alleged transgression is going to cut short the life of someone who had a very bright future in front of them!  I call this yet another example of a fine young man just being screwed over by our education system! Also please do not rush to judgment I’m not sure there is any direct correlation between felonies and facial tattoo’s.  Stay strong my brother!

A few more thoughts, I want to know why the police didn’t ask Williams if his actions were a coping mechanism as the direct result of President Trump’s constant racism!  Also in regard to the death of XXXtentacion, I hope grief counselors are available to all the young adults who feel they lost an artist who spoke directly to them, hopefully they can find a new role model.  Mostly I’m just in disbelief I was told there were no guns in Broward County, another reason this was likely a set up.  Where is David Hogg? By the way, just for the record, Planned Parenthood has killed more innocent blacks than this guy, why is he going away?  Does this guy have a family? I don’t know if I can stomach seeing another case of children being separated from their parents.

Just an additional note I doubt the Broward County Sheriff’s framed him, they are not known for approaching a hostile situation or shooting during times of crisis.

Note: The author of this article is attempting to illustrate the hypocrisy of the Black Lives Matter movement’s standards of “justice” by applying them to this situation. BLM is mute on the fact that Planned Parenthood kills more blacks in one year than have died in racial violence since the emancipation of slaves during the Civil War. Also the vast majority of black men murdered are killed by other black men but again BLM is silent. BLM is a political weapon to divide people on the basis of race not fix problems in the black community. The defense of Mr. Williams herein is intended as satire.