Folks, having this blog is a hobby and frankly therapy for me to vent about the world. I don’t always get to everything as quickly as I would like but an article published recently by The Atlantic “The Future of the City Is Childless” really deserves your attention.
Sadly, the article is not about a dystopian future but a current reality. I highly recommend that you read it. The thesis is that big cities are for single, working people with careers and suburbs and rural areas are for families.
New York is the poster child of this urban renaissance. But as the city has attracted more wealth, housing prices have soared alongside the skyscrapers, and young families have found staying put with school-age children more difficult. Since 2011, the number of babies born in New York has declined 9 percent in the five boroughs and 15 percent in Manhattan. (At this rate, Manhattan’s infant population will halve in 30 years.) In that same period, the net number of New York residents leaving the city has more than doubled. There are many reasons New York might be shrinking, but most of them come down to the same unavoidable fact: Raising a family in the city is just too hard. And the same could be said of pretty much every other dense and expensive urban area in the country.
In high-density cities like San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C., no group is growing faster than rich college-educated whites without children, according to Census analysis by the economist Jed Kolko. By contrast, families with children older than 6 are in outright decline in these places. In the biggest picture, it turns out that America’s urban rebirth is missing a key element: births.
Cities were once a place for families of all classes. The “basic custom” of the American city, wrote the urbanist Sam Bass Warner, was a “commitment to familialism.” Today’s cities, however, are decidedly not for children, or for families who want children. As the sociologists Richard Lloyd and Terry Nichols Clark put it, they are “entertainment machines” for the young, rich, and mostly childless. And this development has crucial implications—not only for the future of American cities, but also for the future of the U.S. economy and American politics.
But if big cities are shedding people, they’re growing in other ways—specifically, in wealth and workism. The richest 25 metro areas now account for more than half of the U.S. economy, according to an Axios analysis of government data. Rich cities particularly specialize in the new tech economy: Just five counties account for about half of the nation’s internet and web-portal jobs. Toiling to build this metropolitan wealth are young college graduates, many of them childless or without school-age children; that is, workers who are sufficiently unattached to family life that they can pour their lives into their careers.
Cities have effectively traded away their children, swapping capital for kids. College graduates descend into cities, inhale fast-casual meals, emit the fumes of overwork, get washed, and bounce to smaller cities or the suburbs by the time their kids are old enough to spell. It’s a coast-to-coast trend: In Washington, D.C., the overall population has grown more than 20 percent this century, but the number of children under the age of 18 has declined. Meanwhile, San Francisco has the lowest share of children of any of the largest 100 cities in the U.S.
Again, please read the rest of the article. I think this explains—in part—some of the divide in our country on many issues. The populated areas that favor singlehood are very self-focused. In a culture that is very present oriented anyway and values that “new is better” (after all that value works well when applied to technology), is it any wonder that, God, family, and children—future oriented values—are distant to them? Feelings and immediate gratification are incongruent to a future orientation.
Given what you’ve read above, is it any wonder that this headline is in the news today?
Nothing complicates career and immediate gratification more than pregnancy, consequences are so messy. Once you’ve committed to the proposition that life is all about you, it can be jarring to have that attitude challenged.
If the future is childless then how can there be a future?
Georgia has decided to break with conventional wisdom and dare to support the weakest among us and all hell has broken loose on the other side. Many media companies that find it too difficult (bureaucratic and expensive) to work in Liberal meccas like California and New York are spending big money in the Peach State to create content. Now these folks are threatening to pull-out of Georgia and other states that take a stand for life. First out of the gate was Netflix; followed by Disney et al.
Nearly half a dozen major media companies have joined Netflix in reconsidering their hundreds of millions of dollars in investments in states where so-called heartbeat bills have either been passed or are already in effect.
Netflix was the first Hollywood studio to publicly take a stand on the polarizing issue, when chief content officer Ted Sarandos said Tuesday that the company would consider pulling movie and television productions from Georgia if the state implements a controversial abortion ban, Variety reported.
Walt Disney Co. followed Wednesday night and by Thursday, NBCUniversal, WarnerMedia, Sony Pictures, CBS and its Showtime division had each issued statements saying states’ anti-abortion laws would affect the studios’ decision-making when it comes to selecting locations for production.
Other states are in the crosshairs of these liberal leaning corporations for daring to support life but please note that one player is conspicuous in their absence. Where is CNN? You know, the Liberal news network headquartered in Atlanta Georgia.
CNN has made no public statements on the topic of moving but their supporters have noticed and purport to speak for them. The following quote is from a California Democrat and Presidential hopeful telling CNN what they should do.
Rep. Eric Swalwell on Sunday said he supports the kind of economic boycott that private businesses are threatening in Georgia if a new abortion law goes into effect and suggested at a CNN town hall on Sunday that the television network might have to leave the state as well.
Meanwhile, the big studios that huffed and puffed in the article above are moderating their stance.
To be clear, each company’s statement includes the same set of caveats. None of the corporations has actually committed to boycotting Georgia, but only to reconsider their work there. Plus, they’ve only said they will potentially take action if the law survives what are expected to be significant court challenges.
It’s a far cry from the full-on boycott some activists have demanded. Yet, the various statements represent a notable shift, or at least a breaking of the silence.
Folks, I think the movie studios should take a page from Laura Ingraham’s Shut Up & Sing. Quit worrying about social issues or you risk the wrath of the other half of the country that disagrees with you.
I’m not going to cancel Netflix and Hulu yet but if they go forward with their threat then I’m pulling my money from their companies. Getting rid of Comcast as my ISP is more problematic but once 5G is deployed, I may not need them anymore. I may not be signing a bunch of online petitions about this but I will surely vote with my wallet if this posturing is turned into action.
Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., who has shunned today’s Democratic Party orthodoxy on issues from crime to compromising with Republicans, again broke with his party’s base and many of his campaign rivals on Wednesday when his campaign confirmed that he still backs the Hyde Amendment, a measure that prohibits the use of federal funds for abortion with exceptions for cases involving rape, incest and when the life of the mother is in danger.
Former Vice President Joe Biden reversed his position on the Hyde Amendment Thursday after facing intense backlash from within his own party.
NBC News correspondent Mike Memoli noted the reversal, tweeting, “NEWS: Biden says that in an environment where women’s health is under assault especially in GOP-led states, he ‘can no longer support an amendment’ that cuts off funding, as in Hyde.”
The last paragraph on Biden’s recanting of the Hyde Amendment is a classic study in Orwellian doublespeak.
A number of Democrats had criticized Biden for his support of the amendment, claiming that recent bans and added restrictions in a number of states had turned the Hyde Amendment into a de facto attack on the rights of poor and minority women.
Hey Joe, who is poorer, weaker, more vulnerable, and a real minority?
Folks another white Democrat just came out for killing poor and minority children thru all nine months of pregnancy.It’s sad but it’s what Joe has to do if he want the votes of poor and minority Democrats living on the plantation.The mystery is why the sheep keep voting in lockstep for the wolves. I guess the wolves keep the sheep better fed.
I don’t get it. Black people are not only agreeing with the KKK and Nazis on their views of race but defending them publicly. It’s been almost 150 years since Lincoln freed the slaves and they still don’t want to leave the plantation. In fact, they are defending the proposition that some men have the right to decide who should live or not live. The strong unilaterally deciding the fate of the weak. Oh, and to them, I’m the racist for pointing it out. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
I could start this blog in many ways, but I know that I won’t move the needle in this arena for most people. Sadly, folks would rather deal with feelings than facts. I’ve known the deck was stacked against truth and reason, but that belief was reinforced on my recent trip to Washington D.C.
I paid a visit to the recently opened museum on African American History. Black folks have had many accomplishments in this country, but I think the narrative is muddled and missing direction. Christianity was missing in places it should have been front and center, but then that’s the trick isn’t it? If black folks were following Christ, then they wouldn’t be agreeing with the KKK and defending the Klan’s philosophy as right.
I also visited the Martin Luther King Memorial and that too was missing something; namely, the endpoint of the racial struggle was missing. The “I Have a Dream” speech was not there. It should have been the cornerstone for all races to strive for the ideal King annunciated when he said, “I have a dream that my four little chi1dren will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” The goal of the civil rights movement as defined by King was a colorblind society where everyone was looked at as a child of God and we were all evaluated by who we are on the inside not the outside.
King, as a good Republican, knew that the group needed opportunity, but it was the individual that would then be able to stand or fall on his merits. However, those claiming to be successors of King, flipped this idea on its head and embraced a system of never-ending dependency where they just happened to be the leaders. Many of these “leaders” claim to be clergymen but their gospel is not based on biblical truths but Marxism, propaganda from the Klan, Liberation Theology, and other assorted nonsense that tickles the ears of listeners.
Blacks want the Right to Kill Each Other
This false teaching is currently on display all over the Internet and your evening news. Black people are demanding the right to kill other black people without repercussions. Why because black people are stupid and poor and need to be controlled. Not my words, but theirs.
Here are just a few examples.
Ohio Rep. Janine Boyd – D
A female Democrat state representative from Ohio, Rep. Janine Boyd, drafted an amendment last week seeking to have black babies exempted from pro-life legislation dubbed the “heartbeat bill,” which bars babies with detectable heartbeats (around six weeks gestation) from being killed via abortion.
As reported by LifeNews, Boyd’s bill “would have given an exemption to African American women to abort their unborn babies for any reason up to the state’s current abortion limit, 20 weeks.” . . .
“Black slaves were once treated like cattle and put out to stud in order to create generations of more slaves,” argued the Democrat. “Our country is not far enough beyond our history to legislate as if it is.” . . .
Former Planned Parenthood executive turned pro-life advocate Abby Johnson ripped Boyd’s targeted amendment, snarking that “apparently a 38% national abortion rate in the African-American community isn’t enough.”
She then continued. “You can’t control women because, I don’t know if y’all heard, but women are the same as humans. And I’m Leslie Dracarys Jones. “Why do all of these weird ass men care what women choose to do with their bodies? I don’t care what you do with your 65-year-old droopy a— b—s.”
“When women have a choice, women have freedom,” Jones exclaimed to huge applause.
“The fact that nine states are doing this means this really is a war on women,” Jones said in conclusion. “You can’t tell me what to do with my body.”
Rapper Offset of the group Migos has slammed Alabama’s controversial abortion law, comparing it to slavery.
The rapper unloaded on Twitter on Saturday evening, criticizing Alabama’s law, which outlaws abortion at any stage and does not allow an exemption for victims of rape or incest. Abortion will only be permitted in the state should the pregnancy pose a life-threatening health risk to the mother, should it become enforced in 2020.
There’s more examples and we’ll get to another shortly. But first a look at how this situation came to be.
Vocabulary: Malthusian
In his magnum opus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, published in six editions from 1798 to 1826, Malthus wrote:
“All children born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the deaths of grown persons. . . . Therefore … we should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality; and if we dread the too frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we· should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction, which we compel nature to use. Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country, we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlements in all marshy and unwholesome situations. But above all, we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and restrain those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have thought they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders.
Grand Illusions: The Legacy of Planned Parenthood p 55-56
Thomas Malthus 1766 – 1834
Vocabulary: Eugenics
Eugenics the study and control of procreation as a means of improving hereditary characteristics of future generations. The concept has sometimes been used in a pseudoscientific way as an excuse for unethical, racist, or even genocidal practices such as involuntary sterilization or certain other practices in Nazi Germany and elsewhere.
Malthusian beliefs coupled with Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” allowed racists the world over to claim a scientific basis for the superiority of one group over another. This fueled calls for eugenics programs; euthanasia, abortion, infanticide, forced sterilization, genocide, and other atrocities. Margaret Sanger–who you are about to meet–was a leading voice in Europe and the United States for these ideals. Her beliefs overthrew the morality of her day and replaced it with one of convenience and death. A belief system which is thriving to this day.
Margaret Sanger racist architect of Planned Parenthood
Margaret Sanger: Architect of American Eugenics
OK, so where did black folks get the idea to kill other black folks? Why, from a white lady named Margaret Sanger and her merry band from the Birth Control League. Sanger has a long history of such rhetorical gems as these:
“More children from the fit, less from the unfit that is the chief issue of birth control.”
“the most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. And the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
For those of you that went to public school or are lifelong members of the Democrat Party, here’s some info you may not have heard.
Margaret Sanger had learned of eugenics from Havelock Ellis. She first acknowledged the place of birth control in the eugenicists’ program when she announced in 1919: “More children from the fit, less from the unfit that is the chief issue of birth control.” Mrs. Sanger usually used the word “unfit” to refer to the mentally retarded and physically deformed. “Birth control,” she said in 1920, “is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, or preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives.” Increasingly, she saw feeblemindedness, the bogey of all the hereditarians, as antecedent to poverty or social organization in the genesis of social problems. “The philosophy of birth control,” she said in 1922, “points out that as long as civilized communities encourage unrestrained fecundity in the “normal” members of the population—always of course under the guise of decency and morality—and penalize every attempt to introduce the principle of discrimination and responsibility in parenthood, they will be faced with the ever-increasing problem of feeblemindedness, that fertile parent of degeneracy, crime, and pauperism.”
Margaret Sanger and others considered the most menacing aspect of proliferating unfitness to be the growth of the custodial welfare state. “Protective and paternalistic laws,” said a speaker at the Sixth International Neo-Malthusian and Birth Control Conference in 1925, benefited “the least desirable elements of society.” Such laws, he said, “are usually put forward upon moral or humane or altruistic grounds and in nearly all cases by professional agitators and stupid busybodies… What they actually accomplish is the preservation of the misfit, the degenerate, the low, the unworthy and the more or less defective elements at the expense of the strong and exceptional.” If practiced by the right people, he suggested, birth control could wipe out those evils for which welfare legislation gave at best merely symptomatic relief.
That Spencerian attitude, embracing the familiar tenets of individualism, elitism, and antistatism, provided one base for the eugenics program. In 1922 Mrs. Sanger registered her acceptance of such ideas when she said that if society applied to reproduction the techniques of efficiency employed by “modern stockbreeders,” there would be no need for measures that were “fostering the good-for-nothing at the expense of the good.”
Birth Control in America by David M. Kennedy p 115-117
By 1920 eugenicists were specifically advocating the adoption of birth control by the slumdwellers and impoverished, who had always been Margaret Sanger’s chief concern.
Kennedy p 118
Because of her Malthusian and Eugenic connections, she had become closely associated with the scientists and theorists who put together Nazi Germany’s “race purification” program. She had openly endorsed the euthanasia, sterilization, abortion, and infanticide programs of the early Reich. She published a number of articles in the Birth Control Review that mirrored Hitler’s Aryan-White Supremacist rhetoric. She even commissioned Dr. Ernst Rudin, the director of the Nazi Medical Experimentation program, to write for The Review himself.
Grand Illusions: The Legacy of Planned Parenthood p 61
Early on, Planned Parenthood adopted a similar strategy against the church. Margaret Sanger recognized that the church was “the enemy” of her crusade. But she also recognized that· an all-out frontal assault on God’s People was suicidal. And so she put together a “Balak strategy.” She relied on wolves in sheep’s clothing (2 Timothy 3:6).
Margaret began by wooing young and ambitious ministers with the trinkets and baubles of power, prestige, privilege, and position. She doted on them, feeding their sense of self-importance. She enticed them with honors. She invited them to sit on her boards. She patronized their pet projects. She wined them and dined them. She rewarded them with trips, junkets, and tours. She knew just how to tantalize them with attention and appreciation. Her winsomeness was irresistible and her thoroughness was incomparable.
But even without all that alluring charm, Margaret’s campaign to seduce Christians would probably have won support in three broad sectors of the church.
Racists. Especially during the Great Depression when tensions were high and jobs were scarce, racists saw Margaret’s Eugenic plans and programs as an open opportunity to eliminate whole “undesired” races and “dysgenic” classes. Tragically many of them carried out their vendetta in the name of Christ.
Lettie Perkins grew up in a small sharecropper’s cabin deep in the heart of rural South Carolina. When she was just a youngster she remembers a countywide tent revival meeting cosponsored by several large all-White Baptist churches and several social service agencies, including Planned Parenthood. “We were all excited,” she said. “The revival was always the social event of the year. And that year was to be the first time Blacks were allowed to attend. We could hardly contain ourselves. Most of the women bought or made new dresses. We got hats and gloves. We really were going to do things right. It was like a debutante’s coming-out for us.”
The pastor of one of the sponsoring churches spent a good deal of his time for nearly a month before the revival making sure that black pastors in the area turned their people out. “I don’t know why we were so naive at the time,” Lettie told me. “It was so obvious that he was setting us up for something.”
Indeed, he was. On the day that the revival was to begin, Planned Parenthood set up several tents. Blacks were herded into them and “counseled” on the “benefits” of sterilization and birth limitation. “We weren’t even allowed to go into the revival meeting itself until we’d listened to their whole spiel,” Lettie said. “And even then, they segregated us off to one side. Like usual.”
Most of the Black families were outraged. The blatantly racist collusion between Planned Parenthood and the all-White churches was shocking to them, even in that day of raw and festering prejudice. “I can still remember my Mamma just shaking with anger and humiliation,” Lettie said. “Our family never went to church again. Not any church, Black or White. Mamma didn’t want to have anything to do with a faith that could sanction things like that.”
Liberals. But it wasn’t just racists that were attracted to Margaret Sanger’s cause. During the first three decades of this century, the great Modernist-Fundamentalist controversy erupted onto the American church scene. More disruptive than even the eleventh-century Schism or the sixteenth-century Reformation, the controversy forever changed the face of Christianity in this country. In reaction to the Modernists’ emphasis on the “Social Gospel,” most Fundamentalists withdrew from all cultural involvement to focus on “spiritual things.” Meanwhile the Modernists pursued cultural involvement with a vengeance, uncritically embracing every fringe Liberal cause, issue, and organization including Planned Parenthood. Since the conservative Fundamentalists no longer actively opposed them, the Liberals were able to capture the seats of power and influence.
Men who no longer believed the Bible and who were committed to a radical social agenda were easy prey for Margaret. She exploited the Liberal coup brilliantly.
Richard L. Ford was the young idealistic pastor of a large Methodist church on the West Coast during World War II. Already thoroughly infected with Liberalism even then, his congregation sponsored several cooperative programs with Planned Parenthood. ”At the time we were giddy with excitement,” he told me recently. “We felt that we’d been sequestered in a religious ghetto. That we’d been irrelevant for years. Now at last we were doing things that made a difference in the world. Unshackled of every encumbrance-tradition, the Bible, everything-we loyally followed every new fad and fashion.”
A funny thing happened on the way to relevance, however. “I found that I didn’t have answers anymore,” Richard said.
“When people are facing a crisis in their lives they don’t need their pastor to experiment on their souls and minds with whatever the latest pop therapy is. They need answers. When teens are facing a barrage of temptation you just can’t turn them over to Planned Parenthood. That’s like throwing gas on a fire. They need standards. Solid and sure.”
No longer able to provide his congregation with decisive guidance, Richard was left helpless in the face of a rapidly deteriorating moral climate. “There wasn’t any such thing as sin any more for us,” he said. “So, not surprisingly, we began to indulge ourselves. Illegitimate pregnancies skyrocketed. Divorce rates soared. And the worse things got, the more we turned to the very organizations that prompted our demise in the first place. Imagine! Going to Planned Parenthood to solve the teen pregnancy epidemic! That makes about as much sense as going to a pusher to stop drug abuse or to a pimp to stop prostitution. But, that’s exactly what we did.”
Compromisers. Margaret Sanger was able to successfully recruit large numbers of Fundamentalist, Evangelical, Catholic, and Orthodox Christians into her fold as well. Unlike the racists and liberals who were converts of conscience, these men and women were converts of convenience. They were fine, upstanding Christians who opposed Planned Parenthood’s promiscuous sex education programs. They stood firmly against abortion. Until . . .
Charles Boothe is a respected and admired Christian leader. A former pastor and now the chairman of his church’s deacon board, he runs a community-wide youth ministry. From the expression on his face I could tell that he was deeply disturbed when he walked into my office. “Jeanie, my youngest daughter, is pregnant,” he told me. “She’s just seventeen, a senior in high school. What am I going to do? She has her whole life ahead of her. Why this? Why now?”
We briefly talked through the Biblical options: maternity homes, adoption agencies, alternative centers, and marriage to the father. We consoled one another. We wept together. We prayed together. And we talked long into the afternoon. We embraced warmly when he left.
He then promptly took Jeanie to Planned Parenthood and had his grandchild killed.
I was shocked.
Why? Why would he do such a thing? Why would he resort \ to that which he knew was wrong?
“I’ve always been against abortion,” he told me later. “Always. And I still believe that it’s wrong. It’s murder. But … I tell ya. When it’s your own daughter. . . . Well, I just couldn’t see ruining her life by making her go through the humiliation of an illegitimate pregnancy. And besides, our reputation. . my reputation…. Well, I uh … I just…. Well, you know.”
Margaret Sanger’s “Balak Strategy” proved to be a phenomenal success. Enticing Christians to “play the harlot,” she was able to do what no activist or ideologue possibly could: trap and defeat the church (Numbers 25:18).
It would be several decades before Planned Parenthood would be able to consummate its victory and actually sack the citadel of Christian consensus. But that future conquest in the Supreme Court was ensured by the moral defeat wrought by Margaret’s minions in the church.
Grand Illusions: The Legacy of Planned Parenthood 219-223
Facts and Truth
So now you know how it came about that black people have embraced the belief that the way to improve the country is to kill as many black people as possible. Meanwhile, their self-appointed leaders spout meaningless phrases like Black Lives Matter…but not really meaning it. As long as some lives have more value than others, none really have any worth.
Oh, that chick from Saturday Night Live quoted above might want to consider the graphic below showing that those old white guys are trying to save poor black babies from being murdered by their own mothers.
Yet another Celebrity Chimes In
Left-wing activist Emily Ratajkowski is making an anti-science argument to justify the murder of unborn black children as a means to lower the prison population.
And I use the term “anti-science” because Ratajkowski’s racist appeal to decrease the black prison population as some kind of public service is purely driven by a sense of supremacism and has nothing to do with facts or statistics.
Emily Ratajkowski wants to abort black babies to reduce prison population
“This week, 25 old white men voted to ban abortion in Alabama even in cases of incest and rape. These men in power are imposing their wills onto the bodies of women in order to uphold the patriarchy and perpetuate the industrial prison complex by presenting women of low income opportunity the right to chose not to reproduce. The states trying to ban abortions have the highest proportions of black women living there. This is about class and race and is a direct attack on the fundamental human rights women in the US deserve and are protected by under Roe v Wade. Our bodies, out choice.”
Without even attempting to conceal or shade or nuance it, Ratajkowski comes right out and says we need to kill unborn black children before they grow up to become black criminals.
What you have here is a white racist making a eugenics argument cloaked in social justice niceties.
We’ll get to the facts and statistics in a moment, but this must first be made clear: Emily Ratajkowski’s argument, her rationale is no different from what we have heard throughout the darkest parts of human history from the KKK, Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s hideous sentiments about black Americans, or from the Nazis about any non-Aryan race.
Before we get to the math that exposes Ratajkowski as the godless supremacist she is, for just a moment let’s assume her thinking is correct– that, in the coldest and most clinical terms, her beliefs make sense. Even so, in order to agree with her, you still have to strip every bit of humanity from a monstrous idea comfortable with the murder of children — based solely on their skin color — for crimes they have not yet committed.
And even Ratajkowski knows that not every black child murdered in the womb is destined to grow up to be criminal, but she is still willing to exterminate, to sacrifice innocent black life as a means to stop the others.
But it’s the math that exposes Ratajkowski… The math is damning.
According to the most recent statistics I could find — and I am using Alabama as my example because it just passed the most progressive pro-life laws and just happens to have the highest proportional number of its citizens in prisons — there are some 45,000 Alabama citizens in federal, state, and local prisons.
A majority of those prisoners, 54 percent are black.
That means that roughly 25,000 black Alabamans are in prison.
Last year, roughly 4,200 black babies were aborted in Alabama, and if you look at the numbers going back to 2006, it seems safe to calculate that over the last ten years, some 50,000 black babies have been aborted in Alabama.
The question, then, is this…
Did the legal murder of 50,000 black unborn children decrease the prison population?
According to the U.S. Census, for every 100,000 black citizens in Alabama, 1,788 end up in prison, which means that of those 50,000 murdered black children, about 2,500 would end up in prison.
What this means is that in order to spare Alabama an additional 2,500 prisoners over ten years (or only 250 a year), Emily Ratajkowski thinks it’s a good idea to literally exterminate the other 47,500 innocent black children.
Emily Ratajkowski believes it is noble and woke to murder 100 percent of unborn black children because five percent might end up in prison.
Emily Ratajkowski is defending the murder of roughly 5,000 black babies per year because 250 might end up in prison.
If you read the rest of the article, it gets even worse for poor Emily.
Some Words of Sanity by Rev Jesse Lee Peterson
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
The moral state of America has plunged over my lifetime – with the black community leading the way. Men have become increasingly weak, and women angry and out of control. Children grow up without any good examples. I’ve talked to Millennials and younger people who never saw a man of strong character while growing up. Instead, pathetic beta males kiss up to women, thinking they’re showing love and “equality” while bringing out the worst in the women. Today the female-dominated Democrat Party is the party of death.
In New York, the Democrat-majority government passed a new pro-abortion law allowing mothers to kill their unborn children up to the due date. Democrats dubbed it the “Reproductive Health Act,” declaring abortion a “fundamental right.” According to New York Right to Life, the Democrats’ idea of a mother’s “health” involves vague considerations of “age, economic, social and emotional factors.” In reality Democrats put personal convenience above a child’s life, ignoring the rights of the father, spoiling and lying to the mother, who later suffers. Democrats pretend that a human being inside the womb is not a “person” and should die if the mother “chooses.”
Have you ever wondered about the callousness of young black males killing people in America’s inner cities? In a rare honest moment, Hillary Clinton was actually right in the 1990s when she called these killers “super predators” with “no conscience, no empathy.” But consider that these communities are filled with mothers who commit abortions at a higher rate than anywhere in the country – discarding lives like trash. In New York City in recent years, more black babies were aborted than born! In 2009, 57 percent, and in 2012, 56 percent of black pregnancies in the city ended in abortion.
Genocide of the black race is not ok. Glenn Kaiser said, “The way you treat the person you love the least is the way you love God the most.”
Glenn Kaiser
God gives life and takes it way, when someone put themselves in place of God, their actions repeat the lie from the Garden, “ye shall be as gods…”
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”
Proverbs 14:12
Folks a day of reckoning is coming, if its not here already, and I don’t want to stand before Almighty God being judged because I said nothing when they came for the unborn, the elderly, the weak, and feeble. Jewish folks keep saying we should never forget the Holocaust, but they ignore the one in their midst. We kill 50 million babies worldwide each year and over 60 million in our country since 1973—38 percent of which are black—but most people don’t care.
The bottom line is we have reaped the whirlwind. The church is supposed to be salt and light to a culture, an ethical firewall, but those before us were ill prepared for the tsunami of challenges to their beliefs. They failed to have an answer to the hope that was in them. The wolves have scattered the flock, but pockets of resistance are fighting back. Sadly, too few voices are crying in the wilderness.
If we are holding out for a political solution, we are putting our faith in the wrong basket. Only the transforming power of God can make any move to uphold life permanent. If Roe is overturned, much more work needs to be done. Our side wants to be left alone while the other guys are all in on serving the State because government power is their god and for many, abortion is their sacrament. Their defeat is certain, but it would be nice to see it in our lifetime.
While you’re downloading Grand Illusions, look for Political Polytheism and read that too, then we’ll talk.
First some background of this certified bozo. John Rogers represents Birmingham in the Alabama state house, but in reality, if you are the scum of the earth…congrats he represents you too! Rogers, like any other politician looking for 5 minutes of fame, went on a rant about why mothers should have access to an abortion. He said “Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now, or kill them later. You bring them into the world unloved, unwanted, and you send them to the electric chair, so you kill them now or kill them later.” Wow, a lot to unpack there.
To be fair, he was talking about abortions, more specifically a bill that if signed into law would outlaw all abortions, unless the health of the mother (or do we call them a more binary “carriers” now?) would be impacted. Obviously this is a very highly charged issue but Rogers wasn’t done yet. He added “some children facing abortion could be retarded or half deformed.” Wow!
Despite his valiant argument for its defeat, House Bill 314 passed 74 to 3. Later, other principled Democrats weighed in too:
When HB314 passed the House only three representatives voted against it. A number of Democrats who had left the chamber have since changed their vote to no, so the updated vote is 72 to 26.
Folks think about it. Those words that you and I take offense to; namely, “killing them now”, caused 23 more Democrat legislators to join with John Rogers! Let that sink in for a moment.
But wait there is more… Donald Trump Jr called him out saying he made Virginia Governor and Blackface aficionado Ralph Northam (no friend of the unborn mind you) look like a moderate on the issue, as compared to Rogers who wants a master race.
Saying “Trump Jr. is proof that mothers ought to have access to abortion because he is evidently retarded or crazy.” And further “I know there’s something wrong with that boy,” Rogers said. “I look at him and I can tell there’s something wrong with him. That’s the best defense I have for more abortions right there looking at him.” This is sick, disgusting even.
Donald Trump Jr.
I will say this, Trump Jr definitely lacks in moral department due to his leaving his wife and children for the former first lady of San FranciscoKimberly Newsome er Guilfoyle er Trump….I don’t know. Whatever she calls herself.
Kimberly Guilfoyle Newsom Trump
That being said, Roger’s statements are becoming far more mainstream in the Democrat Party. While the anti-abortionists are slowly winning the battle, Roger’s reaction is off the charts crazy. The scary part is not so much his opposition to the bill, which is his right, its being so out of touch.
First of all I doubt this country executes more than 100 people in a year. Truth be told, only a handful of states have the death penalty and carry it out anyway. Planned Parenthood, on the other side, aborts many times that number in a single hour in our state alone, let alone nationwide. Ironically the customers are mostly the same color as Mr. Rogers. Adding insult to injury, Rogers would rather call Don Jr a name, and an offensive one at that. However his words, when taken in full context, are cringe worthy. He talks of aborted fetuses as throwaways not fit for this earth, even going farther to correlate a stay on death row and outlawing abortion, are somehow related. Then he makes a statement that if a fetus is deformed or retarded they should be killed as well…ouch! What is more upsetting is the Democrats are radio silent on this one.
Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood must be the most frightening place imaginable.
This guy is not your father’s Mr. Rogers
The safest place a child should be is with his mother, but this guy wants it to remain the most lethal. This Mr. Rogers is all about human trafficking of the worst sort, murder for hire. The “fit” deciding who is “unfit” (to live). In exchange for reducing the black population of his state, his masters provide him with money and power.
Rogers is now serving in his 10th term in the Alabama House of Representatives, representing the city of Birmingham. He is 78 years old.
Rogers is a professional photographer and according to his bio on the state Legislature’s website, is the director of minority affairs for the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Lest you think his comments are out of context, try this quote:
We were looking for clarification on his remarks and his thoughts on the national response, but our political analysts say anyone who knows Rogers and Alabama politics knows his comments aren’t unusual.
“If you Google John Rogers, you’ll find a whole bunch of ridiculous statements,” said Dale Jackson.
“He’s a very colorful man to say the least,” said Waymon Burke.
Our WAAY 31 political analysts, Dale Jackson and Waymon Burke, agree that remarks like this from Rogers are nothing new.
In conclusion, this guy Rogers should star in a film about why we no longer use lead paint in this country. No word on if he was popping Tide Pods or huffing glue between sentences.
John Rogers hands out breath mints like these to his constituents
Add Roger’s comments to those made about Obamacare and what a world we would live in. Your grandmother who has a cold…sorry ma’am we have no treatment options available. But get knocked up after a night of drinking and cut to the front of the line. We’ll take care of this problem for you! Service with a smile! Heck, if we were in Washington State, we’d even compost the little rascal for you. Given more time, Democrats will probably make abortion tax deductible. If you aren’t indoctrinated by our school system or way of life…I guess you should have been aborted as well. What a harsh thing to say, but this has been going on in our country for years now so I guess this is what it has come to.
People like Rogers are the worst, enjoy your lead paint and Tide pods this weekend Rogers!!!!
As a kid, I was taught that honesty is the best policy. As an adult, I know that rarely is a politician honest with anyone; especially in front of a microphone. When they are it is either a breath of fresh air or the stench of hell. This week the latter occurred in the state of Alabama.
Alabama is viewed by many as a conservative state because it is in the South and part of the so-called “Bible Belt”. This perception is false. Let’s recap some facts about Alabama.
Folks the South was a Democrat stronghold for 100 years after Reconstruction and not until Ronald Reagan did any Southern States vote in mass for a Republican. The problem is this, how can you be a Christian and a Democrat in today’s world? They are mutually exclusive ideologies. No, I’m not saying that the Republican Party is all sweetness and light or always right but they usually tolerate Christianity to some degree.
Alabama, as you may recall, was the center of controversy when Judge Roy Moore posted the Ten Commandments in his courtroom. These same Commandments are carved in marble at the US Supreme Court building but somehow too hot to be in a regular courtroom. So much for the myth of the “Bible Belt”.
I hate talking about race but here are a few pertinent facts. Alabama has many folks descended from slaves living there. Most of these people are still living on the plantation of their Democrat Masters. Those on the Democrat plantation have many corrupt and bad leaders bent on keeping these former slaves in bondage.
One form of bondage is the false gospel that many hear week after week in the pulpit. These false shepherds were corrupted decades ago in many ways. Their false gospel cannot free anyone from the bondage of sin. Besides departing from orthodox theology, these fake shepherds were corrupted thru purposeful planning by the Democrat Party, KKK, and supporters of eugenics (the belief that some races are superior to others).
Enter Margaret Sanger and her Birth Control League. Sanger wanted to eliminate the poor and genetically inferior peoples from our planet. It was a logical application of the theories embraced as a result of Charles Darwin and taking seriously his axiom of survival of the fittest. The question is how do you convince the unfit not to reproduce? In part, Sanger made a concerted effort to convince black ministers that aborting black babies was a compassionate act. She knew that the way to influence black folks was thru the churches so she corrupted them. (Of course when voluntary cooperation was not enough, she and her fellow travelers pursuing eugenics would find other means such as forced sterilization and “final solutions” to balance the scales of society.)
Anyway, here we are 100 years after Sanger began her crusade to “eliminate poverty by eliminating the poor”. “Weeds” —as Sanger called black folks—voluntarily self-abort 38 percent of their children at the altar of choice. Sangers’ organization, known today as Planned Parenthood, typically locates a facility anywhere there is a concentration of black people just to make controlling their population easier. Not only that, but virtually every black in public office supports the murder of their own race as a condition of holding elected office in the Democrat Party.
Those that dare to believe that All Black Lives Matter find that there is no place for them at the table or in the public square. Such people are marginalized or portrayed as sellouts to their people.
Against this backdrop, we have politician John Rogers, Democrat representative in Alabama, this week demanding that black children be murdered now.
John Rogers wants black babies and those with handicaps to die
“Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later. You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair. So, you kill them now or you kill them later,” Rogers said.
He continued by saying some children who face abortion could be “retarded” and “half-deformed.”
Reacting to this outrageous and evil statement, Donald Trump Jr., the President’s son, took to Twitter:
“This is stomach curling and makes Ralph Northam look like a moderate on abortion,” Trump Jr. tweeted, referencing the Virginia governor’s support for a failed abortion bill — an endorsement that critics likened to support of infanticide. “Every Democrat running for President needs to be asked where they stand on this. The extreme turn we’ve seen from Dems on abortion recently is truly sickening.”
(Ralph Northam is the Virginia Governor that recently advocated not just abortion for all nine months –which is legal now under Roe v Wade—but infanticide if the mom changes her mind after the birth of her child.)
Rogers then responded to Trump by calling for his death and doubling down of his abortion comments.
When asked by WVTM to react to the president’s son, Rogers laughed, saying Trump Jr. was “proof” that women should have a right to an abortion and called his statement “stupid.”
He even suggested that Trump Jr. was “retarded or crazy.”
“I know there’s something wrong with that boy,” Rogers said. “I look at him and I can tell there’s something wrong with him. That’s the best defense I have for more abortions right there looking at him.”
Given: Leftists believe that Evolution is true; therefore, the world is governed by “survival of the fittest.” Corollary: Some humans are superior to others.
Thus, those that think they are fit (Leftist Elites) have the right to decide what is best for everyone else.
Three news stories in the last week indicate the stronghold that Eugenics has in the United States.
Before getting into the stories, it would be worthwhile to define eugenics for those of you with public school or inferior private school educations.
Eugenics is“The science of improving a population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics.”
Given Darwin’s belief is almost universally accepted as true—except for those of us that are Orthodox Christians—it should be no surprise that folks believe that some men are superior to others. The sad part is that people that should know better have fallen for this anti-biblical lie from hell. This has been a purposeful deception.
Topic #1 Black Folks Support Genocide Of Their Own Race
A new Barna Group poll commissioned by the pro-life movie “Unplanned” found that blacks support tax subsidies for abortion giant Planned Parenthood more than any other group. The irony, the survey sponsor said, is that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was an advocate of eugenics and promoted birth control among black communities. Overall, 41 percent favored tax subsidies, and 39 percent oppose them. But among blacks, 53 percent favor the subsidies, and only 20 percent oppose them.
The history of Sanger and her advocacy for birth control in black communities is well-documented. HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson has charged Sanger “was trying to eliminate black people. … That was the whole purpose of it.” Arina Grossu of the Center for Human Dignity in Washington, said Sanger “shaped the eugenics movement in America and beyond in the 1930s and 1940s.” “Her views and those of her peers in the movement contributed to compulsory sterilization laws in 30 U.S. states that resulted in more than 60,000 sterilizations of vulnerable people, including people she considered ‘feeble-minded,’ ‘idiots’ and ‘morons,’” Grossu found. “She even presented at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1926 in Silver Lake, N.J. She recounted this event in her autobiography: ‘I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan. … I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses. … I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak. … In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose.’” Sanger once said, “The main objects of the Population Congress would be to apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring[;] to give certain dysgenic groups in our population their choice of segregation or sterilization.” Grossu noted that even now, nearly 80 percent of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of black or Hispanic communities. And she pointed to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 2007 to 2010 showing that more than one third of all abortions destroyed unborn black babies. That’s even though black Americans make up only 13 percent of the population.
In early January 2018, along some of the main thoroughfares in Greater Cleveland, billboards that espoused the “benefits” of abortion began popping up. The signs, placed by Ohio’s largest abortion business, Preterm, carried messages such as “Abortion is sacred,” “Abortion is a family value,” “Abortion is safer than childbirth” and “Abortion is a blessing.” It was all part of the group’s “Abortion is” campaign to reduce abortion stigma. The billboards stood in some of Cleveland’s poorest neighborhoods, their bold and ironic claims plainly contradicting Scriptural teaching about the inherent value of human beings made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27; Psalm 139:13-15). These billboards caught the attention of Franklin Graham. He posted on Facebook, Jan. 4, 2018: “God says, ‘Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.’ That’s exactly what an abortion business in Ohio is doing. … These are all lies. Here’s a billboard for them—‘Abortion is evil, because it’s murder.’ Pray that America will wake up to the tragedy of children being killed through abortion every day in this nation.” Long before the campaign launched, black pro-life groups and civil rights leaders had been exposing the chilling aspect of such morbid propaganda efforts: The abortion industry disproportionately targets African-Americans. In fact, many black pro-life leaders have a bold term for it: black genocide.
Nationally, some 36 percent of abortions are performed on African-American women, CDC figures show, while the female population is only 13 percent black. In New York City, the abortion rate is 3.7 times higher among black mothers than white mothers. Bomberger’s first billboard campaign featured 60 signs in the Atlanta area in 2012 bearing the message “Black Children Are an Endangered Species.” He says he told a New York Times reporter who questioned use of the term genocide, that by United Nations definitions, the practice of abortion in the black community meets four of the U.N.’s five conditions for genocide. Those conditions are: “Killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.” Of those, only the last isn’t applicable, Bomberger says. “I don’t know how else to describe it,” he says. “How do you describe it when in New York City, more black babies are aborted than are born?”
Topic #2 New York Makes Abortion Legal Until Moment of Birth
What I believe with little empirical doubt is that the New York Legislature has just legalized conscious fetal murder on a potentially very large scale, WITHOUT competent medical supervision. The latter point strongly suggests that they don’t want to hear the truth from highly qualified MD’s. This is no longer a theoretical debate. This is legalized genocide.
The measure, which Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo quickly signed into law Tuesday night, was pushed through by Democrats who now control both legislative houses. The Senate passed it 38-24. In the Assembly, it passed by a 92-47 margin. In the face of calls at the federal level to weaken abortion rights, the bill maintains abortions as legal within 24 weeks of the start of a pregnancy – “or at any time when necessary to protect a woman’s life or health.’’ Late-term abortions had previously been authorized under state law if they meant saving the life of a woman.
Please note the weasel word “health” in this quote: “or at any time when necessary to protect a woman’s life or health.’’
Per US Supreme Court case Doe v Bolton, health of mother was defined as mental health which has been interpreted as convenience. If mother doesn’t want baby then she doesn’t have to give birth to the child because this could cause undue mental and/or physical strain on her. This case was released same day as Roe v Wade in 1973 and was coupled with Roe to allow abortion on demand.
The New York bill expands abortion availability.
Physician assistants will be permitted to also carry out surgical abortions and licensed midwives and nurse practitioners can do nonsurgical procedures using medications if they are “acting within his or her lawful scope of practice,” according to the legislation.
Topic #3 Infanticide Is What We Want Now
Virginia Democrat Kathy Tran’s bill would allow abortion even when mother is about to give birth for mental health reasons.
Todd Gilbert, the Republican House majority leader, questioned Tran about the bill during a hearing Monday. He asked Tran if a woman who has physical signs she is about to give birth could request an abortion if a physician said it could impair her “mental health.” “Where it’s obvious that a woman is about to give birth. She has physical signs that she is about to give birth. Would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so-certified — she’s dilating,” he asked. “Mr. Chairman, that would be … a decision that the doctor, the physician and the woman would make at that point,” Tran replied. “I understand that,” Gilbert replied. “I’m asking if your bill allows that.” Tran replied: “My bill would allow that, yes.”
Going ever further, Virginia Governor, Ralph Northam, while defending Tran’s bill, advocated killing the baby even after birth.
“So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” he said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
Those familiar with so called bioethicist, Peter Singer, would not be surprised at such comments. For decades, Singer has advocated subjecting newborn children to a battery of tests to decide if a child should be declared “human’ otherwise they can be killed up to age two years without any repercussions.
Eugenics is an integral part of the ideology of the Democrat Party. Sadly, many that are the targets of extermination are happy to support those that want to exterminate them. Democrats act on the basis of your skin color not the content of your character. This is the reason they use identity politics. They want to limit and control people. Their promise of security in exchange for yielding liberty is false.
In case you needed a reminder that Jesus isn’t welcome in the Democrat Party besides the fact they want to eliminate God from the oath how is abortion compatible with His words:
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:40
Brett Kavanaugh has been nominated to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. Kennedy tended to vote conservatively except on social issues. We have him to thank for the imposition of “Gay Marriage” on this republic. Democrats have made it clear that the main issue at stake in this appointment is abortion. They fear and are fundraising like crazy with the claim that Roe v Wade will fall if Kavanaugh is confirmed.
Below are a few quotes from a press conference held by Demo
crat senators opposed to Kavanaugh. Interpretation of their “double speak” appears in purple .
Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) urged all Democrats to oppose President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, saying anyone who supports him is “complicit in the evilopposing abortion.”
“I’m here to call on folks to understand that in a moral moment there is no neutral. In a moral moment there is no bystanders,” Booker said, alongside senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.
“You are either complicit in the evilopposing abortion, you are either contributing to the wrongof protecting innocent life, or you are fighting against it.”
Warren said Democrats “are on the immoral side of history,” while Sanders argued the interpretation of a “living” U.S. Constitution is at stake.
Democrats claim to be on a mission from God to keep abortion lethal
Maxine Waters is mad that poor black folks might leave the plantation and prosper under the Trump Administration economic plan. More blacks are working now than when Obama was President. She is also upset that if Trump enforces immigration law that more blacks will get jobs and not need handouts from government. Thus its God’s will that she oppose Trump to keep “her people” in line.
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) has been one of President Trump’s most outspoken critics, recently going so far as to encourage people to publicly harass members of the Trump administration.
On Sunday, however, Waters suggested in a church sermon in Los Angeles that she’s on a divine mission to stop the president , blasting the Trump administration on a range of issues.
Addressing the congregation at First AME Church, Waters said, “You’ve gotta know that I’m here to do the work that I was sent to do, and as pastor said to me when I came in this morning, ‘When God sends you to do something, you just do it!’” she exclaimed to cheers from the crowd.
WARNING : Normal humans will find the following topic revolting and deeply disturbing. Once you read this you will have difficulty getting it out of your head, continue reading at your own risk.
Last week, I was reading my email as I usually do. One daily mailing list that I get is from Joe Miller. Link: Joe Miller
Miller is a conservative guy from Alaska that has run for US Senate and may be eying a run at governor of Alaska in 2018. I like it because it has stuff that you may not see from Drudge and it is often openly Christian in its presentation of news.
One article that caught my attention was one about a couple in Australia that turned their children into jewelry. Yeah, that’s not a typo; they turned their unborn children into jewelry to wear around their necks.
We’re not talking about some tribe of cannibals on some remote Pacific island somewhere wearing the shrunken skulls of their enemies as trophies, or that guy from Apocalypse Now wearing the ears of his enemies around his neck, no, these folks are the proud parents of children that they deliberately killed and are parading around Australia with their tiny bodies dangling from their mom’s neck thinking this is an act of love.
My embryos were my babies – frozen in time. When we completed our family, it wasn’t in my heart to destroy them. Now they are forever with me in a beautiful keepsake.
My first thought was the Scripture, “the compassion of the wicked is cruelty.”
Their babies are dead at their hand, which part of destroy them do you not get? Can you say, “Cognitive disconnect?”
”…forever with you”? Yeah, like Norman Bates’ mother. Psycho is probably the right term.
Many years ago, Melody Green wrote a tract call “Children…things that we throw away” but now in the 21st Century, we can embed them in amber or plastic or something and make them into keepsakes. This is how we define compassion now?
Singing the praises of the business that embalms children as a fashion statement, the original article includes this gem
“I don’t believe there is any other business in the world that creates jewellery from human embryos, and I firmly believe that we are pioneering the way in this sacred art, and opening the possibilities to families around the world.”
Sacred art? Three thousand years after the abomination of the children of Israel offering their children to the god Moloch by burning them alive, have things changed that much?
Jesus’ words should be echoing in your head, “Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.” Matthew 25: 45 But don’t stop reading there because the next verse talks about these wicked folks a little more “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment”
I used to think Angelina Jolie wearing a vial of blood from Billy Bob Thornton was twisted but these folks take jewelry to the next level of absurdity.
Wanna bet these parents can read Dr. Seuss to their other children and have no problem telling them “A person is a person no matter how small.”
The article that Miller links analyses the issue from a Roman Catholic point of view. Whatever the shortcomings of Roman, their position on bioethics is worthy of consideration since they are the leading voice in the Christian world on the life issue. They argue for limits (self-government) because just because we can do something doesn’t make it right.
Most people do not understand why the Catholic Church refuses to approve the practice of in-vitro fertilization, or any form of artificial insemination, or any method of conception at all apart from sexual intercourse. The Church teaches that all such means of conception are morally wrong. The reasons are profound, thoughtful and humble. If you’d like to hear it from the horse’s mouth, read this, especially CCC 2375 – 2378.
But allow me to say it succinctly this way: What you manufacture, you own. It belongs to you, and you call the shots with authority. What you manufacture, you can control.
THAT is precisely why it is morally wrong to manufacture children. Many people will object to the word “manufacture” here, but it’s the only accurate term. Babies are ordered up and created in a lab, purchased and paid for by adults who have commissioned their creation. That’s manufacturing.
Babies are not ours to control. Human life is not ours to manipulate in that way. We have no right to create life, keep it in some suspended animation, and then decide to destroy it whenever it suits us. We are not God.
We do not own our children. We have no claim on their lives. It is not for us to decide whether they live or die and when. The Lord God is the giver and creator of life. We can only receive our children as gifts. No one can demand a gift, or claim any right to receive a gift.
The National Abortion Rights Action League took issue with a Doritos advertisement that aired during Super Bowl 50 and made total asses out of themselves in the process.
I thought the ad was slightly offensive for making fun of a baby inside the mother but I never expected that the pro-abortion crowd would actually take this as a serious affront to their right to kill babies. I’m sure Doritos is happy about the publicity and doubly happy at how stupid NARAL looks to the rest of us. Thus no grounds for a corporate apology.
In the ad, the mom, a doctor and the father watch as the fetus moves to and fro in its mom’s tummy in an attempt to get closer to a chip wielded by the father.
When the exasperated mom flings the chip across the room, the baby follows – exiting the ultrasound frame and, apparently, the womb. The last bit is only intimated, as the camera pans to the horrified faces of the mom, dad and doctor as the Doritos logo flashes on the screen. NARAL Article on
NARAL stupidity on Twitter
Here are a few choice—can I use this word when attacking abortion rights folks who think they own it—quotes from the Fox New article.
“If NARAL is scandalized by the notion that a human fetus is human, then they are scandalized by science,” Ashley McGuire, a senior fellow with The Catholic Association, said in a statement to
McGuire’s statement continues:
“We know children in the womb have distinct and human DNA. We also know that they exhibit all sorts of human behaviors in the womb such as yawning, thumb-sucking, and even dancing thanks to tremendous advances in ultrasound technology.
“But groups like NARAL and Planned Parenthood rely on a denial of these scientific realities better suited to the Dark Ages to maintain their rabid insistence that those unborn babies are undeserving of basic human rights.”
Rush Limbaugh is right, Liberals have no sense of humor.