Navdeep Gill is in Verydeep Trouble

By frequent contributor “The Chief”

They say a fish rots from the headfirst, and in Sacramento County that proves to be true. Navdeep “Nav” Gill was hired back in 2016 as county executive or CEO. He is in charge of overseeing all county’s operations, doling out budget dollars and other things government workers do like monitoring incompetence and making sure it gets rewarded. Well Mr. Gill has had a rough few weeks. This started about 2 weeks ago with Supervisors Serna and Kennedy (no relation to the political family I am aware of) urging Gill to resign during a meeting, explosive allegations followed.

Here is a snippet….

A letter from the Board Chair Phil Serna and District 2 Supervisor Patrick Kennedy was addressed to Navdeep “Nav” Gill on Tuesday. The missive comes after a County employee tested positive for COVID-19, following an in-person meeting led by Gill a week ago where attendees did not wear masks or face coverings. The County heavily touted the measure among the best ways to prevent spreading the virus. Other staffers have been told to quarantine.

“As you are well aware, we have had as a board and individually, several difficult conversations of late calling into question your patterned behavior and questionable leadership and decision making,” the letter reads.

“The events of the past few days, as well as hearing from county staff, have elevated our concerns,” it continues.

Gill has been on the hot seat since August when the public learned that he had given the bulk of the federal money the County received to respond to the coronavirus pandemic for Corrections expenses. The fact that the Board of Supervisors seemed unaware of the move did not sit well.

Supervisors Call For Nav Gill’s Resignation

That is not exactly great news right there. Say what you want about a face covering mandate but if you are a government agency whose board mandated it, you need to comply. Worse yet is if a member of said meeting pops positive for the ‘rona. I reached out to a friend who was at the meeting, Gill made fun of folks wearing a mask, and while Gill wasn’t wearing one, he was conveniently 10 feet from the next closest person in the meeting while the others were shoulder to shoulder almost. Nice guy this Gill fellow!

Gill said after lots of spiritual reflection he would not resign from his post. I cannot name too many who choose to resign in government, its far better to be fired so you can collect the remainder of your contract, the City of Elk Grove knows a lot about that.

Then a letter was presented to the board from Dr. Olivia Kasirye and other women in the county government and quite frankly it’s pretty damning.

“Over the years, County Executive Gill has created a toxic culture rife with sexism, intimidation, racism, and a blatant disregard for public health,” the letter begins. “We can no longer stand by and allow Nav Gill to operate with impunity as he has done for years as such behavior only hurts the residents of our beloved county.”

The document summarizes instances in which women, particularly women of color, felt they were singled out for abuse. The letter said women leaders in the agency have abruptly resigned because of sexist behavior, and some staff members were retaliated against after speaking up about their experiences.

What’s more, the letter says, county staff members were ridiculed for wearing masks during department meetings. The letter also accused Gill of making disparaging remarks about people of color and using racial slurs during department head meetings.

Nav Gill, Sacramento County CEO, put on paid leave after ‘toxic culture’ accusations

Ummm, Navdeep is Indian or so it appears. Why in God’s name is this moron criticizing people of color or disparaging women in the Year of Our Lord 2020? This guy must not know how to read the environment or read a room, those behaviors are out and out fire able. Here is another damning quote:

“With regard to Nav, it’s not just a personnel matter which of course are extremely important to get to the bottom of,” Serna said. “But this is also about his history of behavior and how he treats the board. For me, he’s been dismissive, unwilling to perform follow through when he commits to it.” Phil Serna Chair Sac County Board of Supervisors.

I just do not understand what in the heck has happened to this county! First you have racist Dr. Beilenson, and now this jackwagon? While I am no fan of his politics, Serna and Kennedy are both far left Democrats, they seem to agree this guy should be gone. As far as I am concerned, take racist Beilenson with him. These two are a disgrace, funny both are accused of racism right? This fish stinks and its best to get rid of both. Problem is, to can Navdeep, you need 4/5 voting to remove. I would call Don Nottoli a swing vote, Susan Peters is retiring so she could be the 4th vote. Susan Frost looks lost. She has gone as far as to support Gill saying this are unsubstantiated. I am sorry supervisor but when quite a number of folks are accusing you of the same thing that’s a lot of smoke to have no fire present.

Terminate them all….or as Jon Taffer would say “Shut it the F*** Down!”

The Chief

Peter Beilenson is a Racist?

No one likes this clown. 30 years in the business, mostly with Baltimore County in Maryland, then suddenly he moves to little Sacramento, CA? I do not think so. They call this “passing the trash” when it comes to moving around bad teachers in the local school district. Are we to believe this guy is so qualified he would move across country to Sacramento to give us his expertise? I doubt it.

At the Sacramento County Supervisor meeting yesterday, while the board was debating a resolution declaring racism a public health crisis in Sacramento County, Beilenson blurted-out this gem

This is a major area of interest from public health in general and it’s a crucial thing we’re doing to address, the issues of the African American and brown and yellow folks in our country as well as the white folks,” (KCRA3 news)

Top Sac County health official on using racial slur during meeting: ‘I was literally on the spot’

Yes folks, he referred to Asian Americans as “yellow” a racist term used years ago to describe east Asian people. Not to be deterred when later interviewed by KCRA, Beilenson tripled down on his racism, check out this exchange….

I was in the midst of lumping together a bunch of different folks — brown people, yellow people, white people — and did not realize at the time that was an insensitive comment. I have since realized that and obviously will not use that comment again,” he said.

I guess it surprised me that it would have been new information to you that the word–,” Lambert said.

It’s not new information that it’s used, that it should not be used. That is something that I have known quite well. I was literally on the spot, I was running through the different types of people — again, brown, yellow, white, etc. — and just inappropriately lumped in the ‘yellow’ term,” he said. “I realize that’s an issue in terms of everything back to the railroad times and the 1850s as well as more recently as well in terms of the Manzanar and other camps and a whole range of things. Again, I apologize profusely. This has never happened in my 30 years of a public health official, and I would certainly not use that term in the future.”

Idiot Dr. Beilenson was not “on the spot” and looking at how those words rolled off his tongue he uses that word quite often. He seems to know the origin of that word quite well for someone who throws it around freely.

Dr. Beilenson needs to go, hopefully back to Baltimore where his racism will likely not be nearly as well received by the locals there. Beilenson is a failure both at life and in medicine, solid qualifications Dr Failenson!

Oh, btw I will be highlighting Sac County Executive Navdeep Gill’s racism next week, I say we throw both out.

The Chief

Trump’s Goose Got Cooked

By The Chief

Can’t say I was too surprised, but I will, this election feels stolen. While I do believe Trump should concede (more on this later), here is a very interesting exchange that occurred on Fox yesterday during the results coming in. This is in regard to Florida and Arizona. In both states, it showed a close race between both Trump and Biden, so I understood networks holding off on a call one way or the other. Florida which had been counting ballots for about 4 hours at this point stood at 96% counted, only some (very red) parts of the panhandle outstanding. The decision desk kept saying they couldn’t make a call, because Broward County (AKA Palm Beach) was still counting. They even cut to several “live” shots of sunny Broward County albeit at 10 pm local time showing counting still occurring. Broward County is famous for finding several boxes of ballots in a parked vehicle every election cycle that just somehow turn up. Nonetheless, Florida was called for Trump about 15 minutes later, Trump winning by, call it 3.2%.

Let me continue my hypothesis

Donna Brazile had a meltdown on TV exclaiming there was still a path for Biden to win. At the time, she was correct because actually there were several; quite a few actually. Enter the Network decision desk, calling Arizona for Biden with 75% counted, and a Biden lead of roughly 150k votes, with over a million to be counted still. The “desk” defended its call citing polls (the same ones wrong about FL) and internal metrics. Karl Rove asked then how come Texas, and Ohio aren’t called for Trump with the Donald winning by about 8% in each with a threshold over 90% counted. The “desk” said the votes outstanding were from Democrat areas. Rove countered saying he is from Texas and none of the liberal areas had any ballots reporting as not counted yet. More importantly the “desk” was making it sound like Trump’s 600k lead in Texas could disappear….it didn’t, the races were both called about 45 minutes later……

In tandem with the reluctant Florida call, Minnesota and New Hampshire were given to Biden. Yep two states who pundits on both sides thought would be nail biters. My point here is the narrative changed. Florida going red gave Trump all the momentum, Arizona swung it the other way. Polls mattered in FL, OH, and TX, but not in AZ. Once this occurred, again a miracle came through. Simultaneously, the vote counting centers in Atlanta, Detroit, Madison, and Philadelphia all decided they were not releasing more results that night. This was at about it 10 pm CA time. All the while Trump led in NC, GA, PA, MI, and WI, a major wall of states with many combinations to victory. I retired to bed at 11:45 with Trump leading in NC by 80k with 96% of the vote in. GA by 102k with 95% of the vote in, PA with a 700k lead with 67% in, MI with a 102k lead with 90% in, and WI at a 120k lead with 92% in. At 4 am this morning, WI was Biden by 20k. At lunch they had called MI and WI to Biden. GA and NC haven’t moved or reported new numbers, and PA has tightened but the margin is still large. My point again is the narrative has been created that Biden won, and it’s all over. It would feel much different if NC, GA and PA were called for Trump, leaving toss ups in AZ, MI, WI and Alaska.

But alas, its 4 years of Joe? Jill? Kamala? Pelosi?

Folks I made peace this AM that this thing was over. There is no way the media or the elites could allow the Orange Man to have 4 more years. The networks (including Fox) have made it apparent that Biden is their champion and that the supporting results are an insignificant detail. If Trump persists in counting, he has been cast as the spoiler. The only good to come of this will be the entertaining theatre (yeah I said it) involving the Broad Squad, LIZ and Bernie, Kamala and a host of other loons trying to jockey for position, should Depends wearing, dementia having, Joe Biden be declared incapable of leading the country. I say this because, folks, Pelosi wasn’t floating the 25th Amendment to rid us of Trump. It was a test balloon for Biden. If Biden slurs his speech at the Inauguration or the State of the Union, how long ‘til the left pulls the papers on him? What if he forgets where he is, or finds his old desk in the Senate and tries to pass a bill? Most will say it will be Willie Brown’s mistress (Kamala) running the country, but I have a feeling she has some favors others will be calling in as well.

The Chief

Editor’s Note: Two related stories of interest were circulating today of massive vote fraud. One sounds like the mob’s contribution to JFK in 1960 when after a pause in voting, Chicago found just enough votes to edge out Richard Nixon and give the White House to John F Kennedy.

Suddenly 138,000 Michigan Ballots Appear This Morning ALL FOR BIDEN, ZERO FOR TRUMP This story appeared on many websites today (11/04/2020)

If you can’t read this, Trump went unchanged while Biden was given an additional 138,339 votes.

The second story today is that more votes have been cast in Wisconsin than there are registered voters. It happens every election in California and per past discussions with the Sith Lord, it happens in Sacramento County every election cycle. Various precincts in the county have above 125 percent turnout. The Dems just have the good sense to rotate which precincts each election so there’s no obvious pattern.

Even the Big Talker, Rush Limbaugh, gave prominent mentions to both stories today.

By the way, the Trump campaign has now made it official, demanding a recount in Wisconsin because there are more votes that have been counted than there are registered voters in Wisconsin. Also, very odd: Michigan. Michigan found over 100,000 ballots. Yeah. They just came across a hundred thousand ballots, and you know what? Every single one of them has Joe Biden’s name on ’em.

Trump Campaign Demands Wisconsin Recount

Harris-Biden Newsom Steinberg Economy on Full Display

Folks, during my lunch hour on Tuesday, I visited a part of Sacramento County that is basically claimed by no one as their own. I had a chicken bowl at Ariana’s upon the recommendation of fellow food blogger Johnnie Does and decided to eat it in the parking lot. Bloggers note: In CA the ‘rona can get you if you dine inside, but if you eat outside it skips over you. I erred on the side of caution, upon finishing my meal, I walked over to a movie theatre called United Artists.

United Artist Cinema

The parking lot was empty, upon closer inspection the place almost looked abandoned. The trash cans had been pulled out, and the box office looked bare. This place obviously had not seen a customer since I would say 3/19 AKA 1 ASD (After Shut Down). The employees are likely sitting at home making more now than they did while working. Worse yet, can anyone name a movie coming out any time soon? I am not even joking here. The photos I am attaching were taken at 1pm on a normal workday. For contrast, this lot would usually be fairly busy as this is one of 2 theatres in the south part of the county.

At my local gym, they have erected large outdoor tents covering almost the length of a half a football field, and in essence moved the gym entirely outside. Ditto for several local diners, additionally most have erected additional outdoor dining tents, equipped with side plastic barriers, and heat lamps. William and I are of the opinion that this is because indoor work outs and dining are subject to change at any moment. In fact, just this past Tuesday, Comrade Newsom made a remark that the Covid cases in our home county were experiencing an uptick. If you own a business, or one that can modify its business model, you must be vigilant, and innovative.

Lest you think I am joking, consider this, after working out Tuesday night, I swung by the Safeway on my way home. 3 employees who used to sell gym memberships or be personal trainers I recognized as now working there. Yes, Cal-Fit may not be a career, but the sales staff and personal trainers typically are there for quite a few years, so there is something. I stopped and chatted with all 3 and they said they were all laid off, memberships are all in cancellation as opposed to people buying, folks are buying home gym equipment such as a Peloton, and finally gym memberships are not a requirement during a pandemic. These 3 had worked at Cal-Fit a combined 12 years, now they are stacking shelves and working the till. No offense to those jobs, but all 3 seemed miserable.

Peloton–(swimsuit model accessory not included)

Fear not though, Harris-Biden will shut the economy and Newsom seems happy to order shutdowns, so your fears of getting Covid should be put at ease. In addition, the government seems eager to hire on more folks here in CA and if you act quickly you can get a job at EDD (unemployment office) here and be rewarded for your incompetence.

Be careful what you vote for,

The Chief

Aimee Sisson Proves us Really Right again

The haters continue to hate, Aaron Park continues to spew sewage from his mouth and keyboard on a daily basis, but man are we ever right over here! I warned about former Placer County Health Chief Aimee Sisson about a month ago after she left for “greener” pastures in Yolo County. Well she already proved me right.

“On Wednesday, Yolo County issued a health order placing a new restriction on social gatherings that is even more restrictive than the state’s guidance. The new COVID-19 order comes as the county is seeing a rise in cases.

According to the county, the three main causes for the recent rise in cases are “social gatherings, people returning to workplaces and the outbreak at Alderson Convalescent Hospital.” Credit KCRA 3

Folks take a look at that last sentence again, specifically the part about the convalescent hospital. How is this occurring? I thought only folks who were tested daily had access? I have heard the outbreak is about 80 people, yet, Sisson claims it’s from people returning to work and social gatherings? Yes, people returning to work….sigh. We tried to warn you, this “woman” is pure evil and being put in position to lock down that county again. I have heard rumblings they are trying to blame the outbreak on Students at UC Davis, I doubt this as well.

This Sisson is much like Dr. Anthony Fauci, neither have the slightest clue and are just making it up as they go. This is an infectious disease, that is transmitted via similar to the cold/flu, no one knows when/how they get it or how bad it will be. Some will never even show symptoms. I’d love to ask Fauci and Sisson, “Why do you think businesses are the enemy here?” “How much lost wages and tax revenue will come from this?” However, neither of them will care, as they and their cronies have “essential” jobs so they will see no reduction in lifestyle. Their respective employers have the ability to take on massive debt since they are a government authority with taxation powers. All while you or a loved one cannot go to work and have to deal with screaming children wanting to know why they cannot play on the playground or go to a friend’s house.

We tried to warn you, Sisson was in essence fired by Placer County since the Board of Supervisors no longer fell for her BS. As soon as she had her walking papers, she ran to a county who was more friendly to her point of view and willing to let this unelected bureaucrat wield power over people forced at the point of a government sword to obey her every whim. The economic damage this “woman” is capable of is yet to be seen. She literally went more restrictive than Comrade Newsom on Thanksgiving Covid regulations. I would say this “woman” has a screw or two loose, but I don’t think her name and the word screw or screwed belong in the same sentence (Hat Tip Troll for the joke).

The Chief

Ruth B. Murderer’s “Dying Wish” Blarney

By Chief

Before you judge me based on “speaking ill of the dead,” Ruth Bader Ginsberg was no trailblazer as far as the unborn are concerned. She is indirectly through her beliefs on abortion, indirectly responsible for the murder of untold masses of the unborn babies/fetuses at the hands of (un)Planned Parenthood. The lion’s share of these black lives (didn’t) matter. Old “buzzy” had so much blood on her hands, Reverend’s Al and Jessie were jealous!

Senate Democrats and the media, promptly after her expiration, began speaking about a dying wish to “not have her replacement named by this current President.” This is a half-truth at best, a fabrication at worst. Her exact words were “I wanted to be replaced by a women President.” Now this is an OK take, since wisdom at the time pointed to a Hillary blowout on election night. Problem is Donald Trump won and as Barack Obama said, “elections have consequences.” Well….it’s true they do. Now Trump gets to pick the replacement, and with Mitt Romney agreeing to support a floor vote, Democrat Senators have no way of stopping the nominee. Predictably Schumer, Pelosi, and the rest of the intellectually challenged, decided the nomination should be left up to the next president…because of Merrick Garland.

Let me explain the difference between RBG and when Scalia died. Scalia’s passing had a GOP controlled Senate and the possibility existed that the make-up of the court would be changing. As a result, they stalled and blocked the nominee. RBG is far different, while the make-up of the court will change; the President and the Senate are under control by the same party! My thoughts are put up a nominee and let’s see the process play out. History says the nominee will either; not get enough votes (weak kneed Republicans) or their judicial career will be a failure (Stevens, Souter). I say this because history says the Democrats bat about 100% on the court and the GOP is around 50% (looking squarely at you Roberts).

Moreover, here is a bigger difference between both Supreme Court deaths. Scalia died suddenly; RBG was in failing health for about a decade. She could have easily been replaced during the Obama years and the replacement would have garnered most bi-partisan support. Instead she wanted to go out on her terms and almost did! Sadly, she couldn’t hold out any longer and now she will be replaced; however, she will be replaced by a women!

In addition, Democrats screwed up big time between the nomination of Merrick Garland, and crying about Merrick Garland not getting a hearing. I say this because read the damn room! You put up an older, white male, now I’m assuming gender here, but your party had made it clear white men were an enemy of the nation! Why not do what Trump is going to do, put up a woman, or better yet, possibly a non-white woman? Imagine the headlines if the GOP pulled their tactics on a nominee like that?

In closing, the Democrats own tactics have come back to haunt them. Back in the Obama era, Dirty Harry Reid weakened the filibuster for judge confirmations, Schumer and his ilk figured they would be in power for ever…wrong! Also look at how that bunch of clowns treated Brett Kavanaugh? Understand again, he was replacing a center right judge (Kennedy). Since then the Senate GOP has become enraged and determined to stick it to the Democrats. Whomever Trump puts up is getting confirmed, and I for one plan on getting the popcorn ready! Imagine if the Democrats try to do to the nominee what they did to Kavanaugh. Remember the press release from the Democrats that read, “Insert name here?” Imagine attacking Amy Barrett for being Catholic, or Barbara Lagoa who is of Cuban descent…this is going to be great!

In short, the media is lying, and the Democrats have no one to blame but themselves, Obama, and RBG. Elections have consequences.

The Chief

PS a cousin of mine who went through SERE training in the military once told me of this story. “They locked us in plywood boxes the size of a single door refrigerator, small enough so you could not sit or stand. For 24 hours straight we heard the sounds of screaming and crying babies.” It was hell on wheels…… Is it wrong that I wish for that kind of hell for Ruth B Murderer? Except maybe that the box is see through so she can witness exactly what she fought for during her years on this earth?

Former Placer Health Chief Takes Gig in Yolo County

By Chief

On a quiet summer day, on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Year of Our Lord 2020, Placer County Chief Health Officer (AKA the Beilensen of Placer County) Dr. Aimee Sisson, stepped down from her perch. She took aim at the Placer Supervisors on the way out after they took action to re-open their county (in accordance with Comrade Newsom’s tiered system mind you.)

She leveled this doozy prior to leaving the job….

“She said the move by the Placer County Board of Supervisors “made it clear” she could no longer “effectively serve” in her role. State law requires each county to have a health officer.”

I am not sure exactly what she means by that. The county hit the numbers required by the Governor and was allowed to do a partial re-opening. No laws were being skirted or broken…unless you disagreed with the Governor’s edict; which apparently Sisson does…… She is being named the Public Health Chief for Yolo (Dark Blue) County 10/1.

Check out this statement from Sisson………

“Being a local health officer is challenging during a pandemic, but this is what I have trained for. I look forward to using my skills to keep the community healthy, whether the threat is COVID-19, obesity, mental illness, wildfire smoke, or poverty,” she said in a prepared statement.

Again, that’s rich; obesity? Mental health? You shut down the gyms and made non-essential health procedures impossible to obtain! How about health and well-being? How many folks are skipping routine doctor, dentist, scans, screenings etc. due to you and your ilk having no clue how to react to a “pandemic?”

Worse yet, I looked into this person’s background and prior to her being Placer County Health Chief, she served 10 years for CA Department of Public Health. That’s right folks! We got ourselves another Bielenson and Fauci here. Next to zero real world experience, hasn’t seen a patient in decades, mostly devoid of any non-governmental service…. means zero credibility to me.

Best news here for Aimee is she can now count on a State of CA pension, a Placer County pension, and soon a Yolo county pension! Nice work if you can get it. These folks are literal con men but rather than doing it to shareholders/seniors/or the unexpecting, they do it to the taxpayers while the political types look the other way!

Also congrats Aimee. You moved to a county that will listen to your BS and take it as gospel. From seeing your picture above, I’d guess you’d be a good fit for a community like Davis. Good luck to the folks in Yolo, this whacko is now in charge of letting you open back up again.

BTW who spells their name Aimee? Total sociopath move!

The Chief

“Seattle’s Best” Decides to Retire

By The Chief

In case you have missed the rioting, looting, and outright lawlessness in big cities throughout the country, Seattle voted Monday to slash the police department budget by 3 million. While that seems like a small number, the result will be a reduction of 100 police on the streets. Top staffers are taking forced pay cuts, and that is just the beginning of yet another “pass it to find out what’s in it, bill.” Seattle considered the bill, a favorite of BLM folks because they all think if they appease the mob, the mob will either stop, or target them last.

When the agenda item came up, both Mayor Durkan and Police Chief Carmen Best opposed this action saying it will affect minority (AKA non-white) officers the most and will encourage yet more lawlessness and crime. The motion carried 7-1, with one abstention. The “no” vote was Kshada Sawant a socialist who stated her no vote was because this measure did not go far enough. Keep in mind that Seattle had a foreign country (Chop/Chaz) inside of it for 6 weeks or so. A country that erected its own borders, tracked the I.D.s of all who entered or left, and had a group of rogue security guards armed with guns far more illegal than the ones you or I are permitted to own to enforce its laws!

Chief Best announced the following day she was retiring. She had been with the department for 28 years. She was a lifer in a field where so many spend their career hunting for the next higher paying job to spike their retirement. Just as a comparison, William’s and my hometown is on its 4th chief in 16 years! Best, who is black by the way, actually did a great job over the years and as a lifer knew the department well. She made it more diverse while enforcing the law fairly. Isn’t diversity a calling card of the BLM/far left/Soros types? Best saw her life’s work wiped out with the stroke of a pen via a unanimous vote! It was unanimous because the dissent was only because it didn’t go far enough.

Here are some highlights from the presser:

But more than anything during her press conference, she was frank as she explained she couldn’t bring herself to carry out the layoffs. She read a letter written to her by a new black officer.

“He is one of the people that will probably not keep a job here. And that for me, I’m done. Can’t do it,” Best explained.

Best is the first black woman to lead the SPD. She rose through the ranks from a patrol officer in the East Precinct to sergeant, lieutenant, captain, and deputy chief. Mayor Jenny Durkan appointed her to Chief two years ago after a controversial snub that led to a large public outcry.  

But on Tuesday, the past was behind them as Durkan reiterated her unwavering support for Best and even appeared emotional.

“My heart is obviously heavy to lose her and I will freely admit, I wish she were staying,” said Durkan.

Best said she wrestled with the decision and made it before the Council’s Monday vote.

Durkan said she believes Best is the right person to “reimagine” policing in the city.

Best voiced her resistance to the City Council’s plan to slash the department’s budget by 50%, and the decision for officers to leave the East Precinct in June, when the “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest” or CHOP, took over several blocks surrounding the building for weeks. Protesters even targeted Best’s home.

Durkan and Best both took shots at the City Council who they say sought to defund the SPD without a real plan.

“This is not about the money. And it’s not about the demonstrators. Be real. I have a lot thicker skin than that. It really is about the overarching lack of respect for the officers – the men and women who work so hard, day in and day out,” Best said.

“This was a difficult decision for me, but when it’s time, it’s time,” Best wrote in an email to her 1,400 officers Monday night, hours after.

Notice, Mayor Durkan mentioned in the quote above? This lady is very conflicted. First, she knew, supported, knelt with, etc. supporters of BLM/CHOP/CHAZ—at least until they decided to protest at her house. Next time we hear about her is when she is supporting her chief and taking shots at her fellow council members for cutting the police department. Durkan is the worst type of politician. Such political types support a fringe movement when it has no cost, but then when it comes time to put pen to paper, they decide to take a different tact. Also notice crime is way up, the violent, lawless type especially, and the answer from city leaders is to reduce the number of police…. doesn’t seem too smart.

Best served as the chief law enforcement officer in the city of Seattle but she was overruled by the Mayor during the protests. Following the mayor’s orders, the police were forbidden to enforce the law or keep order during the upheaval. Furthermore, agreeing with the protestors, the entire council voted to cut her department’s budget without any concern for public safety. Best knew the department is in trouble for the foreseeable future and did what any self-respecting human being would do, step down.

It may soon dawn on Mayor Durkan that not only has she lost control of her city council; she has also lost control of her city. Durkan has been on every possible side of this issue telling her audience whatever she thinks will be to her advantage. Clearly, she has lost whatever credibility and goodwill she may have had. Meanwhile, a recall petition was just green lit by the City Court. Now Durkan must survive a recall while grappling with finding a new chief of police willing to work in her city and deal with fellow councilmembers who will want to gut the police budget further.

This same scenario will be playing out all over the country in the next few months….

The Chief

Editor’s Note: This article proves Joe Biden’s V.P. pick was not the Best.

Biden in a Blowout? Not So Fast!

By The Chief

About 100 days out from election day, the polls are showing a Biden landslide. I will not doubt it, Biden is very likely to win, but not the electoral college vote. I will explain why.

You see nationwide polls are extremely ineffective, as they have to sample a number of folks from each state proportional to their population. For example, Illinois, New York, and California are some of the most populous states in the union, all will go heavily for Biden. Very heavy, so much so, I don’t expect Trump to achieve more than about 35% of the vote in any of those states! So due to oversampling in those states, polling is made to appear that Biden has a very large nationwide lead. Truth is he does. If you called 75 folks in California for example, the lion’s share would have to be from LA, the Bay Area, and parts of the coast. Such a sample skews a nationwide and statewide poll significantly as most people that you speak to are voting for Biden and/or despise Trump. These three states account for most of Biden’s popular vote margin. Blogger’s Note: I don’t count WA, OR, or most New England states since they don’t have as many popular votes, however Biden will also do very well there.

Now let’s look at the other candidate in the race and how he will do popular vote wise. Donald Trump will perform very well in sparsely populated states, think ND, SD, Arkansas, Idaho, Wyoming, and Oklahoma, problem is these margins don’t come close to offsetting the 3 large states Biden will win easily. Digging deeper, the normal “safe GOP states” of Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, and Arizona are no longer safe. While I do not see Biden winning them, the margin of victory will be small. Thus, Trump will not pick-up enough votes to make up the difference.

However Trump will and still can win the presidency, even while getting blown out at the popular vote level! The election does not focus on so called “safe states” it focuses on the swing states. Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Minnesota, and Iowa. Simply put, the candidates will spend all their time in those states. Actually in comes down to just a handful of counties at the state level to win. This is a built-in advantage for Trump, he doesn’t need to spend his time appealing to the masses, he just needs to move a few thousand votes. He did exactly that in 2016, winning MI, PA, and WI. (Below is 2016 election map by county Trump-red, Clinton-blue.)

This is my theory on election night, it will be 2016 all over again. The polling will show a Trump loss, the media will have begun measuring the curtains in the White House for a triumphant Joe Biden, then Trump will win PA again. Rioting will ensue…actually will it have stopped by then? There will be calls to change the electoral college, all because the Democrats took their eyes off the ball during the Obama years.

More to come soon, but just remember, nationwide polling is often skewed or very incorrect.

ESPN Deems Black Anchor “Not Black Enough”

BY Chief

Disney Corporation sports subsidiary ESPN made headlines again for all the wrong reasons earlier this week. ESPN has a blog on its website called “The Undefeated.” It’s for blacks, by blacks, about race topics etc. Honestly, I do not have a huge issue with it, even though some of the writers like Malcolm Metcalf have an obvious racial bias against white people. It is usually off to the side of the website, and never really made a focal point. However, controversy has been stirred up and it’s a doozy.

The Undefeated was going to air a race focused special called “Time for a change, we won’t be defeated.” The special would feature ESPN personalities, Jay Harris, Michael Eves, Maria Taylor, and Elle Duncan. Suspiciously missing from the list is Sage Steele. I say suspicious because she hosts the flagship show “SportsCenter” during prime time and is one of their more visible hosts. Steele was upset, and understandably so. Here are some snippets from the Wall Street Journal article about her expressing her disappointment.

ESPN anchor Sage Steele has told management she believes she was excluded from a special the network aired on race last month because she wasn’t considered by certain Black colleagues to be an authentic voice for the Black community, a person familiar with the matter said.

Ms. Steele, one of the network’s most prominent on-air personalities, voiced her concerns to ESPN President Jimmy Pitaro in early June, saying the incident showed the network has a divisive work environment, the person said.

Ms. Steele said colleagues told her she was considered for the special by the executive in charge, Michael Fountain, until two of the other on-air personalities involved, Elle Duncan and Michael Eaves, complained, saying Ms. Steele wouldn’t be accepted by what they considered the Black community, according to the person familiar with her account to management.

Sage Steele claims she was excluded from ESPN race special thanks to colleagues complaints

So, let me, as a middle age white man ask, how is someone not an authentic voice for the black community? In addition, how is a black person, Steele as shown in the photo is black, not accepted by her own community? Well Steele answered that question for me, she burns “The Mouse” pretty badly with her response….

Sage Steel–deemed not black enough by ESPN

“I found it sad for all of us that any human being should be allowed to define someone’s ‘Blackness.’ Growing up biracial in America with a Black father and a white mother, I have felt the inequities that many, if not all Black and biracial people have felt—being called a monkey, the ‘n’ word, having ape sounds made as I walked by—words and actions that all of us know sting forever. Most importantly, trying to define who is and isn’t Black enough goes against everything we are fighting for in this country, and only creates more of a divide.”

Well as an outsider looking in, no shock there, you cannot be black in this country unless both parents are black, live in the hood, don’t have a good job, and are on some form of assistance. Actually, I would have enjoyed hearing her perspective, she also has interviewed scores of athletes over the years and I’m sure her rolodex of contacts are huge. Seems like a no brainer to me.

Well the truth is ESPN brass doesn’t like Steele for her political opinions, she has said she doesn’t feel comfortable speaking about BLM, she spoke out against folks not standing for the national anthem, and made waves for tweeting her disappointment about protestors blocking airports due to Trump’s anti-immigration order. While she doesn’t come off as political, if you don’t tow the party line, you are part of the problem.

In that regard, Eves and Duncan are perfect, just like Joe Biden, neither have any beliefs; instead, they just parrot what is put in front of them on the teleprompter. In speaking to a couple of cable watching friends of mine, all of them said Eaves is an empty suit who really has no role at ESPN, and Duncan is pretty much useless. The ratings they draw likely are composed of mostly of drunks who pass out with their TV left on.

My main question is how come Disney gets a pass time and time again? No one is writing about this, only small anecdotes here and there. Which is funny because with today’s cancel culture, how come their founder gets a pass? He was a devoted racist even putting his views in black and white and technicolor! Disney is in deep trouble financially. I am sure their theme parks will finally re-open someday. Meanwhile, they get to host the NBA games later this month.

Sage Steele, if I was you, Fox has a growing sports network called FS1 they could use someone like yourself. Leave the mouse.

The Chief