Reason Number 10,292 to Follow the Constitution

Last weekend I had the rare opportunity to teach Sunday school at my church. Part of the topic touched on the US Constitution. If you thought only the Second Amendment was getting ignored then perhaps you need to read past the Preamble and dive into it further.  I spoke on two areas that have never had any definitive court cases. Yes, there really are parts of the Constitution that have zero precedents. Today, I wish to discuss one.

As you know, the Constitution requires a census to be done every ten years. The purpose of the census is to determine representation in the House of Representatives.

Article I Section 2 reads:
“The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.”

Most children in government schools can tell you this much but did you know there is more that is required?

If you really want to rock your world, read the next sentence:

“The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand…”

Let that sink in for a moment. One for every 30,000 people!

Folks this section has never been amended. It is literally still the letter of The Law.

So how did we get to 435 members in the House?

Here’s the rest of the story.

The first House of Representatives had only 65 members. The number of seats in the House was expanded to 105 members after the 1790 Census, and then to 142 members after the 1800 head count. The law that set the current number of seats at 435 took effect in 1913.

There are still 435 members of the House of Representatives a century later because of the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929, which set that number in stone.
Link: Why are there 435 members of the House

(The number was actually set at 433 members but two were added when Alaska and Hawaii were admitted to the Union.)

So as a result of F.D.R. type Constitutional understanding, we have yet another part of the Constitution that was stood-up on its ear. Congress just waved a magic wand and made a Constitutional requirement disappear. No amendment, no fuss, just poof!

So where would we be if we followed the Constitution? Glad you asked.

Per the 2010 census the US population was 308,745,538

At one representative per 30,000 people, how many would be elected to Congress?

10,291.52 which rounds up to 10,292 members of Congress. The actual number of House members would be slightly more because the population is unevenly distributed across 50 states.

So if you want responsive government at affordable campaign prices, just follow the Constitution. Wow, what a concept.

Facebook and Censorship

I have a friend that had his Facebook account frozen in 2012 for supporting traditional marriage. Most of his posts were about his family but some were admonishing the Church to do its job and not compromising on biblical values. The account is still frozen and since then he created two more pages, one is Free Rev X’s webpage and the other is his initials.

Some people that I know recently released a movie favorable to the Second Amendment called Targeted. Their posts about the movie were routinely blocked and deleted by Facebook. How can you use social media for publicity when they delete your point of view just because of the subject matter?

Facebook has no ombudsman or contact email to appeal, they just ban and then you’re toast.

Lest you think this is an isolated couple of cases, the following excerpts will prove enlightening. Both articles quoted below are related but each is worth reading in their own right. As you’re reading, remember that Michael Savage’s mantra is borders, language, and culture; so is Donald Trump’s.

Trump and Facebook

“Some of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s posts on Facebook have set off an intense debate inside the social media company over the past year,” The Wall Street Journal reports. Some employees argued that “certain posts about banning Muslims from entering the U.S. should be removed for violating the site’s rules on hate speech, according to people familiar with the matter.”

In the end, those employees did not prevail: “The decision to allow Mr. Trump’s posts went all the way to Facebook Inc. Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, who ruled in December that it would be inappropriate to censor the candidate.”

The story the goes on to state:

The implication would seem to be that there is one standard for presidential candidates and another for ordinary Facebook users. Had you published exactly the same proposal and somebody complained, Facebook might have censored you.

Link: Facebook and Free Speech: They won’t censor Trump but might censor you

Here’s another incident of Facebook censorship

Although the post doesn’t mention it specifically, much of this feedback likely came as a result of a recent incident in which Facebook deleted posts containing an iconic Vietnam War image of 9-year-old Kim Phuc running down the road naked after her village was bombed.

Not only did Facebook delete the original image after a Norwegian newspaper editor uploaded it as part of a series on war photography, but the site deleted the editor’s post about the deletion as well. It then blocked his account, and even deleted a post by Norway’s prime minister, who protested Facebook’s censorship of the image.

Link: Facebook Says It Still Isn’t a Media Company Despite Deciding What’s Newsworthy

Activists and political dissidents are also familiar with having their posts and even their accounts disappear from Facebook without warning. Investigative journalist Eliot Higgins has talked about how Facebook’s deletion of pages about violence in Syria has prevented journalists like him from collecting important information about the war there.

Link: Facebook Says It Still Isn’t a Media Company Despite Deciding What’s Newsworthy

Facebook is willing to censor the Prime Minister of Norway and wishes in could censor Trump and those that agree with him; only when they get embarrassed by bad publicity do they back down from their Liberal bent. For their corporate culture, it’s more important to not be offended by hearing contrary views than to allow the free exchange of ideas.

Public School System Broke Worst than You Know

Two stories this week prove the stupidity of administrators in California schools.

First was suspending a student for wearing an American flag shirt to school.
American flag shirt gang related

The second was the reaction by the Elk Grove School District to a fight video posted on Facebook? Their suspension of the girl that filmed the altercation is just stupid.
Florin High Student Suspended for Video

I think the administrators that both made and/or defended these actions should be fired. When common sense becomes uncommon, our society is deep trouble.

Bringing Bibles to School Outs Ineffective Pastor

Bring your Bible to school day promoted by Folsom-Cordova School District

This story by Sacramento TV station KCRA is typical. Not one person in support of the flyer is quoted; only parents that disagree. In fact why would the school district distribute the flyer about Bring Your Bible to School Day if no one in the school asked for this activity? Only nefarious district lawyers are mentioned in the story as saying it must be allowed. This question is never addressed by the story.

The TV reporter introduces the issue and then states, “Some parents said that the promotion of the event crosses the line between the separation of church and state.” Sorry, no such phrase in the Constitution—which by the way applies to the national government not the several states. This quote, like much of the story is non-sense.

Let’s look at a quote from one parent.

“Religion should be taught at home, with their church or whatever their beliefs are, but their beliefs should be separate from the public school system,” said parent Al Ernst.

OK, this person’s ignorance is probably typical. Any bets that he voted for Obama?

Al, bad news for you; there is no such thing as a religion free school. It’s just a question of which god is being promoted. Apparently, as long as the religion teaches that man is the measure of all things, not God then it is OK for your kid. Just so you know this religion is called “Humanism”. Public schools just teach a different religion they are not free from religion.

The next quote could only be by a Baptist.

Chan Kim is a local pastor and a parent with children who attend schools in the district. He said the flier for “Bring Your Bible to School Day” was inappropriate.

“It’ll cause problems, because where do you draw the line, where do you stop?” Kim said.

Yep, nailed that too. He is a Baptist. Pastor Kim’s church was found on the Internet and claims he wants the next generation to transform the world. In fact his website states, “Our Vision: To transform the world for Christ by developing a new generation of disciple-leaders who passionately replicate the character, ministry and mission of Jesus Christ.

And Pastor since you can’t use the Word of God to do that what do you intend to use? To quote Isaac Air Freight, “You can’t do any damage without a sword”. Your ignorance is exceeded only by your ineffectiveness.

This whole news story is non-sense because having a Bible at school should not be a big deal. My daughter carried one thru all four years of public high school. The dangerous thing wasn’t carrying it; it was when she finally took the time to read it. Now that’s dangerous. In fact it could ever lead to transforming her corner of the world for Christ. Something pastor Kim will never have to worry about with his children.

Instead of shining your light, Pastor Kim wants it kept securely under a bushel basket. Yeah, pastor, that’s in the Bible; however, you might want to check the context before you think you are doing the Lord’s work.

Oregon College Shooting

Ok, we know Roseburg is a small town that used to advertise like crazy here for people from California to retire there.

• The local community college has about three thousand students.

• The killer is reported as dead and has been for several hours. They won’t release his name.

• Plus this from Fox News

Kortney Moore, 18, told the News-Review she was in her Writing 115 class in Snyder Hall when a shot came through the window. Moore said she saw her teacher get shot in the head. The shooter then reportedly told the students to get on the ground before asking people to stand up and state their religion. He then began firing.
Fox News Article

Conclusion, the guy is named Mohammed or something else of similar origin.

Let’s see if this is called terrorism (if I’m right).

Update #1
Christians Targeted
Oregon gunman singled-out Christians during rampage

Perot Museum

Ross Perot, T. Boone Pickens, and others from Texas have crafted a nice museum in downtown Dallas. The Perot Museum is five floors of exhibits plus the ground floor and a basement. Each floor has its own themes and it touches on history, geology, geography, animals, and electronics. The whole family spent a day there recently.
Perot Museum website

Attached are a few photos. My favorite were the dinosaur skeletons. My only gripe was the constant pushing of everything being millions of years ago.
Yeah, right.

Fossil on display


Triceratops skulls



Mammoth skeleton



Why I Hate Earth Day

Why I Hate Earth Day

You cannot have God for your Father if you do not have the Church for your mother” Saint Cyprian of Carthage

For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen” Romans 1:25

Earth is not my mother.
It does not nurture me or sustain me. It did not give me life. It does not love me.

Earth was created by God. “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever” Westminster Shorter Catechism Q1. We are caretakers of what God has entrusted to us. Man was commanded to take dominion of this planet.

Earth is not God or part of God. God is transcendent. He is greater than and apart from his creation.

Earth Day is a celebration of Communism
It is no coincidence that April 22nd was chosen as Earth Day. The first Earth Day was celebrated on the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Vladimir Lenin.

Environmentalism is neo-communism. Environmentalism is the antithesis of capitalism. The environmental movement is based on the idea that governments should subjugate capitalism and confiscate private property for the good of the State and the planet.

The irony is that only a prosperous and wealthy country that practices capitalism has the resources necessary to develop “clean” energy and clean-up the water, air, and the environment in general. There is a reason the “third world” is filthy. I’ll take the society with toilet paper, refrigeration, and air conditioning any day.

Earth cannot be destroyed by man.
The volcano that erupted in Iceland this month put more particulate matter in the atmosphere than every fire, internal combustion engine, and war that humanity has done in its history. To think that mankind can destroy this world is egocentric and arrogant. Only a public school graduate would be tempted to believe this load of crap.

Western culture has had a holiday that celebrates the renewal of the creation. We call it Easter. This is when God thru his son Jesus Christ redeemed the creation and began to reverse the curse of sin. Man’s fall separated man from God but also separated man from man, man from himself, and man from the creation. Christ’s death, burial and resurrection was a divine act of redemption that will culminate in reversing the curse and giving us a new heavens and a new earth.

School Band Bans Babies

Saturday I attended the Junior High School Honor Band Concert in Elk Grove. This band is a one-time performance of students from a variety of schools in several northern California counties. Children from as far as Redding and Lake Tahoe enter the competition.

The children practiced as a group for the first time the day before the event. After practicing for one and a half days, they put on a concert for parents where the students do their four songs and then go home.

My wife, children and their grandparents arrived Saturday afternoon for the concert. The 6th grade band was just finishing and when they were done we entered the concert hall. The theater was stuffy and very uncomfortable. It was oppressive for adults to be in let alone a lot of children. The ventilation was shut-off and the humidity in the place was very high. It was a full house.

We found seats and waited for the concert to begin. During this time, I went outside with the baby and entered just as the first song began.

After the children started their second song, the conductor stopped the performance and dismissed all the babies in the crowd. He waited until a couple of embarrassed moms walked out with their babies and then resumed the concert. The moms with the babies were there to see their older children play in this band. This was not some fifty dollar a ticket affair at the Mondavi Center, it was a free event to allow children to show-off for their parents. To stop the event and kick parents out of the event was rude and unprofessional.

At this point, I left with our baby and went outside. (He was fine until the performance was stopped.) I tried to reenter the building several times but after about 30 seconds inside the building, I began hacking and coughing up stuff from my lungs and had to leave. It was unbearable inside the building.

I think the conductor should have kept his opinions on babies to himself. If he wanted to make a constructive comment during this event then he should get the event organizers to turn on the ventilation in the concert hall and quit picking on a bunch of little children.

The conductor is nuts if he thinks that his concert with one day of practice is so sacrosanct that small children must be banned from his presence. He should remain cloistered in whatever college he came from and quit interacting with the real world where small children have as much right to be seen in public as their older siblings.

Rob Roy is no MacGregor

Liberals haven’t had an original idea for decades but they are good about repackaging their filthy rags and trying to sell them to us again. One such case was argued before the US Supreme Court today.

As a show of solidarity for this case, Rob Roy (no relation to the Scottish hero) and his band of merry men (oops persons) at the student senate at the University of California Davis campus have decided to ban the Army ROTC program from the campus because of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy enacted by their beloved President Bill Clinton.

Hey Rob, your Liberal brethren already tried banning ROTC back during the first Gulf War—when you were in preschool. And guess what? Congress passed a law that any school that bans ROTC can educate their students without any federal monies including those for student loans.

I know that you just want to show solidarity with your academically shallow comrades that took this before the US Supreme Court today but you’re over a decade later with your hate America rhetoric. Congress has spoken and there are no grounds for the Court to overturn this law.

If you truly believe that America is so evil, why don’t you move to France or Iran? I’m sure that you’ll find lots of folks there that feel like you do.

Katelyn Sills Produces Document Dump

Katelyn Sills has done a document dump on her website posting the correspondence between her family and Loretto High School staff members. I have read all the documents on her site and find the response of the school administration both troubling and disturbing.

It is apparent that Sister Helen Timothy is a micromanager that lost control of this situation. It seems that she didn’t like a parent catching her mistake in a personnel matter. She also took offense that others knew about this issue and that it was not just between her and a parent. It is clear that the last straw for her was when her superior got word of this situation.

Clinically speaking, this is such a slam-dunk decision that it is difficult to see why it took Sister Timothy so long to act. Her ego and emotions clearly got in her way. Ms. Bain should have been dispatched months ago.

Having the vice-principal, Ms. Fuller, following Katelyn’s mom with a camera at the Open House and Sister Timothy’s irrational response to imaginary threats from the Sills family because they asked for prayer in this situation are not the actions of a lucid person.

If Sister Timothy had been more understanding of the concerns of Katelyn’s mom and had gone to the Bishop for advise and support which is part of his job as a Bishop then this matter would have been resolved weeks earlier and Katelyn would still be in school at Loretto.

Scott Adams—the cartoonist for Dilbert—says there is a right way, a wrong way and the weasel way. By hesitating to terminate Ms. Bain and cutting Katelyn off at the knees for something her mom allegedly did is definitely the weasel way.

If I was the Bishop in this situation, given what has transpired thus far, I would make sure that Sister Timothy and Sister Nelson are transferred to a Siberian Outpost over the summer break.

Katelyn, I think you will be a wealthy woman when your attorney finishes with Loretto. Think of it as the scholarship you would have earned if you stayed at the school.