Everybody is wrong about Troy Aikman and Jack Buck

Gee whiz, nobody on the right or left seems to understand a good sarcastic comment when they hear it.

Here’s a transcript of the event from the article by World Net Daily.

The remarks came Sunday during the broadcast of the game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Green Bay Packers at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida.

After several U.S. military aircraft flew over the stadium, Aikman, a former Dallas Cowboys quarterback, said: “That’s a lot of jet fuel just to do a little flyover.”

Buck chimed in with, “That’s YOUR hard-earned money and your tax dollars at work.”

“That stuff ain’t happening with the Kamala-Biden ticket, I’ll tell you that right now, partner,” Aikman responded…

NFL legend and network broadcaster mock military flyover at football game

In the past 24 hours I’ve heard all sorts of people from Rush Limbaugh to sports talking heads try to chime in on this brief set of comments heard via a supposedly “open microphone.” Without exception, they all got it wrong. Limbaugh danced around the correct interpretation (almost deliberately so), but he missed it just as badly as Armstrong and Getty did this morning. The sports talk show I heard while at my doctor’s appointment today was off the mark also.

Folks, the understanding is really simple if you understand the context of the remarks.

First, these comments are made at an NFL game. You know, the place where players kneel for the national anthem—a huge sign of disdain and disrespect for our country. NFL games are often not even broadcasting the national anthem and/or players hide in the locker room until it is over before taking the field. The NFL has made it plain to all that it hates America and sports is now political because a vocal few in their midst hate President Trump.

Second, everyone keeps getting thrown off the trail by the money comment. They want to take it literally and when they do, they are off on a rabbit trail to nowhere. Folks the money comment is the context clue that this comment and what is about to transpire is sarcasm. Everybody seems to miss this point.

Aikman “That’s a lot of jet fuel just to do a little flyover.”
Buck “That’s YOUR hard-earned money and your tax dollars at work.”
Aikman delivers the zinger… “That stuff ain’t happening with the Kamala-Biden ticket, I’ll tell you that right now, partner.”

Aikman’s punchline sadly fell on deaf ears.

The point of the exchange is that as much as the Democrats hate America, we won’t see such displays of patriotism under a Harris-Biden Administration. Oh, Harris before Biden is another context clue that this is sarcasm. It’s really a backhanded slam of the Democrats and the NFL because of their lack of patriotism.

Oh, and this wasn’t an open mike mistake, it was only regarded as that because neither guy was talking directly into the microphone.

I’m glad someone in the sports world is taking a shot at professional sports and the political party which has decided that repudiating America and what it stands for is a winning strategy.

Folks, once you realize the comment is sarcasm then you can enjoy it for the spontaneity and humor that it was intended to convey.

Obama v Trump

Nope. This is not what you think. I wish to compare life under both Presidents with a metric that few would consider; namely, holiday shopping. When Obama was President, virtually everybody (customers and employees) in the store at Christmastime would greet you with “Happy Holidays.” When Trump was elected, this changed. Did you notice that since he’s been President, you are more likely to hear “Merry Christmas” than “Happy Holidays”? This is true even in our crazy state of California.

Under Obama people were afraid, under Trump, people feel more free to say the word “Christmas”.

Yes, this is a silly metric but its true none the less. Trump offers freedom while the Dems want your beliefs out of the public square.

Look how they treat people of faith. They instinctively know that government is their “god” and power is the objective. They also know that belief in the living God is a hindrance to what they want. They hate God and his image bearers, thus their positions on abortion and euthanasia. They are openly hostile to what Obama called “bitter clingers” because our worldview and theirs are in opposition. While this is on display every time a Supreme Court Justice is nominated, please remember that this hostility extends to you too. When Christmas shopping begins in earnest, please remember this blog post. Depending on who wins on November third, you will notice a difference in how often people in the store wish you a “Merry Christmas”.

Election Harbinger

I can recall not too many years ago when every Toyota in California was adorned with either a rainbow Apple Computer logo or an Obama logo bumper sticker. Four years ago, a like number of vehicles had either I’m with Her or Hillary Clinton stickers.

However, in this Presidential cycle, I can’t recall if I’ve even seen a Joe Biden sticker. Frankly, I’d guess there’s way more Bernie or BLM stickers in circulation. Heck, there’s more Trump stickers in California than Biden ones.

President Trump can do a rally anywhere in the country and draw north of 20 thousand people but when Biden did a rally a few days ago in the swing state of Ohio, he drew a crowd of about 30 cars.

Democratic nominee Joe Biden delivered a speech in front of around 30 socially-distanced cars of supporters at a “drive-in rally” on Monday…

Biden speaks to 30 cars of supporters at Ohio ‘drive-in rally’

If you read the story, there were more Trump supporters at the event than Biden people.

Biden didn’t necessarily get a warm welcome, with Trump supporters lining a road to the union hall, waving “Trump 2020” flags and far outnumbering the Democratic nominee’s fans.

Oh, with a turnout like that, Biden thinks he’s within striking distance of beating Trump in Ohio!

In light of the above, why are many presidential pollsters claiming that Biden has even bigger numbers than Hillary? Frankly, this doesn’t make sense.

Folks, Trump has enthusiastic support all across the country and his base has not moved, in fact, Trump says, people are more enthused for him now than in 2016. In addition, Trump has made gains in demographic groups that the Democrats have long neglected and taken for granted.

The pollster’s assertions that Joe is walking away with this thing are not true. Look at where Joe is campaigning. Does Joe act like he’s ahead by ten or twelve points? Why does Kamala Harris now have to claim that she’s the Black Hillary to try to drum-up support? Why are New York, California, and other Democrat states still locked down if Joe is cleaning Trump’s political clock? Why is Joe gagged on his positions on packing the Supreme Court and such if he’s really got this in the bag? Why cancel a debate with Trump if he’s really beating him up?

Folks, “politics is perception” has been regarded as a truism of politics but the disconnect from what the Democrats and media want to be true and how they’re acting is a very wide chasm. My perception is that they’re in trouble but don’t want the rats jumping ship, at least until they’ve voted a few times between now and November 3rd. I think the Dems are bluffing to stay in the game and save the down ticket races.


If the Democrats happen to win this year, you will never see a Republican President again in your lifetime. In fact, Kamala will get her wish to turn the other 49 states into California and you will see one party rule until the financial wheels come off the economic wagon and then something worse will take its place.

Our country is facing a pivotal choice to either turn towards its roots or continue on a path of existential suicide. Folks, if the Democrats win, our future in not to become a European socialist democracy but a totalitarian socialist state ruled by a few elites. These guys have been praising the French Revolution as their model for many decades and now they may get a chance to try it here. Americans are extremists. We won’t become partially socialist. We will either reject it or fully embrace it. Is the Constitution a document that limits federal power or a suicide pact for our Republic? Your vote will decide this November. Oh, no pressure, but there’s no “do over” on this one.

Thought on Trump Having Covid-19

Thursday night, I went to the local “speak easy” to meet with a few guys from the church. On the way, I saw the news alert that Hope Hicks was positive for Covid. My first reaction was to reach out to Troll and see if he was OK. As close as he feels to Hope, I thought maybe he should get checked too. Lest you forgot, his motto is “Keep Hope alive.” After being assured that Troll was in no immediate danger, he’s never been within six feet of Ms. Hicks but its on his bucket list of things to accomplish, I then began to wonder if this was an outlier.

When I got home and was getting ready for bed, the wife said, “Trump has Covid. Its all over Facebook.” Color me skeptical but I rarely find Facebook a place for reliable, breaking news. About five minutes later, Fox sent out a news alert that the Orange Man and his wife did indeed test positive.

So, at this point in the news cycle, we have a supermodel that works for Trump, Trump, and his wife testing positive for Covid. I reflected back on previous presidents and wondered if anything like this had happened before. I decided, no. In my lifetime, I can think of only two other Presidents that might find themselves in a news story about a disease that he shared with two women, one of whom was his wife. One was JFK and the other was Bill Clinton. If Bill Clinton and an intern were positive, would you really expect Hillary to have the same illness? I decided, nope. Not much chance of that happening.

As I further considered the news about President Trump, I went outside to verify that our cars were locked. Its just a habit I have to make sure my family is safe. After having your car broken into a few times, you take a few extra precautions. While outside, I looked up and saw a full and very orange moon in the sky as I headed to bed. In the morning the orange moon was still there, just in a different part of the sky. Later in the morning, a very orange sun tried to shine down on the world. I had a mental picture of the Orange Man looking down on the devastation wrought by Democrats on this once golden state. I pictured an orange Trump trying to shine down on the darkness that has engulfed the people of this state and offer them hope.

The next morning, I was hearing a variety of reactions from Democrats. They were saying everything from wishing that Trump would die quickly and burn in hell, to Trump is faking it for sympathy, to Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden saying they wished him the best and hoped Trump would recover.

Democratic nominee Joe Biden delivered a message of unity after reports that President Trump would be taken to Walter Reed Medical Center following his Covid-19 diagnosis.

“This cannot be a partisan moment,” Biden wrote on Twitter Friday evening. “It must be an American moment. We have to come together as a nation.”

Earlier Friday, Biden tweeted that he and his wife Jill are sending their thoughts to Trump and first lady Melania Trump and wishing “for a swift recovery” after the Trumps announced they’d tested positive for COVID-19.

Biden weighs in after Trump heads to the hospital: ‘This cannot be a partisan moment’

Some of these well wishes seemed disingenuous to me but politics is sometimes a weird blood sport. It occurred to many that this is the closest Pelosi has ever been to sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office. At one point during the day, I pictured her sending a clandestine group to the White House claiming to be a decontamination a crew whose real purpose was to measure the curtains in the White House just in case she gets to redecorate it.

Last night was another very full and orange moon.

Today is even more strange. The orange sun is still blazing in the sky. News stories abound that Joe Biden is pulling campaign ads critical of the President.

Meanwhile, former Vice President Joe Biden, who tested negative to coronavirus after participating in the first presidential debate, has asked that his campaign pull their negative ads while the president is recovering from COVID-19.

Trump campaign keeping at ‘full speed’ with ‘Operation MAGA’ as Trump fights COVID-19

If you read further, Biden is hoping that Trump will do likewise. Guess Joe doesn’t know the Orange Man very well.

The Trump campaign, though, has not paused advertising.

Many Democrats are acting like they don’t want to kick Trump while he’s down. Are they treating Trump as a terminally ill President? Do they actually believe Covid is a death sentence? Also, a few Republican Senators have said they are positive for Covid too. Is this a “rope-a-dope” strategy to cancel not only the next debate but to stall the confirmation hearings to fill the Supreme Court vacancy? Are Democrats believing the polls showing Joe is ahead? Folks, some type of game is afoot as Sherlock Holmes used to say. Are they being magnanimous in victory or defeat? You don’t usually think of seduction as a tool in their arsenal but trust me, it’s a weapon they are very good at wielding. Buckle up, I have a feeling this year is about to get even stranger.

Trump, Race, and Nonsense

I just read another nonsensical screed by the Associated Press claiming that President Trump won’t denounce racism. The author then goes on to claim that antifa doesn’t really exist, that it’s just an ideology not an organization. The author also has the hutzpah to claim that the protests in places like Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Louisville, etc. are peaceful and nonviolent. Really? In short Trump is a liar and the rest of the world knows it.

President Trump refuses to disavow white supremacy during debate

Folks, this is such a pile of steaming excrement that it should need no rebuttal but sadly, such are the times that we live in.

What Associated Press and their fellow travelers have done is erect a strawman argument which exists only in their minds. When Trump tries to engage in facts and not the fictional constructs of his opponents, they denounce him for not accepting their premise. Think of the Left (the media, Democrats, etc.) loving the emperor’s new clothes. When Trump points out that the emperor is naked, they attack him for his ignorance.

The first thing that you need to know as you dive into this subject is that the Left has its own unique definitions for terms which are often at odds with the plain and standard meaning, at least when compared to your English dictionary.

On the Left, the first error that you will encounter is their definition of “racism”. You see, in the Liberal lexicon only white people can be racist. Hatred that blacks have towards, whites, Mexican, Jews, Koreans, or any other groups is not racism. Unless you agree with the lie that black hatred cannot be racist simply due to their skin color, but all whites are filled with hatred due to their skin color, then you will never grasp the parameters of the subject. The fact that such a claim is a perversion of the meaning for “racist”, is irrelevant. Oh, other non-whites can sometimes make the same claim against whites as long as they don’t call blacks racist. Blacks own the issue but will grant limited use of the term to other groups when it serves to advance the false narrative.

Also, Liberal politicians can wield the racism mantra as long as they are Democrats. Yep, the Party that is home to the KKK, has exclusive claim to call their political opponents racist; although they will occasionally throw the black guy under the bus if it helps the party. (Treckkies–think token red shirts in the landing party.) See our blog post on Jerry Brown and the Democrats killing the State Board of Equalization if you need an example.

Locally, this issue is playing out in the mayoral race. If you oppose Steve Ly for his alleged ethical lapses, then you are racist against the Hmong people.

Elk Grove mayoral debate interrupted by demonstrations

To further complicate the race topic, Liberals think first and foremost of people as groups, conservatives look at people as individuals. Liberals claim and mantle of Dr. King, but Conservatives are the only ones that believed him when he talked about judging people by the content of their character not the color of their skin.

Thus, when a Conservative and a Liberal talk with each other about race or a variety of other topics, they are not really discussing the same thing because they have no common point of reference.

The next thing to remember when talking about race, especially when President Trump is concerned, is that it is assumed that Trump is racist and no amount of evidence to the contrary can change their minds. The fact that Blacks, Hispanics, and every other demographic group is better off under his administration than they were under Obama is irrelevant to any Liberal. Trump is (fill in blank) and that’s the end of the discussion.

The logic is this:

Liberal: “Trump is racist.”
Normal person: “Why?
Liberal: “Because Trump is racist.”

Oh, the Associated Press had more zingers of BS in their alleged news story.

Remember those riots in cities run by Democrats? The ones CNN et al. have refused to cover. You know, the ones where black business owners are shot and have their businesses looted and destroyed by people claiming that Some Black Lives Matter? The guys that want to defund the police departments in places like Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, and yes, Sacramento.

Per the AP story, none of it ever happened. Nope. Democrats only engage in peaceful protests and love law and order. I wonder how big the check was from George Soros to sell that whopper of a tale.

Trump has tried to tie incidents of violence that have accompanied largely peaceful protests to Biden and the Democrats…

Oh, there’s more in this paragraph.

Trump has tried to tie incidents of violence that have accompanied largely peaceful protests to Biden and the Democrats, running on a “law and order” message that warns people won’t be safe under a Democratic president. It’s a message aimed squarely at white suburban voters, including women who voted for Trump in 2016 but may not do so again.

Folks I can’t name a single person that voted for Trump in 2016 that will not enthusiastically vote for him again in 2020. The above paragraph from AP is a load of manure. Why wouldn’t women (and men), black, white, or whatever vote for Trump? He deserves the vote. The unstated assumption by the author is that women may not vote for Trump because he’s putting a woman on the Supreme Court and we all know she is evil because she believes in God and is prolife. Yep, she has a problem with women’s rites and as a result, suburban women may not vote for Trump unless he scares them into voting for him on another basis.

If you need even more proof that I’m right about racism, then try this paragraph.

At another point in the debate, when discussing a Trump administration move to end racial sensitivity training in the federal government, Biden directly called Trump a racist. He also accused him of trying to sow racist hatred and racist division in the country.

Again, Trump sees people as individuals not groups. Trump wants everyone’s vote so why would he alienate anyone. Up until Covid, minorities were doing way better under Trump that Obama, so exactly how does that make Trump a racist?

The racial sensitivity training is nonsense and promoting a Liberal viewpoint that is nonsense and hateful. If we’d practice the Golden Rule instead of outlaw it in the public square our nation would be in a better place.

Biden called Trump a racist?! That’s laughable.

Here’s our pop quiz for the day:

Who said the following in 2007, Donald Trump or Joe Biden?

Most noteworthy is what he says about Barack Obama: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.

Obama Clean, Articulate, Bright African-American

Hint, the speaker is judging Obama on the basis of his ethnic group and skin color.

Sorry but our time is up.

If you guessed Donald Trump said the above, then perhaps you should not vote in this election because you clearly haven’t been paying attention to what Joe Biden really says.

I don’t think I’ve exhausted the subject, but I feel better having vented about the AP article.

The verbal and textual gymnastics employed to craft this article by the writer at Associated Press would make a Liberal biblical scholar envious.

This article is yet another illustration of my favorite quote from Walter Martin, “A text without a context is a pretext…usually for error.” In reality we learn very little about the debate last night and much about the beliefs and prejudice of the author.

Thoughts on QAnon

Folks I keep hearing and reading about ideas attributed to this ethereal group which many on the Left regard as a far-right cult of political/religious conspiracy theorists. The group even has its own Wikipedia entry. 

QAnon (/kju???n?n/) is a far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles running a global child sex-trafficking ring is plotting against President Donald Trump, who is battling them, leading to a “day of reckoning” involving the mass arrest of journalists and politicians. 


The only problem is it doesn’t exist. This whole idea is a construct in the minds of people who refuse to believe that those of us on the right that believe in God and country see the world differently than they do. The strawman that they have created because of one dubiously sourced anonymous post on the Internet is used as a basis to dismiss anything they wish to. It’s like Russian collusion, the Left firmly believes in it because they want QAnon to be true not because it is.  
I think some folks—especially those on the Left—don’t have a sense of humor and can’t tell the difference between reality and parody; especially, when they are the targets of the humor. The QAnon theory which curiously is only written about by one guy at The Washington Post has grains of truth in it that are exaggerated to ridiculous extremes. This is a cue that its parody not reality.  
Take Jeffrey Epstein, his clients such as Bill Clinton, neo-cons, Hal Lindsey books, and Barack Obama’s war on Christianity, mix with Monty Python and Paul Shanklin humor and you’d have a recipe for QAnon too. 
Then after stumbling into this recipe you find out that this stuff really gets under the skin of Liberals and you have a formula for its propagation. Think bullying and you might see where I’m going with this. You can say certain things to Liberals and you are assured of getting an emotional, kneejerk reaction that is gut bustingly funny every time it is used. Lather, rinse, repeat.  
QAnon is not real but since the Left reacts to it the way your cat does to a laser pointer, you can’t but help play with them once in a while just for laughs.   
Some folks may repeat this stuff, I’ve seen enough crazy email threads and memes on the internet to know some crazy stuff takes on a life of its own, but you need to use common sense along the way. 
Oh, just to pile on to Conservative stereotypes, the Wikipedia article also singles out opposition to George Soros as somehow being anti-Semitic.  

The conspiracy theory’s targeting of prominent Jewish figures like George Soros and the Rothschilds has led The Washington Post and Jewish-American magazine The Forward to accuse it of containing “striking anti-Semitic elements” and “garden-variety nonsense with racist and anti-Semitic undertones”. 

The Anti-Defamation League reported that while “the vast majority of QAnon-inspired conspiracy theories have nothing to do with anti-Semitism”, “an impressionistic review” of QAnon tweets about Israel, Jews, Zionists, the Rothschilds, and Soros “revealed some troubling examples” of antisemitism. 

Like much in vogue with Liberals, the opposite is the truth. As a group, Conservatives tend to be both accepting of Jews and pro-Israel (especially Evangelicals) whereas, Liberals (at least the ones in office) tend to be anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian.  
Our issues are not with Soros being a Jew—which I did not even know until I saw that in this article—but with Soros being anti-American, and pro socialist. 
The other thing that that came to light as I was pondering this subject was an article that purported to out a QAnon website owner. The guy worked for Citigroup.

Folks, Citi is a huge supporter of Democrats. In fact, Citi named virtually every cabinet member in the Obama Administration a month before Obama was elected in 2008.
QAnon appears to be a creation from the imagination of some creative people, in the same vein as those that brought us the myth of Russian Collusion. The beauty of QAnon is that it can mean whatever people wish it to, whether they be on the right or left. 
I think QAnon is a parody of things in and around the Trump Administration that has taken on a life of its own. Judging by those offended by this mythical group, it seems Liberals are the real targets of the parody. As long as they continue to react to QAnon, others are happy to provoke them for a few laughs.


Ginsburg Exits Supreme Court

In news that was expected, Justice Ginsburg is finally off the US Supreme Court. As predicted at many an editorial meeting of this blog, this exit was feet first in a body bag.

For Democrats, this is supposed to be some sort of a shock? Folks, this lady has been kept on the Court with a combination of morphine, gauze, and duct tape for many years. Truthfully, she should have left four years ago but she—like many in the Beltway—was cocksure that Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential race. Had she not been a bitter clinger to her seat of power—something the nine in black have a reputation of doing—she could have given Barack Obama a chance to replace her with someone even less beholden to the Constitution and half her age.

The original nine in black robes

Frankly, I’m glad she’s gone. This lady had so much blood on her hands that every day with her on the Court was a mockery of the Almighty. Ruth Ginsburg’s legacy was the moral and judicial decay of our nation. She is celebrated as some sort of champion for women, something which is totally untrue. Ginsburg was a champion of eugenics, degradation of the nuclear family, and expansion of illegitimate power to the national government. Ginsburg did not feel any moral obligation to honor her oath to uphold and defend the Constitution or defend our nation from all enemies foreign and domestic.

However, we know that Democrats vow to never let a good crisis go to waste so expect them to fundraise on this issue like crazy and fight like hell to keep any Trump appointees away from the Court.

Ironically, the biggest losers in all this are the Democrats. George Soros and his ilk have spent many millions to fund the unrest caused by folks like Some Black Lives Matter. Joe Biden will be even less relevant to the political process than he was. Joe’s campaign is remarkable similar to the old movie, Weekend at Bernie’s. Joe is just the figurehead, but the brains are elsewhere in the political machinery. Oh, what happens with Covid now? Will Democrats care about it anymore? Will it silently be pushed aside? Can Democrats fight and win a battle on multiple fronts this close to the election? Especially with a media that can only obsess with one thing at a time.

Joe Biden to star in next Weekend at Bernie’s

Oh, if Democrats had their way, Ginsburg’s corpse would lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda until election day. However, since she was allegedly Jewish, tradition requires a quick burial, so what will they do?

When discussing Ginsburg’s death on the phone yesterday, it occurred to me that the bunch from Planned Parenthood would be holding a vigil at her graveside and hoping like hell that somehow, Ginsburg would remain in the Court longer. To that end, I picture them waiting just in case the bell rang and Ruth wishes to spring forth to adjudicate once again.

Early cross-section sketch of RGB memorial

Amazon already has a sympathetic program about her, no doubt to try to get the Pope to canonize her as Saint RGB.

Cover of RGB (2018)

Given what we know about the current Pope, the fact that she was not Catholic may no longer be a barrier to declaring her a saint. Thus far, we have not had independent confirmation from Father Leatherby that the Pope is likely to do this just to spite the conservatives in his church.

Oh, as for the sainthood thing, a miracle must be documented after the person’s death. FYI Ruth already checked that box. Yep, its true. Can you imagine any 87-year old person with preexisting conditions from New York City living in a hospice setting that died of anything but Covid-19 anytime this year? Yep, the media said she died of pancreatic cancer. That folks is a miracle.

I look for President Trump to nominate her replacement very soon, like maybe before the dirt even hits her casket. If I was Trump, I would put up the very prolife female, Roman Catholic judge from Colorado or another female that has a track record of supporting life. The Democrats always make Republican nominations about abortion, so I saw go for it, Donald. Let’s end Row v Wade now.

I think Trump’s reelection is assured—not that he needed more help—but this will really put it out of reach for Biden.

Just Us Brothers Fined for Tampering in 2016 Election

Word is the Just Us Brothers are so close to hell that they can see Sparks. Oh, and they’re feeling the heat too as the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has weighed in on their behavior in the 2016 election. Bottom line is they are as devious as Crooked Hillary.

We all know the Placer County Mafia has been up to no good for a long time. Many of their shenanigans have been documented here on this blog. Thankfully, some of their behavior in the 2016 elections has finally caught-up with them.

In case you need to refresh yourself on the background of today’s subject, here are my two articles about them leading up to the 2016 general election. As I documented at the time, Park’s behavior was improper and the FPPC has agreed.

Just Us Brothers—Money for Nothing

Just Us Brothers Mailers Hit Roseville Mailboxes

The FPPC has found them guilty of violating four parts of California election law and George Park was fined $8,000 for his conduct as treasurer of Placer County Impact Republicans PAC.

Folks the money guy paying for this illegal activity was and is Placer County Supervisor Kirk Uhler. We will have more to report on Uhler in a few minutes.

Below you will find the text of the document from the FPPC.

Please note a few nuggets contained in it. A portion of page 7 will be of great interest for those current and former CRA members.

Failure to Timely Amend Statement of Organization
The Committee reported receiving $32,145 in contributions between its date of establishment and November 1, 2016. During that time, the Committee’s largest contributor was League.

As of November 1, 2016, League had contributed $27,000 to the Committee which amounts to approximately 84% of the total contributions received by the Committee ($27,000 / $32,145 = 0.8399).
Thus, under the Act, as of November 1, 2016, the Committee was sponsored by League and was required to report the sponsorship within 24 hours by filing an amended statement of organization.

In addition to filing an amended statement of organization to report League’s sponsorship of the Committee, the Committee was required to change its name to include the name of its sponsor, Placer County Impact Republicans PAC sponsored by League of Placer County Taxpayers PAC. The Committee and Park did not file an amended statement of organization to report League’s sponsorship or to change the Committee’s name to include the name of its sponsor, League.

Thus, Placer County Impact Republicans PAC because a subsidiary of the League of Placer County Taxpayers PACan organization which didn’t really exist.

In 2016, my sources told me that Uhler likely helped get some of the FPPC reporting documents backdated to try to help Park get around campaign finance reporting laws. At the time, I decided not to go with the accusation, but looking back now it makes me wonder…

Oh, CRA here’s the bonus quote that should frost your Wheaties.

The violations committed here were isolated as the Committee and Park have not had prior enforcement history. –page 10

Isolated my foot!!!!!!!!! If George Park has a clean record with the FPPC or anybody else, you can thank Tom Hudson and Craig Alexander for failing to go after them for their conduct in CRA. If you thought only Crooked Hillary was purging files and deleting servers then you need to take a deeper dive into the antics of the Brothers Park.

Oh, so do you believe George Park actually wrote a check to the FPPC out of his pocket? Not a chance. Enter once lame duck Placer County Supervisor, Kirk Uhler. Kirk help start Impact Republicans and at their end he ponied up the money to bail them out one last time.

Yep, look carefully at the Form 460 below. This is the end of Placer County Impact Republicans PAC. Termination Statement filed June 5, 2020.

On page 3, you can see that Kirk Uhler gave a substantial amount of campaign money to George Park to pay his FPPC fine. ($7,589.27)

On page 4, you can see the disbursements to the FPPC.

Typically, when a candidate is done in political life, they donate the remaining campaign money to charity but not Uhler.


George Park moved to Nevada several years ago, and I’ve been told his brother Aaron finally followed him there.

George and Aaron Park with Jeb Bush on 05-13-2015

As for Uhler, his Rensa Group website is defunct, and Rensa’s Facebook page entries are ancient. Look for Uhler to exit California once his replacement is sworn into office.

California Burning is a Result of Sin Not Donald Trump

With north of two million acres up in flames this year and several deaths, President Trump decided to expand his visit to Nevada by making a stop in northern California. Right on cue, our Democrat Governor and the media decided to use this visit as an opportunity to promote their leftist agenda.

SACRAMENTO (AP) – With the smell of California wildfires in the air, President Donald Trump on Monday ignored the scientific consensus that climate change is playing a central role in historic West Coast infernos and renewed his unfounded claim that poor forest management is mostly to blame.

The fires are threatening to become another front in Trump’s reelection bid, which is already facing hurdles because of the coronavirus pandemic, joblessness and social unrest. His Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, in his own speech on Monday said the destruction and mounting death toll across California, Oregon and Washington require stronger presidential leadership and labeled Trump a “climate arsonist.”

Trump traveled to Northern California to be briefed by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom and other state and federal officials. At one point, state Natural Resources Agency Secretary Wade Crowfoot urged the president to “recognize the changing climate and what it means to our forests.”

‘Don’t Think Science Knows’: Trump Spurns Science On Climate Change During Sacramento Visit

Please note the editorializing in this supposed news piece. Opinion is claimed as fact “… Trump on Monday ignored the scientific consensus that climate change is playing a central role in historic West Coast infernos and renewed his unfounded claim that poor forest management is mostly to blame.

Oh, and Hidin’ Biden came out just long enough to call Trump a “climate arsonist” and upon seeing his shadow, he promptly retreated to campaign for six more weeks from his basement.

Trump’s response was that it will get cooler. As usual, Trump is right. Cooler is usually called “fall” which is typically followed by “winter” except in Roland Emmerich movies—which is about the only place where Michael Moore, Al Gore, or Gavin Newsom have a chance of hell in being right.

Also, the so-called proof of global warming referenced in the Associated Press story was abandoned over a decade ago in favor of climate change because it is less precise and requires even less evidence than evolution for people to believe it. In fact, this whole climate change idea is a matter of religion not science. Those that cling to the climate mantra do so by faith and despite evidence. They cherry-pick their “facts” and refuse to look at all the evidence because in the final analysis, the facts don’t matter. If something doesn’t fit the template it is dismissed out of hand. Like all sacred cows of the Left, the climate argument is an emotional one not a rational one.

I was going to blog on this subject before this article on Trump came out today but since its slightly more timely now, I took it out of my “hope to blog on it someday” pile and went to work on it. What was a slight epiphany on this issue was yesterday’s congregational prayer.

Yep, Trump wasn’t even on my mind when I decided to write on the subject of the California wildfires fires. Contrary to what a few liberals with whom I am acquainted accuse me of doing, I don’t watch Fox News or read Trump on Twitter to get my marching orders.

Yesterday, our pastor prayed that God would cause the fires to cease, protect the firefighters, relieve the victims of the fire, stop lightning strikes, clean the air, make it rain, and generally just make the fires go away. His list was long and thorough, but it hit me as he was going thru it that the fires are a direct result of man refusing to obey the Dominion Mandate all the way back in the early part of Genesis. In a sense, the pastor was asking God to honor and bless our disobedience to one of His oldest Commandments and relieve us of the consequences of our disobedience.

In Christianity we have a word for not obeying God, it is “sin.” Sin is derived from a Greek archery term meaning to miss the mark (or target). To lift a phrase from Campus Crusade for Christ’s most famous tract, they describe a state of sin as people being either passively indifferent or in active rebellion.

This brings us back to the subject of forests. In the Bible, there is no such thing as a “virgin forest.” Man is commanded in the Garden to make the whole world into a garden. We are to tend, nurture, and cultivate all the land in the world. Leaving land in a state of nature is contrary to God’s command.

When man refuses to obey God, it is called sin. Thus, when man (or mankind) refuses to obey God concerning caring for our environment, is it any wonder that the creation goes out of control? If we don’t remove the unhealthy trees, harvest the good ones, and manage the forest as we were told to do, then we will be expelled from the land. Isn’t that about the sum total of what’s happening now? Please note that states with better forest management don’t have these types of fires on a regular basis.

FYI, per Scripture, failing to obey God is also grounds for being expelled from the land.

So, either way California, you have submitted yourselves to God’s wrath through disobedience.

Hey, California Democrats, if you want to see the real culprits of this manmade conflagration, look in the mirror. Or as one of my old pastors used to say, “You get the government that you deserve.”

When Democrats complain that Trump is blaming poor forest management, its ok because Trump is on God’s side. God’s Word is clear that we are to take dominion over the land, not allow it to have dominion over us. We are to tend the Garden not let it go feral and overgrown.

Oh, final thought. Do you remember all those old cowboy and Indian shows where the Indian with the bow and arrow would stalk the deer and shoot it at close range? It can’t happen now because we don’t clear the undergrowth like the Indians did in the days before the National Park Service. Try bow hunting now and you won’t get within a country mile of a deer.

You see, in the fall of the year, before the Indians went out of the mountains to the lowlands for the winter, they lit the forest on fire and burned away all the undergrowth. Because there wasn’t much to burn, only the grass and undergrowth was burned. The trees were not harmed but actually grew better as a result. The benefit for the Indian was better feed for the animals and more food to harvest the following year. Letting fires burn is natural, controlling how much fuel accumulates on the forest floor before it does is our job.

Bill Gates Funds Polio Outbreak

Yep, not a typo, Mr. Microsoft is reintroducing polio into many Asian and African countries. In the name of prevention, the Gates funded Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) has been giving people a live version of the polio virus that is infecting mostly children and killing and maiming many of them.

This latest pharma-induced pandemic has broken out in the African countries of Chad and Sudan, and the culprit has been identified: a vaccine-derived polio virus type 2. Officials now fear this new dangerous strain could soon ‘jump continents,’ causing further deadly outbreaks around the world.

Shocking as it sounds, this Big Pharma debacle is not new. After spending some $16 billion over 30 years to eradicate polio, international health bodies have ‘accidentally’ reintroduced the disease to in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and also Iran, as the central Asia region was hit by a virulent strain of polio spawned by the corporate pharmaceutical vaccine distributed there. Also, in 2019, the government of Ethiopia ordered the destruction of 57,000 vials of type 2 oral polio vaccine (mOPV2) following a similar outbreak of vaccine-induced polio.

It’s important to note that the oral polio vaccine being pushed on to the African population by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), a consortium which is supported and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

UN Forced To Admit Gates-Funded Vaccine Is Causing Polio Outbreak In Africa

So why should you care? What does infecting millions of children in third-world, backwater countries have to do with you?

The author of the article goes on to point-out that this convergence of the World Health Organization, United Nations funding, the Bill and Melina Gates Foundation, and others is the same gang that is promising to bring the world a vaccine for Covid-19.

All of this should be a cause for concern, especially with western governments and transnational pharmaceutical giant all rushing to roll-out their new Gates-funded experimental coronavirus vaccine for the global population.

Currently, the first experimental COVID-19 vaccine is being tested on the African population through GAVI Vaccine Alliance, another organization funded by the Gates Foundation. A large round of human trials will take place in South Africa, locally managed by the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg—yet another Gates-funded institution.

Is the “cure” worse than the disease? Makes you wonder. Oh, and if you have doubts then you’re not alone. A large portion of the public is wary of any offer of a Covid vaccine.

A recent survey from NBC News/SurveyMonkey Weekly Tracking Poll showed that more than half of American adults either wouldn’t get a COVID-19 vaccine once one is available or are unsure whether they’ll get immunized. The poll found 44% said they would get the vaccine, while 22% reported they wouldn’t get one and another 32% remain uncertain.

A Gallup survey earlier this month indicated that 35% of Americans would not get a free vaccine against COVID-19, if one were available and approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Another 65% responded that they would get the shot, with those identifying as Democrats far more in favor than Republicans.

A COVID-19 vaccine still hasn’t emerged — but some are already wary of it

Again, I don’t plan on being in the front of any line offering a Covid vaccine and if I learn that tissue from aborted babies was used to develop the vaccine—which many companies have been using the “jump-start” their research—then I won’t ever be in the line.