Anglican Church to Dump Queen & Archbishop of Canterbury

I was sent the following article today. It is worth reading.

Africans set to found rival Anglican Church

AFRICANS say they have had enough of the Church of England’s endless discussions over the ordination of gay vicars and same-sex blessings. With help from their colleagues in Latin America, African primates, bishops, priests and laymen are getting ready to strike out on their own and establish a new Anglican Church based in Egypt.

A conference that could turn the Anglican community on its head takes place in Alexandria, Egypt, next month, organised by angry Africans and Latin Americans who say they are “sick and tired” of endless debate about same-sex blessings and the ordination of gay Christians. “We’ve had enough,” the Archbishop of Central Africa, Bernard Malango, said last week.

The Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA) and the recently formed Council of Anglican Provinces of the Americas and Caribbean (CAPAC) will represent up to two-thirds of the world’s 77 million Anglicans.

In a new African-based Anglican community they plan to replace the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams as their spiritual leader with the Archbishop of Nigeria, Peter Jasper Akinola, and exclude homosexuals from full church life.

A leading gay vicar – who asked not to be named – said: “I fear for Rowan Williams if he attends the Alexandria Conference. Anglican dissidents will publicly announce that Archbishop Akinola is their new spiritual leader and that there is no place for the present Archbishop of Canterbury in the new community based in Alexandria.

“I also hear that African Anglicans plan to place a throne in a conference room and ask Archbishop Akinola to sit in it – while Dr Williams is supposed to stand by and watch.

“Where will that leave the man, and where will that leave the Queen, who is head of the Church of England?”

CAPA’s members include the Anglican dioceses of Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Egypt. It was formed in July at Nassau after Latin American Christians expressed their bitterness towards the Church of England, saying it was prevaricating on the subject of gay rights and same-sex blessings – 300 of which take place in England every year.

“We were inspired by CAPA,” says Drexel Gomez, Archbishop of the West Indies. He predicts “a shattering split in the entire worldwide Anglican community” following the Church of England’s approval of the Civil Partnership Act that comes into force in December.

There are about 13,900 clergy in the Church of England, which is facing slumping attendance and widespread indifference – even though some 25 million people in the UK are nominal members.

Africans have been watching what seems to be growing tolerance by the Church of England towards gays with alarm and deep anger.

Anglicans in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Egypt say that when eight Church of England bishops supported the Civil Partnership Act in the House of Lords they flouted the rules of the worldwide Anglican community.

Since then, Akinola has called for the suspension of the Church of England. “I believe that the temporary suspension of the Church of England is the right course of action to take.”

Akinola says that he is disappointed with the example that Williams is setting by appearing to condone the Civil Partnership Act and he advises Anglicans to steer clear of the leadership of Lambeth Palace.

“Lambeth Palace upholds our common historic faith and it will now lose that place of honour in the world.”

In a pastoral statement issued in August, English bishops said that they would allow gay clergy to register their partnerships, as long as they abstained from sex.

Akinola asked: “Is the Church of England planning to install cameras in the bedrooms of its clergy?”

However, Richard Kirker, general secretary of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, said: “Personally, I’d rather see a split within the ranks of the Anglican community than for people of principle to bow to the demands of homophobic Africans.”

Some Anglican churches in Africa are turning away funds from US and Canadian churches because of their tolerance of active gays in the church.

And a vicar from London has been asked by Archbishop Malango to clarify his views before being consecrated as Bishop of Lake Malawi.

The Rev Nick Henderson has two parishes in west London and Malango asked him to confirm that he subscribes to the Creed, the Bible and the Thirty-Nine Articles and “fashions his own life and his household according to the doctrine of Christ”.

Until recently, he was chairman of the Modern Churchpeople’s Union, which is a leading liberal forum for “open and informed theological comment in the Church of England and the Anglican Communion”.

Henderson is unmarried and shares his vicarage with a male lodger, who is organist at one of his churches. In a letter to Henderson, Malango said: “It has been reported that you currently live with a male lodger. Because of reports of your advocacy of the gay and lesbian movement, I am constrained to ask a very awkward question.”

Henderson was asked if he believed sexual intimacy should be restricted to within the marriage of one man and one woman. “Is there anything I should know that would make my work difficult if you took up this position?” asked the archbishop.

Henderson was not available for comment and Lambeth Palace is – for the time being – keeping quiet about the seriousness of a looming split.

Newdow is Back

Michael Newdow is back! After failing to get the Pledge of Allegiance banned from Elk Grove’s public schools last year because he lacked standing in the courts, he has brought a new suit on behalf of others.

U.S. District Judge Lawrence Karlton ruled today that the Pledge is unconstitutional because it contains the phrased “one nation under God.”

The judge cited the infamous 9th Circuit Court in San Francisco as precedent.

This should clear the way for John Roberts to be appointed Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. This act of judicial activism illustrates why we need conservatives on the Court.

A Prayer in Time of Terrorism

I was sent this e-mail September 11, 2001

Grant, O God, that in this time of national testing, thy people may know thy presence and obey thy Will: that with integrity and courage we may accomplish all that which thou would have us to do, and to endure that which thou would ask us to bear;

Pour out, O merciful Lord, thy aid and comfort to all who those who at this time are visited with tragedy and bereavement; and prosper with thy continual blessing all those those who administer the healing gifts to the injured and those who labor to devise protection against fanatical terrorist attacks.

Grant, O Lord, the execution of righteous judgment against those responsible for this evil, that justice might be done in this world and in the life to come..

Finally, O Lord, we pray that thou would convert and turn the hearts of our enemies, who by the hardening of their hearts, know not what evil they do.

This we ask through Him who both healed and hallowed suffering, thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Rev James Payne, Houston, TX

Louisiana Governor Stopped Red Cross

Hugh Hewitt proved why I love his show today. He had on Fox News reported Major Garrett. To the amazement of everyone, we learned that the Red Cross was prevented by Louisiana’s Governor from entering New Orleans immediately after the hurricane.

In fact, they would have been at the Superdome before the levies even broke with food, water and other supplies!

Here is yet another example of failed leadership in this catastrophe.

Minister Murdered by “Flood Thugs”

Michael Osborne was a happily married man and the father of six children; four are still living at home. He was a minister in the Episcopal Church. 

He was murdered driving his car in Hattiesburg Mississippi by flood thugs who were trying to rob him.

He was buried yesterday in Memphis and leaves behind two teenage boys and two daughters ages six and four.

Thoughts on Chief Justice John Roberts

It is a strange confluence of events that has lead to John Roberts being elevated from a nominee to Associate Justice to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Think about it. At least four separate events have all occurred to elevate this situation to the critic mass necessary to put Roberts in this situation. First was the announced retirement of Sandra Day O’Connor. Second was the selection of John Roberts to fill this vacancy. Third was the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. And fourth was the death of Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

This has resulted in Roberts getting the nod for the Chief spot to insure continuity of leadership such as it is in the Court. I suspect that he will leave most on the existing staff in tact for him first term on the high court.

I am curious why Rehnquist chose to hold on to his spot until the very end. Did he have no other reason keep going other than his work? Was he a good soldier and trying to make it easier for President Bush to fill the existing vacancy? Did he have any issues or concerns about Roberts (who was one of his former clerks)?

Anyway, the whole situation is a good example of how Calvinists view the governance of Christ. God is in control and brings his will to pass in time and space; here not just in the hereafter. Yes, this would mean that Roberts would be Gods choice—if in fact he is confirmed.

In fact all government leaders are in office at the pleasure of the Almighty. Some we view as good and are thankful for their time in office but I don’t understand why God allows Nero or Napoleon or Hitler or Stalin. Others seem somewhere in between.

I have faith that Roberts is one of the good guys and will help turn our country towards laws and values that honor God. The Court has long been the institution most responsible for pouring-out Gods wrath and judgment on our nation. Perhaps when the Court is reconstituted it can be a vessel for healing our nation.

Hurricane Comments

I have been quiet about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina on this blog.

I did call the Feed the Children number at 1-888-58-CHILD today. They were professional, courteous and quick. I was able to go through the whole process of donating in about a minute.

My only additional comment on the aftermath is that the screeches of local politicians are way out of line. If they want blame then get a mirror. Louisiana politics has been one of the most corrupt and incestuous in the nation for decades. Single Party rule inhibits leadership and accountability.

In New Orleans, local officials had a near scare about this very scenario last year during hurricane season. The mayor and governor are the first and second lines of preparedness and they failed to plan.

Compare Rudy Giuliani and his reaction to 9-11 with mayor Ray Nagin of New Orleans and his failure to lead his city. This politician is a failure as a man and a leader. Barney Fife would be an upgrade for this community in crisis.

In the September 2005 edition of the newsletter NEAtoday, is an appeal from the National Education Association (NEA) to its membership to boycott Wal-Mart over Wal-Mart’s labor practices.

What do Wal-Mart’s labor practices have to do with education? Nothing; except that Wal-Mart doesn’t want to become a home for labor unions. They are perfectly happy operating in the free market economy.

The NEA is urging members to visit the Wake-up Wal-Mart website which is a site operated by the United Food and Commercial Workers union. The Union is threatened by the expansion of Wal-Mart Supercenters where a grocery store is combined with a Wal-Mart retail store. Most of these Supercenters are open 24 hours and employ 200 to 550 associates.

In addition, the NEA has its own mini site dedicated to bashing Wal-Mart.

The claims on the NEA site have little to do with education and more to do with bashing the retail giant because they don’t represent the party line of the Democratic Party.


The only claim even close to touching education is the assertion that parents of students working at Wal-Mart are poor and are low income workers. The biggest fallacy of this argument is that the NEA assumes that Wal-Mart’s wages are the best that these parents can possibly earn in their working lives. Even if that were true, at least Wal-Mart is an honest job for people who otherwise would be on the dole.

The main headings of the Facts about Wal-Mart are:

Wal-Mart profits fund the anti-public education movement.
The corporation has contributed to support of school choice including vouchers, private and charter schools.

Wal-Mart is a low-wage, low-benefit employer.
Wal-Mart pays sales associates an average of $8.50 (well above Federal Minimum Wage) and requires employees to pay one third of their medical insurance. Benefits are a benefit not a right.

US taxpayers subsidize Wal-Mart.
Many associates are low enough on the wage scale that they are eligible for some forms of government assistance. So, many in our Armed Forces are in the same boat and I don’t hear them complaining.

Wal-Mart will do anything to stop its employees from unionizing.
It is their right to be a non-union company. If employees dont like it, they can work somewhere else.

Wal-Mart hurts local businesses and communities.
Maybe, but I never hear anyone complaining about the same thing when Home Depot comes to their town and they play hardball with small businesses and contractors in their community.

Wal-Mart’s low prices rely on low-wage Chinese labor.
I don’t see the NEA going after HP or Intel or Microsoft or Toyota or General Motors for utilizing non-union labor in other countries.

Wal-Mart violates child labor laws.
They accuse Wal-Mart of not letting students have breaks while working. So teachers don’t get breaks, I know, I’m married to one. I have never in my adult life had an employer that had a regular break schedule. If I need one I will take it.

Wal-Mart discriminates against women.
Ok, who takes time off to care for children? The spouse with the lesser benefits will usually care for children and prefer part-time hours, is it any wonder that men earn more than their female counterparts? It is logic not discrimination.

Wal-Mart hires undocumented workers.
No they don’t. Some work that they contracted out was done by illegals. If you have bought a house then you have paid for work done by illegal aliens. Get over it.

Wal-Mart has a negative effect on the environment.
I’ve seen more violations of health, safety and sanitation codes at my local school district than the NEA can compile against Wal-Mart for the same number of employees.

The Looney Left definitely has their claws into the teacher unions. I look forward to the Passage of Paycheck Protection in November.

Upper Sac is Back

In 1989, a chemical tanker car on a Southern Pacific train that derailed poisoned most of the Upper Sacramento River—the river between Dunsmuir and Shasta Lake. Although the river has been gradually opened to fishing over the last several years, it was a move viewed by some as premature and a political move to boost the local economy and not a decision based on sound environmental reasoning.

I spent the last five days along this river and was very happy with what I had observed. There were large numbers of “case worms” (a type of larva) that is a food source for the trout in the river. There were a large quantity of fish from very small fry to mature adults and all stages in between all along the river.

These are the best conditions that I have seen in the river since the spill. My observations are even more remarkable in light of the fact that some small feeder creeks and ponds near the river have been treated to kill mosquitoes as a response to concerns about West Nile Virus. I think it is safe to say that the river is back.

English Church: Spouse Equated With Civil Partner

Liberal Anglicans are using the English government to force gay marriage into Church Law by bypassing normal procedures and just rewriting key sections of Church Cannons. They are going to replace the word “spouse” with “civil partner” according to an article in the August 12th edition of Church of England Newspaper. This change will take effect on December 5th, 2005.

Needless to say a firestorm has been ignited by this action. There is not much coverage of this conflict or others raging within the Episcopal Church but things are really boiling. I will periodically give you some glimpses of this conflict on my blog.

Below are a few reactions to the current state of the Episcopal Church:

The Bishop of Worcester Dr. Peter Selby

Andrew Cary Blog

David Virtue