So, we have had a lot of rain and snowpack recently. If you believe in global warming, you likely ignored all news media, since well, how can snow be happening if the planet is being cooked by emissions. Ignoring all that, we had an appearance by 90-Day Guy at the office, and predictably he fired up the internet machine and got to reading headlines. Not the article, just the headlines.

He stumbled across an article stating Folsom dam was going to release water due to all the rain we had received lately. This set him into panic, because, well he lives in southern Sac County and his house will be for sure under water due to this emergency. He made a few calls to check sandbag availability, I would be shocked, but he is just like this. When the man on TV or an article on Yahoo! News pops up, he takes it as gospel, because…well why should you seek any other opinions or facts. He is still scared of the “virus” and refuses to touch any door knob because…. the virus.

Personally, his best position is cowering at home with a warm glass of milk, under the covers, watching the world burn through the lens of news anchors who are trying to drive ratings. I typically rib him with comments like “Well, at least there are no mean tweets” or “Biden ended the virus 1/15.” He blames this on his old age, but this is a trait I don’t see in many folks, only the ones who are fixated on the tube. If it bleeds it leads, and sex sells. His excuse is his wife watches it all day, he just happens to be in the room. Similar to the “I’m sorry your honor but I didn’t rob the bank, and shoot the teller, I just drove the get away car.” It’s pathetic and sad.
To put you all at ease, I will offer up this. Folsom Dam is not a storage or flood control dam like Shasta or Oroville. Folsom is designed to hold water for recreation and to supply water to local communities. You don’t have to believe me. Folsom is under contract by the Bureau of Reclamation and has to be tightly regulated as far as water levels go. Again, don’t believe me, they came out and said they had to release a slight amount of water due to standards to allow for more inevitable run off when the microwave in the sky heats the planet and causes the snow to melt. Follow the dam in the spring/summer months, typically what goes into Folsom Lake on the back end, is released from the dam’s spillways on the front end.

Folsom is not there for flood control, hence when the Oroville Dam failed, panic set out everywhere because Folsom cannot hold that volume of water, they are not allowed to. Dams are actually one thing in this state where the government regulation is extremely tight, thanks to the Sierra Club and other environmental groups who want to see us demolishing them as opposed to building new ones. You may remember back during the Oroville Dam pending failure, they evacuated the fish at the hatchery long before they told the people of imminent danger. The government even went as far as saying the releases where miniscule and fishing would be completely unaffected.
Que the Kermit the frog freak-out gif. Head desk!

Folks I will conclude by saying this; stop reading the internet and watching the news on TV. It’s all depressing. You would think we live in a slum, and the sun is killing the planet…. oh wait. The bottom line is we can only control what we can control, some things are in God’s hands. For those of you who are non-believers the world is a scary place, and you have no control over things it does. Best bet is be prepared, and minimize your risk. This means the inevitable freak out will not affect you. I’m not worried about a few thousand cubic feet of water, with the amount of steady rain we received, it is no big deal. The time to be worried is when we get a warm storm. That will overwhelm the dams and we could see an issue, lucky for us in the valley we will have ample warning.
Back to your freak out folks. I heard 5G is coming to a cell tower near you and will scramble your brain. You have been warned!
The Chief
Editor’s Note: as on 12/30/21, we have had 14.42 inches of rain this season which is 242% of normal. Currently we have received 79% of our average annual rainfall of 18.14 inches.