It has been said that truth is the first casualty of war. I wish to address this as it relates to the war in Israel.
This is my read after looking at much.
Israel set-up this war to clear out Gaza. Given the rings of security around this area, how else did the quantities of weapons get into the area in the first place? Members of the Israeli government have been provoking Muslims or Palestinians or whatever they call themselves for many years. As documented previously on the blog, they were the power behind Hamas for many years. At a minimum, Israel created an environment that would eventually have this outcome.
Hamas did attack but other than taking hostages and shooting off a huge number of rockets that did kill people, what else did they do? I keep hearing about certain alleged atrocities committed by Hamas but some that are repeated often by politicians and the media, never happened. Beheading 40 babies is claimed over and over again but the evidence has never been made part of the public record. It has been repeated enough that it is assumed a fact. I’m sure that some infant, somewhere, was found in that condition but to me it does make a difference whether such a horrific death was the result of an explosion or shrapnel, or a guy with a knife.
On the other hand, what about this? Many of the people outraged by these alleged atrocities of beheading children are perfectly fine with doing this through all nine months of the pregnancy as long as it’s called “choice”. This happens a lot more than forty times a day in this country and most Liberals and Jews are supportive of these acts of infanticide. We have a whole political party in this country dedicated to maximizing the killing of infants, the infirm, and the elderly. Our people are so deceived that the groups the Democrats want to kill, or cull are the ones that keep them in power.
Oh, then there is the children’s video posted by Israeli television. KANN News posted a propaganda video of children singing the praises of genocide in Gaza. Check out these lyrics:
In addition to all the above, in this country, many supporting Israel are going scorched earth on the rest of the populace. They are demanding support for Israel or risk being cancelled. I don’t support either side in this conflict. The whole mess stinks. I think we should be involved as a broker of peace not a partisan selling arms.
Lastly, why are the people that gave us Covid, lockdowns, fair elections, and all the other lies in recent years to be totally believed when they tell us about Ukraine (remember that war?) or Israel? It seems like Israel just wants to displace people so they can ship refugees elsewhere and confiscate their land.
I really hadn’t planned on getting into this fray until I read an article by Michael Brown. Brown gets it so wrong that I felt compelled to chime in. Below are quotes from Brown’s article on World Net Daily unless otherwise noted.
What did commentator Candace Owens mean when she posted that “Christ is King” in the midst of a very public dispute with her Daily Wire employer Ben Shapiro? I’m not going to enter into the details of that dispute, other than to say I agree with Shapiro’s concerns.
Here, I want to focus on Owens posting the words “Christ is King” on X (formerly Twitter).
In a previous post, she quoted the words of Jesus that “you cannot serve both God and money,” causing many to wonder if this was a dig on Jewish people, who are allegedly money hungry.
I was going to block quote Mr. Brown but decided to take this one section at a time.
OK so here is the first break with my position, Brown agrees with Ben Shapiro. Shapiro is all in on Israel’s war with Hamas and has even defended Israel’s use of nuclear weapons and genocide in the name of self-defense.
Mr. Brown’s article is on a website run by Christians that hold to a Premillennial view of eschatology. Their view is that the current nation of Israel is a rebirth of the Old Testament nation by that name and that modern-day Israel is prophetically necessary to usher in the Return of Jesus Christ. This is hooey. The biblical nation of Israel ceased to exist in 70 AD. The Jews of today (with few exceptions) are not ethnically related to the Jews of 2,000 years ago. Furthermore, Jews need to come to God just the way the rest of us do, through His son, Jesus the Christ.
For those wondering what could be wrong with proclaiming “Christ is King,” the unfortunate reality is that this beautiful, biblically based truth has been hijacked by elements of the extreme religious right, often with antisemitic implications.
Apparently for Brown, when a person says, “Jesus is Lord” or “Christ is King,” they are being antisemitic. Brown seems to believe the Dispensational view that Jews can come to God without believe in Jesus. Sorry dude but that is not in accord with Scripture. If there is any way to God without going through Jesus, then Jesus died in vain and thus our faith is null and void.
“That chant is now a calling card of Nick Fuentes and America First – a podcast, conference and community within the broader white Christian nationalist movement. It also happens to be a core proclamation of Christians through the centuries.
This paragraph is a train wreck of mashed-up stuff. I will try to unpack this a little bit.
First, who cares about this Nick Fuentes guy. I looked him up on the Internet and the first hits I got were websites attacking Nick Fuentes such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). These guys hate Christians and anyone on the right side of the political aisle. As a high-profile Christian on social media, if you’re not on their bad list then I doubt you stand for the right things.
Fuentes once had dinner with Donald Trump and Kanye West. Fuentes has a group called America First Foundation. It was founded in 2020. Four years after Trump was elected on a platform of America First.
America First Foundation’s purpose is:
Our country is having a crisis of faith. We’ve lost faith in God, in our institutions, and in our destiny as a people. This absence has left the foundational pillars of America in ruins. Immigration has spiraled into a mass invasion, eroding our identity as Americans. Our cities, once shining achievements of our prosperous civilization, are now symbols of decline and decay. Our people have been taught to hate themselves and their ancestors, all the while being encouraged to embrace degeneracy and sin.
Our forefathers created this nation with their blood, sweat, and tears. Their struggle produced a country rooted in Christ, family, and virtue. Following in their footsteps, we aim to restore those lost values while building a happy, healthy, and prosperous future. Much like our ancestors, we strive to create a home with dignity and reverence for God.
While we take inspiration from the past, our movement is focused on the future as we plot a new course for America in the decades and even centuries to come. We are tapping into the creativity of our nation’s young Christian men, born and raised in a technologically rich, but spiritually poor era. It is these visionaries who will remake the American character, grounding it in Christian virtue and societal excellence. America First is carving a path forward that is truly revolutionary. With your continued help and support, this movement can actualize its vision for the future, forging a new version of America, worthy of our posterity.
We live in an era of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). These are direct attacks on Christianity, Christian Culture (Western Culture), and American Values. Was America ever a perfect country? Nope. But the Left is openly tearing down the last vestiges of what America once was in the names of socialism, communism, and a bunch of other _isms. Mr. Brown thinks pushing back against the Liberal onslaught of evil by me or Fuentes or Candice Owens or whoever is wrong. Why? I guess things are supposed to get worse and worse until Jesus returns. Many in his camp hold to this perverse view that to oppose evil is to delay the return of Christ.
Also, where and how did Fuentes get ownership of the slogan “America First”? I thought to love one’s country was called patriotism. If God put you in a particular country, then to love your country is to agree with God that His purpose in placing you in a particular place and time is good.
Brown then starts in with rhetoric about the white Christian nationalist movement. What a loaded term. I guess white people can’t have a voice in today’s America? At least that is what Mr. Brown seems to imply. The Liberal message is clear, if you are white, you have no voice. Shut-up because all that is wrong is your fault. If you’re a Christian, ditto. It’s all your fault so shut up. If you’re for America, then you are racist so shut up. However, being for war in Ukraine or Israel at the expense of the US is OK? Supporting marriage as between a man and woman is racist and hateful but gay or trans whatever is honorable? These messages in our culture today are symptoms of great evil and rot in our nation.
Oh, my other thought is when did Fuentes become a name for a white guy? Thought that was a Hispanic name. Then again, the “Proud Boys” were led by a Hispanic guy but somehow, they are white supremacists anyway. Seems like white is a very malleable category. Mr. Brown seems to think the best position for white folks is grabbing their ankles and says, “Please sir, may I have some more.”
“When I say ‘Christ is King,’ I mean something very different from what Fuentes means. While there is a long history of Christian support for violent racism – even using that very same language – a proper theological understanding of ‘Christ is King’ ought to compel us to live at peace with our neighbors.”
Mr. Brown, who doesn’t want to live at peace with their neighbor?
Last I checked, Kanye West was a black guy that loved Jesus. He was with Fuentes who claims to love Jesus at the dinner with Trump who also claims to love Jesus. If he was as racist as you imply, why would he choose to hang out with a black guy?
Oh, by-the-way, loving Jesus is the way to racial harmony and the solution in the Middle East wars.
I didn’t see anywhere that Fuentes is advocating for armed conflict or violence or race wars. To say Christians, have a long history of racism and violence is very provocative and demonstrably untrue, at least in terms of a body count.
More people died in the 20th Century as a result of beliefs underpinned by Darwin and his survival of the fittest than in all the religious wars in the history of the world. Darwin is the basis of humanism, eugenics, communism, and socialism. The body counts of abortion, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and others could be close to a billion souls lost in the last century. It is estimated that 3.5 million people died as a result of all religious wars in the history of the planet. Clearly, no comparison.
Furthermore, more people are in slavery today than ever in the history of the planet but because we can get electric cars and iPhones cheaper, we look the other way. Fuentes is opposed to tyranny and slavery, but Mr. Brown says Fuentes is a bad guy? Seems like Brown is setting up a Fuentes as a strawman so he can beat him like a pinata? Then Brown is challenging Candice Owens to agree with him or else. Oh, yea. Candice Owens is black, or at least looks to be nonwhite to me, so how is she throwing in with white Christian nationalists? I think Mr. Brown is very confused.
This last part is most instructive.
But without a doubt, there is a growing minority that connects “America first” with the proclamation of “Christ is King” in a way that perverts the very meaning of those Jesus-exalting words.
Yes, Jesus is King and will always be King. He was born a King, died a King, reigns in heaven as King, and will return as King – in fact, as King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19:16). For myself, as Jewish follower of Jesus, I unashamedly proclaim Him as the Messianic King and the Savior and Lord of all. And yes, in His name and authority we are called to go and make disciples of the nations (Matthew 28:18-20).
But to use “Christ is King” as a political slogan, especially one with racist and antisemitic overtones, is to bring disgrace on that holy and beautiful name.
At the end of his article, Brown finally exposes the defect of his theology. Jesus is just the Savior of your soul. For him, all this Jesus stuff is just spiritual. It has no earthly application. Brown cherry picks the Great Commission as the totality of the mission of the Christian Church because Jesus reigns only in Heaven.
Brown is the one denying Scripture. Clearly, he doesn’t understand the meaning of the Ascension of Christ or His Kingdom. Jesus is sitting on the Right hand of the Father ruling the nations now. Jesus will continue to rule until all nations submit to His Lordship. Brown is blinded by the Dispensational presuppositions that he is trying to impose on the Bible. Sorry Mr. Brown but they aren’t there.
Christian Nationalists want biblical values to be the values of our country, not secular humanism or socialism or communism. God has blessed us as a nation to the extent that we honor and obey His Law. We are currently under God’s judgement for disobeying Him. Christians, including Christian nationalists, want limited government and the freedom to worship God. They want God welcome into the public square not cancelled from it along with His followers. The basis of our Republic was once the Ten Commandments and needs to be again.
Some folks believe that they should actively work to oppose evil in our society and make our laws and values a reflection of God’s Revelation. In short, transform the culture. Some of us are having a healthy discussion as to whether we should use the model of St. Patrick or St. Boniface. We are working to answer the question of Francis Schaeffer, “How should we then live?”
Meanwhile Mr. Brown wants to sit it out and hope the Rapture happens, so we won’t reap what we’ve sewn. Sorry but Jesus ain’t coming back in your lifetime or that of your grandchildren so what now? If all you want to do is wait around for a third temple or some other nonsense, wake up. Scofield was wrong. Hal Lindsey was wrong. You are wrong. Matthew 24 was fulfilled 2,000 years ago.
Some of us hope to leave the world a better and more righteous place than we found it. We must try but the results are God’s not ours.
Ben Shapiro demands that Israel’s interests supersede those of the United States. If you dare to disagree then he starts calling folks racists. Sorry but I and many others dissent. I think the US should stay out of this war.
Meanwhile, Brown only wants us to be involved due to heretical theology. Brown wants us all in for Israel because he thinks we need to bless Israel to be blessed. (Zionism is a part of his dispensational/premillennial theology.) Sorry, but the New Testament Church is true Israel not the folks using that name today that live in Palestine or whatever you want to call Judea in this day and age.
Candice Owens is right that Christ is King. The problem is that our fellow Americans no longer believe that. This is not a race issue, it’s a heart issue. Until Christians live as Christ commanded seven days a week, don’t expect things to get any better. For Mr. Brown to essentially call Candice Owens a white Christian nationalist is beyond laughable.
Yep, while China’s leader was in San Francisco the other day, Joe Biden paid him a visit and endorsed Gavin Newsom for President. As is usual, I think Joe shot-off his mouth and gave away part of the Democrat playbook for 2024.
“I want to talk about Governor Newsom. I want to thank him. He’s been one hell of a governor, man,” Biden said Wednesday during a welcome reception for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders in San Francisco. “Matter of fact, he could be anything he wants. He could have the job I’m looking for.”
Biden’s eyebrow-raising comment was made at “the most significant event with world leaders in San Francisco in recent history,” according to the APEC 2023 website for the event.
Newsom recently elevated rumors of running a “shadow campaign” amid trips to Israel amid its war with Hamas, before heading to China late last month to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Joe is making an admission against interest (his interest), but we here at the blog think he let at least part of the political cat out of the bag.
The problem is that people think the Democrats elect convention delegates via the Presidential Primary Process; however, this is not true. Most delegates are pledged prior to the vote, these guys, referred to as “super delegates,” are the ones that are a majority and really run things behind the scenes.
My proof is this, if you recall the cycle when Hillary Ran against Trump (2016), Bernie Sanders won many states by as much as 70 percent, but Hillary still won most of the delegates in these states. The system is rigged so that the super delegates have the power. This only becomes a problem when the rank-and-file democrats vote contrary to the wishes of their masters, then you see the fraud that they perpetrate.
What this means in 2024 is that while democrats are dutifully voting for Biden, the super delegates are being lobbied to support Newsom. Gavin only needs to get the support of about 1,600 people in the country to be the dem nominee regardless of how democrats vote in the primaries. The primary elections are just smoke-and-mirrors to give the illusion of a fair election process.
When the Democrat Convention happens, Joe’s removal will be engineered into the proceedings. The only question is, will Biden leave willingly or be forced out?
Yep, a property that Donald Trump owned for many years has finally hit the dust bin, and deservedly so. Shortly after the Miss Universe contest announced that they would allow transvestite entries, they filed for bankruptcy. If this reminds you of my recent post on Victoria’s Secret, it should. Here are the details.Trump owned Miss Universe from 1996 to 2015.
Trump owned the Miss Universe Organization between 1996 and 2015. After making comments about Mexican immigrants that prompted the termination of the pageant’s partnerships with NBC and Univision, he sold the organization to International Management Group
It looks like International Management Group owned the organization from 2015 to 2022.
On Wednesday, it was announced that Anne Jakkaphong Jakrajutatip — a Thai media tycoon who has been open about her experiences as a trans woman — purchased the pageant for $20 million, CNN reports. Jakrajutatip is also the CEO of JKN Global Group PCL, a Thailand-based media distribution company.
One year later, JKN Global filed for bankruptcy.
While the 2023 Miss Universe pageant, known for its inclusion transgender contestants, will still take place this Saturday, the JKN Global Group behind it filed for bankruptcy just days before the event.
Thai business tycoon and transgender activist Anne Jakrajutatip of the JKN Global Group bought the organization for $20,000,000 in 2022. Jakrajutatip, who has international fame as a transgender celebrity, described the purchase at the time as “a strong, strategic addition to our portfolio.”
Ok, one thought before I start slamming this situation. Is the chick with a dick that owns this contest leaving all the company liabilities in the existing corporation and exploiting a loophole to place assets into a new corporation, or is this disturbed person really broke? Either way, it’s yet another example of “Go Woke, Go Broke”.
Now for some random thoughts. The Rolling Stone article quoted above also makes some accusations against Trump. These guys really hate conservatives and especially Trump, so this is no surprise. But let’s look at their dig.
Throughout the time Trump owned the pageant, he made creepy comments about the women who competed on the show, while some former Miss USA contestants claimed he walked into teen dressing rooms while they were changing.
“He just came strolling right in,” former Miss Arizona Tasha Dixon told CBS LA. “There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless. Others girls were naked. Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half-naked changing into our bikinis.”
Let’s assume their complaint about Trump walking into the room where the models/contestants were changing is true. Rolling Stone has a problem with this. Sorry but I must dissent at least somewhat. Models always have people attending to them. These helpers are not only around them when dressing but these folks are touching, poking, and prodding them. It’s part of the make-up process to have people making changes to your appearance prior to going in front of the camera.
Again, Rolling Stone has a problem with Trump allegedly doing that but a guy who walks in the changing room gets a pass from them because he’s wearing a dress instead of a suit. Sorry but that’s just weird. Under the hood, they both started out with the same factory plumbing.
Just because the guy that owns the competition thinks he’s a girl, is not what sunk the enterprise. It was when he forced his values onto the audience by allowing transvestites/transsexuals into a women’s beauty contest that he went too far. Just like with Victoria’s Secret, folks expect to see hot women in beautiful clothing. Spectators don’t want to check all the babes for packages at events such as this. They want to see the best that God has created, not some fake crap thrust upon them as equivalent to the genuine article.
Oh, wanna bet that Disney has rights to broadcast this competition in US markets?
Yes, dear readers. The C.S. Lewis classic children’s stories are getting a makeover by Barbie. Here’s the news stories:
July 7, 2023
Known for her highly anticipated movie BARBIE, sources confirmed Greta Gerwig is set to direct a new Netflix adaption of NARNIA.
The Hollywood Reporter stated, “There is no official announcement but the New York reported that Gerwig has a deal to direct two films in author C.S Lewis’ NARNIA franchise.”
Additionally IDN reported, “According to a recent profile piece in The New Yorker, Gerwig will helm at least two Narnia movies for Netflix as part of the streamer’s long-gestating plans to bring the beloved Chronicles of Narnia series to life through multiple movies and TV shows.”
Netflix film chief Scott Stuber recently revealed why he made a deal with Greta Gerwig to adapt C.S. Lewis’ “Chronicles of Narnia” books for the streaming service.
Variety executive editor Brent Lang asked Stuber, “I want to ask you about some upcoming films. You have Greta Gerwig adapting C.S. Lewis’ Narnia books. Why did you decide to make that deal? What about her as a filmmaker made you feel like that was a good fit with that material?”
While production hasn’t started yet, Netflix is hoping to begin filming sometime next year.
Stuber told Collider, “Well, I think people know that we’re aspirationally trying to get Greta Gerwig’s NARNIA together and get that movie, which will be next year.”
Ok, color me skeptical. First her name is Greta. Sorry but every Greta that I know of is literally a flaming Liberal.
Second, she directed Barbie. Yes, I know the movie made lots of money but yuck. Aside from all the woke stuff in it, it looks like she gave the franchise the “Speed Racer” treatment. Live people with computer animated backgrounds.
Sorry folks but I see no way that the Narnia series survives this lady and her companions. And maybe that’s the point.
The Walden Media movies lost much of the spirit of Narnia and got progressively worse as they went on. Walden lost much of the Christian message in the books simply because they didn’t stick with the story; instead opting to make Naria a Marvel lite action series. Wanna bet the Walt Disney Company forced many of these changes to the scripts because they had distribution rights to the movies? (If memory served me, Disney killed the distribution of future films, thus killing any further Narnia projects by Walden Media.)
Sorry but Narnia is about characters making choices and then bearing the consequences of their actions. It is more cerebral than action oriented. The action has a purpose and is not just a series of scenes of gratuitous violence strung together for the purposes of entertainment.
I really doubt that Netflix will allow the Narnia series to be made without making characters homosexual or trans just so they can check the politically correct boxes mandated by Hollywood. Then there’s the white witch. Do they keep her white, and make all the children members of various minority groups?
Can an overtly Christian book series really translate once they get done with it? Color me super pessimistic. I think this is a backhanded way of destroying Narnia. They want it to fail and in such a way that the message is that Lewis books just aren’t marketable.
Remember that Liberals kill what they can’t control.
Yep, earlier this year Megan got the boot from Victoria’s Secret. Thanks to her efforts, their sales decreased 20 percent.
The brand, known for hiring beautiful models, has tried to diversify its models over the past few years, including plus-size and transgender representatives. However, the rebrand attempt has not translated to increased sales , with the outlet’s projected revenue for this year at $6.2 billion, down by almost 20% compared to 2020’s $7.5 billion .
Part of the attempted rebrand included hiring Megan Rapinoe , an athlete and activist who has advocated transgender women competing in women’s sports …
The sales haven’t backed up Victoria’s Secret’s new message, though. So now, they’re attempting to “bring sexy back.”
But it seems the brand [Victoria’s Secret] won’t be going forward with Rapinoe …
It’s a good thing that Victoria’s Secret is going back to their roots; namely, beautiful women that can please their men.
Megan is a fringe person living a fringe life.
Having failed to define beauty for American pop culture—something us red-blooded American men knew about .03 seconds after seeing want Megan looks like—yesterday, Megan tried her hand at theology. It didn’t go well.
“I’m not a religious person or anything and if there was a god, like, this is proof that there isn’t,” Rapinoe said. “This is fucked up. It’s just fucked up. Six minutes in and I eat my Achilles.”
Megan there is a God in Heaven, you are just in rebellion against Him. Just like the rest of us, you need to yield to Him or face the consequences. Since you haven’t yielded, you get to abide under His wrath until you repent or draw your last breath. Your choice.
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Romans 1: 26 – 32
Megan, you are the poster child for Andrew Isker’s Trashworld and all that is wrong with our culture. You are a broken and pathetic individual. If you thought Saturday was a bummer, just wait. Apart from God you can never be happy or fulfilled. You can fill that hole in your heart with anything you want but it won’t work.
God punishes the wicked. They may appear to get away with stuff in this life but none of us escape death or the judgement.
Megan, what people see in you is something I can never understand. Perhaps you could get a gig on The View. They have a whole panel of women just as miserable and unhappy as you are.
2,000 years ago, Nero played the fiddle as Rome burned. Yesterday, the Pope set Rome ablaze again. The difference is that this time the blaze was set by the fires of hell as the Pope scrapped the Scriptures and replaced them with the doctrine of demons.
No, I’m not exaggerating.
Having an atheist for a Pope is an offense, in and of itself, but when he doesn’t even fake a belief in cultural Christianity, all that’s left is balls-to-the-wall humanism. This guy is into Liberation Theology which is just baptized communism. He uses the vocabulary of the Church but only as a disguise for his secular agenda.
Let’s recap the Pope’s actions since this summer.
First, the Pope made belief in global warming (climate change) an official doctrine of the Catholic Church.
Pope Francis pulled no punches in his latest papal proclamation, calling out world leaders — who for decades have failed to protect the planet and its most vulnerable people — and spurring the world’s most powerful to take decisive action on climate change.
“Our responses have not been adequate,” Francis wrote in Laudate Deum, published Oct. 4. As a result, he warned, “The impact of climate change will increasingly prejudice the lives and families of many. … We will feel its effects in … healthcare, sources of employment, access to resources, housing, forced migrations.”
He lambasted, too, the capitalistic appeal of unproven technology — easy fixes to the climate crisis — that fail to address the hard work of phasing out fossil fuels and ending global deforestation: “To suppose that all problems in the future will be solved by new technical interventions is a form of homicidal pragmatism,” he wrote bluntly.
Last time I checked, God was in charge of the creation, including our planet. It is more than hubris to say man can control the climate. Such an assertion is to remove God from the throne and elevate man as his own “god”. This goes way beyond the Dominion Mandate or mankind being made stewards of God.
Second, he has allowed “gay marriage” in the Church.
Using weasel words, the Pope has not condemned German priests from conducting same sex marriages. He has said it is up to individual priests whether they wish to do this. Jesus said a house divided cannot stand, either Truth is universal, or it ceases to be true.
The Vatican holds that marriage is an indissoluble union between man and woman. As a result, it has long opposed gay marriage. But Francis has voiced support for civil laws extending legal benefits to same-sex spouses, and Catholic priests in parts of Europe have been blessing same-sex unions without Vatican censure.
Francis’ response to the cardinals, however, marks a reversal from the Vatican’s current official position. In an explanatory note in 2021, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said that the church could not bless gay unions because “God cannot bless sin”.
In his new letter, Francis reiterated that matrimony is a union between a man and a woman. But responding to the cardinals’ question about homosexual unions and blessings, he said “pastoral charity” required patience and understanding, and priests could not become judges “who only deny, reject and exclude”.
In other words, the pope does not call for a full embrace of Germany’s approach to blessing same-sex unions. He instead talks about how such blessings might sometimes be an appropriate expression of pastoral charity.
The position that Francis has taken on same-sex “blessings” is the exact same that the Archbishop of Berlin, Heiner Koch, has expressed recently. Koch left it to any individual priest to decide whether they want to “bless” homosexual couples, citing statements by Francis and his new doctrine chief, Cardinal Victor Fernandez, as justification.
Francis surely knows that he cannot change immutable Church doctrine and still be recognized as a legitimate Catholic pope. Instead, with his toleration (and promotion) of sinful acts, like the reception of Communion for unrepentant adulterers (“divorced and civilly remarried”) and same-sex “blessings,” he is changing the practice, preventing many who live in a state of objective mortal sin to see their errors and repent.
Third, yesterday the Pope opened the Roman Church to transsexuals.
This action again is couched in weasel words, but the doors are wide open for unrepentant people to join the Church. In essence, the Roman Church has abolished sin and nullified the death of Christ as a cruel and meaningless cosmic joke.
The Vatican released a document Wednesday affirming that individuals suffering from gender-identity disorders are allowed to be baptized or be named as godparents under specific circumstances.
The document is an official response to a dubia submitted by Brazilian Bishop Giuseppe Negri of Santo Amaro seeking guidance on the issue. It was propagated by the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and signed by Pope Francis.
However, in a somewhat ambiguous clarification, the guidance specifies that in order for individuals with gender-identity afflictions to be baptized, it must not cause “scandal” or “disorientation.”
This same stipulation applied to their eligibility to act as godparents or witness marriages, according to the Vatican.
Father Brian Graebe, a priest with the Archdiocese of New York … told Fox News Digital that the Vatican’s guidance is not contradictory to church teaching, but possibly “deficient.”
“There’s nothing in the document that contradicts church teachings. My reaction to it when I read it yesterday was that it’s deficient. The problem isn’t so much in what it says as in what it leaves unsaid,” Graebe said.
He continued, “What I was disappointed not to see in the document was affirmation that in the right of baptism itself, whatever name the person has, we call it a Christian name [or] their baptismal name […] what we must affirm is that the correct biological pronouns are to be used.”
Roman Catholic Cardinal Cardinal Müller responded to the Pope’s declaration this way:
It is confusing and harmful when the Magisterium relies on the terminology of a nihilistic and atheistic anthropology and thus seems to lend its untruthful content the status of a legitimate theological opinion in the Church.
Transhumanism in all its variations is a diabolical fiction and a sin against the personal dignity of human beings, even if in the form of transsexualism and terminologically spruced up as “self-determined gender reassignment.” The doctrine and practice of the Roman Church clearly prescribes: “The harlot, the fornicating man, the one who mutilates himself, and anyone else who does something that is not spoken of (1 Cor 6:6-20) should be rejected [from the catechumenate and baptism]” (Traditio Apostolica 16).
The pastoral motive that urges us to treat those who sin against the Sixth and Ninth Commandment of the Decalogue as “gently and compassionately” as possible is praiseworthy only as long as the pastor does not, like a bad doctor, deceive his patient about the seriousness of his illness …
Sorry but the Pope’s declarations are a bunch of verbal diarrhea. Either trans folks are in or out. Biblically, they can only be welcome into the Church following repentance. Please note that, concerning homosexuals and transgender people, that the Pope requires NO repentance. People dead in their trespasses and sin are being allowed into the Church without repentance and regeneration. This relegates the Church from being a hospital for sinners into just another club for the unregenerate.
Biblically we should welcome all people to our services but only upon repentance of sin and an expression of faith in Christ (followed by baptism or confirmation) should people be allowed membership into the Body of Christ.
The Roman Catholic Church has many doctrinal things that I disagree with, but the Roman Church has maintained more fidelity to some parts of the faith than their Protestant brethren. For instance, there would be no Pro-life movement anywhere without faithful Catholics leading the charge. The Roman Church has been a voice on issues of human sexuality and preserving the meaning of what it means to be created in God’s image better than any other part of the Church. By and large, Protestant Church bodies have either been silent on such issues or embraced the Satanic spirit of our age, repudiating the faith once delivered to the saints.
This Pope is nullifying the Genesis model of God creating male and female and taking his flock outside the boundaries of the historic Creeds. Thus, the leadership of the Roman Church has discarded the last vestiges of orthodoxy and instead is now preaching another gospel.
But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
2 Corinthians 11:3-4
The Roman Church is faced with something not seen since the beginning of the Reformation, should the faithful part from its Roman leaders or stay in spite of the false teaching. This Pope is betting that tradition wins over doctrine. Sadly, he is likely to win that bet.
Photo above: Robert Kennedy Jr. candidate for President
Insurrection, mean tweets, name calling, male chauvinist recordings, little rocket man, crooked Hillary, Sleepy Joe, etc. Trump is a piece of work; he gets things done but he is a major piece of work. He was deeply unpopular and has been indicted, god only knows how many times, since he started running again. How can he possibly be winning an election against Joe Biden?
The only way Trump wins a second term is to “rank the race up” like he did with Hillary. Enter RFK Jr. Robert Kennedy. He will do exactly that, and he has already begun too.
While most will tell me that RFK has no chance of winning (they are correct by the way), he will be playing spoiler. RFK has only one challenge, getting on the ballot in each state. Democrats like they usually do are very aggressive at filing lawsuits/challenges to keep the Green Party off ballots in states that are “swing” in nature. Think Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. The Democrats are also smart knowing full well the Kennedy name will pull pretty good numbers depending on what state he runs in. RFK is pulling about 15% nationwide, so he has a large draw, and will be invited to all 3 required debates for the general election.
More on that later, but RFK definitely “ranks up” a race where neither candidate is at or near 50%.
Neither candidate is popular. Make no mistake Joe Biden is viewed as too old, by a very large majority. He also is facing a very shaky situation globally with the Middle East and Ukraine being massive problems and the potential of China being one as well. At home interest rates on debt are high. Couple that with a slowing economy, high inflation, and constant shortages/strikes. Taken together, Biden is in trouble. He has no issues to sell the voters on except “he isn’t Trump.” Trump on the other hand is the Republican version of Hillary Clinton. No Democrat will stay at home and watch him get elected. They hate his guts. Turnout for the Democrats will not be a problem. It’s who they vote for that will be. Biden is likely a soft 48% in a two-person race, but closer to 40% with RFK in.
Trump, for all his flaws, as we see moving forward still has a “base/floor” of about 46% in a 2-person race, and in a hypothetical 3-way race with RFK, he is about 42%. These numbers haven’t and will not move. No one will be moved to vote for Trump, short of RFK being disqualified due to dubious reasons, just like most will not be moved to vote against him rather than for him. He is just too polarizing. Joe Biden is the opposite. His support is just Trump haters, and soft-shell Republicans who can’t stand him, think Romney, Lincoln Project types etc.
Here is where RFK causes a Democrat headache.
RFK is staunchly anti-vax which gives him popularity with the far-right crowd; however, his support for Reparations is a big turn off to that group. While I do not see black folks voting for RFK in droves, I could see him peel off of about 5-6% in certain states. Just look at the math. Take the 2020 election, and in every state, minus let’s say 2% from Trump totals, and minus about 5% from Sleepy Joe. Now check out what the result would be. Sure, in big Democrat states, CA, IL, WA, NY etc. it doesn’t make a difference, but I’m not talking about those states. Check out Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania. A close race gets not so close. I know that 2 plus 5 equals 7% not 5-6% but understand Biden has very high support in the big blue states, not in the flyover ones. Such a depressed turn-out for Biden also puts these races outside the margin of lawyers.
The final point on this is the cognitive issue. Very obvious Joe isn’t all the way there; mentally. If you can’t see it there may be no saving you. Trump is a wild card, but he is definitely 100% in control of his cognition. RFK is fine mentally, he is just a wild conspiracy theorist. If you agree with Joe politically, but he appears lost in a debate, or at a rally, or interview, you are more likely to not vote or change to RFK. If you are a Trump supporter, it doesn’t matter, you’re voting for him anyways.
Trump knows he only wins in a 3-man race. Hence, he is on to the general and with him vs RFK vs Biden. In this scenario, Trump can and will win.
Editor’s Note: Right after getting this post from The Chief, Senator Joe Machin (photo below) announced that he would not be running for reelection. Machin has long been rumored as a possible third-party candidate for President. Would a Kennedy-Machin ticket be lethal for Joe Biden?
Dang. I thought I was done with this war in Israel stuff but this one really blew my socks off. Associated Press and Reuters had people embedded with Hamas BEFORE they attacked Israel on October 7th. Yep, Associated Press and Reuters had advanced notice that this surprise attack was coming. Oh, said people also did work for CNN and the New York Times.
These guys were posting photos of the Jewish folks being kidnapped by Hamas. They also photographed the body of an Israeli soldier who was dead being dragged thru the streets.
Let’s be clear: News agencies may claim that these people were just doing their job. Documenting war crimes, unfortunately, may be part of it. But it’s not that simple.
It is now obvious that Hamas had planned its October 7 attack on Israel for a very long time: its scale, its brutal aims and its massive documentation have been prepared for months, if not years. Everything was taken into account — the deployments, the timing, as well as the use of bodycams and mobile phone videos for sharing the atrocities.
Is it conceivable to assume that “journalists” just happened to appear early in the morning at the border without prior coordination with the terrorists? Or were they part of the plan?
Even if they didn’t know the exact details of what was going to happen, once it unfolded did they not realize they were breaching a border? And if so, did they notify the news agencies? Some sort of communication was undoubtedly necessary — before, after or during the attack — in order to get the photos published.
As if that isn’t bad enough read this from a related article:
Photos posted by the news agencies of the surprise terrorist attack on Israel include ones showing terrorists breaking the gates to Kibbutz Kfar Aza, where residents were caught completely off guard and dozens were murdered. Photos also show that photographers were on the scene as terrorists took civilians such as Shani Louk hostage, and attacking Israeli tanks on the other side of the Gaza border.
The photos raise serious questions about whether the news agencies had advance knowledge that the terrorist attacks were taking place. The four individuals credited by the Associated Press for images of the attacks — Hassan Eslaiah, Yousef Masoud, Ali Mahmud, and Hatem Ali — are all photographers based in Gaza, where it was revealed in 2021 that the Associated Press shared office space with the terrorist group.
Did you get that last part? “… Associated Press shared office space with the terrorist group.”
And Liberals wonder why folks like us believe that too many coincidences might mean a conspiracy. Every conspiracy denounced in the last few years has turned out to be true, and I think this one can be added to that list too.
Oh, on X (formerly Twitter) is a photo of photographer Hassan Eslaiah being kissed by Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar. Really, this guy’s name in sin war? Can’t make this stuff up.
Lest you want to research this article, AP and Reuters have scrubbed their websites of much of the embarrassing photo credits, but the photos are likely still there without attribution.
Oh, per the article:
Reuters did not respond to a request for comment. The New York Times and CNN, which both have worked with the photographers in question, also did not respond to inquiries.
“When international news agencies decide to pay for material that has been captured under such problematic circumstances, their standards may be questioned and their audience deserves to know about it,” the watchdog writes. “And if their people on the ground actively or passively collaborated with Hamas to get the shots, they should be called out to redefine the border between journalism and barbarism.”
The article also takes a dig at the Old Gray Lady with the final paragraph of the article:
The New York Times is actively publishing stories from a freelance reporter in Gaza who has proclaimed admiration for Adolf Hitler.
This is a bad look for the mainstream media but wanna bet these photographers get a payoff at some point in the future? Maybe a Pulitzer? Maybe a visit from Massad? Meanwhile, look for photo credits from Gaza to be generic.
Last night was allegedly a bad night for Republicans as the status quo was maintained in most elections held yesterday. Today a plethora of folks on Fox News are blaming Donald Trump for these losses. Sorry but I don’t get that at all.
First the Fox article:
MIAMI – A dismal night for Republicans on Election Day 2023 is giving some of former President Donald Trump’s rivals fresh ammunition to target the commanding front-runner for the 2024 GOP nomination.
The disappointing results — which included Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear winning re-election in red-state Kentucky; Democrats winning total control of the state legislature in Virginia, expanding their legislative majorities in New Jersey and winning a state Supreme Court seat in battleground Pennsylvania; and the convincing victory in Ohio of a referendum that enshrined abortion rights in the state’s constitution — follow similar results in the 2022 midterm elections, when an expected red wave never materialized.
“Last night was a sweeping loss for republicans. It was eerily similar to last November, when the anticipated ‘red wave’ never came,” James Uthmeier, who manages Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign, said in a social media post.
I don’t know why there would be a “red wave” in the first place. Folks may be dissatisfied with Democrats and their lack of leadership, but can anybody tell me what the Republican alternative is?
Truth is that there isn’t one.
Instead, the typical Republican campaign is, “vote for me ‘cause I’m not a Democrat”.
Per Fox News, Donald Trump is somehow to blame for this? Why? Trump, as far as I can tell, is staying out of most of these contests. Oh, he might hand out a few endorsements but actively campaigning and spending money for state races is not his thing. Frankly I wish Trump would spend lots of money on candidates that say they agree with him but so far that has not happened. Trump seems to be the living embodiment of the motto “an army of one”.
On the Internet, I did see one guy in Pennsylvania say he didn’t vote because it doesn’t fix anything and there was also an article that electronic voting machines in that state were changing votes cast for Republicans in yesterday’s election. No surprise there.
I do get that people don’t trust that we have fair elections, and we also know that to challenge that reality is to be cancelled both online and in real life.
If Republicans want to fix anything, tackling fair elections would be something. But since the Country Club, Establishment, and Swamp Creatures Elites would then have to be on the same side as Trump, this will never happen. Again, it is a demographic reality that Trump was/is/will be the last Republican President in the history of this Republic. What do you think all the unfettered immigration across the Southern border is about? They want millions of dependent people in the country that will vote the right way.
The goal is to make all of the United States into California. (Governor Gavin Newsom has turned all of California into San Francisco and now wants all the other states to be like San Francisco too.) Democrats want to destroy the United States and make it into a socialist, multicultural, humanistic, cesspool. Sadly, they are emboldened by seeing their goal within sight.
Meanwhile, depending on the specific issue, Republicans vacillate between being “Democrat Lite” or looking the other way in fear of yet another circular firing squad. They have a bad habit of avoiding doing anything that will actually benefit our country or doing “the right thing”. Frankly, as a group, Republicans are a pathetic lot.
The words of Ed Hernandez keep coming to mind. He used to say something like, “There’s the stupid party and the evil party. Which are you?” That saying may not be originally from him, but it continues to rattle around in my head when I think about partisan politics.
The real cure to what ails us is spiritual not political. I just wish the Republicans would buy us enough time for the spiritual part to kick in. Right now, it’s the wrath of God 24/7. Sadly, too many frogs are enjoying the sauna as they boil and enjoy the “new normal”. Meanwhile, we get to watch the West burn to the ground. Somehow though we don’t care as long as we have our version of bread and circuses.