CRA Course Correction

After many emails over the last two days, I was able to get CRA to find a way to keep several members on the Board that were slated for removal.

This started by my asserting that the March 2 Board meeting was invalidly noticed 13 days instead of 14 as required by the Bylaws. By my math Feb 17 to Feb 28 was 11 days plus two in March equals 13 days. It helps when Bill Gates agrees with you. Try A3=A1 minus A2 in Microsoft Excel and you get this:

While the CRA was not willing to concede they blew the meeting notification, the leadership has pledged that they will reassign these wayward souls to the Board to fill their own vacancies. This keeps the March 2 meeting legit and keeps the Board mostly status quo. Had I not raised a ruckus, five to eight folks would have been tossed off the Board. This likely would not affect the outcome of any races for officer’s elections but it has the appearance of mischief.

Per CRA Bylaws, Board members are only allowed to miss two meetings during a two year term. The removal from office is automatic; thus when you miss the second meeting, you are never notified of the removal, it just happens. You are cut-off. It has been the practice that no communication is made with a person being removed. You just notice that your email box is quieter.

A few years ago, I was removed as Voter Registration Secretary after missing one meeting; not two as required by the Bylaws. I didn’t know I was off the Board until I heard I had been replaced. By then it was too late. It turns out that I was never marked as present at a Board meeting concurrent with a CRP Convention. After an hour of this two hour meeting, I had to attend a meeting with Steve Poizner held in an adjoining room. This was during his run for California Governor. My purpose attending the meeting was because I was the CRA Voter Registration Secretary. The irony was that doing my job cost me my job.

Once a vacancy occurs, the President has the option of filling the vacancy with the person of her choice or leaving it vacant until it can be filled. When CRA is less than three weeks from their Convention and the deck chairs start getting shuffled, it has the appearance that people are trying to tinker with the vote.

Once I got word of the offer to restore people to the Board, I began to dial back the rhetoric. I went from napalm to small arms fire. I was about to get nuclear on the subject but thankfully that was not necessary.

I am grateful to Tom Hudson and Karl Heft for engineering this arrangement. Furthermore, Celeste Greig had to sign-off on this in some capacity. Thanks for finding a way to do the right thing.

The Sith Lord says he’ll believe it when he sees it but I will give the Board the benefit of the doubt.

The Empire Strikes Back: Part 2

The way money is handled can be either an orderly process or a chaotic, clumsy and haphazard one. Order prevents fraud, disorder invites it.

I have twenty years of experience in accounting including payables; receivables; payroll; sales and employment taxes; just to name a few areas that I have worked. In business, anything received in the mail is opened, date stamped, and routed to the appropriate person for further handling. When handling money, tasks should be divided between various employees and subjected to processes that verify correct handling of funds.

In offices where I have worked, all checks were copied twice. One copy was kept with the deposit slip and the other attached to the invoice that the check was paying. This was kept in a vendor file. In a matter of minutes I could lay hands on any invoice or payment that I ever touched and present it to the boss or outside auditor.

In volunteer organizations, these types of practices are important to maintain. When, I was a treasurer in my local CRA chapter, I have made copies of all deposit slips and all checks that make up the deposit. I also kept copies of membership applications for all people joining the club. I also have copies of all checks written and invoices that were paid with these checks. When these types of practices are not followed then you lose control of the funds and chaos begets more chaos.

This is a tale of chaos resulting in people in CRA not following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or the governing Bylaws.

As currently written, membership dues and applications are sent to the Membership Secretary. The Membership Secretary updates the records and verifies applicant’s voter registration and stuff like that. The funds are sent to the Treasurer to be deposited.

As a result of the 2011 leadership fight, the Membership Secretary is on the look-out for mischief. Red flag items include large checks that pay dues for large groups of people instead of individual checks from members, unsigned membership applications, and the like.

Additionally, certain clubs have a reputation for bouncing checks. Checks received at conventions have even a higher rate of being bounced. In the past, it has been possible to show-up at the convention, pay dues with a fraudulent check, vote for the officers of your choice and go home leaving CRA holding the bag.

Instead of supporting processes that are designed to protect individual officers and the group as a whole from fraud, certain officers try to circumvent this process. When that officer is the statewide President then it becomes a bigger problem.

It is not unusual for an owner of a small business to take shortcuts when it comes to money; oh the stories I could tell about that…; however, the President of a corporation with franchises all over a state like California is another matter. This is effectively what CRA is, a California corporation with many franchises. For the President to ever touch a check from a member is a violation of established procedures. She may occasionally cosign a check that pays a bill—I’m assuming two signatures are required to write a check; this may not be the case but should be—but generally check handling should be left to others.

The current CRA President is frequently handling money from members and depositing funds in the corporate bank account. By doing so, she is bypassing both the treasurer and membership secretary and thus the system of checks and balances established to protect the organization. From what I know, she does not make copies of these checks and deposit slips; instead she simply sends an email as the mood strikes her stating that Bob, Mary and Steve paid their dues. If she happens to forget then the treasurer has to hunt her down and see what she has been up to in order to reconcile the account.

Along these lines, another money handling screw-up has surfaced.
On February 22, 2013, Membership Secretary George Park sent an email about paying dues and other deadlines to chapter Presidents and Board members. The applicable portion for this discussion appears below:

6. When mailing membership dues to me, please use the following mailing address, with no signature requirement. My mail box is locked and very secure; I will not accept FedEx, UPS or any US Mail that has been sent with a signature requirement. Again, use regular US Mail with no signature required.

On March 14, 2013, this email was sent to CRA President Celeste Greig and others:

Please see the letter that has gone out to all CRA Units. Please also note Item #6. I just rejected a certified mail envelope sent to my office. I will not accept certified mail or any postal mail that requires a signature. I also will not accept Fed Ex or UPS packages. All membership mail must be sent to my home address and not to my office. I have consistently reiterated these details in multiple communications since I have been membership secretary. I wanted to bring this to your attention as an FYI. Thanks

Yesterday, April 9, 2013, Park sent out an email that included the following:

(Click Here) to see an email sent to CRA President Celeste Greig after I rejected a Certified Mail Envelope that she mailed me. This email was cc’ed to the entire CRA executive board on 3/14/2013.  Why was Celeste collecting the RAGSCV unit dues?  Why did she send their dues registered mail with a signature required?

Once again, Greig is interjecting herself into the money end of the corporation. Why is she handling dues for a local chapter? Where is the treasurer of the chapter? Why can’t they send in their own dues like the other 50 odd chapters? Why send money to Park with a signature required? For about seventy-five cents—which is cheaper than the postage Greig paid—she could have sent the money with a delivery confirmation that requires no signature. Again, she should not be handling money.

Yesterday Steve Frank again interjected himself into this controversy. Please note that Frank is a past President of the CRA Corporation. As someone in the business world and a past president, he above all people should know that the president should stay out of the business of handling money. Instead he fires back at Park stating,” Now he is upset that a club did not trust him to accurately record their membership and instead sent its membership checks to the CRA State President.”

Besides Frank again re-inventing the Bylaws to suit his bias, this is a personal attack on the Membership Secretary. Some folks may not like the stuff they hear George Park say but I have known him for a few years now and he impresses me as a man of integrity. Park took a shoe box full of junk and has done a good job of rebuilding the mess left by Peggy Mew. Somehow, I think that if I was to research it, that Mew was likely the Membership Secretary when Frank was CRA President. Thus one could say that Park is cleaning up the debris that Frank and others failed to deal with when they had the chance.

George Park is doing his best and is trying to get local chapters to follow the rules that have always been there, just not enforced. He takes his fiduciary obligation as a corporate officer seriously; others like Frank and Greig treat CRA like a Cub Scout den leader meeting.

Sith Lord thinks Steve Frank Presidency was before Peggy Mew was Membership Secretary.

The Empire Strikes Back: Part 1

The CRA elites have been hard at work behind the scenes to insure that the status quo is maintained. As stated earlier, part of this strategy is keeping clubs that violate the rules—but vote the right way—in good standing so they will vote for the Greig Slate. (Please note that challenger John Briscoe has no slate.)

Antelope Valley RA has been given a pass after disgorging two years worth of paperwork and dues. They sent in rosters for 2012 & 2013 and a check for dues and as a result, they have been declared as a chapter in good standing. Please note that they were given a pass on paying any dues for 2011 and submitted their dues after the paperwork deadline for the upcoming convention. The stated reason for being given a pass on 2011 dues is that no current members have records that go back that far.

Antelope Valley did not follow the rules set forth in the State Bylaws but was given a pass in part because they have powerful patrons that neither faction in CRA feels they can afford to cross; in particular, George and Sharon Runner. Runner and his wife are listed as members of the Antelope Valley RA. AVRA claims a few other elected folks as members also.

Putting his best spin on this yesterday, Membership Secretary George Park released a statement praising the return of the prodigal son.

For over two years, the previous leadership of the unit simply never communicated with the CRA Membership Secretary and had not paid dues to CRA. Thanks to the efforts of CRA VP Tim Thiesen, we were able to make contact and in a conference call were able to resolve all the issues that existed.

The AVRA is one of the oldest units in the CRA and the new leadership is now fully reconnected with the CRA. VP Tim Thiesen made this possible through multiple phone calls. Thanks to Tim’s efforts AVRA is now go to go.

“I am truly grateful to Tim Thiesen for helping bring the Antelope Valley Republican Assembly back in to the CRA fold”, said George Park, CRA Membership Secretary, “It is gratifying to see the earnest commitment from their new president toward growing CRA and the Conservative Movement in the Antelope Valley!”

“Leadership means connection”, said Tim Thiesen, “and connection means sharing information and treating everyone fairly regardless of their opinions. To move CRA forward, the era of suspicion and stealth need to end.”

Reconnecting with the AVRA, on the heels of the wildly successful reorganization of the Ventura RA are two serious signs of progress in the direction of building a stable, healthy CRA going forward in Northern L.A. County and beyond.

Park can sure make lemonade from lemons.

Being Frank

Being Steve Frank must be a lot like working as the White House Press Secretary for Barack Obama. Frank gets trotted out in public every few days to put lipstick on the sow that is the CRA Presidency of Celeste Greig.

Today, George Park dumped another steaming load of Greig’s past actions on her doorstep. An hour later, Frank was dutifully trotted-out to again attack the messenger.

In today’s installment, Park once again concentrated on the Republican Assembly of Greater Santa Clarita Valley. On their current membership roster, this group is claiming members:
• Living in Texas and Washington DC.
• People that never joined the club or paid dues.
• Not even registered to vote.

Frank and Greig defend the legitimacy of RAGSCV despite the fact that the Bylaws they are pledged to support require that CRA members must live in California and be registered Republicans in the Golden State.

Frank accused this malfeasance on the fact that Park is not doing his job.

The irony is that Frank and Greig are the reason that clubs like these are not disciplined for their failure to follow the rules. Park’s emails are informing the Statewide Board of the problems in the organization and making sure that the appropriate committees must confront these issues while not allow those enabling this aberrant behavior to sweep it under the carpet. In addition, Greig is exposed as failing to lead, thus building the case that she should be replaced as President.

Frank has ignored my advice to get a good rhyme to cover his crimes and instead opted for, “End the Fraud.  Let CRA grow—end the Drama.” You can tell what Frank believes by what he accuses the other guys of doing. He projects his values and tactics on to his enemies because he figures that they operate from the same motivation that he does. Let’s break down his slogan.

• “End the Fraud”: Park would agree that ending the fraud is his goal—the fraud perpetrated by Frank and Greig.
• “Let CRA grow”: The growth Park wants is orderly and organic, the growth Frank wants is cancerous and destructive.
• “End the Drama”: Ending the Drama is stopping the special treatment and exemptions allowed by Greig and Frank. If everyone followed the same rules there wouldn’t be any drama.

Being Frank is difficult when you have nothing to work with. He can’t defend the record of the incumbent so all that he can do is attack Republicans that desire to do the right thing. Being Frank is more like Obama’s press secretary than I imagined.

Maybe RINO should be Republican Incumbents Need Obfuscation.

Ventura Tea Party Leader Jumps into CRA Presidential Race

These threads are in chronological order to provide some context. Additional details on the CRA Presidential race are found at

Aaron Park, CRA Sergeant at Arms replied to a campaign email from Celeste Greig:

Madam President:

I wanted to report in on my activities this month.

Along with CRA membership secretary George Park – we drove 830 Miles Round Trip to Ventura County to clean up a *mess left behind by SDD Steve Frank. I am pleased to report that the Ventura RA was successfully reorganized with 35 members at the time (they now have 38) – most all of whom have never been CRA Members.

I’d like to make a specific request that we reach out to local Tea Parties in Ventura to let them know about the values of CRA and that there is now a functional Unit in their area.

Celeste Greig, CRA President wrote the following:

Yes, I know that must of you are saying “Not another drama, lets just move on and ignore the park brothers”, well that is what we have been doing for the last 5 years or so, and look where it has taken us.

Then she added:

What mess *? Steve Frank WAS NOT in charge or President of the Ventura County R.A. he only went and met with Regina Risolio last week to get the existing records from her, she was the President, NOT Steve, he was not even on the board, we have been trying to re-activate the Unit for a long time, and had good, solid conservative people who wanted to be part of it, not anymore.

After Park recommends that the CRA President reach-out to the Ventura Tea Party, their President George Miller, attacks::

Mr. Parks:

I have NO idea what you and your brother are smoking up there, but:

1. “Reorganizing” a CRA chapter which is supposed to be “Conservative,” using RINO’s, if not out and out Progressives, will win you no favor in Ventura County, from actual Conservatives and real Tea Parties.

2. Steve Frank was not running the VC CRA chapter. He came in very recently after the fact and tried to revive the corpse. From the looks of your shrinking membership (notwithstanding your phantom units and bought “members),  it doesn’t look as though there’s much of real substance left.  Add to that its endorsements of non-Conservatives, why bother?

2. We brought some Tea Parties into CRA in 2011, right before you staged your mischief surrounding the CRA Convention. At that time, most of us either exited, changed plans to join, or cut back radically on CRA participation. We haven’t forgotten.

4. Is this mere incompetence, or a deliberate attempt to destroy CRA and what it stands for? Your latest stunt seems to suggest the latter.


George Miller

Please note that Celeste Greig was the one that inserted the idea that Steve Frank was “President of Ventura County RA” not Mr. Park as Miller claims.

Mr. Miller,

I received your email last night and wished to respond to it. Clearly someone gave you my address because we have never corresponded before.

Before responding I want to tell you a little about myself. I have been in CRA since about 1989 when I was recruited by Barbara Alby in the Narthex of Capital Christian Center in Sacramento. I have seen many changes over the years.  I was active in the Congressional campaigns of both Tim LeFevre and Barbara Alby. My daughter had attended City on the Hill youth camp that is sponsored by CRI. In 2011, I was supporting Karen England for President. My blog on the conflict between England and the Parks, et al was the basis of the court action taken against CRA.


I arrived at the April 2011 convention ready to vote for Karen England until I saw the circus that was staged on her behalf by Capitol Staffers and others. It was clear that she arrived with a host of paper clubs and was resorting to classic protest tactics I had only witnessed utilized by Leftists. It was a great disappointment to behold.


I also have disagreed with Aaron Park and others in their treatment of Rodney Stanhope. However, I have had a good relationship with Aaron and George Park for many years.

Unlike you, or Steve Frank or Celeste Greig, I was at the re-organizational meeting for the Ventura Republican Assembly.

Everything Steve Frank said about the meeting prior to it actually taking place was false except that Mike Osborn would attend. Frank’s complaints prior to the meeting were that Osborn worked with Charles Munger and some of his appointments to CRP were from outside Ventura County. These arguments are rather weak. CRA endorsed most of Munger’s slate for the CRP. Celeste Greig had ample time to recruit opponents to the slate and did not. In the old days CRA ran a complete slate for all CRP offices and had an effective proxy drill. Secondly, a County chair can appoint whoever they want to appoint.

Mike Osborn is the County chairman of the Republican Party of Ventura County. The CRA is chartered by the Republican Party. It has been the practice that County chairs will be present at Republican events in their county. This is doubly so when a new group is organizing. I spoke to Mr. Osborn at the Ventura RA meeting and he claims to be pro-life, a supporter of the Second Amendment and wants lower taxes. That may not cover all 14 points of the CRA but it puts him squarely in the Republican column. What Mike Osborn seems to lack is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ—something that is beyond the scope of this discussion.

The Steve Frank email that was forwarded to you by Celeste Greig prior to the re-organizational meeting was full of bullet points designed to put a wedge between your group and the CRA. You did not show due diligence to check the truth of Frank’s assertions or attend the meeting as an observer. You were welcome to come and check it out. Like Steve Frank, you did not attend the meeting but you are perfectly will to misrepresent it because it fits your narrative.

Better yet, if you wanted to, you could have had your Tea Party friends show up at George’s meeting, paid memberships and taken the Ventura RA right from under his nose. Since that didn’t happen it makes me wonder why you even inserted yourself into this issue.

No one claimed that Frank was running the VC CRA chapter as you assert in point 2 of your email. Frank—as a Senate District Director—was charged with helping to grow and assist CRA chapters in his assigned area. As I understand it, Ventura went from five chapters to zero. It appears that not until Frank and Greig did a headcount of possible delegates for the April 2013 Convention did they set their sights on reviving the chapter.

Neither Party in the 2011 CRA Convention battle is blameless. I am one of the few that publicly advocated following the existing rules to get thru the controversy. Had Karen England followed the rules and done thing according to the Bylaws she could have won. Celeste and her friends weren’t sure that following the rules would work so they shaded things to their side. For new folks coming into the group, it was not our finest moment.

I can understand your reluctance to be involved in CRA; however, with this email you have inserted yourself not only into an internal CRA controversy but you have chosen sides by the way you have done it.

One last irony that you remind me of is that it was Charles Munger that gave money to the Tea Party in Placer County to take-over their Republican Central Committee and boot out the CRA members.

I wish the Tea Party would either stay out of CRA affairs or pay dues so they can have a voice in what happens. Taunting from the sidelines does not advance either group. It only causes more folks sour on politics and register as DTS.


Frank Recants CRA Resignation: Clarifies Tantrum

After declaring that he is through with CRA and screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’; Steve Frank failed to complete his stated mission of jihad on Saturday.

Sunday from his recovery room he released yet another tirade. Below are the portions relevant to his aborted resignation.

I am a CRA Senate District Director—I have resigned as that.  Why?  Because I am also a CRA Past President and can have only one vote at a convention.  So, like I did two years ago before the CRA convention, I resigned as Senate District Director so someone can replace me.

OK Steve, no place in your rant—see post below—did you qualify what you were resigning from, it was I’m moving on; CRA has forsaken its values and I’m moving onto somewhere where I can do more good. You dissed the organization as a whole.

Later in the message he continued:

While I will not be active in CRA—do I really want to continue internal fights that take energy and resources from defeating liberals and Democrats? (I will continue my CRA membership)
Instead I will:
*continue publishing our CRA principles and values in my newsletter every day
*continue doing several radio shows each week promoting our CRA principles and values.
*continue speaking 2-3 times each week around the State to conservative groups and monthly debate liberals on our CRA values and principles.
These are positive things for CRA. AND I WILL ONLY DO POSITIVE THINGS FOR CRA.

Steve, the big issue that folks have with you and many Republicans is not what you say; it’s what you do and how you do it. It’s the backroom, back-stabbing, always calculating for advantage that folks have against you. You’re not sure you can win in a fair fight so you find ways of putting your thumb on the scales just to make sure you win. Can you say, “Santa Clarita?”

I’m glad to see that you are turning over a new leaf and promising from now on that “I will only do positive things for CRA”. Unfortunately old habits die hard. We will see if you continue you old ways or do better. I think it more likely that you are sorry you got caught, than sorry for what you have done.

Park Brothers Cause Steve Frank to Leave CRA

In the Cold War era, the United States and the Soviet Union engaged proxies to fight smaller battles that determined the future direction of other countries. In a similar fashion a proxy war was fought and decisively won today within the California Republican Assembly. This battle was over who would be the next statewide President. The choices are Celeste Greig and John Briscoe.

The proxy battle today was over the fate of the Venture County Republican Assembly. Steve Frank and his wife were the only members of record for the group. Steve is the Senate District Director for this area of California. The job of the Senate District Director is to grow clubs and help struggling units in his district.

Mr. Frank did not do this. His club has not been active for a period of at least two years and was in danger of being dissolved and de-chartered.

After being contacted by people interested in joining the unit, Membership Secretary George Park decided to call a meeting to try to re-organize the club in the hope that it would once again become a vibrant CRA chapter.

Mr. Frank—instead of being grateful for the assistance of fellow Board members that wanted to help him with the club—decided to call a different meeting in his home to re-organize the chapter on his terms. This occurred only after Park had set his plan into motion.

Frank had two primary reasons for calling a competing meeting. Frank viewed the Park meeting not only as stepping on his own private CRA chapter; but Frank—who supports re-electing Greig for President—viewed Park’s intervention as likely to bolstering convention delegates for Briscoe. Thus my analogy to a proxy battle between two forces.

Park did all of his meeting invitations in a very public and forthright way. He had even invited Steve Frank and his wife to attend the re-organizational meeting that he had called. Frank was not interested.

Frank seems to have called thru his old Rolodex and come up short on warm bodies. The day before his meeting, Frank cancelled the effort.

I rode to the meeting today with both of the Park brothers: George and Aaron, and Carl Brickey. I was simply an observer and knew only what had been publicly circulated amongst CRA members.

I can read the stiches on the proverbial fastball and knew that Mr. Frank viewed the meeting called by George Park as a hostile intrusion into his turf. This is clear from the email that has been filling my box over the last few weeks.

Just after Park had started the meeting, I received the email that appears below. I was at this meeting and Steve Frank was not. Based on the time stamp of the email, it was sent minutes before Park called the meeting to order. Frank was not in attendance today.

This email is full of inaccuracies and bald-faced lies as well as attacks on “strawmen” of Frank’s own invention. If you were not there then you would not necessarily know this information.

Reportedly, Celeste Greig—the current CRA President—also tried to create a wedge between CRA conservatives and Tea Party folks in Ventura County by sending some misleading emails to their leadership.

The message below appears in its entirety. The font sizes and some line spacing have needed minor modifications to fit on my blog.

George Park “hijacks Ventura County Republican Assembly for Liberals” I am Moving On for Conservatives @capoliticalnews on Twitter—follow us

The California Republican Assembly was called by Ronald Reagan ”The Conscience of the Republican Party.”

Thanks to the efforts of George Park, that is no longer true of the Ventura County Republican Assembly (VCRA), and the numerous other clubs he has gone after. He is either taking them over with Liberals or trying to close them down. As Membership Secretary he is supposed to be helping save and grow the clubs. Since they do not support his version of CRA, they must go.

Over the past few days he has sent out email blasts proudly proclaiming “leading” Ventura County Republicans are joining the VCRA.

For instance, Mike Osborn, chair of the Ventura County Central Committee. Mike is a good Republican. But is he a CRA Republican, you decide.

1. Working with Charles Munger he led the fight in the Platform Drafting Committee to end the conservation California Republican Party Platform.

2. As County chair he appointed delegates to the CRP convention. Half of them did not come from our County, they came from the Bay Area, so they could vote for the Munger candidate for Regional Vice Chair against the CRA endorsed candidate, Rohit Joy.

Is Mike Osborn a CRA Republican. How would he vote for endorsements for candidates in the name of CRA.

Then you have City Councilman Glen Becerra. He is also a good Republican, you decide if he is a CRA Republican.

1. He has never received the endorsement of the local CRA when he has run for office.

2. He is currently the chair of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). This is a unelected regional government promoting higher taxes and Agenda 21. Is he a CRA Republican? You decide. How would he vote for endorsements for candidates in the name of CRA.

You also have Councilman Steve Sojka. He has not been involved at all in the Central Committee or any GOP clubs. He is a registered Republican.

1. He serves as the chair of the Venur County Transportation Commission. Last week he announced that there might be a “need” to raise taxes to pay for his vision of government transportation systems in the County. Is he a CRA Republican? How would he vote for endorsements for candidates in the name of CRA.

2. He has never received the endorsement of the local CRA when he ran for office.

(Both Sojka and Becerra objected when a motion came before the Simi Valley City Council to implement E-Verify just for city employees)

You might also have Dan White, a registered Republican and Simi Valley School Board member as part of the effort of Mr. Park. The White campaign was run by Sally Becerra, wife of Glen. How good a CRA Republican is Dan White? This is from the Simi Valley Educators Association (teachers union):
“President Obama, State Senator Fran Pavely, Trustee Collins, Trustee Sandland and Trustee White are all true friends to education and won.” He was the CTA candidate.

How would he vote for endorsements for candidates in the name of CRA.

These are people who associate with the Republican Party, and that is good for the Party. The California Republican Assembly is a conservative, constitutional, limited government organization. We provide the balance.

What does the president of the Simi Valley-Moorpark Tea Party think about this?

Mike Osborn, Glenn Becerra and Steve Sojka ARE NOT CONSERVATIVES. They are Very middle RINO centrists. I will not attend the meeting or continue my CRA membership if they are allowed to hijack the CRA.
Doug Crosse”

Oh, the chairman of the Ventura County Tea Party recommended his members not participate with CRA as well.

George Park has divided the CRA from the Tea Party in this County.

Worse, several of the people attending his meeting and helping him, supported a Democrat for State Senate in 2008 against Tony Strickland. Imagine what we will find if we looked at all his members?

I urge the Charter Review Committee and the Credentials Committee to vet the members before they are allowed delegates or are chartered (This is a new club, NOT a re-organization). Under the bylaws the local club gets to decide who is allowed membership. Do you want White, Sojka, Osborn and Becerra to be among the decision makers.

What is the George Park vision of CRA?
Regional government
High taxes
Bigger government—Agenda 21Fighting conservative Republicans instead of Democrats
Is this yours?

Thought CRA leaders should know what is happening and who is taking over our clubs.
As for me, I only want to be productive for G-d, country and family. I do not wish to spend my time fighting within CRA or other conservative organizations. We have already lost all credibility with legislative Republicans after George and his brother demeaned and shredded solid voting conservatives like Senator Joel Anderson, Senator Ted Gaines, Assemblywoman Beth Gaines and now Congressman Doug LaMalfa (who votes almost exactly like Tom McClintock in Congress).

ALL named above received “A” grades on the CRA scorecard, yet the Park brothers went after them.
Only one legislator has any interest in CRA, and that is because he wants control of all GOP clubs in his district—and I understand that.

CRA is socially government—none of the leadership he has brought in are.

Instead of participating with CRA, I will continue to promote the conservative movement, doing radio shows and speeches from Imperial to Humboldt. My work with candidates who stand for CRA principles and values will continue, but CRA is no longer what I said it was when I founded the National Federation of Republican Assembly, “The Republican Wing of the Republican Party.”

With George Park proudly bringing in Osborn, Sojka, Becerra and their friends into CRA, it is no long the “Conscience or the Republican Party” or the Republican Wing of the Party. Enjoy the upcoming convention.

And now as Paul Harvey used to say, “the rest of the story.”
Mike Osborn, as Frank pointed out in the above, is Ventura County Party Chairman. Additionally, he has been the State CRP Treasurer for many years.

After today’s meeting, Osborn described himself as both pro-life and a strong defender of the 2nd Amendment and lower taxes. I spoke with him and he seemed to be a Republican and not a Democrat. While he would not be allowed membership in my church because of some of his views; he seemed no different than many Central Committee members that I know in my county. Lastly, it was pointed out to me that many County Chairs will join volunteer groups in their own county but they usually do not take an active part.

City Councilmen Glen Becerra and Steve Sojka were not at the meeting and were never mentioned. Only upon reading Steve Frank’s email today were they mentioned by anyone in my presence.

The same can be said for school board member, Dan White. Not there and never mentioned.

And just like that the strawmen of Steve Frank vanish as quickly as Blade dispatching a vampire. Poof and its gone. Nothing but air.

Celeste tries to put a wedge between the Tea Party and CRA—and then Frank uses a dummy quote to blame it on Park, what integrity. This is a typical campaign ploy so I am not surprised.

Then the kicker is that Steve Frank resigns from CRA. Adios. See you later.
Look at the title of his message, “George Park “hijacks Ventura County Republican Assembly for Liberals” I am Moving On for Conservatives.”

In case you thought this was a fluke look at the second to last paragraph.

Instead of participating with CRA, I will continue to promote the conservative movement, doing radio shows and speeches from Imperial to Humboldt. My work with candidates who stand for CRA principles and values will continue, but CRA is no longer what I said it was when I founded the National Federation of Republican Assembly, “The Republican Wing of the Republican Party.”

The last sentence of his message reads, “Enjoy the upcoming convention.”

Clearly Frank is done with the CRA and is striking out on his own so he can work only with those pure enough to deserve his support. Notice that he does not stay and fight for what he claims to hold dear, instead he is picking up his toys and “moving on” to friendlier pastures. Translation, if Steve can’t control Ventura County or kill it then it’s time to go. One must pause at this point and invoke the name of Karen England.

Frank’ sprint away from CRA, reminds me of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, where Saruman and Grima Wormtongue—after being defeated by the Ents—raze the Shire before Frodo and company return. New place, new mischief, same tactics.

Oh, 35 members joined at the re-organization meeting and more were added during my afternoon drive back to northern California. This was the largest and most successful re-organization in the memory of any CRA member.

Final score: CRA 35 & Steve Frank zero

Off the Rails at the CRA Board Meeting

Yesterday I attended a Board meeting of the California Republican Assembly. I’ve attended a lot of meeting for various organizations and this one was noteworthy for what was done incorrectly.

The highlights or takeaways or whatever metaphor fits the best were related to endorsements for candidates running for positions on the Board of the California Republican Party—the election for these positions will be during their spring convention.

I walked in the door just as Jim Brulte was being introduced. Brulte is the only announced candidate that has stepped forward to run for chairman of the California GOP. Brulte spoke for about five minutes and then fielded a few questions. Brulte did take two questions from me.

My first question was an attempt to get Brulte to promise that in the future, the CRP should not expend their limited funds in general election races where both candidates were Republicans. Please spend money fighting against Democrats. He did seems to agree that would be a better use of our resources.

My second question was concerning CRP candidate endorsements. I was trying to get Brulte to have the CRP adopt a primary system that did not vest all power in Central Committees and the State Board but allowed input from rank and file Republicans. Brulte had no interest in dealing with this issue. The current system was supposed to be only for the 2012 election cycle but no permanent solution has been proposed yet. I think it likely that the current system is here to stay. It is a top down model and works well in an authoritarian/elitist system. As long as this system is in place then the Republicans have no claim to being a “grassroots” Party.

Immediately following his remarks, the chair entertained a motion to endorse Brulte. She called for yea votes, then said “all opposed step outside” and the asked for any abstentions. I wanted to vote “no” based on the brush-off to my second question but I was not allowed to do so. Shortly after this vote, the Secretary called the role for purposes or establishing a quorum.

When a Chairman cannot follow Robert’s Rules of Order I loose respect for them. The rest of the body didn’t want the Chair to look dumber by pointing out that their endorsement vote was illegal and therefore void under both CRA’s Bylaws and Robert’s Rules.
• Quorum was not established prior to conducting business
• No one was allowed to speak in opposition to the nomination which was the case in all other endorsement votes held yesterday

As is often the practice of the Parliamentarian, he was silent on this snafu.

The Agenda for the meeting was poorly done. The main purpose of the Board Meeting was supposed to be to discuss endorsing candidates for the CRP Board and this was not even on the Agenda! The layout was not done as multi-level outline but resembled a grocery list.

My other gripe is much more delicate to discuss. A candidate for another office appeared at the Board Meeting seeking endorsement for his run for a CRP office. Except for Brulte, all other candidates were asked to leave the room. Once this other candidate left the room, the meeting took a trip into the Twilight Zone or some other infrequently charted waters.

An individual got up in front of the group and then stated that he had been sober for ten years and had not been arrested in 17 years but he said that the candidate that we had just heard could make no such claim. Wow!

Then a second person got up and began to talk about the candidate. His attempt to speak was curtailed by the chair. He was frustrated that he was unable to unload on the character of this individual and his conduct during the most recent election cycle. The person complaining was promised that he would be able to bring this up under new business. When he again tried under new business he was shut down by the chair. Clearly this candidate has hit a raw nerve in the minds of several that claimed to know him.

The endorsement was tabled in the remote hope that someone more palatable would be found at a future date.

This incident was one of those where the political response diverged from the biblical one.

The character assassination card was played against this person. He had no opportunity to respond to the accusations since he was not allowed in the room. No evidence was presented that the accusations were true and his reputation was hurt. Lastly the person could have been blocked from getting the endorsement without the tactics that were utilized.

I sensed that there was likely a basis in fact for the accusations but it was equally clear that the endorsement could be blocked without resorting to their use. Disclosure in this way was a punitive act.

The Christian response would be to pray for the person and if he claimed to be a believer then go to him in order that he might repent. Putting someone out of the church is a different issue from blocking a political endorsement. I think some well-meaning folks went too far.

I think my conclusion that we are not yet ready to lead is still true. We need a new paradigm before those in the church are ready to lead in the political world. We need to have a political worldview that is an extension of our faith not a contradiction of it.

Thoughts on Barbara Alby’s Legacy

Barbara Alby died earlier this month. Most people do not know who she was but her imprint was large upon California politics. She was an activist for pro-life and family values, a radio talk show host before Rush Limbaugh was a household name, and a member of the California Assembly. Her biggest claim to fame was authoring legislation known as “Megan’s Law”.

However, it can be argued that she and her cohorts that took over the California Republican Assembly and later the California Republican Party in the early 1990s are largely responsible for the demise of the State Republican Party and the fact that Democrats won a 2/3 majority in the last election before her death.

I was with her in those early days of the 1990s and was an eye witness to much that in retrospect I think was done improperly. Before offering my analysis I wish to say that I have been involved to varying degrees in “grassroots politics” for several decades. I have a degree in Government from California State University in Sacramento. I worked in and around the Capitol during my college years. Willie Brown was speaker when I had my first experience under “The Dome” working for then Senator John Doolittle. I also worked for the Sacramento Union when Joseph Farah was trying to make it into a conservative alternative to the Sacramento Bee. In short, I was at ground zero when Barbara and her army of evangelical Christians were taking over. I was one of them and viewed myself as a loyal soldier to the cause.

Barbara—like most Christians—viewed the world in very black and white terms. Much of Christianity views the world in such categories and usually rightly so. We are saved, those outside the church are “the Lost”. We believe in Heaven and Hell; Good and Evil; right and wrong. However, when you bring such a view into the political arena this worldview can become a pretext for “scorched earth tactics”. Unlike the Christian belief of loving the Hell out of someone, in the political world vilification is easier than persuasion and gets faster results.

I think this is what happened with Barbara and her followers. In CRA and later in the CRP, we found it easier the run people out than we did to persuade them that our views and values were better because they rested on the Truth of Christianity and better reflected Western values. It was easier to play Power politics in the same way we perceived that our opponents did.

The results over time were catastrophic. The California Republican Assembly went from a statewide membership of tens of thousands to less than 2,400 today. The CRA lost most of its membership; many soured on politics and went home. Some fought the Conservative/Christian CRA and lost; some that remained active in the political world formed the California Congress of Republicans in the 1990s while in a more recent battle, Karen England and her gang tried to form the Conservative Republicans of California. Both have smaller memberships than CRA and all are struggling to maintain their existence.

Most people that Barbara brought into the political world behaved in similar fashion to her example and experienced similar results. Besides vanquishing her enemies, she also vanquished the “farm team”. Democrats groom their underlings for succession while Republicans engage them in mortal combat. As a result, when Barbara and her team jumped to the California Republican Party, no one left in CRA was able to maintain the momentum and energy Barbara brought to the organization.

CRA has been hemorrhaging members and influence ever since. Her once formidable Sacramento-Sierra Republican Assembly chapter went from a peak of 700 members under her leadership to less than 20 in ten years. Currently they are doing well if they maintain 25 members. Alby quit the CRA many years ago but many assumed she was with still part of the organization.

In like manner, the California Republican Party was captured by Barbara Alby and company. Alby controlled not only the CRA but many county central committees and then took control of the CRP. They owned the California GOP for a number of years.

The CRA’s chief Republican opponent during this period was liberal Republican Pete Wilson. Much of the disagreement with Wilson was on social policy. Wilson was not only pro-abortion but was an advocate for more government funding and constitutional protections for abortion rights. Wilson also would appoint Democrats over equally qualified Republicans to posts in State government. All of this just riled-up Conservatives in the Party. While all this was happening, Wilson very publicly called the conservatives in his party “Fucking Irrelevant.” Conservatives called Wilson, “Diane Feinstein in drag.”

A few years after capturing the California GOP, Alby began running for State Assembly. Once she was elected, her grip on the CRP was released as she went on to other things. A succession of chairmen took the reins of the GOP that pretended to be card carrying CRA members until they were elected and then they took off the sheep’s clothing and ran things as the RINOs that they were. In later years, Alby ran unsuccessfully for both Congress and the Board of Equalization.

The differences between the CRP factions still remain to this day; although the CRA has in fact become irrelevant as Wilson looked-for the irony is that Wilson is equally irrelevant. Wilson’s camp was making a good living off of the political process before Alby and company came along and upset the proverbial applecart. After a while, most evangelical conservatives left and the liberal Republicans re-took their place as GOP leaders.

My complaint with this whole process is not just with the tone and tactics employed by Evangelicals (including myself) but something harder to quantify. Namely, how does the fact that I am a Christian affect how I should treat others in politics or other “secular” areas?

What I am advocating is that we as Christians need a different paradigm to bring to the public square. When we copy what others are doing then we have ceded the moral high ground and lowered ourselves to engaging in the same political games everyone else utilizes. When Christians embrace the power religion of the State then they have compromised their biblical values and the authority of Scripture.

I will offer one recent example to illustrate my point, numerous similar ones would not be hard to find.
A few years ago, a group of conservatives in Sacramento County that were part of Barbara’s old CRA chapter, got together and decided to take over the Sacramento County Republican Central Committee (again). They even created a political action committee for the purpose called “Support the Platform” (STP). STP solicited CRA members for contributions. A friend and I gave generously to the cause. That year, many of the slate were elected; enough that the coalition that we made was able to take control of the Central Committee. Once in office, the woman that we elected as chair started going her own way. She refused any suggestions to offer one or two board positions to folks from “the other side”. Only her most trusted friends or folks that would do her bidding were given any responsibility. Before long she was tripling the SCRP dues—she had refused to pay any amount of dues when she was in the minority on the committee since she argued that forcing elected officials to pay dues was illegal—and after a time she decreed that only dues paying members would be allowed to vote. She and her faction adopted San Diego style bylaws which removed all power from the membership and vested it in the governing board and did a bunch of other things to enhance her power.

In just over two years, she turned an elected body into a member’s only club that did things her way or else. The Republicans of Sacramento County that actually voted for these folks were never notified or invited to any meetings. They were purposely not given any opportunity to interact with the representatives that they had elected. All actions of this body are conducted in secret. In fact new faces were not welcomed except by invitation and they were not allowed to be part of the group unless they were willing to pay $100 in annual dues. While this farce was happening, the STP PAC ran candidates against my friend and I even thought we had contributed a substantial amount of money for the PAC in previous cycle—about ¼ of their total expenditures. That was our reward for challenging this march to tyranny.

I could go on but I have chronicled their exploits in other parts of my blog. The point is that once elected, the chair not only ran things in an even more authoritarian way than any previous leader in living memory but she took more power than her predecessors with barely a murmur of dissent. Those in her camp that were willing to call her out were steamrolled, pushed aside and ignored. (If this reminds you of President Obama’s attitude toward the constraints of the Constitution then you are starting to see my point.)

Clearly Christians in the public square have yet to figure-out that their faith should cause them to act differently. It is too easy for them to adopt the tactics of “the world” and follow the example of pagans and humanists. R.J. Rushdoony was a frequent teacher at the Central Committee chair’s old church and would roll over in his grave if he knew about such behavior. She was taught better than that; however, maybe that is why she now attends a different church.

Sadly, I doubt anyone will learn from examining Barbara’s record. I think the short comings of her generation of evangelical Christians set the stage for situation in which we find ourselves now. It appears that the Tea Party movement is following the same failed trajectory that Barbara and other evangelicals have blazed in the past. Truly “there is nothing new under the sun”. Where Barbara walked was much fire and heat but Light was a much rarer commodity.

I had hoped to have lunch with Barbara one day and talk with her about my feelings; but that will never happen now and in the life to come it won’t matter. Someday I will see her again and by then both of us will know exactly what parts we were given during our time on earth.

One final note, I am still waiting for apologies from Barbara’s lieutenants Johnson, Stoos and especially Hardcastle but it’s been over twenty years since I have seen or spoken to any of them. I’m sure they just scraped me off the bottom of their shoes and went on to their next political objective. Gentlemen I proudly bear the scares you left but I have not forgotten the tactics deployed against me. I vowed not to be silent when I see them deployed against others.

Four Republican Clubs Denounce Barbara Ortega

The following was released by Chris Orrock—President of Elk Grove Republicans—in response to the verbal meltdown that Barbara Ortega had Monday night after their endorsing meeting. Reportedly she used language that would make most sailors blush as she went after her opponent Peter Tateishi—to his face—and every Party group she could name. The only other person on this year’s ballot to promote this level of unity in Rebublican ranks is Barack Obama.

Today, the Presidents of the Cosumnes Republican Assembly, Elk Grove Republican Club, Sacramento Conservative Republicans of California and the Sacramento Republican Assembly took the extraordinary step of reprimanding Assembly Candidate Barbara Ortega and called upon her to apologize for her false claims and accusations against the California Republican Party, Sacramento County Republican Party and all of the Republican Clubs in Sacramento County.
This measure comes after Ortega made accusations of collusion and unethical practices against the clubs, elected Republican Officeholders, and official parties in Sacramento as well as the California Republican Party.  Ortega stated at the Elk Grove Republican Club that the club and its membership had “rigged” the system against her to support the efforts of her opponent.  She accused club members and the elected members of the Central Committee of intentionally misleading her and denying her opportunities to participate in candidate forums and endorsement meetings.  She continued to berate the state party, local party and local clubs that had voted to endorse Peter Tateishi.
“Her behavior and tone at the meeting was unacceptable and should not be tolerated by any candidate” said Carl Brickey President of the Cosumnes Republican Assembly.  “To accuse our volunteers and elected central committee of collusion and of unethical practices is baseless and false.”
“We are saddened today to have to take this measure against one of our own candidates, but her statements cannot go unanswered” said Tim Snipes President of the Sacramento Republican Assembly.  “As a party, we do not attack our own, especially the grassroots volunteers who make our party great.”
“Sadly, Ortega has a history of making poor decisions and failing to act appropriately in public.  We had hoped she would have learned from her arrests years ago for driving under the influence, which she plead down to a wet and reckless, battery of an officer and resisting arrest” said Chris Orrock President of Elk Grove Republican Club. “It does not appear that she has taken the time to grow from these unfortunate experiences and continues to behave in a way that is not becoming of any candidate running for office.”
Ortega’s claims at the Elk Grove Republican Meeting can all be proven as not just untrue but completely false.