Mitt Romney: Spanking McCain and Challenging Evangelicals

The Southern Republican Leadership Conference held in Nashville over the weekend took a much-publicized “straw poll” of potential presidential contenders. Senate Majority Leader, Bill Frist, who bussed in many supporters, won the poll, but to the surprise of many, Mitt Romney, the governor of Massachusetts can in second.

Media darling and Republican Brutus of the Senate, John McCain had a poor showing. This so-called “Maverick” (apologies to James Garner) got spanked by the Republican base in this symbolic vote. The Senator—who is a legend only in his own mind—has no chance of winning anything nationally.

As a result of his strong showing, the issue that has again been raised is Romney’s religion. Romney is a member in good standing in the Salt Lake branch of the Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). Eric Hogue spent much of his program today on this topic.

Hogue’s basic question is will the Evangelical Base of the Republican Party support a candidate that is active in a non-Christian cult? No, he didn’t word his question this way but this is what he was looking to explore with his callers.

Other than to stipulate that I agree that the Mormons are not Christian because they deny the historic tenants of the Christian faith, Hogue asks a question worthy of analysis.

I think that much of Romney’s presidential effort will depend on what candidates are competitive in the early going and also on what baggage can be found during his time as governor of Massachusetts. Abortion and gay marriage will be high profile issues when people look at Romney.

If the traditional Republican Platform on social issues, Romney’s faith and his actions as governor are in agreement then he should be ok. However, if he could have stopped gay marriage from becoming implemented in Massachusetts or has any hypocrisy on the Life issue he will not get the support from the base that he needs to survive the primaries.

There are two practical questions that must be asked about any candidate but especially Romney; first, how would his policies as President compare to Ronald Reagan and George W Bush? Second, what type of people would Romney appoint if he is elected?

I would expect Romney to spend lots of time courting James Dobson and other evangelical leaders to either stay neutral in the primaries or support him because he is in agreement with them on issues like gay marriage, abortion and the Supreme Court justices. If Romney can make a case that he would be like an evangelical on social issues and act as a fiscal conservative then he just might pull this off.

Windows Live Toolbar beta

I downloaded Microsoft’s “Windows Live Toolbar beta” last night. The toolbar does things that neither the Google or MSN toolbar will do plus, it works with Windows XP Professional x64. Yahoo! (This is a celebratory expression and not a reference to any Internet company utilizing this name grin )

The toolbar memorizes passwords on web pages, a common enough Windows feature that no other toolbars support on 64 bit systems. It also has an RSS reader, integrated desktop and web search, e-mail, anti Phishing Filter, improved pop-up blocker, and a new feature called ”Onfolio”.

Onfolio is a new tool for research. It looks like it will prove handy once you figure-out how it works. Microsoft summarizes this tool:

Onfolio is a tool for the serious online researcher. It provides a way to easily save, organize, and share all sorts of data you find on the Web, including links, entire Web pages, portions of pages, e-mails, and Microsoft Office documents.

The RSS Reader is simple to configure. Go to a web page with an RSS feed, right click RSS icon on the page and select Copy Shortcut, open Onfolio Deskbar, click on down arrow on rightside of Add, then click on Add Website Feed, and paste shortcut and click OK. If the program can read feed, it will be added to list in Onfolio Deskbar, if the program can’t read the feed, try another on the page and see if it works. On some sites I was able to use Atom feed but on others it would not work and I had to use RSS 2 .

The Form Fill feature needs to autodetect the fields for username and password. When you fill-in username and password and then hit Enter, a box will pop-up asking you if you want the program to memorize the logon information. Manually inserting them into the program did not work on the websites that I tried.

The toolbar is probably a way of letting us beta test some “bells and whistles” that come standard with Windows Vista. The documentation is limited but I recommend you give it a try.

South Dakota Abortion Ban: Bane or Blessing?

South Dakota has passed the most restrictive abortion ban in the country. Its authors have stated that they intend this to be a direct challenge to the 1973 Supreme Court decision of Roe v Wade.

This is the most divisive issue to hit the Conservative wing of the Republican Party since Harriett Miers was nominated to the Supreme Court. Many are saying that this is either a premature effort that will yield nothing or a folly that will only give red meat to the Democrats as we approach the mid term elections this year and leading up to the next presidential primaries in 2008.

Others argue that Roe should be challenged directly. It will be at least three years before the High Court will hear the case. This is plenty of time for President Bush to get one more nomination on the Court before he leaves office.

Those uncomfortable with this legislation say that the Court will simply refuse to hear the case. They argue that without the insertion of the standard “Exception Clause” i.e. rape, incest and life of the mother this whole exercise is d.o.a.

Since there is no case yet, it is difficult to see how this will play-out. My purpose in writing this blog entry is to flesh-out arguments that I don’t hear anyone else talking about since this story hit the news late last week.

First, let’s see what Mississippi and any other Conservative states might be able to pass. The Supreme Court bundled three cases together when they heard arguments on Roe v Wade. I’m sure they will do the same with this batch of challenges to Roe. If Mississippi gives their bill the generally accepted “Exception Clause” language, I think these nervous folks will calm down.

Second, there is the issue before the Court right now of “partial-birth” abortion. The ban on this type of abortion is perfectly acceptable with the majority decision in Roe but is considered by abortion supporters as a curtailment of abortion rights as they stand now. The wording of this decision will be a harbinger of where the Court is heading.

Third, South Dakota has definite State’s Right grounds to argue the Constitutionality of their bill. Additionally, because of how Roe has been implemented, there is state money (our tax dollars) involved in subsidizing the abortion industry.

Four, the “Exception Clause” is mostly a strawman argument (smoke screen) that allows prolifers to appear compassionate. In reality it makes their arguments opposing abortion weaker.

Please note that most abortions are retroactive birth control and abortions for rape and incest are statistically insignificant.

Let’s suppose that there is a pregnancy as the result of rape or incest. How would the procedure work to allow the woman to get an abortion?
Do you just take her word that this is how she got pregnant? Is it necessary for her to file a police report first? If a guy is prosecuted for such a crime, the child would be full term before the courts could adjudicate the matter. This leaves you with the sticky problem of what if the guy is found not guilt, and she had the abortion? Has she committed perjury or murder or what?

This line of reasoning not only leads to the wilderness of moral relativism but right back to where we are now. For it is not strictly Roe v Wade that gives us the current abortion climate, but the companion case released the same day as Roe, January 22, 1973. Roe allows abortion for the health of the mother, while in Doe v Bolton, we get the definition of health as convenience.

The medical judgment may be exercised in the light of all factors – physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman’s age – relevant to the wellbeing of the patient. All these factors may relate to health.

Any health exemption without a definition that closes this loophole is worthless in the hands of an activist judiciary.

Five, for those of you that want this issue to stop being political, I have one word of advice. Get the taxpayer subsidies out of the abortion decision and most of this abortion argument would disappear. I don’t what my money killing little black children just because the founder of Planned Parenthood though all blacks are “weeds” and hung-out with the German freaks that gave us the Nazi Holocaust. Children are God’s creation not things that we throw away.

Lastly, the lies of the pro-abortion movement are wearing thin with many. It is hard to keep the same old lies going forward decade after decade. The right balance of prayer and repentance will put this morbid practice in the dust bin of history soon enough.

Biblical Doom: Now Your PC can be Left Behind

Here’s more proof that Dispensational paranoia is running out of substance.

New Left Behind Game Due

A video game based on the Left Behind series of Christian apocalyptic books and movies will debut for the PC in the second half of 2006, Newsweek reported. Left Behind: Eternal Forces, based on the books by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, places gamers in the position of New Yorkers who are “left behind” after the Rapture, the sudden calling-up of Christian souls that evangelicals believe will mark the beginning of the end times on Earth, the magazine reported.

The game will also feature a high level of violence, the magazine reported: Players scour the streets for converts, training them into a work force to feed, shelter and join a paramilitary resistance against the growing forces of the Antichrist.

The game will be marketed directly to church congregations and through ads in gaming magazines.

And they’ll know we are Christians by our love BFG

This game sounds like a cross (pardon the pun) between Doom: Hell on Earth and the Scofield Reference Bible as interpreted by Hal Lindsey. Maybe Pat Boone could do the heavy metal sound track for the game. Even Christians need heavy metal music to kill the enemy.

Are we trying to legitimize the idea that terrorism and anarchy is ok if we do it in Jesus name and not for Allah? There really is a Biblical basis for war and this game is not the way to learn it.

On the bright side, at least Evangelicals like Rick Warren can quit worrying about global warming; afterall, it’s all gonna burn anyway.

Look for this game on the overhead projector at your Mega Church’s Saturday Night Seeker Service just in time for Christmas.

Dr. Henry M Morris: The Genesis Flood author dies

Dr. Henry M. Morris died last Saturday. He was regarded as “the father of the Modern Creation Movement.” His book, The Genesis Flood which he coauthored with John C. Whitcomb in 1961 is still a must read for anyone interested in this area of Christian Apologetics.

I remember reading The Genesis Flood in junior high school in the ‘70’s. This book gave me the confidence that science and Scripture were in harmony not locked in mortal combat as many falsely contend.

Dr. Morris was director of the Institute for Creation Research. He did his undergraduate work at Rice University and his M.S. and Ph.D. studies at the University of Minnesota. His specialty was hydrology.

Dr. Morris authored over sixty books on various aspects of the subject. For those who have read this book or the hundreds of others that have grown out of this man’s work, I know that you will miss him. Thankfully others have taken up the work which he helped to pioneer.

Update: Islamic Attacks In Nigeria

Reaction of the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria, The Most Revd Peter Akinola on recent events in Nigeria

1 Having watched with sadness and dismay the recent development in some States in the Northern part of this Country where many Christian Churches and other property have been wantonly destroyed by some Islamic fundamentalists, the Christian Association of Nigeria is compelled to issue the following statements:

  1. From all indications, it is very clear now that the sacrifices of the Christians in this country for peaceful co-existence with people of other faiths has been sadly misunderstood to be weakness.
  2. We have for a long time now watched helplessly the killing, maiming and destruction of Christians and their property by Muslim fanatics and fundamentalists at the slightest or no provocation at all. We are not unaware of the fact that these religious extremists have the full backup and support of some influential Muslims who are yet to appreciate the value of peaceful co-existence.
  3. That an incident in far away Denmark which does not claim to be representing Christianity could elicit such an unfortunate reaction here in Nigeria, leading to the destruction of Christian Churches, is not only embarrassing, but also disturbing and unfortunate.
  4. It is no longer a hidden fact that a long standing agenda to make this Nigeria an Islamic nation is being surreptitiously pursued. The willingness of Muslim Youth to descend with violence on the innocent Christians from time to time is from all intents and purposes a design to actualize their dream.


  1. It is sad to note that all acts of hostility meted against Christians by Muslims in the past have remained unaddressed with nobody paying compensations or the culprits brought to justice.
  2. We do appreciate the fact that at this stage of our national development, peace is absolutely necessary for realizing our dreams and aspirations. It is in view of this that Christians in Nigeria agreed to participate in the forthcoming National Census as sacrifice for the peace and progress of this nation, in spite of our protest over the non-inclusion of Religion and Ethnicity as necessary demographic data.
  3. May we at this stage remind our Muslim brothers that they do not have the monopoly of violence in this nation. Nigeria belongs to all of us – Christians, Muslims and members of other faiths. No amount of intimidation can Change this time-honoured arrangement in this nation. C.A.N. may no longer be able to contain our restive youths should this ugly trend continue.


  1. We now demand that further destruction of Christian Churches and property in this nation be permanently put to an end.
  2. All levels of Government in this country should take adequate steps to protect the lives and property of Christians everywhere in this land as no further destructions will be tolerated or ignored.
  3. The Federal Government and those States where Christian Churches have been destroyed are hereby urged to take urgent steps at rebuilding those structures and paying adequate compensation while assuring Christians of adequate protection in this country. These governments should now show in practical terms that Nigeria belongs to all of us by going beyond mere promises of rebuilding destroyed Churches and property as in the past to actual reconstruction, which will help the victims to quickly put this unfortunate incident behind them. A stitch in time saves nine.


Most Revd. Peter J. Akinola (CON, DD.)

President, Christian Association of Nigeria

Court to Hear Partial Birth Abortion Case Again

With respect to the State’s important and legitimate interest in potential life, the “compelling” point is at viability. This is so because the fetus then presumably has the capability of meaningful life outside the mother’s womb. State regulation protective of fetal life after viability thus has both logical and biological justifications. If the State is interested in protecting fetal life after viability, it may go so far as to proscribe abortion during that period, except when it is necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother.

Majority decision Roe v Wade

Proscribe” is defined as “to condemn or forbid as harmful or unlawful: prohibit”.

Therefore the majority opinion says that the State has the right to restrict abortion after viability. After viability is when the abortion procedure called “partial birth” is done.

This form of late term abortion is when the baby’s feet are pulled through the birth canal and a device is inserted into the birth canal that either crushes or punctures the baby’s skull before the head has left the inside of the mother. This of course results in the mother giving birth to an already dead child.

It is barbaric that anyone would argue that you have a Constitutional right to kill a child in this manner but that is exactly what abortion supporters are arguing. Thankfully this issue is going before the Supreme Court where they will have a chance to reverse some of the damage they have inflicted on our society.

Maybe they will get it right this time and stop this form of premeditated murder.

Site Restored After Botched Upgrade

Yeah! The site is up and running again.

Thanks to the support staff at pMachine I am now running their new version of the blogging software.

It was a combination of the 50-50 90 rule and my .htaccess file going belly-up.

For those that don’t know, the rule above states that for any fifty-fifty option, there is a ninety percent chance of choosing the wrong action. I had a choice of two files from which to pick to upgrade the site and per the above rule, I picked to wrong one.

I then updated my Black List (blocked IP and URL files) and in the process trashed my .htaccess config file. Last year in a three month period I had over one million hits on the site due to spammers. That is why I dumped the other blogging program and went with pMachine’s Express Engine.

Look at this support thread if you want to fix SQL Errors while upgrading Express Engine.

DNA Contradicts Book of Mormon

The theology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints “commonly known as the Mormons”took a serious hit today in an article of the Los Angeles Times. The whole premise of the Book of Mormon was proved impossible by DNA testing.

The teachings and tradition of the Book of Mormon have been totally upended by the DNA results. The study was not conducted to prove or disprove the teaching of the LDS church but to track via genetic markers the waves of migration from Asia to both the Pacific Islands and the Americas.

For Mormons, the lack of discernible Hebrew blood in Native Americans is no minor collision between faith and science. It burrows into the historical foundations of the Book of Mormon, a 175-year-old transcription that the church regards as literal and without error.

The Book of Mormon is one of three books regarded as divinely inspired scripture that supersedes the Bible. Their belief is that the Bible is “correct in so far as it is translated correctly.” These are weasel words that mean if any of the other three books conflict with the Bible then the Bible is wrong.

Anyway, the Book of Mormon is the story of the migration of a righteous man and his family to South America. These travelers split into two groups, the righteous white settlers and the evil dark skinned people that were the forefathers to the Indians of North and South America. Towards the end of the Book, the evil dark skinned men kill the righteous white skinned people.

The God-fearing Nephites were “pure” (the word was officially changed from “white” in 1981) and “delightsome.” The idol-worshiping Lamanites received the “curse of blackness,” turning their skin dark.

According to the Book of Mormon, by 385 AD the dark-skinned Lamanites had wiped out other Hebrews. The Mormon church called the victors “the principal ancestors of the American Indians.” If the Lamanites returned to the church, their skin could once again become white.

Up until Jimmy Carter was President of the United States, blacks (among others) were not allowed to be full members in good standing in the LDS church. In the midst of Carter’s Campaign on Human Rights, the LDS leadership got a word from God that elevated blacks into full membership.

Over the years, church prophets believed by Mormons to receive revelations from God and missionaries have used the supposed ancestral link between the ancient Hebrews and Native Americans and later Polynesians as a prime conversion tool in Central and South America and the South Pacific.

Moroni: Prophet who became Angel that appeared to Joseph Smith in 1823

Critics want the church to admit its mistake and apologize to millions of Native Americans it converted. Church leaders have shown no inclination to do so. Indeed, they have dismissed as heresy any suggestion that Native American genetics undermine the Mormon creed.

Yet at the same time, the church has subtly promoted a fresh interpretation of the Book of Mormon intended to reconcile the DNA findings with the scriptures. This analysis is radically at odds with long-standing Mormon teachings.

Rewriting theology is nothing new to the folks in Salt Lake City but reversing 175 years of teaching is a tall order even for them. On the other hand, where would their followers go? Sadly most probably won’t care that another part of their theological system has been exposed as fraudulent.