Unbeknownst to anyone who actually cares about the pathetic life of Jorge Riley, apparently, he is out of custody and back in Sacramento. Yes, he is out of custody. I found this out yesterday. Jorge, as you may recall, was arrested by the FBI (yeah, as in federal crime not state or local) during the “insurrection at the Capital” back in January. Riley was in custody with no bail, until about the end of February, then he was extradited to DC. Apparently, a judge in DC bought his line of crap of being a combat veteran with PTSD and having no money.
Blogger commentary: Jorge was in the military, I cannot speak to his service, but a couple of veterans that I know refute his take on combat service. Riley intentionally keeps himself under or unemployed to leach off taxpayers; unlike the editorial board of this blog. This is to avoid court ordered support of his “children,” as for how many the world may never know.

Last I heard from an officer friend of mine, he is facing 2 misdemeanors and a felony for striking a child of his recently. He also is a heavy drinker, as detailed in past blogs, as well as a narcotics user. My officer friend says likely cocaine or meth, due to his skin/looks seeming far older than he really is. With no money or job, how does he keep his habit of drinking at events and using narcotics going you ask. Easy Answer!
His enablers.
After being released and told not to leave the country, Jorge flew back to California. My sources say Bill Cardoza footed the bill, no shock. I would say iron sharpens iron but neither of these two possess an IQ in positive territory. He recently attended a recall Newsom event. Give his recent past, while I guess that’s not a crime since it’s an open rally/protest; however, it’s a rough look. Even rougher is his giving an interview to a former central committee member of Sac County who is a current member of the Proud Boys and was recently expelled from said GOP committee. Couldn’t he find, I don’t know, anyone else to video tape the interview?
Oh, this interview is pure Jorge Riley gold folks. On camera, he admits to “rubbing his butt on Nasty Pelosi’s desk.” Actually, he says “may or may not have”, but in today’s media and court system, you better believe they are adding another charge, to his pending charging documents. I am sure his lawyer is thrilled. Most people get out of jail and do not wish to go back, apparently Riley misses it so much he wants to book a longer stay by nixing any chance for a concurrent sentence and insuring a consecutive one. Hotels may be open with minimal occupancy, but as an attorney friend of mine will say “there is always a vacancy at the Blue Roof Inn aka Jail.”
Oh, remember those media reports that we said were bogus about Riley leaving the California Republican Assembly in shame following his arrest for storming the nation’s Capital? Well, we now have proof, as if we needed any more, courtesy of Riley and his enabler Cardoza.

Let’s have a gander at another event Riley “showed up” to. I use air quotes because there is no way he didn’t know in advance and if I were a betting man, I would lay heavy odds Bill “the Wookie” Cardoza moved the regular meeting of the Sacramento Republican Assembly to make sure they could have Riley as their keynote speaker.
Riley’s leadership has brought such attention to the organization that he was presented with an award for his longevity of service as chapter president. Lest you forgot, Riley was SRA President and a statewide CRA Board member on January 6th. Yeah, check this award out.

If it’s really gold, I got a feeling it’ll soon be pawned off, melted down, or sold for scrap to fuel his addiction to drugs and alcohol. Shame it won’t be around to be admitted into evidence at his trial.
Below is a photo that was taken during the night’s festivities. I can picture his time at the podium prior to the presentation. Likely Riley told stories of violating Speaker Pelosi’s office, fighting his cellmates, disrespecting officers, and stories of his multiple court outbursts. Proudly standing shoulder-to-shoulder with him in the photo below are 2 lawyers licensed by the California State Bar Association. Said Bar is not to be confused with the watering hole Riley is used to patronizing. The lawyers in question are Sue Blake, a former Sac CRA President and past Chair of Sacramento Republican Party, and Tom Hudson former CRA Statewide President and Placer County Republican Party leader.

This speaks to enablement. Folks, I am sorry, but Sue and Tom know better. They may claim to be tax lawyers not criminal lawyers, but they had no business in that photo or at that meeting. First Blake hasn’t been an attending member in about a decade, so she showed up only to pay homage to Riley. Hudson knows better and knew of all Riley’s acts, again enabling. Hudson is immediate past president of the statewide California Republican Assembly—as such a sitting Board member of CRA— [per recent media reports, CRA allegedly ejected Riley which clearly is a lie]. Angela Azevedo came out of the woodwork to support Riley. Again, someone who had a career in the corrections arm of the state government and should know better. In fact, all four enablers listed above (Blake, Cardoza, Hudson, Azevedo) are career state employees living off the taxpayer’s dime.
Bill Cardoza, well he put it all together and is again running for National Committeeman of the CRA. Facepalm!
The problem Jorge has is that the drugs and alcohol have destroyed his health, and this will destroy his life, if it hasn’t already. These folks are not your friends Jorge. They are using you like the parent who uses their child to “re-live their glory years.” You may not be able to help yourself Jorge, but you are looking at about 15-20 years in a federal lockup. Try remorsefulness for a change. Stay out of politics and try to right a few wrongs you have had in your life. Jorge the FBI wants you. The scariest arm of the federal government not named the IRS is looking to bury you. You are in real trouble.
In the past, you always got your way at CRA, CAGOP, or Sac GOP meetings because Sue, Tom, Bill, and others covered for you. You screamed, shouted, interrupted, pouted, and muttered things incoherently and you were never told, “No”. These folks are not your friends and will abandon you as you leave the courtroom in handcuffs. Rest assured this video you made and the photos you took will be coming to a courtroom near you very quickly. I hope you get another stimulus check because a return trip to DC will be cheaper and more enjoyable on your own dime rather than if you ditch court. I can’t say for sure, but I think a federal chartered airplane won’t have flight attendants serving booze.
Sue, Bill, Tom and others, you may be lawyers (sans Bill) and work for powerful people, but your unfettered allegiance to Jorge has me questioning why I ever got involved in politics with people of your caliber. You are all truly the lowest of the low. None of you are above the law and I wish you were required to testify as to why you support that sack of trash Jorge. Watching you squirm would be out and out fun, seeing you try to bob and weave, or plead negligence would be funny. Frankly, I would make sure the Academy Awards committee was on site as it could be Oscar worthy for best performance on camera!
Jorge word of advice, these folks (just like your lawyer) have very little say in front of a man/women/binary with a robe and a gavel. You have been warned.
The Chief