90-Day Guy Continues to March Forth

Say it isn’t so but here we go again.  A New Year, a new president, and yet same old, same old, out of our favorite out of touch person.  He came into the office proclaiming 500,000 had died of Covid and asked me if I still thought it was a hoax.  With all the editorial crew of this blog to back me, I have never once said that. I believe, just like we all do here, that it was a harsh overreaction by a loud minority of folks who believe everything they see on TV.  I heard about how 1,000 people had died in Sacramento County, a county of almost 1.8 million mind you.  He hid in fear during this entire time, and yet he insisted young folks and “essential” folks report for duty in case he needed to spin the reels at the Indian Casino.  My favorite was his explaining to me the different variants of Covid; CA, NY, South Africa, European, etc.…things I frankly could not care less about.  Folks this virus has very similar characterizes to the flu in the opinion of my doctor and many other medical experts; sans Fauci.  The flu mutates annually and as a result the flu shot is either a “hit” or a “miss” depending on science and research.

Just to be clear, I do not see much on Covid anymore, it must be since we have a new president or a Governor who is about to be recalled.  But I used to look at KCRA or CBS local affiliate news sites for info on Covid and I see nothing anymore except for the rare announcement that a drive thru vaccine clinic is in town.  Apparently, this info is readily available to folks who have nothing better to do.  As a blogger who is consumed with work, church, politics, and other extracurricular activities, I cannot let Covid break or destroy my mind.  I know it is there, and the vaccine will not be available to me for a great while due to my young age.  I also know I cannot control things outside my control, I wash my hands, wear a mask as required, and generally live my life.

While 90-Day Guy was on his diatribe about the variants I asked if he enjoyed watching so much television and what he specifically watched.  Predictably he got upset and proclaimed he doesn’t watch TV.  He took a phone call and began to recap last night’s episode of The Bachelor and parlayed that into a discussion about The Voice with a client.  When I casually brought up The Bachelorette, I was told that ended weeks ago and to “get with the program.”  I don’t have cable, nor do I care about those shows.  But it makes my point, he watches quite a lot of TV.  He also readily admits to watching Hannity, Tucker, and Laura Ingraham daily, adding 3 more hours to the docket.  He also brought up how he watched a Giants baseball game the same night. Folks, baseball is not in season, it’s Spring Training, and the players worth a rip are out of the game by inning 5, yet he is “so busy” that he watches no TV.

For the heck of it, I decided to play a game with him. I said name all 50 states, I could care less the order named, I just wanted to hear them listed off.  He asked to write them down, I okayed it.  He correctly listed 44, and included Washington DC, which will likely soon be a state.  He left out of usual ones located in New England, left out Pennsylvania, and Illinois, which while forgettable, they are large states.  Then I mentioned list all capitals.  This was not a great look.  He listed 20, and some of the “capitals” had me puzzled; Seattle, New York City, Tulsa, Miami, and Portland were listed.  He gave up shortly thereafter and claimed again he doesn’t watch much TV.  Yikes. 

The point of this blog is not to antagonize but to point out how brain drain is a real thing. Liberalism is a disease, but at the same time look at what TV does to your mind.  This guy could name off all the variants, and stats Covid related, were he found them I do not know.  He could also give a detailed run down of reality TV to a point of obsession, and watching an entire preseason baseball game, whilst simultaneously saying he is too busy all the time.  However, he could not pass a basic test of something that has not changed in our lives.  This is brain drain.  Stop worrying about Covid, it’s a tertiary thing in our lives right now, additional info will come in time, but to make it an obsession is not good.

Johnnie Does