Word is the Just Us Brothers are so close to hell that they can see Sparks. Oh, and they’re feeling the heat too as the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has weighed in on their behavior in the 2016 election. Bottom line is they are as devious as Crooked Hillary.
We all know the Placer County Mafia has been up to no good for a long time. Many of their shenanigans have been documented here on this blog. Thankfully, some of their behavior in the 2016 elections has finally caught-up with them.
In case you need to refresh yourself on the background of today’s subject, here are my two articles about them leading up to the 2016 general election. As I documented at the time, Park’s behavior was improper and the FPPC has agreed.
Just Us Brothers—Money for Nothing
Just Us Brothers Mailers Hit Roseville Mailboxes
The FPPC has found them guilty of violating four parts of California election law and George Park was fined $8,000 for his conduct as treasurer of Placer County Impact Republicans PAC.
Folks the money guy paying for this illegal activity was and is Placer County Supervisor Kirk Uhler. We will have more to report on Uhler in a few minutes.

Below you will find the text of the document from the FPPC.
Please note a few nuggets contained in it. A portion of page 7 will be of great interest for those current and former CRA members.

Failure to Timely Amend Statement of Organization
The Committee reported receiving $32,145 in contributions between its date of establishment and November 1, 2016. During that time, the Committee’s largest contributor was League.As of November 1, 2016, League had contributed $27,000 to the Committee which amounts to approximately 84% of the total contributions received by the Committee ($27,000 / $32,145 = 0.8399).
Thus, under the Act, as of November 1, 2016, the Committee was sponsored by League and was required to report the sponsorship within 24 hours by filing an amended statement of organization.In addition to filing an amended statement of organization to report League’s sponsorship of the Committee, the Committee was required to change its name to include the name of its sponsor, Placer County Impact Republicans PAC sponsored by League of Placer County Taxpayers PAC. The Committee and Park did not file an amended statement of organization to report League’s sponsorship or to change the Committee’s name to include the name of its sponsor, League.
Thus, Placer County Impact Republicans PAC because a subsidiary of the League of Placer County Taxpayers PAC—an organization which didn’t really exist.

In 2016, my sources told me that Uhler likely helped get some of the FPPC reporting documents backdated to try to help Park get around campaign finance reporting laws. At the time, I decided not to go with the accusation, but looking back now it makes me wonder…
Oh, CRA here’s the bonus quote that should frost your Wheaties.
The violations committed here were isolated as the Committee and Park have not had prior enforcement history. –page 10
Isolated my foot!!!!!!!!! If George Park has a clean record with the FPPC or anybody else, you can thank Tom Hudson and Craig Alexander for failing to go after them for their conduct in CRA. If you thought only Crooked Hillary was purging files and deleting servers then you need to take a deeper dive into the antics of the Brothers Park.
Oh, so do you believe George Park actually wrote a check to the FPPC out of his pocket? Not a chance. Enter once lame duck Placer County Supervisor, Kirk Uhler. Kirk help start Impact Republicans and at their end he ponied up the money to bail them out one last time.
Yep, look carefully at the Form 460 below. This is the end of Placer County Impact Republicans PAC. Termination Statement filed June 5, 2020.
On page 3, you can see that Kirk Uhler gave a substantial amount of campaign money to George Park to pay his FPPC fine. ($7,589.27)
On page 4, you can see the disbursements to the FPPC.
Typically, when a candidate is done in political life, they donate the remaining campaign money to charity but not Uhler.
George Park moved to Nevada several years ago, and I’ve been told his brother Aaron finally followed him there.

As for Uhler, his Rensa Group website is defunct, and Rensa’s Facebook page entries are ancient. Look for Uhler to exit California once his replacement is sworn into office.