Trump Calls Out Priestess

President Trump went to the National Cathedral the day after he was inaugurated into office. This has traditionally been a service considered part of the inauguration festivities. Normally prayers are offered for the new President to be guided by God into having a successful time of prosperity and leadership. The Cathedral views itself as an ecumenical clubhouse for people seeking God. Outside of its actual services, it tries to maintain a reputation as a nondenominational place for people to worship.

The Washington National Cathedral has hosted 10 official inaugural prayer services for presidents of both major political parties. The tradition dates back to 1933.

However, yesterday the female “Bishop” went partisan and personal in her attacks of the newly installed President.

Here’s a few quotes from her lecture.

“In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and independent families—some who fear for their lives”

The bishop then called on Trump “to have mercy, Mr. President, on those in our communities whose children fear their parents will be taken away, and that you help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here.”

As another member of our writing staff says, “Here’s my hot take” on this “Bishop”.

First, please note that I purposely have put the word “Bishop” in quotes. I have Bishop Royal U Grote to thank for this. Bishop Grote made it very clear that in the Bible there is no such thing as a female priest, clergy, or whatever. Women are not allowed to preach period. Never. Any female claiming to be ordained is a priestess. By definition, she cannot be Christian as Christianity does not recognize women as clergy.

Royal Upton Grote Jr. (16 August 1946 – 24 November 2016)

Thus, Mariann Edgar Budde is a wolf is sheep’s clothing no matter her intentions, theology, or politics. Biblically, she is a false teacher.

This is confirmed by the content of her lecture. Again, it is not a sermon because she has no right to deliver a sermon. Her presentation in the pulpit is a lecture.

Her attack on Trump is laughable.

Let’s shorten her first quote to what she really means.

“I ask you to have mercy upon the people … gay, lesbian, and transgender children …some who fear for their lives”

This quote is wrong on a number of levels.

Trump has threatened nobody who is gay, lesbian, or transgender with execution, imprisonment, or deprivation of rights.

Trump is upholding God’s revealed Word and natural revelation, and biological fact that there are only two genders. Any other gender is a lie of men or devils. It cannot be allowed in a civilized society.

This babe capping on Trump for requiring men to use the men’s bathroom is just evil. But you know, her real problem isn’t with Trump; no, it’s with God. God’s wrath is on the gay, the lesbian, the transgender, the abortionist, and anyone else that is in rebellion against Him. God’s wrath is not a future threat but a present reality.

Then there’s her dig about immigration. Please note that she and her liberal brethren are not the ones whipping out their checkbooks or that of her very wealthy denomination. No. She expects the taxpayers to give goodies to the illegals, drug dependent, and those refusing to work. This is what’s wrong with liberals, they only want to spend other people’s money, collected under threat of the sword, to redistribute. Please note, they always manage to keep their wealth and expect everyone else to gather at the pig trough of the welfare state to find sustenance.

Hey Mariann, the Bible—which you clearly have never read or don’t comprehend—requires that individuals care for the poor. Oh, the order is families, communities, and government last. Furthermore, government is not required or expected to give from the treasury to the poor, only see that they are treated fairly.

Yet another liberal flaw that she has defended on numerous occasions; justice. The Bible requires that no preference be given to the rich or the poor. Equality before the law is a principle directly from Scripture. Caring for widows, orphans, and the stranger amongst us is a purely local matter, not a mandate from the Great White Father in Washington DC.

The Bible makes it clear that if you don’t work then you don’t eat. If people work and still can’t make it, then people have an opportunity—not an obligation—to help.

President Trump was correct in his response.

After he returned to the White House, Trump said, “I didn’t think it was a good service” and “they could do much better.” But later, in an overnight post on his social media site, he sharply criticized the “so-called Bishop” as a “Radical Left hard line Trump hater.”

“She brought her church into the World of politics in a very ungracious way. She was nasty in tone, and not compelling or smart,” said Trump, a Republican, adding that Budde didn’t mention that some migrants have come to the United States and killed people.

“Apart from her inappropriate statements, the service was a very boring and uninspiring one. She is not very good at her job!” Trump said. “She and her church owe the public an apology!”

The responses on the Internet have been funny.

The Episcopal woman smiled ear-to-ear as she strode out of the National Cathedral, knowing that she had proved to the world beyond a shadow of a doubt that only men should be pastors.

“I did it!” exclaimed Budde, proudly hugging supporters. “I finally showed all you morons out there precisely why women should never, ever be allowed to lead a church.”

Insurrection Day and Other Thoughts

Insurrection Day was just as entertaining as you would expect with Kamala Harris certifying her own defeat as she declared Donald Trump as the next President of these United States. Oh, what sweet irony.

Trump is not even in office yet, but his influence looms large on the world stage. His comments about possible tariffs on Canada and making it the 51st state caused Justin Trudeau to resign. This guy (Trudeau) is just an evil tyrant presiding over a bunch of feckless politicians with no spine. His unchecked attacks on Canadian citizens that dared to disagree with him, or his policies was terrible to behold. That he lasted in office so long is an indictment of the Canadian political system.

Sadly, such tyranny is becoming all too common in once Christian nations in the West. England, Germany, France and other places are arguably worse than Canada. If you ever needed any evidence that the First Amendment matters then look no farther. Oh, having a Second Amendment to protect the First helps too.

Trump trash talking about annexing Greenland and changing the Gulf of Mexico into the Gulf of America is fun to watch. The reactions are entertaining. However, I still maintain that what he does is more important than what he says. It appears that he understands that getting legislation through Congress is the mark he needs to hit. I think he is deflecting people from seeing what is coming once he takes the oath of office. Finally, I think the Orange will “unleash hell” on January 20th and I can’t wait for the heads of millions of liberals to explode in shock.

Frankly, I think Trump is just depriving Biden of any oxygen in the room so poor Joe will be neglected by the media in the last few weeks of his failed administration. The irony that today is the funeral of Jimmy Carter is fantastic. Now, the biggest Presidential failure of the 21st Century gets to sing the praises of the biggest Presidential failure of the 20th Century. If you needed it, here’s proof that God has a sense of humor.

The wars in Ukraine and Israel will be ended soon after Trump takes office. Putin will get to keep much of eastern Ukraine and Zelensky will leave office with a few billion dollars in offshore accounts. Wanna bet he retires to his home in Palm Beach to live out the rest of his days? I’ll give even odds that he is ended by a bullet to the head or a needle in his arm.

I think the October 7th hostages will be freed on or about Jan 20th sort of like what happened with Reagan and the release of the Iranian hostages. Will some leaders from Gaza quietly immigrate to other nations as a result? Just wondering. The net result is that the Palestinian people will own less land than before the uprising.

I hope that Trump ends DEI (Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion) and the insanity of the transgender movement. Both seem to be falling out of favor already and he hasn’t even taken office yet. (Again, both movements must be ended at the Federal level by legislation and defunding.)

Election Thoughts

Kamala Harris is clearly not an upgrade from Joe Biden. I think of her as Jezebel, the wicked wife of King Ahab. Oh, Jezebel’s dad, amongst other things, was the high priest of Ba’al. The “bel” part of her name is related to Ba’al. In the case of Harris, I think of her more as the Molech type due to her single-minded advocacy of unlimited abortion, the sacrament of Liberals everywhere.

The Democratic Party has fully embraced murder and mutilation of children as the social cornerstones of their platform. Harris was being honest when, at one of her campaign rallies, she told those proclaiming that “Christ was King” that they were at the wrong political event. Clearly Jesus and God are not welcomed in Democratic circles.

The Democrat Party’s economic ideas are not rooted in the real world but in the sin of envy. Envy, per the dictionary, is defined as “A feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another.” Another definition is “Malevolence.”

It’s no surprise that this is a direct violation of the Tenth Commandment.

“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.”
— Exodus 20: 17.

Oh, coveting someone’s ass has nothing to do with sexual desire, but I can see why Democrats might think that given their embrace of sexual perverts and perversions. Actually, it might be better to think of the “ass” mentioned in this Commandment as your mode of transportation, while “ox” is your job, work truck, or equipment. i.e. your vocation.

Jealousy and ingratitude also come to mind when listening to Democrats whine about economic issues.

During his campaign, Donald Trump was rather quiet about details of what he would do when elected. Oh, I know he promised some tax cuts and things like that, but I don’t recall him presenting another list of potential Supreme Court nominees or specifics about Cabinet appointments. Other than promising Elon Musk and Senator Kenedy a job, much was kept under wraps.

We all know that he will unleash hell on the swamp rats once he takes office, but details are scarce as of now. What has been foreshadowed since his election is that he will go after those in the government that coordinated with big tech and private companies to debank, cancel, silence, or otherwise impede the exercise of free speech. He also promises to crackdown on those that violated immigration law. Other than those breaking our laws by committing criminal acts within our borders, I think he can’t do very much unless Congress gets involved; something they have not done in any meaningful way since Ronald Reagan was President.

Speaking of Reagan, Trump will end up butting heads with the unions representing government workers. Reagan’s ability to fire the air traffic controllers will loom large as a precedent for Trump as he tries to fire folks in the bureaucracy. Reagan’s situation was different in that the air traffic controllers were on strike and thus Reagan could appeal to public safety. The bureaucracy is largely controlled by the Executive Branch (President) but is it really? Do union contracts trump (pardon the pun) the Constitutional power of the President? If Congress authorizes money to be spent, is the Executive Branch obligated to spend it even if they don’t want too?

Also, the recent Supreme Court ruling on the Chevron Doctrine might be a tool that Trump can use to roll back the power of various agencies. Were the Democrats in power, the ramifications of this ruling would take years to work their way through the courts, and in reality, little would change; however, with Trump at the helm, Chevron might be the most effective lever that Trump has to change the overreach of government agencies.

Whatever Trump does, he needs to get Congress to adopt his programs. Governing via Executive Orders is unconstitutional. Trump needs to codify whatever changes that he makes as law. It might not make them immutable, but it will make it harder to undo. He needs to start by making his tax cuts from last time he was in office permanent.

If I could caution Trump on anything, its keep Congress out of any legislation dealing with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). IVF is eugenics and morally something that should not be enshrined into Federal Law. Hard as it may sound, some things need to be kept at a state level even if the result is “messy” and inconsistent from one place to another.

Lastly, Congress needs to find a way to fix our elections and voter rolls without federalizing the election process. Maybe mandate paper ballots and a national holiday on election day. The postal service is a Constitutionally created agency so placing rules on vote by mail would be within their power. Outlawing ballot harvesting by requiring vote by mail ballots to be postmarked on or before election day might be a good start. (The merits of this being a state or federal will be debated, I’m sure, but you get where I’m going with this.)

I gotta go so until next time …

Why isn’t Trump Winning by More?

The answer is simple but also complex.  I will try to break it down for you as only I can. It’s wild, Kamala is the farthest left politician ever nominated and has a douche bag of a running mate.  Polling has shown a tie, or maybe a 1 percent edge either way.  Its close.

1.  He isn’t likable.  Trump is very polarizing, you either love him, hate him, or live under a rock.

2.  He keeps spewing rhetoric no one wants to hear.  Rigged elections, voter fraud, mass deportations.  Stop it!  The election was 4 years ago, he lost.  Granted their were shenanigans but folks don’t want a January 6 redux if he loses again.  The deportation thing should be softened to be we are going to deport criminals here illegally.  We are a nation of immigrants, I have no issue with the hard working folks, the criminals I do.  However you cannot vote if you are illegally here.

3.  Kamala is focusing on her agenda??? LOL sure.  The media has done a good job of not asking her hard questions.  However Harris is staying positive people like to hear that.  Again, we are not fans of her agenda, but positivity compared to Trump is helping her.

4.  Name calling, insults and personal attacks are juvenile.  Its childish, you are running for President of the US.  Not in a comment section of a right/left wing website.  Act Presidential, you will win.

There you have it.  Trump likely loses the popular vote, NY, CA and IL are too populated and any Democrat will win.  The Democrat will win big.  The individual swing states are what I am blogging about.  I think it s odd such a liberal nominee can be tied in pretty much each swing state.  

Folks its going to be close, very close.  If you live in a swing state; make sure you are registered to vote.  Vote!  Its sounds dumb but i know of 3 republicans who either have never voted, or never registered to vote.  Yup, all 3 have Trump memorabilia on their vehicles/person.

The Chief

Kamala Harris Lady of the Evening

When you ponder Kamala Harris, the lyrics to “She Works Hard for the Money” must be the first thing to pop into your head. Kamala got her start sleeping with Willie Brown, the former Speaker of the California Assembly and ex-mayor of San Francisco. Oh, King Willie was married at the time. He was 60 and she was 29.

Per her scrubbed Wikipedia article, “In 1994, Speaker of the California Assembly Willie Brown, who was then dating Harris, appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later to the California Medical Assistance Commission.”

Kamala had a different set of patrons than Gavin Newsom, but both were involved in San Francisco politics at the same time. As Gavin was maneuvering for the Governor’s chair, Kamala was following the track to a different statewide office, the Attorney General.

(Gavin put his gubernatorial ambitions on hold for eight years because Jerry Brown outmaneuvered him. Gavin cooled his jets as Lieutenant Governor until Brown was term limited out.)

Harris refused to be the chief law enforcement officer of California and instead only enforced laws with which she personally agreed. Most notably, she refused to defend voter approved Proposition 8 which amended California’s Constitution stating that marriage was only between one man and one woman. Harris also used the power of the State of California to prosecute “an antiabortion activist who had made secret recordings and then accused Planned Parenthood doctors of illegally selling fetal tissue.”

Harris moved from the AG Office to the US Senate.

Harris has been called the “Whore of Babylon.”

… we might just be witnessing her grand entrance on the world stage in the form of Kamala Harris – “sex-worker” to the elites – whose payment wasn’t money (so far as we know) but political advancement. It’s pretty much common knowledge that Kamala “sex-worked” her way up the political ladder from total obscurity to where she currently has a reasonable chance of becoming the most powerful political figure in the world.

Is Kamala the ‘sex worker’ of Babylon?

Frankly, it’s a bit shocking to watch the dramatic implosion of radical feminism that Kamala’s ascendency as the world’s top woman represents. All of the relentless and passionate work women across the globe have done for decades to promote women as equal in all ways to men based upon merit is going up in flames before their eyes.

“Kamala Harris — she’s the original ‘Hawk Tuah’ girl — that’s the way she got where she is. And the party’s going downhill if it’s in her hands,” Lace said.

His comment refers to a viral TikTok clip in which a woman is asked the question, “What’s one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time?”

“You gotta give ’em that ‘hawk tuah’ and spit on that thang,” the woman replies, alluding to oral sex.

Fox Business guest slammed for calling Kamala Harris a ‘Hawk Tuah girl’ in sexist outburst

If Kamala rose thru the “glass ceiling” it was on her back.

Even Democrats don’t like Kamala

Biden’s out, Kamala is in. Don’t be fooled: policies won’t change.  Just like Biden wasn’t the one calling the shots, Kamala Harris won’t be either. She is the new figurehead for the deep state and the maidservant of Hillary Clinton, queen of the cabal of warmongers. They will continue their efforts to engulf the world in war and taking away our liberty.

Tulsi Gabbard

Her husband is just as bad. His previous marriage ended after getting his nanny pregnant, and then forcing the nanny to get an abortion.

Kamala is obsessed with killing the unborn but that is stating the obvious.

She is the handmaiden of evil and mistress of Moloch.

Trump…Don’t grasp defeat from the jaws of victory!

Editor’s note: this post was submitted to me just hours before Sleepy Joe Biden withdrew from his re-election bid.

Trump has had a good couple of months.  To be honest I had tired of Trump’s self-serving act and supported Ron DeSantis during the short-lived primary.  The name calling, personal attacks, and insults are petty and come off as childish.  It was funny with crooked Hillary, but I think this is what caused his defeat in 2020.  

Blogger note:  I will be supporting and voting for Trump in November.

Then I saw a different Trump; with the exception of him going after Nikki Haley pretty hard. He acted like a former president who wanted his job back.  At the first debate, he never attacked Biden, just made a couple comments about his speech and him not making sense.  It was brilliant…. now the democrats are the party of chaos.  Then Trump was shot by a left-wing whacko. He survived and he gave a great speech.  I was sitting here thinking aloud he may get damn near 400 electoral votes.

Then the old Trump once again re-appeared.

His selection of JD Vance told me what I feared most.  Vance is a Trump loyalist. He will not have much of any role. He will be a yes man and a cheerleader.  This was done because Mike Pence didn’t step in and try to overturn the election.  Vance also called Trump a Hitler and a couple other choice words.  I am sure they mended fences, but I don’t like what I see.  Sometimes it’s good to hear other ideas, not close yourself in an echo chamber.

I didn’t need to hear about prime time speaking slots from Eric and Don Jr.  but this is typical that family makes everything all about themselves.

I did watch Trump’s speech, it started beautifully with him telling the story about the assassination attempt and honoring the man who was killed.  He told us he would do a tax cut, close the border with a fence, end the wars in Russia and Gaza, and get inflation down and interest rates down.  He gave no substance, but no candidate really ever does anymore.  Then Trump went full Trump talking about the stolen election and voter fraud 4 years ago.

Blogger note:  Yes, I believe there was quite a bit of shenanigans that election night, from “broken water mains” to “every major swing state city stopping their count” but can we be honest, it’s been 4 years, get over it.

The worst part of this is the hair on fire conspiracies that come from it.  They will say Trump will end abortions via executive order, he will stack the Supreme Court, and overturn more protections for marginalized groups, and he will overturn the constitution and become a dictator.  None of this is true but our whack jobs bring out theirs.

For all the MAGA groupies:  Trump is running against likely the second worst president in our history and one who appears frail, pale and lacks the ability to put together a sentence.  Trump is only beating Biden by about 4-5 in each swing state.  Trump is so hated by a large part of the population that even this matchup could come down to the wire.  If Biden is replaced, all bets are off, anything could happen.  Also vote for the entire GOP ticket, this included senators and congressman, Trump is going to need about 55 senators to get what he wants.  Recall his own party fought with him a lot during his first term.  It’s disturbing. I’ve seen polling where Trump is up 4-5% yet our challenger trails a far left democrat by the same margin.

The Chief

Democrats, Want to Beat the GOP into submission?  Let Trump Win

Editor’s Note: This was submitted to me a few days before Trump was shot in Pennsylvania.

Hear me out on this.  Face it, you know Biden is toast when David Axelrod, a group of senators, governors, and congressman are saying, “drop out, you cannot win” that it’s over. 

Let Trump win.

This economy is teetering, the inflation is not stopping, Trump claims to have an answer…let him own it.

Let Trump win.

Interest rates are sky high, home prices, and car prices are insane.  Americans are draining savings, and looting retirement accounts to fund basic needs.  Trump says he can fix it…let him own it.

Let Trump win.

Again, I know you don’t want to hear this….

When he gets elected, don’t impeach him.  You are just giving him what he wants….it’s been proven that your continued indictments and arrests of him failed to move public perception.  He will be there 4 years…let it go.  No 25th amendment BS either.

Let Trump win.

You are so concerned he is an agent of Russia….when Ukraine is out of soldiers…let Trump cut them off.  If Ukraine falls to Russia…say you told us so!

Democrats heed my words here. 

You know what is going to happen with Trump, his own party doesn’t like him. They fought him in term 1, they will fight him again.  His own party wanted a brokered convention to pick between Kasich and Lyin Ted….

Let Trump win.

Trump = Chaos he is going to fire multiple cabinet members and call any and anyone a name.  Be the adults in the room…get out your popcorn and enjoy the moment.  Trust me, the GOP is loving you all attacking Biden 4 years after gas lighting all of us about his mental state.

Run Gavin, Whitmer, or some other far left folk in 2028….it’s likely you will win the White House. People like me grew tired of Trump.  His act grates on people.  He is mentally exhausting to deal with.

Change your rhetoric.  Quit supporting BLM protests, protests against Israel on college campii, and general lawlessness.  Drop this transgender nonsense from your platform.  Once you turn 18, hell go for it….make yourself into a science project or a real life Mr. Potato Head for all I care….knock this crap off in the schools.  You look like a kook fringe party with these platforms…

Speaking of kook fringe….

I honestly do not recognize the GOP anymore.  To me they have become hijacked by hair on fire conspiracy theorists, election deniers, and whack jobs.  If Trump were to somehow lose, the party could become a regional party only, such as the CA GOP very quickly.

The Chief

Gavin’s Presidential Obituary

I can’t take credit for this idea but it might be time to say that the wheels have fallen off the Newsom Presidential train.

Whether Newsom is still alive these days — at least in a political sense — is a matter of debate. Heck, we half expect to see his mug on the back of a milk carton. And yet it seems only yesterday that the self-important Newsom was the subject of the political world’s most poorly kept secret: that he was being positioned to swoop in and replace his party’s deeply unpopular and embarrassingly incompetent 81-year-old president, Joe Biden.

Whatever Happened to Gavin Newsom?

Gavin Newsom isn’t dead just yet. But the combination of his own policy failures and the terrier-like stubbornness of Joe (and Jill) Biden is making it increasingly likely that the one-time heir apparent will be remembered by history as the error apparent.

Haley’s X Account Bites Her in the Butt

That sage prophet of our times, Scott Adams, is known for the axiom,” There is a right way, a wrong way, and the weasel way”. Last week, Nikki Haley showed her true colors on X (formerly Twitter) by taking the weasel way and getting caught with her proverbial pants down.

Oh, Troll, sorry for that visual.

Anyway, Nikki showed she knows as much about computers as actually leading America—which is to say she is totally unqualified. On her X account she displayed this letter of praise from a follower.

The post reads:

PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR FIGHT!! In a world that’s become crazy with strife, we need a level headed conservative leader to navigate us through the insanity! NO ONE is more capable than you are to right the ship, and heal this great nation! WE NEED you Nikki! This country NEEDS you. Our allies, and the beautiful people of this world need you!

I don’t want to see you give up, and I guarantee you there are millions more out there who feel exactly as I do!

Michael B.

Unfortunately, this glittering endorsement has a few problems as folks were happy to point out to her.

Please note that this was posted on the official Nikki Haley X (Twitter) account.

As REdState pointed out:

But many people noticed a problem with the “email.” Someone appears to have forgotten to hit send and there’s no address header and no subject. Not to mention, it says “new message” in the left-hand corner. Whoever sent this out didn’t understand what it was showing.

For those from Rio Linda this means Nikki wrote this on her account about herself and forgot to do anything to make it look like it was sent to her. Like so many other women do when necessary, she faked it and then tells you how good she was.

But it gets even better. Here’s another comment.

Folks, they forgot to hit the “Send” button on the email and show it as a received message in their Inbox, instead of one they composed themselves.

Nikki just proved that she has an IQ approximating room temperature. However, let’s take a quick look at the content of her fake message.

Is Nikki running for President of the United States or President of the World? She seems confused on this point. “…The beautiful people of this world need you!”

Oh gag me. Nikki’s number one promise if elected is not to make America a great nation, it’s to write a blank check to Israel. Nikki also wants us in Ukraine as well. She wants to be Nikki Haley, world policebabe. She wants to create good paying jobs at home by building and selling munitions to the rest of the planet. Can we call her George W Bush in drag?

As recently as today, Nikki is claiming that she will win the Republican nomination for President. She’s only trailing Trump by 35 points in her home state of South Carolina. Folks this babe is a legend in her own mind and if she believes she has a chance to win, she is every bit as delusional as Joe Biden. At least we know Joe has dementia but what’s her excuse?