President Trump went to the National Cathedral the day after he was inaugurated into office. This has traditionally been a service considered part of the inauguration festivities. Normally prayers are offered for the new President to be guided by God into having a successful time of prosperity and leadership. The Cathedral views itself as an ecumenical clubhouse for people seeking God. Outside of its actual services, it tries to maintain a reputation as a nondenominational place for people to worship.
The Washington National Cathedral has hosted 10 official inaugural prayer services for presidents of both major political parties. The tradition dates back to 1933.
However, yesterday the female “Bishop” went partisan and personal in her attacks of the newly installed President.
Here’s a few quotes from her lecture.
As another member of our writing staff says, “Here’s my hot take” on this “Bishop”.
First, please note that I purposely have put the word “Bishop” in quotes. I have Bishop Royal U Grote to thank for this. Bishop Grote made it very clear that in the Bible there is no such thing as a female priest, clergy, or whatever. Women are not allowed to preach period. Never. Any female claiming to be ordained is a priestess. By definition, she cannot be Christian as Christianity does not recognize women as clergy.

Thus, Mariann Edgar Budde is a wolf is sheep’s clothing no matter her intentions, theology, or politics. Biblically, she is a false teacher.
This is confirmed by the content of her lecture. Again, it is not a sermon because she has no right to deliver a sermon. Her presentation in the pulpit is a lecture.
Her attack on Trump is laughable.
Let’s shorten her first quote to what she really means.
“I ask you to have mercy upon the people … gay, lesbian, and transgender children …some who fear for their lives”
This quote is wrong on a number of levels.
Trump has threatened nobody who is gay, lesbian, or transgender with execution, imprisonment, or deprivation of rights.
Trump is upholding God’s revealed Word and natural revelation, and biological fact that there are only two genders. Any other gender is a lie of men or devils. It cannot be allowed in a civilized society.
This babe capping on Trump for requiring men to use the men’s bathroom is just evil. But you know, her real problem isn’t with Trump; no, it’s with God. God’s wrath is on the gay, the lesbian, the transgender, the abortionist, and anyone else that is in rebellion against Him. God’s wrath is not a future threat but a present reality.
Then there’s her dig about immigration. Please note that she and her liberal brethren are not the ones whipping out their checkbooks or that of her very wealthy denomination. No. She expects the taxpayers to give goodies to the illegals, drug dependent, and those refusing to work. This is what’s wrong with liberals, they only want to spend other people’s money, collected under threat of the sword, to redistribute. Please note, they always manage to keep their wealth and expect everyone else to gather at the pig trough of the welfare state to find sustenance.
Hey Mariann, the Bible—which you clearly have never read or don’t comprehend—requires that individuals care for the poor. Oh, the order is families, communities, and government last. Furthermore, government is not required or expected to give from the treasury to the poor, only see that they are treated fairly.
Yet another liberal flaw that she has defended on numerous occasions; justice. The Bible requires that no preference be given to the rich or the poor. Equality before the law is a principle directly from Scripture. Caring for widows, orphans, and the stranger amongst us is a purely local matter, not a mandate from the Great White Father in Washington DC.
The Bible makes it clear that if you don’t work then you don’t eat. If people work and still can’t make it, then people have an opportunity—not an obligation—to help.
President Trump was correct in his response.
After he returned to the White House, Trump said, “I didn’t think it was a good service” and “they could do much better.” But later, in an overnight post on his social media site, he sharply criticized the “so-called Bishop” as a “Radical Left hard line Trump hater.”
“She brought her church into the World of politics in a very ungracious way. She was nasty in tone, and not compelling or smart,” said Trump, a Republican, adding that Budde didn’t mention that some migrants have come to the United States and killed people.
The responses on the Internet have been funny.
The Episcopal woman smiled ear-to-ear as she strode out of the National Cathedral, knowing that she had proved to the world beyond a shadow of a doubt that only men should be pastors.
“I did it!” exclaimed Budde, proudly hugging supporters. “I finally showed all you morons out there precisely why women should never, ever be allowed to lead a church.”