You may have seen the far and center left in shambles lately. They have no leader. It’s a rudderless, captain-less ship. He is driving them absolutely bonkers. He attacks from every angle so well it would make Sun Tzu (Art of War author) jealous. They have no way to defend. The second they go on; MSDNC, CNN, or any other network, he and Musk have moved on more than once. Schumer just caved on the government shutdown that he wanted. 9 other democrat senators followed. AOC and others are losing their minds. Trump is living rent free in their heads.
It didn’t have to be this way.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy he was elected. Anyone but Biden or Harris, but if you’re a realist, Trump likely loses to a mentally stable Joe Biden. Calm usually beats chaos, and Trump is literally a walking daily drama series that evolves minute by minute.
Here are the real reasons Trump won.
- The continued arrests and perp walks. Sure, the far left and the folks who think Palestine exists and the folks who don’t know which bathroom to used loved this. You know who didn’t find it funny? Non-white folks. They already have an inherit distrust of the police…. and to some extent our government, this didn’t help. They likely saw the goings on and said, “if they can do that to a rich white man imagine what they will do to us.” Folks who normally cannot afford a good lawyer. Check out how Donald did with black voters.
- Baseless threats about deporting all non-white folks. Again, baseless fear mongering. I do not want illegal immigrants who are picking produce, doing lawn care, etc. being rounded up and sent packing, I want the criminals rounded up. News flash, most minorities want this too. Trump isn’t a Nazi… neither is Musk. Sure, they do/say/associate with odd characters but look up what the real Nazi’s believed.
- The love/defense of transgender people. This one baffles me even to this day. Transgender people make up a fraction of 1% of the world’s population, let alone the USA’s, yet the media and democrats bend over for them. Tampons in the boy’s room? “Leah” Thomas competing against women swimmers and winning by a landslide? Pronouns in an email signature? Reasonable people do not think highly of transgendered people… minorities even less. The only groups who support transgendered folks are old white men and women. Think about it… the group that is likely to vote GOP.
- Allowing blatant antisemitism. Between the college “protests” I use air quotes since we here believe the protestors were mostly paid actors. And the media/Ilhan Omar peddling their BS about Israel, they painted themselves into a corner. Trust me, Israel is not blameless but allowing college Campi to be turned into ground zero for these whackos did no favors to their cause.
- The economy and inflation. When you cannot afford food and staples, yet the democrats say, “suck it up,” the other party looks more palpable. Trust me, Trump is no saint, and his lack of transparency with his “plans” is somewhat disturbing. He comes off as someone who will get the job done. Kamala just cackled and gave word salad answers that would stump even someone with no intelligence.
- Attacking white men. This was a likely reason she lost the popular vote. It was said in this space, and repeated, I thought Trump would not win the popular vote… I am happy to be wrong. I think this had more of an effect than people want to believe. Suicide among young white men and women is the highest it has ever been. Trump went on Joe Rogan, a very popular podcast with young people, and connected with them. They feel left behind and hopeless. Saying you shouldn’t hire white men makes people feel left behind. Young white men, and likely their not white friends, supported Trump. Check it out. Gen Z may have saved the country!
- Throwing a coup on Joe. First, they wouldn’t let anyone run against him in the primary (check it out, there wasn’t one) then when it became clear he had to go, they went into the smoke-filled room and chose Kamala. Believe me, these are the things you see in a third world country with a dictator (an actual one) not in the USA.
In conclusion you may not agree with each point above, but it’s obvious. If they stuck to traditional talking points, spoke about the economy, and wars in Gaza/Ukraine, and made it about them…. Trump likely does not get nominated. Instead they rigged the GOP Primary and got their guy… only to lose in the end.