Hair on Fire Conspiracy Theories Debunked

I have to give Trump a lot of credit, he somehow, someway, he brought all the conspiracy theorists on the right out of hiding.  When you scream “fake news” “false” or “wrong” these are the people you tend to attract. 

Full disclosure: I do agree with the theories he is putting out there; however, I do not feel they are at the level  of fraud that his supporter’s project.

Social Security Fraud: Yes, I firmly believe it is occurring, but not the type that the conspiracy theorists think.  If you think (like they do) a 350-year-old is drawing a check each month, you are crazy.  That is easily caught, and BOTH parties will demand a full review from top to bottom.  The fraud is also not being done in the 80–100-year-old group… again this is too obvious.  To perpetuate large scale fraud, you need a large group spanning several ages.  It cannot be too obvious, or you will get caught.  Get caught and the operation will unravel quickly, the long arm of the IRS and DOJ would love the chance to catch you.  Also, what is never discussed is someone (s) on the inside is/are very obviously involved as well, likely even a couple managers/supervisor types.  Again, this type of large-scale fraud needs to be done with precision, making up/taking over the payments going to 100 something year olds is a good way to get caught.  Oh, by the way, the government really doesn’t like it when you steal their money.  Additionally, no judge or jury will like you stealing from someone’s dead relative.  Use your brain, it might be there, but it is likely not happening at the levels you think it is.

Medicare Fraud:  Musk and his crew should get carte blanche on this, there is a TON.  As laid out earlier, between fraudulent billing schemes and LLC’s, PO Boxes, etc. there is plenty to be found here.  I actually think this should be where they focus.  Pam Bondi (a Troll favorite now btw) is likely all in to go after these characters as well.  This could be a gold mine as the characters committing this fraud tend to be the real bad guys.

Voter Fraud:  The biggest hair on fire conspiracy theory going right now is this.  Had a gentlemen come into my work and claim “California voted for Trump. This person claimed that it was voter fraud that gave California to Harris.”  Yes, read that sentence again.  Yikes!  Then a person who works here claimed “Gavin got recalled, but the voter fraud saved him.”  These two are far too old to know better. They reside in the over 65 group, who in my opinion should be put out to pasture.  I agree we have voter fraud here, but not millions, not even hundreds of thousands, it’s likely low 4 figures by my estimation.  Think about it, in California we may be the largest state by population, but it is so concentrated. Sure, you could drop ballots in; Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange, maybe San Francisco and Alameda, but outside of that where?  Same thing in other states, it’s happening but again at what numbers?  Not nearly what they think. 

If you want to go after voter fraud, do not go state by state, it needs to be county by county.  Example: if Sacramento County has 1.2 million people but has 1.5 million registered to vote, that is a problem.  Then drill deeper, after you get access to voter rolls on a “view only” basis, look for an obvious anomaly.  For example, an apartment with 8 registered voters with different last names all with high voter propensity… this would indicate a problem.  Ditto with the house with the same issue.  The key here is to find a crack in the fraud and use a pry bar to open the crack to expose the fraud.  No judge will let you have carte blanche over the voter rolls, this is the only way to try to expose fraud unless we get a Secretary of State that cares about the issue.  It’s been put to me in some counties nationwide there are more registered voters than actual people.  Go to town here, there is your opening.  Once you find a little, it will lead to more.

Most importantly, understand that screaming voter fraud will do nothing. Just look at what happened to Rudy Guiliani, John Eastman, and “The kraken.”  They are done.   National laughing stocks.  You look foolish claiming CA is ground zero for fraud. The democrats always win big here.  If you think Gavin won the recall due to fraud, there may be no hope for you.  If you think a 340-year-old is getting a social security check and so are many others who are 140 years old or older, then you might want to check into a clinic.  It’s happening, but declaring it’s happening on the levels you claim is silly and makes you look like a whacko.

The Chief

Trump Winning is the Left’s Fault

You may have seen the far and center left in shambles lately.  They have no leader. It’s a rudderless, captain-less ship.  He is driving them absolutely bonkers. He attacks from every angle so well it would make Sun Tzu (Art of War author) jealous.  They have no way to defend. The second they go on; MSDNC, CNN, or any other network, he and Musk have moved on more than once.  Schumer just caved on the government shutdown that he wanted.  9 other democrat senators followed.  AOC and others are losing their minds. Trump is living rent free in their heads.

It didn’t have to be this way.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy he was elected. Anyone but Biden or Harris, but if you’re a realist, Trump likely loses to a mentally stable Joe Biden.  Calm usually beats chaos, and Trump is literally a walking daily drama series that evolves minute by minute.

Here are the real reasons Trump won.

  1.  The continued arrests and perp walks.  Sure, the far left and the folks who think Palestine exists and the folks who don’t know which bathroom to used loved this.  You know who didn’t find it funny?  Non-white folks.  They already have an inherit distrust of the police…. and to some extent our government, this didn’t help.  They likely saw the goings on and said, “if they can do that to a rich white man imagine what they will do to us.”  Folks who normally cannot afford a good lawyer.  Check out how Donald did with black voters.
  2. Baseless threats about deporting all non-white folks.  Again, baseless fear mongering.  I do not want illegal immigrants who are picking produce, doing lawn care, etc. being rounded up and sent packing, I want the criminals rounded up.  News flash, most minorities want this too.  Trump isn’t a Nazi… neither is Musk. Sure, they do/say/associate with odd characters but look up what the real Nazi’s believed.
  3. The love/defense of transgender people.  This one baffles me even to this day.  Transgender people make up a fraction of 1% of the world’s population, let alone the USA’s, yet the media and democrats bend over for them.  Tampons in the boy’s room?  “Leah” Thomas competing against women swimmers and winning by a landslide?  Pronouns in an email signature?  Reasonable people do not think highly of transgendered people… minorities even less.  The only groups who support transgendered folks are old white men and women.  Think about it… the group that is likely to vote GOP.
  4. Allowing blatant antisemitism.  Between the college “protests” I use air quotes since we here believe the protestors were mostly paid actors. And the media/Ilhan Omar peddling their BS about Israel, they painted themselves into a corner.  Trust me, Israel is not blameless but allowing college Campi to be turned into ground zero for these whackos did no favors to their cause.
  5. The economy and inflation.  When you cannot afford food and staples, yet the democrats say, “suck it up,” the other party looks more palpable.  Trust me, Trump is no saint, and his lack of transparency with his “plans” is somewhat disturbing. He comes off as someone who will get the job done.  Kamala just cackled and gave word salad answers that would stump even someone with no intelligence.
  6. Attacking white men.  This was a likely reason she lost the popular vote.  It was said in this space, and repeated, I thought Trump would not win the popular vote… I am happy to be wrong.  I think this had more of an effect than people want to believe.  Suicide among young white men and women is the highest it has ever been.  Trump went on Joe Rogan, a very popular podcast with young people, and connected with them.  They feel left behind and hopeless.  Saying you shouldn’t hire white men makes people feel left behind.  Young white men, and likely their not white friends, supported Trump.  Check it out. Gen Z may have saved the country!
  7. Throwing a coup on Joe.  First, they wouldn’t let anyone run against him in the primary (check it out, there wasn’t one) then when it became clear he had to go, they went into the smoke-filled room and chose Kamala.  Believe me, these are the things you see in a third world country with a dictator (an actual one) not in the USA.

In conclusion you may not agree with each point above, but it’s obvious. If they stuck to traditional talking points, spoke about the economy, and wars in Gaza/Ukraine, and made it about them…. Trump likely does not get nominated.  Instead they rigged the GOP Primary and got their guy… only to lose in the end.

The First Cuts are the Deepest (DOGE)

The Department of Education buildings in DC and some other regions will be closed for security reasons 3/12.  They will re-open on Thursday.  The security reasons are mass layoff notices are going out tonight, as much as 50% of the department will be cut.  This marks a sharp departure from the earliest cuts at DOGE which focused on USAID.

Things are now going to get extremely real.

USAID was the low hanging fruit to be cut.  USAID traces back to around 1961 but I think it has roots even before that.  USAID exists mostly to be a conduit to bribe other countries.  We do this to police the world and have our way around the globe.  You may have noticed when we bombed Iraq and Afghanistan that most other countries looked the other way.  We bombed Doctors without Borders, Hospitals, even families but that was ok because we paid off the neighboring countries.  Notice how when Israel attacks Gaza, or I guess “Palestine” for those who are living impaired that may be reading; Jordan and Egypt are silent?  Bribery.  Also, Trump in his executive order exempted those countries from the ban mind you.  To be clear I had/have no issue cutting all USAID money… and I never want to hear about us paying to build a Sesame Street replica anywhere again.

The cuts he wants to do at Social Security and Medicare are a more difficult sell.  He talks about fraud and I’m willing to give some credit here… some.  In the Medicare part, yes, I believe it’s rampant, but mostly on the “billing side.”  I remember watching an American Greed episode years ago that focused on this.  Shell corporations existing only as a PO Box billing for services never rendered.  The government pays since unless you can prove its fraudulent it’s hard to argue against paying a medical bill in court.  Maybe changing billing laws helps here?  I have never liked the idea of not being able to tell who owns a corporation, and some of these cheaters create layers and layers of LLCs to mask the entire identity of the entity. 

On Social Security, he needs to be careful here.  I like the idea of identifying fraud, but I do not think they will actually find much.  I for one do not think people who are “345 years old” on paper are receiving a check each month…. trust me, if there were, folks like Senator Rand Paul, would be all over that.  Hell, even Lyin’ Ted may have weighed in by now.  Cutting the Social Security check to someone who is actually alive is not only a terrible look, but the political ads write themselves.  Social Security is not like voter fraud… it’s all some people have got and quite a few older American’s aren’t getting 4 figure checks.  Trust but verify, and use caution here.

In conclusion, I know I only touched on a couple of points here, but we as a society, have needed this to happen for a while.  When we have the national debt at 36 trillion, we do not need any more Blue Ribbon Committees, or deficit committees.  We do not need commissions, meeting groups or bi-partisan congressional groups… it’s too late.  These groups, while putting together a valiant effort, have never produced anything deliverable at all.  Kind of like a central committee meeting, we go to war with each other…. go in peace to serve the world, and reconvene next month for the next edition of the circular firing squad.  I’ll give it to Musk, he is trying, and he is being attacked by everyone, which is good… there should be no sacred cows.

The United States must realize, we run our government the same way we run our lives, we may flip out the credit card, and as long as we make the minimum payment, we are good for one more month.  I noticed each household’s share of the debt is about $105,000, could you write a check for your share?  See us for who we really are, we are the morbidly obese patient about to go into cardiac arrest pleading with our doctor to approve us for a weight loss drug… we do not need a diet, we need a lifestyle change.  Musk isn’t perfect…. he is trying.

Sac County GOP is Soft

It’s a group I used to be a part of….key word used to.  Sacramento County used to have a vibrant Republican operation.  They had great volunteers, a really good precinct coordinator during election season, then they changed. 

In 2016, when Trump ran for office, and they screamed bloody murder…. he was a fake Republican, took money from Democrats etc.  My favorite was when they decided to endorse and go all in on Ted Cruz when it was essentially mathematically impossible for Cruz to get the nomination.  The California GOP establishment (including those here in Sacramento) wanted a brokered convention to block Trump from the Presidency.

Check out the news regarding the Sac County GOP from this past month.

The incident happened last Thursday evening. As captured by surveillance video, someone drove up to the building in Rancho Cordova and started casing the property.

After finding a large rock, the person then threw it through the front window – smashing the glass.

No one was in the building at the time.

Here is a statement from the party chair Christian Forte

“The County Republican Party regularly receives angry, if not threatening, phone calls harassing our volunteer staff,” said Sacramento County Republican Party Chairman Christian Forte in a statement. “But never have we been the victim of such a violent attack.”

He sounds pretty angry?  You would agree right?  Nope

Apparently, the thug returned to the scene of the crime a day or so later.

A suspect in the vandalism came back to the scene of the crime when the building was open and reportedly asked questions about the incident. This prompted staff to close the office for the day and call authorities.

On Tuesday, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office revealed that the suspect – a 20-year-old man – had come forward and apologized.

According to the sheriff’s office, the group no longer wants to press charges. 

So let me understand this better.  It was a violent attack; volunteers were scared and fearing for their safety were sent home and the office was closed.  The perp came forward and rather than calling the authorities, Sac GOP choose to forgive and forget.  I was disappointed at first but then it hit me, the party that doesn’t have a spine… lacks a backbone.

The same party, whose members used to puff their chests out and say how conservative they are, is too scared to pursue a 20-year-old punk. The folks who idolized Ronald Reagan (I swear everyone at the meetings worked for him at one point) couldn’t stand up to a criminal.  The people who now worship the ground Donald Trump walks on do not believe in law and order, apparently?

It’s actually comical.  The party that says we need to stand up to the democrats and hold them accountable quite literally could have done that…. and didn’t.  Just like the Russian army, they talk a great game and think they are something…. then the war starts and we find out they are a paper tiger.

I looked at the Sac GOP website and looked at the “leadership” page…. I saw a couple familiar names.  1 person I greatly respect and looked at as a mentor, I doubt he sees me the same way anymore.  Another who is quite literally a figurehead masquerading as a leader. So, I should not be surprised they folded like a cheap suit when confronted with adversity.  These guys would rather fight with themselves than the democrats; it’s an odd thing.

Just remember folks this is the same group of people who had no problem with chronic drug/alcohol abuser Jorge Riley acting a fool at their meetings.  No problem with Jorge literally drinking high-octane adult beverages from his backpack with a siphon while attending their events and meetings.  Jorge who has a criminal record a mile long with domestic violence in there by the way.  All of that behavior was fine until he made a video of himself on January 6th…. and then, reluctantly he had to go.

The Chief

Why isn’t Trump Winning by More?

The answer is simple but also complex.  I will try to break it down for you as only I can. It’s wild, Kamala is the farthest left politician ever nominated and has a douche bag of a running mate.  Polling has shown a tie, or maybe a 1 percent edge either way.  Its close.

1.  He isn’t likable.  Trump is very polarizing, you either love him, hate him, or live under a rock.

2.  He keeps spewing rhetoric no one wants to hear.  Rigged elections, voter fraud, mass deportations.  Stop it!  The election was 4 years ago, he lost.  Granted their were shenanigans but folks don’t want a January 6 redux if he loses again.  The deportation thing should be softened to be we are going to deport criminals here illegally.  We are a nation of immigrants, I have no issue with the hard working folks, the criminals I do.  However you cannot vote if you are illegally here.

3.  Kamala is focusing on her agenda??? LOL sure.  The media has done a good job of not asking her hard questions.  However Harris is staying positive people like to hear that.  Again, we are not fans of her agenda, but positivity compared to Trump is helping her.

4.  Name calling, insults and personal attacks are juvenile.  Its childish, you are running for President of the US.  Not in a comment section of a right/left wing website.  Act Presidential, you will win.

There you have it.  Trump likely loses the popular vote, NY, CA and IL are too populated and any Democrat will win.  The Democrat will win big.  The individual swing states are what I am blogging about.  I think it s odd such a liberal nominee can be tied in pretty much each swing state.  

Folks its going to be close, very close.  If you live in a swing state; make sure you are registered to vote.  Vote!  Its sounds dumb but i know of 3 republicans who either have never voted, or never registered to vote.  Yup, all 3 have Trump memorabilia on their vehicles/person.

The Chief

Trump…Don’t grasp defeat from the jaws of victory!

Editor’s note: this post was submitted to me just hours before Sleepy Joe Biden withdrew from his re-election bid.

Trump has had a good couple of months.  To be honest I had tired of Trump’s self-serving act and supported Ron DeSantis during the short-lived primary.  The name calling, personal attacks, and insults are petty and come off as childish.  It was funny with crooked Hillary, but I think this is what caused his defeat in 2020.  

Blogger note:  I will be supporting and voting for Trump in November.

Then I saw a different Trump; with the exception of him going after Nikki Haley pretty hard. He acted like a former president who wanted his job back.  At the first debate, he never attacked Biden, just made a couple comments about his speech and him not making sense.  It was brilliant…. now the democrats are the party of chaos.  Then Trump was shot by a left-wing whacko. He survived and he gave a great speech.  I was sitting here thinking aloud he may get damn near 400 electoral votes.

Then the old Trump once again re-appeared.

His selection of JD Vance told me what I feared most.  Vance is a Trump loyalist. He will not have much of any role. He will be a yes man and a cheerleader.  This was done because Mike Pence didn’t step in and try to overturn the election.  Vance also called Trump a Hitler and a couple other choice words.  I am sure they mended fences, but I don’t like what I see.  Sometimes it’s good to hear other ideas, not close yourself in an echo chamber.

I didn’t need to hear about prime time speaking slots from Eric and Don Jr.  but this is typical that family makes everything all about themselves.

I did watch Trump’s speech, it started beautifully with him telling the story about the assassination attempt and honoring the man who was killed.  He told us he would do a tax cut, close the border with a fence, end the wars in Russia and Gaza, and get inflation down and interest rates down.  He gave no substance, but no candidate really ever does anymore.  Then Trump went full Trump talking about the stolen election and voter fraud 4 years ago.

Blogger note:  Yes, I believe there was quite a bit of shenanigans that election night, from “broken water mains” to “every major swing state city stopping their count” but can we be honest, it’s been 4 years, get over it.

The worst part of this is the hair on fire conspiracies that come from it.  They will say Trump will end abortions via executive order, he will stack the Supreme Court, and overturn more protections for marginalized groups, and he will overturn the constitution and become a dictator.  None of this is true but our whack jobs bring out theirs.

For all the MAGA groupies:  Trump is running against likely the second worst president in our history and one who appears frail, pale and lacks the ability to put together a sentence.  Trump is only beating Biden by about 4-5 in each swing state.  Trump is so hated by a large part of the population that even this matchup could come down to the wire.  If Biden is replaced, all bets are off, anything could happen.  Also vote for the entire GOP ticket, this included senators and congressman, Trump is going to need about 55 senators to get what he wants.  Recall his own party fought with him a lot during his first term.  It’s disturbing. I’ve seen polling where Trump is up 4-5% yet our challenger trails a far left democrat by the same margin.

The Chief

Democrats, Want to Beat the GOP into submission?  Let Trump Win

Editor’s Note: This was submitted to me a few days before Trump was shot in Pennsylvania.

Hear me out on this.  Face it, you know Biden is toast when David Axelrod, a group of senators, governors, and congressman are saying, “drop out, you cannot win” that it’s over. 

Let Trump win.

This economy is teetering, the inflation is not stopping, Trump claims to have an answer…let him own it.

Let Trump win.

Interest rates are sky high, home prices, and car prices are insane.  Americans are draining savings, and looting retirement accounts to fund basic needs.  Trump says he can fix it…let him own it.

Let Trump win.

Again, I know you don’t want to hear this….

When he gets elected, don’t impeach him.  You are just giving him what he wants….it’s been proven that your continued indictments and arrests of him failed to move public perception.  He will be there 4 years…let it go.  No 25th amendment BS either.

Let Trump win.

You are so concerned he is an agent of Russia….when Ukraine is out of soldiers…let Trump cut them off.  If Ukraine falls to Russia…say you told us so!

Democrats heed my words here. 

You know what is going to happen with Trump, his own party doesn’t like him. They fought him in term 1, they will fight him again.  His own party wanted a brokered convention to pick between Kasich and Lyin Ted….

Let Trump win.

Trump = Chaos he is going to fire multiple cabinet members and call any and anyone a name.  Be the adults in the room…get out your popcorn and enjoy the moment.  Trust me, the GOP is loving you all attacking Biden 4 years after gas lighting all of us about his mental state.

Run Gavin, Whitmer, or some other far left folk in 2028….it’s likely you will win the White House. People like me grew tired of Trump.  His act grates on people.  He is mentally exhausting to deal with.

Change your rhetoric.  Quit supporting BLM protests, protests against Israel on college campii, and general lawlessness.  Drop this transgender nonsense from your platform.  Once you turn 18, hell go for it….make yourself into a science project or a real life Mr. Potato Head for all I care….knock this crap off in the schools.  You look like a kook fringe party with these platforms…

Speaking of kook fringe….

I honestly do not recognize the GOP anymore.  To me they have become hijacked by hair on fire conspiracy theorists, election deniers, and whack jobs.  If Trump were to somehow lose, the party could become a regional party only, such as the CA GOP very quickly.

The Chief

Dominic “The Grapist” Foppoli Gets Off

Blogger note:  This blog has been pretty harsh on Dominic and we will admit he was not charged with a crime.  We were threatened with a lawsuit by one Martin Woods, more on that later.  While we admit he should have been charged with rape, we will retract any statements on this space claiming him to be guilty.

That being said, this blogger is taking no prisoners today.

Dominic Foppoli was not charged with a crime.  Our weak-kneed Attorney General Rob Bonta (or his staff) put out statement as such on 3/28. 

“At this time, we don’t have enough evidence to warrant filing charges on the cases not barred by the statute of limitations,” a spokesperson for Attorney General Rob Bonta said in a written statement. “However, our investigation remains open, and we urge anyone who believes they may be a victim or who has evidence to come forward.”

Former Windsor Mayor Dominic Foppoli, accused by multiple women of sexual assault, will not face charges, says California Attorney General

That word salad makes Dominic think he is innocent.  Not by a longshot.  It simply put means they didn’t meet a standard where they feel they can achieve a conviction.  In essence they punted and I guess are waiting for more survivors to come forward.

I will say I have more questions than answers at this point.  Why did the investigation take 3 years?  Why did it take 7 months to get a search warrant?  Everyone was left twisting in the wind; both survivors and the accused.  The police seized several items in the search of his home that day… none of it could lead to charges?

I think I have the answer, but no facts to back it up. 

Dominic was a very large fish in a small town.  He throws a great party for the elite.  I’m sure he had political and social relationships with those in the Sheriff Department and the District Attorney (not Ester Lemus) office.  If it was anyone but a sitting Mayor wouldn’t they be in handcuffs? (real ones not what could be used in the bedroom).  Likely locked up in a county jail, likely with a very high bail amount?  Would the search warrant take 7 months? An investigation 3 years?  I’m not going to point the finger at anyone in particular but anyone think it’s odd the sitting DA (at the time) punted the investigation to the Attorney General?  The conflict of interest cited to me doesn’t pass the smell test. 

I do wish to point this out to Dominic.

I do not think you truly knew how great you had it.  You got elected Mayor of Windsor.  You had a lot of good press locally during the wildfires.  You got appointed to the Golden Gate Bridge District.  That’s a plum job where you get exposure to the highly populated parts of the Bay Area, not the sparsely populated North Bay.  A State Assembly or Senate career was likely within your grasp.  You have massive personal wealth you inherited.  You own a winery and an estate among other businesses.  You could be on various elected clubs and boards that don’t pay because you don’t need the cash.  Your wealth would scare away potential opponents in your path.

Then you threw it all away.

I’m not sure you understand the optics of the accusations against you.  The allegation made by the intern at your winery is gross at best, and predatory at worst.  The allegation from the than 18 year old in Montana is gross as she would be 20 years younger than you!  The taking off of the woman’s bikini top or bottom at your estates spa is disgusting.  The allegations against you from the 20-30 active club are something else!  You used a social networking group as a menu for who you wanted sex with!  A fellow Mayor accused you of unwanted sexual acts!  A fellow councilmember as well. 

Sure you were not charged but the stories all paint a bad picture of you.

Dominic, I think you could learn a lot from self-reflection on the last 20 or so years of your life.  You have a lot of money and assets.  Everything you wanted in life you got, you either had the status, the AMEX black card or some other form of currency to make it happen.  You are proud of your Tesla; I must admit the idea of having all those cool things appeals to me.  You never realized your assets were also your biggest liability in life.  You have always gotten what you want, as mentioned above, but you have no luck with the ladies.  This bothers you… so much so you decided you would revert to your only way of knowing how to get what you want.  Use any means necessary.  No is not an acceptable result for you.  Whether you think these encounters were consensual or not, the stories tell a bigger story… you are a loser with the opposite gender.  When you were in college you always went after females much younger than you… there was a reason you got older every year, but the freshman coeds stay the same age.  Not every girl who smiles or says hi to you wants to have sex, but who am I to change your perception.

You made a comment about coming back to Windsor and rebuilding old relationships and friendships… yeah ok.  Good luck, you are now damaged goods in a way you will never understand.  Your fellow Democrat electeds jettisoned you for a reason, you are an untalented barnacle on the whale of society.  You needed to be gone.  Your lack of self-awareness was on full display when you decided to still chair a zoom meeting as Mayor even after everyone wanted you gone.  Your smug look the entire night was next level… your constituents hate you and dragged you to filth.  It appeared to be the first time in your life you told a lie and no one actually believed it.  Also understand active 20-30 is now being dragged by your actions… pretty cool you are taking other groups down as well. . Sure you may have a collection of friends, drifters or loners who buddy back up to you. However the joke will be on you, most will find you politically and personally toxic to be around. Your political career is toast, and the stories about your demise will be on the internet far longer then you will be on this earthly plane. Google dot com is now a mortal enemy of you. Sure, you were never charged, but the stories paint an ugly portrait. One that even your vast net worth cannot change.

As far as your political career getting a reboot, maybe in Windsor you can carve out a district for yourself as a city councilman, but you are done.  Your family business is in ruins.  Your best friend sic’d an attorney on me and I didn’t even know his last name!!!!  His attorney Martin Woods could have remained silent and had folks think he isn’t too bright… yet he opened his mouth and removed all doubt.  Check the blog folks, I never named his client’s last name.  Woods did in the comment he left.

I’ll leave you with a comment from Dominic’s brother….

The accusations were too much for his older brother Joe Foppoli, chief operating officer of the family’s Christopher Creek Winery, who announced that Dominic had been relieved of his CEO duties at the winery, expressing disgust at his younger brother’s “promiscuous lifestyle” and lack of “moral character.”

Lack of moral character…. promiscuous lifestyle.  That’s the real Dominic.  Oh, by the way, we had another survivor reach out recently. We look forward to hearing her comments on this as well.

The Chief

Editor’s Comment: Why does this situation with Dominic Foppoli make me think of Alex Murdaugh? Money, wealth, power, small town, unspeakable acts, favorable (special) treatment by law enforcement; guess its just coincidence. Dominic, there is a reckoning coming, either in this life or the next. “For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.” Luke 8: 17.

Troubling Future for our Medical Field (USA)

This blog has admittedly been a long time coming but now that my doctor has retired and moved back to his home country, I feel I can get away with it.  I had this doctor for about 20 years of my life. He is from a part of the world where most of our doctors came from 20 or so years ago.  I am trying to conceal his identity as most of the items I list in this blog were told to me by him verbatim and I wish no ill will on him.  He chose to retire, not to a different state, or part of the US but back to a country I do not hold in high esteem as developing.

My doctor and I grew to be friends, and I value his wisdom, I ask you to really set aside any preconceptions you have and listen to his commentary.

  1.  Our best and brightest no longer want to be doctors.  Six/seven figure student loans are the norm, then you must either: buy a practice (adding more debt) or join a health network and be an employee.
  2. Medicine is dictated from the top down, not via peer reviewed research.  You may remember the Covid-19 shot, and if you refused you were a whacko.  No dissent is allowed.  If you speak out your medical license could be revoked.  Worse yet, if you are an employee, you get muzzled and terminated. 
  3. Don’t believe point #2? Most hospital boards are run by lawyers now.  Check it out yourself.
  4. The debt issue: my doctor was never really in debt, so he could bill for only needed expenses. New doctors must bill for “extra services, not likely essential” knowing your insurance will pay.  As my doctor states, this is now routine practice not an outlier. 
  5. Distribution of prescription drugs is at unsustainable levels.  Go to your doctor, tell him you are experiencing pain/anxiety/depression etc.  He will find a pill for you.  We have a current shortage in Adderall pills right now. Adderall is used for focus/attention disorders. I have read zero about an increase in folks with diagnosed ADD/ADHD. 
  6. Mental Health Blarney:  Again, his words, we have folks walking in wanting a diagnosis simply to essentially “pull the mental health card” at work or at school.  He had a client who didn’t like his answer in diagnosing so this person traveled all the way to Modesto (3 counties over) to get a medical pot prescription. 
  7. Prescription drugs = lawsuit.  Ever see the ad on TV…ask your doctor if_____ is right for you?  Kinda weird right? You go to a guy with a medical license and you’re trying to tell him what to prescribe to you?  Well, I guess that’s why you pay for internet and cable right?  Yup.  The bad part about those “ask your doctor ads”? The ad that comes later is “did your doctor prescribe ____ and you experienced any of these symptoms? Call 1-800-bad-drug now!”  Yep, that “ask your doctor” drug got sued and now a 10-figure settlement has been reached.
  8. Medical Malpractice Insurance is too expensive: it’s easier and cheaper to settle than litigate.  My doctor was sued 10 times in the past decade for largely dubious claims; however, in each case the lawsuit was settled for literally pennies on the dollar, it got too expensive.  Again, it’s a lawyer thing, settle and save $$, fight and we could lose more money.  In one case the plaintiff signed the settlement papers, and the following day scheduled a physical with my doctor.  Yep, the same one she had for 15 years and sued for “inappropriate touching.” Yep, after claiming to be victimized, she was so mad and angry that she wanted to go back the next day for more.
  9. Too many idiots trying to play doctor.  I know at least one. They Google or watch the TV for affirmation about what they believe.  This person was convinced he could get off his anti-depression pills because “it was time,” he didn’t.  While this person didn’t go to my doctor, he told me numerous stories as well.  Folks, when you tell your doctor about mental health issues; especially suicide, you don’t ever get off the pill; no matter what Google or your cable news channel host says.
  10. His 2 children are going to law school.  Yep, the family business is over.  They would rather sue and collect than research and listen.  It broke his heart, but it’s a change in America and it isn’t good.
  11. There are 2 genders.  This actually is science; you know like the Covid vaccine was marketed as?  Check out what puberty blockers are.  BTW you are being a colossal dickhead for trying to make any doctor sign off on this procedure.  Just go to the local murderer of the unborn, at least you won’t be putting someone’s medical license in jeopardy.  Don’t believe me?  If you are here in California and approach your doctor about this, watch them squirm and get uncomfortable really quick. Said California doctors will not stick their neck out to save your child when such action will cost them their medical license.

Not an exhaustive list but you see the point.  The independent doctor is now a thing of the past.  Say hello to large corporations buying up and creating “in house” options to save $$ and overhead.  Get off your damn computer, put the remote down, and quit listening to doctors like Anthony Fauci who don’t practice medicine.  We have a massive crisis coming here and it’s not going to get better.  I want a free-thinking doctor who researches, not a mindless dolt who is scared to be sued.  And my god quit this mental health BS.

The Chief

CA Super Tuesday Thoughts

Thoughts?  Well, we will still be counting ballots until 4/12 or so due to our ridiculous primary and general election rules that allow mail in ballots to be accepted and counted up to a week after election day!

However, most races have been essentially “called” and I want to provide some commentary on the results and where things could head in The General out here.

The Senate Race:  Beware to all who think a “top two” primary is a smart idea.  In this republic the top two vote getters regardless of party affiliation advance to the general.  This is blatantly unconstitutional in my understanding of the laws here, but the Democrats love it, and the GOP figures it must be good since they refuse to challenge the legality of it.  You in essence had 5 “major” candidates.  Republican former LA Dodger baseball player Steve Garvey, and republican perennial candidate Eric Early.  I swear to all forms of God, I have seen Early on my ballot no less than 4 election cycles now for some office.  The Democrats had 3 major candidates, all congressmen.  Adam Schiff from LA, Katie Porter from Orange, and Barbara Lee from Oakland.  I listed the 3 in order of sanity from most sane to least.  Or, if you are a Republican operative, who I would vote for in a “top two” of just Democrats.  I understand Schiff led the impeachment of Trump but compare his voting record to Porter and Lee and he looks like a watered-down Democrat, but I digress. 

Garvey and Schiff advanced to the runoff comfortably, and both played the election correctly.  Garvey has some name ID from his time as a baseball player down south, this is huge in a state like California.  Schiff had a national profile and decided he would “take Garvey with him” to the general. 

Porter had a similar strategy it involved Eric Early.  Barbara Lee is likely still ranting about her $50 an hour wage minimum wage to an auditorium of no one except friends and family; so I will not include her in my analysis.  Schiff comes from Hollywood-Burbank LA, it’s a wealthy, mostly white part of the most populous county in California, so he had a massive built in advantage in name ID.  Porter from a similar demographic in neighboring Orange, but a much smaller voter universe.  My point is, let’s say Porter and Schiff made the runoff.  Porter is far more popular with the far left than Schiff, and as a result it’s a risk Schiff couldn’t take.  Schiff knows that a top two in November with a hated Donald Trump on the ticket will drive up the far left’s numbers and likely give the race to Porter, so he helped Garvey. 

Here is 1 of 2 glossies Schiff sent me, in essence propping up Garvey.

Since Schiff helped secure a top two finish from Garvey, he is a “shoo-in” to win the general.  Garvey also played this right, he raised 2 million (a sum that is very small, not even congressional campaign worthy) and spent about 0 since Schiff was propping his up.  Why spend money when your likely opponent will do it for you?

Katie Porter went completely unhinged after losing, so much so Troll has a blog in the chamber.

Big picture this is a good thing for Republicans in November.  We are defending a lot of marginal GOP seats, Trump will be a drag on the ticket, the absence of a Republican for Senate will destroy the ticket.  Garvey will get around 38% or so in my estimation, maybe closer to 41.  My point?  The extra turnout he draws will likely be from the LA area where we are defending the vulnerable House seats.  The extra several thousand votes could very well mean we keep a congressional majority.

Another thing worth watching, we had but 1 statewide proposition on the ballot it dealt with a bond for several billion for mental health treatment.  Out here we allow the mentally insane to roam the streets, even dodge traffic and can do nothing sense they aren’t technically breaking a law.  The proposition which Gavin Newsom campaigned for, and I believe raised over 13 million is barely passing.  50.3% to 49.7%.  Yup you read that right, still a pant load of ballots to count and anything can happen, but this may be finally a sign of Californians wising up.  We have spent trillions out here on various grifts like homelessness and affordable housing, none has worked.  We know have Democrat mayors and legislators trying to change prop 47 aka the “shoplift ‘til you drop law” to jail serial shoplifters.  These things happen when you start losing the narrative.  A Garvey win in November?  No chance, but he could set the wheels in motion of a turn around.  That proposition damn near losing when all signs point to Republicans voting late like usual could mean it fails.  A big blow to Newsom and the political elite out here.

(Please don’t take my above comments on Newsom as implying that I think the seventh recall attempt against Gavin has a snowball’s chance in hell of happening.)

A word on Trump if I may.

He is now the inevitable nominee.  It has been written how the bloggers here have soured on him.  He will be getting our votes in November, but with a jaundiced eye.  He is putting a family relative in a high-ranking post at the RNC who has been open about using the cash to pay Trump’s legal bills.  The RNC has not raised much cash at all compared to prior cycles; we are late in the cycle right now.  The cash will be needed in swing states for get out the vote operations.  We also have a slim majority in congress, and a chance to pick up seats in the senate, but with Trump who the heck knows.  I foresee a Trump presidency but a Democrat-controlled congress.  Trump will get nothing, and likely be impeached another 2-5 times just because. 

CRA motivational flyer as seen at Stop Trump call center

Trump is also scaring me on the campaign trail.  His remarks about the judge in New York, the DA in Atlanta, and the various Democrats he doesn’t like come off as dictator-like.  Frankly he comes off as a jilted former lover and having an axe to grind, but in this case the axe could very well be the DOJ and IRS, two very scary agencies to be up against.  His threats to leave NATO are somewhat scary.  Joe Biden may come off as a senile old man, but man Trump comes off as an unhinged whacko at times.  The debates could be legendary (if they are allowed) Joe could well wonder off, or fall asleep, while Trump could spontaneously combust.

The Chief