We are less than a month into the Trump Presidency and wow! Can this guy get results. I remember a comedy routine that Mike Warnke did many years ago. In it he talked of hitting them three ways, hard, fast, and continuously. That about sums up Trump. He is not only beating the crap out of the Swamp but making it a very public spectacle of the process. No sane person can defend the corruption that he and Elon Musk’s task force are outing. I had my doubts about Elon but in the early going, but thus far, Elon is a superstar.
The other humorous thing is how stupid the Federal Judges are that the Democrats are crying to about Trump taking away their graft and corruption. In essence, these judges are defending malfeasance and lawlessness. They don’t provide justice; they can only obstruct it.
The very idea that the duly elected executive of the Executive Branch of government has no power to oversee the agencies under his charge is just laughable. All the Supreme Court has to do is issue a one-line statement that the President has a Constitutional obligation to oversee the Executive Branch and then remand everything back to the lower courts. Case closed. Game. Set. Match.
I have to give credit to something Johnnie Does said in a recent editorial board meeting, “Trump is the type of Republican that the GOP promises us every four years and has not been able to deliver since at least Ronald Reagan.”
In politics, everybody loves a winner, as long as Trump continues to be successful, the GOP will gladly fall in line with him.
The Democrats are on the ropes or should be in a sane world. Sadly, for us, Liberalism is a mental (and spiritual) illness. The thought that Democrats will come to their senses is a dream. All they want is raw power. Remember, whatever else they may say, government is their GOD.
Yes, I know that it is unreasonable to expect the dead to act like the living; but I hope that those of us that are alive would at least make them jealous enough to consider the benefits of being real, live, boys instead of wooden automatons.

As good as all this is, until Congress makes Trump’s actions permanent, this is just a sideshow. It is encouraging how quickly Trump’s nominees are being approved. We have reason to hope.