If you live in California you are used to hearing stupid, moronic, dumb, depressing things. It reached a new low this past week. The same week Governor Newsom and his merry band of idiots announced new gas powered car sales will cease in a decade, he also reminded us due to a heat wave not to plug your current electric car in. Yeah folks, we are banning new gas powered cars, in favor of more enviro-friendly electric ones, but please do not charge it while we grapple with an energy crisis.

It gets even better last evening around 6pm. I got an SOS text message from the State of California telling me to essentially cease and desist all electrical usage between 4-10pm due to the grid being overloaded. So yeah, I come home to a hot house and cannot use appliances due to conservation. It was 86 degrees in my house when I arrived home but that’s ok. I am sure the Hollywood types did their share to conserve as well. NOT!
You see, here in the People’s Republic of California, we have gone so green even Cheech and Chong are starting to worry! By conservative estimates, CA can only produce enough electricity to power about 2/3s of its needs, so we “buy” the excess power from Arizona or another neighboring utility. Who cares how that utility procures its electricity, all that matters is we don’t pollute here in CA.
We have mandated the closure of Diablo Canyon Nuclear plant…..then we reversed it! I guess Gavin must have farted himself awake and realized retiring more power plants isn’t smart when you cannot produce enough to keep up with demand. We have a law that all new houses must have solar panels on them, yet every summer we have threats of rolling blackouts. We have all kinds of solar farms and windmills, but we are reliant on our neighbors for electricity?
In CA we have a saying, at least those of us with an IQ slightly north of room temperature, it’s not how you think, it’s how you feel. That phrase is an embodiment of what is left here in this place. We have gone so damn insane on environmental issues that we have become our own worst enemy. We are now quite literally telling people not to charge their car (aka what you use to get to your job in CA) in favor of sitting in a hot house, because global warming. We have closed down nuclear plants, gas fired plants, in favor of far less reliable solar and wind farms. Word to the wise, solar doesn’t do a whole lot of good once the sun goes down, also you need a very un-environmentally friendly battery, and solar components as well. Don’t believe us? Do a simple Google search for disposal of lithium-ion batteries and solar panels!
It’s pretty pathetic that in the technology capital of the world, we have to rely on Arizona for our electricity. Even more sad is when Arizona doesn’t have any excess to sell us, they turn the lights off for us.
But this is all part of the plan here in California. The goal is to remove all gas powered everything from here. They are starting with gas generators and lawn equipment. Don’t believe me? The lawn equipment goes in 2024, the generators 2028. Do not hold your breath that the CA GOP will do anything about it, they likely have no clue this is happening. I haven’t looked into it much but how will the landscapers cut Elk Grove Park if they need to use electric mowers? Me thinks there will be exceptions doled out for all cities/municipalities. The point is a carbon free CA. The issue is that no one is using their brains to think about those who will be left out. A Tesla is not cheap. A cursory search of tesla.com for used Tesla’s within 200 miles showed the cheapest 2019 Tesla at roughly 46k. That is double what I paid for my 2019 4 door Tacoma by the way. Some localities have started banning new gas station construction, in this blog’s town I have seen numerous gas stations either starting construction or pulling permits as if to “beat the clock” on a ban being forthcoming. So they will make it even harder to find gas for your gas powered car. The price doesn’t get cheaper when supply is harder to find folks.
Make no bones about it, they are discussing banning natural gas as well. New home construction currently does not feature a fire place, not even wood burning ones. Some cities like Berkeley have either already banned or are considering banning all natural gas inside your house/business. Think no stove/oven/heater. You would be using electricity, yeah as in that thing we cannot keep on right now. Imagine going out to dinner in the wintertime, its colder than hell and your favorite steak house is using an electric cook top. You get no sear, and the heater won’t be able to keep up because it’s electric and takes a while to get going, then it stays hot for a while to shut off. My parent’s most recent house had an electric stove, they converted it to gas. Now instead of being able to throttle up and down the natural gas burners in the kitchen, they must stay on all day regardless of foot traffic since it takes a while to heat up and cool down. Even better, in the summer it may not work at all, we have these rolling blackouts we are famous for.
Can’t afford a Tesla? You can take one of our natural gas burning busses, at least until they ban those as well, they cannot be far behind. Try using mass transit in this town, actually don’t you’ll save the bruises on your brain.
All is well here in California, just remember since the 100-degree days last until Friday please do not plug in your electric car! We need to conserve energy. I’m sure your manager at work will understand!
Johnnie Does