Lest I be accused of being racist, let me preface this blog by saying in my 20 plus years of paying attention to world affairs in this country, I am finally speechless.
Back story: We wrote a blog detailing Britney Griner and her being detained in Russia. Well as first reported by ESPN (the so-called sports site), take my word for it, the Blog Father will confirm, they beat Fox News by at least five minutes sending out the news alert. The USA has offered Putin a trade. We get back Britney Griner and jailed Marine, Paul Whelen, in exchange for Vicktor Bout.

Whelen was “convicted” of espionage AKA Russia wanted to detain an American in 2020, so he has been incarcerated for 2 years, Griner has been incarcerated for about 5 months. Check out what Viktor Bout is jailed for. Yeah, selling guns and stuff; things the Democrats say they hate! Bout even had a movie made about him starring Nick Cage…Lord of War. So, we trade in essence an arms dealer, we get back an American hating basketball player and a former Marine jailed on bogus charges.

I do not recognize the USA anymore. We used to not negotiate with terrorists, I would argue what Russia is doing to Ukraine civilians in terrorism. US Sec of State Anthony Blinkin (I would surmise he did a lot of blinkin’ on this stinkin’ deal) is set to try to meet with Russian minister Sergy Lavrov, AKA the guy ordering the bombings of apartments and schools in Ukraine to finalize this swap. The USA spent millions in $$ and man hours hunting down, extraditing, and convicting Bout, and all is for naught.

I bet this Bout character is back in the arms game within ‘bout a week…. Let’s Go Brandon!
Good news is we get back a woman who is gay and black; three things the Democrats feel makes someone super deprived. Also allow me to add, she was not a tourist, she knew damn well she was breaking the law. Oh, not to be outdone, Griner was in court this AM, said she was never read her rights…….um you ain’t on Cops sweetheart.
Final note: We are not Russian citizens; it is not ok to not be familiar with their rules and laws. They view drugs as a major issue, in the USA we mostly don’t give a rip anymore. If I am traveling anywhere outside the USA, I’m making a list, checking that list twice at least and making damn sure I’m clean. Hell, I may buy all new clothes and toiletries prior to the trip just to ensure a factory seal/tag exists for some sort of plausible deniability.
If you are a US citizen traveling abroad, and want to come back, you better mind your P’s and Q’s otherwise you just might become a valuable trade chip for the country you are in. Ditto for all you going to Qatar for the Men’s World Cup. Check out Muslim countries and their stance toward alcohol, specifically public intoxication. Check out drugs as well…. just saying. Oh, entrapment is perfectly legal in some countries.
I almost hope Russia says no….and counter offers with withdraw all NATO aligned military supplies in Ukraine, just to see Biden’s brain break.
I almost hope God comes back for me soon, Lesbihonest as a straight, white, male, I have no value to this society anymore. A so-called superpower MADE an offer to swap a terrorist for a basketball player. Please do not be fooled. Whelen is a throw-in due to his supporter’s saber-rattling Biden lately.
The Chief