Folks have you heard the words “defund the police lately?” Of course, you haven’t, since our inner cities are now crime riddled utopias, the idea of calling to removing police from the streets is toxic. Key word in my last sentence was “idea.” You see the liberals in the country don’t change their beliefs, they change a buzz word.

What is happening in big cities nationwide right now is a massive crime surge, violent crime especially. You don’t need to watch the news; you can see it with your own eyes. We have been releasing “non-violent” folks from prison. These folks mixed with reduced morale at the local precinct, and city councils who are pressuring the local DA not to charge on certain offenses. The result is a powder keg about to blow. The Democrats saw all this, and they know the suburban moms (aka the ones who supported Trump the first time, not the second) are having second thoughts on “defunding.” So, they changed the rhetoric, now it’s a vaccine mandate.

Cities got smart, why call it defunding when the word mandate works just as well? It’s not about your health and safety, right? That officer standing guard on the corner? The officer who pulled you over? Well, they better not be unwashed! So as a result, a mandate works here. Again, it’s a public health crisis, right? Most know the public safety workers voted overwhelmingly for Trump and are most likely to be resistant to a vaccine. The answer is simple, order a mandate, if they don’t comply fire them. Why not, we get to shrink to police force and blame the officers not elected Democrats.

This is playing out all over the country, there is discussion of entire firehouses and police precincts shutting down. Look at New York City a place where crime has skyrocketed…the answer is less police due to a mandate! Remember when NYC cut one billion in police funding.

San Francisco has become a lawless region, parts of LA have vigilante justice. The problem will be getting worse not better, as these mandates are set to go into place over the next couple weeks.

Do not kid yourselves loyal readers, defund the police is alive and well, it just exists under a different name. Calling it a mandate and invoking public safety is the new buzzword. This is playing out in all big cities, hopefully it won’t come to one near you. We used to believe in freedoms here, sadly since 9/11 we have given those up, and put them in the hands of bureaucrats and a media that selectively reports and edits as they see fit. The virus isn’t killing the masses, it seems like it targets specific groups. Also why is it that today we have entire generations who want to go after people’s livelihoods? I think some do not understand the loss of a job leads indirectly to a loss of housing, transportation, food and mental state. Aren’t those things what the Left and BLM argue so much that they are in favor of?

Hiring police is not easy, it costs a ton of money and time. The candidate pool for recruiting has dried up. Now we have mandates. What will they mandate next?

The Chief