In a developing story, embattled Windsor rapist/sexual assaulter Dominic J Foppoli has resigned. The intel we have says yet another women was set to come forward alleging yet another incident. Word says its reality TV Star Farrah Abraham, who claims she was sexually assaulted in March of this year. Abraham becomes the ninth women to publicly accuse Foppoli of sexual crimes.

“It is with heavy heart that I am resigning, effective today,” it read. “I have always and will always maintain that I did not engage in any non-consensual acts with any woman. I recently learned that a woman in Palm Beach, Florida is accusing me of non-consensual acts while I was visiting there in March of this year.” Dominic Foppoli Statement
Now for the statement from an actual adult as opposed to a child masquerading as Mayor:
The statement referred to recent allegations made by a social media influencer and former reality TV star, Farrah Abraham, who filed a police report in Palm Beach, Florida on April 2 alleging what her attorney said was “very serious” misconduct “of a sexual nature” that he declined to describe lest it jeopardize the investigation.
Attorney Spencer Kuvin, who represented at least nine victims of the late prominent sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, said his client had physical and digital evidence from the incident in Palm Beach that has been turned over to police.

He said neither he nor Abraham would release details until the investigation was concluded, though rumors about the case reached Sonoma County more than a month ago.
“She wants him prosecuted criminally” Her attorney adds.
Foppoli decided he needed to speak out even more, leading to more verbal diarrhea “I have no doubt she is making these allegations in an attempt to leverage the situation to her advantage,” Foppoli said in his statement. When in doubt blame the victims, must be a vast right-wing conspiracy to get rid of you Dominic!
Foppoli attended a council meeting in his official capacity as recently as Wednesday he left the meeting after the Pledge of Allegiance not because he had anything better to do, but because if he wouldn’t have shown up a vacancy could have been called. This way he gets to keep his massive salary as Mayor of Windsor of about $500 a month! Nice to see he has his priorities straight.
Unfortunately for you Dominic it seems as though the Police Department of Palm Beach has physical and digital proof of your actions. All you have are statements denying your culpability, lest I remind you 9 women are accusing you, outside of a couple hired guns; namely your two lawyers, former campaign manager and Robert Styrk no one else with an IQ above room temperature seems to think you’re innocent. All you have is an alleged sex tape of you and Esther, seems like it curtains for you. Oh, the last nail in Dominic’s coffin is this little gem from the San Francisco chronicle story today, “Abraham filed her police report three days before Chronicle reporters first approached Foppoli about their investigation, and six days before the article was published.” This sir is called, game, set, and match!

Dominic a word to the wise. It just got real, and your money may buy a shorter sentence; however, the civil suit will likely drain a large amount of your worth, or worse yet, the insurance claims could make the family vineyard uninsurable. Trust me I’m in the business of the latter, insurance companies do not like paying out liability claims like this. In addition, the unsanctioned parties at your family vineyard may also place your liquor license at risk, as a licensed bar tender in my spare time while volunteering for a church group, I know a thing or two about that. I do not know how a winery makes money if they cannot sell wine. Also, the more serious part of all this; you likely will end up on a registry if the case leads to an arrest/trial but it is not the registry you’re familiar with…. the sex offender registry. My recollection is you are on it for life. In addition, if you serve jail time you may find a vintage of alcohol you are not familiar with, I believe it’s called pruno.
We will have one last post to attack all his accomplices: Ken McNab, Deb Fudge, Ruben Martinez, and Mark Essick. None of you are getting off scot free.
A word to Dominic’s friends/enablers, there cannot be many in the former group, in the latter, I am sure there are plenty. Dominic is no fool. He will not go quietly. It took a famous female figure to finally get him to step aside. He has been coddled his entire life. He will throw all of you under his proverbial bus in order to get a shorter sentence. Look at his past behavior, his refusal to resign, refusal to take accountability for his actions, attacking the victims, employing a hired gun to do the attacking for him, and most disturbingly, continuing his predatory action when he knew about the article being dropped by the Chronicle while he was in Florida! I would disassociate with him immediately. This sounds like a good time to call the authorities and at least get your story on the record before they call you. Dominic is the scum who tells folks all is well while he abandons ship in the last lifeboat, be forewarned!
The Chief
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