No, this post isn’t a slam on the third party of California but on KCRA-TV and the Associated Press. Folks I don’t know if this is sloppy writing or a purposeful dis of the once Grand Ole Party but the lead of this story is constructed in a peculiar way. See if you agree.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. —California voters will be able to change their party affiliation and update their address at polling stations on election day under a new law approved in time for the March 3 Democratic primary.
California voters can switch party status on election day
The change was particularly sought as it will allow the state’s 5.6 million independent voters to register with a party by signing off on only one form on election day. Democratic presidential campaigns hope the law will boost the number of registered Democrats and participation in their primary.

It strikes me as weird that the way this story is constructed; no acknowledgement is mentioned that Republicans can vote too. But does this story only apply to Democrats? The perspective of the author is that there is only one party in California.
A different view
Here is the lead for the same story from the San Francisco Chronicle.
SACRAMENTO — Californians will be able to update their party registration on election day, allowing independent voters to participate in the upcoming Democratic and Republican presidential primaries.
Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill Thursday simplifying the process for voters to update their party preference or address at any point in the final two weeks before an election, until the polls close. SB207 allows voters to fill out a short form to amend their registration information at their voting location or the county registrar’s office, rather than requiring them to reregister and take a conditional ballot.
California voters can now switch party registration on election day
Two comments about the Chronicle story. First we learn that the law applies to all voters not just Democrats and second the Chronicle actually gives you the bill number and links it in their story.

So what does it do?
This bill would permit a voter, from the 14th day immediately preceding an election until the close of polls on election day… to change the voter’s residence address or political party preference by submitting to the voter’s county elections official a written request containing the new residence address or political party preference and signed under penalty of perjury. The bill would require a ballot or provisional ballot to be provided to the voter, as specified, and would require that the registration of the voter be immediately updated.
SB-207 Elections: voter registration: partisan primary elections.

The bill was passed by a 2/3 vote of both houses of the State Legislature last week and was signed by the Governor yesterday. So as predicted many years ago, California now has same day registration. Since Democrats planned this change a decade ago, one wonders why the sudden urgency after voting has started and two and half weeks before Election Day.
Oh, in case you missed it, the net result of all the election changes here is that Iowa’s Democrat vote count will be a shining example of efficiency compared to getting California’s final vote totals. Even before this legislation, final results were expected to take many weeks. Kind of begs the question as to whether a Sander’s election night victory will Bern away once the dead and illegal voters are counted in the days following the election.
Talk about Operation Chaos!
Addendum: There was another bill enacted last fall (October 2019) related to late and same day voter registration. The bill signed last fall required verification of voters prior to counting their votes.
Legislation signed Tuesday by Gov. Gavin Newsom expands conditional voter registration in the state. Voters who register conditionally on Election Day will not have their ballots counted until their registration has been verified.
Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs New Law Expanding Same-Day Voter Registration
However, under the new law, the process of registering or changing registration is streamlined. (Completion of a full voter registration form is no longer required during last 14 days.) Also, it appears that ballots cast are no longer segregated and counted separately.
My initial interest in the article was the assumption that only Democrats will be voting on March 3rd.