By Johnnie Does
Greetings folks, I’m taking a break from food reviews as my sodium content has put me almost into “Johnnie Does the ER” levels. So we wanted to report on a conversation with the naïve we had over the past couple weeks with our old friend 90-Day Calendar Guy.
Here are the conversations and my commentary.
The Togo’s experience: So 90-Day Calendar Guy comes into the office and is raging like a great ball of fire, claiming “have you been to a Togo’s lately?” I responded, “negative.” Apparently, he was craving a hot pastrami so he went to Togo’s and was in stunned disbelief that the sandwich was $12. I’m assuming he ordered the large. He complained about how they had to “microwave” the meat and it was a long wait for the sandwich. He remarked, “Only 2 people were working and it was lunch time!” and again he lamented the price. So he said he only ate the meat and threw the sandwich away and walked off in disgust, writing a bad Yelp review to boot. All afternoon he remarked 8 years ago it was $6!

Johnnie Does: Here is the problem with this; he, like usual, overlooks reality as he lives in fantasy land. Where to start? Ok, first you cannot really have hot pastrami sitting in a bin as health department laws make it so you have to throw it out if it’s left out too long. Frankly I prefer them making it fresh as opposed to scooping it out of a vat. I’ve never heard anyone complain of them making it to order (i.e. fresh) but I guess it’s a 90-day thing where profit is above all else? In addition, I’m more grossed out by the extreme amount of grease in the bin they “cook” the pastrami in, but to each his own.
Now on to the comments about pricing and hired help, this sums up his true naïveté. In regard to price, maybe pay attention to the minimum wage…its $11 an hour here. In regard to hired help, well it makes no sense to have extra people standing around twiddling their thumbs at $11 an hour. Service may be a buzz word, but profit is the bottom line and you may need to sacrifice service to make a couple bucks more. The bad Yelp review? No one cares dude. You have already proven your Yelp reviews are pointless as you lit up Red Robin yet visited them again a week later. Get a clue dude!

Amazon is ripping off USPS: 90-Day Calendar Guy ordered something from and when it showed up, it was a pair of shorts inside a USPS bag, inside another USPS bag, inside another USPS bag, inside a USPS box. He said you cannot trust the government to do anything! Saying someone paid for these bags and the USPS lost money. He proudly proclaimed USPS is being ripped off by Amazon, and he told everyone within earshot. Imagine if this guy was a professor, what original thoughts he has.

Johnnie Does: USPS gets ripped off by everyone, it undercharges and over promises. Why do they deliver on Sundays for Amazon only? At a subsidized rate to boot? This has been going on for years, it’s not new. In addition, 90-Day Calendar Guy watches more TV in a week…oh, and cable TV to boot, than I consume in a month. My point being, of all the people that should know about President Trump calling this out 2 years ago, it should be you.
Yet you claim it’s an original idea? You claim to be a bigger Trump supporter than anyone, yet you miss something like this? Maybe it’s because Sean Hannity hasn’t reported on it yet. Trump has been calling out people/corporations ripping off the taxpayers for the longest time, just now you are catching on?

In short, he has turned into a hot take machine, the world has passed him by but he is too scared to admit it. A hamburger used to cost $.25, but how much were the workers making? What was the cost of ingredients? I happen to enjoy Togo’s hot pastrami, but I haven’t had one in a while, too pricey, low quality. My advice…too bad it will never be heeded, cancel cable, go to reputable websites for news. Cable/TV is poison, it inhibits your ability to think clearly.
Johnnie Does
BTW we have exciting series about who has the best chicken sandwich coming soon, and we are officially reviewing the salsa bar Monday! That little minx better be ready.